Liujin 发表于 2007-2-26 19:19:07

德国自行车名将乌尔里希宣布退役 自称从未欺骗

<DIV class=from_info> 2007年02月26日19:02<FONT color=#a20010>新浪体育</FONT></DIV>
<P><!--正文内容开始--><IMG src="" border=0></P>
<P>阿姆斯特朗与乌尔里希(右)在05年环法大赛 <BR></P>
<P>      新浪体育讯 柏林2月26日消息,前环法自行车赛个人总冠军、德国名将乌尔里希今天在汉堡宣布退役。33岁的乌尔里希曾经8次参加环法,夺得1次冠军、5次亚军、1个第三和1个第四。1997年达到职业最高峰,夺得了自行车赛最顶级赛事环法大赛的个人赛总冠军。</P>
<P>  乌尔里希1995年开始职业自行车生涯,1999年和2001年两次夺得世锦赛个人计时赛的冠军,2000年问鼎了雅典奥运会的公路赛金牌。由于膝伤和禁赛,乌尔里希一度挥别国际车坛,职业生涯的后半段一直被美国名将阿姆斯特朗的锋芒所压制。2005年,卷土重来的乌尔里希成为阿姆斯特朗欲创造七连冠伟绩的最大对手,最终他惜败获得第三名。</P>
<P>  乌尔里希在去年一直身陷兴奋剂丑闻,并且最终被迫退出了<a href="" target="_blank" >环法</A>大赛。今天在<a href="" target="_blank" >汉堡</A>的新闻发布会上,乌尔里希宣布退役并否认服用了兴奋剂:“我从此将结束职业车手的生涯。在做自行车手期间,我从来没有欺骗过任何人。”</P>
<P>  乌尔里希的职业生涯创造了一系列的辉煌战绩:</P>
<P>  2000年奥运会公路赛金牌、计时赛银牌;</P>
<P>  1999年和2001年世锦赛计时赛冠军,1994年世锦赛计时赛第三名;</P>
<P>  1997年、2001年德国公路赛冠军;</P>
<P>  1995年德国计时赛冠军;</P>
<P>  1997年环法赛冠军,1996、 1998、2000-03年环法赛亚军、2005年第三名、2004年第四名;共获得7个赛段冠军,18天穿上黄色领骑衫;</P>
<P>  1999年环西班牙赛冠军,两个赛段冠军;</P>
<P>  2006年环<a href="" target="_blank" >意大利</A>赛计时赛段冠军;</P>
<P>  2004、2006年环瑞士赛冠军,5个赛段冠军。</P>
<P>  (新水)</P>

<P>PS:奇怪。。只看到新浪的报道...</P><img src="images/post/smile/dvbbs/em06.gif" />

Cat.LoVest 发表于 2007-2-26 19:39:00

德国自行车名将乌尔里希宣布退役 自称从未欺骗

<P>哇。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。Ulle<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em09.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em09.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em09.gif\" />我的本命们这都是怎么了啊?</P>

Cat.LoVest 发表于 2007-2-26 19:44:00

德国自行车名将乌尔里希宣布退役 自称从未欺骗

<P>Ulle。。。。。我求求你不要离开<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em06.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em06.gif\" /></P>
<P>你是这么勇敢和坚强,对吗?我知道你热爱自行车事业,你不要因为别人的无理取闹而放弃你的梦想啊~~~~Ulle,今年的环法,真的又看不到你了么?我不许你退役<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em41.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em41.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em41.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em41.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em41.gif\" /></P>

Liujin 发表于 2007-2-26 20:03:00

德国自行车名将乌尔里希宣布退役 自称从未欺骗

<P>   </P>


没有梦的白 发表于 2007-2-27 02:42:00

德国自行车名将乌尔里希宣布退役 自称从未欺骗


克尼马 发表于 2007-2-27 08:29:00

德国自行车名将乌尔里希宣布退役 自称从未欺骗


change2000 发表于 2007-2-27 09:01:00

德国自行车名将乌尔里希宣布退役 自称从未欺骗


美因铁杆 发表于 2007-2-27 19:03:00

德国自行车名将乌尔里希宣布退役 自称从未欺骗

一个时代结束了!<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em06.gif\" />

Germanspirit 发表于 2007-2-28 00:05:00

德国自行车名将乌尔里希宣布退役 自称从未欺骗

环法从此没什么好看的了<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em06.gif\" />

change2000 发表于 2007-2-28 10:17:00

德国自行车名将乌尔里希宣布退役 自称从未欺骗

<H3>Induráin: \"Ullrich was one of the greatest\"</H3>
<P><I>By Monika Prell</I></P>
<P>Five-time Tour winner Miguel Induráin has declared that Jan Ullrich \"was one of the greatest\" according to Spanish newspaper <I>Marca</I>. Induráin also described Ullrich\'s retirement as a pity but said that the German\'s career was impeccable.</P>
<P>\"He is one of the few of my era who has always been on the podium, even if he failed to win more races,\" continued the Spaniard. \"He began very young at 21 years-old and normally the ideal performance of a cyclist lasts ten years, and he is now 34.\"</P>
<P>Induráin did not comment on the possible reasons for Ullrich\'s retirement but affirmed that \"when you have been at the highest level, you will have to make a lot of effort to maintain that same level.\"</P>

change2000 发表于 2007-2-28 23:51:00

德国自行车名将乌尔里希宣布退役 自称从未欺骗

<H3>Ullrich to \"help all Austrian cycling\"</H3>
<TABLE align=left>
<CAPTION class=small align=bottom>Ullrich, the new Team Volksbank advisor <BR>Photo &copy;: Roberto Bettini</CAPTION>

<TD><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" ><IMG src=\"\" border=0> </A></TD></TR></TABLE>
<P>Jan Ullrich will help not only Team Volksbank but also \"Austrian cycling in general\", according to an enthusiastic Thomas Kofler, manager of the Professional Continental team. \"He can give us new impulse, both on the road and behind the scenes,\" Kofler said.</P>
<P>On Monday, Ullrich announced his <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >retirement</A> as a pro cyclist and said that he would be <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >working with the Austrian team</A> in the future.</P>
<P>\"He can help the team, with his experience, his ambition and his strong will. Not to forget Ullrich\'s contacts, which could be unbelievably valuable for the future of our squad. Ullrich will pursue his career with Volksbank with the same energy as he did in his active career, I am convinced of that,\" the team manager told <I>sport1</I>.</P>
<P>Although Kofler did not want to go into specifics of what role Ullrich would fill at the team, he said that \"Jan has his own ideas, which he wants to put into action. He is very enthusiastic about it, because he has the feeling of being useful. We are giving him the proper environment and he is bring the ideas. We both profit from it.\"</P>
<P>Although Ullrich did not directly address the question at his press conference Monday, he told the <I>Bild</I> tabloid that \"I have never doped.\" On which Kofler commented, \"If he said that, then I believe him. I know Jan ULlrich as a trustworthy person of integrity. (...) He assured me that there is nothing to the rumours. Why should I doubt his word?\"</P>
<P>Kofler added that he is not aiming to join the ProTour, because he is not sure how much longer it will exist. \"But we want to eventually position the Volksbank Team in the first league, and at least play a small role there,\" he said.</P>

bayern18 发表于 2007-3-1 09:40:00

德国自行车名将乌尔里希宣布退役 自称从未欺骗


sherry0226ca 发表于 2007-3-1 21:00:00

德国自行车名将乌尔里希宣布退役 自称从未欺骗

<P>退了?那andy现在是一号车手了<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em12.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em12.gif\" /></P>

超级巴拉凯 发表于 2007-3-3 18:06:00

德国自行车名将乌尔里希宣布退役 自称从未欺骗


change2000 发表于 2007-3-8 21:39:00

德国自行车名将乌尔里希宣布退役 自称从未欺骗

<H3>Young Ullrich remembered</H3>
<P><I>By Phill Bates AM, Organiser Commonwealth Bank Cycle Classic 1982-2000</I></P>
<TABLE align=left>
<CAPTION class=small align=bottom>1994 Criterium Champion <BR>Photo &copy;: John Veage</CAPTION>

<TD><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" ><IMG src=\"\" border=0> </A></TD></TR></TABLE>
<P>Jan Ullrich came to Australia to contest the Commonwealth Bank Cycle Classic as the recently crowned Amateur World Champion. We had many World road champions compete in the Classic but none as young at just 19 years of age and with such incredible ability.</P>
<P>Ullrich was quite unbelievable - he could time trial, climb, bridge big gaps by himself and sprint with the very best and the bike was a natural extension of his body. He never appeared to panic.</P>
<P>For the many people that were associated with the race in those years, they all knew that Jan Ullrich was something special and we knew that it would not be long before he would race professional and be standing on the Tour de France podium.</P>
<P>Jan was impressive not just as a cyclist but as a person, and despite limited English in his early years, you never left meeting him with any doubt of how genuine he was.</P>
<TABLE align=left>
<CAPTION class=small align=bottom>Jan Ullrich crashing out <BR>Photo &copy;: John Veage</CAPTION>

<TD><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" ><IMG src=\"\" border=0> </A></TD></TR></TABLE>
<P>It was not surprising to see Jan Ullrich return again the following year and enjoy the country criteriums before competing in the Classic. Out of the Grand Prix series, staged over four rounds, Ullrich won three of the four rounds and finished third in the other behind great sprinters Max Van Heeswijk and Jeremy Hunt. Some of Australia\'s best road sprinters and many national champions, including the likes of Robbie McEwen, Jay Sweet, John Den Braber, Bob Rasenberg, Chris Lillywhite, Thomas Brozyna, Dave McKenzie and many others couldn\'t match his sprint ability - a feature we rarely saw in his professional career.</P>
<P>But in 1994, Jan Ullrich showed how supportive he was of his own teammates and worked relentlessly for Jens Voigt to win the race. It was the same loyalty displayed in the 1996 Tour de France when he helped Bjarne Riis win the Tour.</P>
<P>I well remember a press conference that Ulrich had after his win in the 1997 Tour de France and he was asked what was his favourite country - he replied that Germany was a wonderful place because he was born there, he loved the food of Italy, France had made him a very special person but he loved Australia the most.</P>
<P>It was great having him compete in events in Australia and was fantastic to see him when he returned in 2000 to win the gold and silver medal at the Olympics. I followed his career with great interest and know that many of his competitors from all round the world will salute a great champion in more ways than one.</P>

345543z 发表于 2007-3-12 22:06:00

德国自行车名将乌尔里希宣布退役 自称从未欺骗


change2000 发表于 2007-3-13 10:09:00

德国自行车名将乌尔里希宣布退役 自称从未欺骗


klose69 发表于 2007-3-18 15:32:00

德国自行车名将乌尔里希宣布退役 自称从未欺骗


airy5 发表于 2007-3-18 21:54:00

德国自行车名将乌尔里希宣布退役 自称从未欺骗


多特猛男 发表于 2008-5-7 19:20:00

德国自行车名将乌尔里希宣布退役 自称从未欺骗

很喜欢他 可是被阿姆斯特朗压制
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