stephenlon 发表于 2006-7-25 19:08:46

[转帖]被德国电信车队解雇 乌尔里希职业前景堪忧

<P>  在因卷入“西班牙禁药丑闻”而被德国电信车队解雇后,曾经夺得过1997年环法自行车赛冠军的德国著名选手乌尔里希前景堪忧。在本届环法赛事前,由于七冠王阿姆斯特朗的退役,曾在阿姆斯特朗时代获得过3次亚军、1次季军的乌尔里希被普遍认为是夺冠热门,而开赛前他刚刚夺得瑞士自行车赛冠军,向人们证明了他状态正佳。不幸的是,当爆出西班牙禁药丑闻后,乌尔里希和其他八位选手在环法赛前一天被通知禁止参赛。</P>
<P>  目前,乌尔里希还在等待对他的正式起诉,但是德国电信车队已经失去了耐心,上周四车队传真通知这位德国选手和西班牙队员塞维拉被解雇。尽管车队的做法让乌尔里希寒心,但他对自己的前队友尤其是克罗登还是表示了极大的敬意,克罗登在获得第三名之后表示:“我们为乌尔里希战斗到最后,他应该为我们自豪。如果乌尔里希可以参赛,今年的冠军将属于我们。乌尔里希是无辜的,他是我的好朋友,我了解他。”</P>
<P>  兰蒂斯周日成为新科环法总冠军后,环法主席勒布兰暗示乌尔里希的环法生涯已经结束了。当被问及兰蒂斯是否可以在明年卫冕时,勒布兰表示:“当然可以,现在我们已经没有了阿姆斯特朗,也没有了乌尔里希,只有克罗登还在。”即使乌尔里希最后证明自己是清白的,他也继续寻找一个新的车队使自己的运动生涯步入正规。无论他是否有这种打算,今年兰蒂斯在充满悬念的比赛中夺冠,也许乌尔里希也该考虑退役了。</P>

stephenlon 发表于 2006-7-25 19:10:00

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-25 19:10:20编辑过]

change2000 发表于 2006-7-26 09:12:00

<H3>Ullrich ready to continue </H3>
<P>\"I have never doped in my whole career,\" declared Jan Ullrich in an interview with the Swiss magazine, <I>Blick</I>. He assumes that he will not be banned from riding in the future, because \"there is just no reason\" for that. He reports that he is back on the bike again, and has no thought of ending his career. \"I have always said that I want to end with a Tour win.\" He claims to already have contact with other teams, but says he cannot accept his firing from T-Mobile, \"because as I see it, they have no grounds for the firing.\" </P>
<P>Were Ullrich, Oscar Sevilla and Rudy Pevenage the only ones to be shown the door? The German rumour mill is working overtime, outlining a palace coup in which the riders are banding together to boot out team manager (and owner) Olaf Ludwig as well as sport-technical director Mario Kummer. </P>
<P>The <I>Tagesspiegel</I> reports that after the suspensions of Ullrich, Sevilla and Pevenage were announced on the Friday before the Tour, \"the seven remaining riders withdrew for a joint training ride and to discuss whether they even wanted to ride the Tour. Afterwards, Matthias Kessler, apparently the new strong man on the team, told Olaf Ludwig that the team had decided to ride the Tour, and how it would ride the Tour. \'We want to be in it and we want to win it,\' said Kessler. And this was why Ludwig was downgraded to the role of a helper to the team, which pretty much led itself.\" </P>
<P><I></I> reports that its \"usually well-informed sources\" say that the whole team had protested against Kummer before the Tour. And finally, <I>Bild</I> reports that T-Mobile\'s attorneys and Ullrich\'s attorneys are scheduled to meet today \"to make their positions clear.\" </P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-26 9:15:02编辑过]

Racha 发表于 2006-7-27 00:09:00


首席写手 发表于 2006-7-31 11:23:00

还传言他用禁药喃 。。。
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