< >心有灵犀,今天早上还想如果放走亨德森谁来填补,要是有纳胡拉就好了。所以翻译下,不是逐字啊,水平有限,凑合着吧。</P>
< >译文:</P>
< ><B>大竹竿儿换纳胡拉?</B></P>
< >译者:Irkie</P>
< >学习《芝加哥论坛报》的萨姆·史密斯同志(牛头换狼头的传说),达拉斯人也关心一下自己,YY嘛。</P>
< >库班说想要一个替补中锋,活力型的。</P>
< >这个夏天最郁闷的牛当属大竹杆儿,AJ不是没试过,是竹杆儿自己不争气,这下钉在板凳上甭想翻身了。库班说过不会卖他(多半儿是出于无奈),既然不打算用了难道就不能动动脑筋把他弄走?</P>
< >冠冕堂皇的说法儿是,大竹杆儿对伊尔戈斯卡斯和YM有身高优势,可是自AJ接手后他就没管用过。季后赛首轮,牛宁愿场上没中锋(司机客串)也不让竹杆儿上场。他对付不了YM型的,也干不过小厮型的,留着何用?不如给一些想中锋想疯了的球队(和过去的牛一样),能不花大代价就得到一个最高的中锋想必还是有人乐意的。</P>
< >库班说想要活力型替补中锋后还表示,不得已换走纳胡拉是心中永远的痛。</P>
< >把二者联系起来就得到了YY的结论:用大竹杆儿换纳胡拉怎么样?</P>
<P><B>Code Ed </B></P>
<P><B>We Eye A Shawn-For-Najera Swap</B> </P>
<P>By David Lord and Mike Fisher -- DallasBasketball.com </P>
<P>Let's begin by establishing that DB.com isn't usually the place for zany, un-doable fantasy trades; we're too well-established as a haven for true journalism, so we leave such swap-meeting to fly-by-night outfits like, say, Sam Smith's Chicago Tribune. </P>
<P>But we aren't above putting together 2+2+2 and calculating how it might add up. </P>
<P>Let's calculate the Mavs' backup center situation. </P>
<P>A player who could be on the way out this summer is Shawn Bradley, who even under the center-friendly Avery Johnson has found hinself exiled to what looks like permanent bench status. Mark Cuban has professed loyalty to him, but if the Mavs arent going to use Shawn anymore (and it doesnt look they will), it will be time for them to move him. </P>
<P>They ostensibly have Bradley here as the antidote to super-tall players like Ilgauskas and Yao Ming, but he was completely ineffective against both since Avery took over, and in fact against Yao in the playoffs the Mavs at times went without a center at all rather than risk playing Bradley. (So Shawn for this team, Shawn can't play against Yao types OR against Stoudemire types? Who does that leave?) In addition, as a moderately priced center, there are lots of center-needy teams that might offer something decent in exchange for him. </P>
<P>In his reactions to the season, Mavs owner Cuban noted the Mavs' current need to acquire a backup big man who can give them mobile and athletic minutes. In the next breath, he also mentioned that he was really bothered last summer by the necessity to trade Eddie Najera in order to acquire Erick Dampier. </P>
<P>That leads us to wonder: could the Mavs be eyeing a Bradley-Najera swap as the solution for their need for an "athletic backup center"? </P>
<P>When he was here, Najera played many minutes at backup center and had the desired mobility, plus the ability through his hustle to frustrate opposing big men. He has bounced from Golden State to Denver since the Dampier trade, and it is not unreasonable to think he might be obtainable again. </P>
<P>Eddie was (and still is) a Dallas fan favorite, a guy who's original role here was almost gimmicky. But Najera blossomed from a sort of "pet rock'' to a piece of the on-court puzzle and a centerpiece of locker-room harmony. Cuban isn't the only one who was sorry to see Eddie go. </P>
<P>We aren't ignoring the potential downsides here. For one, Eddie might not ever be as healthy as he was as a Mav; his considerable "spring in his step'' from those days certainly wasn't exhibited during his post-knee-surgery Golden State term. For another, "backup center'' isn't exactly Eddie's ideal job description; at 6-8, he is more of an undersized power forward. </P>
<P>But isn't he an even more pesky version of Alan Henderson? </P>
<P>Because of trade rule restrictions, such a trade would have to wait til "next season" (which starts July 1st), and thus will be subject to the new CBA and its trade rules. However, under current rules, a Najera-Bradley straight up swap works, and it almost certainly would also work under any new plan. </P>
<P>In our best amateur GM dream world, we can see Bradley also perhaps fitting into trades with such teams as Minnesota, Cleveland, Atlanta, Sacramento or Golden State. And if we want to do a Chicago Tribune-style trade, well, we'd rather trade Bradley for LeBron James. But in our real world, and with Cuban's remarks, and with Dallas' needs, put down our early crystal-ball money on the Mavs at least exploring a Bradley-Najera swap as a summertime "tweak.'' </P>