< >Filippo Simeoni yesterday spent three hours in the company of investigators from the Italian drug squad answering questions about the incident in stage 18 of the Tour de France in which Lance Armstrong chased down an attack by Simeoni.</P>
< >According to a report from <I>AFP</I>, the investigators are considering bringing charges against Armstrong for sporting fraud, violence, and intimidation of a witness.</P>
< >阿姆和西蒙尼在18、20赛段的恩怨纠葛源于西蒙尼曾指证阿姆涉足禁药,而阿姆则控告他作伪证,两人的梁子就此结下。现在警方仍针对此事件进行调查,看来阿姆的麻烦官司不仅没有结束,而且还有更加深入的趋势,甚至可能面临起诉。18、20赛段,阿姆曾多次追击阻拦试图冲出大部队的西蒙尼,并成功迫使他回到大部队中。对于一个被认为做了伪证的人,阿姆采取了这样的报复手段,而调查组则认为阿姆是在对证人实施威胁,这下他真是麻烦不断,官司缠身了。所以往往一个人走向辉煌顶点时,负面的东西也就随之层出不穷。</P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-7-28 14:16:37编辑过] |