ravel 发表于 2004-9-25 20:28:37


<P><img src="images/post/smile/dvbbs/em03.gif" />翻译得很匆忙</P>
<P><FONT size=6>成为环法中最强的</FONT></P>
<P>环法亚军Andreas Kl&ouml;den和T-Mobile车队续约两年。t-mobile-team.com询问了这位29岁的德国锦标赛冠军留下的原因,以及下赛季的目标。
Andreas Kl&ouml;den:是的,我很高兴我们达成了协定。在对自己的未来的全面考虑后我有了思路。最近几周我一直在非常仔细的考虑这个。
Andreas Kl&ouml;den:我知道我和车队一起站在哪里。我喜欢为T-Mobile骑行并且在车队的环境中我感觉很好。我与Jan Ullrich的亲密
t-mobile-team.com:上周五T-Mobile宣布Oscar Sevilla在下赛季会为车队效力。你对下赛季的车队有什么期望吗?
Andreas Kl&ouml;den:我对明年T-Mobile会更好,成为最佳和挑战各比赛冠军很乐观。如果我们的顶级车手能在度过这个冬天后处于一个好的状态和没有伤病,那么我们就已准备好赢得胜利。我们希望在2005年的环法中让Lance Armstrong有所担忧。
Andreas Kl&ouml;den:我希望从今年开始就用行动使我的状态和表现得到改善。对于明年,我主要优先考虑的是环法。我希望在我的自行车日程表中,能在这个最大的比赛中达到最好的状态,并且成为队中最强的骑手。我在环法中的成绩当然是非常重要的了。
Andreas Kl&ouml;den:在接下去的几天里我将在Eurosport电视台作一些环西的解说,那之后是与赞助商T-Mobile的约会。我母亲在10月 即将年满60,这是一个很好的回家一段时间的理由——我并不是经常有机会这样的。我被邀请去参加同为自行车运动员的朋友Uwe Peschel的婚礼。然后在10月11日我将去泰国渡过为期三周的应得的假期。
Andreas Kl&ouml;den:我将在11月1日从泰国返回。我将在四周后进行完全的训练,现在是休息一下并且去度假的时间了。

ravel 发表于 2004-9-25 20:32:00

<P><FONT size=6>对Sevilla的采访:对未来感到乐观</FONT></P><P>年轻的天才车手西班牙人Oscar Sevilla将在下赛季为T-Mobile效力。在一次采访中,这个擅长爬坡赛的车手与t-mobile-team.com谈及了转会的原因、他下赛季的目标和他在环法中给予Lance Armstrong压力。
Q: 你即将离开Phonak这支正处于上升阶段的车队。这次转会有什么特别的原因吗?
Oscar Sevilla:没有,完全不是这样的。我在Phonak过的很愉快,我在那里得到了很好的照顾,并且他们使我作为骑手有更进一步的发展。我现在仍在为Phonak效力,并且希望他们在未来获得更多的胜利。我希望在环西的剩余赛段中为车队赢得一些胜利。但车手的转会已是当今自行车界的一部分。我希望能到一支更有雄心、每次比赛开始时的目标都是赢得胜利的队伍。
Q: 因伤度过了两个糟糕的赛季后,你认为你的霉运是否已经结束了呢?
Oscar Sevilla:是的。在去年的一段艰难时光以及我在世界锦标赛的摔伤后,我现在又骑行得很好了。我在今年环西中所表现出的状态很好。所以对于未来我很乐观。
Q: T-Mobile是一支强队,非常重视环法。在这个上,Sevilla-Ullrich轴心能够终结Armstrong的统治吗?
Oscar Sevilla:我希望这样。Ullrich是最好的车手之一。在我和Vinokourov的帮助下,我们能够拥有一支有能力向Armstrong的优               势进行挑战的车队。
Q:一支德国车队能让 Oscar Sevilla表现出最好的状态吗?
Oscar Sevilla:是的,毫无疑问。我27岁了,并且我非常有把握在T-Mobile赢得特别的胜利。
Q: 学习德语呢?你要如何应付呢?
Oscar Sevilla:有难度。我认为这是一门非常复杂的语言,但是在练习与所有人的帮助下,我希望我们能很好地理解对方。
Q: 你在这支职业生涯的新阶段的目标?
Oscar Sevilla:我的目标就是通过我的努力和牺牲帮助车队在下赛季有充分的准备去尽力赢得更多的胜利。

汉诺威街灯 发表于 2004-9-25 20:33:00

我最感兴趣的就是他决定留在电信的动机那一段,感人至深的友情的力量<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em07.gif\" />

ravel 发表于 2004-9-25 21:12:00

<P><b><FONT color=#000066>ravel的小小感受(上)</FONT></b></P><P>Tour runner-up(电信以这个为骄傲啊!<img src=\"http://www.gerfans.cn/bbs/Skins/Default/emot/em02.gif\">) Andreas Kl&ouml;den has committed to the T-Mobile Team for another two seasons(太棒了!再多签两年吧!). t-mobile-team.com asked the 29 year old German champion about his reasons for staying put, and his goals for the coming season. </P><P>t-mobile-team.com: Andreas, on Monday evening you signed a two-year contract extension with the T-Mobile Team. Are you happy, that whatever uncertainty about your sporting future has now been resolved? (肯定很happy了,这个还用问?<img src=\"http://www.gerfans.cn/bbs/Skins/Default/emot/em02.gif\">)</P><P>Andreas Kl&ouml;den: Yeah, I am happy that we could come to an agreement and that a line has now been drawn under all the speculation about my future. I have spent the last few weeks thinking about this very carefully. </P><P>What were the critical factors in your decision to stay with T-Mobile? (这个问题问在点子上了。<img src=\"http://www.gerfans.cn/bbs/Skins/Default/emot/em06.gif\">)</P><P>Kl&ouml;den: I know where I stand with the team. I have always enjoyed riding for T-Mobile and I have always felt good in the team environment. My close relationship with Jan Ullrich(close relationship with Jan Ullrich,ULLE真是和每个人关系都好好喔!不过Zabel、Vino和队友的关系也是好的没话说,T-Mobile的队中关系……嗬嗬嗬!<img src=\"http://www.gerfans.cn/bbs/Skins/Default/emot/em03.gif\">)was also an important factor in making my mind up to continue racing in the magenta colours. (其实我觉得在某个车队取得好成绩就不大会愿意离开,也许正是这个原因ULLE才回来的,Kl&ouml;di的留下应该也有这种因素,不过他没说)</P><P>Last Friday T-Mobile announced that Oscar Sevilla would ride for the team next season. What do you expect from the team next season? </P><P>Kl&ouml;den: I am optimistic that next year T-Mobile will be up there again, mixing it with the best and challenging for race wins. If all our top riders come through the winter in good shape and injury-free then we will be ready to win things. We want to give Lance Armstrong a few things to worry about at the 2005 Tour de France. (good shape and injury-free 的确是很重要的,在此祈祷T-Mobile的各位骑手在环法开始时一定要in good shape and injury-free,尤其是最强的几位<img src=\"http://www.gerfans.cn/bbs/Skins/default/topicface/face6.gif\">) </P><P>What are your personal goals for the coming season? </P><P>Kl&ouml;den: I want to follow up on my form and my performances from this year. My main priority for next year will be the Tour de France. I want to be in top form for what is the biggest race in the cycling calendar, and then to ride for the strongest rider in the team. My personal placing at the Tour is of course also hugely important. (Tour de France,有目标,不错!明年初官网上Kl&ouml;den的Sports preferences就会多一个major tour了吧!<img src=\"http://www.gerfans.cn/bbs/Skins/Default/emot/em05.gif\">)</P><P>This season is over for you. What are your plans for the coming weeks? </P><P>Kl&ouml;den: In the next couple of days I am doing some commentary work on the Vuelta for the Eurosport TV station(我好想听!<img src=\"http://www.gerfans.cn/bbs/Skins/Default/emot/em05.gif\"><img src=\"http://www.gerfans.cn/bbs/Skins/Default/emot/em05.gif\"><img src=\"http://www.gerfans.cn/bbs/Skins/Default/emot/em05.gif\">), after that I have a few engagements to fulfill for our sponsor T-Mobile. My mother turns 60 in October and that is as good a reason as any to go back home for a while, something that I don\'t often get a chance to do. I have been invited to the wedding of fellow cyclist and friend Uwe Peschel, then on October 11th I head to Thailand for three weeks of well-deserved holiday. </P><P>And when do you start your preparations for the coming season? </P><P>Kl&ouml;den: I return from Thailand on November 1st. I will start back to full training four weeks later. Now it is time for a break and some holiday. (呵呵,好像期待假期已经很久了,迫不及待了啊!连采访都不理睬了<img src=\"http://www.gerfans.cn/bbs/Skins/Default/emot/em07.gif\">)</P><P>
Talented (很高的评价啊<img src=\"http://www.gerfans.cn/bbs/Skins/Default/emot/em05.gif\">)young(有前途的另一种说法<img src=\"http://www.gerfans.cn/bbs/Skins/Default/emot/em07.gif\">)Spaniard Oscar Sevilla will ride for the T-Mobile Team in the coming season. In an interview with t-mobile-team.com the climbing specialist explains the reasons behind the move, his goals for next season and his desire to put the pressure on Lance Armstrong at the Tour. </P><P>Q: You are leaving Phonak, a team on a an upward curve. Is there a particular reason for this move? (其实就算有我们的Oscar也不会说的)</P><P>Oscar Sevilla: No, far from it. I have enjoyed my time at Phonak, I have been very well looked after there and they have allowed me to further develop as a rider. I am still riding for Phonak, and as well as wishing them success in the future(不要,那是T-Mobile的<img src=\"http://www.gerfans.cn/bbs/Skins/Default/emot/em05.gif\">), I want to win something for the team in the remaining stages of the Vuelta. But rider transfers are part and parcel of cycling nowadays and I am going to an ambitious team that starts every race with the intention of winning it. (渴望胜利的Oscar!!!<img src=\"http://www.gerfans.cn/bbs/Skins/Default/emot/em05.gif\">)</P><P>Q: After a lean two-year period for you that has been marked by injuries, do you think that you have now used up all your bad luck? (可能不是低谷Oscar也不会来T-Mobile)</P><P>Oscar Sevilla: Yes, after a bad patch last year and my fall at the World Championships, I am now riding well again. I have been showing my good form at this year\'s Vuelta. So I am optimistic about the future. (有信心,我喜欢!看来以后环西有希望了Klodi)</P><P>Q: T-Mobile is a very powerful team, which attaches huge importance to the Tour. Can the Sevilla-Ullrich axis put an end to Armstrongs stranglehold on the event? (Sevilla-Ullrich axis!很高的评价啊!连我家Vino都没排上。)</P><P>Oscar Sevilla: I hope so. Ullrich is one of the best cyclists around. With my help and the help of Vinokourov, we have a team that is capable of challenging Armstrongs dominance. (又是Armstrong!不过还好Oscar没忘了Vino)</P><P>Q: Will a German team be able to bring out the best in Oscar Sevilla? </P><P>Oscar Sevilla: Yes, without a doubt. I am twenty-seven years old and I am extremely motivated to achieve something special with T-Mobile. (其实我觉得西班牙人和一支德国车队的组合还是满难说的)</P><P>Q: What about learning German, how will you cope with that? </P><P>Oscar Sevilla: With difficulty, I think that it is a very complicated language, but with practice and help from everybody I hope that we will be able to understand each other perfectly. (不要紧,ULLE的英语不错,Oscar在那个美国人的熏陶下英语也应该不错吧<img src=\"http://www.gerfans.cn/bbs/Skins/Default/emot/em07.gif\">)
Q: Your goal for this new phase in your career? </P><P>Oscar Sevilla: My goal is to help the team, through my hard work and sacrifice, so that next season we will be well equipped to win as many races as possible. </P>

ravel 发表于 2004-9-25 21:30:00

<TABLE fixed; WORD-BREAK: break-all\" width=\"90%\" border=0><TR><TD 9pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 12pt\" width=\"100%\"><P><B><FONT color=#000066 size=5>ravel的小小感受(下)</FONT></B></P><P><b><FONT color=#000066 size=5>1。电信明年环法参赛名单可以确定部分(无伤病情况下)</FONT></b></P><P>Ullrich 、Sevilla、Vinokourov、Kl&ouml;den、Zabel</P><P><FONT color=#000066 size=5><b>一半已经解决了</b><FONT color=#000000><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em03.gif\" />,</FONT><FONT color=#000066><b>超豪华阵容阿!</b></FONT></FONT></P><P><b><FONT color=#000066 size=5>2。电信对环法的态度</FONT></b></P><P><FONT color=#000066><FONT size=5><b>超级重视</b><FONT color=#000000><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif\" />(attaches huge importance to the Tour)</FONT><FONT color=#000066><b>唉!</b></FONT></FONT></FONT></P><P><b><FONT color=#000066 size=5>3。对于阿姆</FONT></b></P><P><b><FONT color=#000066 size=5>因为对环法重视,当然对于死阿姆……两篇采访中都特别提到了阿姆</FONT></b></P><P><b><FONT color=#000066 size=5>4。电信明年的目标是……</FONT></b></P><P><b><FONT color=#000066 size=5>显然和美国邮政没什么两样了!哎!</FONT></b></P><P><b><FONT color=#000066 size=5>5。电信的实力大大加强了</FONT></b></P><P><FONT color=#000066 size=5><b>去了一下Phonak的网站,Oscar的地位相当重要啊,属于leader级,也就是说,电信又挖来了一位一号级车手</b><FONT color=#000000><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em03.gif\" /></FONT></FONT></P></TD></TR></TABLE>
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