<strong><span class=\"tpc_title\">英雄23集印度阿三的旁白</span><br/><br/></strong><span class=\"tpc_content\"><font size=\"2\">Where does it come from?<br/>它从何而来?<br/>This quest?<br/>这种渴求?<br/>This need to solve life\'s mysteries when the simplest of questions can never be answered.<br/>这种想去揭开生命奥秘 却未有过答案的需求<br/><br/>Why are we here?<br/>我们为什么会在这?<br/>What is the soul?<br/>灵魂是什么?<br/>Why do we dream?<br/>我们为什么会有梦?<br/> erhaps we\'d be better off not looking at all.<br/>漠不关心或许更好<br/>Not delving, not yearning.<br/>不钻研 不渴求知晓<br/>But that\'s not human nature,<br/>这不是人类的本性<br/>not the human heart.<br/>也不是人类的心意<br/>That is not why we are here.<br/>更不是我们存在的目的<br/><br/>Yet sill we struggle to make a difference, to change the world, to dream of hope.<br/>然而我们还是努力想要有所不同 改变世界 梦想希望 <br/>Never knowing for certain who we will meet along the way.<br/>我们永远都不知道 我们这一路上会遇到谁<br/>Who among the world of strangers will hold our hand.<br/>在这陌生的世界上还有 哪些人会和我们并肩作战<br/>Touch our hearts.<br/>触动我们的心<br/>And share the pain of trying.<br/>还有分担这一路上的痛楚<br/><br/><br/>We dream of hope.We dream of change.<br/>我们梦想着希望 我们梦想着改变<br/>Of fire, of love, of death.<br/>激情 爱情 还有死亡<br/>And then it happens.<br/>然后它发生了<br/>The dream becomes real.<br/>梦境变成了现实<br/><br/>And the answer to this quest, this need to solve life\'s mysteries finally shows itself.<br/>苦苦寻求的答案 这揭开生命奥秘的答案终于浮出了水面<br/>Like the glowing light of a new dawn.<br/>就如旭日耀眼的光芒<br/><br/>So much struggle for meaning,for purpose.<br/>为了手段和最终的目的 我们如此费力的挣扎<br/>And in the end,we find it only in each other.<br/>而最终 我们却在彼此的身上找到答案<br/>Our shared experience of the fantastic.<br/>那就是我们对卓越与平凡的...<br/>And the mundane.<br/>共同体验<br/><br/>The simple human need to find a kindred.To connect.<br/>人类有找到自己血脉的需要 有与他人相知的需要<br/>And to know in our hearts...<br/>从而...我们的内心深处感知到...<br/>that we are not alone.<br/>我们并不孤独</font><br/></span> |