We reiterate our view that Spain’s fiscal consolidation plans are credible and its fiscal prospects fundamentally sound. While there are downside risks to this central scenario —in particular, the country’s difficult growth outlook and fragility in parts of the banking system – the country remains well-equipped to weather those headwinds and limit extreme fiscal deterioration. Still, the government would do well to speed up some pending reforms if only to assuage investors’ concerns.Investors are looking nervously at Spain as they come toterms with the crisis in Greece. The market reaction appears driven by heightened risk aversion and by some of the similarities between Greece and Spain: both are highly leveraged countries where economic re-balancing (towards exports) and job creation is hampered by a fixed exchange rate with their main trading partners. In addition, Spain and its banks are still digesting the bust of a monumental housing boom. While the low level of public debt, 53.2% of GDP in 2009, offers some comfort,the concern is that private-sector stagnation and the cost of recapitalising the banking system will prevent fiscal consolidation and result in a much faster build-up of public debt in the future.
In our view, the economic and fiscal fundamentals of the Spanish economy are, with all its risks and problems,solid enough to avert the worst-case scenario that some of the recent price action seems to imply.
An aid package totaling EUR 110bn was agreed upon this weekend. In addition, the ECB announced it was dropping the credit rating requirement for Greek government bonds and government guaranteed debt when considering its eligibility, thus alleviating the impact of
further rating downgrades
􀂄In our view, the contribution to the support mechanism from all parties involved (EU, IMF, ECB and Greece) has been at par or better than market expectations. However, the stability following the support package announcement was short lived and gave way to risk aversion on fears of contagion across not only the sovereign bond market but also the banking sector
􀂄The risk is that the current situation develops into a self-fulfilling negative feedback spiral. An external intervention to calm markets is thus required at this stage
􀂄The focus is on the ECB meeting on Thursday. We think an outright bond purchase program is unlikely, but two potential avenues where the ECB could aid in restoring confidence are a) the liquidity provisions and b) margin requirements on ECB collateral
􀂄Given the requirement of term funding for banks, the ECB could potentially either move the 3M tender back to a fixed rate unlimited amount basis or provide an indication that the ECB would stand ready to re-introduce the long term tenders
􀂄Easing of the mark-to-market valuations for sovereign collateral could help reduce the funding calls. However, explicitly removing margin requirements would imply unsecured lending from the ECB and it is unlikely that the ECB would be able to gather enough support to officially change its mark to market rules