中国德迷联盟 -




 楼主| change2000 发表于 2004-11-18 20:24:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<DIV>11月16日, Jan Ullrich的私人顾问称他得到 T-Mobile-Team.车队的认可,,明年他可以坐在队车跟随乌里参加环法的比赛,车队的Mario Kummer运动部经理通知说。</DIV>
<DIV>这个事情也得到了车队总经理Olaf Ludwig的确认:“"Rudi Pevenage对扬来说非常重要,我们接受了他建议,并完善它.</DIV>
<DIV>与此同时T-Mobile车队队长 Ullrich也回到了在瑞士的训练基地 Scherzingen训练基地,“我们想比去年提前进入训练,天气情况对训练比较有利,不然他只能进行室内训练。”</DIV>
Ullrich将在11月底前在瑞士进行训练,12月份,97年的环法冠军将到西班牙的 Majorca进行训练,也有可能去南非进行训练。 </DIV><IMG src="" border=0>
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-12-22 9:51:20编辑过]
永远的轰炸机 发表于 2004-11-22 22:04:00 | 显示全部楼层
jamie 发表于 2004-11-22 22:09:00 | 显示全部楼层
<b>乌尔里希,听名字都绝对帅~!</b><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" />
 楼主| change2000 发表于 2004-11-24 10:16:00 | 显示全部楼层
<H3><FONT face=新宋体 size=2>
<DIV>11月22日,德国电讯车队在荷兰的 Amsterdam汇合,在他们出发去荷兰之前 t-mobile-team.com和他做了一番坦率的谈话。 </DIV>
<DIV>Jan Ullrich: 我和自己的家人在 Seychelles岛上度过了三周美妙的假期。我看着女儿可以独自走路,开始呀呀学语,她正在健康成长。假期过后我回到了在瑞士 Scherzingen的家中,然后开始训练。</DIV>
<DIV>Ullrich: 我基本进行的是在室内训练,后面还有背景音乐 。我一口气做两个小时训练,情况不错,如果天气好,就到室外训练。但是到室外训练都比较谨慎,我不想冒罹患感冒的风险。
<DIV>Ullrich: 12月2日(扬31岁的生日当天),我们一组人,包括 Andreas Kl&ouml;den, Olaf Pollack 和Matthias Kessler将乘飞机前往南非,那里的气候适合训练,我们也可以摆脱一下现实的压力。在那里患感冒的几率也低,我们也许要在那里度过圣诞节,也许我们12月24日飞回欧洲。 </DIV>
<DIV>Ullrich: 哦,1月份,我们到西班牙的 Majorca训练,我的第一次比赛是在西班牙开始,三月初举行的 Tour of Murcia。我不会参加春季的古典赛。现在说是否参加环意还有点早。我们要看情况而定。我的主要目标当然是Tour de France。</DIV>
<DIV>Ullrich:我希望能赢得冠军。有Alexander Vinokourov 和 Andreas Kl&ouml;den ,我们队的实力很强大,现在又有了Oscar Sevilla,增强了我们车队爬坡的实力。我相信我们冲击环法冠军是有可能的。我也希望Lance Armstrong回到起跑线。我要在环法前使自己达到最好的状态。 </DIV>
<DIV>Ullrich: 整体来说,T-Mobile 赢得了世界杯,我们在环法后车队的积分一直保持前列最终获得第一。我们是世界上最好的车队。但就我个人来说,04年不很成功,我不应该在环法前回了一次家。当时我女儿正在咳嗽,她把感冒传染了我。尽管我后来在比赛中用尽了全身力气,由于感冒而限制了自己的发挥。而奥运会来的太快了,我没有恢复到最好的水平,后来又患了胃部感染。04年不是一个成功的赛季,我要把他忘记。</DIV>
<DIV>Rudy Pevenage,你的私人顾问将在下个赛季会紧密和车队的关系,这有什么帮助么?</DIV>
<DIV>Ullrich: 我很高兴车队和IRudy达成了一致。 Rudy对我来说很重要,他会帮助我达到最好的状态,他不必非坐进队车里督促我向前,如果我的状态不好,他怎么督促也没用,他的重要性在于他可以帮助我达到颠峰状态,做好环法前的准备工作。</DIV>
<DIV>Ullrich: 这个夏天我们确实存在一些问题,但是我们现在全谈开了。职业比赛较之十年前可复杂多了,主要是金钱卷入。尽管事情变的复杂化,运动本身也很艰苦,但是我们队友之间还和前几年一样,很人情化,我们之间是同事,是合作者,友谊充斥其间,这对自行车运动来说非常重要。我有信心我们可以把工作做好。</DIV></FONT></H3>

<H3><FONT face=细明体 size=2>T-Mobile team roster</FONT> </H3>
<>Rolf Aldag (Ger), Eric Baumann (Ger), Giuseppe Guerini (Ita), Serguei Ivanov (Rus), Torsten Hiekmann (Ger), Serguei Yakovlev (Kaz), Matthias Kessler (Ger), Andreas Klier (Ger), Andreas Kl&ouml;den (Ger), Tomas Konecny (Cze), Andre Korff (Ger), Daniele Nardello (Ita), Olaf Pollack (Ger), Jan Schaffrath (Ger), Stephan Schreck (Ger), Bram Schmitz (Ned), Tobias Steinhauser (Ger), Jan Ullrich (Ger), Christian Werner (Ger), Steffen Wesemann (Ger), Alexander Vinokourov (Kaz), Erik Zabel (Ger). </P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-27 13:52:09编辑过]
ravel 发表于 2004-11-24 10:18:00 | 显示全部楼层
<>姐姐努力翻译啊</P><>期待中</P><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" />
 楼主| change2000 发表于 2004-11-24 10:52:00 | 显示全部楼层





 楼主| change2000 发表于 2004-11-24 10:54:00 | 显示全部楼层




<><IMG src=\"\" border=0></P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-11-24 11:01:11编辑过]
 楼主| change2000 发表于 2004-11-24 10:57:00 | 显示全部楼层





 楼主| change2000 发表于 2004-11-24 10:59:00 | 显示全部楼层





 楼主| change2000 发表于 2004-11-24 14:23:00 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV>22.11.2004/ Alexander Vinokourov is actually one of the quieter characters in the T-Mobile Team. But on Sunday evening, the two presenters of the popular Dutch TV show \"Holland Sport\" managed to drag him out of his shell.

Vino was an invited guest of Wilfried de Jong and Matthijs van Nieuwkerk on their hour-long live show. On the agenda was the 31 year old\'s experiences of growing up in Kazakhstan, and also life in the pro cycling game.

The show kicked off with a video clip of Vinokourov\'s win at the 2003 Amstel Gold world cup race. Vino\'s Kazakh friend and fellow rider Andrey Kivilev died tragically just a few days before the race, and Vino dedicated this win to Andrey. It was moving television, as \"Vino\" relived those moments and remembered Andrey on Sunday night. Much praise must go the presenters, who did their homework well and approached this difficult episode with a sensitive hand.

<b>lenty of laughs</b>
The presenters had plenty to laugh about later, when the T-Mobile star recalled some of the more whacky experiences from his time growing up in Kazakhstan.

To wrap up the evening Alexander Vinokourov had to get on his bike. The show always finishes with the guests having a go at the \"Fietsspel\" - a fun bicycle game. The riders turn the pedals to power little toy figures around a miniature velodrome. Something similar in concept to the horse racing games that you see at fun parks.

<b>Stiff competition</b>
For this game Vino brought along some competition; fellow T-Mobile riders Daniele Nardello, Steffen Wesemann and Bram Schmitz. But it was Vino who hit the pedals the hardest, not only winning on the night, but riding the third best time of any athlete that ever came on the show.

Once you get the Kazakh out of his shell! </DIV>
ravel 发表于 2004-11-24 15:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
<>收到,姐姐费心了</P><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" />
 楼主| change2000 发表于 2004-11-28 10:40:00 | 显示全部楼层
扁豆 发表于 2004-11-28 12:52:00 | 显示全部楼层
ravel 发表于 2004-12-4 23:56:00 | 显示全部楼层
< 0cm 0cm 0pt\"><FONT face=\"Times New Roman\">Alexander Vinokourov is actually one of the quieter characters in the T-Mobile Team. But on Sunday evening,    the two presenters of the popular Dutch TV show \"Holland Sport\" managed to drag him out of his shell.
Alexander Vinokourov實際上是德國電信車隊中性格最爲安靜的人之一。但是这个周日的夜晚,荷兰电视台的最受欢迎的电视节目“荷兰体育”的两个节目主持人却把他拉了出来。</FONT></P>< 0cm 0cm 0pt\"><FONT face=\"Times New Roman\">Vino was an invited guest of Wilfried de Jong and Matthijs van Nieuwkerk on their hour-long live show. On the agenda was the 31 year old\'s experiences of growing up in Kazakhstan, and also life in the pro cycling game.
Vino是Wilfried de Jong 和 Matthijs van Nieuwkerk的几小时长的现场秀节目的特邀嘉宾。按计 划,这个正在走向成熟的31岁的哈萨克斯坦人参加了这次电视采访节目</FONT></P>< 0cm 0cm 0pt\"><FONT face=\"Times New Roman\">The show kicked off with a video clip of Vinokourov\'s win at the 2003 Amstel Gold world cup race. Vino\'s Kazakh friend and fellow rider Andrey Kivilev died tragically just a few days before the race, and Vino dedicated this win to Andrey. It was moving television, as \"Vino\" relived those moments and remembered Andrey on Sunday night. Much praise must go the presenters, who did their homework well and approached this difficult episode with a sensitive hand.
这个节目是从播放一盘有关Vinokourov在世界杯分站赛2003Amstel黄金赛上的胜利的录像带开始的。Vino的哈萨克斯坦朋友并且同为自行车运动员的Andrey Kivilev在这个比赛开始的仅仅几天前悲剧性的去世,Vino将这次胜利献给了Andrey。这是个令人感动的电视节目,让\"Vino\"在星期天的晚上再次体验了那段时光,并回忆起了Andrey。必须称赞这两位主持,他们从那段最敏感的困难事件着手,并很好的完成了他们的任务。
Plenty of laughs
The presenters had plenty to laugh about later, when the T-Mobile star recalled some of the more whacky experiences from his time growing up in Kazakhstan.
To wrap up the evening Alexander Vinokourov had to get on his bike. The show always finishes with the guests having a go at the \"Fietsspel\" - a fun bicycle game. The riders turn the pedals to power little toy figures around a miniature velodrome. Something similar in concept to the horse racing games that you see at fun parks.
为了让这个晚上更精彩,Alexander Vinokourov不得不骑上了他的车。这个节目总是以让嘉宾参加\"Fietsspel\"——一个有趣的自行车游戏作为结束。骑手们要踩踏板来使一个小玩具模型在一个缩小的自行车室内赛车场模型内运动。这和游乐园的骑马的游乐项目很类似。
Stiff competition
For this game Vino brought along some competition; fellow T-Mobile riders Daniele Nardello, Steffen Wesemann and Bram Schmitz. But it was Vino who hit the pedals the hardest, not only winning on the night, but riding the third best time of any athlete that ever came on the show.
为了这个游戏,Vino还带来了一些对手:同为德国电信车手的Daniele Nardello, Steffen Wesemann和 Bram Schmitz。但Vino是最努力踩踏板的,他不仅在那天晚上获得了胜利,而且是在这个节目所有参加这个游戏的人中成绩排名第三的。
Once you get the Kazakh out of his shell!。</FONT></P>< 0cm 0cm 0pt\"><FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT></P>
ravel 发表于 2004-12-5 00:04:00 | 显示全部楼层
<>因为前段时间满选课,所以翻得晚了</P><>感谢2000姐姐的帮忙</P><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" />
 楼主| change2000 发表于 2004-12-5 00:14:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| change2000 发表于 2004-12-18 10:55:00 | 显示全部楼层
17.12.2004/ For the early seafarers the Cape of Good Hope marked the turning point in their luck because once the \"Cape of Storms\", as Bartholomeus Diaz called it in 1488, had been passed, the battle against the sea was basically won. The T-Mobile riders, who are on a training camp in South Africa, will also be hoping that their hard work on the roads of the Cape will lay the foundations for a successful campaign in 2005.

\"When we step out of the house in the morning, the first thing I do is take in the beautiful view\", says T-Mobile captain Jan Ullrich about how he starts his training days amid the stunning natural beauty of the Cape of Good Hope.

Olaf Pollack is also impressed with the setup: \"From our patio we have a magnificent panoramic ocean view. After a hard day of training, it is perfect for relaxing in the balmy evenings\".

But it definitely no holiday camp for the riders down there, as veteran campaigner Jen Heppner is quick to point out: \"We are sweating it out here in temperatures of 30 to 35 degrees\". The evergreen Heppner, who turns 40 on December 23rd, is lodged with a group of his Wiesenhof team mates, and T-Mobile rider Eric Baumann, just a few kilometres from the Jan Ullrich camp.

<b>Joint training rides with Wiesenhof </b>
The two groups meet on the road for joint training rides. \"It is always a quiet stormy down here. Bigger groups are better for riding out the wind - each rider can spend a little less time riding into the wind\", explains Matthias Kessler, who won\'t be surprised to learn that the Atlantic and Indian oceans meet at the nearby Cape Agulhas, a surfers\' paradise.

A varied training schedule sees the riders spending between five and seven hours on their bikes. \"We are riding between 150 and 200 kilometres per day. Some days we follow the flat terrain along the coast and other days we head into the hills. The focus is on endurance rides, rather than speed work\", says Gerolsteiner sprinter Danilo Hondo.

<b>Ullrich keeps with the program</b>
After recovering from a cold and a later than planned arrival at the training camp, Jan Ullrich is peeling off the group and returning to the lodgings a little sooner: \"I am following the guidelines of my coach, Rudy Pevenage. So, right now, my workload is three to five hours per day on the road.\"

Ulle is currently putting in rides of 100 to 150 kilometres at an average tempo of 30 kmph, but he will shortly be upping the ante: \"That will change next week. I\'ll be doing exactly the same rides as the other pros\".

<b>The fast men</b>
New T-Mobile recruit Olaf Pollack is enjoying the training camp with his new team mates: \"They are a good bunch of lads. They are looking after me\", says Pollack, who is also putting in some additional training rides with Eric Baumann. The two sprinters are keen to get magenta train in gear for next season. \"We are doing some speed work, and working on lead-out techniques.\"

Pollack and the Wiesenhof contingents are departing South Africa on December 22nd, with Jan Ullrich probably following them on Christmas Eve. In contrast, Tour runner-up Andreas Kl&ouml;den will celebrate Christmas and the New Year in the South African sun, together with Kessler and Hondo. (GL)
October 发表于 2004-12-20 20:39:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| change2000 发表于 2004-12-22 09:28:00 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=content>
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<DIV class=headline>12月20日,德国电讯车队的当家车手 Jan Ullrich 决定在南非度过圣诞节。31岁的乌里因为感冒晚到了南非:“我失去里一周的训练,我要弥补,所以最可能12月29日返回。”</DIV>
<DIV class=headline> </DIV>
<DIV class=headline> </DIV>
<DIV class=headline></DIV>
<DIV class=headline></DIV>
<DIV>留在南非过圣诞的车手们的妻子们不会到南非和丈夫团聚:“今年的圣诞我们要分开过了,训练和新赛季的准备工作放在第一位。”克罗丹说,他的女友和他的女儿将在他们的岳父家Lausitz 度过圣诞节。

<B>Ullrich: “自行车的感觉很好。”</B></DIV>
<DIV>在温暖的地区进行训练看来情况不错。据Jan Ullrich说: “我感觉很好,一切进展顺利,每天在自行车上度过7小时,和Kl&ouml;den, Andrè Korff, Matthias Kessler, Olaf Pollack 和 Danilo Hondo( Gerolsteiner车队)一起训练很开心。”.

训练中,队员们也意识到圣诞节的即将来临, Ullrich 承认:圣诞老人的降临曾经给他带来过美好的礼物,他印象最深的是他哥哥送给他的木制玩具和拖拉机。还有一次他哥哥给了他一辆带遥控的小汽车模型,这令他兴奋了很久。在他的印象里就是家人的团聚的日子,圣诞夜的美好留在记忆里。</DIV>

Andreas Kl&ouml;den也记得过去的圣诞节:“我们家人聚在中午一起喝米汤(rice soup 什么鬼东东?)和土豆沙拉和法兰克福肠,猜我们的到了什么礼物,那时我只有3-4岁 ”。Kl&ouml;di 知道队友在圣诞节前会布置好一切,他们有蜡烛和圣诞树。但是训练不会减少。在35度的气温下训练还是比在德国的严寒中训练更有效。</DIV></DIV>
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-12-22 13:52:40编辑过]
 楼主| change2000 发表于 2004-12-29 14:12:00 | 显示全部楼层
<>Jan Ullrich在南非度过了一个训练的圣诞节,根据他的私人助理 Rudy Pevenage的说法,Ullrich一直在认真地进行着训练,他全力以赴准备新赛季的挑战:“扬每天骑行5个小时” Pevenage告诉Algemeen Dagblad记者说:“他的体重也保持的很好,他的感觉很好,到他返回欧洲时,他的训练里程将达到2500公里。”</P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-12-29 18:51:19编辑过]
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