超级巴拉凯 发表于 2007-6-28 14:09:25


<p><a href="http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/news;_ylt=ApPftlNKc2TMxB3H0CPfOdg5nYcB?slug=aw-nbadraft062707&amp;prov=yhoo&amp;type=lgns" target="_blank" style="COLOR: #5c5c8a;">http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/news;_ylt=ApPftlNKc2TMxB3H0CPfOdg5nYcB?slug=aw-nbadraft062707&amp;prov=yhoo&amp;type=lgns</a><br/><br/>By Adrian Wojnarowski, Yahoo! Sports<br/>June 27, 2007<br/><br/>Adrian Wojnarowski<br/>Yahoo! Sports<br/><br/>NEW YORK – Minnesota Timberwolves forward Kevin Garnett is close to going to the Phoenix Suns in a monumental three-way trade that would send Phoenix forward Amare Stoudemire to the Atlanta Hawks, league sources said Wednesday.<br/><br/>Atlanta would move the Nos. 3 and 11 picks in Thursday's draft, as well as Zaza Pachulia and Anthony Johnson, to Minnesota.<br/><br/>Minnesota owner Glen Taylor has delivered a mandate to his basketball executives to get a deal done, one league executive said.<br/><br/>Yahoo! Sports has learned that the trade would also save the Hawks from an emerging showdown between the front office and coaching staff over whom to draft with the third pick. The front office and coaching staff had settled on Florida power forward Al Horford, but a faction of the Atlanta Spirit ownership group, with business interests in China, is pushing them to take Yi Jianlian.<br/><br/>The deal hinges on Atlanta general manager Billy Knight saying yes, as well as Hawks ownership, which is mired in lawsuits, being willing to increase payroll. It is believed that star Hawks guard Joe Johnson talked to his former Suns teammate on Wednesday and that the 24-year-old Stoudemire, a first-team All-NBA choice, told him that he'd welcome the trade. <br/></p><p>老鹰得到:小S<br/>太阳得到:KG<br/>森林狼得到:3号和11号签, 外加老鹰队的Zaza Pachulia和Anthony Johnson<br/></p><p></p>

超级巴拉凯 发表于 2007-6-28 14:10:00


stephenlon 发表于 2007-6-28 14:37:00


叫板朱红之泪 发表于 2007-6-28 16:14:00


yohjif 发表于 2007-6-28 16:29:00

<table cellspacing=\"8\" cellpadding=\"0\" width=\"100%\" border=\"0\"><tbody><tr><td class=\"wiretap_key_header\">Garnett Deal Vetoed By Hawks Owner</td></tr><tr><td><i>June 27, 2007 - 11:28 pm</i></td></tr><tr><td><img alt=\"\" hspace=\"4\" src=\"http://www.realgm.com/images/nba/4.2/profiles/photos/2006/Garnett_Kevin_min.jpg\" align=\"left\" border=\"1\"/><i>ESPN.com - </i><br/>The three-team blockbuster among the Timberwolves, <a href=\"http://suns.realgm.com/\">Suns</a> and <a href=\"http://hawks.realgm.com/\">Hawks</a> hit what is being termed \"a major roadblock\" Wednesday according to sources. <br/><br/>The <a href=\"http://timberwolves.realgm.com/\">Wolves</a> have been making multiple calls to find a third team that can facilitate a deal for Garnett. <br/><br/>The <a href=\"http://timberwolves.realgm.com/\">Wolves</a> would receive the Hawks\' numbers 3 and 11 picks in the draft as well as several cap-friendly contracts. The <a href=\"http://hawks.realgm.com/\">Hawks</a> would receive <a href=\"http://www.realgm.com/src_playerfile/729/amare_stoudemire/\" target=\"_blank\"><u>Amare Stoudemire</u></a>. The <a href=\"http://suns.realgm.com/\">Suns</a> would get back <a href=\"http://www.realgm.com/src_playerfile/332/kevin_garnett/\" target=\"_blank\"><u>Kevin Garnett</u></a>. <br/><br/>But one of the <a href=\"http://hawks.realgm.com/\">Hawks</a> owners vetoed the deal and it now seems unlikely that a deal will be consummated by draft time. <br/><br/>The ongoing litigation that has engulfed <a href=\"http://hawks.realgm.com/\">Atlanta</a>\'s ownership group has apparently crippled the organization\'s decision-making ability. <br/><br/>Steve Belkin won a previous lawsuit against the other <a href=\"http://hawks.realgm.com/\">Hawks</a> owners and has the right to veto any move that puts the team over the salary cap. Several sources indicate that it was Belkin who vetoed this proposed trade. <br/><br/>Meanwhile, the <a href=\"http://suns.realgm.com/\">Suns</a> are claiming to have never had direct contact with the <a href=\"http://hawks.realgm.com/\">Hawks</a> and say the deal never reached the stage where they were asked to give up Stoudemire. <a href=\"javascript:rgmow(\'/rgmow.php?aid=46751\',\'46751\')\"><font color=\"#cc6600\" size=\"1\"></font></a><br/>    </td></tr></tbody></table>

yohjif 发表于 2007-6-28 16:35:00

<p>简译:</p><p>老鹰的某个老板不同意这个交易,因此这个交易基本上不会在选秀前发生。</p><p>老鹰的老板“团”正和前老板 Belkin打官司,之前的官司判决 Belkin有权否决一切使老鹰超过工资帽的交易,有消息人士透露,正是 Belkin否决了狼王这个三方交易。</p><p>同时,太阳制服组也表示他们没有直接与老鹰制服组联系过,而且这个交易尚未涉及到求他们放弃小s的地步</p>
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查看完整版本: 一个即将实现的三方交易。(狼王,小斯,3号签)