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[讨论]【Forza Milan】为AC米兰盖楼!

朱红之泪 发表于 2007-4-12 16:09:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>32) Having the Scudetto of the record of Inter being overshadowed by the overwhelmingly devastating  <br/>Champions Cup triumph of Van Basten, Gullit and Baresi and co. Simply Priceless!!!  <br/>范.巴斯滕、古利特、巴雷西以及全体球员在冠军联赛中取得的辉煌胜利,令同城死敌的联赛冠军相形见绌,黯然失色。  <br/><br/>33) Beating Maradona on his very own playground in such a fashion that the very demanding, faithful public  <br/>of the San Paolo giving a standing ovation to Milan at the end of the match!!!!  <br/>在马拉多纳自己的主场圣保罗球场,米兰以一种令人难忘的方式夺走联赛冠军奖杯,比赛的最后,就连一向  <br/>以苛刻和忠诚著称的那不勒斯球迷也长时间起立,把掌声和欢呼声献给缔造这场完美胜利的对手米兰!!!  <br/><br/>34) Witnessing Gullit dethroning Maradona on his own playground as King of Serie A!  <br/>在马拉多纳的主场,古利特取而代之,毫无争议地加冕为意甲之王!  <br/><br/>35) Witnessing the aphrodisiac prowesses and out of this world goals of the Divine Swan. Priceless.  <br/>巴斯滕无可比拟的魅力以及天外飞仙般的进球,至今仍然历历在目,栩栩如生。这是米兰的无价之宝。  <br/><br/>36) Witnessing Gli Invincibili of Don Fabio destroyinmg every team. Conquering every imaginable record.  <br/>Anilihating any hope of winning of other teams in an awe inspiring manner, coupling infinite class the with  <br/>very cool and deadly precision of a voracious and unstiatable Cobra  <br/>在无与伦比的法比奥.卡佩罗教练率领下,米兰足以摧毁任何球队,征服任何可以想象的记录。他们以一种令人  <br/>敬畏的方式熄灭其他球队获胜的希望,如眼镜蛇般冷酷狠辣,一击致命,然后全身而退。.  <br/><br/>37) Witnessing the 937 minutes of Seba Rossi.  <br/>米兰门将塞巴斯蒂安.罗西创下了937分钟的联赛不失球记录。  <br/><br/>38) Witnessing the unprecedented, unmatched, unparallelled streak of 58 unbeaten games. From  <br/>May 1991 to April 1993. Un-freaking-believable!!!  <br/>从1991年5月至1993年4月,米兰连续58场联赛不败,这项记录空前绝后,无与伦比,令人难以置信!!!  <br/><br/>39) Witnessing the geniality, imprevisibility and magic of Il Genio Savicevic. Dizzy stuff....  <br/>萨维切维奇脚法精准,才华横溢,球技出神入化。精湛的表演令人眼花缭乱……  <br/><br/>40) Witnessing Il Genio scoring that amazing goal against Barcelona in the 94 CL final. Breathe-taking stuff!!!  <br/>在94年冠军杯决赛中,天才球员萨维切维奇对巴萨打进一记奇迹般的经典入球。令人目瞪口呆的神奇进球!!!  <br/><br/>41) Witnessing the Milan players playing the game of Toro, Toro with the Bar&ccedil;a players was mindblowing.  <br/>(The Toro game is when players make other players run after the ball which is usually done during trainings.  <br/>At that time, this is what the Bar&ccedil;a team was doing to most of their oppositions. However, that night,  <br/>it was Milan who were making Barcelona players run after the ball like headless chicken. And whlie the  <br/>Catalans were running after the ball, the Milan fans were joyously singing \"Ole!Ole!Ole!Ole!\" I was left  <br/>speechless in front of that rare spectacle!!!! Neither Cruyff nor Barcelona recovered from this trauma...  <br/>米兰球员似乎是在从容不迫地斗牛,而对方巴萨的球员则是全无斗志,方寸大乱。(当一方的球员能够让对手像训练中那样跟在球后面追着跑时,这往往被称为斗牛。)在那个时代,巴萨往往是这样戏耍自己的对手的。  <br/>不过,在那个夜晚,米兰成功地让巴塞罗那球员像无头苍蝇一样跟在皮球后面疲于奔命。而每当加泰罗尼亚球员追着球跑时,米兰球迷们就欢快地高唱着“Ole!Ole!Ole!”如此罕见的奇观,真是无法用言语来形容!!!</p><p>42) Watching Marcello Desailly with his imposing built figure patrolling the midfield. Unpassable wall!!!  <br/>马塞尔.德塞利凭借自己强壮的身体和充沛的体能坐镇米兰中场,形成一道不可逾越的坚实屏障!!!  <br/><br/>43) Witnessing the Divine Swan single-handedly destroy Goteborg. 4 goals in 29 minutes!  <br/>巴斯滕在哥德堡以一己之力摧毁对手。29分钟,独中四元!!!  <br/><br/>44) Witnessing the Divine Swan going into one of this gravity defying stunts that only he had the secret  <br/>scoring that unforgettable bicycle kick against Goteborg. Unforgettable!!!  <br/>只有巴斯滕拥有这样的灵感,只有他才能打出面对哥德堡时的那记惊世倒钩。天鹅优雅的舞步永远留在我们的记忆中。  <br/><br/>45) Witnessing Disney Land type magic junfolding in front of my eyes with each ball and action  <br/>by Il Genio coupled with Il Divino Codino. Breathe-taking stuff!!!!  <br/>天纵奇才的萨维切维奇与神奇马尾辫巴乔联手出击,天下无敌,他们的配合行云流水,巧夺天工,  <br/>带给你迪斯尼乐园般神奇和不可思议的感受。他们触球的每一刹那,都会在瞬间夺去你的呼吸!!!  <br/><br/>46) Witnessing Il Re Leone Weah going coast to coast against Verona at the Scala del Calcio.  <br/>狮子王维阿在对阵维罗纳时,从本方后场断球后开始了漫长的奔袭与过人,这个进球是足球史上的经典教科书。  <br/><br/>47) Watching Ruud Gullit tearing apart the net and almost breaking the arm of Walter Zenga with a  <br/>missile from an impossible angle. Superb stuff!!!Watching Walter Zenga whining after the linesman for  <br/>a non-existant off-side? Hilarious, in typical Bauscia style!!  <br/>罗德.古利特在一个令人难以置信的角度起脚,大力施射,皮球带着呼啸声直入网窝,几乎弄断对方门将曾加的手臂。  <br/>后者跟在边裁后面喋喋不休……这球越位?别瞎掰了!无理取闹,唯恐天下不乱,典型的隔壁做派,  <br/>挥之不去的Bauscia(国际米兰绰号,意为“自吹自擂的人”)气质!!!  <br/><br/>48) Watching Beep Beep Massaro coming off the bench and always scoring!A god sent gift!!!No wonder,  <br/>he was called Provvidenza.  <br/>我们亲爱的“Beep Beep”马萨罗总是替补登场,却往往能够进球!得此良将,实乃天幸!!!  <br/>其实这不足为奇,他的存在本来就是天佑米兰,他就是米兰的神。  <br/><br/>49) Winning haut la main 3 Scudetti in a row. A feat not achieved since the times of Il Grande Torino!  <br/>连续三年蝉联意甲联赛冠军,战绩骄人。这是自全盛时期那支伟大的都灵队以来任何球队都无法企及的辉煌。  <br/><br/>50) Just the name Marco Van Basten alone gives me goosebumps.  <br/>只需提起马尔科.范.巴斯滕这个名字,便会带给你无尽的激动与荣耀。惊才绝艳,剑气长存!  <br/><br/>51) Witnessing Re Leone and Zorro hand in hand, in perfect complices commiting the most perfect hold  <br/>up in terra juventina and running towards # 16! Unforgettable!!!  <br/>“狮子王”维阿与“佐罗”博班珠联璧合,相得益彰,他们帮助球队客场完胜尤文图斯,为夺取第十六个联赛冠军  <br/>奠定了基础!令人难以忘怀!!!52) Watching Cuore di Drago Maldini unleashing a rocket from outside the box with his right foot pastan hopeless Gigi Buffon in this 2-1 win over Parma which would be the beginning of that incredible 7  <br/>wins in a row climaxing in # 16. Superb!!!  <br/>“龙之心”马尔蒂尼在禁区外右脚打门,皮球如火箭发射般穿过绝望的吉吉.布冯,这场2-1战胜帕尔马的比赛,  <br/>为此后令人难以置信的七连胜打响了第一枪,最终换来了第十六个联赛冠军。真是棒极了!!!    </p>53) Watching Maurizio Ganz scoring a hat trick in his first derby in Coppa Italia simply priceless!!!  <br/>毛里济奥.冈茨在意大利杯赛首度迎来自己的德比大战时便上演帽子戏法,真是难能可贵!!!  <br/><br/>54) Witnessing Maurizio Ganz scoring that vital goal against Sampdoria at dhe 95th minute giving us a crucia  <br/>l win 3-2 in our quest to the title that season.  <br/>毛里济奥.冈茨在比赛进行到95分钟时对桑普多利亚的进球至关重要,帮助球队在那个志在夺冠的赛季里  <br/>以3-2的比分赢得一场极其关键的胜利。  <br/><br/>55) Watching Il Metronomo unleashing one of the purest and most powerful shots I ve ever seen  <br/>against Monaco, in the 94 CL 1/2 final, that we won 3-0 despite being a man down for the antics  <br/>of Klinsmann on Billy. But what can one expect from a typical Bauscia...  <br/>阿尔贝蒂尼在94年冠军杯半决赛中面对摩纳哥的进球,角度完美,势大力沉,是我见过的最经典进球之一,  <br/>我们最终3-0获胜,尽管当时克林斯曼使用伎俩导致比利被罚下,令我们的后防线继续损兵折将,  <br/>不过面对这位典型的Bauscia作风培养出来的对手,你还能指望他们什么呢?  <br/><br/>56) Watching the Boys anilihating Empoli at San Siro 4-0. Surpasso!!!  <br/>球员们在圣西罗气势如虹地4-0大胜恩波利,奇迹般地在积分榜上超越拉齐奥。米兰球迷们高呼着“超越!  <br/>超越”,真是一场值得纪念的比赛!让我们永远记住这个单词:Surpasso!!!  <br/><br/>57) From the Perugia game, what I would remember for ever is not the 2 goals by Guly and  <br/>Bierhoff but that vital save at the very last minute by Abbiatti. And what a save!!!A missile shot  <br/>from 2 meters and Christian managed to dive and save the day and the title!!!Pure class!!FORZA CHRISTIAN!!!  <br/>在对佩鲁贾那场比赛中,最令我难忘的并不是古利和比埃尔霍夫的两粒进球,而是阿比亚蒂在最后时刻做出的  <br/>至关重要的扑救。那是何等精彩的一次扑救!2米开外的大力射门,克里斯蒂安飞身救险,挽救了战局,是的,那次扑救也保住了我们的联赛冠军!!!Forza天下第一门将!!!FORZA CHRISTIAN!!!(^_*)  <br/><br/>58) The absolutely insane images of Zio Fester going nuts after the final whistle that day, in late May 99  <br/>in Perugia. Vampirone looked as if he were choking!!!Unforgettable!!!  <br/>99年5月,佩鲁贾。当联赛最后一轮的终场哨响起,秃子大叔加里亚尼万分激动,完全失去常态,平时冷峻  <br/>如吸血鬼的他甚至于哽咽无语,那个场面令人至今难忘!!!  <br/><br/>59) Sheva s hat trick at the Olimpico against Lazio in a memorable 4-4.  <br/>舍瓦在奥林匹克面对拉齐奥上演帽子戏法,惊心动魄的比赛,难以忘怀的4-4。  <br/><br/>60) Sheva s slalom against Bari, reminiscant of Re Leone s caost to coast against Verona a few years earlier. Pure class!!!!  <br/>舍瓦在对巴里一战中横空出世,奔袭过人,打进精彩一球,简直就是几年前维阿对维罗纳那个进球的翻版。核弹头威力无穷!!!!  <br/><br/>61) Big George s last minute winner in the Derby.  <br/>伟大的乔治.维阿在德比大战最后一分钟打进致胜进球。  <br/><br/>62) Leonardo s magics. Pure delight!!!  <br/>莱昂纳多魅力四射的激情表演,让艺术足球的光辉照耀圣西罗!<p></p><p></p>
朱红之泪 发表于 2007-4-12 16:09:00 | 显示全部楼层
63) Seba Rossi stopping a penalty right after substituting that clown of Lehman in Cagliari (?). Grande Seba!!!!  <br/>塞巴斯蒂安.罗西在卡利亚里替补愚蠢犯规吃到红牌的莱曼出场,随后便神勇的扑出对方的点球。伟大的塞巴!!!!  <br/><br/>64) Crying like an inconsolable child the day that Marco Unico announced his retirement, due to the only  <br/>opponent who was able to stop him: his chrystal ankles...  <br/>那是一个泪水纷飞的日子,那一天独一无二的马尔科宣布挂靴,向伤心不已的球迷们挥手告别,  <br/>身后留下的是永远的遗憾。唯一能够阻止他前进脚步的对手,是他那脆弱的脚踝……  <br/><br/>65) Crying again the day that Il Monumento, Il Totem, Il Capitano, l Immensita che divento regola, # 6, Kaizer Franz retired.  <br/>米兰球迷又经历了伤心欲绝的一天,弗兰克.巴雷西正式退出足坛,他是不朽的丰碑,他是球队的象征,  <br/>他是我们永远的队长。为了表达对这位伟大球员的尊重,米兰的6号球衣跟随巴雷西一同退役,从此永远封存。  <br/><br/>66) Watching Sheva destroying all oppositions in his path!!!  <br/>舍瓦能够毁灭所有胆敢阻挡自己前进的对手,神挡杀神,鬼挡杀鬼!!!  <br/><br/>67) Zvone s creations. A delight!  <br/>博班非凡的创造力给米兰球迷带来无尽的欢乐。向你致敬,兹沃尼!  <br/><br/>68) The commanding orders of Il Metronomo, regulating the play and traffic in midfield.  <br/>阿尔贝蒂尼出任米兰中场指挥官,组织有序,调度有节,一切都按照熟悉的节奏有条不紊地运行。  <br/><br/>69) Being spoilt all those years with amazing champions, incredible teams, unforgettable wins  <br/>and indelible triumphs and joys.  <br/>那是红黑军团席卷天下的年代,数不胜数的冠军奖杯,令人难以置信的无敌之师,毕生难忘的胜利,  <br/>永不磨灭的辉煌,伴随着无尽的欢笑和激情。  <br/><br/>70) Game. Set. And Match. 11 Maggio 2001.  <br/>强者的游戏。星光闪耀的圣西罗。永恒的德比。2001年5月11日。  <br/><br/>71) Gianni Commandini reminding Marco Tardelli how good he is.  <br/>吉安尼.科曼迪尼用进球让马尔科.塔尔德利意识到,他是一名何等优秀的前锋。  <br/><br/>72) Concorde Serginho s devastating runs through the very inviting Inter defence.  <br/>面对国际米兰后防线充满诱惑的漏洞,如此盛情,“协和式飞机”塞尔吉尼奥又焉能错过?自会一马当先,直捣黄龙。  <br/><br/>73) 6-0. Unique. Unforgettable. Eternal.  <br/>6-0。空前绝后的比赛。令人难忘的比分。永不磨灭的胜利。  <br/><br/>74) Il Metronomo s 2 rockets against Barca in an unforgettable match, which was right during my b-day!!!  <br/>那是一场令人难忘的比赛,阿尔贝蒂尼面对巴萨的两脚重炮轰门,让我度过了一个美好的生日!!!  <br/><br/>75) The choregraphies of the Curva Sud. The best Curva in Italy and the world!!!  <br/>梦想剧场圣西罗的南看台。这是意大利乃至全世界最好的看台!  <br/><br/>76) 05 Maggio 2002: Self-explanatory. No comments needed!  <br/>2002年5月5日:尽在不言中,无需任何说明!(@_@呼唤厚道啊……)  <br/><br/>77) The day we signed Rui Costa. I particularly remember that day as that got me literally high  <br/>the whole day. I knew that this signing was the beginning of a new era! And Il Musagete has not  <br/>dissapointed since with countless breathe-taking and crucial assists.  <br/>那一天我们签入了鲁伊.科斯塔。我印象最深刻的是在那一整天我都情绪高涨。我知道这项转会意味着一个  <br/>崭新时代的开始!事实证明,缪斯之神带来的无数精采绝伦而又至关重要的助攻并没有令我们失望。  <br/><br/>78) Derby d andata season 2001-2002: 3 goals in what? 9 minutes or something like that? I was in  <br/>8th Heaven that day while watching the match alone at home, everyone wondering whether I had gone bozo...  <br/>2001-2002赛季的德比大战:米兰打进三球用了多长时间?9分钟抑或更短?那天我独自在家观战,如同置身  <br/>八重天堂,见到我的每个人都疑心我是不是变成了一个只会乐呵呵的傻小子。  <br/><br/>79) Summer 2002: the day we signed Sandro Magno. On August 30th, I stayed up all night until the  <br/>transfer was officialised. It was 3:30 am in here when it was finally on the official site. When I saw the  <br/>magic little message saying \"L AC Milan comunica di avere firmato il difensore laziale Alessandro Nesta...\"  <br/>I screamed so hard I almost woke up everybody, resulting in me getting almost kicked out of the house  <br/>for un-appropriate behaviour  <br/>2002年夏:8月30日那天,我们签入亚历山大大帝(内斯塔),我彻夜难眠,直到官方网站正式公布这兴奋的助攻,  <br/>完全撕开了对手的后防线,由舍瓦完成了冷酷致命的一击。
greentea 发表于 2007-4-12 16:10:00 | 显示全部楼层
朱红之泪 发表于 2007-4-12 16:11:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>greentea</i>在2007-4-12 16:10:00的发言:</b><br/><p>再问一句,你们谁有米兰队歌的mv?</p><p>90年丰田杯为背景的那个!谢谢!</p></div><p>只有MP3……</p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em06.gif\" />
 楼主| 克氏红烧肉 发表于 2007-4-12 19:37:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>为什么喜欢米兰? 一种眼缘...</p><p>第一眼就看上了这支队伍.......</p>
ZUKI 发表于 2007-4-12 21:36:00 | 显示全部楼层
ZUKI 发表于 2007-4-12 21:43:00 | 显示全部楼层
ZUKI 发表于 2007-4-12 21:47:00 | 显示全部楼层
clubbamboo 发表于 2007-4-12 21:57:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>喷,你在这里又发了一遍~~</p><p>请容许我HC一下pippo的庆祝动作吧,帅决人寰!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em31.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em31.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em31.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em31.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em31.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em31.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em31.gif\" />
沉默是金 发表于 2007-4-12 22:03:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>IPPO的那个进球庆祝跟巴蒂的是一样的,小9你要付版权费哦<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" /></p><p>继续陪着米兰前进,谢谢昨天所有的米兰队员,谢谢你们让队长的冠军杯之旅还在继续!!!!!谢谢你们能让桃子有继续征战的机会,总之谢谢了!!!!<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif\" /></p>
阿水 发表于 2007-4-12 23:05:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>请容许我HC一下pippo的庆祝动作吧,帅决人寰!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</p><img title=\"dvubb\" alt=\"图片点击可在新窗口打开查看\" src=\"\" align=\"middle\" border=\"0\"/><img title=\"dvubb\" alt=\"图片点击可在新窗口打开查看\" src=\"\" align=\"middle\" border=\"0\"/><img title=\"dvubb\" alt=\"图片点击可在新窗口打开查看\" src=\"\" align=\"middle\" border=\"0\"/><img title=\"dvubb\" alt=\"图片点击可在新窗口打开查看\" src=\"\" align=\"middle\" border=\"0\"/><img title=\"dvubb\" alt=\"图片点击可在新窗口打开查看\" src=\"\" align=\"middle\" border=\"0\"/><img title=\"dvubb\" alt=\"图片点击可在新窗口打开查看\" src=\"\" align=\"middle\" border=\"0\"/><img title=\"dvubb\" alt=\"图片点击可在新窗口打开查看\" src=\"\" align=\"middle\" border=\"0\"/>
Juca 发表于 2007-4-12 23:15:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>沉默是金</i>在2007-4-12 22:03:00的发言:</b><br/><p>IPPO的那个进球庆祝跟巴蒂的是一样的,小9你要付版权费哦<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" /></p></div><p>他在尤文时就经常这样干了~~进了球后往角旗那里一站,然后等小胖扑上来……<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em06.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em06.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em06.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em06.gif\" /></p>
芭拉熊 发表于 2007-4-12 23:31:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>忘了说,我其实最喜欢加图索!一想起下面那句话我就笑喷&gt;o&lt;</p><p>加图索:如果他生活在古罗马时代,不,应该说他一如生活在那个时代!</p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em03.gif\" />
曼施泰因 发表于 2007-4-13 10:36:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>ZUKI</i>在2007-4-12 21:43:00的发言:</b><br/><p>其实对于我来说,米兰还能走多远已经不是那么重要了</p><p>看着马队依然戴着队长袖标,象不可跨越的雕象一样站力在米兰门前</p><p>看着PIPPO还能用疯狂的庆祝动作咆哮绿荫每一寸土地</p><p>看着内少还能在波黑人一次次野蛮的犯规后坚强的站起来</p><p>真的,已经足够了</p></div><div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>ZUKI</i>在2007-4-12 21:47:00的发言:</b><br/></div><div class=\"quote\"><p>谢谢PIPPO,谢谢西黑,谢谢安胖子,谢谢米兰全体队员</p><p>是你们让马队还有机会驰骋在欧冠的赛场上</p><p>即便下伦被MU淘汰,马队也能在圣西罗结束他的欧冠岁月</p></div><p class=\"MsoNormal\" style=\"MARGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-INDENT: 28pt; mso-char-indent-count: 2.0;\"><span lang=\"EN-US\" style=\"FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-FAMILY: 仿宋_GB2312; mso-bidi-font-size: 12.0pt; mso-hansi-font-family: 宋体;\">AC</span><span style=\"FONT-SIZE: 14pt; FONT-FAMILY: 仿宋_GB2312; mso-bidi-font-size: 12.0pt; mso-hansi-font-family: 宋体;\">打曼联不成问题,我看好<span lang=\"EN-US\">AC</span>和红军会师决赛</span></p>
花妹妹 发表于 2007-4-13 14:23:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p><b>Tale of the age tape</b>
        </p><p><b>Manchester Utd</b>
        </p><p><b>Van der Sar</b> 36 </p><p><b>Brown</b> 27 </p><p><b>Ferdinand</b> 28 </p><p><b>Heinze</b> 29 </p><p><b>O\'Shea</b> 25* </p><p><b>Ronaldo</b> 22 </p><p><b>Fletcher</b> 23 </p><p><b>Carrick</b> 25 </p><p><b>Giggs</b> 33 </p><p><b>Rooney</b> 21 </p><p><b>Smith</b> 26 </p><p><b>Average</b> 26.8 </p><p>*O\'Shea will be 26 by second leg <b>Milan</b>
        </p><p><b>Dida</b> 33 </p><p><b>Oddo</b> 30 </p><p><b>Nesta</b> 31 </p><p><b>Maldini</b> 38 </p><p><b>Jankulovski</b> 29 </p><p><b>Gattuso</b> 29 </p><p><b>irlo</b> 27 </p><p><b>Ambrosini</b> 29 </p><p><b>Seedorf</b> 31 </p><p><b>Kaka</b> 24** </p><p><b>Inzaghi </b>33 </p><p><b>Average</b> 30.4 </p><p>**Kaka will be 25 by first leg</p><p>-------------------------------------</p><p>卫报很rp……</p><font></font><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment-->
 楼主| 克氏红烧肉 发表于 2007-4-13 18:26:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>这年头人人说我们年龄老化, 可我们年年打进四强......<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em11.gif\" /></p><p>米兰老化的不过是替补席, 把替补们换换就行了~</p>
芭拉熊 发表于 2007-4-13 20:01:00 | 显示全部楼层
妹妹啊!你说米兰夺冠的话,能不能给咱意大利节省一个欧冠名额?那我家……<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif\" />
 楼主| 克氏红烧肉 发表于 2007-4-13 20:16:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>芭拉熊</i>在2007-4-13 20:01:00的发言:</b><br/>妹妹啊!你说米兰夺冠的话,能不能给咱意大利节省一个欧冠名额?那我家……<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif\" /></div><p>不会的.</p><p>除非米兰没有进入前四这事才会被提上台面.</p><p>冠军杯卫冕冠军将自动进入下赛季的小组赛,而如果它没能通过本赛季联赛获得此资格的话,那么这一联赛中最后一个拿到冠军杯资格的球队就将自动让出位置,去参加下赛季的联盟杯。<br/>  <br/>并不是夺冠的联赛就可以多一个名额,  而且米兰也应该可以拿到前四,  所以基本上不会出现让欧足联纠结的可能. </p>
 楼主| 克氏红烧肉 发表于 2007-4-13 20:20:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>这个规则的启动, 要求点有两个方面: 一个要是卫冕冠军, 二是要没拿到本国欧冠资格.</p><p>如果卫冕冠军拿到了欧冠资格的话, 这个规则也没有摆上台面的必要, 因为根本就不存在纠结的必要.</p><p></p><p></p>
 楼主| 克氏红烧肉 发表于 2007-4-13 20:21:00 | 显示全部楼层
米兰周中对拜仁那比赛一场就赚了2000W~ <br/>BWIN不是不准出现在德国么, 欧足联说如果穿那衣服就罚10万欧, 可BWIN公司说如果米兰坚持穿那衣服出现在慕尼黑, 晋级就给米兰1000W...<br/>于是米兰就穿了那衣服, 罚了10万, 但是收了BWIN的1000W赞助~<br/>然后加上赢球奖金和后两场的出场费, 这一场就赚了2000W, 真爽啊.... <img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" />
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