中国德迷联盟 -



小牛季前消息(小牛签下Eddie Jones)

eva 发表于 2007-2-24 12:21:00 | 显示全部楼层
据说韦德要接受手术的话 本赛季就泡汤了
stephenlon 发表于 2007-2-24 12:38:00 | 显示全部楼层
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-24 12:42:57编辑过]
慕尼黑之恋 发表于 2007-2-24 13:47:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| yohjif 发表于 2007-2-24 14:24:00 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>stephenlon</I>在2007-2-24 12:38:00的发言:</B><BR>
<>想知道为什么交易的真相么?<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em46.gif\" /></P>
<>No, it\'s not about \"faith in JJB.\'\' No, it\'s not about an unwillingness to pay Johnson $9 mil over two years. No, it\'s not because Johnson\'s accidental elbow broke Greg Buckner\'s nose in practice. No, it\'s not because the Mavs wanting to open up a roster spot for Keith Van Horn.<BR>不是因为小牛认为JJB能够胜任第三PG;不是因为小牛不愿意支付AJ2剩下的900W薪水;不是因为他在训练里偶然打到了buck的鼻子;不是因为小牛想腾出一个位置来签范霍恩</P>
<>Anthony Johnson had been traded to Atlanta for a second-round pick because the Mavs didn\'t like his sluggish game, didn\'t like his attitude and didn\'t like the fact that he was 20 pounds overweight and couldn\'t or wouldn\'t lose it.<BR>AJ2仅仅因为一个二轮选秀权就被交易到老鹰,真正的原因是小牛不喜欢AJ2拖沓的比赛风格,不喜欢他的态度,不喜欢他身上多了20磅肉却不能,或者是不愿意减掉。</P>
<P>Leave it to classy coach Avery Johnson to explain the deadline deal by saying it was motivated by a renewed faith in Devin Harris. (\"Let\'s just say we feel really, really strong about Devin,\" AJ said.) Leave it to the classy coach to make it sound as if a second-round pick is a heckuva commodity. (That\'s like a late first-round pick!\'\' AJ said.)<BR>小将军的官方语言是,小牛对devin的能力越来越信任,所以AJ2没有位置了,而且老鹰的第二轮也比较有用</P>
<P>Leave it to me, though, to give it to you straight: Avery, initially a fan of Anthony because of his toughness and experience, grew more and more disappointed in Anthony\'s weight issue. Dallas shouldn\'t have been surprised; there are old-time NBA\'ers who will always argue that a thick-bodied small guard, once he gets into his 30\'s, is in constant danger of \"losing it.\'\'<BR>不过我实话实说,小将军本来很喜欢AJ2的,因为他球风很硬朗,而且有经验,但是现在已经由于他的体重问题,对他越来越失望了。</P>
<P>The staff was also disappointed in some occasional behavior things -- \"little b.s. things,\'\' one staffer said -- difficult for outsiders to detect because Anthony had a knack for saying the right thing to both the media and to coaches. But, a source said, his actions did not match his words. And his performance was even poorer than his actions.<BR>此外在对待一些小事情的态度上,小牛的教练组对AJ2也颇有微辞。这些事情外人都很难察觉到,因为AJ2很会说光面话。但是有消息称AJ2的行为与他所说的话并不一致。</P>
<P>But Avery didn\'t like Anthony. So Anthony is gone.<BR>小将军不喜欢AJ2,所以AJ2必须得走。</P>
<P>原文链接:<a href=\";page=5\" target=\"_blank\" >;page=5</A></P>
慕尼黑之恋 发表于 2007-2-24 14:26:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| yohjif 发表于 2007-2-24 15:46:00 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>慕尼黑之恋</I>在2007-2-24 14:26:00的发言:</B><BR>红茶假期里难得冒个泡啊</DIV>
<>不过在家里有爸妈管着不让上网上很久- -</P>
克尼马 发表于 2007-2-24 16:17:00 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>yohjif</I>在2007-2-24 14:24:00的发言:</B><BR><BR>
<>  <BR>
<>想知道为什么交易的真相么?<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em46.gif\" /></P>
<>No, it\'s not about \"faith in JJB.\'\' No, it\'s not about an unwillingness to pay Johnson $9 mil over two years. No, it\'s not because Johnson\'s accidental elbow broke Greg Buckner\'s nose in practice. No, it\'s not because the Mavs wanting to open up a roster spot for Keith Van Horn.<BR>不是因为小牛认为JJB能够胜任第三PG;不是因为小牛不愿意支付AJ2剩下的900W薪水;不是因为他在训练里偶然打到了buck的鼻子;不是因为小牛想腾出一个位置来签范霍恩</P>
<>Anthony Johnson had been traded to Atlanta for a second-round pick because the Mavs didn\'t like his sluggish game, didn\'t like his attitude and didn\'t like the fact that he was 20 pounds overweight and couldn\'t or wouldn\'t lose it.<BR>AJ2仅仅因为一个二轮选秀权就被交易到老鹰,真正的原因是小牛不喜欢AJ2拖沓的比赛风格,不喜欢他的态度,不喜欢他身上多了20磅肉却不能,或者是不愿意减掉。</P>
<>Leave it to classy coach Avery Johnson to explain the deadline deal by saying it was motivated by a renewed faith in Devin Harris. (\"Let\'s just say we feel really, really strong about Devin,\" AJ said.) Leave it to the classy coach to make it sound as if a second-round pick is a heckuva commodity. (That\'s like a late first-round pick!\'\' AJ said.)<BR>小将军的官方语言是,小牛对devin的能力越来越信任,所以AJ2没有位置了,而且老鹰的第二轮也比较有用</P>
<>Leave it to me, though, to give it to you straight: Avery, initially a fan of Anthony because of his toughness and experience, grew more and more disappointed in Anthony\'s weight issue. Dallas shouldn\'t have been surprised; there are old-time NBA\'ers who will always argue that a thick-bodied small guard, once he gets into his 30\'s, is in constant danger of \"losing it.\'\'<BR>不过我实话实说,小将军本来很喜欢AJ2的,因为他球风很硬朗,而且有经验,但是现在已经由于他的体重问题,对他越来越失望了。</P>
<>The staff was also disappointed in some occasional behavior things -- \"little b.s. things,\'\' one staffer said -- difficult for outsiders to detect because Anthony had a knack for saying the right thing to both the media and to coaches. But, a source said, his actions did not match his words. And his performance was even poorer than his actions.<BR>此外在对待一些小事情的态度上,小牛的教练组对AJ2也颇有微辞。这些事情外人都很难察觉到,因为AJ2很会说光面话。但是有消息称AJ2的行为与他所说的话并不一致。</P>
<>But Avery didn\'t like Anthony. So Anthony is gone.<BR>小将军不喜欢AJ2,所以AJ2必须得走。</P>
<P>原文链接:<a href=\";page=5\" target=\"_blank\" >;page=5</A></P></DIV>
不失我爱 发表于 2007-2-24 17:11:00 | 显示全部楼层
<FONT color=#0000ff>老鹰队的选秀顺位好,虽然是第二轮选上来的人实际上和第一轮没什么区别;据说今年新秀的水平不错</FONT>
stephenlon 发表于 2007-2-24 20:01:00 | 显示全部楼层
<P>真是失望 </P><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em61.gif\" />
stephenlon 发表于 2007-2-24 20:19:00 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>不失我爱</I>在2007-2-24 17:11:00的发言:</B><BR><FONT color=#0000ff>老鹰队的选秀顺位好,虽然是第二轮选上来的人实际上和第一轮没什么区别;据说今年新秀的水平不错</FONT></DIV>
克尼马 发表于 2007-2-24 20:52:00 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>stephenlon</I>在2007-2-24 20:01:00的发言:</B><BR>
<P>真是失望 </P><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em61.gif\" /></DIV>
只爱德国队 发表于 2007-2-24 21:08:00 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>慕尼黑之恋</I>在2007-2-23 22:27:00的发言:</B><BR><BR>
<>     哈哈,这样就太好了<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em03.gif\" /></P></DIV>
<>现在要对德克要求高一些,今年要把你签名栏里的那几个都实现了,才能叫好,哈哈。。。。。。。</P><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif\" />
只爱德国队 发表于 2007-2-24 21:20:00 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>yytut</I>在2007-2-24 11:02:00的发言:</B><BR><BR>
克尼马 发表于 2007-2-24 21:50:00 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>只爱德国队</I>在2007-2-24 21:20:00的发言:</B><BR><BR>
stephenlon 发表于 2007-2-24 21:58:00 | 显示全部楼层
<>  达拉斯小牛 vs 丹佛掘金 10:00</P>
<>  不知不觉间达拉斯牛仔又取得了一波10连胜,牛仔们目前是联盟唯一一支输球未达到两位数的球队。明天的掘金要让小牛吞下本赛季第10场败仗,除非丹佛双枪齐发威,彻底摧毁小牛的防线。掘金最近连遇强敌,全明星赛前就输给了为季后赛而战的森林狼,全明星赛后连续与马刺爵士作战,三连败的掘金杀到达拉斯时已是强弩之末。</P>
<>  两队本赛季已经较手两次,第一次在小牛主场,小牛三剑客车合力轰下79分,第二场在掘金主场,诺维斯基缺席了比带,但是霍华德与特里率领小牛拿下了比赛取得10连胜。不过前两次交手,小甜瓜都缺席了掘金的屠牛战,艾弗森也未来到掘金。掘金双枪目前平均每场能轰下58.3分,成为联盟最火暴的双人组合,但是掘金的防守让他们的失分也名列联盟前茅,在新AI联合主宰掘金的日子里,球队的战绩为2胜5负。</P>
<>  掘金在进攻中,火力敌不过小牛三剑客,防守中与小牛更不在一个层次,攻防都处于下风的掘金几乎没有任何胜算。掘金不仅要应付小牛三剑客,哈里斯将令掘金的防守雪上加霜。另外,诺维斯基已经连续6场比赛命中率超过50%,已经进入赛季最佳状态。本次交锋,小牛唯一的不利因素是伤病。目前除开姆本加赛季报销外,重要的替补乔治也因伤无法出站否,霍华德的右裸也有伤在身。</P>
<>  目前小牛45胜9负,主场战绩25胜3负,掘金26胜17负,客场战绩12胜13负。双方过去的8次交战中,小牛仅仅输了1次。</P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-24 21:59:18编辑过]
 楼主| yohjif 发表于 2007-2-24 22:02:00 | 显示全部楼层
Shumi的BMW 发表于 2007-2-25 10:32:00 | 显示全部楼层
<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=0 width=\"100%\" align=left border=0>

<TD align=middle width=45 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>02:33</TD>
<TD 5px\" width=55 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >小牛</A></TD>
<TD 5px\" bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >约什-霍华德</A>犯规</TD>
<TD 5px\" width=55 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>犯规1</TD>
<TD 5px\" align=right width=65 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>[26-21]</TD></TR>
<TD align=middle width=45 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>02:45</TD>
<TD 5px\" width=55 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >小牛</A></TD>
<TD 5px\" bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >杰里-斯塔克豪斯</A>2分球投篮不中</TD>
<TD 5px\" width=55 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>得分2</TD>
<TD 5px\" align=right width=65 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>[26-21]</TD></TR>
<TD align=middle width=45 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>03:05</TD>
<TD 5px\" width=55 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >掘金</A></TD>
<TD 5px\" bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >卡梅罗-安东尼</A>2分球投篮命中</TD>
<TD 5px\" width=55 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>得分8</TD>
<TD 5px\" align=right width=65 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>[26-21]</TD></TR>
<TD align=middle width=45 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>03:05</TD>
<TD 5px\" width=55 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >小牛</A></TD>
<TD 5px\" bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >德克-诺维茨基</A>2分球投篮不中</TD>
<TD 5px\" width=55 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>得分4</TD>
<TD 5px\" align=right width=65 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>[24-21]</TD></TR>
<TD align=middle width=45 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>03:12</TD>
<TD 5px\" width=55 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >掘金</A></TD>
<TD 5px\" bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >阿伦-艾弗森</A>罚球得分</TD>
<TD 5px\" width=55 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>得分13</TD>
<TD 5px\" align=right width=65 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>[24-21]</TD></TR>
<TD align=middle width=45 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>03:12</TD>
<TD 5px\" width=55 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >掘金</A></TD>
<TD 5px\" bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >阿伦-艾弗森</A>罚球得分</TD>
<TD 5px\" width=55 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>得分12</TD>
<TD 5px\" align=right width=65 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>[23-21]</TD></TR>
<TD align=middle width=45 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>03:12</TD>
<TD 5px\" width=55 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >小牛</A></TD>
<TD 5px\" bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >德文-哈里斯</A>犯规</TD>
<TD 5px\" width=55 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>犯规2</TD>
<TD 5px\" align=right width=65 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>[22-21]</TD></TR>
<TD align=middle width=45 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>03:22</TD>
<TD 5px\" width=55 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >小牛</A></TD>
<TD 5px\" bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >杰里-斯塔克豪斯</A>2分球投篮命中</TD>
<TD 5px\" width=55 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>得分2</TD>
<TD 5px\" align=right width=65 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>[22-21]</TD></TR>
<TD align=middle width=45 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>03:48</TD>
<TD 5px\" width=55 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >掘金</A></TD>
<TD 5px\" bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >阿伦-艾弗森</A>2分球投篮命中</TD>
<TD 5px\" width=55 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>得分11</TD>
<TD 5px\" align=right width=65 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>[22-19]</TD></TR>
<TD align=middle width=45 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>03:48</TD>
<TD 5px\" width=55 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >小牛</A></TD>
<TD 5px\" bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >德克-诺维茨基</A>3分球投篮不中</TD>
<TD 5px\" width=55 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>得分4</TD>
<TD 5px\" align=right width=65 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>[20-19]</TD></TR>
<TD align=middle width=45 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>03:53</TD>
<TD 5px\" width=55 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >掘金</A></TD>
<TD 5px\" bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >阿伦-艾弗森</A>罚球得分</TD>
<TD 5px\" width=55 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>得分9</TD>
<TD 5px\" align=right width=65 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>[20-19]</TD></TR>
<TD align=middle width=45 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>03:53</TD>
<TD 5px\" width=55 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >掘金</A></TD>
<TD 5px\" bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >阿伦-艾弗森</A>罚球得分</TD>
<TD 5px\" width=55 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>得分8</TD>
<TD 5px\" align=right width=65 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>[19-19]</TD></TR>
<TD align=middle width=45 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>04:03</TD>
<TD 5px\" width=55 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >小牛</A></TD>
<TD 5px\" bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >德文-哈里斯</A>犯规</TD>
<TD 5px\" width=55 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>犯规1</TD>
<TD 5px\" align=right width=65 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>[18-19]</TD></TR></TABLE>
Shumi的BMW 发表于 2007-2-25 10:36:00 | 显示全部楼层
<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=0 width=\"100%\" align=left border=0>

<TD align=middle width=45 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>01:15</TD>
<TD 5px\" width=55 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >掘金</A></TD>
<TD 5px\" bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >埃杜阿多-纳胡拉</A>2分球投篮不中</TD>
<TD 5px\" width=55 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>得分2</TD>
<TD 5px\" align=right width=65 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>[30-25]</TD></TR>
<TD align=middle width=45 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>01:33</TD>
<TD 5px\" width=55 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >掘金</A></TD>
<TD 5px\" bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >埃杜阿多-纳胡拉</A>2分球投篮命中</TD>
<TD 5px\" width=55 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>得分2</TD>
<TD 5px\" align=right width=65 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>[30-25]</TD></TR>
<TD align=middle width=45 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>01:58</TD>
<TD 5px\" width=55 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >小牛</A></TD>
<TD 5px\" bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >约什-霍华德</A>2分球投篮命中</TD>
<TD 5px\" width=55 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>得分11</TD>
<TD 5px\" align=right width=65 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>[28-25]</TD></TR>
<TD align=middle width=45 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>01:58</TD>
<TD 5px\" width=55 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >掘金</A></TD>
<TD 5px\" bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >史蒂夫-布雷克</A>3分球投篮不中</TD>
<TD 5px\" width=55 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>得分0</TD>
<TD 5px\" align=right width=65 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>[28-23]</TD></TR>
<TD align=middle width=45 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>02:25</TD>
<TD 5px\" width=55 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >小牛</A></TD>
<TD 5px\" bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >约什-霍华德</A>2分球投篮命中</TD>
<TD 5px\" width=55 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>得分9</TD>
<TD 5px\" align=right width=65 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>[28-23]</TD></TR>
<TD align=middle width=45 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>02:28</TD>
<TD 5px\" width=55 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >掘金</A></TD>
<TD 5px\" bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >马库斯-坎比</A>罚球得分</TD>
<TD 5px\" width=55 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>得分2</TD>
<TD 5px\" align=right width=65 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>[28-21]</TD></TR>
<TD align=middle width=45 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>02:28</TD>
<TD 5px\" width=55 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >掘金</A></TD>
<TD 5px\" bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >马库斯-坎比</A>罚球得分</TD>
<TD 5px\" width=55 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>得分1</TD>
<TD 5px\" align=right width=65 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>[27-21]</TD></TR>
<TD align=middle width=45 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>02:28</TD>
<TD 5px\" width=55 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" >掘金</A></TD>
<TD 5px\" bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>请求暂停</TD>
<TD 5px\" width=55 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20></TD>
<TD 5px\" align=right width=65 bgColor=#ffefb6 height=20>[26-21]</TD></TR></TABLE>
Shumi的BMW 发表于 2007-2-25 10:36:00 | 显示全部楼层
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<TD width=53>
<TABLE height=37 cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=0 width=45 align=center bgColor=#a6780d border=0>

<TD class=num align=middle bgColor=black height=35><FONT color=#ff0000>30</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE>
<TABLE height=45 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=53 border=0>

<TD class=score align=middle height=45><FONT color=#ff0000>犯规 1<BR>26胜27负</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE></TD>
<TD vAlign=top align=middle width=160><FONT color=#ff0000>第1节还有0:44 </FONT>

<TD height=1><FONT color=#ff0000></FONT></TD></TR>
<TR align=middle>
<TD><FONT color=#ff0000>1节</FONT></TD>
<TD><FONT color=#ff0000>2节</FONT></TD>
<TD><FONT color=#ff0000>3节</FONT></TD>
<TD><FONT color=#ff0000>4节</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR align=middle>
<TD><FONT color=#ff0000>30</FONT></TD>
<TD><FONT color=#ff0000>0</FONT></TD>
<TD><FONT color=#ff0000>0</FONT></TD>
<TD><FONT color=#ff0000>0</FONT></TD></TR>
<TR align=middle>
<TD><FONT color=#ff0000>25</FONT></TD>
<TD><FONT color=#ff0000>0</FONT></TD>
<TD><FONT color=#ff0000>0</FONT></TD>
<TD><FONT color=#ff0000>0</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE></TD>
<TD width=53>
<TABLE height=37 cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=0 width=45 align=center bgColor=#a6780d border=0>

<TD class=num align=middle bgColor=black height=35><FONT color=#ff0000>25</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE>
<TABLE height=45 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=53 border=0>

<TD class=score align=middle height=45><FONT color=#ff0000>犯规 6<BR>45胜9负</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE>
yytut 发表于 2007-2-25 11:47:00 | 显示全部楼层
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