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诺伊尔:球迷抗议让我冷静 拜仁有多名国脚是好事

德迷小天王 发表于 2011-7-10 13:51:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
德国国门诺伊尔已经加入拜仁9天,这9天里,诺伊尔经历了第一天全场3万球迷山呼海啸地热烈欢迎,但也有过前几天在热身赛中,拜仁极端球迷再度打出的“KOAN NEUER”的抵抗,好在无论是俱乐部高层还是队友都十分支持诺伊尔,强烈谴责极端球迷的做法。《图片报》亦对诺伊尔进行了采访,让他谈谈面对球迷抗议的感受。



(本文来源:网易体育 作者:伯约)
可爱的小猪 发表于 2011-7-10 14:14:52 | 显示全部楼层
胖纸 守好门 你可以用表现让那些人闭嘴的[s:18]
dram 发表于 2011-7-10 15:33:55 | 显示全部楼层
剑啸易水寒 发表于 2011-7-10 17:38:43 | 显示全部楼层
hape 发表于 2011-7-10 18:12:42 | 显示全部楼层
玉溪生 发表于 2011-7-10 19:13:07 | 显示全部楼层
胖纸 守好门 你可以用表现让那些人闭嘴的[s:37]
mit-tank 发表于 2011-7-10 19:42:48 | 显示全部楼层

For nine days, Manuel Neuer (25) has been official goalkeeper of FC Bayern. Despite the debate between Bayern bosses and the fans, there is still a hard core of Neuer enemies.

In a test match last Wednesday he was bullied by a giant poster.

Bild: What do you feel when Bayern fans protest against you?

Neuer (25): In the season opener in Munich, I was received warmly by so many fans. No one has said anything negative to my face. Bayern have 165 000 members. If 30 take action against me, that’s no problem. If it’s 100,000, it would worry me. But this leaves me cold.

Is there still a debate with the fans?

If there are any problems, I am of course available. Even when everyone from Ribery to Bayern fans are annoyed with my blue soccer shoes. I wear it, because it was given to me by my sponsor. And besides: the Blue and White are also in the crest of Bayern.

The bosses admire how you handled, with strong character, the protests. Where does this strength come from?

I do not know if it is correct to say: This can not be learned. I’m just a professional football player, goalkeeper, and I have a job to do. Since it is not appropriate to focus on trivialities. Sure, there were extremes in recent months, but they were for me to experience. I brought my performance anyway. Because I realized: It was the right path I’ve chosen.

Hoeness compares you to Oliver Kahn, who was at Bayern Munich for 14 years, was eight times champion, champions six times and won the Champions League. Do you dare to a similar era?

Yes, that’s a great balance. But you will not hear from me now that I think back orientation. I’m a different type than Kahn, I have a different way of playing. In terms of will and ambition, but he was one of my idols.

Your contract runs until 2016. How many titles do you want to get?

That’s open. My hunger for titles is great. I have only one, the DFB Cup with Schalke. Because I’ve seen how great it is to celebrate together with a team a success.

You play at Bayern with six, if Boateng’s more, even together with seven fellow national team …

… the DFB thinks thinks this builds a solid training center for the national team. That they should do it in Munich (laughs)! But seriously: Bayern wants German national players that are shaping the face of the team long term. This can be helpful for the national team. I feel proud to be there.

Your first season at Bayern, the Champions League final in 2012 is in Munich, then the European Championship. Will it be a pivotal year for you?

2010 has also been an important year for me. If I was not in the World Cup, and especially not so neat, for me personally, things would probably not have run as positively. The next five years are crucial. I am in charge of my own fortune.

One thing we have to clarify. You said that you mastered the Bavarian card game “Schafkopf” a year ago. When did you first have the idea to go to Bavaria?

Heiko Westermann taught me Schafkopfen. And at first, I had the idea not to renew at Schalke. I had informed Mr. Magath shortly before his release in the spring.

What does the date 9 August 2009 mean to you?

I do not know.

You then met at a forest festival in Ostin Tegernsee with Hoeness.

Oh, the Forest Festival. This is the biggest joke ever written. I was there with my girlfriend, who comes from Munich. We had a long distance relationship for a year. She had looked on the internet, what’s going on where. Hoeness was there randomly. I did not know that he lives at the Tegernsee.

Hoeness told you there that FC Bayern wanted you?

No, not really. He just told me to enjoy Bavarian hospitality. He had something to do, had brought pretzels and beer to the benches, where his family waited.

You already have lederhosen, a girlfriend from Munich, and know the card game. Are you a long time Bayerner?

I know not whence I come. But my mother has always been a little bit in love with the state of Bavaria. We have relatives in the Allgäu. And I’m used to driving with my family every year in a skiing holiday.

You can also ski? How about a race against Bastian Schweinsteiger?

Not in public! Always showing off the fact that he once won against Felix Neureuther. I’d go anyway just in private against Schweinsteiger. If, even then, right? (laugh)
gesila990 发表于 2011-7-10 20:07:10 | 显示全部楼层
azhzh 发表于 2011-7-10 21:27:26 | 显示全部楼层
柴科夫斯基 发表于 2011-7-11 00:14:09 | 显示全部楼层
[s:86] 蓝鞋…话说阿迪新设计的猎鹰11真难看…而且还采用各种激不起购买欲望的配色…
日耳曼骄子 发表于 2011-7-11 09:42:45 | 显示全部楼层
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