<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>施瓦妮</I>在2006-10-16 11:34:00的发言:</B>
< >看童话那段,小猪偷跑进小波房间,在床上推搡波波的时候,那说话的语气,那动作,真的,两人感觉亲密的不得了 <br>
< >虽然我听不懂他俩在说什么,不过我估计小猪是在说:你小子居然进了个球,居然让你小子进球了,之类的 <br>
< > S;个人觉得小猪说德语比波波要好听<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" /></P></DIV>
< >
< >哈,那段是小猪趁人家睡得迷迷糊糊跑去骗他说:你以为你昨天揭幕战进了个球,其实那是个梦,我们现在才要赶去比赛呢……一边揉他起床ing~</P>
< >可惜小波睡得太迷糊,根本没闹清他在说什么。。结果是白编了一通都没骗到。。</P>
< >我也觉得小波说德语没其他人好听,大概还是说得有点别?</P>
< >---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</P>
< >摄影师:</P>
<P>Once I even sneaked with Schweinsteiger into Podolski\'s room. The day before, against Ecuador, Poldi had scored his first goal, Schweini was supposed to wake him up and tell him that it had been only a dream and that they\'d be off to the stadium now. But Podolski was much too sleepy to really get into it.\" </P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-16 13:19:41编辑过] |