中国德迷联盟 -




 楼主| joshfan 发表于 2007-3-7 13:47:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<FONT size=4>最近朋友有去英国念书的意向,想了解一下拉夫堡大学和格拉斯哥大学这两所学校的具体情况,打算攻读的是经济方面的硕士。麻烦清楚的筒子解答一下,先谢谢啦<img src="images/post/smile/dvbbs/em18.gif" /><img src="images/post/smile/dvbbs/em18.gif" /><img src="images/post/smile/dvbbs/em18.gif" /></FONT>
条顿之鹰 发表于 2007-3-7 14:33:00 | 显示全部楼层
youwenqing 发表于 2007-3-7 15:20:00 | 显示全部楼层

慕尼黑之恋 发表于 2007-3-7 15:29:00 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>条顿之鹰</I>在2007-3-7 14:33:00的发言:</B><br>
<>      伦敦大学政治经济学院?</P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-7 15:30:25编辑过]
youwenqing 发表于 2007-3-7 15:43:00 | 显示全部楼层
finance的话 LBS是最顶尖的,这种学校孤傲到连排名都不屑参加。。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-7 15:44:43编辑过]
条顿之鹰 发表于 2007-3-7 16:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
<>1 Phillips,-Peter-C.-B. U Yale CT US <br>2 Feldstein,-Martin U Harvard MA US <br>3 Gruber,-Jonathan MIT MA US <br>4 Heckman,-James-J. U Chicago IL US(计量牛人) <br>5 Levitt,-Steven-D. U Harvard MA US <br>6 Smith,-Bruce-D. U TX Austin Tx US <br>7 Tirole,-Jean U Toulouse I France Europe (法国牛人,产业经济学方面的)<br>8 Sen,-Amartya U Harvard MA US (印度牛人,悲天悯人的人文关怀,建议中国经济学们多给人家学学)<br>9 Borjas,-George-J. U CA San Diego CA US <br>10 Laffont,-Jean-Jacques U Toulouse I France Europe(天妒英才,他已经逝世了) <br>11 Poterba,-James-M. MIT MA US <br>12 Acemoglu,-Daron MIT MA US (少年英才)<br>13 Andrews,-Donald-W.-K. U Yale CT US <br>14 Besley,-Timothy London school of Econ Uk Europe <br>15 Ireland,-Peter-N. Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond VA US <br>16 Shleifer,-Andrei U Harvard MA US <br>17 Edwards,-Sebastian UCLA CA US <br>18 Morris,-Stephen U PA Pa US <br>19 Glaeser,-Edward-L. U Harvard MA US <br>20 Lewbel,-Arthur Brandeis U MA US <br>21 Rajan,-Raghuram-G. U Chicago IL US <br>22 Kaplow,-Louis U Harvard MA US <br>23 Choi,-Jay-Pil Columbia U Ny US <br>24 Diamond,-Peter-A. MIT MA US (他的那个出名的理论有钻石中场之称)<br>25 Caballero,-Ricardo-J. MIT MA US <br>26 Philipson,-Tomas-J. U Chicago IL US <br>27 Gale,-William-G. Brookings Institution, Washington, DC Dc US <br>28 Woodford,-Michael Princeton U NJ US (计量经济学牛人,他的教材是比较好的入门书)<br>29 Fuhrer,-Jeffrey-C. Federal Reserve Bank of Boston MA US <br>30 Feenstra,-Robert-C. U CA Davis CA US (他的国际贸易教材是现在最新流行的)<br>31 Griliches,-Zvi U Harvard MA US <br>32 Neumark,-David MI State U MI US <br>33 Ravallion,-Martin World Bank International Unknown <br>34 Slemrod,-Joel U MI Ann Arbor MI US <br>35 Cutler,-David-M. U Harvard MA US <br>36 Kocherlakota,-Narayana-R. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis MN US <br>37 Waldfogel,-Joel U Yale CT US <br>38 Rosenzweig,-Mark-R. U PA Pa US <br>39 Angrist,-Joshua-D. Hebrew U Israel Middle east <br>40 Bovenberg,-A.-Lans U Tilburg Netherlands Europe <br>41 Horowitz,-Joel-L. U IA IA US <br>42 Blanchard,-Olivier-Jean MIT MA US (他的教材,宏观的,非常不错)<br>43 Keane,-Michael-P. U MN Twin Cities MN US <br>44 Krueger,-Alan-B. Princeton U NJ US <br>45 Alesina,-Alberto U Harvard MA US <br>46 Viscusi,-W.-Kip Duke U NC US <br>47 Hansen,-Bruce-E. Boston College MA US <br>48 Shi,-Shouyong Queens U, Canada Canada Canada (石寿永 ,华人,我们的骄傲)<br>49 Weitzman,-Martin-L. U Harvard MA US <br>50 Rodrik,-Dani U Harvard MA US <br>51 Stein,-Jeremy-C. MIT MA US <br>52 Gorton,-Gary U PA Pa US <br>53 Jones,-Charles-I. U Stanford CA US <br>54 Irwin,-Douglas-A. U Chicago IL US <br>55 Zingales,-Luigi U Chicago IL US <br>56 Obstfeld,-Maurice U CA Berkeley CA US (贸易方面的牛人,跟克鲁格曼合写了传世的国际经济学)<br>57 Gale,-Douglas Boston U MA US <br>58 Canova,-Fabio U Pompeu Fabra Spain Europe <br>59 Rotemberg,-Julio-J. MIT MA US <br>60 Lindbeck,-Assar U Stockholm Sweden Europe <br>61 Rustichini,-Aldo catholic U Louvain Belgium Europe <br>62 Perotti,-Roberto Columbia U Ny US <br>63 Hubbard,-R.-Glenn Columbia U Ny US <br>64 Chichilnisky,-Graciela Columbia U Ny US (最牛的女经济学家,很性感)<br>65 Hamilton,-James-D. U CA San Diego CA US (时间序列分析,经典)<br>66 White,-Halbert U CA San Diego CA US <br>67 Card,-David Princeton U NJ US <br>68 Stiglitz,-Joseph-E. U Stanford CA US (斯蒂格利茨,犹太人,大胡子)<br>69 Freeman,-Richard-B. U Harvard MA US <br>70 Aiyagari,-S.-Rao Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis MN US <br>71 Qian,-Yingyi U Stanford CA US (钱颖一,华人,我们的骄傲)<br>72 Quiggin,-John James Cook U N Queensland Australia Australia <br>73 Granger,-Clive-W.-J. U CA San Diego CA US (计量牛人)<br>74 Ruhm,-Christopher-J. U NC Greensboro NC US <br>75 Duffie,-Darrell U Stanford CA US (那本资产定价理论是经典)<br>76 Perron,-Pierre U Montreal Canada Canada <br>77 Campbell,-John-Y. U Harvard MA US (他的金融计量不错)<br>78 Deaton,-Angus Princeton U NJ US <br>79 Thomas,-Duncan UCLA CA US <br>80 Friedman,-Daniel U CA Santa Cruz CA US <br>81 Currie,-Janet UCLA CA US <br>82 Lewis,-Karen-K. U PA Pa US <br>83 Lerner,-Josh U Harvard MA US <br>84 Udry,-Christopher Northwestern U IL US <br>85 Camerer,-Colin-F. CA Institute of Technology CA US <br>86 Nelson,-Daniel-B. U Chicago IL US <br>87 Blundell,-Richard U College London Uk Europe <br>88 Gali,-Jordi NYU Ny US <br>89 Slade,-Margaret-E. U British Columbia Canada Canada <br>90 Newey,-Whitney-K. MIT MA US (计量)<br>91 Samuelson,-Larry U WI Madison WI US <br>92 McCall,-Brian-P. U MN Twin Cities MN US <br>93 Bernanke,-Ben-S. Princeton U NJ US (美联储主席,普林斯顿的经济学系主任)<br>94 Eichenbaum,-Martin Northwestern U IL US <br>95 Cochrane,-John-H. U Chicago IL US <br>96 Costa,-Dora-L. MIT MA US <br>97 Bertola,-Giuseppe U Torino Italy Europe <br>98 Williamson,-Stephen-D. U IA IA US (他推出的中级宏观教材,正逐步取代曼昆的地位)<br>99 Stock,-James-H. U Harvard MA US (他也写了本比较不错的计量经济学,属于入门教程,推荐)<br>100 Imbens,-Guido-W. U Harvard MA US <br>101 Buchinsky,-Moshe Brown U RI US <br>102 Chang,-Roberto Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta GA US <br>103 Hanson,-Gordon-H. U TX Austin Tx US <br>104 Roland,-Gerard Free U Brussels ULB Belgium Europe <br>105 Goldberg,-Pinelopi-Koujianou Princeton U NJ US <br>106 Berger,-Allen-N. Federal Reserve System Us US <br>107 Al-Najjar,-Nabil-I. U quebec montreal Canada Canada <br>108 Watson,-Mark-W. Princeton U NJ US (他和stock合写的计量)<br>109 Dufour,-Jean-Marie U Montreal Canada Canada <br>110 Ghysels,-Eric U Montreal Canada Canada <br>111 Krueger,-Anne-O. U Stanford CA US <br>112 Kremer,-Michael MIT MA US <br>114 Saint-Paul,-Gilles ENS France Europe <br>113 Holt,-Charles-A. U VA VA US <br>115 Pakes,-Ariel U Yale CT US <br>116 Henderson,-J.-Vernon Brown U RI US <br>117 Cason,-Timothy-N. U Southern CA CA US <br>118 Pesendorfer,-Wolfgang Northwestern U IL US <br>119 Benhabib,-Jess NYU Ny US <br>120 Pencavel,-John U Stanford CA US <br>121 Taylor,-Mark-P. U Oxford Uk Europe (汇率方面的大牛)<br>122 Kaplan,-Steven-N. U Chicago IL US <br>123 Sala-I-Martin,-Xavier U Yale CT US (他跟邹恒甫是同门师兄弟,师从于巴罗)<br>124 Hamermesh,-Daniel-S. U TX Austin Tx US <br>125 Aghion,-Philippe EBRD, London EC Unknown <br>126 Hahn,-Jinyong U PA Pa US <br>127 Wright,-Randall U PA Pa US <br>128 Rouse,-Cecilia-Elena Princeton U NJ US <br>129 Bernheim,-B.-Douglas U Stanford CA US <br>130 Pesaran,-M.-Hashem U Cambridge Uk Europe <br>131 Fuerst,-Timothy-S. Bowling Green State U Oh US <br>132 Dixit,-Avinash Princeton U NJ US (印度阿三,杨晓凯的导师,他的国际贸易教程是经典)<br>133 Svensson,-Lars-E.-O. U Stockholm Sweden Europe <br>134 Robinson,-Peter-M. London school of Econ Uk Europe <br>135 Dutta,-Prajit-K. Columbia U Ny US <br>136 Jehiel,-Philippe ENPC France Europe <br>137 Weil,-David-N. Brown U RI US <br>138 Van-Reenen,-John U College London Uk Europe <br>139 Milgrom,-Paul U Stanford CA US (好像是博弈论方面的)<br>140 Spulber,-Daniel-F. Northwestern U IL US <br>141 Martimort,-David INRA France Europe <br>142 Frankel,-Jeffrey-A. U CA Berkeley CA US (汇率方面的牛人,一直建议中国调整汇率)<br>143 Blau,-David-M. U NC Chapel Hill NC US <br>144 Helpman,-Elhanan U Tel Aviv Israel Middle east <br>145 Carroll,-Christopher-D. Johns Hopkins U MD US <br>146 Noe,-Thomas-H. GA State U GA US <br>147 Grogger,-Jeff U CA Santa Barbara CA US <br>148 Easterly,-William World Bank International Unknown <br>149 Li,-Qi U Guelph Canada Canada (华人,我们的骄傲)<br>150 Machin,-Stephen U College London Uk Europe <br>151 Peters,-Michael U Toronto Canada Canada <br>152 Venables,-Anthony-J. London school of Econ Uk Europe <br>153 Levine,-Ross U VA VA US <br>154 Diebold,-Francis-X. U PA Pa US <br>155 Bekaert,-Geert U Stanford CA US <br>156 Betts,-Julian-R. U CA San Diego CA US <br>157 Palfrey,-Thomas-R. CA Institute of Technology CA US <br>158 Dowd,-Kevin U Sheffield Hallam Uk Europe <br>159 Andreoni,-James U WI Madison WI US <br>160 Lee,-Lung-fei Hong Kong U of Science &amp; Tech Hong kong Asia(李龙飞,香港人) <br>161 Grossman,-Gene-M. Princeton U NJ US (贸易方面的牛人)<br>162 Manski,-Charles-F. U WI Madison WI US <br>163 Frey,-Bruno-S. U Zurich Switzerland Europe <br>164 Posner,-Richard-A. U Chicago IL US <br>165 Lott,-John-R., Jr. U Chicago IL US <br>166 Krugman,-Paul-R. MIT MA US (克鲁格曼,贸易方面的牛人,著名的愤青经济学家)<br>167 Serrano,-Roberto Brown U RI US <br>168 Shavell,-Steven U Harvard MA US <br>169 Jackson,-Matthew-O. Northwestern U IL US <br>170 Shin,-Hyun-Song U Oxford Uk Europe <br>171 Tabellini,-Guido U Bocconi Italy Europe <br>172 Hall,-Robert-E. U Stanford CA US <br>173 Davis,-Donald-R. U Harvard MA US <br>174 Piketty,-Thomas MIT MA US <br>175 Auerbach,-Alan-J. U CA Berkeley CA US <br>176 Attanasio,-Orazio-P. U Stanford CA US <br>177 Rochet,-Jean-Charles U Toulouse I France Europe <br>178 Kotlikoff,-Laurence-J. Boston U MA US <br>179 Rosen,-Sherwin U Chicago IL US <br>180 Williamson,-Jeffrey-G. U Harvard MA US <br>181 Newbery,-David-M. U Cambridge Uk Europe <br>182 Townsend,-Robert-M. U Chicago IL US <br>183 Nordhaus,-William-D. U Yale CT US <br>184 Bai,-Jushan MIT MA US (白聚山,华人)<br>185 Greif,-Avner U Stanford CA US <br>186 Rudebusch,-Glenn-D. Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco CA US <br>187 Kajii,-Atsushi U Tsukuba, Japan Japan Asia <br>188 Grant,-Simon Australian National U Australia Australia <br>189 Meyer,-Bruce-D. Northwestern U IL US <br>190 Balasko,-Yves U Geneva Switzerland Europe <br>191 Gollier,-Christian U Toulouse I France Europe <br>192 Bolton,-Patrick Free U Brussels ULB Belgium Europe <br>193 Thisse,-Jacques-Francois ENPC France Europe <br>194 Timmermann,-Allan Birkbeck College, U London Uk Europe <br>195 Siegfried,-John-J. Vanderbilt U TN US (他应该是德国人后裔)<br>196 Foster,-Andrew-D. U PA Pa US <br>197 Kane,-Thomas-J. U Harvard MA US <br>198 Fudenberg,-Drew U Harvard MA US <br>199 Sachs,-Jeffrey-D. U Harvard MA US (对俄罗斯进行休克疗法的人,他的宏观经济学强烈推荐)<br>200 Lemieux,-Thomas U Montreal Canada Canada </P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-7 16:24:29编辑过]
youwenqing 发表于 2007-3-7 16:11:00 | 显示全部楼层
<SUB><FONT face=楷体_GB2312 size=2>老苗说的是啊,不过楼主只是问拉夫堡大学和格拉斯哥大学的情况而已呢.给个排名比较直观,毕竟人家没问LBE,LSE,Yale啥的.</FONT></SUB>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-7 16:12:05编辑过]
youwenqing 发表于 2007-3-7 16:14:00 | 显示全部楼层
我蛮想申请Oxford Brooks University的,和ACCA唯一合作的学校,排名里面只排39嘛....综合好象是50...汗...
条顿之鹰 发表于 2007-3-7 16:27:00 | 显示全部楼层
<>1 Harvard U Cambridge, USA 100.0 <BR>2 U Chicago Chicago, USA 89.7 <BR>3 MIT Cambridge, USA 73.7 <BR>4 U California, Berkeley Berkeley, USA 71.9 <BR>5 Northwestern U Evanston, USA 70.2 <BR>6 Stanford U Palo Alto, USA 65.6 <BR>7 Princeton U Princeton, USA 64.7 <BR>8 U Pennsylvania Philadelphia, USA 62.6 <BR>9 NYU New York, USA 58.9 <BR>10 Yale U New Haven, USA 58.2 <BR>11 London School of Economics London, UK 51.5 <BR>12 UCLA Los Angeles, USA 49.6 <BR>13 Columbia U New York, USA 48.1 <BR>14 U Wisconsin Madison, USA 43.8 <BR>15 U Minnesota St Paul, USA 35.8 <BR>16 U Michigan Ann Arbor, USA 35.2 <BR>17 Cornell U Ithaca, USA 34.9 <BR>18 University College London London, UK 34.2 <BR>19 Tel Aviv U Tel Aviv, Israel 33.6 <BR>20 Brown U Providence, USA 33.6 <BR>21 U California, San Diego La Jolla, USA 32.9 <BR>22 U Sciences Sociales Toulouse I Toulouse, France 32.0 <BR>23 U Rochester Rochester, USA 31.9 <BR>24 U Texas Austin, USA 31.5 <BR>25 U Maryland College Park, USA 31.1 <BR>26 U Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA 30.6 <BR>27 Tilburg U Tilburg, Netherlands 28.5 <BR>28 Ohio State U Columbus, Ohio 28.5 <BR>29 U British Columbia Vancouver, Canada 27.1 <BR>30 Cal Tech Pasadena, USA 24.6 </P>
<>31 Carnegie Mellon U Pittsburgh, USA 24.2 <BR>32 Hebrew U Jerusalem, Israel 23.8 <BR>33 Pennsylvania State U State College, Pennsylvania 23.6 <BR>34 Boston U Boston, USA 23.4 <BR>35 U California, Davis Davis, USA 23.2 <BR>36 U Toronto Toronto, Canada 22.6 <BR>37 U Southern California Los Angeles, USA 22.5 <BR>38 U Amsterdam Amsterdam, Netherlands 22.2 <BR>39 Duke U Durham (NC), USA 22.1 <BR>40 U Warwick Warwick, UK 21.3 <BR>41 U Essex Colchester, UK 21.2 <BR>42 Texas A&amp;M U College Station, USA 21.0 <BR>43 Michigan State U East Lansing, USA 20.9 <BR>44 U Carlos III Madrid Madrid, Spain 20.7 <BR>45 U Cambridge Cambridge, UK 19.7 <BR>46 Johns Hopkins U Baltimore, USA 19.4 <BR>47 U Copenhagen Copenhagen, Denmark 19.0 <BR>48 U Virginia Charlottesville, USA 18.8 <BR>49 Arizona State U Tempe, USA 18.5 <BR>50 U Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Spain 18.4 <BR>51 Oxford U Oxford, UK 18.2 <BR>52 U Catholique Louvain Leuven, Belgium 18.0 <BR>53 U Montreal Montreal, Canada 17.9 <BR>54 Boston College Chestnut Hill, USA 17.8 <BR>55 U North Carolina Chapel Hill, USA 17.6 <BR>56 Rutgers U New Brunswick, USA 17.3 <BR>57 U Bonn Bonn, Germany 16.8 <BR>58 U Autonoma Barcelona Barcelona, Spain 15.8 <BR>59 Maastricht U Maastricht, Netherlands 15.8 <BR>60 U Washington Seattle, USA 15.7 <BR>61 Vanderbilt U Nashville, USA 15.6 <BR>62 Indiana U Bloomington, USA 15.3 <BR>63 Washington U St Louis, USA 15.1 <BR>64 U Paris I Sorbonne Paris, France 14.4 <BR>65 U Arizona Tucson, USA 14.0 <BR>66 Dartmouth College Hanover, USA 14.0 <BR>67 European U Institute Florence, Italy 14.0 <BR>68 Stockholm U Stockholm, Sweden 13.9 <BR>69 Hong Kong U Science &amp; Technology Hong Kong, China 13.8 <BR>70 Georgetown U Washington, USA 13.8 <BR>71 Stockholm School of Economics Stockholm, Sweden 13.3 <BR>72 Iowa State U Ames, Iowa 13.3 <BR>73 U Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, USA 13.2 <BR>74 U Iowa Iowa City, USA 13.1 <BR>75 Queens U (Can) Kingston, Canada 13.0 <BR>76 U York (UK) York, UK 12.8 <BR>77 Purdue U West Lafayette, USA 12.6 <BR>78 U Western Ontario London, Canada 12.0 <BR>79 Rice U Houston, USA 12.0 <BR>80 U California, Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, USA 11.6 <BR>81 U California, Irvine Irvine, USA 11.4 <BR>82 U Nottingham Nottingham, UK 11.4 <BR>83 Chinese U Hong Kong Hong Kong, China 11.3 <BR>84 Vrije U Amsterdam, Netherlands 11.0 <BR>85 Ecole National Ponts et Chaussees Paris, France 10.4 <BR>86 U Zurich Zurich, Switzerland 10.0 </P>
<>87 Virginia Tech Blacksburg, Virginia 10.0 <BR>88 U Vienna Vienna, Austria 10.0 <BR>89 Ben Gurion U of the Negev Beersheba, Israel 9.7 <BR>90 U Florida Gainesville, Florida 9.6 <BR>91 Humboldt U Berlin Berlin, Germany 9.4 <BR>92 Southern Methodist U Dallas, USA 9.4 <BR>93 U Alicante Alicante, Spain 9.3 <BR>94 North Carolina State U Raleigh, USA 8.9 <BR>95 U Tokyo Tokyo, Japan 8.7 <BR>96 U Bristol Bristol, UK 8.7 <BR>97 Syracuse U Syracuse, USA 8.7 <BR>98 U Southampton Southampton, UK 8.5 <BR>99 Osaka U Osaka, Japan 8.5 <BR>100 U Houston Houston, USA 8.2 <BR>101 U Mannheim Mannheim, Germany 8.2 <BR>102 Queen Mary College U London London, UK 8.1 <BR>103 U Melbourne Melbourne, Australia 8.0 <BR>104 Technion - Israel Institute of Technology Haifa, Israel 8.0 <BR>105 Erasmus U Rotterdam Rotterdam, Netherlands 7.9 <BR>106 Bar Ilan U Ramat Gan, Israel 7.9 <BR>107 National U Singapore Singapore, Singapore 7.9 <BR>108 Indian Statistical Institute New Delhi, India 7.8 <BR>109 U Cergy-Pontoise Cergy-Pontoise, France 7.7 <BR>110 U Oslo Oslo, Norway 7.7 <BR>111 U Colorado Boulder, USA 7.7 <BR>112 U Birmingham Birmingham, UK 7.5 <BR>113 George Washington U Washington, USA 7.5 <BR>114 INSEAD Fontainebleau, France 7.4 <BR>115 McGill U Montreal, Canada 7.4 <BR>116 Bocconi U Milan, Italy 7.3 <BR>117 U Helsinki Helsinki, Finland 7.1 <BR>118 U Aix-Marseille II - U Mediterranee Marseille, France 7.1 <BR>119 London Business School London, UK 7.1 <BR>120 Kobe U Kobe, Japan 6.9 <BR>121 SUNY Albany Albany, USA 6.9 <BR>122 Australian National U Canberra, Australia 6.9 <BR>123 U Notre Dame (USA) South Bend, USA 6.8 <BR>124 U Bielefeld Bielefeld, Germany 6.6 <BR>125 U Libre Bruxelles Brussels, Belgium 5.2 <BR>126 U Turin Turin, Italy 6.4 </P>
<>127 U Edinburgh Edinburgh, UK 6.3 <BR>128 U Haifa Haifa, Israel 6.3 <BR>129 U Laval Ste Foy, Canada 6.2 <BR>130 U New South Wales Sydney, Australia 6.2 <BR>131 U California, Santa Cruz Santa Cruz, USA 6.1 <BR>132 U Exeter Exeter, UK 5.9 <BR>133 U Quebec Montreal, Canada 5.9 <BR>134 U Pais Vasco San Sebastian, Spain 5.9 <BR>135 Simon Fraser U Burnaby, Canada 5.8 <BR>136 Uppsala U Uppsala, Sweden 5.8 <BR>137 U Munich Munich, Germany 5.8 <BR>138 U Oregon Eugene, USA 5.8 <BR>139 York U (Toronto) Toronto, Canada 5.7 <BR>140 Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico (ITAM) Mexico City, Mexico 5.7 <BR>141 U Manchester Manchester, UK 5.7 <BR>142 U Geneva / Graduate Institute of International Studies (HEI) Geneva, Switzerland 4.3 <BR>143 Tufts U Mexico City, Mexico 5.6 <BR>144 U Kentucky Medford, USA 5.6 <BR>145 Ecole Polytechnique Paris, France 5.5 <BR>146 U California, Riverside Riverside, California 5.4 <BR>147 Birkbeck College U London London, UK 5.4 <BR>148 Seoul National U Seoul, Korea 5.4 <BR>149 SUNY Stony Brook Stony Brook, USA 5.3 <BR>150 Academia Sinica Taipei, Taiwan 5.3 <BR>151 U Georgia Athens (GA), USA 5.3 <BR>152 Bilkent U Ankara, Turkey 5.2 <BR>153 U Alabama Tuscaloosa, USA 5.2 <BR>154 U Cyprus Nicosia, Cyprus 5.2 <BR>155 University of Missouri Columbia (MO), USA 5.0 <BR>156 University College Dublin Dublin, Ireland 5.0 <BR>157 Helsinki School of Economics Helsinki, Finland 4.9 <BR>158 Brigham Young U Provo, USA 4.9 <BR>159 Monash U Melbourne, Australia 4.9 <BR>160 Aarhus U Aarhus, Denmark 4.8 <BR>161 Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC), Jouy-en Josas Paris, France 1.8 <BR>162 Georgia State U Atlanta, USA 4.8 <BR>163 National Taiwan U Taipei, Taiwan 4.7 <BR>164 Hitotsubashi U Tokyo, Japan 4.6 <BR>165 McMaster U Hamilton, Canada 3.8 <BR>166 U Paris IX Dauphine Paris, France 4.5 <BR>167 U Glasgow Glasgow, UK 4.5 <BR>168 College of William &amp; Mary Williamsburg, Virginia 4.5 <BR>169 U Groningen Groningen, Netherlands 4.5 <BR>170 Ewha U Seoul, Korea 4.5 <BR>171 U Hong Kong Hong Kong, China 4.5 <BR>172 City U Hong Kong Hong Kong, China 4.5 <BR>173 Centro des Estudios Monetarios y Financieros (CEMFI) Madrid, Spain 4.4 <BR>174 U Illinois, Chicago Chicago, USA 4.4 <BR>175 U Colorado, Denver Denver, USA 4.3 <BR>176 U Wales, Cardiff Cardiff, UK 4.3 <BR>177 U Tsukuba Tsukuba, Japan 4.2 <BR>178 Carleton U Ottawa, Canada 4.2 <BR>179 U Miami Miami, USA 4.1 <BR>180 Royal Holloway College U London Egham, UK 4.1 <BR>181 Indiana U - Purdue U Indianapolis, USA 4.1 <BR>182 Florida International U Miami, USA 4.0 <BR>183 U Venice Venice, Italy 4.0 <BR>184 Emory U Atlanta, USA 4.0 <BR>185 U Bologna Bologna, Italy 4.0 <BR>186 U Alberta Edmonton, Canada 4.0 <BR>187 U Liverpool Liverpool, UK 4.0 <BR>188 U Waterloo Waterloo, Canada 4.0 <BR>189 Ecole Hautes Etudes Sciences Sociales (EHESS) Paris, France 4.0 <BR>190 U Massachusetts Amherst, USA 3.9 <BR>191 Kyoto U Kyoto, Japan 3.9 <BR>192 Tulane U New Orleans, USA 3.9 <BR>193 U Paris X Nanterre Paris, France 3.9 <BR>194 Freie U Berlin Berlin, Germany 3.9 <BR>195 Concordia U Montreal, Canada 3.8 <BR>196 U Leicester Leicester, UK 3.8 <BR>197 Louisiana State U Baton Rouge, USA 3.8 <BR>198 Claremont Graduate U / Claremont Colleges Claremont, USA 3.7 <BR>199 U Notre Dame (Bel) Namur, Belgium 3.6 <BR>200 U Valencia Valencia, Spain 3.6 <BR>201 U East Anglia Norwich, UK 3.6 <BR>202 U Nova Lisbon Lisbon, Portugal 3.5 <BR>203 HEC Montreal Montreal, Canada 3.5 <BR>204 Instituto Nacional Matematica Pura &amp; Aplicada (IMPA) Rio, Brazil 3.5 <BR>205 U Mississippi Oxford (MS), USA 3.5 <BR>206 U Windsor Windsor, Canada 3.4 <BR>207 U Wyoming Laramie, USA 3.3 <BR>208 Florida State U Tallahassee, USA 3.3 <BR>209 Norwegian School of Economics &amp; Business Administration Bergen, Norway 3.2 <BR>210 Oregon State U Corvallis, USA 3.2 <BR>211 U Louis Pasteur Strasbourg, France 2.5 <BR>212 U Texas, Dallas Dallas, USA 3.2 <BR>213 SUNY Binghamton Binghamton, USA 3.2 <BR>214 Lund U Lund, Sweden 3.1 <BR>215 Santa Clara U Santa Clara, USA 3.1 <BR>216 Clemson U Clemson, USA 3.1 <BR>217 U Lausanne Lausanne, Switzerland 3.0 <BR>218 Koc U Istanbul, Turkey 3.0 <BR>219 City U London London, UK 3.0 <BR>220 U St Gallen St Gallen, Switzerland 3.0 <BR>221 Athens U Economics &amp; Business Athens, Greece 3.0 <BR>222 U Modena Modena, Italy 3.0 <BR>223 U Delaware Newark (DE), USA 3.0 <BR>224 U Queensland Brisbane, Australia 3.0 <BR>225 American U Washington, USA 2.9 <BR>226 Kansas State U Manhattan (KS), USA 2.9 <BR>227 U Strathclyde Glasgow, UK 2.9 <BR>228 U St Andrews St Andrews, UK 2.9 <BR>229 U Heidelberg Heidelberg, Germany 2.9 <BR>230 U Chile Santiago, Chile 2.8 <BR>231 U Bordeaux IV Montesquieu Bordeaux, France 2.8 <BR>232 Tohoku U Sendai, Japan 2.8 <BR>233 U Guelph Guelph, Canada 2.8 <BR>234 U Kent Canterbury, UK 2.7 <BR>235 CUNY New York, USA 2.7 <BR>236 U Caen Caen, France 2.7 <BR>237 U Bergen Bergen, Norway 2.7 <BR>238 U Murcia Murcia, Spain 2.6 <BR>239 Washington State U Spokane, USA 2.6 <BR>240 U Kansas Lawrence, USA 2.6 <BR>241 U South Carolina Columbia (SC), USA 2.6 <BR>242 West Virginia U Morgantown, USA 2.6 <BR>243 Southern Illinois U Carbondale, USA 2.5 <BR>244 Wilfrid Laurier U Waterloo, Canada 2.5 <BR>245 Sogang U Seoul, Korea 1.7 <BR>246 U Cologne Cologne, Germany 2.5 <BR>247 Ecole Normale Superieure Paris, France 2.5 <BR>248 Victoria U Wellington Wellington, New Zealand 2.5 <BR>249 Imperial College U London London, UK 2.5 <BR>250 U Osnabruck Osnabruck, Germany 2.4 <BR>251 Case Western Reserve U Cleveland, USA 2.4 <BR>252 Korea U Seoul, Korea 2.4 <BR>253 Jawaharlal Nehru U New Delhi, India 2.3 <BR>254 Goethe U Frankfurt Frankfurt (Main), Germany 2.3 <BR>255 U Auckland Auckland, New Zealand 2.3 <BR>256 U Newcastle upon Tyne Newcastle upon Tyne, UK 1.2 <BR>257 U Nevada, Las Vegas Las Vegas, USA 2.3 <BR>258 SUNY Buffalo Buffalo, USA 2.3 <BR>259 Tokyo Metropolitan U Tokyo, Japan 2.3 <BR>260 Brunel U London, UK 2.3 <BR>261 U Torcuato Di Tella Buenos Aires, Argentina 2.2 <BR>262 Ecole National Statistique &amp; Adminstration Economique (ENSAE) Malakoff, France 2.2 <BR>263 U Dortmund Dortmund, Germany 2.2 <BR>264 George Mason U Fairfax, USA 2.2 <BR>265 U Salerno Salerno, Italy 2.2 <BR>266 Auburn U Auburn, USA 2.2 <BR>267 U Western Australia Perth, Australia 2.2 <BR>268 U Sydney Sydney, Australia 2.2 <BR>269 Montana State U Bozeman, USA 2.2 <BR>270 Virginia Commonwealth U Richmond, USA 2.2 <BR>271 U Basel Basel, Switzerland 2.2 </P>
<>272 U Connecticut Storrs, USA 2.2 <BR>273 U Florence Florence, Italy 2.2 <BR>274 U Oklahoma Norman, USA 2.1 <BR>275 Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna Vienna, Austria 2.1 <BR>276 U Victoria Victoria, Canada 2.1 <BR>277 U Constance Constance, Germany 2.1 <BR>278 U Padua Padua, Italy 2.0 <BR>279 National Chengchi U Taipei, Taiwan 2.0 <BR>280 U Vigo Vigo, Spain 2.0 <BR>281 U Utrecht Utrecht, Netherlands 2.0 <BR>282 Brandeis U Waltham, USA 2.0 <BR>283 U Rome I La Sapienza Rome, Italy 2.0 <BR>284 U Reading Reading, UK 1.9 <BR>285 U Karlsruhe Karlsruhe, Germany 1.9 <BR>286 Technical U Dresden Dresden, Germany 1.9 <BR>287 Gotenborg U Gotenborg, Sweden 1.9 <BR>288 U Wisconsin, Milwaukee Milwaukee, USA 1.9 <BR>289 Dalhousie U Halifax, Canada 1.9 <BR>290 U Surrey Guildford, UK 1.9 <BR>291 U Nebraska Lincoln, USA 1.8 <BR>292 Wellesley College Wellesley, USA 1.8 <BR>293 Peking U Peking, China 1.8 <BR>294 U New Mexico Albuquerque, USA 1.8 <BR>295 Catholic U Milan Milan, Italy 1.8 <BR>296 Catholic U Portugal Lisbon, Portugal 1.8 <BR>297 Utah State U Logan, USA 1.8 <BR>298 U Kiel Kiel, Germany 1.7 <BR>299 U North Carolina, Greensboro Greensboro, USA 1.7 <BR>300 U Zaragoza Zaragoza, Spain 1.7 <BR>301 Wayne State U Detroit, USA 1.7 <BR>302 U Sao Paulo Sao Paolo, Brazil 1.7 <BR>303 Keele U Keele, UK 1.7 <BR>304 Keio U Tokyo, Japan 1.6 <BR>305 U Technology, Sydney Sydney, Australia 1.6 <BR>306 Swarthmore College Swarthmore, USA 1.6 <BR>307 Vienna U Technology Vienna, Austria 1.6 <BR>308 Kagawa U Takamatsu, Japan 1.6 <BR>309 U Sussex Brighton, UK 1.6 <BR>310 Fordham U New York, USA 1.5 <BR>311 California State U, Fullerton Fullerton, USA 1.5 <BR>312 Williams College Williamtown, USA 1.5 <BR>313 DePaul U Chicago, USA 1.5 <BR>314 U Pau Pau, France 1.5 <BR>315 Tokyo International U Tokyo, Japan 1.5 <BR>316 U Durham Durham, UK 1.5 <BR>317 U Paris VI Pierre &amp; Marie Curie Paris, France 1.5 <BR>318 Temple U Philadelphia, USA 1.5 <BR>319 Norwegian School of Management Sandvika, Norway 1.5 <BR>320 Queens U Belfast Belfast, UK 1.5 <BR>321 Technical U Eindhoven Eindhoven, Netherlands 1.5 <BR>322 Yokohama National U Yokohama, Japan 1.5</P>
youwenqing 发表于 2007-3-7 16:34:00 | 显示全部楼层
kat98welt 发表于 2007-3-7 17:42:00 | 显示全部楼层
啊哈哈,经济学同仁啊!我就在英国读经济学。<br>拉夫堡离我所在城市Nottingham很近,是个很小很小的镇。<br>Glasgow在苏格兰,苏格兰学制貌似和英格兰不一样。<br>干脆来我们学校吧,如果你读taught course,更该选我们了,因为我们的教学在英国是数一数二的,虽然研究和Cambridge,LSE什么的比差了点。<br>
发丘中郎将兼摸 发表于 2007-3-7 18:23:00 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>kat98welt</I>在2007-3-7 17:42:00的发言:</B><BR>啊哈哈,经济学同仁啊!我就在英国读经济学。<BR>拉夫堡离我所在城市Nottingham很近,是个很小很小的镇。<BR></DIV>
<><FONT style=\"BACKGROUND-COLOR: #f3f3f3\">诺丁汉不错,格罗杰最早就是诺丁汉的。</FONT>
kat98welt 发表于 2007-3-7 20:14:00 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>发丘中郎将兼摸金校尉</I>在2007-3-7 18:23:00的发言:</B><BR><BR>
<><FONT style=\"BACKGROUND-COLOR: #f3f3f3\">诺丁汉不错,格罗杰最早就是诺丁汉的。</FONT><BR></P></DIV>
<>我们经济学院的楼就叫Sir Clive Granger Building....</P><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" />
buginspring 发表于 2007-3-7 20:21:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| joshfan 发表于 2007-3-7 20:39:00 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>kat98welt</I>在2007-3-7 17:42:00的发言:</B><BR>啊哈哈,经济学同仁啊!我就在英国读经济学。<BR>拉夫堡离我所在城市Nottingham很近,是个很小很小的镇。<BR>Glasgow在苏格兰,苏格兰学制貌似和英格兰不一样。<BR>干脆来我们学校吧,如果你读taught course,更该选我们了,因为我们的教学在英国是数一数二的,虽然研究和Cambridge,LSE什么的比差了点。<BR></DIV>
<p>hoho,不是我去啦,是我朋友,如果是打算申请特别好的学校也就不用麻烦大家了,大家的推荐他是用不上啦。。。<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em08.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em08.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em08.gif\" />说出来好丢人,他滴目的是尽快混一个硕士文凭,随便找一个好申请的普通大学尽早进修完就好,国内的学制让人受不了啊。。。Glasgow这个星期要到我们学校来直接面试,而且有20%的学费减免。他想先了解下,不过看起来真是极其一般的学校啊。。。。<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em09.gif\" />
 楼主| joshfan 发表于 2007-3-7 20:42:00 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>buginspring</I>在2007-3-7 20:21:00的发言:</B><BR>我喜欢LZ的头像.</DIV>
<>我也喜欢你的头像。。。。话说我另一个号之前就是用的这张唱片封面当头像 <img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" /></P>
345543z 发表于 2007-3-7 20:45:00 | 显示全部楼层
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