ayakid 发表于 2007-12-1 20:58:00

<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>以快乐的名义</i>在2007-12-1 19:57:00的发言:</b><br/><table height=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" width=\"99%\" align=\"center\" style=\"TABLE-LAYOUT: fixed; WORD-WRAP: break-word;\"><tbody><tr><td valign=\"top\" bgcolor=\"#f1f1f1\" colspan=\"6\"><span class=\"tpc_content\">花絮的大概意思:<br/>from youtube<br/><br/><br/>it was the first time for michae and kimi to work together. they both enjoyed it. kimi said many finish people speak german, he doesnt. he hopes it doesnt sound stupid. micheal is ask about the driving style of his wife. he said shes a good driver, he has no problem to be passenger. when <strong>micheals</strong> driving <strong>shes</strong> most of the time asleep.<br/>at the end they say we will soon see micheal again in a f1 car testing.</span><br/></td></tr><tr valign=\"bottom\" bgcolor=\"#f1f1f1\"><td colspan=\"6\"></td></tr></tbody></table></div><p>@_@</p><p>介个……</p><p>这段到底在讨论谁家的问题?</p>

以快乐的名义 发表于 2007-12-1 21:00:00


ayakid 发表于 2007-12-1 21:03:00

<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>kleinersebbi</i>在2007-12-1 20:52:00的发言:</b><br/>还是说出来吧,俺看到他们拍fiat广告居然用德语很汗,因为俺老师讲德国人对FIAT的解释是Fehler in allen Teilen...<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em05.gif\" /></div><td id=\"gap\"></td><td></td><td class=\"almost_half_cell\"></td><div id=\"result_box\" dir=\"ltr\">Errors in all parts</div><p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em37.gif\" /><br/></p><p>这个,也不能因为德国车很有名就这么看不起飞亚特阿,擦汗了……</p><p>不过这个广告真的很那啥,黑衣服黑裤子黑车子,要是不看车牌我一定以为是在给奔驰家做广告(宝马都不会想到,最近他家车都不会用黑色的)。而且意大利车还居然说德文……我说反正某人两种都不会说的,还不如让他说意大利文,销量会来的好一些(说不定真有俩版本?)=A=|||</p>

ayakid 发表于 2007-12-1 21:04:00

<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>以快乐的名义</i>在2007-12-1 21:00:00的发言:</b><br/><p>是舒米被问起来科姐姐的驾驶风格是怎样的,然后舒米这么回答咯,我也不知道咋扯到科姐姐的,汗</p><p>翻译大概是googlish来的,很多错误,so看懂是王道orz|||</p></div><p></p>哈???为啥会扯到她?而且是科拉跟舒米一同在车上的时候???弟弟干啥去了@_@

以快乐的名义 发表于 2007-12-1 21:07:00

<p>擦汗……我说的科姐姐是科林娜……<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em08.gif\" /></p><p>科拉我一向54之的……</p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em07.gif\" />

ayakid 发表于 2007-12-1 21:08:00


以快乐的名义 发表于 2007-12-1 21:11:00


kleinersebbi 发表于 2007-12-1 21:32:00

<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>ayakid</i>在2007-12-1 21:08:00的发言:</b><br/><p>orz</p><p>我错了……(奇怪了为啥我真的只想到科拉阿……汗)</p></div><p>汗,我看上面的时候还在想咋冒出了个弟弟啊,原来...俺跟乐乐一样,弟媳直接54之,一般都想不到的</p>

ayakid 发表于 2007-12-1 21:43:00


木梳 发表于 2007-12-1 23:30:00

<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>kagetsu</i>在2007-11-30 8:14:00的发言:</b><br/><p></p><p>(看完全场比赛。。。)</p><p>的确有人撞掉</p><p>而且很多</p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em08.gif\" /></div><p></p>哎呀哪里有这场比赛的视频么? *_*

kleinerkimi 发表于 2007-12-2 18:57:00

<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>kleinersebbi</i>在2007-12-1 20:52:00的发言:</b><br/>还是说出来吧,俺看到他们拍fiat广告居然用德语很汗,因为俺老师讲德国人对FIAT的解释是Fehler in allen Teilen...<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em05.gif\" /></div><p>你们那老师也太狠了点吧~怎么也说Fahrt in allenTr&auml;umen 吧~</p>

kleinersebbi 发表于 2007-12-3 09:31:00

<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>kleinerkimi</i>在2007-12-2 18:57:00的发言:</b><br/><p>你们那老师也太狠了点吧~怎么也说Fahrt in allenTr&auml;umen 吧~</p></div><p>貌似这是普遍现象啊~本来俺记错了,以为是什么fast ist alles karput,首字母不对啊,就去找了笔记,这话就是俺那个Bayreuth的老师讲的,我不是已经跟你讲过了嘛</p>

冬瓜火腿汤 发表于 2007-12-9 09:10:00

Q &amp; A with Michael Schumacher<!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><br/> <br/><table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" width=\"100%\" border=\"0\"><tbody><tr><td class=\"news_article_author\" valign=\"top\" align=\"left\" width=\"50%\"><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment-->By Jonathan Noble<!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--></td><td class=\"news_article_date\" align=\"right\" width=\"50%\">Saturday, December 8th 2007, 16:11 GMT</td></tr></tbody></table><a href=\"http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/64322\">http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/64322</a><br/> <p>翻译:onna</p><p>Formula One may have been through its first season since Michael Schumacher retired, but that has not stopped the seven-time world champion from showing just what he is capable of in F1 cars.<br/>F1刚刚度过了Schumi退役后的第一个年头,不过七届世界冠军却在不断告诉世人什么叫宝刀未老</p><p>With Schumacher having joined Ferrari for a second test at Jerez this week, <i>autosport.com</i> was there to hear what he said about his latest experience behind the wheel, his future plans, and what he thinks brother Ralf should do.<br/>这周在Jerez Schumi再次为Ferrari试车,<em>autosport.com</em>将为您带来他对这次试车的感想、他的将来、以及他对他弟弟的建议</p><p><b>Q: What kind of work are you up to here?<br/>你在Jerez的任务是什么?</b></p><p>Michael Schumacher: \"Like in Barcelona, we are preparing for 2008. On the electronics, we are finding out all the solutions and strategies, plus the possibilities on the set up.<br/>“和在Barcelona一样,我们在为08年作准备。通过电子系统,我们在尝试各种策略,还有可能的配置”</p><p>\"We have done lots of work, and understood lots of things. We also did some slicks work for 2009. We started yesterday and we are carrying on.\"<br/>“我们做了许多工作,搞清楚了很多问题。从昨天开始,我们还为09年测试了光头胎,并且会不断进行下去”</p><p><b>Q: Do you like testing work?<br/>你喜欢试车么?</b></p><p>Schumacher: \"I like driving. Work? I don\'t treat it like that.\"<br/>“我喜欢开车。工作嘛?我不把这当作工作”</p><p><b>Q: Without traction control, and with slicks coming back, what kind of show will we see?<br/>没有了TC,光头胎又要回归,F1的比赛会变成什么样?</b></p><p>Schumacher: \"Clearly I feel more grip from the slicks, but aerodynamics-wise it loses a lot. It does not mean necessarily that we can get closer to the cars in front, but we are not quite sure on that, which is why we are working on it to see.\"<br/>“有了光头胎我感觉抓地力更好了,但是空气动力下压力按规定削减了不少。并不是说我们可以更近的跟上前车,我们并不确定,所以要更深入地研究这个问题”</p><p><b>Q: Will you test the new car?<br/>你会参加新车测试么?</b></p><p>Schumacher: \"It was not planned to do this test. It was just Barcelona originally, but here I am. There are no plans for next year. Although as soon as the new car is ready it has to be the (race) drivers doing the test, unless there is a particular reason to test certain things.\"<br/>“还没有计划要测试。最开始只说去Barcelona试车,但现在我又来到了Jerez,目前还没有明年的计划。新车出炉后应该是比赛车手来测试,除非有什么特定部件需要测试”</p><p><b>Q: And if Bridgestone asks you to help development...<br/>但如果B胎要求你帮助研发……</b></p><p>Schumacher: \"Yes, it is possible. If there are specific issues for the team\'s interest, then maybe.\"<br/>“有可能,如果有什么特别的测试可以帮助车队,可能我会帮助他们”</p><p><b>Q: Is there any aspect of Grand Prix racing you missed?<br/>对于F1大奖赛有什么怀念的么?</b></p><p>Schumacher: \"You know, I have been a long time in the sport and I love the sport. I still like thing, like now just driving the car. It is a great pleasure if you don\'t have further responsibility, pressures for the season and so on. It is the sheer driving that I enjoy. I am enjoying it, which is quite nice.\"<br/>“我在这个运动中很多年了,我热爱F1。我现在依然喜欢开F1,而且没有了责任,没有了压力会感觉更好,现在我在享受纯粹的驾驶的乐趣”</p><p><b>Q: What is your impression of the slick tyres?<br/>你对光头胎有什么感觉?</b></p><p>Schumacher: \"I have heard a lot of interpretations of the slicks in the future and how they compare to the grooves. They have more grip, and that\'s it. You don\'t really change your driving style, although there are little changes every year.<br/>“对于光头胎的未来以及它与坑纹胎的对比有多种说法。光头胎有更好的抓地,但你不用改变你的驾驶风格,虽然每年都会有小变化”</p><p>\"I have heard comments from certain drivers that they are much happier to have the slicks because they can develop their slicks, but I don\'t see that.\"<br/>“我听到有车手说他们很高兴可以使用光头胎,这样他们可以更好的发展光头胎,不过我不这么觉得”</p><p><b>Q: There is a Fia television advertisement where you say to Kimi: \"This is how a pensioner drives....\" Is that how it is?<br/>在FIAT的广告中你对Kimi说“这就是离退休车手的风格”,真的是这样么?</b></p><p>Schumacher: \"In circles, yes! It is just fun to drive without having to worry about further responsibilities. There is no obligation and nothing about the future or even next year. Like this test, I just enjoy the driving.<br/>“是的,不用考虑未来的责任实在是太好了。对于将来,甚至只是明年,都不再承担义务。比如说试车罢,我只是在享受~~”</p><p>\"Of course I have to analyse things, to see what I am able to help the team with. But that is what I am here for.<br/>“当然我还是要分析一些东西,看看那里能帮助车队,我来不就是为了帮助车队么”</p><p><b>Q: You drove without traction control for a long time too, so what really is the purpose of the test here? Do you teach others how to drive?<br/>你以前曾经开过没TC的车,那么你在这里的目的是什么呢?教其他的车手怎么开么?</b></p><p>Schumacher: \"Forget about this teaching part. For sure, they know exactly how to drive. My job is to bring in other perspectives, other opinions and give new directions.<br/>“没有教啦,他们当然知道怎么开。我来这儿是为了给车队更多的参考意见,还有新的发展方向”</p><p>\"From my experience, my perspectives may be broader. That means we may be able to reach the aim much quicker, and the team think I am useful.\"<br/>“以我的经验,我的眼界会更广阔,这样我们会更快达到目标,车队也觉得我很有用”</p><p><b>Q: What do you mean, really?<br/>到底是什么意思呢?</b></p><p>Schumacher: \"A lot of things are being taken away (from an F1 car), but there are a lot of parameters in the environment of the car that you can change.<br/>“F1赛车上的很多东西被取消了,但依然有很多环境参数可以改变”</p><p>\"And it is different directions I may be able to give, to reach the aim faster. Once we get the general base, we will then be able to work on fine-tuning on the track.\"<br/>“这就是我可能给出建议的地方,让车队更快达到目标。我们有了一个大概的基础,就可以在赛道上对车进行调教”</p><p><b>Q: So really, there is no possibility of you coming back to F1 racing?<br/>那么,你真的不会再回来比赛么?</b></p><p>Schumacher: \"No, definitely not. Even if I test and help the team in a hundred different places of development, there is no pressure or stress. If I think of racing, all that (stress) comes back. So it\'s just nice to drive some laps, step out and just enjoy it.\"<br/>“肯定不会。就算我帮助车队测试n各不同部件,都不会有压力;但如果说到比赛,压力就会回到我身上。所以只是开上几圈,然后下车,回顾一下那几圈有多美好,就够了”</p><p><b>Q: So is it just simply a case of calling Ferrari and asking if you can drive?<br/>那么就只是问问Ferrari“我能不能开车”这么简单?</b></p><p>Schumacher: \"It\'s not like that. It needs to make sense for the team to make me drive. You cannot forget that now the testing kilometres are restricted and the tyres are limited, so you cannot just waste them for pleasure. It must make sense for the team.\"<br/>“不是这样的,要让车队觉得我应该开我才能开。现在车队的测试里程还有测试轮胎都是有限的,所以不能为了好玩儿就浪费了。必须要让车队有充足的理由”</p><p><b>Q: Last night Ralf Schumacher said: \"I am leaving now and I might not come back.\" Is that a possibility?<br/>昨晚Ralf说:“我走了,而且我可能不会回来”,这可能么?</b></p><p>Schumacher: \"I don\'t know all his options, but before he drives like he did yesterday it is better to think about if it makes sense to drive knowing you can only come last. I think there are more reasonable, safer, wealthier and nicer options for him.<br/>“我不知道他所有可能的选择,但如果他只能跑车昨天那样,他最好是想一想只能跑最后有什么意义。我想应该会有其他对他来说更合理、安全、又好赚钱的选择”</p><p>\"I told him personally that there are so many nice things outside of F1. But I don\'t know all his options. There are other cockpits which are not taken, so he might see other options.\"<br/>“我曾经跟他说过F1的圈子外面很美好。但我不知道他全部的选择,还有其他的车手坐席,也说不定他会考虑”</p><p><b>Q: Have you had a chance to discuss with Ralf what his other options are?<br/>你跟Ralf讨论过其他的可能性么?</b></p><p>Schumacher: \"Not yet. He has not gone that far. But just as much that I have interests, he has other interests too.\"<br/>“没呢,还没到这一步。不过就像我还有其他的爱好,他也一样”</p><p><b>Q: Would you prefer him to come back?<br/>你希望他回来么?</b></p><p>Schumacher: \"Of course, both of us made a name in Formula One. Both of us had fans who were attracted to F1, and if he can get a good result then he should. He is able to bring good results and he is motivated to do so.<br/>“当然了,我们都在F1有成就,我们也都有喜欢F1的粉丝(举手!!举手!!!),如果他可以跑出好成绩,那么他就应该回来。他可以跑好,他也有动力跑好”</p><p>\"But it is different for me. I would not be so motivated to race, and if it doesn\'t fit then maybe he should stop and have a break. He is young enough to stop, re-evaluate the situation and come back.<br/>“我就不一样了,现在没那么大动力参加比赛了,如果他也不乐意赛的话,他也应该休息休息。他还很年轻,有时间休息一下,看看形势,然后再复出”</p><p>\"I have to say my experience in coming back in Barcelona showed I did not have trouble coming back. I did not lose a bit, so he can do it too.\"<br/>“我得说我在Barcelona的回归说明我有能力复出,这一年没有削弱我的能力,所以对他来说也是一样”</p><p><strong>Q: Are you sure you are not coming back?<br/>你确定你不会复出?(诺什你很烦呃</strong><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em09.gif\" /><strong>)</strong></p><p>Schumacher: \"There is not even a rumour! I have no intention of it, definitely not.\"<br/>“连我要复出的流言都没有咧,我肯定不会复出的”</p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-12-9 18:16:29编辑过]

木梳 发表于 2007-12-9 09:14:00

<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>冬瓜火腿汤</i>在2007-12-9 9:10:00的发言:</b><br/>Q &amp; A with Michael Schumacher<!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><br/> <br/><table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" width=\"100%\" border=\"0\"><tbody><tr><td class=\"news_article_author\" valign=\"top\" align=\"left\" width=\"50%\"><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment-->By Jonathan Noble<!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--></td><td class=\"news_article_date\" align=\"right\" width=\"50%\">Saturday, December 8th 2007, 16:11 GMT</td></tr></tbody></table><a href=\"http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/64322\">http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/64322</a><p>翻译:onna(翻译中……)</p></div><p></p>onna你先就占了一个坑啊 XDD

以快乐的名义 发表于 2007-12-9 12:55:00

我觉得最后一句话最搞笑啦 XDDDDDDDD

木梳 发表于 2007-12-9 16:03:00


swaywithhim 发表于 2007-12-9 18:54:00


冬瓜火腿汤 发表于 2007-12-9 19:28:00


swaywithhim 发表于 2007-12-9 19:41:00


冬瓜火腿汤 发表于 2007-12-9 19:50:00

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