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oliver.kahn 发表于 2016-6-18 17:20:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


48.01 如果一名球员在场上被罚出场,那么他将在下一场比赛停赛。考虑到可能的严重犯规,欧足联控制与纪律部门有权力加大处罚,包括延长处罚至其他赛事。
48.02 关于多张黄牌警告
48.03 在预选赛阶段,黄牌和累积黄牌带来的停赛会在预选赛结束时清零,不会带入正赛阶段。
48.04 在正赛阶段的获得的单张黄牌(注:即不包括单场2黄)会在1/4决赛后清零,将不会带入半决赛。
48.05 黄牌和黄牌累积带来的停赛将在欧洲杯结束时清零。

48.01 As a rule, a player who is sent off the field of play is suspended for the next match in the competition. In case of serious offences, the UEFA Control and Disciplinary Body is entitled to augment this punishment, including by extending it to other competitions.
48.02 In case of repeated cautions: a. in the qualifying competition, a player is suspended for the next competition match after three cautions in three different matches, as well as after the fifth and any subsequent caution; b. in the final tournament, a player is suspended for the next competition match after two cautions in two different matches, as well as after the fourth caution.
48.03 Cautions and pending yellow-card suspensions expire on completion of the qualifying competition. They are not carried forward to the final tournament.
48.04 Single cautions from matches in the final tournament expire on completion of the quarter-finals. They are not carried forward to the semi-finals.
48.05 Cautions and pending yellow-card suspensions from the final tournament expire at the end of the competition.

 楼主| oliver.kahn 发表于 2016-6-18 22:42:20 | 显示全部楼层
现在的规则和最近的世界杯和欧洲杯一样,四分之一决赛结束后清牌。14世界杯对阵法国 小猪和脸哥各一张黄牌,刚好都消掉
dongkun686 发表于 2016-6-18 22:52:04 | 显示全部楼层
我还纳闷 怎么会连续两张黄牌停赛两场
 楼主| oliver.kahn 发表于 2016-6-19 11:27:23 | 显示全部楼层
dongkun686 发表于 2016-6-18 22:52
我还纳闷 怎么会连续两张黄牌停赛两场

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