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[原创]给蓝军切尔西盖个楼 3楼为视频楼

Intermezzo 发表于 2007-4-25 11:32:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p><img alt=\"图文-切尔西轻松备战欧冠半决赛特里精神不错\" src=\"\" border=\"1\"/></p><p><img alt=\"图文-切尔西轻松备战欧冠半决赛含情脉脉地看对方\" src=\"\" border=\"1\"/></p><p><img alt=\"图文-切尔西轻松备战欧冠半决赛舍瓦“怒砸”特里\" src=\"\" border=\"1\"/></p><p> </p><p> <img alt=\"图文-切尔西轻松备战欧冠半决赛乔科尔大秀护球技术\" src=\"\" border=\"1\"/></p>


Intermezzo 发表于 2007-4-25 11:34:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p><img alt=\"图文-切尔西轻松备战欧冠半决赛穆里尼奥不敢大意\" src=\"\" border=\"1\"/></p><p><img alt=\"图文-切尔西轻松备战欧冠半决赛穆里尼奥在笑什么?\" src=\"\" border=\"1\"/></p><p>网易的标题也够… “英俊的穆帅”<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em08.gif\" /></p><p>



Intermezzo 发表于 2007-4-25 11:37:00 | 显示全部楼层





Intermezzo 发表于 2007-4-25 11:38:00 | 显示全部楼层





Intermezzo 发表于 2007-4-25 11:40:00 | 显示全部楼层


</p><p>你们怎么玩儿的这么开心……</p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em06.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em06.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em06.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em06.gif\" />
rocelee 发表于 2007-4-25 11:49:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>我晕,L8怎么这么喜欢秀大腿啊???</p><p> </p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em26.gif\" />
Intermezzo 发表于 2007-4-25 11:50:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p><a href=\"\"><strong>巴拉克错过红蓝军对决 穆帅迷魂战惹恼利物浦</strong></a></p><p>       北京时间4月25日路透社消息,在切尔西与利物浦冠军杯半决赛第一回合比赛一触即发的关键时刻,从蓝军队内传出不利消息,主教练穆里尼奥表示,球队的中场大将巴拉克将因脚踝伤势错过周三的比赛,巴拉克的缺阵无疑将对切尔西的晋级产生巨大影响。 </p><p style=\"TEXT-INDENT: 2em;\">巴拉克是在上周与纽卡斯尔的英超联赛中受伤的,第18分钟,巴拉克控球时被对手布兰布尔凶狠铲伤,德国中场没有参加周二切尔西备战冠军杯的赛前训练。主教练穆里尼奥告诉记者,“巴拉克不会参加这场比赛。”缺少了巴拉克的切尔西中场必须酝酿重组,冠军杯1/4决赛中,正是巴拉克下半场助攻舍瓦扳平比分,帮助切尔西客场2比1逆转瓦伦西亚成功晋级。 </p><p style=\"TEXT-INDENT: 2em;\"></p><p style=\"TEXT-INDENT: 2em;\">此外,葡萄牙后卫卡瓦略也可能缺席本场重头戏。据悉,肌肉拉伤的卡瓦略甚至没有在周日的英超联赛中亮相,不过他在周二的训练中恢复的不错,做传球、转身等防守动作也似乎没有问题。穆里尼奥表示,“卡瓦略伤了,我认为他恐怕踢不了与利物浦的比赛。”而膝伤严重的荷兰飞翼罗本和禁赛的后腰埃辛同样无缘切尔西与利物浦的冠军杯红蓝之战。 </p><p style=\"TEXT-INDENT: 2em;\"></p><p style=\"TEXT-INDENT: 2em;\">由于首回合的比赛是切尔西坐镇主场斯坦福桥,无疑穆里尼奥的胜面更大一些。不过,贝尼特斯似乎在阵容和休息时间上更胜一筹,从2007年开始,多线作战的切尔西队已经参加了24场激烈对抗,而利物浦队则比他们少了6场,这使得贝尼特斯可以运用轮换制安排部分主力在大赛前得到休息。穆里尼奥表示,“你认为兰帕德和杰拉德是在同一条件下竞争吗?这显然不是一场公平的决斗。”而利物浦队主帅贝尼特斯则认为穆里尼奥是在迷惑自己,“最近,我听说了很多我从不知道的事情,每个人都说我们是夺冠热门,总说自己的球队很疲惫而我们则没那么多重要比赛。我很惊讶穆里尼奥总在谈他们的困难。” </p>
Intermezzo 发表于 2007-4-25 11:59:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>rocelee</i>在2007-4-25 11:49:00的发言:</b><br/><p>我晕,L8怎么这么喜欢秀大腿啊???</p><p> </p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em26.gif\" /></div><p></p><p>我为他的勇气折服~<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em07.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em07.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em07.gif\" /></p><p>太勇猛了……</p>
Intermezzo 发表于 2007-4-25 12:04:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p><strong><font size=\"5\">跨过这一关就是天堂 穆里尼奥发布赛前动员豪言</font></strong></p><p><strong><font size=\"2\"><a href=\"\"></a></font></strong></p><p style=\"TEXT-INDENT: 2em;\">明晨,切尔西将在斯坦福桥球场迎来冠军联赛半决赛首回合赛事,对手是他们的宿命之敌——利物浦。两年前的这个时候,两队同样在欧冠半决赛中相遇,结果利物浦笑到了最后。最近三年两队先后7次在各种杯赛中交锋,切尔西从未赢得两回合淘汰赛的胜利。正因如此,穆里尼奥才在他的动员令中发出豪言:赢得半决赛,就能赢得冠军!</p><p style=\"TEXT-INDENT: 2em;\">过去三年中,英超变化最大的两支球队也许就是切尔西和利物浦。切尔西在阿布巨资的支持下脱胎换骨,三年两夺联赛冠军。利物浦则完全凭借贝尼特斯一人的点石成金,在不知不觉间依稀重现了上世纪八十年代红军的风采。或许是命中注定,两队在最近三年中竟然13次直接交手,结果也是泾渭分明:切尔西在联赛中占据绝对优势,利物浦则在杯赛中屡屡扮演蓝军克星的角色。切尔西最惨痛的一次失败正是两年前在冠军杯半决赛中被利物浦淘汰。要知道,当时他们刚刚淘汰了巴塞罗那,被认为是最大夺冠热门。爆冷之后的红军则在决赛中上演了一场经典大逆转,最终击败AC米兰重夺欧洲冠军杯。</p><p style=\"TEXT-INDENT: 2em;\">在穆里尼奥看来,利物浦是切尔西夺冠路上最大的绊脚石。尽管曼联如今风头正劲,但穆里尼奥对红魔的后劲并不在意,倒是一直表现稳定的利物浦更令他担心。此前接受采访时,葡萄牙人就明确表示,与利物浦的比赛胜似决赛,他甚至断言:“只要击败利物浦,我们就能夺得冠军。”无独有偶,贝尼特斯也将切尔西视为最大的劲敌,他很希望重演两年前的夺冠经历:先淘汰切尔西,再在决赛中干掉米兰夺冠。利物浦此次再度抽到先客后主的好签,贝尼特斯希望像淘汰巴萨那样淘汰切尔西。两队过去4次在欧冠中交手有三场打成0∶0,这一次先进球的一方也许就将赢得最后的胜利。</p><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment-->
Auer 发表于 2007-4-25 12:20:00 | 显示全部楼层
L8露个腿你们2位都有意见啊,汗<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em08.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em08.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em08.gif\" />
芭拉熊 发表于 2007-4-25 13:31:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>小7,就看你的啦!</p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em24.gif\" />
vivic 发表于 2007-4-25 16:25:00 | 显示全部楼层
发信人: dyce (黛丝-飞行员酷迪), 信区: Chelsea<br/>标  题: [官网]欧冠赛事前瞻:切尔西 对 利物浦<br/>发信站: 水木社区 (Wed Apr 25 10:37:30 2007), 站内<br/><br/>RE-MATCH BRIEFING: CHELSEA V LIVERPOOL<br/>赛事前瞻:切尔西 对 利物浦<br/><br/>来源:<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>,,10268~1015931,00.html<br/>翻译:dav<br/>版权:切尔西中文网 –– 球迷论坛(<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>)<br/>日期:2007年04月25日<br/><br/>===============================================================================<br/>超长超长...<br/>我们这场的裁判默克以前是一位牙医,所以第三段才这么说...赛前调侃裁判有好处咩~~<br/>===============================================================================<br/><br/>The remaining Champions League campaign will be a card game as well as a ball game according to club historian Rick Glanvill. Paul Dutton has the statistical background to English football\'s big night.<br/>据俱乐部的历史工作者里克.格兰威尔所说,余下的冠军联赛赛事不仅是一场足球比赛而且亦是一场纸牌游戏。保罗.达顿则有关于这个英格兰足球的重大晚上的背景资料。<br/><br/>Rick looks at the options open to the two managers in this so-familiar contest.<br/>里克在这个如此熟悉的比赛当中,察看了两位主帅手头上可作的选择。<br/><br/>How important will Dr Markus Merk be on Wednesday evening in this crucial semi-final first leg at Stamford Bridge? Not for his skills in dealing with discoloured teeth in his day job as a dentist, but in handling a different kind of yellow.<br/>在周三黄昏这个关系重大的半决赛首回合当中,到底马库斯.默克医生会有多重要?不是为了他在白天当牙医时应付变色牙齿的本领,而是他能够处理另一种黄色的能力。<br/><br/>And how ruefully will we look at key games, such as Barcelona and Porto away and Bremen at home, where six, four and four Chelsea names respectively were taken?<br/>当我们回顾一些关键的比赛,好像作客巴塞罗那和波尔图及主场对阵不莱梅时,切尔西分别有六、四和四个球员被记名,那是如何的可怜?<br/><br/>The situation is this: over the next two games in this competition, three bookings accrued will bring about a suspension either for the second leg or even the final. Chelsea have the most cautioned players of the final four with 23 admonitions. (Manchester United are next with 19 yellows and one red.)<br/>现在的状况是这样:在这项比赛的接着两场赛事中,累积三面黄牌将会需要在次回合或甚至在决赛中停赛。切尔西是最后四强当中最为需要小心的一队,当中有23次黄牌警告。(曼联以19面黄牌和一面红牌紧随其后。)<br/><br/><br/>As things stand, Chelsea\'s Michael Ballack, Joe Cole, Lassana Diarra, Didier Drogba and Arjen Robben are on two bookings. Frank Lampard and John Terry have already served bans.<br/>按现状看来,切尔西的迈克尔.巴拉克、乔.科尔、拉萨纳.迪亚拉、迪迪尔.德罗巴和阿扬.罗本已领过两面黄牌。弗兰克.兰帕德和约翰.特里则已经停赛过了。<br/><br/>The fact that UEFA\'s own statistics show JT has committed only six fouls and Frank eight to earn their three cards shows the careful line the players have to tread. Thirty-one-goal Drogba\'s name has been taken in five of his last ten games in all competitions.<br/>事实上据欧洲足联自家的统计显示,特队只曾录到六次犯规,而弗兰克则有八次,但已令他们各自领取了三面黄牌,由此可见一班球员将会需要何等地小心奕奕。今季进了三十一球的德罗巴在他的近十场所有比赛的赛事中亦曾五次被记名。<br/><br/><br/>We are already feeling the pinch because the versatile, dynamic Michael Essien, many Chelsea supporters\' player of the season, misses this match after receiving his third yellow at Mestalla against Valencia. (He has committed 23 fouls.)<br/>我们已经开始感到手头拮据,因为多才多艺而且精力充沛的迈克尔.埃辛(很多切尔西支持者的季度最佳球员)在梅斯塔利亚对阵瓦伦西亚时取得他的第三张黄牌,所以将会缺席这场比赛。(他总共录得23次犯规。)<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>Dirk Kuyt has already sat out one game through suspension for our opponents, and only Jermaine Pennant would face the same fate for Liverpool if booked on Wednesday.<br/>迪尔克.凯特已经为我们的对手服刑了一场停赛,而利物浦阵球员如果在周三领黄的话,只有杰梅恩.彭南特需要面对停赛的命运。<br/><br/>Our encounters are generally feisty affairs too. In the 13 meetings between Chelsea and Liverpool since Jose Mourinho and Rafael Benitez arrived in England, there have been 45 bookings - 25 for the Blues, 20 for the Reds. Each side has had one player sent off.<br/>我们的对碰一般也是容易出现吵架的。自何塞.穆里尼奥和拉斐尔.贝尼特斯来到英格兰后,切尔西和利物浦的13次碰头中便出现过45面黄牌 –– 蓝军25张,红军20张。双方亦各曾有一名球员被逐。<br/><br/>Last season, over the two group stage nil-nils, Chelsea suffered six bookings and Liverpool two.<br/>在去季分组赛的两场0-0平局中,切尔西六次被黄牌警告而利物浦则有两次。<br/><br/>What happens next is down to the players\' actions and the referee\'s interpretation. It is possible to avoid disappointment. When the two clubs met at the same stage of the UEFA Champions League back in 2005, there was a similarly tricky disciplinary situation. Ricardo Carvalho, William Gallas, Glen Johnson and Alexey Smertin, and for Liverpool Xabi Alonso, Jamie Carragher, Steve Finnan, Dietmar Hamann and Stephen Warnock were one booking away from a suspension.<br/>接着下来发生什么事情将会取决于球员的行为和裁判的判断,失望是有可能避免的。回想2005年两间俱乐部在欧洲冠军联赛里的相同阶段碰面时,亦曾出现过相似的棘手纪律形势。那时候里卡多.卡瓦略、威廉.加拉斯、格伦.约翰逊和阿莱谢.斯梅尔京,还有利物浦的哈维.阿隆索、杰米.卡拉格、史蒂夫.芬南、迪特马尔.哈曼和斯蒂芬.沃诺克都是只差一面黄牌便需要停赛。<br/><br/>In a cagey first game, four players were cautioned but only Alonso missed the second leg. Despite the early controversy of the \'phantom\' goal awarded to Luis Garcia by referee Lubos Michel at Anfield, only Biscan transgressed and no Liverpool player was suspended for the final (the same went for Milan).<br/>在小心谨慎的首回合赛事中,四位球员被记名但只有阿隆索错过了次回合的赛事。不管裁判卢博斯.米歇尔在安菲尔德的比赛早段送给了路易斯.加西亚一个具争议性的‘幽灵进球’,只有比斯坎犯规领黄而利物浦在决赛中亦无任何球员需要停赛(米兰也一样)。<br/><br/>Had Eidur Gudjohnsen converted the late chance presented to him and sent Chelsea off to the Ataturk Stadium final on the away goals rule, the same would have applied for Chelsea too.<br/>假如埃聚尔.古德约翰森把握了末段送给他的机会,从而以作客入球规则把切尔西带到阿塔图尔克球场的决赛,同样的状况(无人需要停赛)亦可以套用到切尔西身上。<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>So far this season, for the first time since 1995/6, when we drew 2-2 at the Bridge and lost 0-2 on Merseyside, the Scousers have had the edge over Chelsea in terms of wins.<br/>自1995/6赛季我们在斯坦福桥打平2-2然后在默西赛德以0-2落败以来,本季到目前为止利物浦人首次在胜利次数上压过了切尔西。<br/><br/>This campaign has brought defeats at Cardiff in the Community Shield and away in the League, along with a 1-0 win at the Bridge, settled by The Drog\'s wonderful chest down, swivel and strike.<br/>这个赛季我们分别在卡迪夫的社区盾和联赛中的作客比赛中落败,还有在斯坦福桥的1-0胜利,当中由德罗巴的美妙胸口控球然后转身抽射的进球奠胜。<br/><br/>That 0-2 Anfield loss in January was our last one this campaign (and we are on a club record-breaking run of 21 unbeaten since then). When Riccy Carvalho was taken ill before kick-off, we were left with no regular centre-backs available. Crouch and Kuyt exploited the hesitancy in that area and Pennant struck a singular 35-yarder past Petr Cech, who was playing his first game after the life-threatening injury sustained at Reading.<br/>在一月以0-2败走安菲尔德已经是我们本季的上一场败仗(而自此以后我们便处于破俱乐部纪录的21场不败走势中)。当时里卡多.卡瓦略因在赛前生病而缺阵,而令我们没有正式的中卫可以调动上场。克劳奇和凯特便利用了那个位置的踌躇,然后彭南特再从35码打出一记超凡的射门攻破了彼得.切赫的大门,当时正是切赫刚从在雷丁所受到危及性命的伤害中康复归来的首场比赛。<br/><br/><br/>Liverpool have had by far the easier run-up to this tie, within the competition and in the domestic League. Again out of contention for the Premiership and FA Cup early, and with a qualifying slot for next season\'s Champions League a formality, Benitez has had the luxury of resting key players such as Steven Gerrard in three leisurely matches against Man City, Boro and Wigan. They did not concede in those games.<br/>不论是在这项比赛抑或是本土联赛中,利物浦在这次碰头中明显有较轻松的筹备时间。再一次于早段脱离了英超和足总杯的竞争,然后亦在联赛中取得了来季参加冠军联赛的资格,贝尼特斯可以奢侈地让好像史蒂文.杰拉德这种重心球员在对阵曼城、米堡和维甘的比赛中悠闲地休息。他们并没有在这些比赛中丢球。<br/><br/>Such a snooze cruise may not be the best mental preparation for the drama and thunder of a European semi, but they have been able to focus fully on meeting Chelsea under little pressure.<br/>如此漫游地打瞌睡,或许不是为这场欧洲半决赛轰动大战的最佳心理准备,但他们的确可以在很少的压力下完全专注于和切尔西的碰头之上。<br/><br/>Unlike the Blues, who at the weekend added Carvalho and Ballack to the injury list alongside the often influential Arjen Robben, Liverpool had barely had an injury to a key player for months before Brazilian left-back Aurelio ruptured his Achilles tendon. Jon Arne Riise has stepped back in there, with Arbeloa deposing Finnan on the opposite side.<br/>蓝军在周末有卡瓦略和巴拉克加入了还有经常具影响力的阿扬.罗本的伤员名单,相反利物浦几乎已经数个月没有重心球员受伤,直到巴西左卫奥雷利奥撕裂了阿基里斯肌腱。约翰.阿尔内.里瑟补上了这个位置,还有艾比路亚在另一边取代了芬南。<br/><br/>For a likely starting line-up at the Bridge, it\'s worth looking at how Liverpool earned their 2-1 victory at Camp Nou in the Round of 16. Benitez put out a 4-5-1 formation, with Finnan on the right, Bellamy on the left and Gerrard, with Sissoko (or the more in-form but less defensive Mascherano) and Alonso in the centre, given licence to prowl just behind Kuyt upfront and sniff out long-range shooting opportunities.<br/>由于他们很可能在斯坦福桥用同样的首发阵容,我们值得去看看利物浦如何在16强阶段于坎普纽取得了2-1的胜利。贝尼特斯排出了一个4-5-1的阵式,芬南在(中场的)右边,贝拉米在左边,而杰拉德、西索科(又或者是状态更好但防守性较低的马斯切拉诺)和阿隆索则在中间,五人都获派在凯特身后徘徊,然后找寻远程射门的机会。<br/><br/><br/>However if, as appears likely, both Carvalho and his possible replacement at centre-back Essien are unavailable, Benitez may decide to try to strike a decisive blow in this leg and play two up, one of them the awkward (lifelong Chelsea fan) Peter Crouch.<br/>无论如何,如果卡瓦略和可能替补他的中卫埃辛双双不能上阵(看来机会很高),贝尼特斯或者会打算在这回合施以果断的重击,放出两个前锋而其中一位是那个笨拙的(终身的切尔西球迷)彼得.克劳奇。<br/><br/>Chelsea\'s defensive options other than John Terry are limited. Although he was on the bench at St James\' Park, Khalid Boulahrouz has played just three times since returning from his dislocated shoulder.<br/>除了约翰.特里,切尔西的后卫选择很少。即使卡里德.博拉鲁斯在圣詹姆斯公园一仗中坐在替补席上,但他自肩膀脱臼后复出以来只曾三次作赛。<br/><br/>The rest of the team will be built to unpick a tight Liverpool unit but not give too much away - Chelsea will always fancy our chances at Anfield after performances like last season\'s 4-1 demolition job.<br/>球队其余的球员选择将会以拆开紧密的利物浦防线为基础,同时亦不能给予对手太多的空间 –– 切尔西自去季取得4-1大胜的演出后,将会总是有信心在安菲尔德取胜。<br/><br/>It seems certain that the line-up will be 4-1-2-1-2 with either Mikel or Maka, possibly Ballack, Lampard and either Joe Cole or Shaun Wright-Phillips also starting.<br/>看来首发阵容将会肯定是4-1-2-1-2,当中应该有米克尔或马克莱莱任一个,然后大概是巴拉克和兰帕德,还有乔.科尔或肖恩.赖特.菲利普斯任一人。<br/>dav注:官方最新消息,巴拉克将缺阵首回合比赛。<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>The coaching staff will be looking for another big performance from PFA Player of the Year runner-up Drogba, and he has rarely disappointed against Liverpool\'s terrified defence (likely to comprise Agger and Carragher in the centre), either with Marseille or Chelsea. Hyypia is Liverpool\'s Senderos when facing him.<br/>教练团将会寄望PFA全年最佳球员第二名的德罗巴上演另一场突出的演出,而他不论在效力马赛还是切尔西时,在面对利物浦担惊受怕的防守(很可能是由阿格和组成的中卫)亦很少会令人失望。海皮亚在面对德罗巴的时候就是利物浦的森德罗斯。<br/><br/>Although Andriy Shevchenko\'s contribution to a poor Chelsea performance against Newcastle was never earth-shattering, he was returning from injury and is built for European nights. The former Milan star hasn\'t forgotten the way he was denied by two Dudek saves, one in the shootout, at the 2005 final, and will be snorting for revenge.<br/>在对阵纽卡斯尔时,即使安德烈.舍甫琴科对差劣的切尔西演出的贡献谈不上是惊天动地的,但他已从伤患中康复而且他本来就是为欧洲赛而生的。这位前米兰球星并没有忘记当年在2005年的决赛中,他是如何地被杜德克两度拒诸门外(一次是点球决胜),而他将会哼着鼻来报仇雪恨。<br/><br/>It\'s Britain\'s biggest game of the season so far, and once again the club has generously funded the distribution of blue and white flags. It should make for a fantastic spectacle, and there will be noise level inside the famous old stadium to match.<br/>这是英国本季到目前为止最重大的一场比赛,而俱乐部亦再次慷慨地资助蓝白旗帜的派发。这应该会制造出一个很棒的奇景,而到时候在这个知名的球场中将会需有强大的噪音去衬托这个旗海奇景。<br/><br/><br/>(以下为历史资料统计,偷懒跳过了…)<br/>
vivic 发表于 2007-4-25 16:27:00 | 显示全部楼层
发信人: Voith (沃伊思-坦克手切赫), 信区: Chelsea<br/>标  题: 鸟大说:利物浦是热门<br/>发信站: 水木社区 (Wed Apr 25 11:25:19 2007), 站内<br/><br/><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br/><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br/><br/>Jose:I make Liverpool Favourites<br/>Wed, 25th Apr 2007<br/><br/>You could probably count the times during the reign of José Mourinho that Chelsea have begun a game as the underdog on the fingers of one Petr Cech glove.<br/>在何塞-穆里尼奥掌管切尔西的时候,也许你用彼得-切赫手套上的手指就能数出来切尔西以不被看好的一方开始一场比赛的次数。<br/> <br/>Certainly at the start of two-legged knockout ties, it\'s been a rare occasion when most money hasn\'t been on the champions to emerge into whatever next stage awaits.<br/>But after his final training session prior to crossing swords once more with Liverpool, the Chelsea manager told the assembled media, many no doubt disbelieving, that on this occasion the odds were stacked against his team.<br/>There had been no sudden deflation of the famous Mourinho confidence; just an analysis of the condition of the two squads. As ever, he was prepared to explain his points in detail.<br/>当然,在两回合的淘汰赛开始的时候,很少有机会当最多的钱没有投注在下一个阶段比赛等待的最后的冠军身上。但在他的与利物浦又一次亮剑之前的最后一堂训练课结束之后,切尔西的主教练告诉蜂拥而至的媒体——尽管——很多人毫无疑问不会相信——现在筹码堆到了他的球队的对面。在穆里尼奥的享有盛誉的信心中,没有突然的收缩,这只是对两支球队形势的一个诠释。和往常一样,他准备好了将他的观点用细节解释。<br/><br/> <br/>\'We are in a very similar situation to when we played Liverpool two years ago,\' he began. <br/>\'Liverpool then were just playing for Champions League and this season they are playing only for Champions League. <br/>\'Two seasons ago when we played them, we were fighting to be Premiership champions and this season we are fighting to be champions again. <br/>\'The first season we had a lot of injuries and now we have a lot of injuries and a suspension.\'<br/>“和2年前与利物浦比赛时相比,我们的形势差不多。”他开始说道,“那时利物浦只踢冠军联赛,而这个赛季他们也是只为冠军联赛而战;2个赛季以前当我们和他们交手时,我们正在为英超冠军而战,这个赛季我们再一次为冠军而战;第一个赛季我们有很多伤员,现在我们有很多伤员,和一个被停赛的。”<br/> <br/>At that point Michael Ballack was ruled out of Wednesday night\'s game.<br/>The German international captain injured his leg on Sunday in a collision with Newcastle\'s Titus Bramble and was absent from Tuesday\'s training session at Stamford Bridge. <br/>It will be the first European game he misses since joining Chelsea.<br/>Ricardo Carvalho, who didn\'t make the weekend game due to a hamstring problem, did join in Tuesday\'s training but afterwards was rated doubtful for the Liverpool game by his manager.<br/>A further assessment of the central defender will be made during the day on Wednesday. Michael Essien is the suspended player from the first-leg. Arjen Robben continues his recovery from knee surgery.<br/>At this stage of the Champions League back in 2004/5, it had been the likes of Robben, Damien Duff, Paulo Ferreira and Wayne Bridge who had not been fit enough to start the games. <br/>他说的是迈克尔-巴拉克,他被排除出了周三晚上的比赛。德国国家队队长在周日客场与纽卡斯尔的比赛中与蒂图斯-布兰布尔碰撞后腿部受伤,缺席了周二下午在斯坦福桥的训练。这将是他自从加盟切尔西以后错过的首场欧洲比赛。在上周末比赛中由于大腿受伤缺阵的里卡多-卡瓦略参加了周二的训练,但随后他的主教练对他能否参加与利物浦的比赛表示怀疑。对这名中后卫的下一步估计将在比赛当日做出。迈克尔-埃辛在首回合比赛中被停赛。阿扬-罗本继续着他膝部手术的恢复。在2004-2005赛季冠军联赛的这个阶段,诸如罗本、达米恩-达夫、保罗-费雷拉和韦恩-布里奇这样的球员不够健康参加比赛。<br/><br/> <br/>\'We can say that our opponent has been preparing this game for a long, long time and we are preparing since yesterday,\' added Mourinho. \'So we are as well equipped as we were two years ago but in football, you never know. Two years ago we couldn\'t reach the Final.<br/>“我们可以说我们的对手已经为这场比赛准备了很长一段时间了,而我们则是从昨天开始的,”穆里尼奥说,“所有我们的准备和2年前一样,但在足球中,你永远不知道。2年前我们没有进入决赛。”<br/><br/>\'It is obvious that tiredness is important,\' he confirmed, the subject having been brought into question since the goalless afternoon at Newcastle. <br/>\'In this moment of the season, legs and power are absolutely crucial. In this moment, many, many things are decided by that and not by the qualities players have shown during the season. <br/>\'Chelsea and Man United are the two teams in Europe living on the one side, a happy moment because we are in every competition. On the other side, we are living a very difficult moment to face all we have to face.<br/>\'So if you ask me about the favourites tomorrow, I don\'t like very much the word, but if you push me, at this moment, I would say Liverpool should be the favourite.\'<br/>“显然,疲劳是重要的。”他确认道。从纽卡斯尔没有进球的下午开始,这个因素一直以来成为了问题。“在赛季的着时刻,双腿和力量是完全重要的。在这个时刻,很多很多的东西都由此决定,而不是由球员在赛季中表现出的实力决定。切尔西和曼联是两支活在欧洲,这是一方面,这是一个高兴的时刻,因为我们还在所有赛事中。另一方面,我们处在一个非常困难的时刻,我们要面对所有需要面对的。所以如果你问我明天的热门是谁,我不很喜欢这个词,但如果你逼我的话,这时我要说利物浦应该是热门。”<br/> <br/>The yellow card count was another factor that favoured Liverpool ahead of the tie according to Mourinho, highlighting that their easy passage through the previous round against PSV Eindhoven had allowed Dirk Kuyt to clear the slate with a second-leg suspension.<br/>Rafael Benitez\'s squad has Jermaine Pennant one caution away from a ban. Ballack, Joe Cole, Lassana Diarra, Didier Drogba and Robben are in the same position for Chelsea. <br/>\'It wouldn\'t surprise me if tomorrow they chase Drogba for 90 minutes, trying to get him suspended for the second game,\' suggested Mourinho, a thought that would later be repeated to the Liverpool manager at his press conference.<br/>\'So even on this they have different conditions than us.\'<br/>比赛前,根据穆里尼奥的说法,黄牌数量是另一个让利物浦成为热门的因素。他们在此前轮次中走过了轻松的道路,与PSV埃因霍温的比赛让库伊特清晰的出现在了第二回合的停赛名单中。拉法埃尔-贝尼特斯的球队只有杰米恩-彭南特距离停赛差一张黄牌,而切尔西的巴拉克、乔-科尔、拉萨纳-迪亚拉、迪迪埃-德罗巴和罗本都处于相同的形势。“如果明天他们追德罗巴90分钟,试图让他在第二场比赛中停赛的话,我不会感到奇怪。”穆里尼奥说道,这是一个利物浦的主教练稍后将在他的新闻发布会中重复的想法。“所以即使这样,他们仍然和我们形势不同。”<br/> <br/>But it was the difference in the months leading up to this semi-final for the two contestants that continued to be highlighted.<br/>\'In the year of 2007, we have played 27 matches when mentally every game is high responsibility. <br/>\'Of course Liverpool have also played 21, 22 matches but they rest players. Gerrard didn\'t play the last game. Do you think Gerrard and Lampard have the same conditions to compete one against one against each other tomorrow? I don\'t think it will be a fair fight because the conditions are different.<br/>\'Liverpool are a great team in knockout competitions, we have to praise them for that. But if you only play one competition for half of the season, you arrive into this crucial part of the season in a great situation for this.\'<br/>然而,穆里尼奥继续提到的是两支球队数月间进入半决赛的区别:“2007年,我们踢了27场比赛,从心理上说,每一场比赛都肩负着高度的责任,当然利物浦也踢了二十一二场比赛,但他们有球员得到了休息。杰拉德上一场没踢。你会认为杰拉德和兰帕德在明天的比赛中有相同的条件进行一对一的竞争吗?我不认为这将是一场公平的较量,因为条件都是不同的。利物浦是一支淘汰赛中的优秀球队,我们赢因此称赞他们。但如果你只在半个赛季的时间内只踢一项赛事的话,你会因此在大好形势中来到赛季的至关重要的部分。”<br/> <br/>Mourinho was asked would he would still be in the Chelsea hot-seat if his record was the same as Benitez\'s at Liverpool.<br/>\'I think you should ask Mr. Buck,\' he laughed, looking toward the Chelsea chairman standing nearby. \'But three years without a Premiership, I don\'t think so!\' <br/>\'The game before they played Barcelona, Liverpool was one week in Portugal, preparing the game. In that week we played three matches.<br/>\'We have had two cup games against Tottenham, extra-time against Blackburn and two tough games against Valencia - we didn\'t play against PSV.<br/>It is a completely different power to fight. But if you ask me can we win, I say yes. We think we can win.\'<br/>穆里尼奥被问及,如果他的成绩和贝尼特斯在利物浦一样,他还会在切尔西的热座位上吗?“我认为你应该问问巴克先生,”他笑道,他看了看坐在一旁的切尔西俱乐部主席,“但3年没有一个英超冠军,我不这样认为。在他们踢巴塞罗那之前,利物浦在葡萄牙备战了一周,那一周里我们踢了3场比赛,我们和托特纳姆踢了2场足总杯比赛,和布莱克本踢了加时赛,以及2场和瓦伦西亚的困难比赛——我们可没和PSV踢。要战斗的是两支完全不同的力量。但如果你问我我们能不能赢的话,我说是的。我们认为我们能赢。” <br/> <br/><br/><br/>--<br/>
vivic 发表于 2007-4-25 16:29:00 | 显示全部楼层
发信人: dyce (黛丝-飞行员酷迪), 信区: Chelsea<br/>标  题: [官网]NO MIND GAMES IS BENITEZ\' PLOY<br/>发信站: 水木社区 (Wed Apr 25 11:29:05 2007), 站内<br/><br/><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>,,10268~1016069,00.html<br/><br/>翻译有头无尾。<br/><br/>=====<br/>Liverpool manager Rafael Benitez, not for the first time, found a pre-match press conference against Chelsea dominated by questions about José Mourinho.<br/><br/>利物浦主帅贝尼特兹再一次发现他的赛前新闻发布会上充满了关于穆里尼奥的提问。<br/><br/>He did not grow frustrated, but kept playing the same mind card. He would not indulge in these games, he said.<br/><br/>他并未因此抓狂,而是不停亮出他那张\"心理牌\"。他说,他才不会玩心理战哩。<br/><br/>And he kept repeating how much money Chelsea - and Mourinho - have spent.<br/><br/>他又一遍一遍不厌其烦的提到切尔西—还有莫里尼奥—花掉了多少银子。<br/><br/>\'I am running out of things that I didn\'t know. Everyone says we are favourites, they are tired, we have less important games than them. I don\'t know who is interested in telling everybody all these things. Maybe it is someone of the other team.<br/><br/>\'对我不知道的事情我无法置评。每个人都说我们有优势,他们很疲倦,并且我们不像他们有那么多重要的比赛要踢。我不知道谁有兴趣告诉所有人这些有的没的。也许是对手球队的某人?<br/><br/>\'We have confidence, but we know we are playing against a very good team who are in the semi-final of the Champions League. They have very good players, a very good squad, a lot of players with quality who are physically really, really strong, and I don\'t think we will have any advantage. No, we are in a similar position.<br/><br/>\'我们有信心,不过我们明白我们在欧冠半决赛碰到的是强力的对手。他们有很好的球员,很好的阵容,一大堆有质素身体又非常非常强壮的球员,所以我觉得我们没有什么优势。不,我们的境遇是相似的。<br/><br/>\'If you want to be in a Final you need to be really good. If you want to play for trophies you need to be really good. And Chelsea is always, always spending big money on good players and are in Finals because they have a good team and good players.\'<br/><br/>\'如果你要进决赛,你最好有够棒。如果你想要捧杯,你还是要有够棒。而切尔西总是,总是花大把的钱买好球员,能进决赛也是因为队上有牛人。\'<br/><br/>He dismissed questions about Mourinho\'s concerns for his players on two bookings when asked whether Liverpool would be targeting them to get them suspended in the second leg.<br/><br/>穆里尼奥曾经担心切尔西两黄在身的球员太多,当被问及利物浦是否会想办法让这些球员在下一场禁赛,贝尼特兹否认了这一点。<br/><br/>\'I don\'t know why he thinks this. Maybe because two years ago he was doing the same with Xabi Alonso. We are thinking about the game of football. And if it is a message for the referee, the referee has a lot of experience, and the rules are the same for everybody.\'<br/><br/>\'我不知道他为什么考虑这个。也许是因为两年前他曾这样对待阿隆索吧。我们只考虑足球的事。如果这是一个传递给裁判的消息的话,我想说裁判是很有经验的,规则对所有人都一样。\'<br/><br/>He did concede under pressure that if Liverpool were to get a goodish result at Stamford Bridge that they could have an advantage.<br/><br/>他承认对于是否能在斯坦福桥取得有利的结果,他感到了压力。<br/><br/>\'The only thing for me that is better is to play the second leg in Anfield because we know that the atmosphere will be really good. We are playing well, scoring goals, winning goals away. We will try to do the same thing here. We know that it\'s not easy. Chelsea is a very good team, defensively they have a fantastic record.\'<br/><br/>\'唯一让我觉得轻松的事情是下一场我们将在安菲尔德比赛,而且我们确信那里的气氛会非常好。我们目前表现很好,不断进球,取得客场的胜利。我们会努力在这里获胜。我们知道这不容易。切尔西是一支很好的球队,有着良好的不失球记录。\'<br/><br/>And he dismissed the idea that Liverpool have a special hold over Chelsea.<br/><br/>他也不认为利物浦对战切尔西有特别的历史优势。<br/><br/>\'I don\'t know we have a very good record, I would like to have a better record. But we have won some games for important trophies, in some important competitions. We have a good team, we are a top side, and we can manage in games. But if you are talking about nine months, their squad is really important. If you have more possibilities in the last five years of spending money, you can have a big squad with players of quality.<br/><br/>我烦了,翻译到此结束。<br/>
发信人: ooZHU (小oo_沉溺压力), 信区: Chelsea<br/>标  题: Re: [官网]NO MIND GAMES IS BENITEZ\' PLOY<br/>发信站: 水木社区 (Wed Apr 25 11:51:21 2007), 站内<br/><br/>我就接着翻了一下...<br/>飞行员最近好懒啊...XD<br/><br/>【 在 dyce (黛丝-飞行员酷迪) 的大作中提到: 】<br/><span class=\"f006\">: 标  题: [官网]NO MIND GAMES IS BENITEZ\' PLOY</span><br/><span class=\"f006\">: 发信站: 水木社区 (Wed Apr 25 11:29:05 2007), 站内</span><br/><span class=\"f006\">: </span><br/><span class=\"f006\">: \'I don\'t know we have a very good record, I would like to have a better record. But we have won some games for important trophies, in some important competitions. We have a good team, we are a top side, and we can manage in games. But if you are talking about nine months, their squad is really important. If you have more possibilities in the last five years of spending money, you can have a big squad with players of quality.</span><br/><span class=\"f006\">: </span><br/><span class=\"f006\">: 我烦了,翻译到此结束。</span><br/>虽然收集了很多杯子,搞定了几场重要的比场,但其实我们的记录很一般般啦,我们要做的就是让纪录越来越好.当你谈起九个月的时候,球队就很重要了,如果你在过去五年有大笔的钱要花,一去有质量的球队总是该被建起来了(说得你的人都是五年前一样哦!_<br/><span class=\"f006\">: </span><br/><span class=\"f006\">: Sitting next to him, Peter Crouch had already spoken virtually the same lines.</span><br/>:<br/>坐在一边的高个-大佬-克劳奇,也差不多表达了相同的意思 <br/><br/><span class=\"f006\">: \'We\'re confident. I wouldn\'t say we\'re favourites. Chelsea have been so consistent, especially in the League, but in Europe we seem to have been playing well. So we\'re confident but I wouldn\'t say we\'re favourites.</span><br/><br/>我们有一点点自信,我不是说,我们会是优胜者啦。小车的表现一向很连贯,特别是在联赛当中(要不是你们弄我家2:0,在放水给某队。。。哼唧!),但是在欧洲,我们表现也还算好,但我决不承认我们是优胜的一方<br/><span class=\"f006\">: </span><br/><span class=\"f006\">: \'We\'re pleased with our own form, winning games recently, keeping clean sheets, so if we concentrate on our own game rather than worry about Chelsea I\'m sure we\'ll be okay.</span><br/><br/>我们努力用我们自己的方式踢,在最近持续获胜并且不从自家网里捡球,所以集中注意力,不必担心,我们就是这样搞定别人的<br/><span class=\"f006\">: </span><br/><span class=\"f006\">: \'We\'ve been pleased with games against them in semi-finals, we seem to come out on top, and we\'ve got to continue that.</span><br/><span class=\"f006\">: </span><br/>我们对于在半决中对CHELSEA还是很开心的,我们有可能领先啊,我们会继续努力<br/><br/><span class=\"f006\">: \'An away goal would be crucial to us. Paramount is keeping a clean sheet. We\'ll try our best to do that. We are confident we can score goals away from home and obviously an away goal would be a huge bonus for us.\'</span><br/><span class=\"f006\">: </span><br/>客场进球是很着急的因素啦!保持清洁单是至关重要的!我们会尽力保证这一点!<br/>我们对搞定客场进球很有信心,显然一个客场进球对我们是很不错的消息(orz...你们真的要进攻吗~..!)<br/><br/><span class=\"f006\">: He made clear that having been a season ticket holder at Stamford Bridge in no way affected his feeling for the game - nor those of his family.</span><br/>他澄清了如下事实,拥有ST的季票不会影响他的发挥,也不会影响他的家庭(难道高佬平时的娱乐就是飞到London看CHELSEA踢球?)<br/><span class=\"f006\">: </span><br/><span class=\"f006\">: \'I can certainly say my affiliations are with Liverpool now as are my family. I\'ll have a lot of friends in the crowd, some blue, some red, but the majority will be red now.\'</span><br/><span class=\"f006\">: </span><br/>我很确信我是和Liverpool站在一起的,当然我家里人也一样,我们有很多朋友啦,有蓝营,也有红营的,不过多数是泛红的。。。en<br/><br/><span class=\"f006\">: But the conference was really all about Mourinho and Benitez, whether the Liverpool manager wanted it or not.</span><br/><br/>但这个小会永远摆脱不了老穆的阴影,不管Rafa同学怎么想<br/><span class=\"f006\">: </span><br/><span class=\"f006\">: \'I\'m thinking about the game,\' he insisted, \'I don\'t want to play games. I think the key will be Gerrard or Lampard, not me or the other manager.\'</span><br/><span class=\"f006\">: </span><br/>\"我在思考比赛,这可不是游戏啊...我想最关键是G8和L8怎么样,咳咳,像我。。。没什么用啦,其它的教练也没用的。。。\"某队教练如是说<br/><br/><span class=\"f006\">: And then, when asked about Mourinho\'s claim that Chelsea have won 60 more points than Liverpool in the Premiership over the last three years, he played the money card one last time.</span><br/><span class=\"f006\">: </span><br/>然后呢,我们谈到老穆关于切尔西在三个赛季里一共领先了60分这个不幸的事实,他又把钞票的事情拎出来了<br/><br/><span class=\"f006\">: \'It depends on the money you have spent on the last five years, then you can say which is the value of each point.\'</span><br/><span class=\"f006\">: </span><br/>这取决于你五年花了多少钱嘛,然后你就可以说,其实每一分还是满物有所值的<br/><br/><span class=\"f006\">: By Neil Barnett</span><br/><span class=\"f006\">: --</span></p>
阿水 发表于 2007-4-25 17:03:00 | 显示全部楼层
这种比赛L8 T26 进赇面大,前锋很难有作为.
Auer 发表于 2007-4-25 17:44:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>阿水</i>在2007-4-25 17:03:00的发言:</b><br/>这种比赛L8 T26 进赇面大,前锋很难有作为.</div><p></p>有道理...
芭拉熊 发表于 2007-4-25 17:51:00 | 显示全部楼层
<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em47.gif\" />
Auer 发表于 2007-4-25 17:55:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p><img src=\"\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\"/></p><p>哈哈,队员们玩的好开心啊,这张背面的是Terry吧</p><p>还有Mikel和Drogba打闹那张也很搞笑的</p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" />
llldan 发表于 2007-4-25 18:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
Auer 发表于 2007-4-25 18:04:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>芭拉熊</i>在2007-4-25 17:51:00的发言:</b><br/><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em47.gif\" /></div><p></p>别太大火,生气多了对皮肤不好<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em05.gif\" />
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