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change2000 发表于 2004-7-26 22:20:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Jan Ullrich: "今年兰斯很强大,他很难被追赶,他可以控制这个赛段,因为他周围有一支很强大的车队。








[此贴子已经被作者于2004-7-26 22:45:33编辑过]
 楼主| change2000 发表于 2004-7-26 22:52:00 | 显示全部楼层
The T-Mobile Team celebrate in style: A day after the Tour ended in Paris T-Mobile-employees and team fans rolled out the red carpet for the lads on their return to the T-Mobile headquarters in Bonn. \"I want to say to you all: \'This is a bloody great reception\'\", said a relaxed looking Jan Ullrich to the enthusiatic fans.

Earlier, René Obermann, CEO of T-Mobile International, personally thanked the riders for their Tour exploits: \"The Team impressed with thier performance, their fighting spirit and their dynamism. Second and fourth place overall for Andreas Klöden and Jan Ullrich, third place for Erik Zabel in the battle for the green jersey, the best team award - we are more than satisfied with this showing\", said Obermann, who had also just returned from Paris.

Obermann: \"Emotional identification\"

\"The rider fascinated us for three weeks. We made a corporate decision to engage in cycling sponsorship, and the riders effortlessly converted that into an emotional identification with the public\", said Obermann, who also laid down a challenge to the Team: \"We still have a Tour de France victory in our sights. With Jan Ullrich, Andreas Klöden and Alexander Vinokourov and all the others we will be back to try again.\"

The CEO downplayed the criticism that Team manager Walter Godefroot directed at Jan Ullrich in the final Tour week: \"Godefroot has done so much for this team and has brought so much success. He is entitled to make public his criticisms from time to time. Football trainers do likewise.\"

The timing of Godefroot\'s criticims could have been better, but: \"We will continue to work with Godefroot. His position as team manager is not under review,\" emphasised Obermann. The sponsor and Team management will sit together in the coming days to formulate a plan that could bring bring T-Mobile closer to a Tour win next year.

Surprises for the riders。

The fans and T-Mobile employees saw to it that the weary riders were received in Bonn as home-coming heroes. Tired, but relieved to have survived another \"Tour from Hell\" the riders took the time to wade through the crowds to meet and greet the fans and to respond to their autograph requests .

T-Mobile had some surprises in store for every rider when they stepped on the Champs Elysees-themed stage, which was specially arranged for the occasion. Andreas Klöden and Erik Zabel were reunited with their youth trainers, while Ullrich\'s mechanic from his early cycling days was also brought to Bonn for the occasion. The fans even greeted Italian riders Giuseppe Guerini and Daniele Nardello with a hastily learned Italian ballad that they sang at the top of theri voices. Rolf Aldag was surprised by a video greeting from his hometown cycling club.

Now the riders can enjoy some quality time with their partners before their next mission in magenta.


[此贴子已经被作者于2004-7-26 22:58:43编辑过]
 楼主| change2000 发表于 2004-7-27 21:39:00 | 显示全部楼层
六届环法冠军兰斯将和他的队俄罗斯人Viatcheslav Ekimov友参加在德国的Bühl两场个人计时赛。根据这项比赛的组织者介绍,其中还有CSC 的德国车手Jens Voigt以及美国车手Bobby Julich和意大利车手巴索。
德国电讯车队不参加这项在Bühl举行的比赛,但是车队里的车手也很快要投入新的战斗。环法亚军Andreas Klöden将和Jan Ullrich 以及 Erik Zabel组队参加世界杯\"HEW Cyclassics\" 的比赛,这项比赛将于8月1日在汉堡举行,处在世界杯系列赛领先位置的 Gerolsteiner车队的意大利车手将尝试继续保持他的地位。
在此之前,Klöden 和 Ullrich 还将在7月27日赴奥地利参加等级赛,两天以后还要在 Graz 和  Mayrhofen 进行两的环城赛。冲刺能手Zabel将在Mayrhofen 参加28日举行的\"Tour de Neuss\"比赛,然后移师Duisburg。一起参加比赛的还有Voigt和Algag。7月30日Ullrich和Zebel会合,一起参加 在汉诺威举行的\"Nacht von Hannover\" 比赛。
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-7-28 1:23:57编辑过]
kat98welt 发表于 2004-7-27 22:47:00 | 显示全部楼层
<>乌尔里希一定要击败那个美国人,为德国人出口气!!!<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em49.gif\" /></P><>哼,不屑于那个不参加奥运会的美国人!!</P><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em33.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em33.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em33.gif\" />
 楼主| change2000 发表于 2004-7-29 18:46:00 | 显示全部楼层
(看看他的状态,只要不受伤,在奥运会弄个牌牌应该不成问题吧 )



Ullrich, Kl&ouml;den 和Totschig夺得前三名。攻击来的迅猛和快速,就象环法。Bernd Eisel 和Peter Luttenberger 最先冲重出大部队并尽量拉开和大部队的距离,乌里有些在后面,但是在他的队友克罗丹的帮助下并不拉下太远。在第24圈意大利车手 Fabio Baldato也冲出大部队。整个比赛的节奏此时加快。第29圈A领骑集团变成了由环法亚军克罗丹、环法第四名乌尔里希,环法第七Georg Totschnig组成。


Georg Totschnig 承认他输在扎书战术安排不当,他说:“攻击的重点在我身上”。乌尔里希说:“克罗丹三次发起攻击,他回应了三次,我想,他不可能再继续了,所以我发动了自己的攻击-得手了”。克罗丹认为这是很棒的比赛,在和乌里去和啤酒之前,他说:“我一定要再来参加”。

德国电讯车队的Andre Korff 也参加了这次比赛,他们队友三人还将到在周三参加120公里的训练,周四到Totschnig的家乡 Zillerta参加一个环城赛。然后他们返回德国,参加 \"Nacht von Hannover\"的比赛,为周日在汉堡举行的世界杯公路赛做准备。
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-7-29 22:40:13编辑过]
leon 发表于 2004-7-29 18:52:00 | 显示全部楼层
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