木梳 发表于 2007-3-23 15:24:00

<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>cucu911</i>在2007-3-23 14:54:00的发言:</b><br/><p>On one occasion - just about ten laps before the end the race - I almost fell asleep! I got distracted, my concentration levels dropped a bit and I locked the wheels and took Turn Three slightly too wide: even without radio I knew that they were saying: \'Kimi, wake up!\'</p><p>原来小孩真的是无聊到快睡着了啊<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em16.gif\" /></p></div><p></p><p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em33.gif\" /> 来膜拜一下这小孩,果然是法家的车更让人安心而且这场比赛太顺利了吧,这么放松。</p><p>不行,下次无线电不能再罢工了,得让戴尔叔叔盯着孩子,别再给开迷糊过去 <img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em40.gif\" /></p>

cucu911 发表于 2007-3-23 15:37:00

<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>木梳</i>在2007-3-23 15:24:00的发言:</b><br/><p></p><p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em33.gif\" /> 来膜拜一下这小孩,果然是法家的车更让人安心而且这场比赛太顺利了吧,这么放松。</p><p>不行,下次无线电不能再罢工了,得让戴尔叔叔盯着孩子,别再给开迷糊过去 <img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em40.gif\" /></p></div><p></p><p>那让戴尔叔叔给小红讲讲故事、说说笑话、唱唱小曲什么的吧</p><p>这样小孩就不无聊了</p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em23.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em23.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em23.gif\" />

kateadberg 发表于 2007-3-23 15:45:00

<p>直接无线电连T家去</p><p>这两个小孩是不是就不会无聊了?</p><p>可是估计车也不开了 一起玩去了</p>

cucu911 发表于 2007-3-23 15:54:00


kateadberg 发表于 2007-3-23 16:13:00


kielo 发表于 2007-3-23 16:33:00

<p>http://www.motorsport.com/photos/f1/2007/aus/f1-2007-aus-xp-1403.jpg </p><p>给胖球撑伞的弟弟好帅啊,谁啊谁啊<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em17.gif\" /></p>

kateadberg 发表于 2007-3-23 16:41:00


kielo 发表于 2007-3-23 18:48:00

<p>不善加利用无敌笑脸<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em16.gif\" /></p><p>看我的脑袋笑得多开心<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em24.gif\" /></p><p>ps,米人知道那个帅弟弟么……</p>

木梳 发表于 2007-3-23 19:05:00

<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>kielo</i>在2007-3-23 18:48:00的发言:</b><br/><p>ps,米人知道那个帅弟弟么……</p></div><p>爬回motorsport又把图片翻了一遍,得到的文字介绍如下:</p><p><font size=\"2\"><font face=\"Verdana\"><strong>Ralf Schumacher, Toyota Racing<br/></strong>F1 &gt; Australian GP, 2007-03-18 (Albert Park Circuit): Sunday pre-race<br/></font></font><font color=\"#000000\" size=\"2\"><font face=\"Verdana\">Image by </font><a href=\"http://www.xpb.cc/\" target=\"http://www.xpb.cc\"><font face=\"Verdana\">xpb.cc</font></a><br/><font face=\"Verdana\"><img height=\"6\" src=\"http://www.motorsport.com/i/g1pTrans.gif\" width=\"1\" alt=\"\"/><br/><b>More photos:</b><small><a href=\"http://www.motorsport.com/photos/series.asp?S=F1&amp;Y=0\" target=\"_blank\">F1</a><a href=\"http://www.motorsport.com/photos/select.asp?E=Australian_GP&amp;Y=2007\" target=\"_blank\">2007 Australian GP</a><a href=\"http://www.motorsport.com/photos/select.asp?D=Ralf_Schumacher\" target=\"_blank\">Ralf Schumacher</a><a href=\"http://www.motorsport.com/photos/select.asp?T=Albert_Park_Circuit\" target=\"_blank\">Albert Park Circuit</a><a href=\"http://www.motorsport.com/photos/select.asp?N=xpb.cc\" target=\"_blank\">xpb.cc</a></small></font></font></p><p><font color=\"#000000\" size=\"2\"><font face=\"Verdana\" size=\"3\"><small>于是无法知道那位帅帅的T家工作人员是谁了。</small></font></font></p><p><font color=\"#000000\" size=\"2\"><font face=\"Verdana\" size=\"3\"><small></small></font></font></p>

kielo 发表于 2007-3-23 19:19:00

<p>我也是去翻motorsport了……</p><p>这么帅怎么不留名乜<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em06.gif\" /></p>

№.德到胜利 发表于 2007-3-23 21:36:00

kimikimikimi....we are the champions ~~~<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif\" />

lluvia 发表于 2007-3-23 22:56:00

要求那个给胖公主撑伞的SG把墨镜摘下来<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em30.gif\" />

木梳 发表于 2007-3-23 23:06:00


kateadberg 发表于 2007-3-23 23:39:00


ayakid 发表于 2007-3-24 00:10:00

<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>cucu911</i>在2007-3-23 14:54:00的发言:</b><br/><p>On one occasion - just about ten laps before the end the race - I almost fell asleep! I got distracted, my concentration levels dropped a bit and I locked the wheels and took Turn Three slightly too wide: even without radio I knew that they were saying: \'Kimi, wake up!\'</p><p>原来小孩真的是无聊到快睡着了啊<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em16.gif\" /></p></div><p></p><p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em04.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em04.gif\" /></p><p>恩啊??</p><p>居然要睡着??</p><p>午饭吃太多了还是吃太晚了??</p><p>不敬业啊,pia走反省去-______________-#</p><p></p>

木梳 发表于 2007-3-24 00:31:00

<p>来来,贴一份sohu的东西,有Kimi官方站的亲们可以去验证下这篇东西的真实性</p><p>莱科宁日记:“寂寞”比赛几乎睡着 庆幸梦想成真</p><p><a href=\"http://f1.sports.sohu.com/20070323/n248934760.shtml\">http://f1.sports.sohu.com/20070323/n248934760.shtml</a></p><p>搜狐体育讯 现在看来墨尔本的胜利也许对于法拉利和莱科宁来说,都是那么轻松。不过芬兰冰人自己可不这么想。至少赛前他面对的是空前的\"接班\"压力、\"运气不济\"的质疑,而且来到法拉利的第一站就意外地\"独自一人\"完成了比赛,这一切加起来足以这一场揭幕战显得跌宕起伏。 <br/> <br/> <br/>在法拉利的官网上,基米口述的\"日记\"也如是说......</p><p>  \"我从来没有掩示我的开心,从我第一天到马拉内罗开始就是这样。现在,我和车队一起赢得了首场比赛,我更开心。当我和法拉利签合同的时候,我就想着可以尽快赢得胜利,不过在墨尔本就做到这一点,的确有点超出我的想象。想想--我居然在加入这支跃马军团的第一场比赛中就赢得了胜利!</p><p>  在我的职业生涯中,我还从没赢得过揭幕战,所以比赛后我的确很满意。一般来说,你来到一支新车队,你总是希望能够尽快成功。而且如果你在第一场比赛就做到这一点,这证明你是‘最好\'的选择,不是吗?从某种程度上说,我去年冬天的梦想成真了!</p><p>  法拉利和我用一种最漂亮的方式赢了下来:胜利、杆位和最快圈速。外人不知道可能觉得这是一场轻松的比赛,不过就像我周日在新闻发布会上说的一样:比赛一点儿也不轻松。应该这么说,世上从来没有轻松的胜利。我们在墨尔本遇到了很多小麻烦,最大的麻烦就是车队的无线电工作不正常,后来证实是插头的问题。从我坐进赛车从发车区起步开始就出现了问题:从那时候开始我就没和控制台上的任何人说过话......</p><p>  不过庆幸的是我们对比赛做了详细的计划,细致到每一圈每分钟。全场58圈的比赛我就是按照计划这么跑下来的。我们都知道起步会很关键:我倾尽全力保住了一天前努力来的成果,而且我成功了。在第一弯守住第一之后,后面就稍微轻松一些了,尽管我还是不能和我的比赛工程师克里斯-戴尔交流。</p><p>  我知道我们在比赛中的节奏把握优势还是比较大的:我没有发挥到极限,不过如果不是因为无线电的问题,我可能还会跑得更快些。而且有一次--大概是在离比赛还有10圈左右的时候--我差点睡着了!我分神了。我的注意力有一点下降,然后我的轮胎锁死,过3号弯的时候就走得有点大:那时候就算没有无线电通讯,我也猜到他们肯定在说:嘿,基米,快醒醒!车队为了让我知道场上的情况做了很多努力,他们不停地给我打告示板。有几次我没看清,因为当时pitwall上太多告示板,我分不清楚。</p><p>  冲线的时候,那种感觉太激动了。能够和pitwall上的那群家伙一起庆祝,这种感觉好极了。那个时刻无论如何我都不想错过。胜利对车队非常重要,不过菲利普在排位赛遇到了问题的确很遗憾:我们没能把最好的结果带回家,我们本来可以做到。</p><p>  我希望可以和我们的车迷一起分离胜利,在墨尔本我们都过得很开心。我想把这一次的胜利献给全世界法拉利的车迷,尤其是意大利和我的家乡芬兰的车迷。希望我们很快又可以给他们新的庆祝的理由!\"</p><p>  不过对于基米的对手来说,这也许不是一个好消息。如果不是无线电的问题,驾驶F2007的芬兰冰人究竟会有多快?现在他的最快圈速已经领先对手1秒以上。</p>

木梳 发表于 2007-3-24 02:55:00

<p>生活是需要八卦的,来一篇戴尔哥哥的Interview。</p><p>来源:autosport</p><p><a href=\"http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/57328\">http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/57328</a></p><p>Interview: Dyer ready to guide Raikkonen<!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><br/><table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" width=\"100%\" border=\"0\"><tbody><tr><td class=\"news_article_author\" valign=\"top\" align=\"left\" width=\"50%\"><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment-->By Alan Baldwin<!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--></td><td class=\"news_article_date\" align=\"right\" width=\"50%\"><p>Thursday, March 15th 2007, 09:27 GMT</p></td></tr></tbody></table></p><p></p><p>Chris Dyer felt a twinge of guilt when his mobile rang during Kimi Raikkonen\'s first Formula One test for Ferrari.</p><p>The distant voice was that of Michael Schumacher, the recently-retired seven times world champion calling his former race engineer to check out how his Finnish replacement was settling in.</p><p>\"It felt like an old girlfriend ringing me up and asking me how my new girlfriend was,\" the Australian recalled before this weekend\'s season-opening Grand Prix in Melbourne.</p><p>\"I kind of felt guilty: \'Oh yeah, he\'s going really well\'. I felt like I was supposed to say \'He\'s okay, but he\'s not as good as you\'.\"</p><p>There are those in the Formula One paddock who are convinced that Raikkonen, the \'Iceman\' who has joined the Italian glamour team from McLaren, is a headstrong and taciturn type who listens to nobody.</p><p>Dyer, the bespectacled boffin from Bendigo who has only once in his life been inside a Ferrari road car - a short passenger ride from the factory to the Fiorano test track while sharing a front seat with designer Rory Byrne\'s golf clubs - knows already that is not the case.</p><p>As Schumacher\'s race engineer, he helped the great German to some memorable victories and now he hopes to do the same for Raikkonen.</p><p>The two have been working together since January and the relationship is a crucial one. Every race driver has to have complete trust in his engineer, the calm and methodical voice talking to him regularly on the radio during races.</p><p>\"I think he\'s fairly comfortable with the team and we\'re fairly comfortable with him,\" Dyer said.</p><p>\"But this weekend is really where we start to see the answers. It\'s a new experience for everybody.</p><p>\"It\'s going to take a couple of races to work things out and I\'m sure there are going to be moments in the next few races where we assume that he\'s going to do something, because that\'s what Michael would have done, and he\'s going to assume that we would because that\'s what his old team would have done.</p><p>\"We\'ve got to try and minimise the misunderstandings.\"</p><p>Schumacher and Raikkonen are poles apart as personalities, both blisteringly quick but the latter more likely to head for the bar while the former settles for a night in with his family.</p><p>Dyer said the team saw a different side however.</p><p>\"For us, we want a driver who is honest and drives the car as hard as they can and gives you good feedback as to what the car\'s doing and gives you a good understanding of what you have to do to make them faster,\" he said.</p><p>\"So in those ways, Kimi\'s not so different. He speaks less on the radio than Michael. But we\'re still getting what we want out of him.</p><p>\"We\'ll see over the next couple of races how he works at a race weekend, but so far there\'s no sign that it\'s not going to be a good relationship.\"</p><p>Dyer had no doubt that Schumacher, now 38, had retired at the right time even if the race engineer was also convinced that the German could still have gone on to ever greater achievements.</p><p>\"I never saw any sign of Michael stopping improving. I think he was still on the way up,\" he said. \"I think if he was back this year and he was as motivated as he always has been, he probably would have improved.\"</p><p>The motivation was the problem and the race engineer summoned up another conversation he had with Schumacher at the launch of the new Ferrari in late January.</p><p>Brazilian Felipe Massa was carrying out the first shakedown test, a role that traditionally would have fallen to Schumacher in the past, and the former champion turned up to watch him put the car through its paces.</p><p>\"Afterwards everybody left and it was just myself and Michael remaining,\" he recalled.</p><p>\"I said to him \'How did it feel, it must have felt strange seeing that car that is traditionally yours. Did you feel like shoving Felipe out of the way and getting in the car?\'</p><p>\"And he said in almost an apologetic tone, \'you know, I had no desire to get in the car... I wanted to be involved but I didn\'t feel I had to drive the car.\' His tone was almost apologetic, like he was letting us down.</p><p>\"My reaction was that it was great. He made the right decision.\"</p><p>Raikkonen, championship runner-up to Schumacher in 2003, is totally committed. After taking just nine wins from his five seasons at McLaren, he is hungry for success.</p><p>Dyer\'s job is to manage that hunger and turn it to advantage.</p><p>\"One thing I see with Kimi at the moment when he gets in the car, is he gives 110 percent. Every lap is flat out,\" the Australian said.</p><p>\"I don\'t know yet in the races how much we will have to pace Kimi. I don\'t think there will be any problem turning him up, but I\'m not sure how much we will have to turn him down and how much he\'ll manage that himself.\" </p><p>————————————————————</p><p>懒得要授权了,给个翻译版的链接,感兴趣的自己去看吧</p><p><a href=\"http://cloverfor.blog.sohu.com/38590143.html\">http://cloverfor.blog.sohu.com/38590143.html</a></p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-24 2:56:14编辑过]

ayakid 发表于 2007-3-24 10:01:00

<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>木梳</i>在2007-3-24 2:55:00的发言:</b>
                <p>\"It felt like an old girlfriend ringing me up and asking me how my new girlfriend was,\" the Australian recalled before this weekend\'s season-opening Grand Prix in Melbourne.</p></div><p>捶桌子,不得不说戴尔gg你太有才了!!</p><p>同时跟俩人告白,还告的那么没有顾虑(比如委屈跑开的小孩和不知所措的车王XDXD),头回在f1乃至体育界的采访里看到——或者之前有我没挨上好时光~~</p><p> </p><p>另外关于小孩的故障无线电,给出youtube连接——</p><p><a href=\"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfxCDV-AJeo\">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfxCDV-AJeo</a></p><p> </p><p>很多时间很纳闷,这些勉强可以成为花絮但是对比赛起关键作用的镜头经常需要在外电报道上找,似乎国内转播用的不是一条线路一样。</p><p>其实这种暖场镜头一般在国内都丢给主持或者说开场白或者进广告或者播放之前花重金在实地拍摄的“真正花絮”去了八。</p><p> </p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em07.gif\" />

lemon 发表于 2007-3-24 12:38:00

<p>来帮木梳mm加两张舒小米的图</p><p>比较大,酱就能看清上面的字了</p><p><img src=\"http://photo1.yupoo.com/20070324/094205_156771782_cldbdevt.jpg\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\"/></p><p></p><img src=\"http://photo1.yupoo.com/20070324/094202_665758086_uqmyvuqm.jpg\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\"/>

舒米巴熊盐巴 发表于 2007-3-24 18:28:00

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