< ><FONT color=#945ea2>现综合本人发过的所有梅策日记,方便大家欣赏,谢谢支持</FONT></P>
< ><FONT color=#945ea2>其中有自己翻译也有朋友翻译的,如存在不足之处,希望大家指教,谢谢</FONT></P>
< ><FONT color=#945ea2>今后将不段补充新的日记,敬请期待</FONT></P>
< ><FONT color=#f709f7>2004年8月20日</FONT></P>
< >亲爱的朋友们:
我非常喜欢tontauben shooting(好象是射击或it's something like shoot with a pistol on a special target),这就是我为什么很期待2008奥运会的原因,2008我会去北京的.<IMG src="http://www.fussball.cn/leadbbs/images/UBBicon/em04.GIF" align=absMiddle border=0>
以上为整理翻译...呵呵,初次尝试...以后会努力的<IMG src="http://www.fussball.cn/leadbbs/images/UBBicon/em07.GIF" align=absMiddle border=0><IMG src="http://www.fussball.cn/leadbbs/images/UBBicon/em07.GIF" align=absMiddle border=0>
待续...<IMG src="http://www.fussball.cn/leadbbs/images/UBBicon/em04.GIF" align=absMiddle border=0>
< ><FONT color=#3dee11>2004年8月31日</FONT></P>
< >奥运会结束了~
< ><FONT color=#f76809>2004年9月26日</FONT></P>
< >亲爱的朋友们
另一件有趣的事就是:Sebastian Kehl在过去的联盟杯中担任队长一职.他干得非常出色,是一个很不错的队长.我以他为荣!
我们就要迎接mainz 的挑战了~~那将是一场很困难的比赛...(我们的梅子真是预言家,果然被他说中了...)但我们会全力以赴的...
爱你们的 Christoph
< ><FONT color=#6600ff>2004年10月11日</FONT></P>
本来我前几天就想来跟大家打个招呼的,但是总是没机会.因为我在过去的14天里终于可以非常刻苦的练习并且因此经常去医疗部门报道检查.而且过去几天中我还有几个其他的时间安排,比如说我和Basti Kehl一起去了Thomas Gottschalk的"Wetten Dass...?"(译者注:WettenDass是德国ZDF电台收视率非常高的一个以打赌为主题的节目),而且还去了电影"象我们一样的男人"的首映式.
你们的 Christoph
<P><FONT color=#ff0000>2004年10月20日</FONT></P>
<P>Hello of people,
that were really turbulent weeks to Borussia Dortmund, since then I for the last time to word announced myself here. The events almost estimated themselves - and passed at nobody without trace.
The crew says, all that may be alibi and not consult not as apology for negative results. That is naturally correct, but nevertheless I see somewhat more differentiated, because I take the position of an outstanding one for the moment rather. And as such and must I can take the team in protection. The last, less good results do not have to do anything with the quality of the crew, but with things such as self-assurance and security. And for those the whole headlines of the last time are not favorable. One finds new messages to each morning, if one opens the newspaper up. And nearly daily many persons express themselves: Florian Homm, Analysten, journalist. When one does not know players sometime no more, that one is, and all this must be passed inevitably to the head. Finally there the speech is from our employer!
Therefore soon peace must in-turn, and as soon as happens, one will be able to read off it also fast from the achievement of the crew. In this connection it is correct that personnel decisions were met. I set large hopes in pure hard robbery universe and am pleased that he - after initial hesitating - which president post will take over. He knows, how the association ticks, and is with whole heart Borusse. On the fast one one could have found no better man.
Now however (finally) back to the football. We have a completely heavy play before us on Saturday, because it is always an ungrateful task to begin against a team which has a straight coach change behind itself. Therefore I expect a club-hard portion against that Hamburg sports association. According to my opinion it is even a play pointing the way. I hope and think that the crew sees Ernst of the situation and itself accordingly clean-knelt. In addition, should mobilize their fans all forces and place you fully behind the eleven. I hope that you support so also the new start. We must win simply the play and refuel so new self-assurance. With that financial stability which can be expected soon also the sporty will then come.
Which concerns me, then I began in the meantime with Sprinttraining. Yesterday and the day before yesterday everything folded well, and I am very content. Were further small steps on the way to my comeback.
Until then,
Your Christoph
<P><FONT color=#1ae694>2004年11月15日</FONT></P>
<P>two weeks ago ago I announced myself for the last time to you, therefore there is some to regenerate in such a way. Because fourteen really turbulent days behind us lie. Which concerns the sporty, then the crew before the important victory over Freiburg took three defeats at the piece. Then the two meetings, first those of the club members, made then those of the shareholders, headlines, because they were led full emotions. And finally I extended to mine contract until 2007 and to the vice-president "vdv" was selected, that am the combination of the contract soccer players.
But most importantly me my health is natural. And which concerns, it looks completely good. I train further fully with the crew, without so far muscular problems or any subsequent injuries would have arisen, what after longer tracing already times occur could. For the moment I bear all efforts very good. I hope that I can take part in the complete training program up to the end of the Hinrunde, so that the chord gets accustomed again to such loads. In the last week I was also still times as a check in BaselA new nuclear spin tomography was made, and everything looks really good.
There, thus in the Baseler course hospital, I by the way met Markus Baur, the captain of the German hand ball national team. It was operated by "my" physician Dr. Segesser at the jump joint, and I wish it of this place from again all property and an imminent recovery. It played with its club, the TBV Lemgo, to the season prelude in the arena AufSchalke and a new spectator world record for hand ball plays set up. 31,000 humans live pursued this portion - however I invited Markus and its crew then directly times into a correct stadium. The Handballer is always cordially welcome us.
At home in Dortmundagain something peace is eingekeht in the last days. To it one can see again, like importantly such a victory is - for the psyche of the crew, in addition, for the entire surrounding field. If one wins, then sizzles medium-moderately not so much on one in, and one can concentrate completely on the football. Particularly it made me happy that the coach came again from the line of fire. All can confirm that it carries good work out. Now I hope naturally strongly that also from the next results can be read off. Perhaps already on Saturday in - presses us the thumbs.
Until soon,
Your Christoph
<P><FONT color=#7b6699>2004年12月10日</FONT></P>
<P><img src="images/post/smile/dvbbs/em03.gif" /><img src="images/post/smile/dvbbs/em03.gif" /></P>
<P>Thank you for everything!
Hello of people,
it is achieved! After no less than 626 days without football on match conditions I was allowed to celebrate my comeback on Tuesday with the play of the amateurs against Braunschweig. That I play at all, we very at short notice decided really only. The impact in addition by the way our coach gave to Bert van Marwijk. It wanted that I already receive something feeling before the winter break again for the play. Therefore I am also from my actual plan to attack only again in the back round deviated. And that was also well like that.
The chord also prepared during the play and thereafter no problems, and 45 minutes at the place I got over those physically also well. I must say: That was really a good feeling to be allowed to be finally again at the place thereby. Clearly, I naturally noticed that I have still deficits within all ranges, but we will surely regenerate those in the next months. But but that I am only for three weeks in crew training, the employment had succeeded completely on Tuesday already, how I find.
Now it becomes however times time for a few thank saying: A large goes thank-beautifully naturally to the amateurs of the BVB. It is always with difficulty, if professionals tear to it-pushed and the actual crew structure apart, and particularly, if someone were hurt as for a long time as I. But helped young me really very much. Thank you also to all, which found the way in the Westphalia stadium, in order to support me, thanks to my family, to my friends, to the medical department of the BVB, to all Physiotherapeuten and to my two Reha coaches Egid and "Z". You helped me in the past 21 months very much
In addition, I was allowed to take congratulations on the comeback against. One first, which called, was more olive beer-hopes, in addition still aufmunternde words came from Switzerland. Of Tanja, my Therapeutin in and of Dr. Segesser, my physician. Thanks!
This afternoon I will drive with the crew to the last away game 2004 to, in order to support the team. However only mentally, not at the place, as some boulevard sheets had already assumed. An employment with this important play is simply not yet realistic from today's view.
In the end still times completely large thanks go at all fans and visitors of my side here, which me in the past one and a half years the thumbs pressed and awarded to me courage. We did not believe all that the injury would be so lengthy. I will do now everything in order to pay to you back your confidence in the coming years at the place.
Thank you for everything,
your Christoph
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-12-12 20:53:43编辑过]