中国德迷联盟 -




兔兔 发表于 2005-2-5 10:25:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<>1)Having goosebumps each time you hear or see the name M I L A N.

2) The most beautiful combination of colours. Red and Black.

3) Being the most titled team in the world at International level.

4) First Italian team ever to have won the Champions Cup.

5) First Italian player to have won the prestigious Ballon d Or in Gianni Rivera.

6) Gianni Rivera. Nuff said.

7) The luminous and genial assists of the Golden Boy to Prati and co.</P>
< ><FONT face="Times New Roman">    金童里维拉奉献给普拉蒂和队友们的那些高超精准而又恰到好处的助攻。</FONT></P>
< ><FONT face="Times New Roman"></FONT> </P>
< ><FONT face="Times New Roman"></FONT> </P>
< ><FONT face="Times New Roman"></FONT>8)<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>Il<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>aron<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>Nereo<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>Rocco.<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>and<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>imaging<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>vividly<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>the<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>speeches<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>of<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>Il<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>aron<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>starting<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>with<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>"Cio<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>Mona".
帕隆.内雷奥.罗科。以及他那些以"Cio<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>Mona"作为开场白的演说,言犹在耳,声声不息。

9)<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>Having<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>Nordhal<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>s<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>35<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>goals<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>in<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>a<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>season<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>in<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>Serie<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>A<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>still<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>being<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>the<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>record<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>of<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>goals<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>scored<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>in<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>one<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>season<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>by<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>a<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>striker!

10)<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>ierino<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>rati<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>s<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>hat<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>trick<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>in<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>Madrid<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>against<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>Cruyff<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>s<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>Ajax<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>in<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>the<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>69<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>Champions<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>Cup<FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT>final...
1969年冠军杯决赛,皮耶里诺.普拉蒂在马德里面对拥有克鲁伊夫的阿贾克斯,上演了帽子戏法<FONT face="Times New Roman">……</FONT></P>
< > <p></p></P>
<P>(11) Wembly. 1963. Cesarone Maldini raising the Champions Cup to the sky. A tradion was born...

12) Salonico. 1972. William Vecchi single-handedly winning the Cup Winners  Cup for Milan against Leeds.
 楼主| 兔兔 发表于 2005-2-5 10:27:00 | 显示全部楼层
13) Milan-Bologna. 1979. Stella. Nuff said.

14) Mark Attila Hately jumping over Carlo Judas Collovatti and offering the derby to Milan after years of sufferings.

15) Watching Luci a San Siro aka Donadoni enligthening the San Siro with his fumnabulesque
runs and dribbles that would make proud Mane Garrincha!!!

16) Watching Kaizer Franz commanding like a general the defence in a beautifully and synchronized manner
which would have made proud Jules Cesar and Napolean Bonaparte.

17) The mesmerizing and orgasmic goals of the Swan of Utrecht. The greatest of all!
乌得勒支天鹅在绿荫场上翩翩起舞,他的进球令人如醉如痴,兴奋不已。最伟大的进球!最伟大的前锋!<BR ><BR >
< >18)<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Watching<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>mesmerized<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>the<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Divine<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Swan<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>defy<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>the<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>laws<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>of<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>gravity<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>of<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Newton<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>in<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Madrid<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>and<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>score<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>a<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>diving
header<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>from<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>the<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>ground.<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Breathe-taking<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>stuff.

19)<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Watching<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Ruud<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Gullit<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>s<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>run<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>breezing<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>through<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>past<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>the<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>entire<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Napoli<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>team<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>and<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>offering<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>on<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>a<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>plate<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>the
goal<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>of<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>#11<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>to<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>the<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Swan.<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Unforgettable!

20)<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Having<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>the<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>best<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>and<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>most<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>faithful<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>fans<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>in<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>the<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>world.<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>80,000<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>fans<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>at<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>the<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>San<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Siro<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>to<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>watch
Milan-Cavese<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>in<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Serie<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>B<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>while<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Inter<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>with<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Rummenigge<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>barely<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>was<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>able<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>to<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>pull<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>40,000<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>in<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Serie<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>A.
< > </P>
< ><p></p> </P>
< > 21) From Hell to Paradise in less than 5 years!!!

22) Carletto Terminator s missile that almost decapitated Paco Buyo s hand on April 19, 1989.

23) April 19, 1989: Total extermination Job of Real Madrid that would make Arnold Schwarzenegger s proud.

24) 90,000 Milanisti exodus in Cataluna to witness the boys over-conquering Coppa Campioni # 3.

25) Symphony of Angels recited by the Troupe of Il Diavolo in Barcelona in front of a capacity Camp Nou
which left not even the slightest of chances to the opposing orchestra from Roumania.
< ><p>在气势上完全压倒了
<BR ><BR ></p></P>
 楼主| 兔兔 发表于 2005-2-5 10:29:00 | 显示全部楼层
26) Watching Ruud Tulipano Nero Gullit jump higher than Pagliuca with his hands  at Marassi and giving the victory to Milan!

27) Watching Franky Rijkaard, with his Dostoyevsky s rythm rescuing the boys from the very dangerous
trap of the Maracana in Belgrade in the fall of 88.

28) Being able to curse freely that that figlio di puta di Lo Bello, father and son... :thmbdwn:
用你能够想到的最恶毒的言语诅咒在1990年肆意抢走我们联赛冠军的黑哨Lo Bello,他们家族会遭到

29) Watching Gli Immortali of Don Sacchi stream-rolling and dictating their law in every pa
< >rt<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>of<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>the
Universe<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>in<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>such<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>a<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>sublime<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>way<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>that<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>no<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>team<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>has<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>ever<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>been<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>able<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>to<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>reach<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>that<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>level<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>of<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>beauty!!!!

30)<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Watching<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Franky<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Rijkaard<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>continue<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>the<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Tradition<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>in<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Vienna.
< > </P>
< > </P>
< ><p>31) Watching Chico Evani, one of the faithful heroes of the Hellish times score the winner in Tokyo in
the last minute of regulation against Medellin. Pure extase!!!

32) Having the Scudetto of the record of Inter being overshadowed by the overwhelmingly devastating
Champions Cup triumph of Van Basten, Gullit and Baresi and co. Simply Priceless!!!<BR ><BR >范.巴斯滕、古利特、巴雷西以及全体球员在冠军联赛中取得的辉煌胜利,令同城死敌的联赛冠军相形见绌,黯然失色。

33) Beating Maradona on his very own playground in such a fashion that the very demanding, faithful public
of the San Paolo giving a standing ovation to Milan at the end of the match!!!!

34) Witnessing Gullit dethroning Maradona on his own playground as King of Serie A!

35) Witnessing the aphrodisiac prowesses and out of this world goals of the Divine Swan. Priceless.

36) Witnessing Gli Invincibili of Don Fabio destroyinmg every team. Conquering every imaginable record.<BR >Anilihating any hope of winning of other teams in an awe inspiring manner, coupling infinite class the with
very cool and deadly precision of a voracious and unstiatable Cobra

37) Witnessing the 937 minutes of Seba Rossi.

38) Witnessing the unprecedented, unmatched, unparallelled streak of 58 unbeaten games. From
May 1991 to April 1993. Un-freaking-believable!!!

39) Witnessing the geniality, imprevisibility and magic of Il Genio Savicevic. Dizzy stuff....

40) Witnessing Il Genio scoring that amazing goal against Barcelona in the 94 CL final. Breathe-taking stuff!!!
在94年冠军杯决赛中,天才球员萨维切维奇对巴萨打进一记奇迹般的经典入球。令人目瞪口呆的神奇进球!!!<BR ></p></P>
 楼主| 兔兔 发表于 2005-2-5 10:31:00 | 显示全部楼层
<>41) Witnessing the Milan players playing the game of Toro, Toro with the Bar&ccedil;a players was mindblowing.
(The Toro game is when players make other players run after the ball which is usually done during trainings.
At that time, this is what the Bar&ccedil;a team was doing to most of their oppositions. However, that night,
it was Milan who were making Barcelona players run after the ball like headless chicken. And whlie the
Catalans were running after the ball, the Milan fans were joyously singing \"Ole!Ole!Ole!Ole!\" I was left
speechless in front of that rare spectacle!!!! Neither Cruyff nor Barcelona recovered from this trauma...
<>42) Watching Marcello Desailly with his imposing built figure patrolling the midfield. Unpassable wall!!!

43) Witnessing the Divine Swan single-handedly destroy Goteborg. 4 goals in 29 minutes!

44) Witnessing the Divine Swan going into one of this gravity defying stunts that only he had the secret
scoring that unforgettable bicycle kick against Goteborg. Unforgettable!!!

45) Witnessing Disney Land type magic junfolding in front of my eyes with each ball and action
by Il Genio coupled with Il Divino Codino. Breathe-taking stuff!!!!
带给你迪斯尼乐园般神奇和不可思议的感受。他们触球的每一刹那,都会在瞬间夺去你的呼吸!!!<BR ><BR >46) Witnessing Il Re Leone Weah going coast to coast against Verona at the Scala del Calcio.

47) Watching Ruud Gullit tearing apart the net and almost breaking the arm of Walter Zenga with a
missile from an impossible angle. Superb stuff!!!Watching Walter Zenga whining after the linesman for
a non-existant off-side? Hilarious, in typical Bauscia style!!

48) Watching Beep Beep Massaro coming off the bench and always scoring!A god sent gift!!!No wonder,
he was called Provvidenza.
我们亲爱的“Beep Beep”马萨罗总是替补登场,却往往能够进球!得此良将,实乃天幸!!!</P>
< >其实这不足为奇,他的存在本来就是天佑米兰,他就是米兰的神。

49)<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Winning<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>haut<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>la<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>main<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>3<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Scudetti<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>in<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>a<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>row.<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>A<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>feat<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>not<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>achieved<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>since<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>the<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>times<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>of<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Il<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Grande<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Torino!

50)<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Just<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>the<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>name<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Marco<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Van<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Basten<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>alone<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>gives<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>me<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>goosebumps.
< > <p></p></P>
<>51) Witnessing Re Leone and Zorro hand in hand, in perfect complices commiting the most perfect hold
up in terra juventina and running towards # 16! Unforgettable!!!

52) Watching Cuore di Drago Maldini unleashing a rocket from outside the box with his right foot past
an hopeless Gigi Buffon in this 2-1 win over Parma which would be the beginning of that incredible 7<BR ><BR >wins in a row climaxing in # 16. Superb!!!

53) Watching Maurizio Ganz scoring a hat trick in his first derby in Coppa Italia simply priceless!!!

54) Witnessing Maurizio Ganz scoring that vital goal against Sampdoria at dhe 95th minute giving us a crucia
l win 3-2 in our quest to the title that season.

55) Watching Il Metronomo unleashing one of the purest and most powerful shots I ve ever seen
against Monaco, in the 94 CL 1/2 final, that we won 3-0 despite being a man down for the antics
of Klinsmann on Billy. But what can one expect from a typical Bauscia...
<BR ><BR ></P>
<> </P>
 楼主| 兔兔 发表于 2005-2-5 10:32:00 | 显示全部楼层
56) Watching the Boys anilihating Empoli at San Siro 4-0. Surpasso!!!

57) From the Perugia game, what I would remember for ever is not the 2 goals by Guly and
Bierhoff but that vital save at the very last minute by Abbiatti. And what a save!!!A missile shot
from 2 meters and Christian managed to dive and save the day and the title!!!Pure class!!FORZA CHRISTIAN!!!
至关重要的扑救。那是何等精彩的一次扑救!2米开外的大力射门,克里斯蒂安飞身救险,挽救了战局,是的,那次扑救也保住了我们的联赛冠军!!!Forza天下第一门将!!!FORZA CHRISTIAN!!!(^_*)
<BR ><BR >
< >58)<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>The<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>absolutely<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>insane<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>images<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>of<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Zio<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Fester<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>going<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>nuts<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>after<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>the<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>final<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>whistle<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>that<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>day,<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>in<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>late<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>May<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>99
in<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>erugia.<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Vampirone<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>looked<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>as<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>if<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>he<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>were<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>choking!!!Unforgettable!!!

59)<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Sheva<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>s<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>hat<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>trick<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>at<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>the<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Olimpico<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>against<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Lazio<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>in<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>a<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>memorable<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>4-4.

60)<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Sheva<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>s<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>slalom<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>against<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Bari,<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>reminiscant<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>of<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Re<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Leone<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>s<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>caost<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>to<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>coast<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>against<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Verona<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>a<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>few<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>years<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>earlier.<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>ure<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>class!!!!
< > <p></p></P>61) Big George s last minute winner in the Derby.

62) Leonardo s magics. Pure delight!!!

63) Seba Rossi stopping a penalty right after substituting that clown of Lehman in Cagliari (?). Grande Seba!!!!

64) Crying like an inconsolable child the day that Marco Unico announced his retirement, due to the only
opponent who was able to stop him: his chrystal ankles...

65) Crying again the day that Il Monumento, Il Totem, Il Capitano, l Immensita che divento regola, # 6, Kaizer Franz retired.

66) Watching Sheva destroying all oppositions in his path!!!

67) Zvone s creations. A delight!<BR ><BR >博班非凡的创造力给米兰球迷带来无尽的欢乐。向你致敬,兹沃尼!
<BR ><BR >
 楼主| 兔兔 发表于 2005-2-5 10:38:00 | 显示全部楼层
< >68)<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>The<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>commanding<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>orders<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>of<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Il<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Metronomo,<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>regulating<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>the<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>play<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>and<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>traffic<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>in<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>midfield.

69)<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Being<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>spoilt<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>all<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>those<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>years<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>with<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>amazing<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>champions,<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>incredible<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>teams,<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>unforgettable<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>wins
and<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>indelible<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>triumphs<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>and<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>joys.

70)<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Game.<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Set.<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>And<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Match.<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>11<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Maggio<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>2001.
< > <p></p></P>
<>71) Gianni Commandini reminding Marco Tardelli how good he is.

72) Concorde Serginho s devastating runs through the very inviting Inter defence.

73) 6-0. Unique. Unforgettable. Eternal.

74) Il Metronomo s 2 rockets against Barca in an unforgettable match, which was right during my b-day!!!

75) The choregraphies of the Curva Sud. The best Curva in Italy and the world!!!

76) 05 Maggio 2002: Self-explanatory. No comments needed!

77) The day we signed Rui Costa. I particularly remember that day as that got me literally high
the whole day. I knew that this signing was the beginning of a new era! And Il Musagete has not
dissapointed since with countless breathe-taking and crucial assists.

78) Derby d andata season 2001-2002: 3 goals in what? 9 minutes or something like that? I was in
8th Heaven that day while watching the match alone at home, everyone wondering whether I had gone bozo...

79) Summer 2002: the day we signed Sandro Magno. On August 30th, I stayed up all night until the
transfer was officialised. It was 3:30 am in here when it was finally on the official site. When I saw the
magic little message saying \"L AC Milan comunica di avere firmato il difensore laziale Alessandro Nesta...\"
I screamed so hard I almost woke up everybody, resulting in me getting almost kicked out of the house
for un-appropriate behaviour
完全撕开了对手的后防线,由舍瓦完成了冷酷致命的一击。<BR ><BR ><BR ></P>
 楼主| 兔兔 发表于 2005-2-5 10:40:00 | 显示全部楼层
83) 2nd leg of the CL 1/4 final against Ajax. San Siro. 93rd minute. Until SuperPippo accomplishes the miracle that
not even the most fanatic and optimistic of the lads in the FDL such as Tino, Gino, Mino, Lino and co ;)
would have even dreamt of. Un pallonetto suave just above the Ajax keeper and right under the cross bar
that opens the gate to the next round for us. I have rarely in my life felt such a strong and intense feeling
that after that moment. Simply I was left speechless, with no force left. I was lying on the floor with my face
against the carpet, trying to catch my breathe. I thought I had died and gone to heaven.
甚至连最狂热和乐观的FDL(FOSSA DEI LEONI,米兰球迷组织)成员(例如迪诺,基诺,米诺,里诺等等)都不敢想象

84) 13 Maggio 2003: The Trilogy is complete! Euro Derby: Sheva scoring probably the most important
Derby goal after the one scored by Attila. Simply the sweetest derby ever. IMO even more than the
Tennis Game. And to make things even sweeter, watching Zanetti, that animal of Materazzi crying made it even more delicious.

85) May 28, 2003. Manchester. One moment that I will never forget: just prior to taking the decisive
penalty kick, Sheva, looking at the ref, then at Buffon, then again at the ref, and again at Buffon and finally
nodding as if to say to himself: \"Ok, I ll take care of business\" and then, runs and shoots and sends all of us
Milanisti into a state of trance. Before he took his shot, I closed my eyes and started praying like rarely I ve
done in my life. I was in a bar in downtown Toronto, with mostly Gobbi and only me and a couple of English
fans rooting for Milan. I closed my eyes and once I heard the silence in the room and a few poetic \"vafa\" from
around me, from the Juventini, I knew that it was over and that we were the European Champions. I started
crying like a baby and shouted several times \"Sheva!Sheva!Sheva!\". I wanted to grab at the big screen and kiss
the screen each time they were showing him. The heavy partying and celebrations that ensued would forever
be in my mind, heart and soul. GRAZIE VENTO DI PASSIONI!GRAZIE RAGAZZI!!! The sweetest of all the CLs for
me, won after beating not only all the top guns in Europe and convincingly but also and above all, the Cugini
and the Gobbi. The top of the top!!!That CL is like worth 5 for me!

86) Watching Buffon diving on his right and Sheva sending the ball where no Buffon or anybody else could stop the ball.

87) Standing on top of the table at the bar and shooting to the room full of Gobbi and Perdenti: SIAMO NOI,<BR >SIAMO NOI, SIAMO NOI, I CAMPIONI DEL EUROPA SIAMO NOI!!!!!A few days later: the icing on the cake:
Coppa Italia. The  celebrations. The whole atmosphere. Unforgettable. Each time I think of that period,
I get goosebumps and tears of pride. Only Milan can do that!

88) First day of the Serie A season 2003-04: the play made by Kaka for the 2nd goal in Ancona. Simply  sublime.
Sombrero on the defender. Acceleration to go past 2 defenders. Then genial through ball for Cafu whom
gives it straight to Sheva who finishes it smoothly. Gol da antologia!
<BR ><BR ><BR ><BR ><BR >
 楼主| 兔兔 发表于 2005-2-5 10:42:00 | 显示全部楼层
< ><FONT size=3>89)<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Derby<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>d<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>andata:<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Kaka<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>show<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>continues.<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT></FONT><FONT size=3>3-1.

90)<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Sheva<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>s<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>100th<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>goal<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>with<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Milan.<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Against<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Chievo.<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>100<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>altri<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>di<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>queste<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>perle<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>Vento<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>di<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT></FONT><FONT size=3>assioni!!!
在对阵切沃的比赛里,舍瓦完成了自己加盟米兰的第100个进球。<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\">“</FONT>激情之风<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\">”</FONT>踌躇满志,摩拳擦掌,目标瞄向下个一百球!!!<p></p></FONT></P>
< ><FONT size=3> </FONT></P>
< ><FONT size=3><p>91) While the whole Italian media are pondering how many goals will Capello s unstoppable Roma are
going to score past this Milan in crisis, Carletto s ragazzi give a resounding lesson of football and maturity
to an incredible packed Olimpico. A demonstration of ultimate force and strength da Campioni d Europa!
Nor Capello nor Roma would ever recover from this trauma...
让他们领教到什么才是冠军球队的成熟风范和雍容气度。这就是欧洲冠军终极实力的绝佳证明!无论是卡佩罗还是罗马都未能走出重创恢复元气。<BR ><BR >92)Derby di ritorn Down 0-2 at half time totally against the run of the play, the ragazzi make a formidable
come back. First JDT. Then, Il Bimbo di Oro in a superb shot in one of these deadly runs that only he has
the secret. And finally, the icing on the cake. The one for god knows what reason was named Calamity
Clarence by the Inter fans during his spell there, turns on the show and the heat with an unstopable long
distance missile. Toldo at full stretch helpless and hopeless. La Curva Sud explodes. So do I. GRANDE CLARENCE!!!

93) Tiziano Crudelli s  (Milanisita TV commentator) almost passes out after Clarence s winning goal.
His screams\" E allora? E allora? E allora? E allora? E allora?\" is among the most unforgettable comments
I ve ever heard. Also worth mentionning, the face and expression of the Inter commentator sitting
just beside him. That expression alone was worth a million bucks!!!!
他不停地高喊着“E allora?(And then?)E allora? E allora? E allora? E allora?”这是我听到过的最难忘的现场评论。

94) Delle Alpi. Against the Gobbi. A superb 3-1 victory. Full of authority which completely swept the  
mighty Juve. In their stadium. The Clarence show continues...

95) We all know how surprising was the ending, however, the first leg was one of the most beautiful matches
by Milan I ve seen in a long time. Reminded me of the Milan of Gli Immortali of Don Sacchi at times with the way
they were stream-rolling on the opposition which was left helpless. I m talking about the first leg against
Deportivo that we onlywon 4-1....could have and should have well been 6-1 or even 7-1. One perfectly
valid goal by Pippo ruled out and at least 3-4 clear through balls with clear scoring chances one on ones
non-offside by the same judge line that had screwed Manchester in the previous round...But what a match!
What a 20 minutes spell which was like a tornado sweeping everything in its path. The Devil s wrath  anhiliating
completely the Spaniards. Amazing game. Kaka s 2 beauties. Sheva s fumnambulesque slalom and Andrea s
geometria. Superb overall match!
我想强调的是首回合迎战拉科鲁尼亚比分只有4-1……我们本应该得到6-1或者7-1。皮波的一个漂亮的进球被误吹为越位,<BR ><BR >此外还有3到4次绝佳的进球良机被边裁误判,令我们再圆曼彻斯特美梦的愿望化作泡影……但这是一场何等精彩的比赛!

96) Milan-Roma: Scudetto # 17! A record breaking season. Every remaining  records left in the
history of Serie A broken. GRAZIE RAGAZZI!!!!

97) I d like to spend a few words on the amazing, beautiful and always original and funny choregraphies
and chants of la Curva Sud. The best and most faithful group of fans in the whole world. Special mention
to these striscione: Dedicated to our Cugini:
那里总是歌声嘹亮,那里聚集着世界上最棒最忠诚的球迷。特别值得一提的是那些经典的标语:致冠军的堂兄弟(表妹……^_^)。<BR ><BR >98) Hearing the lyrical, marvelous, beautifully synchronized songs of the Curva Sud each time
gives me the goosebumps even overhearing them on the back ground on tv. So I can only imagine
how hypnotizing those songs and anthems can be live at the Scala del Calcio.

99) Looking back in time, one of the recurring images I ll never forget is to see Kaiser Franz with just raising
his hand, putting the entire opposing team offside. The offside trap during Sacchi and Capello s era was of
the purest form of ballet and synchronized swimming together. Pure class!
在萨基和卡佩罗时代,这样的越位陷阱如同优雅芭蕾和花样游泳的经典结合。完美的风度,出众的气质!<BR ><BR ></p></FONT></P>
冠军拜仁 发表于 2005-2-5 11:27:00 | 显示全部楼层
托蒂 发表于 2005-2-5 12:01:00 | 显示全部楼层
ALLEMAGNE 发表于 2005-2-5 12:47:00 | 显示全部楼层
朱红之泪 发表于 2005-2-5 13:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
<>支持AC米兰!!!</P><>巨无霸AC米兰!!!</P><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em05.gif\" />
冠军拜仁 发表于 2005-2-5 13:11:00 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>托蒂</I>在2005-2-5 12:01:00的发言:</B>

雷欧.格兰特 发表于 2005-2-5 14:26:00 | 显示全部楼层
朱红之泪 发表于 2005-2-5 14:33:00 | 显示全部楼层
冠军拜仁 发表于 2005-2-5 15:40:00 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>雷欧.格兰特</I>在2005-2-5 14:26:00的发言:</B>

 楼主| 兔兔 发表于 2005-2-5 16:22:00 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>托蒂</I>在2005-2-5 12:01:00的发言:</B>


 楼主| 兔兔 发表于 2005-2-5 16:23:00 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>ALLEMAGNE</I>在2005-2-5 12:47:00的发言:</B>

 楼主| 兔兔 发表于 2005-2-5 16:24:00 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>朱红之泪</I>在2005-2-5 14:33:00的发言:</B>

我爱FCK 发表于 2005-2-5 19:52:00 | 显示全部楼层
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