<p>關於梅策的新造型, 忍不住要貼這個, 雖然被和諧了, 但外國jm們的評語實在太精警了</p><p><a href=\"http://community.livejournal.com/metzelderfans/22433.html\">http://community.livejournal.com/metzelderfans/22433.html</a></p><p>節錄:</p><p>I think a bit facial hair like a three-day beard is not so bad at all but NOT that much! I hope he\'ll shave it soon he doesn\'t have to hide his looks behind that mattress.</p><p>There\'s more hair in his face than on his head...<br/>Hm. To me he looks like someone who needs sex. Like, urgently.<br/></p><p>Even worse than during the WC, I want to fly to Madrid with a shaver now.</p><p>but this makes him look like some mass murderer! </p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-3-26 21:43:52编辑过] |