< >爵士队今年应该还不错,探花郎DERON WILLIAMS应该会有很大的发展,除了速度慢点,投篮挡拆防守以及打球态度都是很不错的,投篮选择时机上还有些欠缺.明年的一年级菜鸟队PG里面应该就是他和PAUL了.不过貌似美国爵士球迷不怎么喜欢他,评价比较低.</P>
< >不过爵士伤病太多了,AK伤了,布泽尔伤不知道能不能好,DERON也伤了,据说连哈普灵也伤了</P>
< ><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em04.gif\" /></P>
< >奥库肩上担子可真够重的,不过现在可是抢数据的好机会啊</P>
< >新消息:<b>斯隆和老板米勒吵架了...<!--
--></b> <!---->
Monday night: An InsideHoops.com source emailed us saying that about a minute after Utah lost at home to New York by a score of 73-62, Jazz team owner Larry Miller and head coach Jerry Sloan were seen exchanging unfriendly words with each other. Another source says it was Miller sounding off, at Sloan and others. Check back for more info in the morning.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-11-15 17:46:05编辑过] |