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[转帖][快讯] 前starComa队员Cold.D加盟mTw

 楼主| 雅利安人 发表于 2006-12-24 17:02:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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<>  虽然<IMG src=""> <STRONG>mTw</STRONG>的<STRONG>纯德国阵容</STRONG>在面队一些强大的<STRONG>国际纵队</STRONG>时往往会显得力不从心,但他们还是决定继续坚持走自己的路,不在自己的阵容里添加德国以外的选手。今天早上从<STRONG></STRONG>传来消息,<IMG src=""> <STRONG>mTw</STRONG>新增了一名队员。当然了,这名新队员是一位德国选手,他的名字是J&ouml;rg Jeremias,在比赛中他常用的ID是"Cold.D"。</P>
<>  <IMG src=""> <STRONG>Cold.D</STRONG>之前效力于<IMG src=""> <STRONG>starComa</STRONG>战队,在<STRONG>NGL Two联赛</STRONG>中多次登场比赛。他的加盟对于<STRONG><IMG src=""> mTw</STRONG>来说绝对是一件好事,在<STRONG>NGL One</STRONG>联赛中面临降级危机的<IMG src=""> <STRONG>mTw</STRONG>战队现在需要的正是<STRONG><IMG src=""> Cold.D</STRONG>这种冲劲十足的选手。在<IMG src=""> <STRONG>Cold.D</STRONG>加入后,<IMG src=""> <STRONG>mTw</STRONG>的War3阵容里共有8名选手,他们分别是: </P>
<>  <IMG src=""> <IMG src=""> mTw-Tak3r (队长) <BR>  <IMG src=""> <IMG src=""> mTw-DaviN <BR>  <IMG src=""> <IMG src=""> mTw-iNSoLeNCE <BR>  <IMG src=""> <IMG src=""> mTw-JanThePig <BR>  <IMG src=""> <IMG src=""> mTw-LasH <BR>  <IMG src=""> <IMG src=""> mTw-Protois <BR>  <IMG src=""> <IMG src=""> mTw-hanf <BR>  <IMG src=""> <IMG src=""> mTw-Cold.D </P>
<>  我们祝愿<IMG src=""> <STRONG>Cold.D</STRONG>和<IMG src=""> <STRONG>mTw</STRONG>战队在以后的比赛里取得理想的成绩。</P>
<a href="" target="_blank" ><FONT color=#000000><STRONG></STRONG></FONT></A><BR>
雅利安人 发表于 2006-12-24 17:06:00 | 显示全部楼层
<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" ><STRONG><FONT face=Arial color=#454545 size=5>mTw Adds Cold.D</FONT></STRONG></A><BR><STRONG><FONT face=Arial color=#454545 size=5><IMG src=\"\"><BR></FONT></STRONG>
<DIV class=content><STRONG><FONT face=Arial color=#454545 size=5><IMG src=\"\" align=right></FONT></STRONG> Although it seems that a squad with all players from the same country cannot produce big results while messing with the best teams, <B>mTw</B> didn\'t want to follow example of World Elite Europe and expand again across the world, instead they decided to add another German player.<BR><BR><B>Cold.D</B> is joining the team to help bring home good results or at least avoid the relegation in the <B>NGL One</B>, but looking at the other competitors it will be tough to climb up. The team missed their chances to requalify for the new <B>WC3L</B> Season a few days ago and NGL One is the only place left for them to show their potential.<BR><BR>The squad now consists of a nice mixture of races and looks as follows:
<LI><IMG src=\"\"><IMG src=\"\"> Tak3r (Captain)
<LI><IMG src=\"\"><IMG src=\"\"> DaviN
<LI><IMG src=\"\"><IMG src=\"\"> iNSoLeNCE
<LI><IMG src=\"\"><IMG src=\"\"> JanThePig
<LI><IMG src=\"\"><IMG src=\"\"> LasH
<LI><IMG src=\"\"><IMG src=\"\"> Protois
<LI><IMG src=\"\"><IMG src=\"\"> hanf
<LI><IMG src=\"\"><IMG src=\"\"> Cold.D </LI></BLOCKQUOTE>We wish them best of luck in the future!<BR></DIV>
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