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[推荐] Orisinal 游戏

Kuran1 发表于 2009-1-27 00:28:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<p></p><p></p><p>在办公室,或者是实验室这种地方,总会有一些琐碎但是无聊的时间不知道该如何打发。看书吧,没那种心境;读报吧,立马厌倦;浏览网页吧,还是百无聊赖;联机游戏吧,总归在办公,怎么好意思明目张胆,更何况又没有大段的空闲。于是,只好发呆,发呆,再发呆。</p><p>这时候,我向你推荐<a href="" target="_blank"><font color="#780000">Orisinal</font></a>,一个在线玩FLASH小游戏的网站。原因有三:1.它非常可爱,从创意、到图形设计、到背景音乐,简约舒服,同时可爱到爆;2.它非常傻瓜,一看就会,操作极简,只需要滑动、单击鼠标以及极少的键盘操作(通常只有空格键);3.它毫不费时,网站连接速度优秀,耗时超少,花样不少,想玩就玩,想停就停。</p><p><strong>Orisinal  </strong><a href="" target="_new"><span style="COLOR: #003366; FONT-FAMILY: Arial;"></span></a> <br/>Dozens of free Web-based games, gorgeously designed and relatively simple to play, which is perfect for non-gamers looking for an engaging way to waste time. Choices are presented as icons on the home page (no names, no explanations) but this only heightens the joy of discovery. Keep spiders off your cake, protect dragonflies from rhinoceros beetles, toss tiny umbrellas to baby birds as they fall out of their nest-all you need is your mouse and maybe your arrow keys to maneuver. For more silly diversions, try <a href="" target="_new"><font color="#780000">Little Fluffy Industries</font></a>, which is part blog, part portal: editors review and link to new online games every day.</p><p></p><p>另外特别附加:<a href=""></a>,这个网站可以像换频道一样选网页...</p><p></p><p></p>
yexiaomark 发表于 2009-1-27 00:38:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>Kuran1</i>在2009-1-27 0:29:00的发言:</b><br/><p></p><p></p><p>在办公室,或者是实验室这种地方,总会有一些琐碎但是无聊的时间不知道该如何打发。看书吧,没那种心境;读报吧,立马厌倦;浏览网页吧,还是百无聊赖;联机游戏吧,总归在办公,怎么好意思明目张胆,更何况又没有大段的空闲。于是,只好发呆,发呆,再发呆。</p></div><font style=\"BACKGROUND-COLOR: #f3f3f3;\">请登陆 <a href=\"\"></a> 这样就不无聊啦</font><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" />
第六天魔王 发表于 2009-1-27 22:39:00 | 显示全部楼层
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