345543z 发表于 2006-1-5 21:36:51

NBA12月东西部最佳:卡特新爆发 诺维茨基绝对领袖

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<H1>NBA12月东西部最佳:卡特新爆发 诺维茨基绝对领袖</H1></FONT></TH></TR>
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<TD align=middle height=20>http://sports.sina.com.cn 2006年01月04日07:45 <FONT color=#a20010>新浪体育</FONT></TD></TR>
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<TD class=l17><FONT><!--正文上部推广 begin--><!--正文上部推广 end--><!--视频媒体显示 begin--><!--视频媒体显示 end--><!--视频显示 begin--><!--视频显示 end--><!--视频下载显示 begin--><!--视频下载显示 end-->
<CENTER><IMG src="http://image2.sina.com.cn/ty/k/2006-01-04/U687P6T12D1971378F44DT20060104121847.jpg" border=1><BR><IMG src="http://image2.sina.com.cn/home/c.gif"><BR>诺维茨基和卡特分获NBA12月东西部最佳 <B><FONT><a href="http://sports.sina.com.cn/photo/" target="_blank" ><FONT size=2>查看全部体育图片</FONT></A><FONT size=2> </FONT><a href="http://sports.sina.com.cn/photo_xh/" target="_blank" ><FONT size=2>循环图片</FONT></A></FONT></B><BR><BR></CENTER>
<P>  新浪体育讯 北京时间1月4日,NBA公布了12月东西部最佳球员,新泽西篮网队的卡特和达拉斯小牛队的诺维茨基凭借过去一个月的出色表现当选12月东西部最佳。</P>
<P>  卡特在12月带领篮网队取得10胜4负的战绩,他在这个月投篮命中率为46.9%,他场均得到得到28.6分、6.6个篮板和4.9次助攻。自从12月16日击败掘金队开始,篮网队已经取得八连胜,在这期间卡特场均贡献32.8分,他八场比赛的得分全部超过20分,更有五场比赛得分超过30分。在12月23日球队以95-88击败迈阿密热火队的比赛中,卡特拿到赛季新高和平个人生涯最高的51分,他还有创个人纪录的23次罚球命中。</P>
<P>  诺维茨基在12月的投篮命中率为47.2%,罚球命中率为91.2%,他场均得到27.2分、9.3个篮板和3.3次助攻。这个月德国人带领球队取得12胜4负的战绩,这创造了小牛队在12月的最多胜场纪录,它也是球队历史上的第二多单月胜场纪录。诺维茨基七场比赛得分超过30分,在12月22日球队以105-95击败国王队的比赛中他得到赛季新高37分。</P>
<P>  以下就是卡特和诺维茨基在12月的一些突出表现:</P>
<P>  <B>卡特,新泽西 <a href="http://www.iask.com/n?k=篮网" target="_blank" >篮网</A></B></P>
<P>  12月9日,客场对垒骑士队:21投15中得到38分、11个篮板、6次助攻、4次抢断和2次盖帽,球队以109-100获胜。</P>
<P>  12月16日,主场对垒掘金队:得到34分、12个篮板和8次助攻,篮网队以115-106击败对手。 </P>
<P>  12月23日,客场对垒热火队:得到平生涯新高的51分,罚球24罚23中,还有8个篮板和4次助攻,篮网队以95-88获胜。</P>
<P>  <B>诺维茨基,达拉斯小牛</B></P>
<P>  12月9日,客场对垒灰熊队:得到35分和9个篮板,小牛队以90-83击败对手。</P>
<P>  12月22日,客场对垒国王队:得到赛季新高37分,还有10个篮板和4次助攻,小牛队以105-95获胜。</P>
<P>  12月23日,客场对垒超音速队:得到34分,罚球线上15罚全中,还有13个篮板和7次助攻,小牛队以101-98获胜。</P>
<P>  其他被提名东西部12月最佳球员的还有:克里弗兰骑士队的勒布朗-詹姆斯、丹佛掘金队的安东尼、洛杉矶湖人队的科比-布莱恩特、迈阿密热火队的韦德、明尼苏达 <a href="http://www.iask.com/n?k=森林狼" target="_blank" >森林狼</A>队的斯泽尔比亚克、费城76人队的艾弗森和菲尼克斯太阳队的马里昂。</P></FONT></TD></TR></TABLE>

bayern 发表于 2006-1-6 10:51:00


冠军拜仁 发表于 2006-1-6 11:05:00


德迷小天王 发表于 2006-1-6 13:11:00


慕尼黑之恋 发表于 2006-1-6 16:58:00

<STRONG>DALLAS (January 3, 2006) - </STRONG>The NBA announced today that Dirk Nowitzki was named Western Conference Player of the Month for December. Nowitzki was Western Conference Player of the Month twice last season (December and February) and was a co-winner along with former teammates Michael Finley and Steve Nash in November of 2002. No other Maverick in team history has been named Player of the Month more than once.<BR><BR>
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<TD align=middle><IMG src=\"http://www.nba.com/media/playerfile/dirk_nowitzki.jpg\"> <B>Dirk Nowitzki</B></TD></TR></TABLE>While helping guide Dallas to a 12-4 mark in December, Nowitzki averaged 27.2 points, 9.3 rebounds, 3.3 assists and 1.00 blocks in 38.1 minutes per game. He shot 47.2% from the floor and an impressive 91.2% from the foul line. In fact, Nowitzki has made 49 consecutive free throws heading into tonight’s game, which is tied for the franchise record. At Seattle on December 23, he shot 15-of-15 from the line, setting the team’s single game record for most free throws made without a miss.<BR><BR>During the course of December, Nowitzki scored 20 or more points in 13 of the Mavericks 16 games and topped 30 points seven times. He scored a season-high 37 points at Sacramento on December 22. Nowitzki also scored 10 or more points in the fourth quarter of six games in December, all of which resulted in wins for Dallas.<BR><BR>In three of the final six games of the month, Nowitzki led the team in points, rebounds and assists. He has accomplished that feat four times this season, trailing only Minnesota’s Kevin Garnett (five times) in that category.<BR><BR>The 12 wins by the Mavericks in December were the second most in any month in team history. Dallas has won 10 or more games in five straight months, the longest streak in team history. To put things into perspective, in the entire decade of the 90’s, the Mavericks had just one month in which they won 10 or more games while recording 27 months with 10 or more losses. <BR>

345543z 发表于 2006-1-6 20:51:00

<P>月MVP至少拿了2次了 呵呵</P>


多特猛男 发表于 2006-3-22 00:47:00


345543z 发表于 2006-3-29 12:47:00

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