leon 发表于 2004-11-23 15:31:51


<P>  “我们不知道他的伤到底有多重,但是形式肯定不容乐观,”小牛队主帅唐-尼尔森说,“我们总是伤病不断,虽然我们之前还能勉强应付,但正如我所说,我们唯一不能失去的人就是诺维茨基,而现在我们将失去他很长一段时间。”
<P>  德国人在比赛进行到第二节还有两分半钟结束时,在尝试一记底线附近的后仰投篮后落到了对方前方奈内的脚面上而扭伤的脚踝。“我扭得太严重了,”诺维茨基说,“等周一的核磁共振检验结果出来再决定吧。”
<P>  诺维茨基很早就有脚踝容易受伤的倾向。自从2000-01赛季到现在,诺维茨基还从来没打满过一个完整的赛季。上个赛季他就因为踝部扭伤而错过了5场比赛。</P>

leon 发表于 2004-11-23 15:33:00


Irkie 发表于 2004-11-23 15:55:00

<P><B>Mavs on Dirk injury: \'Sort of pleased\'

Nowitzki likely to miss only 7 to 10 days with sprained ankle</B></P><P>12:17 AM CST on Tuesday, November 23, 2004</P><P>By EDDIE SEFKO / The Dallas Morning News</P><P>Dirk Nowitzki always looks like his leg is going to fall off when he gets an ankle injury. </P><P>But just as with all of his past ankle problems, the latest one won\'t sideline him for an extended period. Test results Monday indicated nothing more than a sprain, and Nowitzki was walking with only a slight limp, putting full weight on the left ankle he twisted Sunday at Denver. </P><P>The early prognosis is he\'ll miss a week to 10 days. </P><P>\"We\'re sort of pleased,\" coach Don Nelson said. \"He will miss some games, but it\'s not as serious as we thought when he first did it. He didn\'t have much swelling. He recovers amazingly well.\" </P><P>Nowitzki was not placed on the injured list, meaning he could return anytime. He would have had to sit out the mandatory five games if he was put on the list. </P><P>\"It\'s feeling all right now,\" Nowitzki said. \"After I did it, it felt the worst it has in a couple of years.\" </P><P><B>Nowitzki said he\'s hoping to shave a few days off the projected recovery time, perhaps playing this weekend against Portland or Memphis. </B></P><P><B>\"It\'s a big week for us,\" Nowitzki said. </B></P>

hahahaaa 发表于 2004-11-26 23:34:00

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