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metzelder21 发表于 2009-5-20 19:11:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 克尼马 发表于 2009-5-21 14:08:00 | 显示全部楼层
<font size=\"4\"><span class=\"tpc_title\"><strong>[夏季钓鱼动态新闻+休赛期YY专贴]更新至:小牛能从快船的乐透好运中获益吗?</strong></span><font color=\"#b2b2b2\"> 由 超级小克 发表在</font></font><a href=\"\" style=\"COLOR: #a3a3a3;\"><font size=\"4\">HoopChina·小牛专区</font></a><font size=\"4\">
        </font><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"COLOR: #a3a3a3;\"><font size=\"4\"></font></a><br/><br/><span class=\"tpc_content\"><p><font face=\"黑体\" color=\"#074387\" size=\"4\">小牛能从快船的乐透好运中获益吗?</font></p><p><font size=\"4\">如果快船显而易见地用状元签选了俄克拉何马大学的Blake Griffin,他们会突然大个儿过剩的。<br/><br/>Donald Sterling是个声名狼藉的抠门儿老板,所以说快船会考虑通过一笔削减成本的交易中来卸载一个经验丰富的PF/C是讲得通的。小牛应该至少去和快船谈谈。<br/><br/>忘了Zach Randolph吧。他是个贪球的坏蛋,未来两个赛季要3300万。一个有一长串儿被捕记录,在开拓者时曾在沮丧期间被发现出没于脱衣舞俱乐部的家伙不适合小牛。<br/><br/>Chris Kaman令人感兴趣。这个7英尺大个儿是个被验证过的低位得分手,27岁应该刚进入鼎盛时期。他还在德国男篮和Dirk一起打过球。但Kaman(3年3400万)过去两个赛季因伤缺席了近一半的快船比赛是个危险信号。<br/><br/>Marcus Camby会使小牛变得有多好?他是个例行能拿两双的家伙,也是联盟的精英盖帽手之一。他下赛季合同年的965万对工资帽不利,所以他也是快船为倾倒薪水要摆脱的三人中可能性最小的一个。但那不意味着小牛不能设法让它发生。<br/><br/><span style=\"FONT-WEIGHT: bold;\">Can the Mavs benefit from the Clippers\' lottery luck?</span><br/><br/>from DALLAS MAVERICKS by Tim MacMahon<br/><br/>Assuming the Clippers do the obvious thing and take Oklahoma\'s Blake Griffin with the first overall pick, LA\'s other team would suddenly have a surplus of bigs.<br/><br/>Donald Sterling is a notoriously penny-pinching owner, so it makes sense that the Clippers would consider unloading one of the veterans power forward/centers in a cost-cutting move. The Mavs ought to at least have a conversation with the Clippers.<br/><br/>Forget about Zach Randolph. He\'s a ball-hogging bad guy who is due over $33 million the next two seasons. A guy who has a lengthy arrest record and once was spotted in a strip club during bereavement leave from the Trail Blazers doesn\'t fit in the Mavs\' mix.<br/><br/>Chris Kaman is interesting. The 7-footer is a proven low-post scorer who should just be entering his prime at 27 years old. He\'s also worked with Dirk before as an American-born ringer for the German Olympic team. But Kaman (due $34 million over three years) comes with a red flag after injuries caused him to miss almost half of the Clippers\' games over the last two seasons.<br/><br/>How much better would Marcus Camby make the Mavs? He\'s a guy who gets double-doubles on a regular basis and is one of the league\'s elite shot blockers. He counts $9.65 million against the cap next season, the last of his contract, so he\'s also the least likely of the three for the Clippers to move in a salary dump. But that doesn\'t mean the Mavs can\'t try to make it happen. </font></p></span>
superkroos 发表于 2009-5-21 17:17:00 | 显示全部楼层
快船的状元签不签卢比奥?<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em04.gif\" />
葱葱路过 发表于 2009-5-21 17:39:00 | 显示全部楼层
司机的老婆?也太丑了吧<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em08.gif\" />
superkroos 发表于 2009-5-21 17:49:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>葱葱路过</i>在2009-5-21 17:39:00的发言:</b><br/>司机的老婆?也太丑了吧<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em08.gif\" /></div><p></p><p><font size=\"4\"><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em08.gif\" />是他老婆还是他女友?</font></p><p><font size=\"4\">之前交过的那个感觉也不漂亮····</font></p><p> </p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em09.gif\" />
 楼主| 克尼马 发表于 2009-5-22 01:27:00 | 显示全部楼层
<font size=\"4\"><span class=\"tpc_title\"><strong>【流言版】小牛对巴郎戴维斯感兴趣</strong></span><font color=\"#b2b2b2\"> 由 louie2k 发表在</font></font><a href=\"\" style=\"COLOR: #a3a3a3;\"><font size=\"4\">HoopChina·小牛专区</font></a><font size=\"4\">
        </font><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"COLOR: #a3a3a3;\"><font size=\"4\"></font></a><br/><br/><span class=\"tpc_content\"><font size=\"4\">小牛队将会对包括戴维斯在内的几个快船球员寻求交易。<br/><br/>小牛队经理小尼尔森周三说,他们愿意做任何能提高球队实力的交易。<br/></font></span>
 楼主| 克尼马 发表于 2009-5-22 13:41:00 | 显示全部楼层
<font size=\"4\"> <span class=\"tpc_title\"><strong>[夏季钓鱼动态新闻+休赛期YY专贴]更新至:小心Baron Davis和他的坏合同</strong></span><font color=\"#b2b2b2\"> 由 超级小克 发表在</font></font><a href=\"\" style=\"COLOR: #a3a3a3;\"><font size=\"4\">HoopChina·小牛专区</font></a><font size=\"4\">
        </font><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"COLOR: #a3a3a3;\"><font size=\"4\"></font></a><br/><br/><span class=\"tpc_content\"><p><font face=\"黑体\" color=\"#074387\" size=\"4\">小心Baron Davis和他的坏合同</font></p><p><font size=\"4\">小牛上赛季对换来Baron Davis不感兴趣。如果小牛对重签Jason Kidd没有信心,情况可能会改变。但今年夏天预计会被快船出售的Davis好像并不很适合小牛。<br/><br/>快船在一份5年合同前的几个月曾试图摆脱他的事实并不能证明Davis的合同很差(对他来说是好的)。他的合同还剩4个赛季(1210万、1200万、1290万、1475万),所以得到他会影响未来的财政灵活性。<br/><br/>如果Davis仍然是个精英球员,也就罢了。可是,他似乎是个处于职业生涯下滑期的伟大天才。<br/><br/>MFFL们想必记得Davis在勇士对67胜的头号种子小牛上演的黑八奇迹中的统治。Davis能否再打出那种水平令人怀疑。他是个大块儿头PG,他的比赛是基于爆发性的,而他上个月刚年满30。<br/><br/>Davis在19胜63负的快船度过了沉闷的一年。他场均14.9分7.7助攻,但最突出的数据是他37%的投篮命中率。他的命中率从来都不高,但这也太糟了。Davis最近七个赛季六次至少缺阵15场也值得注意。那一次例外?当然是他的合同年。<br/><br/>也许动机是Davis的关键,他会随着环境的改变而变成全明星候选人。我不会打赌那会发生,我怀疑Mark Cuban也不会。<br/><br/><span style=\"FONT-WEIGHT: bold;\">Beware of Baron Davis and his bad contract</span><br/><br/>from DALLAS MAVERICKS by Tim MacMahon<br/><br/>The Mavs had no interest in trading for Baron Davis last season. Maybe that changes if the Mavs aren\'t confident that they can re-sign Jason Kidd.<br/><br/>But Davis, who is expected to be shopped by the Clippers again this summer, doesn\'t seem like he\'d be a good fit for the Mavs.<br/><br/>The fact that the Clippers tried to get rid of him a few months into a five-year deal and couldn\'t is proof that Davis has a bad contract (good for him). He\'s on the books for the next four seasons ($12.1 million, $13 million, $13.9 million, $14.75 million), so acquiring him would put a wrench in any financial flexibility going forward.<br/><br/>That\'d be fine if Davis were still an elite player. However, he appears to be a great talent who has hit the downside of his career.<br/><br/>MFFLs surely remember Davis\' dominance in the Warriors 8 vs. 1 triumph over the 67-win Mavs. It\'s doubtful that Davis will ever play at that level again. He\'s a big-bodied point guard whose game is based on explosiveness, and he turned 30 last month.<br/><br/>Davis had a dismal season for the 19-63 Clippers this year. He averaged 14.9 points and 7.7 assists, but the stat that sticks out is his 37-percent shooting. He\'s never shot a good percentage, but that\'s awful. It\'s also notable that Davis missed at least 15 games for the sixth time in seven seasons. The one exception? His contract year, of course.<br/><br/>Maybe it\'s a matter of motivation for Davis, and he\'d morph back into an All-Star candidate with a change of scenery. I wouldn\'t bet my money on that happening, and I doubt Mark Cuban will bet his. </font></p></span>
樱木花道10 发表于 2009-5-22 13:48:00 | 显示全部楼层
<font size=\"4\"><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" />来几个身体素质好的 能蹦能跳的吧  让KIDD好发挥呀</font>
 楼主| 克尼马 发表于 2009-5-22 19:05:00 | 显示全部楼层
<font size=\"4\"> <span class=\"tpc_title\"><strong>[夏季钓鱼动态新闻+休赛期YY专贴]更新至:Cuban有意Ron Artest?</strong></span><font color=\"#b2b2b2\"> 由 超级小克 发表在</font></font><a href=\"\" style=\"COLOR: #a3a3a3;\"><font size=\"4\">HoopChina·小牛专区</font></a><font size=\"4\">
        </font><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"COLOR: #a3a3a3;\"><font size=\"4\"></font></a><br/><br/><span class=\"tpc_content\"><p><font face=\"黑体\" color=\"#074387\" size=\"4\">Cuban有意Ron Artest?</font></p><p><font size=\"4\">ClutchFans有人说,从Cuban的一个熟人那儿听说他对Ron Artest感兴趣,还说小牛不想留Kidd,所以如果Artest以较低价儿签约小牛,不要惊讶。<br/><br/>From ClutchFans:<br/><br/>Take it for what it\'s worth, but I ate dinner last night with a man who talks to Cuban almost daily. Cuban has expressed a great deal of interest in Ron and has already written up a deal that he thinks will bag Artest. They do not want to keep Kidd, so don\'t be suprised if Ron takes less money to sign with the Mavs. Keep in mind, this was discussed last night, there are things the NBA doesn\'t have to hear about, and Cuban is a multi-billionaire, there will most likely be money given to Ron that we will not hear about. Once again this is as credible a source as it gets so take it for what it\'s worth.</font></p></span>
 楼主| 克尼马 发表于 2009-5-23 11:07:00 | 显示全部楼层
<font size=\"4\"><span class=\"tpc_title\"><strong>[夏季钓鱼动态新闻+休赛期YY专贴]更新至:Josh手术成功</strong></span><font color=\"#b2b2b2\"> 由 超级小克 发表在</font></font><a href=\"\" style=\"COLOR: #a3a3a3;\"><font size=\"4\">HoopChina·小牛专区</font></a><font size=\"4\">
        </font><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"COLOR: #a3a3a3;\"><font size=\"4\"></font></a><br/><br/><span class=\"tpc_content\"><p><font face=\"黑体\" color=\"#074387\" size=\"4\">Josh手术成功</font></p><p><font size=\"4\">Josh在NY成功接受了左腕和左踝的关节镜手术,小牛希望他周末回达拉斯开始复健。<br/><br/><span style=\"FONT-WEIGHT: bold;\">Mavs’ Howard has surgery on wrist and ankle</span><br/><br/>DALLAS (AP)—Mavericks forward Josh Howard(notes) underwent successful arthroscopic surgery to his left wrist and left ankle in New York.<br/><br/>Howard, referring to the ankle, said last week that doctors were “just going in there to clean out all the junk.”<br/><br/>Howard missed 22 games this season because of the ankle but returned in late March and helped the Mavericks to a first-round playoff win against San Antonio. The Mavs were eliminated in five games by Denver. He averaged 15.8 points during the playoffs.<br/><br/>The team expects Howard back in Dallas this weekend to begin rehabilitation. His surgery was Thursday. </font></p><p><font size=\"4\"> </font></p><p><font face=\"宋体\" size=\"4\">-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</font></p><p><font face=\"黑体\" color=\"#074387\" size=\"4\">四队追Kidd?</font></p><p><font size=\"4\">Jason Kidd下赛季去抱LeBron或Kobe大腿的可能性一直被认为是小牛留住他们的PG的最大威胁。<br/><br/>ESPN.com的Marc Stein又加上了两支球队:<br/><br/> <wbr></wbr> <wbr></wbr> <wbr></wbr> 我被建议一定要把开拓者——有一定薪金空间可烧而且对老将的场上领导能力感兴趣(Nash?)——也列入Kidd的潜在追求者名单。尼克斯如果表现出兴趣,可能是他会考虑的另一支球队,原因纯粹是他适合尼克斯主帅Mike D\'Antoni,而且在NJ待过也熟悉那个地区。<br/> <wbr></wbr> <wbr></wbr>  <wbr></wbr><br/>如果小牛进入重建模式,和开拓者潜在的先签后换会很有吸引力。开拓者可能会乐于打包几个年轻、天才、价格适当的球员交换Kidd。(比如Travis Outlaw、Rudy Fernandez等——不是LaMarcus Aldridge或Brandon Roy。)<br/><br/>不过那对一支在Dirk的鼎盛时期想尽一切办法要赢的球队来说会是个令人失望的安慰奖。<br/><br/><span style=\"FONT-WEIGHT: bold;\">Four legitimate contenders for Jason Kidd?</span><br/><br/>from DALLAS MAVERICKS by Tim MacMahon<br/><br/>The possibility of Jason Kidd going ring hunting with LeBron or Kobe next season has long been considered the greatest threat to the Mavs keeping their point guard.<br/><br/>\'s Marc Stein adds two more teams to the mix:<br/><br/> <wbr></wbr> <wbr></wbr> <wbr></wbr> I\'ve been advised that Portland -- with a decent amount of cap space to burn and its interest in veteran floor leadership established above when we got into Nash -- has to be on the list of potential Kidd suitors as well. New York is another team he\'d likely consider. New York is another team that he\'d likely consider if the Knicks show interest, purely because of his comfort level with Knicks coach Mike D\'Antoni and familiarity with the area after his time with New Jersey.<br/><br/>The potential for a sign-and-trade with the Trail Blazers would be intriguing if the Mavs were in rebuilding mode. The Trail Blazers have several young, talented, reasonably priced players they might be willing to package for Kidd. (Think along the lines of Travis Outlaw, Rudy Fernandez, etc. -- not LaMarcus Aldridge or Brandon Roy.)<br/><br/>But it\'d be a bummer of a consolation prize for a franchise trying to do everything possible to win it all during Dirk\'s prime.<br/></font></p></span>
没有梦的白 发表于 2009-5-23 16:03:00 | 显示全部楼层
没有梦的白 发表于 2009-5-23 16:16:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>叫板朱红之泪</i>在2009-5-12 14:40:00的发言:</b><br/>CCTV的解说我已经吐到不行了</div><p></p><p>我觉得你还是多看下青海卫视的解说,他们的解说水准非常高,C5的完全是娱乐解说,没有专业的水平。看了青海卫视的才能让你真正了解篮球。</p><p></p>
metzelder21 发表于 2009-5-24 00:05:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 克尼马 发表于 2009-5-24 01:43:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>没有梦的白</i>在2009-5-23 16:16:00的发言:</b><br/><p></p><p>我觉得你还是多看下青海卫视的解说,他们的解说水准非常高,C5的完全是娱乐解说,没有专业的水平。看了青海卫视的才能让你真正了解篮球。</p><p></p></div><p>这倒真没注意</p>
 楼主| 克尼马 发表于 2009-5-25 18:32:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 克尼马 发表于 2009-5-27 11:08:00 | 显示全部楼层
<font size=\"4\"> <span class=\"tpc_title\"><strong>[流言板]谁说小牛不能透过选秀来提升球队实力?</strong></span><font color=\"#b2b2b2\"> 由 超级小克 发表在</font></font><a href=\"\" style=\"COLOR: #a3a3a3;\"><font size=\"4\">HoopChina·小牛专区</font></a><font size=\"4\">
        </font><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"COLOR: #a3a3a3;\"><font size=\"4\"></font></a><br/><br/><span class=\"tpc_content\"><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"COLOR: #336699;\"><font size=\"4\">小牛</font></a><font size=\"4\">队要想重回竞争者行列,通过一个非乐透区的</font><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"COLOR: #336699;\"><font size=\"4\">选秀</font></a><font size=\"4\">是远远不够的,但是,他们却能在今年</font><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"COLOR: #336699;\"><font size=\"4\">选秀</font></a><font size=\"4\">中以22号签选择一个非常实用的球员.<br/><br/>最有利的证据就是</font><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"COLOR: #336699;\"><font size=\"4\">魔术</font></a><font size=\"4\">去年通过22号签选择的球员</font><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"COLOR: #336699;\"><font size=\"4\">康特尼-李</font></a><font size=\"4\">(</font><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"COLOR: #336699;\"><font size=\"4\">Courtney Lee</font></a><font size=\"4\">).李去年场均可以拿下8.5分,并且有45%的命中率.在他伤愈复出后,李在东部决赛上面扮演了很重要的角色.<br/><br/></font><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"COLOR: #336699;\"><font size=\"4\">小牛</font></a><font size=\"4\">队不太可能通过22号签选中一名明星球员,但是,就像大名单中有些漏洞,没有什么人可以解释他们会挑选到一个在新秀赛季就可以扮演重要角色的球员,就像李去年在</font><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"COLOR: #336699;\"><font size=\"4\">魔术</font></a><font size=\"4\">做的一样. </font><div style=\"MARGIN-TOP: 15px;\"><div><font size=\"4\">来源: </font><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"COLOR: #999;\"><font size=\"4\">[Dallas Morning News]</font></a></div><br/><br/><a href=\"\" style=\"ADDING-RIGHT: 2px; PADDING-LEFT: 2px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 2px; COLOR: #333; PADDING-TOP: 2px; TEXT-DECORATION: underline;\"><font size=\"4\">查看更多流言</font></a></div></span>
 楼主| 克尼马 发表于 2009-5-30 23:40:00 | 显示全部楼层
<font size=\"4\"> <span class=\"tpc_title\"><strong>[夏季钓鱼动态新闻+休赛期YY专贴]更新至:JJB手术成功</strong></span><font color=\"#b2b2b2\"> 由 超级小克 发表在</font></font><a href=\"\" style=\"COLOR: #a3a3a3;\"><font size=\"4\">HoopChina·小牛专区</font></a><font size=\"4\">
        </font><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"COLOR: #a3a3a3;\"><font size=\"4\"></font></a><br/><br/><span class=\"tpc_content\"><p><font face=\"黑体\" color=\"#074387\" size=\"4\">JJB手术成功</font></p><p><font size=\"4\">JJB成功接受了修复左肩软骨伤的关节镜手术。<br/><br/><span style=\"FONT-WEIGHT: bold;\">JJ Barea has successful shoulder surgery</span><br/><br/>from DALLAS MAVERICKS by Richard Durrett<br/><br/>The Mavericks sent out word today that guard JJ Barea had successful athroscopic surgery to repair a cartilage injury in his left shoulder. Dr. Richard Levy of Dallas\' Texas Sports Medicine handled the surgery.<br/></font></p><p><font size=\"4\"> </font></p><p><font face=\"宋体\" size=\"4\">-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</font></p><p><font size=\"4\"><font face=\"黑体\" color=\"#074387\">Chris Bosh没潜力可挖了?</font>
                        </font></p><p><font size=\"4\">   既然Chris Bosh今年夏天肯定会和小牛传出交易流言,我觉得MFFL们会对National Post的这篇专栏感兴趣。<br/><br/>长期跟猛龙的专栏作家Bruce Arthur怀疑Bosh根本不会成为一个合法的总冠军竞争者的核心。Arthur质疑猛龙是否有最大的兴趣重签Bosh一份顶薪。基本思想就是你已经从25岁的Bosh身上看到的就是以后你还会看到的。<br/><br/> <wbr></wbr> <wbr></wbr> <wbr></wbr> 过去四个赛季,Bosh的数据达到了一个可观但几乎停止的程度。他的场均得分分别为22.5、22.6、22.3和22.7分,篮板徘徊在9.7到10.7个之间,助攻在2.5到2.6次之间,盖帽在1.0到1.3次之间;投篮命中率在48.7%到50.5%之间,但趋势是每年略有下降;罚球次数分别为8.3、8.6、8.3和8.0次,缺阵场次为12、13、15和5场。而猛龙一场季后赛都没赢过。<br/><br/> <wbr></wbr> <wbr></wbr> <wbr></wbr> 换句话说,他变成了一个全明星,一个优秀而可敬的球员,一个6尺10寸的节拍器。<br/><br/> <wbr></wbr> <wbr></wbr> <wbr></wbr> “我认为他不会变得更好了。”一个深入研究过Bosh的NBA消息人士说,“我喜欢他,但他就是他——他是个跳投型PF。”<br/><br/><span style=\"FONT-WEIGHT: bold;\">Scout: Chris Bosh isn\'t going to get any better</span><br/><br/>from DALLAS MAVERICKS by Tim MacMahon<br/><br/>Since Chris Bosh is sure to pop up in Mavs-related trade rumors this summer, I thought MFFLs would be interested in this National Post column about the Lincoln High legend.<br/><br/>Columnist Bruce Arthur, who covers the Raptors on a regular basis, doubts that Bosh will ever be the centerpiece of a legitimate championship contender. Arthur questions whether it\'d be in the Raptors\' best interests to re-sign Bosh to a max deal. The thought is that what you\'ve seen from the 25-year-old Bosh is what you\'re gonna get.<br/><br/> <wbr></wbr> <wbr></wbr> <wbr></wbr> Over the past four seasons, Bosh has reached an appreciable but almost dead flat numerical plateau. His points per game have been 22.5, 22.6, 22.3, and 22.7. His rebounding numbers have ranged between 8.7 and 10.7; his assist numbers between 2.5 and 2.6; his blocked shots between 1.0 and 1.3. He has shot between .487 and .505, with the number trending slightly downward each year; he has attempted 8.3, 8.6, 8.3, and 8.0 free throws per game. Oh, and he has missed 12, 13, 15 and five games, and the Raptors have not won a playoff series.<br/><br/> <wbr></wbr> <wbr></wbr> <wbr></wbr> In other words, he has become an all-star, a fine and respectable player, and a 6-foot-10 metronome.<br/><br/> <wbr></wbr> <wbr></wbr> <wbr></wbr> \"I don\'t think he\'s going to get any better,\" says one NBA source who has scouted Bosh extensively. \"I love him, but he is what he is - he\'s a jump-shooting power forward.\" </font></p><p><font size=\"4\"> </font></p><p><font size=\"4\"><font face=\"宋体\">--------------------------</font><font face=\"宋体\">-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</font></font></p><p><font face=\"黑体\" color=\"#074387\" size=\"4\">Kidd追逐赛?</font></p><p><font size=\"4\">小牛肯定宁愿在打西部决赛,但他们只能做观众。那么Jason Kidd此刻在想什么呢?<br/><br/>小牛PG可能正基于骑士和湖人在试图进入NBA总决赛的路上的挣扎分析今年夏天的转会判断。显然,NBA没有现成的淘金捷径。OK,这个联盟有很多淘金之路,只是并不都会让你戴上总冠军戒指。Kidd当然明白。头两号种子在各自分部的挣扎可能会让Kidd觉得他会成为他们当中任何一个的差异制造者。否则,可能另一个选择——留在小牛——会更有意义。<br/><br/>小牛视重签Kidd为他们的淡季第一要务。Kidd会在FA市场享受众多选择。他会发现自己的处境和将近十年前Karl Malone的一样,当时爵士PF为了戒指去湖人打了最后一个赛,但竹篮打水一场空。“没有一条明路指向总冠军。”小牛总裁Donnie Nelson说,“我觉得Jason真的喜欢成为这个过程的一部分,去建立一些东西。”<br/><br/>其他球队,比如开拓者,可能加入Kidd的赌博。但加盟开拓者这样未经证实的球队会让Kidd比在小牛更接近总冠军吗?老板Mark Cuban说季后赛证实了“赢球有多难和没有什么是确定的”,而且他觉得魔术和掘金令人惊讶的表现不会改变和Kidd——他在7月1日(当地时间)前不能正式开始和小牛或其他任何球队谈判——有关的任何事儿。<br/><br/>眼下,小牛正致力于在下个月的选秀大会上以22号签选择的可能性。小牛官方和NBA其他队一样,今天都在芝加哥参加一年一度的选秀前集会,每支球队都可以观摩参选球员的试讯,并和他们有望选的人简短会面。<br/><br/>小牛的名单儿上有很多PG,上周他们就试训了很多。但那不意味着他们当中的任何人会在9月训练营开始时进入他们的阵容。一个已经被多次报道的PG是西班牙的Ricky Rubio。他有望在俄克拉何马大学的Blake Griffin之后成为榜眼或昙花秀。要想得到6尺4的Rubio,小牛必须说服灰熊(2号签)或雷霆(3号签)参与交易。“他是欧洲期待最高的PG——历史上的。”Nelson说,“Tony Parker在踏上这片土地前可没有那么厉害的履历。”<br/><br/>18岁的Rubio和小牛扯上关系的部分原因是他经常被称作小Jason Kidd。让他在接班儿前和36岁的Kidd打一两个赛季是很有吸引力的。并无证据显示小牛在和拥有高签位的球队进行任何严肃的谈判。不过从今天开始,在芝加哥训练营,所有人事主管齐聚一堂,这意味着会有很多交流的机会。<br/><br/><span style=\"FONT-WEIGHT: bold;\">For Dallas Mavericks\' Kidd, a game of chase?</span><br/><br/>08:29 PM CDT on Wednesday, May 27, 2009<br/><br/>By EDDIE SEFKO / The Dallas Morning News<br/><br/>The Mavericks would much rather be involved in the captivating conference finals, but this playoff round has become a terrific spectator sport for them.<br/><br/>After all, what must Jason Kidd be thinking right now?<br/><br/>The Mavericks\' point guard might be analyzing the wisdom of relocation this summer based on what\'s happening as the Cleveland Cavaliers and Los Angeles Lakers struggle in their attempt to make it to the NBA Finals.<br/><br/>Clearly, there are no ready-made NBA easy-street rainbows leading to a pot of gold.<br/><br/>OK, so there are lots of streets in this league that lead to gold. There\'s not nearly as many that take you to championship rings.<br/><br/>Kidd knows this, of course. And with the struggles of the two top-seeded teams in each conference, maybe Kidd should feel that his presence would be a difference-maker for either of those sides.<br/><br/>Or, maybe the alternative – staying with the Mavericks – makes more sense.<br/><br/>The Mavericks view re-signing Kidd as their No. 1 off-season priority. Kidd will enjoy the options that come with free agency. He finds himself in much the same situation as Karl Malone was earlier this decade when the Utah Jazz power forward went to the Lakers for one final season to chase a ring and came up empty.<br/><br/>\"There\'s no clear-cut way to a title,\" Mavericks president Donnie Nelson said Wednesday.<br/><br/>\"And I think Jason really likes being part of a process, to be part of building toward something.\"<br/><br/>Other teams, such as Portland, could enter the Kidd sweepstakes. But would joining a still-unproven team such as like the Blazers put Kidd any closer to a title than staying in Dallas would?<br/><br/>Owner Mark Cuban said that these playoffs confirm \"how hard it is to win and [that] there are no sure things,\" adding that he doesn\'t think the surprising showings by Orlando and Denver change anything relative to Kidd, who cannot begin officially talking to the Mavericks or any other teams until July 1.<br/><br/>For now, the Mavericks are trying to zero in on possibilities for the No. 22 overall selection in next month\'s draft. Mavericks officials, like the rest of the NBA, convene today in Chicago for the annual pre-draft combine, which allows each team to watch workouts of draft-eligible players and have short interview sessions with the prospects of their choice.<br/><br/>A lot of point guards are on the Mavericks\' list, just as there were a lot of them brought in last week for workouts. That doesn\'t mean any of them will be on their roster in September, when training camp opens.<br/><br/>One point guard that already has been linked to them through various reports is Spain\'s Ricky Rubio. He is expected to be either the second or third player taken in the draft, after Oklahoma\'s Blake Griffin.<br/><br/>To get the 6-4 Rubio, the Mavericks would have to persuade Memphis (No. 2) or Oklahoma City (No. 3) to take part in a trade.<br/><br/>\"He\'s the most highly anticipated point guard to come out of Europe – ever,\" Nelson said. \"Tony Parker didn\'t have quite the same resume until he hit the ground over here.\"<br/><br/>art of the reason why the 18-year-old Rubio has been linked to the Mavericks is because he is often called a young Jason Kidd. It would be intriguing to have him work with the 36-year-old Kidd for a season or two before taking over for him.<br/><br/>There is no evidence that the Mavericks are in any serious discussions with the teams near the top of the draft order. But starting today, at the Chicago camp, all the personnel executives will be gathered at one place, meaning plenty of talks will take place. </font></p><p><font size=\"4\"> </font></p></span>
巴拉兄 发表于 2009-5-30 23:58:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 克尼马 发表于 2009-5-31 23:46:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 克尼马 发表于 2009-6-3 16:47:00 | 显示全部楼层
<font size=\"4\"> <span class=\"tpc_title\"><strong>[夏季钓鱼动态新闻+休赛期YY专贴]更新至:骑士可用Kidd</strong></span><font color=\"#b2b2b2\"> 由 超级小克 发表在</font></font><a href=\"\" style=\"COLOR: #a3a3a3;\"><font size=\"4\">HoopChina·小牛专区</font></a><font size=\"4\">
        </font><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"COLOR: #a3a3a3;\"><font size=\"4\"></font></a><br/><br/><span class=\"tpc_content\"><p><font face=\"黑体\" color=\"#074387\" size=\"4\">骑士可用Kidd</font></p><p><font size=\"4\">Jason Kidd在小牛的赛季结束后就明确表示他不想去夺冠热门球队抱大腿。我的理解是他可能不会去骑士,因为骑士有一个全明星PG了。<br/><br/>然后发生了东部决赛。Mo Williams的悲惨表现是我们不会在总决赛看见那些LeBron-Kobe广告的主要原因之一。<br/><br/>当LeBron和骑士决策层谈话时,骑士肯定可以利用Kidd,他的奥运会队友。Kidd可以在后场搭档Williams,Delonte West则去做替补,但骑士明显可以用一个有头脑的进攻组织者来为LeBron减压。<br/><br/>Kidd可能不会为骑士贡献全明星数据,但他会大大减轻LeBron的负担。Kidd长于发动和运转快攻,这会使LeBron更经常地处于完成进攻的位置。Kidd长于运转和发动进攻,这正是LeBron比联盟中其他任何SF都不得不常做的事儿。Kidd是个优秀的定点射手,当LeBron在阵地战中持球时,他能成为一个武器。<br/><br/>Kidd的决定可能会归结到钱(年薪和年份)上。骑士的苦涩结局可能会增大他们向Kidd开出有竞争力的价格的机会。<br/><br/><span style=\"FONT-WEIGHT: bold;\">Cleveland could definitely use Jason Kidd</span><br/><br/>from DALLAS MAVERICKS by Tim MacMahon<br/><br/>Jason Kidd made it clear the day after the Mavs\' season ended that he didn\'t want to hop on a title favorite\'s bandwagon as a bit player. I took that to mean that he probably wouldn\'t go to Cleveland, since the Cavs have an All-Star point guard.<br/><br/>Then the Eastern Conference finals happened. Mo Williams\' miserable performance was one of the primary reasons we won\'t be seeing those LeBron-Kobe puppet commercials during the Finals.<br/><br/>The Cavs can definitely use Kidd, a point his Olympic teammate is likely to make (again) when LeBron chats with Cleveland management. Kidd could partner with Williams in the backcourt while Delonte West comes off the bench, but the Cavs clearly could use a savvy playmaker to take pressure off LeBron.<br/><br/>Kidd probably wouldn\'t put up All-Star numbers for the Cavs, but he\'d lessen the load on LeBron significantly. Kidd excels at starting and running fast breaks, which would put LeBron in position to finish more often. Kidd excels at running and initiating an offense, something LeBron has to do more often than any other small forward in the league. Kidd is an excellent spot-up shooter, making him a weapon when LeBron does have the ball in his hands in halfcourt situations.<br/><br/>Kidd\'s decision is likely to come down to money (salary per seasons and seasons offered). The Cavs\' bitter finish likely increases the odds that Cleveland will make Kidd a competitive offer. </font></p></span>
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