切! 谢谢补充。
引用第1楼冬瓜小满哥于2011-09-07 04:59发表的:
还输了一次哥斯达黎加吧 p_w_picpath/back.gif
"I think it was an interesting game for both sides. You saw in the first 25 minutes we had good passing movement and we were really involved in the game. The Belgian side with their individual class, created some good chances before halftime. In the second half, the reaction was very positive after conceding the goal. We kept moving forward and we kept creating chances. We take a lot away from this game. Overall some very, very good points and an interesting game I think for everybody."
On the impact of young players:
"I think we have some very interesting youngsters coming through the ranks. Brek Shea is definitely one of them. He's full of energy, he's creative, and he’s fast and has a good physical presence. He's one of the kids we are going to build over the next cycle. He's eligible to play for the Olympic team, and so are others as well, like Juan Agudelo. You see their talent and what we try to do is build them one step at a time. It's good to see guys like Brek come over here and play against a strong side. We've told the young players it's now their time to challenge the established ones. That's the message they've got and they have three years to do that."
On substitutes and the second half:
“At halftime our problems weren't too difficult to read. We had problems with Witsel and Fellaini passing too many balls through the middle because Maurice Edu was our only player in that position. Bringing Kyle Beckerman in helped Maurice out in that way and we were far more solid. They created far less chances in the second half. Step by step we pushed it forward. The goal came at a moment when we thought we had the feeling we were going to get more out of the game.” 美国队打好了,至少八强,谁还不输球 轰炸机的激情在大赛上才能发挥出来 其实我挺喜欢他作为教练站在场边的(当然旁边不能有勒夫),蛮有喜感的
引用第4楼德迷小天王于2011-09-07 11:55发表的:
美国队打好了,至少八强,谁还不输球 p_w_picpath/back.gif
刚上任就要赢球?那个教练做得到? 引用第7楼ca-va于2011-09-07 15:48发表的 :
刚上任就要赢球?那个教练做得到? http://bbs.gerfans.cn/p_w_picpath/back.gif
比如卡佩罗。 等着美帝和德国会师决赛
回 8楼(alemanni) 的帖子
呵呵,我这不标明下态度么,给克林斯曼些时间。 对于克粉来说,,,踢好了,,,是政委有能力,,,踢不好,,,是美国实力本来就不行,,,足球沙漠。。。对于克黑来说,,,踢好了,,,是美国实力本来就强,,,体育大国,,,踢不好,,,是政委能力不行。。。
回 11楼(sonicyouth) 的帖子
呵呵,不要挑边,就保持中立的看待问题就好了。 希望美国和德国会师决赛 德国狂胜美国 其实美国足球的舆论环境真的很不错了:因为真没什么人关心这个。要不是冬瓜提醒,我都不知道还在主场输给了哥斯达黎加。
回 13楼(冬瓜小满哥) 的帖子
失望都失望的这么帅!2014年世界杯冠军 不论胜负,永远支持克林斯曼,支持美国队!(除了直接碰上德国)