battleshiper 发表于 2015-7-17 11:13:49

天界 发表于 2015-7-17 11:07
一开始就是钱没谈妥,最后才一口要高价。八百万高不高看跟谁比。人迷最初力证没要八百万,可能只要了和阿 ...

八百万也不算多,考虑年纪 实力 还有通胀 完全可以接受。离开之后好像还讽刺过鲁梅尼格,这里边的事其实就简单多了。

南部之星MYS 发表于 2015-7-17 11:17:47

德迷小天王 发表于 2015-7-17 10:40


天界 发表于 2015-7-17 11:25:09

battleshiper 发表于 2015-7-17 11:13
八百万也不算多,考虑年纪 实力 还有通胀 完全可以接受。离开之后好像还讽刺过鲁梅尼格,这里边的事其实 ...


shsmzjh 发表于 2015-7-17 11:38:59

suker 发表于 2015-7-17 11:49:24

pyongyangsaram 发表于 2015-7-17 11:51:33


2004 发表于 2015-7-17 11:55:29


2004 发表于 2015-7-17 11:55:47


pyongyangsaram 发表于 2015-7-17 12:00:41


'I don't know at what age Beckenbauer moved to America,' he said. 'I am 30. It is a challenge for me to prove I can do it here. I had my knee trouble after the World Cup which was very intensive for me and I had a break at October.

'But I have a lot of experience in big matches and that is an advantage. I am confident I can adjust to the Premier League. My style of play is to control a game.

'You have to be smart in your brain and fast. For me it is very important to control a situation in defence. You can always score goals but you have to add stability in the defence.

'I had the chance to join United in 2010. I thought about what to do. There were opportunities. But my goal was always to win the Champions League with my club Bayern Munich. Now I am happy to be here.

'My brother is a huge Manchester United fan. He is a big Eric Cantona and Ryan Giggs fan. It was always a dream to be a Manchester United player.

'I saw the 1999 Champions League final between United and Bayern at home. My brother had the United jersey on and I had Bayern's. I didn't cry but my brother was very happy.

'I always followed the Premier League and we watched a lot of United games with my brother.'

'That is my goal for my time here, I want to win titles and this is what Manchester United is used to and I am the same. I cannot guarantee titles but I will guarantee that we will do everything to be successful in the season.

'I want to make a positive impact. I think I can contribute a lot to the team.

'In Germany we had two seasons when Borussia Dortmund were the champions twice in a row. I also remember the Champions league seasons before we won the Treble with Jupp Heynckes, once against Inter Milan in Madrid and in Munich against Chelsea.

'You learn a lot from these defeats and situations. It was a progress. It is the same at Manchester United. I know the club are looking forward to winning titles again and I am the same.

'They are the biggest club in the world and I am sure this team has the quality to win titles. He wants to have success and if he doesn't have success one season then he is more hungry.

'I know maybe sometimes he is not so easy but what I love is that he always wants the best. He wants to improve in every second. He is honest to you.

'This is why in Munich the fans and the team loved him so much. Of course at first it was a little bit different but the relationship grew and we loved him.'

'United are more popular around the world,' he said. 'There is a difference and I could see that. Bayern Munich is a big club but Manchester United is bigger.

'When we were in China people knew us but Bayern were not so big in America. Roy Keane and Paul Scholes were unbelievable players. You cannot compare yourself to them. It is impossible.

'Scholes especially I like him a lot and I have a lot of respect for what he did for United. It was not easy and always tough to play against United. I just want to add my quality to United's game.

'When I see what we do in practise and the quality we have I am sure we have the chance to win titles. I am convinced about that.'

pyongyangsaram 发表于 2015-7-17 12:07:04


2004 发表于 2015-7-17 12:10:54

结合上下文也看出来了 说的什么bigger?不就是在美国的知名度吗?有什么好讨论的?俱乐部不仅是在努力这方面工作吗。本来德语国家去闯英语主导的世界就吃亏,有什么好挖苦和计较的?我只知道,拜仁来了,我要热烈欢迎他?让他们知道,在中国,你们很棒!

天界 发表于 2015-7-17 12:13:33


另头强 发表于 2015-7-17 12:18:48

jtballack 发表于 2015-7-17 10:41
但是拜仁是最有人情味的豪门这个基本公认,但因为瓜狗撸霉这个 ...


gesila990 发表于 2015-7-17 12:19:34



Gallent 发表于 2015-7-17 12:20:36


南部之星MYS 发表于 2015-7-17 12:23:24

1.巴塞罗那 1.009亿(推特:1550万、脸书:8540万)
2.皇家马德里 9980万(推特:1650万、脸书:8330万)
3.曼联 7090万(推特:550万、脸书:6540万)
4.切尔西 4870万(推特:580万、脸书:4290万)
5.阿森纳 3900万(推特:600万、脸书:3300万)
6.拜仁慕尼黑 3290万(推特:220万、脸书:3070万)
7.利物浦 3020万(推特:450万、脸书:2570万)
8.AC米兰 2710万(推特:270万、脸书:2440万)
9.洛杉矶湖人 2560万(推特:440万、脸书:2120万)
10.曼城 2170万(推特:250万、脸书:1920万)

gesila990 发表于 2015-7-17 12:24:12

风云小虾 发表于 2015-7-17 11:02
TK那次是人家问他皇马如何,他就扯上拜仁了;小猪 ...

这次人家让小猪比较曼联和拜仁俱乐部了?人家问他从拜仁到曼联感受如何?这是让他比较哪个俱乐部更bigger 了?
one step more bayer 语气比mu is bigger 更强烈?

gesila990 发表于 2015-7-17 12:25:25

pyongyangsaram 发表于 2015-7-17 12:07 ...


gesila990 发表于 2015-7-17 12:27:00


ariesxh 发表于 2015-7-17 12:33:31

说这些虚的没用,关键看人,说话的是TK,那说什么都不对,说话的是小猪,我可以往好的方面想. TK在蛮多仁迷心里地位一直都很低的.
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