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[原创]给蓝军切尔西盖个楼 3楼为视频楼

克尼马 发表于 2007-8-23 22:11:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>vivic</i>在2007-8-23 20:55:00的发言:</b><br/><p>车子今年转会居然盈利了,可喜可贺啊</p></div><p>阿布能有现在的身家,显然不是一个傻瓜。</p>
vivic 发表于 2007-8-24 01:30:00 | 显示全部楼层
发信人: dyce (then I\'m Little Red Riding Hood!), 信区: Chelsea<br/>标  题: [官网]BUCK ON ROBBEN<br/>发信站: 水木社区 (Fri Aug 24 00:29:31 2007), 站内<br/><br/>BUCK ON ROBBEN<br/><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>,,10268~1098045,00.html<br/><br/>Bruce Buck has been explaining the decision to allow Arjen Robben to move to Real Madrid, and has praised chief executive Peter Kenyon for his work in the transfer.<br/><br/>Buck解释了蓝军放走罗本的理由,并嘉许了啃羊在转会工作上的努力。<br/><br/>\'I think we got a very good business result there, we pretty much doubled our money in terms of the transfer fee three years ago. <br/><br/>『罗本价钱翻了一倍,我们赚了啊!』<br/><br/>\'José said in the US in July we wanted Robben to stay. He\'s a very good player and made a real contribution to Chelsea Football Club. <br/><br/>『七月份在美国的时候Jose说我们想要留住罗本。他是个好球员,为切尔西立下过汗马功劳。』<br/><br/>\'For reasons only he can answer he wanted to leave. We weren\'t going to let him leave unless there was an appropriate business resolution, and Peter Kenyon did some very good business there. We wanted him to stay, he made a contribution and we wish him well.\'<br/><br/>『因为我们不知道的理由,罗本想要离开。我们决定除非报价够靓,否则绝不放人,而啃羊这次啃马很成功。我们本想留住罗本,他对球队有贡献,现在我们只能祝福他。』<br/><br/>Buck also reiterated that the club will not be held to ransom over prices paid for players in the final week of the transfer window.<br/><br/>Buck再次强调在转会的最后一周我们绝对不会象真·马德里一样被人啃。<br/><br/>\'I think it goes both ways in terms of not being held ransom with respect to players we may be selling and not being held ransom with respect to players we might be buying. In all these situations we\'re looking to get a price we think is appropriate.<br/><br/>『不管是购入还是售出,在价钱上我们都BS敲诈行为。我们只会付我们认为合适的价钱。』<br/><br/>\'There\'s one week left of the transfer season, I think José has indicated we\'re looking for possibly a new right back and we\'ll just have to see how the next week goes.<br/><br/>『离转会窗口关闭还有一周,而Jose说过我们可能还缺一个右后卫,我们会在接下来的一周静观其变。』<br/>(猪:本文发布在贝莱蒂转会完成前。)<br/><br/>\'It\'s a view we\'ve had for several years. In the first year we spent quite a bit of money because we felt we had a lot of catch up to do. The plan was for the amount of money we spent on aggregate in each transfer window to go down every time, and it has. I think that makes sense for Chelsea. We\'re looking more to bringing players through the academy, and over time we\'ll have a better strategy and approach.\'<br/><br/>『这是我们几年来的期望。在第一年我们花了很多钱,因为我们需要构建队伍。我们的计划是之后我们在转会上投入的总资金逐年减少,而事实也正是这样。我认为这样的规划适合切尔西的发展。我们更希望从青训系统提拔球员,长此以往我们将拥有更好的经营策略。』<br/><br/>=====<br/>好像没说什么 (▔﹏▔|||)<br/>--<br/>
vivic 发表于 2007-8-24 01:31:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>克尼马</i>在2007-8-23 22:11:00的发言:</b><br/><p>阿布能有现在的身家,显然不是一个傻瓜。</p></div><p></p>可他显然不会指望车子为他赚钱的,每年投入不像往年那么大应该是正常的,阿布也说,房子盖好了,保养装修的钱就不用花得那么多了。
vivic 发表于 2007-8-24 01:33:00 | 显示全部楼层
发信人: dyce (then I\'m Little Red Riding Hood!), 信区: Chelsea<br/>标  题: [趣闻]队长,说话要三思啊<br/>发信站: 水木社区 (Fri Aug 24 00:31:30 2007), 站内<br/><br/>TERRY WILL CHOOSE WORDS CAREFULLY<br/><br/>新闻来源:<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>,17033,8652_2677508,00.html<br/>新闻翻译:crossscarxxxx<br/>版权所有:切尔西中文网<br/><br/>Skipper John Terry has been urged to be more vocal by England coach Steve McClaren but insists he will not \"spout rubbish\" for the sake of it. <br/>近日,素享“不列颠的朱广沪”之美誉的英格兰主教练史蒂夫·麦凯伦把队长特里叫到办公室语重心长地说:“小强(强·特里),你吧,以后在队里多发发话,阿,树树威信。”特队眉头一皱,仔细思忖了1秒钟后觉得此言极是,说:“领导您说的对。不过丑话说在前面,您说的这事我做管做,我可不会就为了完成任务,开了口就乱放p阿。您知道我这人也没啥优点,要说有那就是我从小到大就从来不爆粗口,真的,不信问我妈。”<br/><br/>Terry and the rest of the squad had individual conversations with McClaren on Monday after completing his first year as Sven-Goran Eriksson\'s successor. <br/>时值接过色老头埃里克松的枪一周年大庆,礼拜一老麦把每个队员都叫来谈了谈人生说了说理想。<br/><br/>McClaren spelt out where he would like Terry and the other players to improve ahead of Wednesday\'s friendly international with Germany at Wembley. <br/>麦凯伦主要跟他们讲了讲在礼拜三跟德国大坦克决战温布利之巅之前他们还有啥不够的好赶紧自己给自己开个小灶。<br/><br/>Terry has taken on board McClaren\'s comments but wants his dressing room input to be a meaningful exercise. <br/>The Chelsea captain said: \"Steve McClaren had a five minute conversation with everyone individually. He spoke to me about how the year has gone for myself. <br/>特里说麦老的一番话我当牢记,不过,我要放话那可得一言九鼎掷地有声不能打哪指哪胡诌一气。他说:“麦大这人认真啊,百忙中抽出空来跟我汗我的队友们一人开了个5分钟的小会儿。他跟我说,他也知道我当队长这一年我不容易啊。”<br/><br/>\"He said things he would like me to improve. He wants me to be a bit more loud around the place. <br/>“他还说了我该努把力的地方。他叫我不管在哪多吼两声,这样比较man。”<br/><br/>\"It is difficult because I said at Chelsea I can do that and with England it is important not for me just to scream and spout a load of rubbish before a game. <br/>“这事吧,说容易其实不容易。我在我们车队的时候是想吼就吼还吼的响亮,吼啥不care吼个200x年的第一场雪也没个大碍。可我现在是在国足,都是国脚,那我还能乱飚高音?对球队没好处啊不是。”<br/><br/>\"What I say has got to be very important. It is not just about me talking for five or 10 minutes and saying a load of rubbish. I said to Steve the things I said are to the point and very precise and I prefer it that way. <br/>“我要整就得给整点重要的。10分钟就从我嘴里蹦一堆乐色出来?no no no,那可不是我强·特里的风格。我跟麦帅说了,我要说就得说在点子上,句句要害,不带一点开火车跑题儿的。这才是我。说森马,就是森马。”<br/><br/>\"I\'ve got the contrast at Chelsea. Some need a kick up the backside at times and others don\'t. With England I don\'t think you need that. <br/>“我在斯坦福桥就不是这情状。有些队员还成,可还有些亚,就是蜡烛,不点不亮,就是p股,不踢他还痒。英格兰队那可是国家队,就没有后面这种小jr队友。”<br/><br/>\"laying for your country and pulling on the shirt is enough at times. When I\'m away with England it is important I say the right things and not just talk a load of rubbish.\" <br/>“在国家队,我们说我们要穿好波衫好好踢,别给国家丢份,那就足够了。我跟国足一起踢比赛,我就得挑好的说,挑对的说,不能胡七八道。”<br/><br/>Terry welcomes the open relationship between McClaren, himself and the players as England start preparations in earnest for the more important games ahead against Israel and Russia in the upcoming Euro 2008 qualifiers.<br/>特里说他很喜欢他和麦帅以及队友们之间那种公平公正公开的关系,特别是在桂花飘香,秋风送爽,英格兰正在为即将来到的更重要的比赛进行紧锣密鼓的彩排之际。在接下来的几个月中他们将陆续在08欧洲杯资格赛中碰上不再是鱼腩的以色列与莫维奇之国俄罗斯。<br/><br/>He said: \"I\'ve learnt from a lot of captains. If you can get advice from the boss and other players, then great. I am always asking what I can do to improve as captain or as a player.<br/>他说:“我跟古今英外的队长们学到许多许多。特别是如果你的领导同志和队友们能跟你说说他们的意见建议的话,那感觉蹩提有多好了。在这方面我可以负责任的告诉你,我做的 很牛。我不管马上枕上厕上,或者吃完饭没事,就爱发短信问问他们:哎臭蛋,你倒说说我有啥做的不好的么。”<br/><br/>\"I think it is important we have got that relationship with the players and the manager when away with England. I have got the same relationship with Jose Mourinho at Chelsea. <br/>“要我说,在国家队里我们能和队友教练保持这样美妙的关系那可忒棒了。你不知道,我在我们车队跟咱穆帅可也是食则同席寝则同床的好盆友。”<br/><br/>\"We speak openly whether it is good or bad for me and he will tell me.\" <br/>“我们都是打开天窗说亮话不带打哈哈的。我有啥对错他都话我知。”<br/><br/>Terry has learnt a lot from all the captains he has played under which he believes stands him in good stead for when delivering his own words of wisdom. <br/>特里以前还是虾虾米米愣头青的时候就特别爱向当时的那些队长们学习。他说,他现在在冷不丁抖出那些金玉良言的时候眼前还不时浮现出他们的音容笑貌。<br/><br/>He said: \"Dennis Wise would always talk a lot, scream and swear and get players going around him. Marcel Desailly was very quiet but when he spoke everyone listened. <br/>他说:“登尼士·怀斯跟北京的哥似的,就是一个爱说。号个召阿赌个咒阿的就把队员们全勾过去了。德塞利这人就低调沉稳,他开口老鼠都不敢吱一声都搬个小板凳来坐着听。”<br/><br/>\"David Beckham was and is a bit like Marcel. When he speaks, everyone listens and even now when he talks around the place, and with the way he trains, everyone respects him.<br/>“小贝哥就跟德队有点像。他说话,大家都把小耳朵朝着他默默听。现在他说话训练还是这样,大家都当他老大哥一样敬重他。”<br/><br/>\"He trains 110% every day and that rubs off on people around you. If you don\'t train to that standard, you are going to be left behind.\" <br/>“他这人从不满足自己,每天都狠命练级攒经验,每天布置多少训练内容他总得超出一成完成任务。这可苦了咱周围的这帮小弟了。你不按他那标准训练,不出几天他就比你高出十多级了。”<br/><br/>Terry believes England will be properly prepared for the Germany clash despite having only one full 90 minute training session ahead of the game.<br/>尽管在彗星撞地球般的英德大碰撞前他们只有最后一堂90分钟的训练课可以抱抱佛脚,不过特里还是说英格兰队将会做好万无一失的准备。<br/><br/>He said: \"Is one day enough? I think so. Today has been the only chance the boss has had for us all to train and we\'ve done our team shape and tactics and things like that. <br/>他说:“一天就够了?那可不。其实说实话,要有时间咱也练他个10天8天的,可是事实上也就只有今天教练能把所有的人凑齐了在一起锻炼锻炼。好在我们队伍一向训练有素,啥451啦442啦早给排好了,战术图上小人咋跑在我们小本儿上也早画好了。德国,来啊,就怕你不来。”<br/><br/>\"We get the same when we go back to Chelsea. We have a warm-down on Thursday and then on Friday we will have a session before the game on Saturday. <br/>“我打完这场回斯坦福也跟这差不多。礼拜四的时候我们轻松轻松唱个k洗个浴做个足疗,礼拜五有堂训练课,礼拜六就又比了。”<br/><br/>\"We just have to get on with it as a group of players. As players we all needed to be focused and sharp and to take in all the information we need. As players we have to learn to deal with it. As the years go on, it is getting more like that.\" <br/>“我们这些踢波的都得习惯这种赶场子的生活。我们掉皮掉肉不掉队,流血流汗不流泪,集中精神,磨炼意志,像小蜜蜂一样吸取我们需要的知识。做球员这些都得学着干。大江东去浪淘尽,岁月如斯,我们也如这斯。”<br/>--<br/>
vivic 发表于 2007-8-24 03:17:00 | 显示全部楼层
Giles Smith\'s Midweek View<br/>史密斯周中观点<br/>Wed, 22nd Aug 2007<br/><br/>新闻来源:<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>,,10268~1097203,00.html<br/>新闻翻译:fall_ark<br/>版权声明:切尔西中文网 - -<br/><br/>Chelsea season ticket holder and columnist Giles Smith is in empathetic mood this week, but still has some post-Anfield arguments to make. <br/>切尔西的季票拥有者与周三专栏作家吉尔斯·史密斯本周多少能感受到利物浦球迷们的心情……但对于安菲尔德,他还是有几句话要说。<br/><br/>Liverpool fans, I feel your pain. Of course it wasn\'t a penalty - not in a month of slow-motion replays on Sky. Accordingly, when the book of condolence opens, as most likely it will, consider my name down.<br/>利物浦的球迷们,我能感受到你们的痛苦,那当然不是个点球――尤其是在天空电视台上被慢动作重放整整一个月之后(记得前些年埃辛的飞铲被反复重放了一个多月吗?)。既然如此,当你们准备填吊唁宾客簿的时候――对这一事件的发生我颇有把握――放心吧,我也会签下自己的名字的。<br/><br/>Trust me, I know what it feels like to suffer travesty. We\'ve all been there, haven\'t we? For me, it was a Champions League semi, a shot that didn\'t cross the line, a goal wrongly given… but I don\'t want to go into that here, except in as much as to say: injustice at Anfield - who\'d have thought?<br/>相信我,我完全理解遭遇荒唐判罚的心情,毕竟我们都经历过这样的事,对不?比如我经历的,是某一场冠军联赛的半决赛,一个没过线的射门,和随之而来错误的判罚……不过我不想再多提这陈年旧事,请允许我点到为止地说一句:在安菲尔德有不公的判罚――谁能想得到哇??<br/><br/>In my experience, the only consolation one can usefully offer at a moment like this is the old truth that what goes around comes around, and that these things tend to cancel themselves out over the course of a season or two. <br/>以我多年的经验,在这样的时刻我们能给出的唯一有意义的安慰就是那句老话――运气是公平的,别看谁吃了亏谁占了便宜,一两个赛季过去总会相互抵消。(RP守恒定律)<br/><br/>Indeed, sometimes they cancel themselves out even more quickly than that. Remember the first Saturday of 2007-08? Liverpool fans are hot on their history - they tend to find it helps - so they probably recall clearly enough their opening fixture at Aston Villa, when Steven Gerrard took all the points in the dying seconds with one of his specialist, long-range hit-and-hopes - this time from a direct free kick that, it was amply demonstrated afterwards, should not have been given.<br/>的确,有时这些东西急得等不了一个赛季就会报应不爽了,记不记得2007-2008赛季的第一个星期六?我知道利物浦球迷们热衷于他们的历史――说不定他们都还清楚地记得他们在阿斯顿维拉的揭幕战中,杰拉德凭借他招牌的“超远距离踢上一脚然后看运气”式任意球在补时阶段硬是夺走了三分――这个得了分的直接任意球,随之被大量事实证明根本是子虚乌有。<br/><br/>So there you go then: two points cheekily filched at Villa - two points humbly handed back over the counter at home to us. Bank makes error in your favour: bank sends the boys round. Football never lets you down, does it?<br/>那接下来就是做算术咯:在维拉公园无耻地偷走两分――然后在主场对我们的比赛中又悄声不响地把这两分交给我们。银行不小心多给了你点东西:于是他们把这些不该得的要回去。在这方面足球从不会使你失望,对不对?<br/><br/>Of course, when I say that two points hinged on Sunday\'s wrongly-awarded penalty, I\'m assuming that the game would have remained at 1-0 to Liverpool if the penalty hadn\'t been given - a somewhat unstable assumption given the clear chances squandered, prior to the incident, by Terry, Pizarro and Drogba, to name only those, and the general sense, shared around the ground, that an equaliser was coming.<br/>当然咯,当我说周日那个不该有的点球交还了两分时,我的前提是假设利物浦没被吹这个点球,1比0的比分会一直维持到终场――这个假设能有没有实现的可能却要存疑,毕竟在点球之前我们已经浪费了大把机会,比如说特里的、皮萨罗的、德罗巴的等等等等,而当时全场上下也毫无疑问意识得到,比分马上就要被扳平了。<br/><br/>It\'s worth bearing in mind, too, the usual counter-argument from Liverpool fans regarding the non-existent Champions League semi-final goal - namely that, if the ref hadn\'t given the goal, he would have given a penalty and they would have scored from that. <br/>还有一件值得考虑的东西,利物浦球迷们对那个不存在的冠军联赛半决赛进球的常见反驳――简单地说,即使裁判认为这个球没进,他也会给切赫吹个点球,于是利物浦照样会得分。<br/><br/>We are, of course, deep in the realm of fantasy consequences here - a game which famously led Ruud Gullit to point out that his aunt would, in certain other circumstances, have been his uncle. Nevertheless, on the Liverpool model, let\'s at least point out that, at the moment when Rob Styles misguidedly blew his whistle on Sunday, the ball was just coming to an unmarked Didier Drogba, 10 yards out. <br/>这,当然,对于事件后果的推论已接近于奇幻――这场比赛促使路德·古力特写下了那段著名的评论,他指出“难道在某种特殊的情况下,我舅妈会变成我舅舅?”总之,若以利物浦球迷们的逻辑来思考,我只想指出一点:当罗伯·斯代尔斯在周日错误地吹起他的哨子时,球正飞向离门只十码、且无人盯防的德罗巴。<br/><br/>Styles has been wildly victimised, I feel, in the wake of one simple misinterpretation of a collision between Malouda and Finnan, and the ensuing non-controversy of the \'second yellow card\'. Whereas it seems to me that, if you wanted to criticise the referee on more substantial grounds, it would be for failing to play the advantage and denying us the pleasure of an uncontroversial (indeed, beautifully crafted) goal in open play. Who knows? We could well have pushed on to win it from there.<br/>我觉得,在对于马卢达与芬南身体接触这一个简单的观察失误和随后根本无关痛痒的“两张黄牌”事件后,斯代尔斯以非常错误的理由受到了舆论的迫害。因为在我看来,这名裁判真正应该被责难之处是,他没有遵循有利球的规则、让我们能够享受一个不会有争议(并且非常漂亮的)运动战进球。谁知道哪?说不定这么漂亮的进球鼓舞了士气,我们最后还能翻盘哪。<br/><br/>But you can\'t have everything. For example, one day I would like us to play Liverpool with a full-strength back four, though I can see that it\'s a pipe dream, and unlikely to happen within my lifetime. Ah, well. We do well enough as it is.<br/>但你不能指望事事如意,比如说,我很希望有一天我们在对阵利物浦时能有一条实力完整的后防线,不过我自己也知道这个梦想遥远得过头,我想我这辈子是看不到的了。诶,也罢,反正就算这样我们表现也不错来着。<br/><br/>We also have to accept that, when Liverpool play us, passions among fans will run high, and reason will, from time to time, go out the window. And understandably so. It might just be another fixture on the league schedule as far as we\'re concerned, but it\'s their Cup Final. <br/>我们还需要接受一个事实:当利物浦碰上我们时,他们的球迷们总会群情激愤、血往上冲,每次都会把理性和智慧抛得荡然无存。当然咯,这可以理解,毕竟对我们来说这或许只是联赛赛程表上多出来的一场比赛,而对他们来说,没了杯赛可就什么都不剩了!<br/><br/>In this context, let me merely mention the view of BBC-salaried experts with no obvious axe to grind on this topic, such as Alan Hansen (623 appearances for Liverpool) and Mark Lawrenson (332 appearances for Liverpool, making a massive, combined, BBC-tastic 955 appearances for Liverpool in total) - namely, that, despite dropping two points at home to us, Liverpool nevertheless demonstrated that they have the mettle to put in a proper challenge for the league, and could possibly even go on to win the title for the first time in the modern era. <br/>谈及此事,请允许我再引用一下那些拿BBC工资、对于这一话题并无特别用心与偏向的专家们、比如说阿兰·汉森(为利物浦出场623次)和马克·劳伦森(为利物浦出场332次,假如算上在BBC为利物浦解说的场次……合计“出场”将达到可怕的955次)的观点――简单地说,虽然在主场对我们没能全取三分,利物浦仍然展示了他们完全拥有联赛争冠者行列的气质,甚至有可能就此取得第一个“现代”的联赛冠军。<br/><br/>They may well be right, and good luck to them in their astrology, though, for what it\'s worth, I can\'t really see it myself. Yes, Liverpool seem to have strengthened themselves up front a little with the signing of Torres - a solid enough, goal in every three or four games kind of striker. But the problem, as I see it, is that they\'ve still got the same manager (the beard doesn\'t fool anyone). And don\'t forget, the Premier League doesn\'t go to penalties.<br/>他们说的或许没错,祝他们占星术师般的预言灵验,不过,姑妄说一句,我实在没法认同。是的,利物浦的前场实力似乎有所增强,因为他们签下了托雷斯――一名稳定保持每三到四场进一球的前锋。但我觉得问题的关键在于,他们没能换一个教练(别以为留了胡子我们就不认识你),而且别忘了,英超联赛可不会靠踢点球来决胜。<br/>
克尼马 发表于 2007-8-24 07:08:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p><font size=\"2\">切尔西官方宣布第六笔收购 贝莱蒂加盟</font></p><p><a href=\"\"><font size=\"2\"></font></a><font size=\"2\"> 2007年08月23日22:46  新浪体育<br/>  新浪体育讯 北京时间8月23日晚,切尔西官方宣布与巴塞罗那俱乐部达成协议,将引进巴西右后卫贝莱蒂,球员与切尔西谈妥个人待遇并参加体检后就能正式成为蓝军一员。他将是继西马卢达、德维尔、皮萨罗、阿莱士和本哈伊姆之后,切尔西今夏收购的第六个一线队成员。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  几乎是同时,巴塞罗那也确认俱乐部之间的谈判已经结束,转会剩余手续就是贝莱蒂个人与切尔西之间的事情了。巴萨官方宣布:“俱乐部和切尔西达成一致,现在贝莱蒂与切尔西还有一些细节(需要协商),切尔西方面已经宣布转会即将完成,贝莱蒂也已经带着双方的协议前往伦敦。”</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  相比俱乐部之间的谈判,个人待遇和体检都不是大问题,换句话说贝莱蒂将很快成为切尔西一员。31岁的贝莱蒂曾是2005-06赛季巴萨夺取欧洲冠军杯的成员,在决赛中,他打进了对阿森纳的致胜进球。切尔西收购贝莱蒂之后将完成球队今夏最后的补充,此前挑中的阿尔维斯在最后时刻遭皇马劫走,蓝军闪电敲定巴萨人作为替身。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  双方都没有公布转会细节,从媒体挖出的内幕来看,贝莱蒂身价为370万英镑,比阿尔维斯2700万英镑的要价便宜太多。从特点上看贝莱蒂助攻好,尤其擅长低平球传中,经验丰富,再加上切尔西急需一名右后卫,因此他的性价比不错。不过年过30的贝莱蒂不会是蓝军这个位置上的“永久答案”,他只是一个救急人选,为穆里尼奥赢得打造更强大蓝军的时间,毕竟狂人目前的处境是没有成绩,就没有未来。(黎璐)</font></p><p><font size=\"2\"></font></p>
克尼马 发表于 2007-8-25 06:56:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>vivic</i>在2007-8-24 1:30:00的发言:</b><br/><div class=\"quote\">发信人: dyce (then I\'m Little Red Riding Hood!), 信区: Chelsea<br/>标  题: [官网]BUCK ON ROBBEN<br/>发信站: 水木社区 (Fri Aug 24 00:29:31 2007), 站内<br/><br/>BUCK ON ROBBEN<br/><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>,,10268~1098045,00.html<br/><br/>Bruce Buck has been explaining the decision to allow Arjen Robben to move to Real Madrid, and has praised chief executive Peter Kenyon for his work in the transfer.<br/><br/>Buck解释了蓝军放走罗本的理由,并嘉许了啃羊在转会工作上的努力。<br/><br/>\'I think we got a very good business result there, we pretty much doubled our money in terms of the transfer fee three years ago. <br/><br/>『罗本价钱翻了一倍,我们赚了啊!』<br/><br/>\'José said in the US in July we wanted Robben to stay. He\'s a very good player and made a real contribution to Chelsea Football Club. <br/><br/>『七月份在美国的时候Jose说我们想要留住罗本。他是个好球员,为切尔西立下过汗马功劳。』<br/><br/>\'For reasons only he can answer he wanted to leave. We weren\'t going to let him leave unless there was an appropriate business resolution, and Peter Kenyon did some very good business there. We wanted him to stay, he made a contribution and we wish him well.\'<br/><br/>『因为我们不知道的理由,罗本想要离开。我们决定除非报价够靓,否则绝不放人,而啃羊这次啃马很成功。我们本想留住罗本,他对球队有贡献,现在我们只能祝福他。』<br/><br/>Buck also reiterated that the club will not be held to ransom over prices paid for players in the final week of the transfer window.<br/><br/>Buck再次强调在转会的最后一周我们绝对不会象真·马德里一样被人啃。<br/><br/>\'I think it goes both ways in terms of not being held ransom with respect to players we may be selling and not being held ransom with respect to players we might be buying. In all these situations we\'re looking to get a price we think is appropriate.<br/><br/>『不管是购入还是售出,在价钱上我们都BS敲诈行为。我们只会付我们认为合适的价钱。』<br/><br/>\'There\'s one week left of the transfer season, I think José has indicated we\'re looking for possibly a new right back and we\'ll just have to see how the next week goes.<br/><br/>『离转会窗口关闭还有一周,而Jose说过我们可能还缺一个右后卫,我们会在接下来的一周静观其变。』<br/>(猪:本文发布在贝莱蒂转会完成前。)<br/><br/>\'It\'s a view we\'ve had for several years. In the first year we spent quite a bit of money because we felt we had a lot of catch up to do. The plan was for the amount of money we spent on aggregate in each transfer window to go down every time, and it has. I think that makes sense for Chelsea. We\'re looking more to bringing players through the academy, and over time we\'ll have a better strategy and approach.\'<br/><br/>『这是我们几年来的期望。在第一年我们花了很多钱,因为我们需要构建队伍。我们的计划是之后我们在转会上投入的总资金逐年减少,而事实也正是这样。我认为这样的规划适合切尔西的发展。我们更希望从青训系统提拔球员,长此以往我们将拥有更好的经营策略。』<br/><br/>=====<br/>好像没说什么 (▔﹏▔|||)<br/>--<br/></div></div><p>罗本受伤太多,为我车作出的贡献有限,有这么好的报价,理应转让!</p>
克尼马 发表于 2007-8-26 06:14:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p><font size=\"2\">英超-兰帕德连续4场进球 切尔西主场险胜登上榜首</font></p><p><br/><a href=\"\"><font size=\"2\"></font></a><font size=\"2\"> 2007年08月25日23:53  新浪体育<br/>  新浪体育讯 北京时间8月25日22:00(英国当地时间15:00),2007/08赛季英格兰足球超级联赛第4轮一场焦点战在斯坦福德桥球场展开争夺,切尔西主场1比0力克朴茨茅斯。兰帕德连续4场比赛进球。切尔西3胜1平登上英超积分榜领头羊位置。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  切尔西在双方近10场交锋中取得全胜,47年来近21场比赛15胜6平保持不败。朴茨茅斯上次取胜蓝军还是1960年的联赛杯第4轮,上次做客斯坦福德桥取胜还是1955年的甲级联赛。双方英超历史交锋8场,蓝军取得全胜攻入18球仅丢1球。双方历史交锋74场,切尔西30胜23平21负占据上风。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  穆里尼奥仅用皮萨罗替换卡劳首发,新援贝莱蒂坐上替补席。前阿森纳后卫坎贝尔和劳伦双双进入朴茨茅斯的首发阵容。开场仅40秒,马卢达左路突破传球,皮萨罗21码处右脚劲射稍稍偏出左侧立柱。第5分钟,埃辛后场掷出界外球手滑,但他随后拿回皮球准备重发被判罚手球犯规,奥尼尔右路任意球传中,迪斯丁头球攻门偏出近角。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  第8分钟,德罗巴左路远射偏出。第11分钟,朴茨茅斯后场传球失误,皮萨罗分球禁区左侧边缘,马卢达小角度抽射打在边网。第13分钟,马卢达右路任意球传中,皮萨罗中路7码处头球攻门稍稍高出。第15分钟,蒙塔里中路30码处远射被本哈伊姆挡出。第20分钟,乌塔卡右路突破传中,埃辛6码处抢在卡努之前铲球解围。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  第23分钟,肖恩-戴维斯禁区内的射门偏出。朴茨茅斯第24分钟险些破门,卡努左路晃过埃辛后传中,马修-泰勒12码处的射门被本哈伊姆封挡后偏转,皮球擦右侧立柱偏出底线。随后蒙塔里远射偏出。1分钟后,肖恩-戴维斯传球,乌塔卡的远射也偏出目标。尽管切尔西前25分钟控球率达到68.0%,但场面优势并不明显。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  第30分钟,阿什利-科尔传球,马卢达左路远射偏出。切尔西第31分钟打破僵局,德罗巴脚后跟传球,兰帕德右路20码处劲射,詹姆斯扑挡到皮球,但皮球反弹后跃入网窝。包括周中的英格兰国家队热身赛,兰帕德连续4场比赛均有进球,其中3场英超联赛。第33分钟,米克尔传球,赖特-菲利普斯禁区右侧18码处劲射被詹姆斯扑挡后没收。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  随后皮萨罗传球,赖特-菲利普斯禁区边缘外左脚射门高出。第34分钟,德罗巴突入禁区左侧被坎贝尔准确铲出。第36分钟,马修-泰勒30码处任意球直接射门打中人墙。第38分钟,阿什利-科尔传球,马卢达禁区左侧小角度射门偏出。第45分钟,兰帕德30码处任意球远射被詹姆斯扑挡后没收。半场结束前,马修-泰勒22码处吊射稍稍高出。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  下半场开场不久,德罗巴传球,赖特-菲利普斯禁区边缘右脚劲射擦左侧立柱偏出。第49分钟,肖恩-戴维斯开出右路任意球,马修-泰勒30码处左脚远射高出。朴茨茅斯第53分钟再度错失良机,卡努摆脱特里后回传,肖恩-戴维斯进去右肋12码处射门擦横梁高出。随后詹姆斯出击抢在皮萨罗之前没收皮球。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  第58分钟,蒙塔里禁区外的射门再度稍稍高出。第60分钟,乌塔卡传球,奥尼尔左路25码处劲射偏出近角。随后卡劳和贝莱蒂先后换下皮萨罗和米克尔。第70分钟,兰帕德传球,马卢达30码处远射偏出。第72分钟,乌塔卡挑传,穆瓦鲁瓦里禁区左侧胸部停球稍大,最后他的小角度射门偏出。第74分钟,兰帕德回传,埃辛远射被詹姆斯扑出。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  第75分钟,蒙塔里传球,穆瓦鲁瓦里禁区边缘内低射偏出。随后乔-科尔换下赖特-菲利普斯。第76分钟,乌塔卡右路传中被特里勉强挡出,随后他在禁区边缘外的低射偏出远角。而后蒙塔里铲倒加纳同胞埃辛被黄牌警告。第78分钟,马卢达分球左路,卡劳连过2人后25码处劲射直入詹姆斯下怀。第79分钟,乌塔卡传球,蒙塔里远射被切赫没收。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  随后埃辛的远射被肖恩-戴维斯挡出底线。第81分钟,卡劳横传,乔-科尔禁区弧顶的射门偏出。第85分钟,马卢达传球,德罗巴禁区左侧的左脚射门被詹姆斯在近角扑挡没收。朴茨茅斯第87分钟错失最好机会,蒙塔里开出角球,纽金特混战中的射门被队友卡努挡出,迪斯丁8码处头球攻门被阿什利-科尔在球门线上头球解围。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  切尔西出场阵容(4-4-2):1-切赫;3-阿什利.科尔,22-本哈伊姆,26-特里,5-埃辛;12-米克尔(65\',35-贝莱蒂),8-兰帕德,15-马卢达,24-赖特.菲利普斯(76\',10-乔.科尔);14-皮萨罗(63\',21-卡劳),11-德罗巴</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  朴茨茅斯出场阵容(4-3-1-1):1-詹姆斯;23-坎贝尔,7-赫雷达森,4-劳伦(83\',16-帕马洛特),15-迪斯丁;14-马修.泰勒(83\',10-纽金特),28-肖恩.戴维斯,11-蒙塔里,26-奥尼尔(61\',25-穆瓦鲁瓦里);17-乌塔卡;27-卡努</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  (斯科) </font></p><p><font size=\"2\">声明:新浪网独家稿件,转载请注明出处。 <br/></font></p>
克尼马 发表于 2007-8-26 06:16:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p><font size=\"2\">周末赛后穆里尼奥评论</font></p><p><font size=\"2\"></font></p><p><a href=\"\"><font size=\"2\"></font></a><font size=\"2\"> 2007年08月26日02:25  新浪体育<br/>  新浪体育讯 虽然拿下了3分并登上了积分榜首位,但切尔西对朴茨茅斯一战赢得艰苦,客队甚至拥有更多的破门机会,赫雷达森近在咫尺的头球攻门更险些得手,亏得阿什利-科尔门线解围。赛后,穆里尼奥对结果表示满意,但承认球队本可以踢得更好,他认为周中的国家队比赛日和天气影响了球员的发挥。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  “我不喜欢在国家队比赛日之后打比赛,球员们离开、踢比赛,一些回来时情绪低落、一些很失望,另一些很愉快,一些训练非常努力,另一些不训练。一些人周四还在旅行,周五就要许联,我无法正常的备战,注意力不再那么专注,准备的方式也不同。在国际比赛日后,五场比赛中会有四场像今天这样。”</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  “不过朴茨茅斯也是一支很好的队伍,他们组织的很好,有出色的教练和球员,他们让我们踢得很艰苦。当然,天气也不帮忙,非常炎热,上半时我可以看出,球员想踢快节奏的比赛很困难,无法给对手施压,大家在场上思考和移动都很慢。”</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  “我不得不在半场时让他们振作,在下半时提高水准,对于三分以及榜首我感到满意,但我希望能踢得更好。”</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  穆里尼奥还强调,切尔西的目标就是冠军。“英超的所有大俱乐部都为了登上榜首而战,我们也一样,我们希望在赛季最后一轮时是积分榜的第一,现在则只不过是暂时的,但能实现也不错。”</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  对于进球功臣兰帕德,穆里尼奥给与了特别的称赞。“有人批评他,但我不会,有人时刻支持他,我是其中之一。中场球员四场进四球可不容易(包括英格兰队比赛),而他三场为我们破门,都带来了重要的积分,我知道我可以指望他。”</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  双方技术统计(主队切尔西在前)</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  射门19比23、射正7比2、射偏10比13、被封堵射门2比8;角球4比6、越位4比4、犯规15比13、赢得铲球15比19、传球成功率84.1%比76.5%、控球率63.9%比36.1%</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  (丁林)</font></p><p><font size=\"2\"></font></p>
克尼马 发表于 2007-8-29 06:48:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p><br/><font size=\"2\">布里奇伤情 </font></p><p><br/><a href=\"\"><font size=\"2\"></font></a><font size=\"2\"> 2007年08月29日00:02  新浪体育</font></p><p><font size=\"2\"></font></p><p><br/><font size=\"2\">  新浪体育讯 切尔西的英格兰球星布里奇表示,一旦从伤病中恢复,他将力争夺回自己的位置。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  在今年夏天,布里奇接受的臀部手术,目前恢复的情况远远好于预计,他有可能比预期更快的复出。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  目前,布里奇正在努力恢复自己的身体状况,他决心从阿什利-科尔手中抢过主力位置。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  布里奇说:“伤病反而让我更有决心了,显然我们面对的是一个漫长的赛季,我只需等待,看看当我回来后会发生什么。”</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  “我决心尽快复出,确保自己尽可能的康复,为俱乐部做到最佳,然后你会看到结果的。”</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  布里奇的主要位置是左后卫,但上赛季穆里尼奥安排他打过左前卫、中前卫等位置,虽然难说出彩,但也没有什么漏洞,可以说合格。一旦布里奇复出,切尔西将又多出一个多面手,这对阵容来说无疑是好消息。(李普利)</font></p><p><font size=\"2\"></font></p>
克尼马 发表于 2007-8-29 06:53:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p><font size=\"2\">切尔西新锐双星同获青睐 </font></p><p><br/><a href=\"\"><font size=\"2\"></font></a><font size=\"2\"> 2007年08月28日18:30  新浪体育</font></p><p><br/><font size=\"2\">  新浪体育讯 英冠的普利茅斯队表示,希望签下切尔西的年轻新星萨姆-霍奇森,方式是租借。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  在上赛季末和埃弗顿的比赛中,霍奇森首次代表切尔西出场,但在新赛季不太可能有出场机会。普利茅斯主帅霍洛维对他很感兴趣:“他可以踢中卫、中前卫或者右后卫,我认为他是很全面的球员。”</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  不过,普利茅斯的第一目标却是切尔西的左边锋辛克莱尔,可惜罗本的离队,让他们的希望也破灭了。“如果他们不卖罗本,我们也许能得到辛克莱尔,但现在他将有出场机会。对他个人来说,这是好消息,但对我们来说却是坏消息。”</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  斯科特-辛克莱尔是本赛季值得关注的一颗新星,他的特点是速度快、突破能力强,在罗本走后,辛克莱尔有可能在左边路获得更多机会。(李普利)</font></p><p><font size=\"2\"></font></p>
vivic 发表于 2007-8-29 16:48:00 | 显示全部楼层
发信人: Lamby (小羊), 信区: Chelsea<br/>标  题: [辱没]今日辱没<br/>发信站: 水木社区 (Wed Aug 29 16:16:37 2007), 站内<br/><br/>Tottenham offer Defoe for Chelsea\'s Wright-Phillips<br/> - August 28, 2007<br/><br/>Tottenham and Chelsea are discussing a swap deal involving Jermain Defoe and<br/>Blues winger Shaun Wright-Phillips.<br/><br/>The Sun says the Blues want a straight swap but Spurs insist their striker is<br/>worth SWP plus around £4million.<br/>烫烫的刺想用迪福换小赖特不过还要另外收费4个蚌<br/><br/>(╯ˋ□ˊ)╯︵ ┴─┴<br/><br/><br/><br/>Chelsea captain Terry: Everyone excited by Ronaldinho news<br/> - August 28, 2007<br/><br/>Chelsea captain John Terry admits the dressing room is excited at the prospect<br/>of Barcelona superstar Ronaldinho moving to Stamford Bridge.<br/><br/>\"It was exciting to hear about it,\" said Terry.<br/><br/><br/>\"It would be a great acquisition to get a player of that ability. I\'ve seen<br/>what he\'s all about and he\'s a very difficult player to mark<br/>蒋公欢迎小罗来切尔西踢球 (听说因为如果小罗来了势必要领全球最高薪 然后根据<br/>蒋公新合约的浮动薪水条款 也会加薪加的跟小罗一样高啦~!)<br/><br/>by Santos@PTT<br/>
№.德到胜利 发表于 2007-8-29 19:49:00 | 显示全部楼层
小道说买小锣...不要啊<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em08.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em08.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em09.gif\" />
克尼马 发表于 2007-8-30 03:45:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>№.德到胜利</i>在2007-8-29 19:49:00的发言:</b><br/>小道说买小锣...不要啊<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em08.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em08.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em09.gif\" /></div><p>难说</p>
BayernGermany 发表于 2007-8-30 19:50:00 | 显示全部楼层
克尼马 发表于 2007-8-31 21:38:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p><font size=\"2\">切尔西右后卫转会朴茨茅斯 贝莱蒂的到来让他选择离开</font></p><p><br/><a href=\"\"><font size=\"2\"></font></a><font size=\"2\"> 2007年08月31日19:43  新浪体育<br/>  新浪体育讯 北京时间2007年8月31日晚,从切尔西方面传来消息,切尔西右后卫格伦-约翰逊以300万英镑的价格永久转会朴茨茅斯俱乐部。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  一位朴茨茅斯的发言人今日证实了这一桩交易。约翰逊和该俱乐部签订了四年的合同。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  格伦-约翰逊今年23岁,在他上赛季租借朴茨茅斯期间,代表那个球队打了28场比赛。朴茨茅斯的主帅是雷德克纳普,而如今,他把约翰逊以永久转会得形式收入了帐中。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  约翰逊曾赢得过5项英格兰赛事得冠军。本赛季随着巴萨后卫贝莱蒂得到来,他在切尔西的前景受到了严峻的挑战。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  约翰逊一开始是效力于英超的西汉姆联队的。西汉姆在03年的时候以600万英镑的价格将他卖到了切尔西。在切尔西,约翰逊表现得很努力,他极力想证明自己。但是在斯坦福桥,他仅仅获得了71次出场机会。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  (风舞潘帕斯) </font></p><p><font size=\"2\"></font></p>
朱红之泪 发表于 2007-9-1 15:33:00 | 显示全部楼层
ballack0926 发表于 2007-9-1 15:40:00 | 显示全部楼层
克尼马 发表于 2007-9-2 06:13:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p><font size=\"2\">英联赛杯抽签-切尔西曼联上签 阿森纳遭遇英超劲敌</font></p><p><br/><a href=\"\"><font size=\"2\"></font></a><font size=\"2\"> 2007年09月01日21:12  新浪体育</font></p><p><br/><font size=\"2\">  新浪体育讯 北京时间9月1日英国消息,联赛杯第三轮抽签结果揭晓,英超四大豪门中阿森纳遭遇劲敌纽卡斯尔,利物浦也抽到英超球队,他们将与雷丁争夺晋级下一轮的资格,曼联和切尔西抽到好签。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  上赛季亚军阿森纳与纽卡斯尔的比赛将成为本轮重头戏。英超前四轮两队均少赛一场,阿森纳2胜1平,纽卡斯尔1胜2平,双方差距仅有2分。而且阿勒代斯帐下包括欧文、马丁斯等一流球星,对一贯派出青年军练兵的温格军团来说,这次考验不小。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  利物浦将客场对阵雷丁,其他英超球队相撞的比赛还包括:伯明翰vs布莱克本、热刺vs米堡,富勒姆vs博尔顿。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  卫冕冠军切尔西抽到好签,他们将对阵英冠中排名中游的胡尔,后者在第二轮中淘汰英超球队维冈,爆出一大冷门。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  曼联的对手是英冠领头羊考文垂,英冠联赛前三轮考文垂2胜1平暂时领跑,比切尔西幸运的是曼联抽到主场作战。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  中国球员孙继海效力的曼城队将在主场迎战诺维奇,郑智和查尔顿的对手是卢顿,后者在第二轮中爆冷战胜了基恩执教的桑德兰。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  联赛杯第三轮全部抽签结果(主队在前)</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  曼联vs考文垂</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  胡尔vs切尔西</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  阿森纳vs纽卡斯尔</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  雷丁vs利物浦</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  热刺vs米堡</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  布莱克本vs伯明翰</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  布莱克普尔vs索森德联</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  西汉姆vs普利茅斯</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  卢顿vs查尔顿</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  曼城vs诺维奇城</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  谢菲尔德vs摩尔甘比</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  谢周三vs博尔顿</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  伯恩利vs朴茨茅斯</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  维拉vs诺丁汉森林/莱切斯特</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  西布朗vs卡迪夫</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  比赛将于9月24日开始的一周内进行。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  (黎璐) </font></p><p><font size=\"2\"></font></p>
克尼马 发表于 2007-9-2 06:14:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>ballack0926</i>在2007-9-1 15:40:00的发言:</b><br/><p>兰怕德受伤了,据说要休息一个月</p></div><p>熊复出后要抓住机会,重新赢取魔力鸟的欢心!!!</p>
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