< >发信人: emier (艾米儿~文科班里的理科生), 板面: Football<BR>标 题: [chelsea]-切赫完整访谈<BR>发信站: 飘渺水云间 (Wed Dec 13 04:02:41 2006), 转信</P>
< ><a href=\"http://www.chelseafc.com/xxchelsea180706/index.html#/page/NewsHomePage/list_2209\" target=\"_blank\" >http://www.chelseafc.com/xxchelsea180706/index.html#/page/NewsHomePage/list_2209</A><BR>129_0</P>
< >Wed, 13th Dec 2006</P>
< >Back-to-back championship winning goalkeeper Petr Cech has commenced his<BR>rehabilitation programme at the Chelsea training headquarters.</P>
< >两届英超冠军成员切赫开始在雀而喜训练中心进行复健</P>
< >He has given a full interview to Chelsea TV, during which he discusses a<BR>well-deserved holiday, his initial exercise regime, the experts so vital to<BR>his recovery from a fractured skull and the calendar ahead.</P>
< >切赫接受了雀而喜电视台的访问 谈到了假期 食物疗法 专家对头部伤势建议以及<BR>接下来的进度</P>
< >Here in full is what Cech said:</P>
< > etr, how are you?</P>
<P>Fine thank you. I feel better, improving every day. I can start training a<BR>little bit in the gym and the swimming pool so it makes me feel a lot better.</P>
<P>切赫:我很好 我在健身房及游泳池做训练 对帮助很大</P>
<P>And your hair is growing back.</P>
<P>Yes, and I am happy with that, especially because the scar is now covered, so<BR>it is looking even better which just shows that I am improving even more.</P>
<P>没错 伤疤被头发遮盖住了 也变的更帅了些 我长出了那么多头发 XD (怎么有代言的<BR>味道)</P>
<P>You have even been training outdoors.</P>
<P>It has been a great week the last week because I could start working, I could<BR>even start play tennis.</P>
<P>上周开始已经开始户外训练 打打网球</P>
<P>I can be at the training ground and see the people I like to see, and that is<BR>better for my confidence and better for my feelings. I hope this way I can<BR>make it back earlier than expected.</P>
<P>每次到训练中心看到人门 让我信心大增 复原更迅速</P>
<P>You were suffering from tiredness, from fatigue, whenever you were doing<BR>anything. How is that now?</P>
<P>问:之前你做什么事都感到疲劳 现在呢?</P>
<P><BR>That\'s improved as well. Of course I am tired when I do the training session<BR>because my body is still a little bit tired.</P>
<P>进步十分良好 当然身体做训练时会疲劳</P>
<P><BR>But it has improved massively because I can work twice a day and at the end<BR>of the day, I am tired but I am tired because of the work, not just because<BR>of the walking. So it has been great to discover this.</P>
<P>现在一天可以做两次训练 疲劳来自训练 而并非行走 这是好事</P>
<P>What about your head, are you getting any more headaches?</P>
<P>问:你的头怎么样 还会痛嘛?</P>
<P>From time to time I get some headaches but I think it is probably only<BR>because of the fatigue. Overall everything is going well.</P>
<P>一直以来都会持续头痛 我想是因为疲劳的关系 总的来说一切都很好</P>
<P>I am really happy with that and I think everyone from the medical department<BR>is really happy with that. We tried to start working this week and it has<BR>been going very well.</P>
<P>我跟医疗团的人都很高兴 这周又有新的项目</P>
<P>Some of the training was a little bit of running out, catching a rolling ball<BR>and throwing it.<BR>It was looking simple but it was very hard, I can tell you. It has been seven<BR>weeks without running and I was just lying in my bed most of the time before.</P>
<P>前几周的一些训练项目已经完成 包括使球滚动以及接住他门 看起来很容易 但是体力上<BR>有困难 再这七周里我都没跑步 只是躺在床上</P>
<P>This was only the second training session when I was running a little bit and<BR>I was really exhausted, even though it was only 15 minutes or something like<BR>that. It was enough.</P>
<P>这只是第二项训练 一些跑步 虽然只是15分钟 但是很疲倦</P>
<P>You went on holiday. How important was that?</P>
<P>问:你去度假 对你的重要性如何?</P>
<P>For me personally, it was very important and from the point of view of my<BR>family, it was also very important because it has been a very difficult time<BR>for my wife.</P>
<P>个人来说很重要 家庭来说也很重要</P>
<P>We hadn\'t seen each other such a long time before because most of the games<BR>we had played away from home and there was the World Cup in the summer.</P>
<P>我跟我的家庭很久没有见面了 因为许多客场比赛及世界杯</P>
<P>Then I had an operation on my shoulders so I spent after that on the way back<BR>a lot of time at the training ground.</P>
<P>之后又动了肩膀手术 又有很多训练</P>
<P>So we needed it as well, being together. We enjoyed a break.</P>
<P>Did you do anything or did you just lie in the sun?</P>
<P>问:你除了躺在沙滩上之外还\"做\"了什么嘛?<BR>?No, I had the first part of my programme there. It has been only a bicycle.<BR>About 15 minutes on the bike and some strengthening stuff for my shoulders<BR>because the muscles around the shoulders are important for me after the<BR>operation and they had gone.</P>
<P>喔 没做什么.... 骑脚踏车 摩托车舒展肩膀 喔喔舒展肩膀肌肉身体好~</P>
<P>That is why I needed to start slowly, working these muscles and it was the<BR>first part of the programme.</P>
<P>Let\'s talk about Denis Talbot, he is someone who has become really important<BR>in your rehabilitation and that was before your injury, that was with the<BR>shoulder recuperation.</P>
<P>问:说说丹尼斯 他在你复建过程中很重要 在之前肩膀的伤也是</P>
<P>Denis was the person who spent most of the time with me after the shoulder<BR>operation because he has a lot of experience with working with people after<BR>shoulder operations.</P>
<P>丹尼斯经验丰富 我门花很多时间复建受伤的肩膀</P>
<P>So I spent a lot of time with him, working with special exercises for<BR>shoulders. He was even going with me when I was selected for the national<BR>team and there were internationals. It was great.</P>
<P>In the United States I was working most of the time with [performance physio]<BR>Dean Kenneally and we started there. The special programme after that with<BR>Denis made me even stronger, and after I feel that the shoulders were safe,<BR>protected with the muscles and I didn\'t have any problems to restart playing.</P>
<P>哦 切赫为了肩膀的伤势去了一烫美国</P>
<P>Did you know about him in France when you were playing there, before you came<BR>to play in England?</P>
<P>I have to say no because when we were playing in France, I was injured only<BR>once and I didn\'t need anyone like that because it was an easy injury. I only<BR>needed specialists while playing in England. It is sad but it is true.</P>
<P>喔 我在法国都从来不受伤的 很悲哀 到了英国需要疗伤专家</P>
<P>He came over really to oversee the medical department moving from the<BR>temporary premises at Cobham to the permanent premises, but now he is taking<BR>a special interest in you again and getting you fit again.</P>
<P>问:丹尼斯从暂时的住址搬迁到了现在的永久住址 现在对你非常关注照料你的复健</P>
<P>Yeah, because we have known each other such a long time because we spent<BR>almost four or five months working together because of the shoulders.</P>
<P>没错 我门认识了四五个月疗肩膀的伤</P>
<P>So I think it is logical we keep going with that after the second surgery,<BR>even though it is different surgery. I think the work I need to do is a<BR>little bit similar. I would say almost the same as before.</P>
<P>所以第二次头部受伤我还是找他 过程很相似</P>
<P>Now Rob Brinded [the conditioning coach] is working with me as well on the<BR>strength and coordination and this kind of stuff.</P>
<P>Both together, they can look after me very well, and I think we can see that<BR>because I have improved such a lot in ten days.</P>
<P>她们把我照料的很好 进步很快</P>
<P>Do you speak English or French with Denis?</P>
<P>Normally together we speak French because it is for both us, especially for<BR>him, and to practice French is good for me, so I don\'t forget a lot.</P>
<P>法语 这样我可以多练习 也不会忘记法文</P>
<P><BR>So what is your schedule from here?</P>
<P>The schedule is quite easy. It is during the week from Monday to Friday, it<BR>depends on the day, sometimes twice, sometimes working once-a-day.</P>
<P>Then the difference is sometimes it is in Cobham in the gym and then sometimes<BR> I am going to play tennis in Oxshott or sometimes I am going to the swimming<BR>pool.</P>
<P>很简单 游泳 打网球 重训等等</P>
<P>There is always the different kind of work and I think for me, it is good as<BR>well, because working in Cobham, working in the gym or on the pitch for three<BR>months, I think it would be difficult.</P>
<P>So we try to go to all the different places, all the different motivation,<BR>and it is good for me.</P>
<P>How often do you see the consultant who is in charge of your head?</P>
<P>Last week I spent a whole day in Oxford with the surgeon for some<BR>consultations and some tests. We are still waiting for the report from that<BR>but as far as I am concerned, we are looking very positive and very well.</P>
<P>上周刚去牛津医院检查过 情况很不错 大家都很乐观</P>
<P>Especially the brain is working very well and I haven\'t lost anything I had<BR>so for the moment it is looking very well.</P>
<P>There is still time to go with the skull fracture because it has not healed<BR>and I have to be patient with that, but hopefully that will go quickly as well.</P>
<P>头部骨折的部位还没完全愈何 需要耐心</P>
<P>Normally they take three months which from the incident will take us to the<BR>middle of January.</P>
<P>It is looking like that, about the middle of January I will be able to start<BR>training in the goal.</P>
<P>通常这种伤势需要三个月恢复 所以一月中就可以在门前训练</P>
<P>So I will just try to enjoy the time with my family, enjoy the time with the<BR>lads at the training ground and now I have plenty of time to work.</P>
<P>When I am back I will be much stronger than before because I will have<BR>another three months, or eight weeks, to work hard and I am really enjoying<BR>this part of the injury, even though it is really hard to accept that you<BR>can\'t play.</P>
<P>You have to see everyone playing on the pitch, working, laughing during the<BR>training sessions - what I can\'t do - but I am still enjoying myself because<BR>I know it is going to make me stronger.</P>
<P>无法在训练场上跟队友聊天说笑很难过 不过我会加油</P>
<P>How are you enjoying getting through watching games - watching Carlo,<BR>watching Hilario?</P>
<P>It has been difficult from that start but I think I have improved in watching<BR>my team-mates as well because in the first three or four games it was horrible<BR>.<BR>殴当然很不爽 前几场很难适应</P>
<P>I was so nervous that I was always walking around the telly because it was so<BR>difficult, you can\'t help anyone. Then even at the stadium it is hard to<BR>control the emotions but most of the games we won so that was the better part<BR>of this.</P>
<P>想要帮忙但又没办法 在电视前面走来走去</P>
<P>How do you feel about playing again? Have you got any concerns that you will<BR>find it difficult to play again?</P>
<P>问:你觉得你再度上场比赛会怎样? 有没有担心自己也许无法在比赛了?</P>
<P>Everyone is asking if I am afraid when I am back. But Carlo said the main<BR>thing - how can I be afraid of something I don\'t even remember?</P>
<P>每个人都在问我会不会害怕心中有阴影 酷哥告诉我 假如你都不记得发生什么事<BR>就无从怕起</P>
<P>That is exactly what it is going to be with me, because I don\'t remember<BR>anything from the game. I don\'t even remember the injury.</P>
<P>喔我想不起当时收伤的情况了 伤势也想不起来</P>
<P>I woke up three days later and I had already 30 stitches on my head and it<BR>was difficult for me. But that game I don\'t remember so I don\'t think I am<BR>going to be afraid.</P>
<P>我三天后才醒来 头上缝了三十针 我记不起来 所以也没什么好怕的</P>
<P><BR>--<BR> ★ Juventus板网友 第007号: emier ★ <BR> ═╦╦ ╮ ╔╮╮ ╔╮╔══╮╮ ╔╮═╦╦╮╮ ╔╮╭══╮<BR> ╠╣ ║ ╠╣║ ╠╯╠╣ ║╮╠╣ ╠╣ ║ ╠╣╰═╦╮ <BR> ╠╣ ║ ╠╣ ║║ ║╰╔╗║╰╠╣ ╠╣ ║ ╠╣║ ╠╣<BR> ╰╩╯ ╰═╩╯ ╰╯ ╚═╩╯╰ ╰╝ ╚╝ ╰═╩╯╰═╩╯ <BR> ---非官方民间手工制作版v1.0</P>
<P>※ 来源:·飘渺水云间 freecity.cn·[FROM: emier] <BR></P> |