发表于 2006-6-29 18:41:00
发表于 2006-6-29 19:25:00
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>没有梦的白</I>在2006-6-29 18:41:00的发言:</B><BR>看起来新秀选得不错,就看下个赛季的发挥,看有没有希望分担德克的担子。</DIV>
发表于 2006-6-29 19:56:00
发表于 2006-6-30 00:05:00
发表于 2006-6-30 10:55:00
发表于 2006-6-30 11:46:00
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>情迷慕尼黑</I>在2006-6-30 0:05:00的发言:</B><BR>又看了一遍比赛录像,觉得小牛内线还是太弱~还是要继续寻找好中锋阿……</DIV>
发表于 2006-6-30 11:54:00
<P>jet dirk jho 都有望续约</P>
发表于 2006-7-1 02:41:00
发表于 2006-7-1 13:03:00
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>情迷慕尼黑</I>在2006-7-1 2:41:00的发言:</B><BR>德克的薪水还是少些……比起加内特那天王般的1.02亿……森林狼可没进总决赛阿</DIV>
<P>现在联盟里最高工资也就是ofat 2000W</P>
发表于 2006-7-1 19:23:00
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>情迷慕尼黑</I>在2006-7-1 2:41:00的发言:</B><BR>德克的薪水还是少些……比起加内特那天王般的1.02亿……森林狼可没进总决赛阿</DIV>
<P>呵呵~</P><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em10.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em10.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em10.gif\" />
发表于 2006-7-1 23:04:00
<P>留住冲冠核心军团 库班急切与诺维茨基特里续约 </P>
<P>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<BR> <BR><a href=\"http://sports.sina.com.cn\" target=\"_blank\" >http://sports.sina.com.cn</A> 2006年07月01日10:30 新浪体育 <BR> <BR> 新浪体育讯 北京时间7月1日,虽然在总决赛中2-0领先的大好局面下未能把握住机会夺取总冠军,但是达拉斯小牛队的表现让人们看到他们夺取总冠军的希望,因此小牛队的老板库班也要尽力球队的重要球员。库班目前最重要的就是与特里签约,并与诺维茨基和霍华德续约。</P>
<P> 特里在数周前就曾经表态过他的目标就是在成为自由球员后继续留在达拉斯,而小牛队球迷们所担心的就是两年前纳什出走菲尼克斯的一幕再度出现,不过这一次库班不会再犯同样的错误。</P>
<P> 联盟规定自美国东部时间7月1日0点1分开始球队就可以与自由球员商谈合约,库班计划在这时就向特里提供一份新合同,此外他还要与另两位大将诺维茨基和霍华德续约。</P>
<P> “我们优先考虑的就是我们自己的自由球员,”库班说道,“我确信我们能够留下他们。我们还没有讨论过细节,不过他们都明确表态过希望留下,因此我们对此很有信心。”</P>
<P> 如果这三笔签约都能成功,那么小牛队就会把帮助球队夺取西部冠军的三位最重要球员留到2010-11赛季,霍华德目前26岁,诺维茨基上周年满28岁,特里9月将年满29岁,他们正处生涯的巅锋期,这也意味着小牛队的前途非常光明。</P>
<P> 除了三大主力外,小牛队还有范霍恩、格里芬、姆本加、阿姆斯特朗将成为自由球员,阿姆斯特朗重回球队的可能性最大。小牛队将为诺维茨基寻找一位替补,此外他们还需要一个老将后卫,不过由于联盟的规定,任何在目前达成的合约都要等到7月12日才能正式签。虽然薪金总额已经超过了工资帽,但小牛队仍有中产阶级条款的薪金可用,球队有亮相总决赛的机会和库班对待球员的声誉将帮助他们吸引到较好的球员。</P>
<P> 如果特里不选择留在小牛队,那么他或许是这个夏天最顶尖的自由球员之一,他应该会得到较高的薪金,预计他的薪水在五年4000万美元。当年因为不愿接受纳什的合同,库班看着球队的领袖加盟太阳队,结果加拿大人连续两个赛季成为联盟常规赛MVP,这让小牛队的球迷们扼腕叹息。库班称特里和纳什是“不同的情况、不同的球员、不同的环境、不同的经纪人、一切都不同。”</P>
<P> 不过库班补充说:“我知道很多人会说这是给我的一个教训,因为我曾在斯蒂夫离开时说他肯定会在碰壁后重回小牛队,可现在看他找到了一支更好的球队。”</P>
<P> 为了避免特里重蹈纳什的覆辙,库班表示他希望即刻就能与特里展开续约谈判。诺维茨基在过去一个赛季奉献生涯最佳表现,他的合同将在2007-08年到期,不过他有权利选择续约三年,这份最高额合同让其有机会在每个赛季拿到2000万美元。霍华德目前将进入新秀合同的最后一年,他可以将合同续约六年。</P>
<P> (Chimera) <BR> <BR></P>
发表于 2006-7-2 02:23:00
<DIV><B>Jason Terry agrees to six-year deal with Mavs</B><BR><BR>By DWAIN PRICE<BR>STAR-TELEGRAM STAFF WRITER<BR><BR>DALLAS - True to his word, Jason Terry will return to play for the Mavericks. <BR><BR>Terry and the Mavs agreed on a six-year contract early Saturday morning worth approximately $50 million. The contract will keep Terry in a Mavs’ uniform through the 2011-’12 season, when he’ll be 34 years old at the conclusion of that season. <BR><BR>\"First and foremost I thank God for truly blessing me with not only a new contract,\" a jubilant Terry said. \"But with being able to stay with a team that is really headed in the right direction. <BR><BR>\"Everybody knows that at the end of the day after our goal is to win a championship, and we came close last year. And I truly believe in my future we’re going to win one and bring it home to Dallas.\" <BR><BR>The chances of that happening have increased immensely now that the Mavs have an agreement in place with Terry. <BR><BR>While leading the Mavs to within two victories of capturing their first-ever NBA title, Terry averaged 17.1 points during the regular season. His value then soared in the playoffs when he averaged 19.7 points against the then-defending NBA champion San Antonio Spurs, and added another 22 points per game in the Finals against the Miami Heat. <BR><BR>Players aren’t eligible to officially sign their free agent contract until July 12. Terry said his press conference may be delayed, because he’s slated to be vacationing in the Bahamas with his family at that time, and isn’t scheduled to return to Dallas until July 17. <BR><BR>Still, to know that his future has been secured take a heavy burden off Terry. <BR><BR>\"My main thing with the contract was to be able to secure my family and to have longevity,\" Terry said. \"I’m 28, and this contract will take me up to when I’m 34 and close to 35, and what more can you can ask. <BR><BR>\"I’m in the prime of my career and getting a long-term deal now was the No. 1 priority.\" <BR><BR>With Terry back in the fold, the next step for the Mavs is to secure extensions for Dirk Nowitzki and Josh Howard. Both players are currently eligible for those extensions, and Mavs management has said that’s a foregone conclusion that it’ll happen before the season starts. <BR><BR>Terry believes he, Nowitzki and Howard are the centerpieces that rival the Spurs’ trio of Tim Duncan, Tony Parker and Manu Ginobili. <BR><BR>\"We’ve got three young stars _ two in their prime,\" Terry said. \"Josh has not even reached his full potential yet, but he’s well on his way. <BR><BR>\"Now we can really grow and really reach our full potential together, and I think that’s very important.\" <BR><BR>Because the Terry deal was consummated on the first day free agents could begin negotiations, the seven-year veteran said it spoke volumes about the Mavs’ commitment to continuing with their winning ways. <BR><BR>\"It means a lot to me with the commitment that they showed to me and just the support they’ve shown me all year-long,\" Terry said. \"I had a situation with a death (to a niece) in my family and with my mother’s health, and they supported me all the way through, and that’s what you look for in an ownership and in a team. <BR><BR>\"That’s more important than anything, that you have a family environment. It makes your job a lot easier to go out and to perform.\" <BR><BR>The Mavs originally nabbed Terry in a trade with the Atlanta Hawks two summers ago. That came on the heels of the Mavs surprisingly losing popular point guard Steve Nash to the rival Phoenix Suns via free agency. <BR><BR>Thus, Terry was behind the eight-ball of sorts, because then-Mavs coach Don Nelson decided to open the season with rookie Devin Harris starting as Nash’s replacement. Terry didn’t crack the starting lineup until the 20th game of the 2004-’05 season. <BR><BR>\"You lose Steve Nash and he goes to Phoenix and becomes the MVP (of the NBA for two years running), no one could have foretold that story,\" Terry said. \"For me, personally, I knew it was an opportunity to play on a winning team and to finally get to the playoffs where I could showcase my skill level, individually. <BR><BR>\"But I also knew it was a chance for me to become a better player all around.\" <BR><BR>While his new contract has provided some personal relief, the 6-2 Terry knows the work is just beginning for him and the Mavs. <BR><BR>\"The money is great and you definitely appreciate that part of it,\" he said. \"But you want to get that and be on a winning team. <BR><BR>\"We play games to win, and you want that ultimate prize, and that’s the NBA championship. I know I’m very grateful for the city of Dallas, and I’m really excited, because the JET can soar to new heights now, because this is truly a blessing.\"</DIV><!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
发表于 2006-7-2 10:31:00
<P>不出意外这些人拿下都是肯定的<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif\" /></P>
发表于 2006-7-2 14:57:00
发表于 2006-7-2 23:34:00
<P>克不满老板行事作风 续约在即库班必须学会冷静 </P>
<P>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<BR> <BR><a href=\"http://sports.sina.com.cn\" target=\"_blank\" >http://sports.sina.com.cn</A> 2006年07月02日10:22 新浪体育 <BR> <BR> 新浪体育讯 一向做事毫无顾忌,说话口无遮拦的库班这回要收敛一点了,因为他手下最重要的球员,超级巨星德国人诺维茨基已经有意见了。由于在小牛的替补席上喧哗的观看比赛,库班已经惹了不少麻烦,联盟的罚单也从来不对他手软。同样,他的表现也影响到了小牛队的场上队员,特别是今年在和迈阿密热火的总决赛中。</P>
<P> “他必须学会怎样和队员一样的约束自己,”诺维茨基对《达拉斯晨报》的记者说,“无论在场上还是场下,我们始终都不能乱了自己的步调和气势。我想,他也应该开始懂得这些。他要开始改变自己在场边的行事作风,不要再对现场的裁判或是官员吼叫。我不认为那样可以帮到我们。”</P>
<P> 2000年的情人节,亿万富翁库班从罗斯-佩罗特手上买下了小牛队,并且比赛的时候一定会出现在球队的替补席上,那是在场上裁判和官员的听力范围之内。他已经被联盟处以了数额不等的多次罚款,最近的一次罚款是季后赛的250,000美元。诺维茨基表示,他们在2比0的情况下最终还是2比4输掉了总冠军,某种程度上是因为库班让大家分心了。</P>
<P> “我们都明白,是马克(库班)给了球队一切,我们也知道他是怎么支持我们的,”诺维茨基说:“我们和他在一起,我们喜欢他那样的人。但是我不认为他那样的行为是有帮助的,不。他坐在替补席上,我觉得那有点过了,之前我们已经告诉过他了,那没什么新意。比赛一开始,他就开始吼叫。所以,他必须学会控制自己的情绪。”诺维茨基接着说:“如果出现不满意的判罚,就应该更加努力的比赛,这是约翰逊告诉我们的。所以,我不认为总决赛中是裁判搞糟了一切。”</P>
<P> 作为小牛的主教练,年度最佳教练约翰逊已经将小牛打造成为了一支攻守平衡的球队。如果还有人的话库班应该听得话,那就是诺维茨基,尤其是在球员合同纷纷开始运作的现在。因为,小牛队已经打算和诺天王续约三年了。</P>
<P> (暖暖)<BR> <BR></P>
发表于 2006-7-3 21:23:00
发表于 2006-7-3 22:51:00
<P>小牛签下今年第一轮选的新秀ager 4年220万</P>
<P>DJ Mbenga 也与小牛谈妥了合同,不过合同的具体细节没有透露,之前曾有消息说马刺,太阳,国王,灰熊都在试图签他</P>
<P>小牛正式向mike james 提供了一份3年550万起的合同,正等待回应。火箭也提供了一份和小牛相似的合同,他好像已经与jvg谈过了,不知道情况如何。另外,老鹰据说也在追逐他,但是老鹰可以开出比小牛和火箭好很多的合同。</P>
发表于 2006-7-3 23:27:00
发表于 2006-7-3 23:47:00
发表于 2006-7-5 00:50:00
<P>流言:小牛在追逐 雷吉·埃文斯/ 肯杨·马丁?</P>