中国德迷联盟 -



德国电讯车队的环法的英雄们凯旋故里(和JAN一起为KLODI加油! )

 楼主| change2000 发表于 2006-6-23 12:48:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<>   <a href="德国" target="_blank" >德国</A>电信自行车队今天公布了2006环法自行车赛的参赛<a href="阵容" target="_blank" >阵容</A>,名单显示这是一支经验丰富的精干之师,目标是协助车队领军车手乌尔里希夺取他第二个环法冠军。2006年环法自行车赛将于7月1日开幕。</P>
<DIV class=headline>德国电讯车队官网<STRONG>21.06.2006</STRONG>消息,根据最近车队连续参加环法和环意的比赛状况,车队经理<STRONG>Olaf Ludwig</STRONG>竞赛经理<STRONG> Rudy Pevenage</STRONG> 完成了2006年环法参赛选手的选拔,在一月份确定了<STRONG>Serhiy Honchar, Andreas Kl&ouml;den, Eddy Mazzoleni, Michael Rogers</STRONG> 和<STRONG>Jan Ullrich</STRONG>五个人的位置后,现在又确定了<STRONG>Giuseppe Guerini, Matthias Kessler, Oscar Sevilla</STRONG> 和<STRONG> Patrik Sinkewitz</STRONG> 四人的位置。他们将参加7.1公里的环法揭幕战,然后随队参加从7月1日开始到23日结束,行程为3654公里的06年环法大赛。</DIV>
<><STRONG><EM>The 2006 T-Mobile-Tour-Team</EM></STRONG> <br><EM></EM><br>Giuseppe Guerini (36/Italy) <br>Serhiy Honchar (35/Ukraine) <br>Matthias Kessler (27/Germany) <br>Andreas Kl&ouml;den (30/ Germany) <br>Eddy Mazzoleni (32/Italy) <br>Michael Rogers (26/Australia) <br>atrik Sinkewitz (25/ Germany) <br>Oscar Sevilla (30/Spain) <br>Jan Ullrich (32/ Germany) </P>
<><IMG src="" border=0></P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-7-25 12:26:24编辑过]
change2000 发表于 2006-6-23 12:52:00 | 显示全部楼层
<><STRONG>Happy birthday, Andreas!</STRONG> </P>
最爱klose 发表于 2006-6-23 19:52:00 | 显示全部楼层
Cat.LoVest 发表于 2006-6-23 20:29:00 | 显示全部楼层










<P>顺便贴点儿Jens Voigt ,我不会忘记去年环法,他穿着黄衫爬不动的场景,还有他因伤退出时,我为他流下的泪水。他也是德国人,希望大家能支持他。</P>




Cat.LoVest 发表于 2006-6-23 20:31:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| change2000 发表于 2006-6-24 00:06:00 | 显示全部楼层
<>Ullrich 宣布他要结婚了</P>
<>Jan Ullrich 宣布和女友Sara Steinhauser今年秋天就要结婚了。“我很幸福,因为她接受了我的求婚,我们就要结婚了。” ULLE告诉德国<I>BILD</I> 杂志:“她是世界上最好的女人,我全身心地爱着她,我愿意和她共度余生。”未来的新娘、ULLE前队友Tobias Steinhauser的妹妹说:“我很享受和他在一起的每一分钟”。婚礼的细节没有透露。</P></H3>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-24 0:22:35编辑过]
Cat.LoVest 发表于 2006-6-24 13:45:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| change2000 发表于 2006-6-24 14:24:00 | 显示全部楼层
最爱klose 发表于 2006-6-24 19:21:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| change2000 发表于 2006-6-26 12:36:00 | 显示全部楼层
<H3>LeMond: \"Armstrong threatened my life\" </H3>
<>Former Tour de France champion Greg LeMond has given French <I>L\'Equipe</I> newspaper an exclusive interview, published on Sunday, June 25, 2006, in which the American has taken a stand against Lance Armstrong, the UCI and the Vrijman report. LeMond said that Lance Armstrong has threatened him for having criticised the seven-time race winner\'s collaboration with Italian sports doctor Michele Ferrari. LeMond, who won the Tour de France in 1986, 1989, 1990, said that he was pressured by Armstrong in 2001 after saying that he was disappointed at the Texan\'s association with the controversial <I>preparatore</I>. </P>
<>\"Lance threatened me,\" he said. \"He threatened my wife, my business, my life. His biggest threat consisted of saying that he (Armstrong) would find ten people to testify that I took EPO.\" </P>
<>In the interview, LeMond continued by holding the UCI responsible for their failure to deal with the problem of doping. \"This problem goes beyond Armstrong,\" he said. \"The Spanish scandal is another example, the entire system is corrupt, the UCI is corrupt.\" </P>
<>LeMond also referred to the Vrijman report, named after the expert commissioned by the UCI to probe the <I>L\'Equipe</I> allegations of doping against Armstrong. \"The report should have come from WADA or the French Ministry of Health,\" he said. \"But it doesn\'t change anything if you catch a rider because Lance is now retired and it continues.\" LeMond added that Armstrong as a person was consumed with ambition: \"He needs power - with money, or with women. He will never find happiness.\" </P>
sandhillrd 发表于 2006-6-27 14:25:00 | 显示全部楼层
digilee 发表于 2006-6-27 15:58:00 | 显示全部楼层
DISCOVERY CHANNEL     <BR>  Jose Azevedo  <BR>  Viaceslav Ekimov    <BR>  George Hincapie   <BR>  Egoi Martinez  <BR>  Benjamin Noval  <BR>  Pavel Padrnos  <BR>  Yaroslav Popovych    <BR>  Jose Luis Rubiera   <BR>  Paolo Savoldelli <BR><BR>GEROLSTEINER      <BR>  Markus Fothen   <BR>  David Kopp  <BR>  Sebastian Lang  <BR>  Levi Leipheimer  <BR>  Ronny Scholz   <BR>  Georg Totschnig  <BR>  Fabian Wegmann  <BR>  Peter Wrolich  <BR>  Beat Zberg <BR><BR>T-MOBILE     <BR> Guiseppe Guerini (Ita)<BR> Sergey Honchar (Ukr)<BR> Matthias Kessler (Ger)<BR> Andreas Kl&amp;ouml;den (Ger)<BR> Eddy Mazzoleni (Ita)<BR> Michael Rogers (Aus)<BR> Oscar Sevilla (Esp)<BR> Patrik Sinkewitz (Ger)<BR> Jan Ullrich (Ger)<BR><BR>EUSKALTEL - EUSKADI     <BR>  Iker Camano    <BR>  Una&amp;iuml; Etxebarria    <BR>  Aitor Hernandez    <BR>  David Herrero    <BR>  I&amp;ntilde;aki Isasi    <BR>  Iban Mayo   <BR>  Aketza Pena    <BR>  Haimar Zubeldia    <BR>  Joseba Zubeldia <BR><BR>LIQUIGAS     <BR>  Michael Albasini   <BR>  Magnus Backstedt   <BR>  Patrick Calcagni  <BR>  Kjell Carlstr&amp;ouml;m  <BR>  Danilo Di Luca  <BR>  Stefano Garzelli  <BR>  Matej Mugerli  <BR>  Luca Paolini  <BR>  Manuel Quinziato <BR><BR>HONAK HEARING SYSTEMS     <BR>  Bert Grabsch  <BR>  Robert Hunter  <BR>  Nicolas Jalabert  <BR>  Floyd Landis   <BR>  Axel Merckx   <BR>  Koos Moerenhout   <BR>  Alexandre Moos  <BR>  Victor Hugo Pena   <BR>  Miguel Angel Perdiguero <BR><BR>RABOBANK     <BR>  Michael Boogerd  <BR>  Erik Dekker  <BR>  Thomas Dekker   <BR>  Juan Antonio Flecha  <BR>  Oscar Freire  <BR>  Denis Menchov  <BR>  Joost Posthuma  <BR>  Michael Rasmussen  <BR>  Pieter Weening <BR><BR>CAISSE D’EPARGNE - ILLES BALEARS     <BR>  David Arroyo  <BR>  Florent Brard  <BR>  Isaac Galvez Lopez  <BR>  José Vicente Garcia  <BR>  Vladimir Karpets   <BR>  Oscar Pereiro   <BR>  Nicolas Portal  <BR>  Alejandro Valverde  <BR>  Xavier Zandio <BR><BR>CSC     <BR>  Ivan Basso   <BR>  Bobby Julich   <BR>  Giovanni Lombardi  <BR>  Stuart O\'Grady  <BR>  Carlos Sastre  <BR>  Frank Schleck  <BR>  Christian Vandevelde  <BR>  Jens Voigt  <BR>  David Zabriskie <BR><BR>QUICK STEP - INNERGETIC     <BR>  Tom Boonen   <BR>  Wilfried Cretskens  <BR>  Juan Manuel Garate  <BR>  Steven de Jongh  <BR>  Filippo Pozzato  <BR>  José Rujano  <BR>  Bram Tankink  <BR>  Matteo Tosatto  <BR>  Cédric Vasseur <BR>
digilee 发表于 2006-6-27 15:59:00 | 显示全部楼层
<><STRONG>Astaná-Würth<BR></STRONG>Assan Bazayev (Kaz)<BR>Joseba Beloki (Esp)<BR>Alberto Contador (Esp)<BR>Allan Davis (Aus)<BR>J&amp;ouml;rg Jaksche (Ger)<BR>Andrey Kashechkin (Kaz)<BR>Isidro Nozal (Esp)<BR>Luis Leon Sanchez (Esp)<BR>★<FONT color=#ff0000>Alexandre Vinokourov</FONT> (Kaz)</P>
<><STRONG>Astaná-Würth</STRONG>的阵容很强大,今年Alexandre Vinokourov很有希望,因为他的助手非常强大,Joseba Beloki 环法赛经验丰富,曾经辉煌过;年轻的Isidro Nozal 是环西赛名将,实力极强;Alberto Contador 迅速窜升的新秀。<BR></P>
diterl 发表于 2006-6-27 20:01:00 | 显示全部楼层
<>唉 因为世界杯 都有点冷落环法了</P>
<>改挺维诺克劳夫,加油 </P>
 楼主| change2000 发表于 2006-6-28 00:50:00 | 显示全部楼层




[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-28 0:54:39编辑过]
ravel 发表于 2006-6-29 23:01:00 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>Cat.LoVest</I>在2006-6-24 13:45:00的发言:</B><BR>
sandhillrd 发表于 2006-6-30 18:39:00 | 显示全部楼层
ravel 发表于 2006-6-30 19:34:00 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>sandhillrd</I>在2006-6-30 18:39:00的发言:</B><BR>Ulle被除名了!?!</DIV>
ravel 发表于 2006-6-30 20:02:00 | 显示全部楼层
<>恐怕这次环法大缺人了~~~这次的禁药事件让很多人退出了,Ivan Basso、Francisco Mancebo、Joseba Beloki都退出了~`~</P>
有个人 发表于 2006-7-1 11:40:00 | 显示全部楼层
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