<DIV class=Titolo><FONT color=#ff0033>GILARDINO JOINS MILAN!!</FONT></DIV><DIV class=DataOra></DIV><DIV class=DataOra>7/18/2005</DIV><>MILAN - <FONT color=#ff0000>It is finally official: Alberto Gilardino has signed a contract with Milan.</FONT> The striker announced the deal himself in a phone link-up during the \'Studio Milan\' talkshow on Milan Channel: ’<EM>I\'m very happy, it was a long negotiation that fortunately ended in the best way. Everything of this team fascinates me: the club, the history, the top players who are part of it. Why did I choose Milan? Because they are the strongest club in Europe and for me it is a great honour to wear these colours</EM></P>