木梳 发表于 2007-8-26 23:30:00

<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>以快乐的名义</i>在2007-8-26 22:08:00的发言:</b><br/><p>迈家163……个么是按悲观的方法算得咯。上诉成功拿回车队积分?</p><p>要是上诉失败的话法家和迈家的积分差距只有11分了啊</p></div><p>我只复制粘贴了,我没注意看,sina没把迈家的分扣掉么……</p><div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>ayakid</i>在2007-8-26 23:08:00的发言:</b><br/><p></p><p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em52.gif\" /></p><p>周六刊里面搞笑的东西我已经丢在之前的楼里面了</p></div><p>嗯嗯,我看到的LP贴的说~~~领奖台的金枝玉孽太好玩了 <img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em20.gif\" /></p>

ayakid 发表于 2007-8-26 23:32:00

<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>木梳</i>在2007-8-26 23:30:00的发言:</b><br/><p>嗯嗯,我看到的LP贴的说~~~领奖台的金枝玉孽太好玩了 <img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em20.gif\" /></p></div><p></p><p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" /></p><p>其实我笑翻的还是明信片那段,花布阿……小冰同学又走丢了orz</p><p>另外那个图,后来我怎么看怎么别扭,都没弄清楚哪个手哪条腿是哪个人的……</p><p>似乎俩人只有三只手?</p>

木梳 发表于 2007-8-26 23:37:00

<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>ayakid</i>在2007-8-26 23:32:00的发言:</b><br/><p></p><p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" /></p><p>其实我笑翻的还是明信片那段,花布阿……小冰同学又走丢了orz</p><p>另外那个图,后来我怎么看怎么别扭,都没弄清楚哪个手哪条腿是哪个人的……</p><p>似乎俩人只有三只手?</p></div><p>明信片,对我来说有些理解还是有难度,我懒得开字典了,于是…… </p><p>LP介意给翻译下么 <img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em18.gif\" /></p><p>那图是4只手臂啦,拦腰抱住的那条手臂没有画出手部而已</p>

木梳 发表于 2007-8-27 03:21:00

<p>实录-F1土耳其站马萨夺冠红魔揽前二 汉密尔顿爆胎</p><p><a href=\"http://sports.sina.com.cn/f1/2007-08-26/21313129840.shtml\">http://sports.sina.com.cn/f1/2007-08-26/21313129840.shtml</a></p><p>赛前:各位车迷晚上好,欢迎收看土耳其大奖赛正赛 <br/> <br/>赛前:在昨天的排位赛中,三大车队包揽了前三排,马萨获得冠军,他的队友莱科宁排在第三,汉密尔顿和阿隆索分别是二四位 <br/> <br/>赛前:库比卡和海费排在第五六位 <br/> <br/>赛前:后面是科瓦莱宁、罗斯博格、特鲁利、费斯切拉、戴维森、韦伯、库特哈德、伍尔兹、里尤兹、拉尔夫、佐藤、维泰尔、苏蒂尔、山本左近、巴顿、巴里切罗 <br/> <br/>赛前:本田的两位车手因为更换引擎被罚退后发车 <br/> <br/>赛前:暖胎圈开始了 <br/> <br/>赛前:目前气温35度,赛道温度51度,风很大 <br/> <br/>赛前:库塔在无线电中报告变速箱有问题 <br/> <br/>赛前:法拉利车队使用的是软胎,迈凯轮用的则是硬胎起跑 <br/> <br/>赛前:车手们已经回到了发车位置 <br/> <br/>第1圈:比赛开始了 <br/> <br/>第1圈:法拉利的发车很好,莱科宁超越了汉密尔顿 <br/> <br/>第1圈:阿隆索落到了宝马车队之后,掉到了第六 <br/> <br/>第1圈:迈凯轮车队从赛道脏的一侧起跑的确有些问题 <br/> <br/>第1圈:阿隆索紧紧跟在海费的车后 <br/> <br/>第2圈:特鲁利从第九位掉到了21…… <br/> <br/>第2圈:而巴里切罗从最后一位上升到了16 <br/> <br/>第2圈:佐藤从17位发车落到了最后一位 <br/> <br/>第2圈:马萨做出最快圈速 <br/> <br/>第2圈:两辆法拉利稍稍带开了一些距离 <br/> <br/>第3圈:阿隆索显得有些着急 <br/> <br/>第3圈:进弯的速度太快了,没有控制好 <br/> <br/>第3圈:慢镜头显示特鲁利在发车时被后面的赛车轻微顶到,所以落到了很后面 <br/> <br/>第3圈:现在已经追到了18位 <br/> <br/>第4圈:汉密尔顿做出最快圈速 <br/> <br/>第4圈:库塔从13位发车上升到了第9 <br/> <br/>第4圈:前面六辆车之间的差距分别维持在1秒上下 <br/> <br/>第6圈:特鲁利在弯中强硬超越了巴顿 <br/> <br/>第6圈:莱科宁刷新了最快圈速 <br/> <br/>第6圈:第七位的科瓦莱宁已经被第一集团甩开了一些 <br/> <br/>第7圈:阿隆索每圈都比前面的海费略快 <br/> <br/>第8圈:但他已经落后领先的马萨9秒多 <br/> <br/>第8圈:微薄在进弯时滑了出去,被伍尔兹超过 <br/> <br/>第9圈:韦伯回到了维修站 <br/> <br/>第9圈:他退出了 <br/> <br/>第11圈:海费的赛车打滑,阿隆索又接近了一些 <br/> <br/>第11圈:特鲁利在弯中也走大了,被巴顿反超 <br/> <br/>第12圈:库比卡首先进站,8.8秒 <br/> <br/>第13圈:而阿隆索仍然跟在海费之后 <br/> <br/>第13圈:上一站他也在海费后面跟了很长的时间 <br/> <br/>第14圈:马萨继续做出最快圈速 <br/> <br/>第14圈:他领先阿隆索已经有14秒 <br/> <br/>第14圈:汉密尔顿落后莱科宁已经有3秒 <br/> <br/>第15圈:莱科宁接着刷新最快成绩,两辆法拉利之间的距离在1秒以内 <br/> <br/>第15圈:这是第一个进入1分28的圈速 <br/> <br/>第16圈:巴顿超过了队友 <br/> <br/>第17圈:海费进站,8.8秒 <br/> <br/>第17圈:出站后在队友之前 <br/> <br/>第17圈:罗斯博格也进站了 <br/> <br/>第18圈:莱科宁也进站了 <br/> <br/>第18圈:马萨在赛道上继续刷新圈速成绩 <br/> <br/>第18圈:阿隆索也进站,9.1秒 <br/> <br/>第19圈:现在马萨也进站了,相差一圈 <br/> <br/>第19圈:马萨出站后仍然在莱科宁之前 <br/> <br/>第19圈:他前面是还没有进站的科瓦莱宁 <br/> <br/>第20圈:汉密尔顿进站,9.4秒,相当多的油 <br/> <br/>第20圈:出站后仍然在两辆法拉利之后 <br/> <br/>第20圈:目前领先的车手是科瓦莱宁 <br/> <br/>第21圈:科瓦莱宁进站,8.3秒 <br/> <br/>第21圈:出站后抢在了库比卡之前,相当不错的策略 <br/> <br/>第22圈:巴顿在内线硬超了库塔,名次上升到12 <br/> <br/>第23圈:他进站了 <br/> <br/>第24圈:第一次进站之后,马萨、莱科宁和汉密尔顿之间的距离在2秒上下 <br/> <br/>第24圈:莱科宁有被追近的趋势 <br/> <br/>第24圈:而第四的阿隆索已经落后了队友14秒多 <br/> <br/>第24圈:巴顿的赛车压上了沙石地 <br/> <br/>第26圈:五到八位是海费、科瓦莱宁、库比卡、罗斯博格 <br/> <br/>第27圈:戴维森第一次进站,6.5秒 <br/> <br/>第27圈:拉尔夫、维泰尔、佐藤是最后三个还没进站的车手 <br/> <br/>第27圈:马萨从头盔上揭下了什么物体…… <br/> <br/>第28圈:雷诺车队在催促科瓦莱宁追逐前面的海费 <br/> <br/>第29圈:维泰尔进站,他应该是一停 <br/> <br/>第29圈:莱科宁慢慢拉开了些和汉密尔顿的距离,目前两人相差3.3秒 <br/> <br/>第30圈:拉尔夫追近了第十位的库塔 <br/> <br/>第31圈:两人相差0.5秒 <br/> <br/>第32圈:莱科宁领先汉密尔顿的距离扩大到了4.4秒 <br/> <br/>第32圈:拉尔夫进站,9.1秒 <br/> <br/>第33圈:他似乎也是一停了 <br/> <br/>第34圈:莱科宁的圈速相当快,他缩小了和队友的差距到1.8秒了,而领先汉密尔顿已经有5秒 <br/> <br/>第34圈:而第四位的阿隆索仍然落后队友14秒多 <br/> <br/>第35圈:库比卡和科瓦莱宁之间的差距已经缩小到了1秒 <br/> <br/>第36圈:巴顿进站 <br/> <br/>第37圈:而另一方面,罗斯博格也有接近库比卡的趋势 <br/> <br/>第37圈:库比卡第二次进站了 <br/> <br/>第37圈:用时8.1秒 <br/> <br/>第37圈:两辆法拉利之间的差距只有半秒了 <br/> <br/>第38圈:他们目前遇到了慢车 <br/> <br/>第39圈:大部队的慢车已经被他们套圈了 <br/> <br/>第40圈:法拉利准备进站了 <br/> <br/>第40圈:但是这圈没有人进站 <br/> <br/>第41圈:还是莱科宁先进 <br/> <br/>第41圈:海费进站,7.3秒 <br/> <br/>第42圈:马萨也进站了 <br/> <br/>第42圈:6.9秒 <br/> <br/>第42圈:出站后在队友之前 <br/> <br/>第42圈:前面又遇到了慢车…… <br/> <br/>第42圈:汉密尔顿爆胎了! <br/> <br/>第43圈:右前轮爆了,他和维修站还有相当远的距离 <br/> <br/>第43圈:阿隆索刚刚离开 <br/> <br/>第43圈:汉密尔顿用了10.2秒 <br/> <br/>第44圈:出站后守在第五 <br/> <br/>第44圈:跟在海费车后 <br/> <br/>第44圈:而阿隆索因此上升到了第三 <br/> <br/>第44圈:特鲁利超越了拉尔夫 <br/> <br/>第45圈:紧接着就进站了 <br/> <br/>第45圈:总体来说,汉密尔顿的损失还不是太大…… <br/> <br/>第46圈:而法拉利车队前二的位置则更有保障了 <br/> <br/>第47圈:汉密尔顿目前的圈速比海费慢很多 <br/> <br/>第48圈:今天巴顿的表现不错,从21位发车,现在处于13位 <br/> <br/>第49圈:特鲁利又一次超越了巴里切罗 <br/> <br/>第51圈:莱科宁明显放慢了圈速,已经落后马萨有4秒 <br/> <br/>第52圈:车队催促科瓦莱宁追赶前面的汉密尔顿 <br/> <br/>第52圈:汉密尔顿的前定风翼在爆胎后有些小的损坏 <br/> <br/>第52圈:库比卡和罗斯博格之间的距离也在1秒以内 <br/> <br/>第53圈:科瓦莱宁还落后2.9秒,比赛还剩5圈了 <br/> <br/>第54圈:苏蒂尔的赛车冲上了缓冲区…… <br/> <br/>第55圈:马萨在向着他第二个土耳其分站冠军前进 <br/> <br/>第56圈:目前的车手顺序:马萨、莱科宁、阿隆索、海费、汉密尔顿、科瓦莱宁、罗斯博格、库比卡 <br/> <br/>第57圈:最后2圈了 <br/> <br/>第57圈:莱科宁在最后时刻刷新了最快圈速,抢走了马萨本站的帽子戏法 <br/> <br/>第58圈:这样前四位的车手每人获得三个分站冠军…… <br/> <br/>第58圈:马萨冲线了 <br/> <br/>:莱科宁紧跟其后,法拉利包揽前二 <br/> <br/>:阿隆索也冲线了 <br/> <br/>:后面是汉密尔顿、科瓦莱宁、罗斯博格、库比卡 <br/> <br/>:法拉利在两个积分榜上都缩小了和迈凯轮的差距,但是要获得今年的总冠军仍然任重而道远 <br/> <br/>:感谢收看今天的比赛,我们下一站再见! <br/></p>

木梳 发表于 2007-8-27 03:22:00

<p>马萨对土耳其两连冠感到吃惊 正赛中也曾遇到困难</p><p><a href=\"http://sports.sina.com.cn/f1/2007-08-26/22313129971.shtml\">http://sports.sina.com.cn/f1/2007-08-26/22313129971.shtml</a></p><p><img alt=\"马萨对土耳其两连冠感到吃惊正赛中也曾遇到困难\" src=\"http://www.sinaimg.cn/ty/f1/2007-08-26/U346P6T12D3129971F44DT20070826223255.jpg\" border=\"1\"/></p><p>新浪体育讯 北京时间8月26日晚,F1大奖赛土耳其站正式比赛在伊斯坦布尔赛道结束。法拉利车队包揽了冠亚军,从杆位发车的马萨最终以1小时26分42秒161的成绩夺冠。</p><p>  本站比赛也是马萨在土耳其的两连冠,去年他就在这里代表法拉利车队拿下了职业生涯首个杆位以及首个分站冠军,今天他复制了去年的一幕,从一发车开始就领先队友莱科宁并最终再次夺冠。</p><p>  尽管莱科宁在后面对他施加了很大压力,但是马萨仍然很好的控制住了比赛节奏,并顺利拿下了本赛季第三个分站冠军。</p><p>  “这真的令人吃惊,”马萨激动的说,“这真是梦幻般的胜利。我爱这条赛道,爱这个地方。这里是我职业生涯的转折点,这里是我赢得胜利的开始,也是我向领跑者发起挑战的地方。”</p><p>  “对我来说这是一个特殊的地方,尤其是在这里获得了两连冠后,很难找到合适的言辞来形容我的心情。”马萨补充说道,“这是一次令人激动的领奖时刻,我为能在支持我的人以及我的妈妈面前赢得比赛感到骄傲。”</p><p>  整场比赛马萨仅有的问题出现在头盔上,“头盔的冷却系统出现问题,我受到了极大的干扰,脑袋上下抖动,这令我不能集中精力,于是我将它们完全扯下来,扔掉之后感觉好些了。”</p><p>  目前马萨在车手积分榜上还落后领头羊汉密尔顿15分,下一站F1大奖赛将移师法拉利的主场<span class=\"yqlink\"><a class=\"akey\" title=\"意大利\" href=\"http://www.iask.com/n?k=%D2%E2%B4%F3%C0%FB\" target=\"_blank\"><font color=\"#000099\">意大利</font></a></span>蒙扎赛道。</p><p>  “这对我们来说是一场非常特别的比赛,因此无论是车队、车迷尤其是法拉利车迷来说,都希望我们能重复在这里的战绩。我渴望下一场比赛的到来。”</p>

木梳 发表于 2007-8-27 03:23:00

<p>KIMI:排位决定了比赛结果 当今的F1超车几无可能</p><p><a href=\"http://sports.sina.com.cn/f1/2007-08-26/22363129978.shtml\">http://sports.sina.com.cn/f1/2007-08-26/22363129978.shtml</a></p><p><img alt=\"KIMI:排位决定了比赛结果当今的F1超车几无可能\" src=\"http://www.sinaimg.cn/ty/f1/2007-08-26/U574P6T12D3129978F44DT20070826224104.jpg\" border=\"1\"/></p><p>新浪体育讯 在刚刚结束的土耳其大奖赛中,法拉利车手基米-莱科宁尾随队友马萨获得亚军。芬兰冰人在赛后表示,昨天排位赛的成绩就决定了今天的比赛结果。</p><p>  莱科宁今天位居第三位发车,芬兰人起步后很快将汉密尔顿超越升至次席。但是在之后的比赛中,他却无法将位置进一步提高。虽然曾一度在比赛中给队友施压,但是最终仍不得不接受亚军这一结果。</p><p>  “我拥有一辆非常好的赛车,但是当今的F1赛车,要超车是非常困难的。”莱科宁在比赛结束后说道。“比赛结果其实在昨天就决定了。我试着在进站时作些什么。但是当队友之间竞争时,不管随谁先进来名次都不会变。赛车很好,但是我什么也不能做。”莱科宁接着说道。</p><p>  本站比赛结束后,莱科宁在车手积分榜上从第三跌至第四,落后榜首的汉密尔顿16个积分,F1本赛季还剩下5场比赛。今天没能拿到冠军,芬兰人在很大程度上将原因归结于当今<span class=\"yqlink\"><a class=\"akey\" title=\"赛车\" href=\"http://www.iask.com/n?k=%C8%FC%B3%B5\" target=\"_blank\"><font color=\"#000099\">赛车</font></a></span>的问题。</p><p>  “跟在其他赛车后面跑太乏味了。在现阶段的F1比赛中,比赛的结果在很大程度在排位赛之后就决定了。我只想像其他赛车一样全速推进,这样有你做的。”莱科宁最后说道。</p>

木梳 发表于 2007-8-27 03:24:00

<p>点评-法拉利更像是一个团队 汉密尔顿运气不算太糟 </p><p><a href=\"http://sports.sina.com.cn/f1/2007-08-26/23003130030.shtml\">http://sports.sina.com.cn/f1/2007-08-26/23003130030.shtml</a></p><p>新浪体育讯 如果没有汉密尔顿在第43圈的那次爆胎,土耳其大奖赛也就失去了整场比赛中唯一的爆点。我们该庆幸还有这么一段插曲,让法拉利追近了积分,让接下来的五站比赛看起来更有趣了。就像昨天排位赛后说得那样,法拉利在伊斯坦布尔的目标就是“1-2”,事实证明,F2007的长途表现确实更出色,事实也证明,法拉利对两种轮胎的掌握更有数。从匈牙利到土耳其,迈凯轮车队内部的闹腾有愈演愈烈的趋势,他们的对手却是以一种团队的姿态努力追赶着。</p><p>  其实就像莱科宁在赛后说得那样,正赛的结果早在排位赛后就已经有了模样,尽管也曾在比赛中一度接近队友马萨,芬兰冰人始终也没能迈得过去。要怪就只能怪他在周六排位赛的最后一个计时圈犯了错,别无其他。法拉利的两部<span class=\"yqlink\"><a class=\"akey\" title=\"赛车\" href=\"http://www.iask.com/n?k=%C8%FC%B3%B5\" target=\"_blank\"><font color=\"#000099\">赛车</font></a></span>在发车阶段表现得相当不俗,处在路面比较干净一侧的马萨和莱科宁起步都很出色,后者更一举超过了排在第2的汉密尔顿,随后的比赛中一直跟随在队友身后。尽管汉密尔顿第一次进站要比其他三位(马、莱和阿隆索)都晚(丹尼斯透露汉密尔顿多5圈的油),鉴于法拉利在这条高速赛道本身具有一定优势,策略已经不足以成为超越的手段。</p><p>  事实说明,马萨和莱科宁的载油相当接近,两次进站都是一圈之差,法拉利现在的姿态也很端正,谁能在排位赛中处于领先,就将直接决定车队正赛中采取的战术。因此,虽然莱科宁在比赛最后创造了全场的最快圈速,也无法改变更多的结果了。</p><p>  至于阿隆索,卫冕冠军在发车阶段就接连被<span class=\"yqlink\"><a class=\"akey\" title=\"宝马\" href=\"http://www.iask.com/n?k=%B1%A6%C2%ED\" target=\"_blank\"><font color=\"#000099\">宝马</font></a></span>的两名车手超过,直到库比卡和海菲尔德先后进站才夺回第4的位置,由于与汉密尔顿的距离已经扩大至20秒以上,这样的排位似乎很难有所改变了。直到第43圈,电视转播镜头突然捕捉到汉密尔顿的右前轮爆胎,本届<span class=\"yqlink\"><a class=\"akey\" title=\"土耳其\" href=\"http://www.iask.com/n?k=%CD%C1%B6%FA%C6%E4\" target=\"_blank\"><font color=\"#000099\">土耳其</font></a></span>大奖赛才有了唯一的一波小澜。</p><p>  汉密尔顿应该感到庆幸,他是在赛道中段(9号弯)发生了这次意外,还有就是,他还没有第二次进站加油,于是在坚持跑到维修站换胎加油出去后,他还能排在第5位。此后,由于空动设备有所影响,汉密尔顿所要做的仅仅是守住这个位置。</p><p>  赛后的颁奖台上,我们看到阿隆索的心情相当不错,这个第3更像是捡来的,更关键之处在于是从他的队友身上捡来的。赛前,针对阿隆索在周五那番“没有回报”的论调,汉密尔顿也是给出了回击。迈凯轮的两位车手更像是在各自为战,显然不是什么好现象。</p><p>  宝马车手海菲尔德也是汉密尔顿爆胎的受益者,从第5上升至第4,他的队友库比卡则因为第一次进站过早最后只拿到第8。雷诺车手科瓦莱宁和威廉姆斯的罗斯博格位列第6和第7。</p><p>  马萨在赛后接受采访时表示,土耳其或许是他的一个转折点,对法拉利来说,又何尝不是呢。 </p>

木梳 发表于 2007-8-27 03:25:00

<p>汉密尔顿遭遇爆胎仍获第五 积分受损仍对总冠军乐观</p><p><a href=\"http://sports.sina.com.cn/f1/2007-08-26/23093130057.shtml\">http://sports.sina.com.cn/f1/2007-08-26/23093130057.shtml</a></p><p><img alt=\"汉密尔顿遭遇爆胎仍获第五积分受损仍对总冠军乐观\" src=\"http://www.sinaimg.cn/ty/f1/2007-08-26/U574P6T12D3130057F44DT20070826231132.jpg\" border=\"1\"/></p><p>新浪体育讯 汉密尔顿原本有希望在土耳其站拿到季军,但是由于在比赛末段爆胎,最终只获得第五名,但这已是不幸中的大幸。</p><p>  “今天有点不幸,但即便如此我们仍做了出色的工作,车队整周都做了梦幻的工作。”汉密尔顿在比赛结束后说道。</p><p>  “我认为,我们拥有和法拉利同等的速度,当你跟在他们后面跑时,你会损失一些下压力。我认为我们在比赛的大多数时间里,都能跟上他们的速度。但是当然,非常不幸。我看到一些碎片从轮胎上飞出,接着轮胎爆掉了。我相当不幸,但我没有将赛车开入沙石缓冲区,我仍然获得了积分。”</p><p>  “我不能停车。这个轮胎锁死了,我认为后轮也受到了影响,所以情况非常微妙。有些人,当他们遇到这样的情况时,他们通常会损坏自己的前翼和悬挂,所以我必须小心。但同时要尽可能快的回到维修站,避免损失太多的名次。所以考虑到这个问题,我认为工作做的相当好。”汉密尔顿接着说道。</p><p>  “当时我不认为前翼会被损坏,而且不知道车队为什么没有更换,我认为可能是更换要花费太多的时间。但是这却给<span class=\"yqlink\"><a class=\"akey\" title=\"赛车\" href=\"http://www.iask.com/n?k=%C8%FC%B3%B5\" target=\"_blank\"><font color=\"#000099\">赛车</font></a></span>带来了巨大的差异,我遇到了严重的转向不足,让我无法通过弯道,所以我不能向<span class=\"yqlink\"><a class=\"akey\" title=\"宝马\" href=\"http://www.iask.com/n?k=%B1%A6%C2%ED\" target=\"_blank\"><font color=\"#000099\">宝马</font></a></span>发起挑战。”黑小伙继续对其比赛进行详细的讲述。</p><p>  本站比赛结束后,汉密尔顿与阿隆索之间的积分优势缩小为5分,F1本赛季还剩下5场比赛。黑小伙表示,他的总冠军希望未受到任何影响。</p><p>  “这只是一个小问题。受到挫折是很正常的。我们赢了上一场比赛,而且还剩下5场比赛,但是我仍然领先5分。所以比赛没有结束,不用担心。”汉密尔顿接着说道。</p>

木梳 发表于 2007-8-27 03:25:00

<p>阿隆索承认法拉利快过迈凯轮 糟糕发车葬送夺冠梦</p><p><a href=\"http://sports.sina.com.cn/f1/2007-08-26/23203130088.shtml\">http://sports.sina.com.cn/f1/2007-08-26/23203130088.shtml</a></p><p><img alt=\"阿隆索承认法拉利快过迈凯轮糟糕发车葬送夺冠梦\" src=\"http://www.sinaimg.cn/ty/f1/2007-08-26/U346P6T12D3130088F44DT20070826232855.jpg\" border=\"1\"/></p><p>新浪体育讯 F1土耳其站正式比赛,阿隆索原本从第四位发车,但是发车过了首个弯后却落至第六,对此糟糕的发车这位两届世界冠军得主感到悲伤不已。</p><p>  超过阿隆索的是两部宝马战车,库比卡与海德菲尔德先后将他超过,西班牙人在德国人后面郁闷了好几圈才将其反超。当反超海德菲尔德成功后,阿隆索也基本上丧失了对冠军的争夺,他唯一能作的只有把持住第三的位置。</p><p>  “确实发车不如我们计划中的那般理想,你被两部赛车超越,发现自己排在第六,这种感觉并不好,”阿隆索说,“从那个时候起比赛也就很难控制了。”</p><p>  “我在尼克后面跟了17圈,正如Kimi所说,近几天来超车是件非常困难的事情。你需要等待前面的车子犯错,尼克表现的非常稳重,驾驶也非常之好。能够反超他我很幸运,之后我的比赛才刚刚开始。”</p><p>  “在那个时候我落后领跑者30多秒,我把持住我的节奏,等待奇迹的发生,不过只有汉密尔顿发生了状况,我超过了他并最终登上了领奖台,不过第三名并不是我们整个周末想要的最佳战绩。”</p><p>  “我们的发车也许并能说是最好的,不过<span class=\"yqlink\"><a class=\"akey\" title=\"宝马\" href=\"http://www.iask.com/n?k=%B1%A6%C2%ED\" target=\"_blank\"><font color=\"#000099\">宝马</font></a></span>战车每一次比赛的发车都是那么出色。我们在赛季初几站比赛中发车很好,我记得在<span class=\"yqlink\"><a class=\"akey\" title=\"马来西亚\" href=\"http://www.iask.com/n?k=%C2%ED%C0%B4%CE%F7%D1%C7\" target=\"_blank\"><font color=\"#000099\">马来西亚</font></a></span>,我们有过不错的发车,我们不断的在进取,但是显然法拉利前进的步伐比我们要大得多。”</p><p>  阿隆索受益于队友汉密尔顿轮胎出现问题才缩小了两人之间的差距,汉密尔顿最终名列第五,本站过后在车手积分榜上阿隆索已经将两人的积分差距由原来的7分缩小至现在的5分。</p><p>  不过比赛仍然在法拉利双雄的控制之内,马萨领先莱科宁第一个冲过终点。阿隆索落后26秒,在他看来,法拉利车队已经走在了(迈凯轮车队)前面。</p><p>  “我认为这是车之间的差距,”阿隆索在谈到与法拉利之间的差距时这样说,“我认为我们在轮胎上的选择与对手非常非常类似,只是在车方面存在着差异。”</p><p>  “这几场比赛下来,我们或多或少都能看到对手正在发挥他们的潜力。在马尼库尔他们非常非常之快,在银石也是一样。我们只是在匈牙利迎头赶上超过了他们,不过在那种类型的赛道获胜并不稀奇,就像摩纳哥一样。”</p><p>  “在像<span class=\"yqlink\"><a class=\"akey\" title=\"土耳其\" href=\"http://www.iask.com/n?k=%CD%C1%B6%FA%C6%E4\" target=\"_blank\"><font color=\"#000099\">土耳其</font></a></span>这样的正常赛道,他们再次占先,我们知道是到了需要改进的时候了,不过我们下一站比赛会表现的更好。”</p><p>  本站比赛也是阿隆索职业生涯第100场分站赛,他承认能够取得这样的成绩还是感到很高兴,“第100场大奖赛,我感觉很好,我现在感觉也不错,”阿隆索说,“我很高兴,尤其是取得了季军成绩后,这是整个周末以来最好的新闻了。以荣登领奖台完赛总是感觉很好,(或许)在我的职业生涯中我不会记得这一场比赛,但是现在的感觉还是十分美好。”</p><p>  “我现在仍有希望能卫冕冠军,另外他们也是一样,两名迈凯轮车手以及两名法拉利车手,都有可能夺取年度冠军。这就要取决于你在整个周末能有多幸运了。还有5场比赛总比还有1场比赛更好,更幸运的人会再一次取胜。”</p>

木梳 发表于 2007-8-27 03:26:00

<p>海费庆祝今年第四个第四 库比卡命运不同称赛车乏速</p><p><a href=\"http://sports.sina.com.cn/f1/2007-08-26/23483130147.shtml\">http://sports.sina.com.cn/f1/2007-08-26/23483130147.shtml</a></p><p>新浪体育讯 尼克-海德菲尔德在土耳其站的比赛中获得第四,赛后,德国人对于自己和车队的表现给予了高度赞扬。但是队友库比卡则拥有不同的心情。</p><p>  “我非常满意这个结果,车队做了梦幻的工作。”海德菲尔德在比赛结束后说道,德国人今天拿到了他本赛季的第四个第四名。“比赛的战术、轮胎的选择以及进站,一切都做的完美。我们将能力得到了最大限度的发挥。发车尤其充满乐趣。”</p><p>  “当灯熄灭时并不是太好,因为我处在赛道脏的一侧。但是后来我能超越处在外侧的赛车。我在一号弯刹车非常晚,又一次,我非常接近阿隆索。”海德菲尔德接着说道。</p><p>  “当然,我们梦想能在整个比赛中将其挡在身后。但是我们知道他进站要比我们晚。进站之后,他超到了我前面,而且速度更快。整场比赛我都推的很猛,只有在最后的几圈,我才感觉放松了一些。”海德菲尔德继续说道。</p><p>  本站比赛结束后,海德菲尔德进一步巩固了自己在车手积分榜上第五的位置,德国人目前已收获47个积分。但是队友库比卡就不是很开心了,波兰人虽然起跑位置更好,但是最终只获得第八名。</p><p>  “这是一场非常困难的比赛。我没能拥有足够的速度。”库比卡在比赛结束后说道,“同时当我在比赛的第一节车轻的情况下,也没能建立起足够大的领先优势。”</p><p>  “每一次当我进站时,总有一些人超过我。我在整个比赛中都没有足够的速度,而这同时意味着我不能超车。我认为我的问题牵涉到很多方面,我就是感觉<span class=\"yqlink\"><a class=\"akey\" title=\"赛车\" href=\"http://www.iask.com/n?k=%C8%FC%B3%B5\" target=\"_blank\"><font color=\"#000099\">赛车</font></a></span>很难驾驶。”库比卡接着说道。</p>

木梳 发表于 2007-8-27 03:27:00

<p>雷诺赛车研发工作见到成效 科瓦莱宁第六获阿布赞扬</p><p><a href=\"http://sports.sina.com.cn/f1/2007-08-26/23533130148.shtml\">http://sports.sina.com.cn/f1/2007-08-26/23533130148.shtml</a></p><p>新浪体育讯 北京时间8月26日,F1土耳其大奖赛的正赛在伊斯坦布尔赛道进行。</p><p>  前两个赛季的车队总冠军雷诺车队本站表现尚可,科瓦莱宁和费斯切拉最终分别取得第6和第9名。雷诺车队表示“这充分证明R27赛车最新研发成果的价值”。和大部分车手一样雷诺的两位车手都在比赛中采取了两次进站的战术,第一次进站相对晚于一些对手使他们可以有机会提升了自己的名次。</p><p>  赛后科瓦莱宁表示:“对我来说这是一场很不错的比赛。起步的时候很紧张,因为海德费尔德在进一号弯之前一直在往边上逼我,而我不得不刹车以免冲出去。在保住了我的位置之后过了几圈轮胎便开始很正常地工作,赛车的平衡也很稳定,能够保持很好的速度。两种轮胎的工作状态都很不错,最后几圈使用较软的轮胎甚至还更好一些。我们的进站非常顺利,策略也是恰到好处。从欧洲站比赛我们开始实验研发的成果后,我们一直在寻找机会证明我们的进步。今天我们做到了这一点。下一步我们将在意大利争取再向前迈进。”</p><p>  费斯切拉表示发车后在一号弯发生的碰撞“毁”了自己的比赛:“特鲁利突然刹车,我已经无处可躲,结果是我下落了几位,而他的<span class=\"yqlink\"><a class=\"akey\" title=\"赛车\" href=\"http://www.iask.com/n?k=%C8%FC%B3%B5\" target=\"_blank\"><font color=\"#000099\">赛车</font></a></span>打转。这也毁了他的比赛,对此我想说很抱歉。当然这也让我最终没能获得积分。后来的比赛我只能咬牙猛追,希望前面有人退出,可惜没有,当然我们的速度还是相当不错的。”</p><p>  车队经理布里亚托利赛后表示:“科瓦莱宁的表现非常好。很遗憾费斯切拉的成绩一般,因为我们的车其实很不错。很长时间以来我们终于有机会和<span class=\"yqlink\"><a class=\"akey\" title=\"宝马\" href=\"http://www.iask.com/n?k=%B1%A6%C2%ED\" target=\"_blank\"><font color=\"#000099\">宝马</font></a></span>展开竞争,我觉得这才是我们真正应该做到的。今天大家都没犯错,整个周末车队的工作都很出色。现在我们可以带着一些乐观的希望前往蒙扎和斯帕了。”</p><p>  负责车队技术工作的西蒙兹说:“在令人失望的前两场比赛过后我们终于看到了近来赛车研发成果带来的效应。整场比赛两台赛车的表现都很强,科瓦莱宁的成绩是他应该取得的,如果不是一号弯的事故费斯切拉应该可以获得同样好的名次。总的来说今天的成绩是大家近来辛苦工作最好的回报,而且证明我们的前进方向是正确的。”</p>

木梳 发表于 2007-8-27 03:28:00

<p>罗斯伯格迎来预想不到结果 伍尔兹成绩本能更好</p><p><a href=\"http://sports.sina.com.cn/f1/2007-08-27/00183130177.shtml\">http://sports.sina.com.cn/f1/2007-08-27/00183130177.shtml</a></p><p>新浪体育讯 F1土耳其站比赛,威廉姆斯车队小罗斯伯格最终取得了第七名,赛后这位德国新秀承认这是一个他没有预想到的成绩,对此成绩他感到高兴。</p><p>  “在整个周末比赛开始之前,我根本没有想到过我们能够在正赛中拿到第七名的成绩,因此我非常的高兴……这是一场精彩的比赛。”小罗斯伯格兴奋的说道,整场比赛他都在跟宝马-索伯车队库比卡纠缠,最终他领先波兰人冲过了终点线。“能够击败宝马车队库比卡我也非常高兴,我没有想到他会在我们之前进站,我们击败他们是正大光明的。”</p><p>  “在最后时刻比赛变得越加困难,不过战车的操控性十分好,轮胎磨损比我预想中的快了些,因此我只能继续艰难前行。”小罗斯伯格补充说道,“能够在两站比赛中均拿到2个积分,这真是太棒了,我现在渴望蒙扎站的到来,希望我们的积分能继续增长。”</p><p>  小罗斯伯格的队友、奥地利人伍尔兹从第14位发车,最终以第11名的成绩完赛。如果不是浪费了些时间,伍尔兹本能以第9名的成绩完赛。</p><p>  “我的发车很好,我感觉很适合第一套轮胎,它能令我攻击对手,”伍尔兹说,“在首次进站后,很多车手因为采用的是一次进站策略,所以他们超过了我,显然我浪费了一些时间。”</p><p>  “取得第9名是完全有可能的,因此我从始至终都在不断努力,炎热的天气对我来说不是问题,今天的比赛是场意志力的考验。祝贺尼克,他今天的驾驶真是梦幻般的。”</p>

木梳 发表于 2007-8-27 03:28:00

<p>汉密尔顿否认银箭慢于红魔 老板称小汉有机会入前二</p><p><a href=\"http://sports.sina.com.cn/f1/2007-08-27/01003130244.shtml\">http://sports.sina.com.cn/f1/2007-08-27/01003130244.shtml</a></p><p>新浪体育讯 迈凯轮在土耳其站的比赛,一开始便不妙:汉密尔顿发车被KIMI超越,阿隆索掉到两辆宝马身后,瞬间就失去了比赛的主动权。再加上法拉利的赛车在绝对速度上拥有优势(尽管汉密尔顿不这么认为),汉密尔顿遭遇爆胎,因此最终能能带着10个积分离开伊斯坦布尔,已经很不容易。但是两位车手和领队在谈及比赛时,却有着各自的观点。</p><p>  阿隆索在比赛结束后这样说道:“发车损失了两个位置在计划之外,所以当我进入第一弯掉到第六时,我的比赛就差不多结束了。我开始跟着海德菲尔德跑了17圈,要超越他是非常困难的。”</p><p>  “但幸运的是,我们能在第一轮进站时完成该目标。而从那时开始,我的比赛才真正开始。非常不幸,我当时被落下了30秒,鉴于此,季军已是不错的结果。当汉密尔顿爆胎后,车队曾告诉我多加小心,避免发生同样的问题。但是我已经落后的很多了,这没有给我的比赛带来太多的不同。”阿隆索接着说道。</p><p>  汉密尔顿虽然遭遇爆胎,但是最终仍获得第五名。黑小伙在赛后这样说道:“有点不走运,但是我仍然做了很好的工作,而且车队整个周末都是梦幻般的。我认为,我们拥有和法拉利同等的速度,当你跟在别人后面跑时,你会损失一些下压力。我认为我们在比赛的大多数时间里,都能跟上他们的速度。”</p><p>  随后,汉密尔顿讲述了爆胎的过程:“我看到一些碎片从轮胎上飞出,接着当我在9号弯刹车时爆掉了。幸运的是我没有将<span class=\"yqlink\"><a class=\"akey\" title=\"赛车\" href=\"http://www.iask.com/n?k=%C8%FC%B3%B5\" target=\"_blank\"><font color=\"#000099\">赛车</font></a></span>开入沙石缓冲区,而是设法将其开回了维修站。最终我只损失了两个位置,我仍然获得了一些积分,我仍在车手积分榜上拥有5分的领先优势。所以并不是完全糟糕。”汉密尔顿接着说道。</p><p>  丹尼斯在赛后表示,汉密尔顿如果不是因为爆胎,可能有机会向法拉利发起挑战。“这场比赛我们一直都认为是一个挑战。所以总体上我们并不为今天的结果感到太失望。我们比赛速度很好,阿隆索和汉密尔顿都表现强劲。”</p><p>  “汉密尔顿的轮胎爆掉发生在不幸的时间,因为他拥有足够的燃油比法拉利多跑几圈,所以如果没有这次事故,我们最后可能有机会向他们发起挑战。但不管怎样,我们现在已将目光投向下一场在蒙扎的比赛,我们希望届时的表现能比本周强。”丹尼斯说道。</p>

木梳 发表于 2007-8-27 03:29:00

<p>马萨呼吁跃马继续1-2方程式 KIMI:蒙扎定要跑好排位</p><p><a href=\"http://sports.sina.com.cn/f1/2007-08-27/02173130684.shtml\">http://sports.sina.com.cn/f1/2007-08-27/02173130684.shtml</a></p><p>新浪体育讯 法拉利兑现了从土耳其站开始全力反击的诺言!马萨与莱科宁以1-2名完赛,让车队的制造商积分添加了18分,同迈凯轮之间的积分差距缩小为11分。与此同时,在车手积分方面没,两车手与汉密尔顿之间的差距也减至15分和16分。F1本赛季还剩下5场比赛。法拉利如果希望争夺两个世界冠军的话,还需要更多这样的比赛结果。</p><p>  马萨在比赛结束后这样说道:“这里对我来讲变成了一个特殊的地方。夺冠的感觉太棒了。我保持住了整场比赛的注意力,试着控制局势。只有当第二节的比赛比赛临近结束时,我在7号弯出了一个小错,导致我损失了与KIMI之间的一些优势。”</p><p>  “我做了非常出色的发车。尽管不得不说这是一场困难的比赛,但是<span class=\"yqlink\"><a class=\"akey\" title=\"赛车\" href=\"http://www.iask.com/n?k=%C8%FC%B3%B5\" target=\"_blank\"><font color=\"#000099\">赛车</font></a></span>的表现真的非常完美。面对赛季的最后一部分比赛,今天的结果是一个巨大的鼓舞。度过这样一个周末后前往蒙扎,真的是梦幻般的。我们必须以同样的方式继续工作,做出最有力的反击。”马萨接着说道。</p><p>  莱科宁从第三位发车,最终获得亚军。“当然,我也希望能夺冠。但是比赛的结果可能在昨天的排位赛之后就决定了。当你的主要对手是你的队友时,存在的未知因素是很少的,而且追上的空间更小。”</p><p>  “然而,重要的是让两辆法拉利跑在所有对手的前面,无论怎样,我们缩小了同积分领跑者之间的差距。我的发车很好,接着赛车有一些转向不足,但是在几圈之后消失了。第二套轮胎工作的没有第一套胎好。”莱科宁接着说道。</p><p>  随后,芬兰人谈到了他在比赛最后阶段作出最快圈速的原因:“结束时的最快圈速?我整场比赛跟在另一辆车后面跑有点枯燥,所以我想看看我到底能跑多快。在蒙扎,我必须尽最大努力跑好排位赛,以给予正赛最好的开赛局势。”莱科宁接着说道,芬兰冰人的话暗示了他本站比赛失败之处。</p>

ayakid 发表于 2007-8-27 06:59:00

<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>木梳</i>在2007-8-27 3:25:00的发言:</b><p>  “当时我不认为前翼会被损坏,而且不知道车队为什么没有更换,我认为可能是更换要花费太多的时间。但是这却给<span class=\"yqlink\"><a class=\"akey\" title=\"赛车\" href=\"http://www.iask.com/n?k=%C8%FC%B3%B5\" target=\"_blank\"><font color=\"#000099\">赛车</font></a></span>带来了巨大的差异,我遇到了严重的转向不足,让我无法通过弯道,所以我不能向<span class=\"yqlink\"><a class=\"akey\" title=\"宝马\" href=\"http://www.iask.com/n?k=%B1%A6%C2%ED\" target=\"_blank\"><font color=\"#000099\">宝马</font></a></span>发起挑战。”黑小伙继续对其比赛进行详细的讲述。</p></div><p>\"I <strong>did think</strong> that the front wing would be broken and I don\'t know why (the team didn\'t change it), I think because it\'s too much time to change it. But, yeah, it made a huge difference and I had a huge understeer and I couldn\'t get around corners, so I couldn\'t challenge the BMW.\" </p><p>原文如此</p>

cucu911 发表于 2007-8-27 09:37:00

<h2>Turkish Grand Prix - selected driver quotes</h2><p>Felipe Massa on his second successive Turkish Grand Prix victory for Ferrari; Renault’s Giancarlo Fisichella on his first-lap collision with Toyota’s Jarno Trulli; and Red Bull’s Mark Webber on his early exit in Istanbul. All 22 drivers review Sunday’s action…<br/><br/><b>Felipe Massa, Ferrari (1st):</b><br/>\"This is becoming a special place for me! It is a really great win! I maintained my concentration for the whole race, trying to control the situation. Only towards the end of the second stint did I make a small mistake at Turn Seven which cost me the gap I had over Kimi, who closed right up to me. I made a very good start and the car behaved perfectly even though it has to be said it was a difficult race. Today\'s result is a great encouragement when looking to the final part of the season. It is fantastic to head to Monza after a weekend like this. We must continue to work in this same way and give it our best shot.\"<br/><br/><b>Kimi Raikkonen, Ferrari (2nd):</b><br/>\"Of course I would like to have won but probably the race was decided in yesterday afternoon\'s qualifying session. When your main rival is your team mate, there are less unknown factors and even less room to come up with something. However, the important thing is to have put two Ferraris in front of everyone else and, in any case, we have made up ground on the championship leader. I got a good start then I had a bit of understeer which went away after a few laps. The second set of tyres did not work as well as the first. The quick lap at the end? I was a bit bored with spending the whole race behind another car and so I tried to see how quick I could have been. In Monza I will have to try and do a good qualifying to be in the best possible situation for the race.\"<br/><br/><b>Fernando Alonso, McLaren (3rd):</b><br/>“It was not the plan to lose two places at the start, and so my race was pretty much over when I came into the first corner in sixth place. I was following Nick Heidfeld for 17 laps at the start, and it was very difficult to overtake him. Fortunately we were able to do this in the first round of pitstops and that was when my race could really start. Unfortunately I was 30 seconds down at that point, so third was a good result considering. I was told by the team to take it easy after Lewis Hamilton’s puncture to avoid the same thing happening to me, but as I was already quite far back it did not make too much of a difference to my race.”<br/><br/><b>Nick Heidfeld, BMW Sauber (4th):</b><br/>“I am very happy about this result, as the team did a fantastic job. The race strategy, the tyre choice and the pit stops - everything worked perfectly. We made the most out of everything. The start especially was great fun. As the lights went out it wasn’t so good, because I was on the dirty side, but then I was able to overtake the others on the outside. I was braking very late for turn one and, once again, I came very close to Fernando Alonso. Of course I dreamt I could keep him behind me over the distance, but we knew he would refuel later than me. After the stop he was in front of me and he was also faster. I pushed very hard for the whole race, and only in the very last laps I felt a little less pressure.”<br/><br/><b>Lewis Hamilton, McLaren (5th):</b><br/>“A little bit unfortunate but still we did a good job, and the team was fantastic all weekend. We had the pace of the Ferraris, but when you are behind you lose a little bit of downforce; we were just matching them for most of the race. I saw some bits fly off the tyre and then it just blew on braking into Turn Nine. It was lucky that I didn’t put the car in the gravel and managed to control it back to the pits, as this meant that in the end I only lost two places. We still got some good points and I remain in the lead of the championship by five points, so it is not all bad.”<br/><br/><b>Heikki Kovalainen, Renault (6th):</b><br/>“This was a really good race for me. The start was quite exciting, as Heidfeld pushed me very wide on the run to the first corner, and I had to back off quite a lot. But I defended my position aggressively and once the tyres started working properly after a few laps, the car balance was stable and the pace was consistent. Both types of tyre worked well on our car today, although it felt a little more comfortable in the final laps on the softer one. The team did a great job with the pit-stops, and the strategy was spot on. Ever since Nurburgring when we introduced some new developments, we have been looking for the chance to prove they were a step forward, and I think this race has done that. Now, we need to get our heads down and try to make another step at Monza.”<br/><br/><b>Nico Rosberg, Williams (7th):</b><br/>“Before this weekend started, I didn’t expect that we would finish the race in seventh, so I am very pleased - it was a great race. I am also very happy to have beaten Kubica in the BMW - I didn’t expect him to pit before us and we beat him fair and square. Towards the end of the race it became more difficult, but the car handled pretty well and the tyre graining was there for a shorter time than I anticipated, so I could continue to push hard. It was great to win two points for both championships and now I am looking forward to Monza, hoping that we can add to our points tally.”<br/><br/><b>Robert Kubica, BMW Sauber (8th):</b><br/>“It was a very hard race and I just hadn’t got enough speed. Also when I was lighter in the first stint I could not build up a big enough gap. Every time I pitted someone was overtaking me. I did not have enough speed throughout the whole race, and this also meant I was not able to overtake. I suppose my problems were a bit of everything and I just found the car difficult to drive.”<br/><br/><b>Giancarlo Fisichella, Renault (9th):</b><br/>“My race was compromised by what happened at the first corner. Jarno (Trulli) braked very suddenly in front of me, I had nowhere to go and ended up hitting him, which cost me positions and made him spin. That ruined his race, and I am sorry, but it also cost me the chance of finishing in the points. After that, it was tough: I just had to drive flat out, and hope for retirements. Unfortunately that didn\'t happen, but the pace of the car was not too bad.”<br/><br/><b>David Coulthard, Red Bull (10th):</b><br/>“I made a good start and made up a few places, I think four, and thereafter I found the car to be a bit inconsistent which did not help me maintain a good pace throughout the race, especially when I had a bit of fuel on board. Now we will just have to see what we can find for the next race in Monza.”<br/><br/><b>Alexander Wurz, Williams (11th):</b><br/>“My start was good and I felt comfortable on my first set of tyres which allowed me to attack. After the first stop, however, it was really close because a lot of people who were on a one-stop strategy went past me and that obviously cost me a bit of time. Ninth may have been possible and so I was pushing from first to last lap, heat is never an issue for me, even if mentally it was a bit tough today. But my nature is always to push! Congratulations to Nico (Rosberg) who really had a fantastic drive.<br/><br/><b>Ralf Schumacher, Toyota (12th):</b><br/>“I am not really happy with the result. I think we had the speed, but I couldn\'t really push early in the race and the car was not ideal with the hard tyres, so I lost a bit of time. Also, because I was on a one-stop strategy my car was very heavy and that made it hard to push earlier in the race. But it was the right strategy as it was very difficult from where we were on the grid. As we have seen on Friday, we have decent race speed and when I was in clear air my pace was not so bad in the end. My lap times got better towards the end of the race and they were actually quite good. If our result in qualifying had been better we would have been able to score points. We can definitely expect to fight for points in the remaining races, starting at Monza in two weeks.”<br/><br/><b>Jenson Button, Honda (13th):</b><br/>“It was a lot of fun passing ten cars! If you put to one side where we finished - because 13th position is still far from a good result - I think we had a reasonable race compared to the last one. I had a good time and was able to pass quite a few of the midfield competitors that we\'ve been struggling to keep pace with in recent races. Obviously starting from the back of the grid is not something I want to have to repeat but we did a good job to fight for something better and I think the team can be pleased with our performance today.”<br/><br/><b>Anthony Davidson, Super Aguri (14th):</b><br/>\"It was a good start, but then I got sandwiched going into Turn One between Coulthard and Fisichella. Fisichella and Trulli touched, Trulli spun and I had to go on the outside of him off the track and when I rejoined I touched another car and damaged my front end, which definitely affected the balance of my car.<br/><br/>\"It was a tough race from there on really. We had a good strategy. We got ahead of the Toro Rosso, which was who I was fighting with all race, so it is a shame to have had a bit of contact at the start. After that, it was a good clean race and it felt good to finish another Grand Prix.\"<br/><br/><b>Vitantonio Liuzzi, Toro Rosso (15th):</b><br/>“Overall, this was actually quite a good race from my point of view and the most important thing is that I finished. I had some problems with a harsh upshift in the first stint and towards the end I eased off a bit to look after the engine. It was good to see the chequered flag. I had a strong race but unfortunately the finish position is not so good, but hardly anyone stopped ahead of us. I am happy to have driven without making any mistakes. I had some good fights with Fisichella at the beginning and then with others at least for a few corners. Even though it is such a tough circuit I felt fine at the end.”<br/><br/><b>Jarno Trulli, Toyota (16th):</b><br/>“We had the opportunity to get a better result but that is racing. It was a shame because the car was well balanced throughout the race and this is thanks to the hard work back at the factory. There was no clear lap for me to show my potential but the feeling of the car was good. The start went well but unfortunately at the first corner Fisichella hit me at the back and I lost a lot of positions. These things can happen. After that I overtook many cars and I had a lot of battles but when you end up at the back it is so difficult to catch up. With our strategy we were hoping to challenge for points but after the first lap that was clearly not possible. Now I will try to forget this race and focus on my home race in Monza. I enjoy racing in Italy so I hope we can get a better result there.”<br/><br/><b>Rubens Barrichello, Honda (17th):</b><br/>“Obviously today was always going to be difficult starting from the back of the field. The car was moving around quite a bit from corner to corner and there wasn\'t much I could do from where we started.”<br/><br/><b>Takuma Sato, Super Aguri (18th):</b><br/>\"It was a tough race. I did not have a very good start off the line, but I held my position. I was optimistic that I would be able to gain some positions in the back of the queue into Turn One, but just in front of me one of the Toyota cars spun and completely blocked my line. <br/><br/>\"I had to brake really hard and to avoid him I had to go round the outside and I lost many places. From then on I had a very tough race and nothing else really happening. It is a shame to finish the race weekend like this, but we just struggled with grip all weekend and continue to lack the pace.\"<br/><br/><b>Sebastian Vettel, Toro Rosso (19th):</b><br/>“I had a good start and got away well, but as I upshifted through the gears I lost a bit of momentum. Especially in the first stint I was unable to match the pace of those ahead, particularly down the straight. Apart from that, my biggest problem was at the pit stop when the engine stalled, so we had to re-start it and I was then in neutral instead of first, so it cost me a few seconds. Overall, it was a tough race, and we have to see now why we were not able to run at the pace we had expected. Now, I am looking forward to having my first proper test with the team at Monza next week. As for today, I would prefer to feel a lot more tired than I do, but me much higher up the order!”<br/><br/><b>Sakon Yamamoto, Spyker (20th):</b><br/>“First of all I would like to thank the team as my aim was to finish the race and I\'ve achieved my target, so I am really happy. It was not that easy as I stalled in the pit stop as the fuel pressure was low, but I did not lose too much time with this thankfully. For Monza we should have the B-spec so I am looking forward to this next race. I will go through the data and then prepare for this race and the next test in just a couple of days.”<br/><br/><b>Adrian Sutil, Spyker (21st):</b><br/>“I had a very good start but then I had to go wide as a car was spinning. I didn\'t lose any places though and the first stint was very competitive. I knew I was quicker than the Toro Rosso but I couldn\'t find a way past. Then in the pits I stalled and got stuck in gear and as Sakon (Yamamoto) was coming in soon after me they had to put the car in the garage to restart. It is a shame as I had hoped to have a good race, but you know it happens. We did do some really strong lap times though and the stint with the harder tyres got better and better especially the last laps. It was just on the last lap that we had some problems with fuel pressure and I had to stop before the chequered flag.”<br/><br/><b>Mark Webber, Red Bull (DNF):</b><br/>“It looks like it was hydraulics. It’s a shame because I was fuelled to go for a long stint, longer than those directly ahead of us and I was just sitting in there, ready to go for it for the rest of the race. On the lap before I stopped I started to have problems with downshifting and then the team called me in to retire.”</p>

cucu911 发表于 2007-8-27 09:38:00

<h2>FIA post-race press conference - Turkey</h2><p>1st Felipe Massa (Ferrari), 1h26m42.161s; 2nd Kimi Raikkonen (Ferrari), 1h26m44.436s; 3rd Fernando Alonso (McLaren), 1h27m08.342s.<br/><br/><b>Q: Felipe, from the pole you have won your second Turkish Grand Prix.<br/>Felipe Massa:</b> It’s amazing. The third time here in Istanbul but the second race in a row winning from pole. I love the track, I love the place and here is where my career made a switch and I started to win races and fight with the front runners. It is a very special place for me and to have a second consecutive win here, it’s difficult to find the right words…<br/><br/><b>Q: It looked like a dominating win from the outside. Talk about it from your perspective. We saw a little drama with your helmet at one point and of course a big surprise for everybody in the pit lane to see both Ferraris on the softer of the two Bridgestone tyres for the first two stints.<br/>FM:</b> The helmet had a crack on the cooling system and I had big turbulence. My head started to go up and I was losing a lot of concentration, so I just took it away and it made a bit of strange behaviour on the straight but then it was better. With the tyres, on Friday we made a long run on both tyres and it was pretty similar, with maybe just one or two tenths between them. We knew that Friday to Sunday the track changes a lot and the soft tyre should improve even more, so we took a bit of a gamble although it was a pretty safe risk. Especially for the start, we knew that the soft would be better and we had fantastic starts; Kimi overtook Lewis and we had a very good race on the soft.<br/><br/><b>Q: A great day for you to have your family at the race, your Dad had a lot of TV time!<br/>FM:</b> Yes! He is very emotional, like me, and on the podium for sure the TV likes to take this kind of experience from people. But I am really proud to win in front of him, and my mother as well. <br/><br/><b>Q: Kimi, it looked like a frustrating day for you. As Felipe said, you got into second place from the start but that’s where you stayed. You pushed Felipe pretty hard going into the second pit stop.<br/>Kimi Raikkonen:</b> Yeah, we had a pretty good car but unfortunately these days in Formula One it’s pretty difficult to get past, so the race was really decided yesterday already. If nothing else I pushed hard and got as close as I could and tried to do something at the pit stops, but when two team-mates are fighting it is usually that whoever is first is going to stay there. The car was really good but there was nothing I could have done.<br/><br/><b>Q: Again you chose the softer of the two Bridgestone tyres. Was that a big decision going into the race, how it was going to perform?<br/>KR:</b> I think as Felipe said we were pretty confident that both tyres would work pretty well. It was not a big difference and we decided to take the soft one for the start for many reasons and it worked well. It was still difficult to say which one would have been better. They were very equal. <br/><br/><b>Q: Fernando, you were beaten off the line and into the first corner by the two BMWs so, I guess, to be here in P3 is a nice reward for you?<br/>Fernando Alonso:</b> Yeah, for sure. The start did not go to plan and to be overtaken by two cars and find yourself sixth at the first corner was not great. My race was a little bit over from that time. I was following Nick for 17 laps and as Kimi said, these days in Formula One it is very, very difficult to overtake. You need to wait for a mistake from the car in front of you and Nick was very consistent and driving very well, so I waited for the pit stop and I was lucky to overtake him. Then my race started but I was half a minute behind everybody at that point and I just took my pace and concentrated on being consistent, not making a mistake and waiting for the miracle, which only happened with Hamilton. But third, for sure, is not the best result from the weekend.<br/><br/><b>Q: Ferrari was pulling away from you and Lewis pretty comprehensively in the closing stages of the race. How much of that was tyre choice perhaps, taking the race as a whole, and how much of it was the difference between the two cars on this circuit?<br/>FA:</b> I think that it was the car to be honest. I think with the tyres we found the prime very similar compared with the option but slightly better, more consistent and I still think the prime was the right choice for the race, to be sure. The last stint I did with the option I found the car to be a little bit worse, so that confirms that the prime tyre was better for our car. It was very windy today and we know when it is windy we have more difficulty and found that again today. <br/><br/><b>Q: Well Felipe, we now go to the Italian Grand Prix with Ferrari having another 1-2 behind them, so what’s that race going to be like for you and the team?<br/>FM:</b> It is a very special race for us so hopefully we can repeat the result here. It would be fantastic for the team, for the people, for the tifosi, so I’m looking forward to the race. <br/><br/><b>PRESS CONFERENCE<br/><br/>Q: As I said yesterday, Felipe, you’re a bit of a Turkish specialist now.<br/>FM:</b> Maybe after three races and two wins here it can be a special track for me. It is fantastic to win for the second time in a row here in Turkey, starting from the pole, having a good car. A difficult race but I managed to keep my concentration. <br/><br/><b>Q: What was happening when Kimi was catching you at the end of the second stint?<br/>FM:</b> The gap was pretty similar throughout the stint but then Kimi started to run two tenths quicker and I started to push again. Then I just made a small mistake going into Turn 7 and Kimi was just able to close the gap completely. But the gap was okay to control, the balance was okay and the car was easy to drive, so it was not so difficult but the small mistake made my life a little bit more difficult. <br/><br/><b>Q: Just explain again what the problem was with your helmet, the visor?<br/>FM:</b> We have a cooling system just on the top and the plastic part cracked and started to go up and so I had huge turbulence and my head started to move a lot – going up and under braking going completely down. That was disturbing me a lot and so I just broke the cooling flap completely and managed to take it away.<br/><br/><b>Q: How many laps did you suffer that for?<br/>FM:</b> Five or six laps before I broke it. It was still a bit difficult in terms of turbulence but a lot better.<br/><br/><b>Q: Kimi, tell us about the start.<br/>KR:</b> I got a good start as we were hoping for but that’s about it – I was following Felipe all race long and there was nothing I could have done. <br/><br/><b>Q: How did you see the end of that first stint?<br/>KR:</b> It was good. I had a little bit too much understeer at the start and I couldn’t push as hard as I wanted. The car got better and better and in the end was very good and very easy to drive. But I had big difficulties with the handling at the start of the second stint. At the end I could go very fast but when you have two guys behind each other in the same team, usually the second guy has to pit first and there is nothing more I could have done.<br/><br/><b>Q: But a little bit of a statement two laps from the end?<br/>KR:</b> Yeah, but it’s so boring behind other cars. Unfortunately in Formula One these days the races are pretty much decided after qualifying, so it’s a shame.<br/><br/><b>Q: Fastest lap, two laps from the end, similar to Hungary…<br/>KR:</b> Yeah, it’s something to do. <br/><br/><b>Q: Fernando, close behind Heidfeld but you weren’t catching Lewis. That gap remained pretty much the same between the two of you, about 14 seconds in the second stint. <br/>FA:</b> Yes. The start was quite bad and after I found myself sixth on the first lap, I thought the race was over because if you overtake them quite quickly in the first five laps, you still have a possibility but if not, it becomes very difficult. It was exactly like that. Lap 18, when I pitted, I managed to get in front of Nick and start my race but I was 14 seconds behind the third guy and I pushed, as hard as I could, but the gap always remained the same. I was just cruising a little bit to the end, from lap 30. <br/><br/><b>Q: But as Peter said, to be on the rostrum having been sixth must be something of a relief.<br/>FA:</b> Yeah, for sure. If someone told me on lap two that I would be on the podium it would not have been easy to believe and I would be very happy and I would sign anywhere if someone told me that. At the end, the final result is the best thing of the weekend for sure, but there are some other moments that were not so good: like yesterday in qualifying, today the start, the pace of the Ferraris compared to us in the race, many things that we need to improve for the next Grand Prix. <br/><br/><b>Q: Is the pace of the Ferraris quite worrying? <br/>FA:</b> Well, we more or less knew that, because we are coming from some races where we saw their potential: in Magny-Cours they were very very quick, in Silverstone they were very quick again. The only race where we were back on the pace was maybe Hungary and that was not a surprise because it’s a very slow circuit and something like Monaco. We know that that type of circuit is quite good for us, but coming to a normal circuit like Turkey, they are on top again. We know that we need to improve but next race will be better. <br/><br/><b>QUESTIONS FROM THE FLOOR<br/><br/>Q: (Juha P&auml;&auml;talo – Financial Times Germany) Kimi, you already said that this is your second race in a row where you are following the leading car and you said it’s a little bit boring being there, but having said that, you did the fastest lap in both races. Is that just to keep you awake or is it more to try and see how much you can get out of the car? <br/>KR:</b> I think we can get more out of the car if we really push but there’s no point in really wasting your second position to push like crazy and maybe go off so… It was just that I wanted to try and see how good the car was and maybe we can learn something. As I said, it’s a bit boring because you quite often know, especially after the pit stop, where the other cars will stop and that’s it. You know that you cannot really do anything if you don’t get past the guys and it’s very difficult to get past. <br/><br/><b>Q: (Sal Zanca – Associated Press) Fernando, do miracles happen and what did you say to yourself when Hamilton’s tyre shredded? <br/>FA:</b> Nothing, to be honest, because the race was still going on, and I had 20 or 18 laps to go or whatever. The team told me on the radio ‘be careful because it seems that you may have the same problem that happened on Lewis’s car because at the pit stop we are seeing that your tyres are not in perfect shape either, so take care of the car in these last 15 or 18 laps, in order not to have the same problem.’ So I wasn’t thinking anything special, I was just taking care of my car. <br/><br/><b>Q: (Ian Parkes – The Press Association) For all three of you: how much has Lewis’s puncture helped your title chances? <br/>FA:</b> Nothing changes, to be honest. The gap for me is only two points difference, so at the end of the day it’s just a second and third place, or a first and second. I’m still losing points from the last two races. If you take Hungary and here, I recovered two points here, I lost five in Hungary, so I’m three worse than what I was in Nürburgring so it’s still the same. As long as all four top cars finish all the races, the gaps don’t increase or decrease too much, so it’s still very open for the last final three races that will probably be the last chance for everybody. <br/><b>FM:</b> It helped me six points. <br/><b>KR:</b> Yeah, it was definitely better for us. We know that anything can happen in a race, we gained more than if we had finished third, so it’s helping but there are still many races to go, so we just need to keep pushing and try to win and see what happens. <br/><br/><b>Q: (Andrea Cremonesi – La Gazzetta dello Sport) A question for the two Ferrari drivers: did the positions on the grid decide who will stop earlier than the other in the two different stints?<br/>FM:</b> It was decided yesterday in qualifying. I had one lap more fuel than him (Kimi). <br/><br/><b>Q: (Andrea Cremonesi – La Gazzetta dello Sport) Fernando, your Grand Prix was not very good from the beginning; is it because you don’t like this circuit or was there something else that disturbed you during this weekend? <br/>FA:</b> No, no, nothing special. It’s true that from Friday it was not an easy weekend, but we found the pace yesterday in qualifying - especially in Q1 and Q2 the car felt good again. Q3 was looking good until the last new tyre run, so we found the pace there. Today, starting fourth, if I was fourth in turn one I would probably follow everybody, overtaking would maybe be impossible but maybe I was fourth following everybody with no problems. It’s true that it hasn’t been an easy weekend but nothing was disturbing me. <br/><br/><b>Q: (Heikki Kulta – Turun Sanomat) Kimi, is starting from pole the only way to win at Monza also? <br/>KR:</b> Not really. It depends how much fuel you have against the others but racing with teammates, you know exactly much fuel the other guy has, so when you are in that situation, you pretty much know what will happen in the race. If it’s someone else it’s a different story but for sure, pole position makes your life easier, you have better chances but it doesn’t really decide the race completely. <br/><br/><b>Q: (Adrian Rodriguez Huber – Agencia Efe) Fernando, how are your feelings after this one hundredth GP? Are you happy, could you be happier? And of the last five races, which ones do you think will be best for you and how confident do you feel in winning your third title? <br/>FA:</b> I can’t remember the first question any more! The hundredth Grand Prix. I felt good and I’m feeling good now. I feel happy, as I said before, especially because of the result; that was the best news of the weekend. To be on the podium is always a nice feeling and given the start of the race, it was a nice finish to the weekend, to be on the podium. I won’t remember this Grand Prix for the rest of my life but it has been quite good at the end. And the chances for the title? They are still there for everybody, still all four drivers – two McLaren and two Ferrari drivers – with possibilities to win the title. You see ups and downs for everybody. It depends on how the weekend goes, how lucky you are in that particular weekend, so five races to go and the better one and the lucky one will win in the end. <br/><br/><b>Q: (Peter Hesseler – Auto Bild) Fernando and the Ferrari drivers as well. Is it the wrong impression that you have generally started worse this year or has it changed since the beginning of the year when Ferrari lost some places? <br/>FA:</b> It’s true that our start is probably not the best. We know that the BMWs start really really well, every weekend. For us, it’s true that at the beginning of the championship we were having good starts, sometimes overtaking the Ferraris. I remember Malaysia, I remember Australia or I don’t know where. Obviously we haven’t made our starts worse, we keep improving but for sure the Ferraris did a bigger step forward than us.</p>

vivic 发表于 2007-8-27 12:17:00

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vivic 发表于 2007-8-27 14:56:00

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木梳 发表于 2007-8-28 09:56:00

<p>普利司通分析红魔选胎明智 汉密尔顿爆胎原因在调查</p><p><a href=\"http://sports.sina.com.cn/f1/2007-08-27/03243130850.shtml\">http://sports.sina.com.cn/f1/2007-08-27/03243130850.shtml</a></p><p><img alt=\"普利司通分析红魔选胎明智汉密尔顿爆胎原因在调查\" src=\"http://www.sinaimg.cn/ty/f1/2007-08-27/U574P6T12D3130850F44DT20070827042738.jpg\" border=\"1\"/></p><p>新浪体育讯 虽然本赛季的11车队统一使用由普利司通提供轮胎,但是在使用方面仍然存在学问。土耳其站的比赛结束后,普利司通赛道工程主管——范德格林特(Kees van de Grint)像平常一样对比赛进行了简要的分析总结。他表示:法拉利车队的两位车手在比赛开始选用中软配方的轮胎是明智的。</p><p>  “今天的比赛一切取决于发车。法拉利车队的两位车手,在比赛的第一节都利用了中软配方的优势,从这点来考虑,这看起来像是场简单的比赛。”范德格林特在公司的新闻稿中说道,“随着比赛的推进,两种配方的轮胎在圈速上的差距消失殆尽。而且两种配方的轮胎在磨损水平也差不多。</p><p>  随后,他提到了汉密尔顿遇到的轮胎问题。“非常不幸,汉密尔顿的右前胎,在他的比赛进行到第二节时泄气,现在,我们仍在调查出现这一个问题的原因。根据我们的初步调查,问题的根源不可能立即发现。幸运的是汉密尔顿能够回到维修站,并最终获得积分。”范德格林特继续说道。</p><p>  以下是11支车队在<span class=\"yqlink\"><a class=\"akey\" title=\"土耳其\" href=\"http://www.iask.com/n?k=%CD%C1%B6%FA%C6%E4\" target=\"_blank\"><font color=\"#000099\">土耳其</font></a></span>站的轮胎选择: </p><p><table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" bgcolor=\"#000000\" border=\"0\"><tbody><tr><td><table cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"1\" width=\"550\" border=\"0\"><tbody><tr bgcolor=\"#dcdcdc\"><td align=\"center\">车队</td><td align=\"center\">车手</td><td align=\"center\">选择</td><td align=\"center\">车手</td><td align=\"center\">选择</td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">雷诺</td><td align=\"center\">费斯切拉</td><td align=\"center\">硬-硬-中</td><td align=\"center\">科瓦莱宁</td><td align=\"center\">硬-硬-中 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">法拉利</td><td align=\"center\">马萨</td><td align=\"center\">中-中-硬</td><td align=\"center\">莱科宁</td><td align=\"center\">中-中-硬 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">迈凯轮</td><td align=\"center\">阿隆索</td><td align=\"center\">硬-硬-中</td><td align=\"center\">汉密尔顿</td><td align=\"center\">硬-硬-中 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">本田</td><td align=\"center\"><span class=\"yqlink\"><a class=\"akey\" title=\"巴顿\" href=\"http://www.iask.com/n?k=%B0%CD%B6%D9\" target=\"_blank\"><font color=\"#000099\">巴顿</font></a></span></td><td align=\"center\">硬-硬-中</td><td align=\"center\">巴里切罗</td><td align=\"center\">硬-中-中 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\"><span class=\"yqlink\"><a class=\"akey\" title=\"宝马\" href=\"http://www.iask.com/n?k=%B1%A6%C2%ED\" target=\"_blank\"><font color=\"#000099\">宝马</font></a></span>-索伯</td><td align=\"center\">海德菲尔德</td><td align=\"center\">硬-硬-中</td><td align=\"center\">库比卡</td><td align=\"center\">中-硬-中 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">丰田</td><td align=\"center\">拉-舒马赫</td><td align=\"center\">硬-中</td><td align=\"center\">特鲁利</td><td align=\"center\">硬-硬-中 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">红牛</td><td align=\"center\">库特哈德</td><td align=\"center\">中-中-硬</td><td align=\"center\">韦伯</td><td align=\"center\">中-退出 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">威廉姆斯</td><td align=\"center\">罗斯博格</td><td align=\"center\">硬-硬-中</td><td align=\"center\">伍尔兹</td><td align=\"center\">硬-硬-中 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">红牛二队</td><td align=\"center\">理尤兹</td><td align=\"center\">中-中-硬</td><td align=\"center\">维泰尔</td><td align=\"center\">硬-中-中 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">世爵</td><td align=\"center\">舒蒂尔</td><td align=\"center\">中-中-硬</td><td align=\"center\">山本左近</td><td align=\"center\">中-中-硬 </td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><td align=\"center\">超级亚久里</td><td align=\"center\">佐藤琢磨</td><td align=\"center\">中-硬</td><td align=\"center\">戴维森</td><td align=\"center\">硬-中-中 </td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table></p>
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