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[转帖]德国坦克成小牛不变金招牌 只差一步便成超级巨星

 楼主| Vampire18 发表于 2004-11-9 15:40:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
记者段旭11月7日报道 德克·诺维茨基长得很帅,有一头漂亮的金发,还有数不清的财富,球也打得好,本该是媒体最爱吹捧的人,但他不是一个篮球明星——至少,他自己并不认为他是。

<>  诺维茨基不会自我吹捧,不会为自己制造话题以成为焦点。他不属于联盟里最有声望的那一批人,他的球衣也不是卖得最好的。</P><!--SPORTSZW_HZH_BEGIN--><!--NEWSZW_HZH_BEGIN--><!--NEWSZW_HZH_END--><!--SPORTSZW_HZH_END-->
<>  “我不是那种应该放到广告牌上的球员,”诺维茨基说,“过去几年也许我确实做了不少,但并不只有我做了那么多。”</P>
<>  而2004-05赛季,诺维茨基在小牛队的第7年,他来到了一个十字路口。</P>
<>  小牛不变的招牌</P>
<>  过去几个赛季,小牛队拥有诺维茨基、纳什、芬利“三剑客”,上赛季还组成“五星阵容”,攻击能力居全联盟之首。诺维茨基虽然是球队得分王,两年前的季后赛就已经无人能挡,却并不见招牌球员(Franchise Player)的气势。</P>
<>  今年夏天,纳什以自由球员身份被太阳队签走,对诺维茨基而言,离开的既是队中最好的朋友,也是合作最默契的战友。再加上芬利年过31,状态逐年下降,沃克、贾米森等人也已经被送走,新赛季小牛全队的重担注定落到诺维茨基一人身上,就像邓肯、加内特一样身系球队命运。</P>
<>  难以相信这个26岁小伙子的每一项统计数据,都已经位列小牛队历史前10,而大家关心的是,诺维茨基是否做好了成为球队领袖的准备。“他应该很高兴承担这种角色,”雄鹿队主教练特里·波特说,“通常的问题是,球队可能会把这种头衔给那些没做好准备的人。”</P>
<>  诺维茨基不是美国人,但当今的NBA已经越来越国际化,德国人、西班牙人、塞黑人、中国人都能成为球队领袖,当然还包括出生在维京群岛的邓肯。</P>
<>  事实上,在国际比赛中,诺维茨基几乎就等于半支德国队。德国队未能取得雅典奥运会的参赛权,但奥运会前的热身赛,诺维茨基就用32分12个篮板,差点率队掀翻美国。</P>
<>  诺维茨基已经能一肩承担起整支球队,即使他自己还没有意识到。小牛队篮球事务总裁小尼尔森说:“如果德克从事一项个人运动,你会看到他一些不一样的品质。”</P>
<P>  领袖懂得在什么时候该拍拍队友的后背,什么时候又该在更衣室里发出警告与批评。以前诺维茨基很不善于做这些,在小牛队那是芬利的工作,但在纳什离开之后,该是诺维茨基学着站出来的时候了。“这是(他工作的)一部分,”库班说,“他不需要任何人当他的拐杖,他不需要助手。”</P>
<P>  还差一步到“超级”</P>
<P>  上赛季诺维茨基经常要被拉去打中锋,感觉很不适应。这个赛季丹皮尔来到小牛,诺维茨基可以专心回到他的大前锋位置,有望将自己的表现提升到一个新层次。</P>
<P>  现在,诺维茨基总是被人拿来跟同样打大前锋位置的邓肯、加内特作比较——他已经走到与两位MVP同等的位置了吗?</P>
<P>  这个答案,在商业领域你是找不到的。“当他踏上球场时,他需要成为球队的头面人物,”小牛队老板库班说,“但德克会突然成为雷诺或莱特曼的节目嘉宾吗?不,对德克来说,他宁愿成为球场上的跳投手,而我们也不需要一个迎合市场的偶像。”</P>
<P>  在这一点上库班也许是对的,但小牛队需要一个超级巨星(Superstar)——事实上,每支球队都渴望拥有。在过去的20年里,没有超级巨星的球队获得NBA总冠军,伸出一根手指就数完了——除了底特律活塞,再也没有球队做到过。</P>
<P>  在人们眼中,诺维茨基仍然游离于邓肯、加内特、奥尼尔或者基德这些联盟一线巨星之外,但他拥有柔滑的跳投手感,拥有7英尺身高所罕有的移动速度,在球场上还要面对与其他招牌球员一样大的防守压力。</P>
<P>  真正与那些球队的招牌球员不同的是,小牛队的进攻并不是围绕着诺维茨基运行的。“邓肯才是马刺队的进攻组织者,托尼·帕克不是。没有邓肯,整支球队就垮了,”诺维茨基在德国队的教练霍尔格·格施温纳说,“所以,如果小牛队建立和马刺一样的系统,可能会有帮助。”</P>
<P>  在马刺队、森林狼队,邓肯和加内特几乎每一波进攻中都会拿球,他们的传球都相当出色,当他们把球送出,队友通常有很容易的投篮机会。而诺维茨基在这方面还有相当大的差距。要步入NBA巨星殿堂,诺维茨基首先要学习发动进攻,而这并不等同于自己得分。</P>
<P>  “要成为一名伟大的全能球员,你必须成为一名更优秀的传球者,”小牛队主教练老尼尔森说,“现在他有很多时间拿球,并不是每次都会投篮。他将是我们最好的球员,我必须这样做。”</P>
<P>  如果需要……</P>
<P>  小牛队的助理教练艾弗里·约翰逊曾经在圣安东尼奥打球,与大卫·罗宾逊、邓肯两位巨星作过队友。约翰逊说诺维茨基现在还处在最初的阶段,他的传奇会在今后5到7年里被大大地书写。</P>
<P>  不过约翰逊同时指出,尽管诺维茨基已经是一个可靠的常规赛球员,但要成为这项运动中最精华的那一部分人还不够,“如果你有他的技术水平,评判你的时间就是4月16日到6月19日(季后赛)。未来6到8年人们谈论德克就会以那个为基础。”</P>
<P>  “我们会看到的,不是吗?”诺维茨基说,“如果需要我,我就在;但是我们仍然有很多选择,我们并不只有一两个人。我根本不认为我的风格会变,我也不会成为在更衣室里激动的人。如果我们赢了,那就很好,我会站在后面帮助球队赢得比赛,但我不是那种领跑者。”</P>
<P>  这正是他的问题,而诺维茨基全都明白。一个在球场上感觉不舒适的球员,是不能成为真正伟大球员的。而那样的球员,需要有一把利刃,一种领导的意愿,甚至有时还需要一点肮脏。</P>
<P>  “无论我需要做什么,我都愿意去做,”诺维茨基说,“如果我必须变得更有激情,那好,我会尝试的。我不是很擅长那样,但我会尽我所能。”</P>
<P>  诺维茨基说:“对我而言,有一个潜在的更高水平在那儿,但我认为我自己还不是一个完善的球员,我仍然是一个学生,我仍然在学习。”</P>
<P>  既然如此,那么诺维茨基的下一课就是——成为巨星。</P><BR clear=all>
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[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-9 15:41:26编辑过]
Irkie 发表于 2004-11-9 16:51:00 | 显示全部楼层
<>原文:</P><>It\'s Nowitzki\'s season to power forward</P><>04:18 PM CST on Tuesday, November 2, 2004</P><>By EDDIE SEFKO / The Dallas Morning News</P><>Dirk Nowitzki is not a basketball star. Not in his mind, anyway. </P><>He does not self-promote. He doesn\'t shill for corporations that no doubt would love to have his endorsement. He doesn\'t flutter like a moth to the limelight. </P><>\"I\'m not in this to be on a billboard,\" the big German says. \"I could have done a lot of that stuff the last few years. But that\'s just not me.\" </P><>The Mavericks open their 25th season, and Nowitzki\'s seventh, tonight. Hard to believe at 26 years old he\'s already in the top 10 of nearly every career statistical category for the franchise. </P><>And yet, he\'s nowhere to be found in the national popularity ratings. Or among those whose jerseys are the hottest sellers at the NBA stores. Good looks, untold wealth, flowing blond hair and serious talent could have made him a media darling worldwide. </P><>Nowitzki arrives at a crossroads this season. The 7-footer is not mentioned in the same sentence with Tim Duncan or Kevin Garnett, who are franchise icons in San Antonio and Minnesota. Has the time come for Nowitzki to join them? </P><P>The answer will not come on a TV commercial or in a marketing campaign. </P><P>\"To me, that\'s not the important part of it,\" Mavericks owner Mark Cuban says. \"He needs to be the face of the franchise when he walks on the court. Is Dirk going to all of the sudden want to show up on Leno and Letterman? No. To Dirk\'s credit, he\'d rather be in the gym shooting jumpers. </P><P>\"We don\'t need an icon to market or a face of the franchise.\" </P><P>On that point, Cuban is right. What the Mavericks need – and what every franchise craves – is a superstar. In the last two decades, a person with one finger could count the teams that have won NBA championships without a legitimate superstar. Aside from the Detroit Pistons, it just doesn\'t happen. </P><P>By all rights, joining exalted status should be the next generation for Nowitzki. But he is not there yet. For all his wonderful talents – the silky jump shot, running the court like a racehorse, a conviction that\'s tougher than meets the eye – he is not in the same category with Garnett and Duncan or Shaquille O\'Neal and Jason Kidd. </P><P>The difference between him and those franchise players is that their teams\' offenses funnel through them. That has not always been the case for Nowitzki. </P><P>\"Tim Duncan is the playmaker of the Spurs, not Tony Parker,\" says Holger Geschwindner, Nowitzki\'s German coach who works with him during the summer. \"The whole team falls almost apart without him. So if the Mavericks can establish something like that, that will help.\" </P><P>But the reality may be that Nowitzki simply is closer to Paul Pierce, Jermaine O\'Neal and Elton Brand than the superstars. Granted, that\'s not bad company. Being among the top dozen players in the league is a great compliment. </P><P>But is that all there is for Nowitzki? Avery Johnson, the assistant coach who saw Duncan and David Robinson grow into quiet superstars in San Antonio, said Nowitzki\'s legacy will be written in the next five to seven years. This is his prime. And though he has been a reliable regular-season player, that won\'t get it done if Nowitzki plans on joining the elite of the game. </P><P>\"If you have his skill level, what you\'re going to be judged on happens from April 16 to June 19,\" Johnson says, referring to the playoffs. \"What people say about Dirk in six or eight years will be based on that.\" </P><P>Another test to pass </P><P>So what has to happen for Nowitzki to gain entry into the top shelf of NBA superstardom? Primarily, he must learn to initiate the offense, and that doesn\'t always mean scoring. </P><P>Garnett and Duncan have the ball in their hands on most every possession. Both are good passers, and giving up the ball leads to easy baskets for teammates. </P><P>Nowitzki has made defense and passing his priorities. </P><P>\"To be a great all-around player, you have to be a better passer,\" coach Don Nelson says. \"He has the ball in his hands a lot now, and it\'s not always to shoot. He\'ll be our best player. I can\'t make anything else happen.\" </P><P>Outsiders wonder whether Nowitzki is ready to be the leader of a franchise. </P><P>\"He\'s got to be willing to want to do that,\" says Milwaukee coach Terry Porter, who saw Clyde Drexler accept the \"franchise\" role in Portland. \"The problem you have sometimes is the franchise may give that title to somebody who\'s not ready for it yet.\" </P><P>One thing that won\'t work against Nowitzki is the fact that he\'s not an American. These days, the NBA is so multicultural that international lines have been blurred. You have Germans, Spaniards and Serbians who are team leaders. And remember, Duncan was born in the Virgin Islands. </P><P>As far as the Mavericks are concerned, there is no doubt that Nowitzki is capable of putting a franchise on his shoulders, even if he doesn\'t know it yet. </P><P>\"If Dirk was in an individual sport, you might see some different characteristics,\" says Donnie Nelson, president of basketball operations. </P><P>Next step up to him </P><P>Timing is an issue. Leaders know when the time is right to pat somebody on the back or kick them in the pants. Nowitzki has been hesitant to do either. That\'s been Michael Finley\'s job. But with Steve Nash moving to Phoenix in the off-season, now may be the time for Nowitzki to stand on his own. </P><P>\"That\'s part of it,\" Cuban says. \"He doesn\'t need any other player to be a crutch. He doesn\'t need a sidekick.\" </P><P>And Nowitzki has motivation on his side. Last season was the first time in his career that his production fell off, although it was not completely his fault. The Mavericks were a dysfunctional unit that never clicked, and Nowitzki played out of position much of the time. </P><P>This season, with the addition of center Erick Dampier, Nowitzki figures to be back at power forward exclusively. That will help him in his mission to take the next step. </P><P>\"We\'ll see, won\'t we?\" Nowitzki says. \"If my number is called, I\'m here. But we still have a lot of options on this team. We don\'t just have one or two guys. I don\'t think my style will change at all. I\'m not going to be the locker room rah-rah guy. </P><P>\"It\'s great if we\'re winning and I\'m in the background, helping us win games. I\'m not a front-runner.\" </P><P>Therein lies the problem. Nowitzki knows it all too well. An NBA player can\'t become truly great without being comfortable on the firing line. They need an edge, a willingness to lead and, maybe, just a little bit of nastiness. </P><P>\"Whatever I need to do, I\'m willing to do it,\" he says. \"If I have to be a little more emotional, that\'s fine. I\'ll try. I\'m not great at that. But I\'ll give it my best. </P><P>\"Potentially, there is another level for me. But I don\'t see myself as a complete player yet. I\'m still a student. I\'m still learning.\" </P><P>Which is good. But the time has come for those lessons to translate into a word that so far has been foreign to Nowitzki: superstardom.</P>
345543z 发表于 2004-11-9 21:41:00 | 显示全部楼层
deisler726 发表于 2004-11-11 17:02:00 | 显示全部楼层
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345543z 发表于 2004-11-11 17:41:00 | 显示全部楼层
ger6991989 发表于 2004-11-12 08:05:00 | 显示全部楼层
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