SantaBallack 发表于 2007-8-24 08:38:00

我是个\"名字党\"...我喜欢Wurz这个名字..<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em05.gif\" />

木梳 发表于 2007-8-24 14:39:00

[合作翻译]Kimi的Q & A

<p>Q &amp; A with Kimi Raikkonen<br/><a href=\"\"></a></p><p>By Jonathan Noble Thursday, August 23rd 2007, 16:01 GMT </p><p>翻译:木梳      校译:ayakid<br/><br/><strong>Q.</strong> Lewis Hamilton and his teammate are not here in the paddock today as there is a meeting with the team. What are your feelings about this?<br/>Q:刘易斯·汉密尔顿和他的队友今天并没有来到围场,因为他们和车队有一个会议,对此你作何感想?</p><p><strong>Kimi Raikkonen:</strong> Well, it looks like they have one more day of holiday! They have a different system in their meetings; I know exactly what they are doing there.<br/>Kimi:哦,这看起来是他们多拥有了一天的假期啊!他们在召开会议的方面有着不同的制度,我非常清楚他们在做什么。</p><p>We have a system (at Ferrari) where everybody is there together but I know from the past that you can have a meeting with your own people - and it is not as detailed as what we have now. For sure it doesn\'t help the team, but I don\'t know if it going to hurt. But it doesn\'t make anyone\'s life easier there.<br/>在法拉利,我们的会议制度是每个人都参与其中,但是我知道在过去,你参加会议的只是你自己的班底,并且(讨论的内容)也不如我们现在的详细。显然那不会帮助到车队,但是我不知道是否会有所伤害。不过,它不会令那里的任何人过得(更)轻松。</p><p><strong>Q.</strong> How important for your championship hopes is it to get a good result here this weekend and close the gap to McLaren?<br/>Q:如果你本周末获得好成绩或者追近与迈克拉伦车队之间的差距,那么它对你拿到冠军有怎样重要的意义?</p><p><strong>KR:</strong> Yeah, it is very important. That is what we have been trying to do every race, the last race also, but it was quite a difficult circuit for us. At least we only dropped two points. I wanted to win and gain two points rather than lose, but it wasn\'t possible. Hopefully here it should be better for our car so we can really push.<br/>Kimi:嗯,它非常重要。这是我们在每一站比赛时都努力去做的,上一站也是如此,但是对我们而言那是有点难度的赛道。不过至少我们只落下两分。我希望赢得比赛并且得到两分,而不是失去,但是那不可能。希望在这里,一切都会好起来,这样我们能够继续追赶。</p><p><strong>Q.</strong> Are you still optimistic for the championship?<br/>Q:对于总冠军你还乐观么?</p><p><strong>KR:</strong> I haven\'t given up. For sure it is going to be difficult, but we have been in the same position before – so it is not a new thing. But one bad race for either of us is going to change a lot. We just keep pushing and we push as long as we can. We just try to win races.<br/>Kimi:我没有放弃。当然这渐渐变得困难起来,但是我们也曾经处于过这个位置,所以这并不是新鲜的事。但是不论我们之间谁的成绩不佳,情况都将改变很多。我们要继续追赶并且尽我们所能地追赶。我们要设法赢得比赛。</p><p><strong>Q.</strong> Do you believe that Fernando or Lewis are your main target for the championship?<br/>Q:你认为费尔南多或刘易斯是你总冠军的主要竞争者么?</p><p><strong>KR:</strong> Lewis is right now further away, so is harder to catch. But we need to try to catch both of them and that is what we try to do.<br/>Kimi:刘易斯现在已经领先很多了,追上他更困难。但是我们要做的就是必须尽可能地追上他们俩。</p><p><strong>Q.</strong> Ferrari president Luca di Montezemolo said Ferrari would try and win six races, but he did not speak about you or Felipe Massa. Do you think it is dangerous to do it without exact rules between drivers?<br/>Q:法拉利主席蒙特泽莫罗说过法拉利将设法赢下剩余的6站比赛,但是他没有提到你或菲利普·马萨。你是否觉得不给两位车手明确的指令很危险?</p><p><strong>KR:</strong> It has been like that all year. It has been in my past years like that. It is up to the drivers and our engineers. Whoever is quicker is going to have the better chance. It is difficult to put one guy ahead of another. I think Ferrari are only interested in one of us winning and hopefully we can have a 1-2. That is what we are aiming for.<br/>Kimi:全年里都是如此。我过去那些年也是如此。这取决于车手和我们的工程师。谁更快谁就将获得更好的机会。将一个人置于另一个人前面是很难的。我想法拉利唯一感兴趣的就是我们中有一个能赢得比赛,更希望我们可以“1-2”完赛。这就是我们的目标。</p><p><strong>Q.</strong> Monza has similar characteristics to Montreal and Indy. Do you think it could be one of the worst Grands Prix for you? What are the differences between the North American races and Monza?<br/>Q:蒙扎赛道具有和蒙特利尔赛道及印第安纳波利斯赛道相似的特性,你觉得这是你战绩最糟的赛道之一么?北美两站的赛道和蒙扎有什么不同?</p><p><strong>KR:</strong> I think the only problem that we can probably have in Monza is through kerbs. Maybe it hasn\'t been our strongest point going over the kerbs, and trying to get the traction back. <br/>Kimi:我认为我们在蒙扎唯一会遇到的问题就是路肩的使用。或许因为我们一直不是很适应过它的路肩,所以我们总尝试着重新获得牵引力。</p><p>But I know from the past that Ferrari were always very strong in their home race. We improved for the last race the car handling over the bumps so we should be okay there.<br/>不过我清楚,从以前起法拉利在主场就一直非常强大。在上一站我们改善了车的弹跳,所以我们在蒙扎应该会表现不错。</p><p><strong>Q.</strong> Some people are talking about the possibility of Fernando Alonso at Ferrari. What do you think about that?<br/>Q:一些人在谈论费尔南多·阿隆索加盟法拉利的可能性,你怎么看?</p><p><strong>KR:</strong> I haven\'t heard anything about that. You need to ask the team.<br/>Kimi:我没有听说任何与此相关的事情,你应该去问车队。</p><p><strong>Q.</strong> Ron Dennis revealed to the press in Hungary that McLaren have a definitive policy about which driver per race is allowed to go for the extra lap in Q3. What is the Ferrari situation, and do you think it is necessary to make that decision?<br/>Q:罗恩·丹尼斯在匈牙利站的时候曾对媒体披露过,迈克拉伦针对具体哪位车手在哪场排位赛的第三节中可以多跑一圈的问题,有明确的战术方针。法拉利的情况是如何的?你觉得有必要做这样的决定么?</p><p><strong>KR:</strong> For sure it helps if you can do an extra lap, but we have some rules about who is going to get it. It depends on many other things, so it is not so clear. It is not like we can decide it before qualifying.<br/>Kimi:当然,如果你多跑一圈,这将有助于你,但是我们有我们的制度。它依赖于其他很多事,所以并不是很显而易见。在排位赛前我们并不能决定它。</p><p>For sure usually we try to do it with whoever has the better chance. Like we saw we thought it would be difficult to get it at the last race but even with all the things that happened there we were able to get it.<br/>当然我们也会尝试给机会更好的车手采用这个策略。如我们所见,在上一站我们觉得比赛会很难用到这个策略,但是尽管在那时候发生了很多事情,我们还是做到了(多跑一圈)。</p><p>It is really very difficult to say, you have it this time and I\'ll have it next time, because anything can happen. You might miss it, and for sure there is a chance to have both of the cars make the extra lap.<br/>其实这真的很难说,这次你用这个策略,下次我用这个。因为任何事情都会发生。你也许会错过它,但是当然也可能两辆车都跑额外的一圈。</p>

cucu911 发表于 2007-8-24 20:19:00

<p>梳子哥哥和隔壁家亲妈辛苦了</p><p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em03.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em03.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em03.gif\" /></p>

木梳 发表于 2007-8-24 20:35:00

<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>cucu911</i>在2007-8-24 20:19:00的发言:</b><br/><p>梳子哥哥和隔壁家亲妈辛苦了</p><p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em03.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em03.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em03.gif\" /></p></div><p>我最近是翻译上瘾了,LP是被我拖下水的…… </p><p>这个Q&amp;A很好玩,小冰第一个问题的回答看几次都让人喷饭。 </p><p>另外请允许我感慨一句,Noble这位老兄的东西,太让人崩溃了 <img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em06.gif\" /></p>

Annalise 发表于 2007-8-25 00:34:00


SantaBallack 发表于 2007-8-25 04:12:00

来向木梳和ayakid两位姐姐学习翻译~<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em05.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em05.gif\" />

cucu911 发表于 2007-9-2 23:26:00

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-9-2 23:27:32编辑过]

悠颜 发表于 2007-9-2 23:29:00

<p>在F1版里留个脚印……</p><p>要寂寞一阵子了呢</p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em06.gif\" />

cucu911 发表于 2007-9-2 23:30:00

<p>哈哈</p><p>小悠和我的头像</p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" />

cucu911 发表于 2007-9-8 21:07:00


以快乐的名义 发表于 2007-9-8 21:12:00


cucu911 发表于 2007-9-8 21:21:00

<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>以快乐的名义</i>在2007-9-8 21:12:00的发言:</b><br/>我能说第5比第4好吗……</div><p></p><p>能</p><p>相信明天会更好</p><p>哈哈</p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" />

以快乐的名义 发表于 2007-9-8 21:58:00

<p>不过今晚要辛苦CDGG了</p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em18.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em18.gif\" />

herofrederick 发表于 2007-9-9 00:30:00

<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>cucu911</i>在2007-9-8 21:07:00的发言:</b><br/><p>回来了</p><p>蒙扎站排位赛第5</p><p>……</p></div><p></p><p>我马上要上课了……汗……</p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em05.gif\" />

cucu911 发表于 2007-9-13 23:48:00

<p>F1版回来了?</p><p>使劲揉眼睛</p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em06.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em06.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em06.gif\" />

cucu911 发表于 2007-9-16 21:53:00

<p>Champion Hat Trick in SPA</p><p>恭喜小孩~~~~~~~</p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em03.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em03.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em03.gif\" />

以快乐的名义 发表于 2007-9-16 21:57:00

<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif\" />一起恭喜

herofrederick 发表于 2007-9-17 19:00:00

<p>昨晚比赛的时候</p><p>虽然我一直在上课</p><p>但是很明显</p><p>我的预感还是准得邪门</p><p>外甥 如愿夺冠</p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" />

以快乐的名义 发表于 2007-10-3 13:26:00

<p>话说我最近的日志翻译都贴在别的网站上了看天………………啥时候抽空搬过来吧orz|||</p><p>BTW:新日志开头第一句话:the worst of moments……</p><p>某人继续发扬言简意赅的领导作风看天………………</p>

cucu911 发表于 2007-10-3 14:02:00

<p>the worst of moments</p><p>……</p><p>奔去看日志去</p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em07.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em07.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em07.gif\" />
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查看完整版本: [车手专题]Kimi Raikkonen -- Eternal flame(恭喜小孩的2007年车手总冠军!)