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[转帖]老大里德并非雄鹿非卖品 老板后悔太高估阿联

叫板朱红之泪 发表于 2008-1-5 16:52:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<p style="TEXT-INDENT: 2em;">北京时间1月5日凌晨,美国知名<a href=";c=a&amp;kw=NBA" target="_blank"><font color="#0000ff">NBA</font></a>专家亚德里安·沃纳罗斯基选出了“本赛季五大最令人失望球队”,<a href=";c=a&amp;kw=姚明" target="_blank"><font color="#0000ff">姚明</font></a>所在的<a href=";c=a&amp;kw=火箭" target="_blank"><font color="#0000ff">火箭</font></a>队赫然名列榜首,易建联所在的<a href=";c=a&amp;kw=雄鹿" target="_blank"><font color="#0000ff">雄鹿</font></a>队也不幸“金榜题名”,另外三支“输家”球队分别是<a href=";c=a&amp;kw=公牛" target="_blank"><font color="#0000ff">公牛</font></a>、<a href=";c=a&amp;kw=热火" target="_blank"><font color="#0000ff">热火</font></a>和<a href=";c=a&amp;kw=尼克斯" target="_blank"><font color="#0000ff">尼克斯</font></a>。以下是沃纳罗斯基对雄鹿队的点评—— </p><p style="TEXT-INDENT: 2em;">对于联盟各队的管理者来说,当下的雄鹿队已经让他们达成了共识:这支球队中除了易建联和博格特外,所有其他人都能被交易出去。雄鹿队老板科尔对球队的要求是要具备季后赛资格,但他们至今仍在黑暗中摸索方向。在45分惨败给<a href=";c=a&amp;kw=活塞" target="_blank"><font color="#0000ff">活塞</font></a>队的那场比赛结束后,一位现场观战的联盟高管说出了这么一句话:“他们只打了5分钟就彻底缴械了。” </p><p style="TEXT-INDENT: 2em;">有内部消息表示,球队总经理小哈里斯跟老板科尔之间的沟通交流越来越少,更有人暗示,科尔认为哈里斯过分高估了易建联的天赋,即便这位6号新秀的表现已经征服了绝大多数管理者和教练们。科尔似乎已经打定主意要对管理层进行清洗,不过小K教练依旧是他的心腹爱将,目前看来还帅位无忧,但从长远看来谁也不敢对此打包票。 </p><p style="TEXT-INDENT: 2em;">如果哈里斯被解雇,科尔很可能会聘用<a href=";c=a&amp;kw=超音速" target="_blank"><font color="#0000ff">超音速</font></a>队的前任总经理里克·桑德,此人的球员管理生涯正是从密尔沃基起步的。一位与科尔关系熟稔的内部人士透露,名帅道格·科林斯也在他的考虑范围之内,但过高的价码很可能会让科尔望而却步。 </p>
超级巴拉凯 发表于 2008-1-6 04:31:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>哈哈哈哈,又看见这个专家发话了</p><p>原文在这里</p><p>Among league executives, there’s a belief that the Bucks are close to declaring everyone available, except for Yi Jianlian and Andrew Bogut. Larry Harris is fighting for his job as general manager. Owner Herb Kohl mandated playoff contention in the offseason, and the Bucks are spiraling. In the horrific 45-point loss to the Pistons, one league executive monitoring the game said of the Bucks, “After five minutes, that team just quit.” <br/><br/>For now, Bucks officials have told others in the league that communication between Kohl and Harris has become scarce. They even suggest that Kohl believes his GM oversold him on the talents of Yi, although most fair-minded executives and coaches have been impressed with the Chinese rookie’s potential. Larry Krystkowiak was a Kohl favorite and could survive an initial management purge, but nothing about him suggests long-term solution. <br/><br/>If Harris goes, the belief is that Kohl would turn to ex-Sonics GM, Rick Sund, who started his player personnel career in Milwaukee. A source familiar with Kohl’s thinking believes that Doug Collins is on his radar for the top basketball executive’s job, but doubts the owner would pay what’s necessary to lure him out of television. </p><p></p><p></p><p>只想问问这个所谓的专栏作家,如果现在让他回去选秀,他会选择谁。。</p><p>易建联现在的表现稳定在新秀前三位,还要奢求什么?真拿他当巨星要求啊?<br/></p>
 楼主| 叫板朱红之泪 发表于 2008-1-6 10:56:00 | 显示全部楼层
metzelder21 发表于 2008-1-6 18:58:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>今天新秀都爆发了</p><p>我觉得最郁闷的就是 俄亥俄的那两个了</p>
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