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[注意]伯恩的身份3:最后通牒 全面剧情透露

 楼主| 何塞索萨 发表于 2007-8-6 16:47:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The movie opens in medias res, with a wounded Jason Bourne (Matt Damon) evading Moscow police after the vehicle chase through the Moscow tunnel near the end of The Bourne Supremacy. He breaks into a medical clinic to treat his wounds and is later confronted by a pair of Moscow policeman. He overpowers one and decides to let the other go after the officer pleads for his life. Bourne next travels to Paris to meet Marie's brother to tell him that she is dead; he also tells him he has killed the man who killed her. While in Paris, he reads the Guardian Newspaper in which a reporter, Simon Ross (Paddy Considine) has written about him as well as Treadstone. Bourne decides to travel to London to meet Simon Ross. While on the Eurostar train he calls someone else in the Guardian Newspaper office and asks to speak to Ross instead of calling him directly. Bourne has taken this precaution because he suspects, correctly, that Ross is being tracked by the CIA (in real time, from a secret surveillance substation in New York City, see ECHELON) after he had mentioned "Blackbriar" (while on a cellphone call to his Guardian editor) at Heathrow Airport, after he had arrived from Turin, Italy from a meeting with his source about Treadstone and Jason Bourne. Bourne tells Ross to meet him at the south entrance of Waterloo station.<br/><span style="DISPLAY: none;"><br/><br/></span><br/>As Ross arrives at Waterloo station, Bourne sees that the CIA agents have followed him there; he secretly plants a prepaid cellphone in Ross's jacket, calls him and guides him through the bustling crowds of the station to evade surveillance. The news about "Blackbriar" (which is briefly mentioned at the end of the first film) being leaked to the press disturbs CIA official Noah Vosen (David Strathairn), who happens to be in charge of Blackbriar, which is actually the re-activated Treadstone project. He is also the head of the CIA's New York substation, and sends in an assassin, Paz (Edgar Ramirez), to take out Ross and his source which they think he is meeting in Waterloo station.<br/><span style="DISPLAY: none;"><br/><br/></span><br/>After a few minutes, Bourne is seen on the live surveillance video, which shocks Vosen, but now he knows why Ross is doing such a good job evading his men. Bourne keeps giving instructions to Ross and knows the CIA is still after them; he cautions Ross that this is not just some story in a newspaper, that they are in danger and to follow his instructions. Unfortunately, Ross, in a desperate paranoia, neglects Bourne's orders, giving Paz a clear shot with his sniper rifle. Ross is shot in broad daylight, in the middle of the large crowd at Waterloo station. In the ensuing chaos, Bourne rushes to Ross's dead body to steal his reporter's notes. Bourne gives chase to the assassin, but he escapes on a subway train. Bourne shuffles through Ross's notes and realizes his contact is Neal Daniels (Colin Stinton), the CIA station chief in Madrid. Bourne heads for Madrid.<br/><span style="DISPLAY: none;"><br/><br/></span><br/><br/>amela Landy (Joan Allen) with Noah Vosen (David Strathairn)(on her left) in the surveillance room trying to locate Jason BourneUpon learning of Bourne's resurfacing, Vosen is forced to take on Deputy Director Pamela Landy (Joan Allen), who was a key figure in the second film. Landy is placed on the project presumably to help capture or kill Bourne; it is later revealed that Landy was really brought on so that any potential fallout from Blackbriar being leaked to the press would fall on Landy and not on Vosen or the CIA Director Ezra Kramer (Scott Glenn) who is also involved in Blackbriar.<br/><span style="DISPLAY: none;"><br/></span><br/>Landy and Vosen almost immediately disagree over how best to handle Bourne - and over the very nature of the Blackbriar operation itself, which seeks to arrest and even assassinate any perceived enemies at will without any approval or oversight. Vosen sees this as necessary in this day and age to save American lives; Landy has deep reservations about the whole operation.<br/><span style="DISPLAY: none;"><br/><br/></span><br/>When Daniels learns of Ross being killed in London, he goes in hiding in Tangier. With Landy's help the CIA discover that Ross's secret informer was Daniels. Bourne arrives in Madrid first and quickly neutralizes a team of CIA agents sent by Vosen to apprehend Daniels. Bourne also runs into Nicky Parsons (Julia Stiles), who has been posted from Berlin to Madrid, and she decides to help him by aiding his search and revealing the location of Daniels. The two stop in a local coffee shop where Bourne asks Nicky why she decided to help him; her vague yet tense response indicates that she may be in love with Bourne. The two manage to escape and travel to Tangier, Morocco, where Daniels is hiding.<br/><span style="DISPLAY: none;"><br/><br/></span><br/>Bourne and Parsons arrive in Tangier and realize that the CIA has sent another assassin, Bouksani Desh (Joey Ansah), to kill Daniels after learning his location. Parsons sends an official-looking cellphone message to Desh to arrive at a nearby coffee shop so he can pick up a cellphone – a ruse so Bourne can follow Desh which will lead him to Daniels. When Nicky makes contact, Vosen finds out, and thinks that Nicky is now working with Bourne and orders Desh to kill both of them. Landy, enraged at this order, finally dissents from Vosen, and decides to help Bourne instead.<br/><span style="DISPLAY: none;"><br/></span><br/><br/>Jason Bourne about to confront Desh in TangierBourne follows Desh but is unable to prevent Desh from killing Daniels in a car bombing, in which Bourne is also injured. Desh returns to the coffee shop to kill Parsons with Bourne in hot pursuit. Desh chases Parsons in the streets and back alleys of Tangier and corners her in an apartment building. Bourne arrives just in time and after a brutal fight between the two, Bourne strangles Desh to death with a bath towel. Using Desh's cellphone he sends the message that both Bourne and Parsons are dead. Bourne goes to the morgue and sifts through some of the charred and burnt papers that Daniels had. Bourne finds out the location of the CIA substation in New York City. With Parsons now in danger and her identity exposed, she has no choice but to go into hiding.<br/><span style="DISPLAY: none;"><br/></span><br/>Bourne then travels to the United States, to the CIA substation in New York. From a vacant building right across the street, he calls Pamela Landy (while secretly watching her every move – as well as Vosen's – with a scope); Landy reveals to Bourne his real name is David Webb and his birthday is on 4/15/71 which is in fact a coded message to reveal the location of the training facility where he lost his memory. Bourne tells Landy to get some rest, saying she looks tired, revealing he is watching Landy. Landy sends a cellphone text message to arrange a meeting with Bourne. Vosen's team has been listening in to their conversation from the surveillance room; Vosen tells the team that Bourne is now in New York and orders them to "go mobile" after him; he and several agents on the substation team follow Landy to the meeting site. However, this actually acts as a diversion for Bourne; when the CIA agents leave the headquarters, Bourne is able to sneak into the substation and obtain the secret Blackbriar documents from Vosen's office safe. An enraged Vosen, upon learning of this, immediately orders a "code ten abort" and his team hastily begins to return to headquarters. In the chase sequence that follows, Bourne is confronted by Paz, who is injured and incapacitated when both their vehicles crash (Bourne is relatively unharmed, possibly because he braces himself and is in a sturdier vehicle – an NYPD cruiser he stole). Bourne aims his gun briefly at Paz, but decides not to take the shot and leaves.<br/><span style="DISPLAY: none;"><br/><br/></span><br/>Bourne arrives at the former Treadstone training facility on 415 East 71st Street, where Pamela Landy confronts him just before he enters the building. Landy, now firmly against the Blackbriar project and Vosen, agrees to help Bourne, and in response Bourne hands her Vosen's secret documents. He then heads into the building, where he meets Dr. Albert Hirsch (Albert Finney), the doctor who was in charge of the psychological aspect of the Treadstone project. With aid from Hirsch, Bourne remembers that in his past identity, as (presumably Army) soldier David Webb, he willingly agreed to the project, and the loss of his identity. However, this is a trap set by CIA Director Ezra Kramer to ambush and trap Bourne in the building.<br/><span style="DISPLAY: none;"><br/><br/></span><br/>One of Vosen's men discovers that Bourne's birthday is on 9/13/70 and not 4/15/71, which means that 4/15/71 is a coded message. When Vosen is made aware of this, he quickly understands that 4/15/71 means the location of the Treadstone training facility. Vosen arrives and then confronts Landy at the facility, only to discover she has faxed his secret documents to an unknown party. Landy cooly tells Vosen: "Better get a good lawyer."<br/><span style="DISPLAY: none;"><br/><br/></span><br/>As the agents converge on the room with Bourne and Hirsch, Bourne jumps through a window to escape to the roof, where he is again confronted by Paz. Pointing a gun at Bourne, Paz demands to know why Bourne did not take the previous shot when he had the perfect opportunity to finish him. Bourne replies to Paz, "look what they make you give", a line by the Professor (Clive Owen), from the Bourne Identity. Confused, Paz holds his fire as Bourne turns his back and jumps from the roof, only to be shot at in midair by Vosen.<br/><span style="DISPLAY: none;"><br/><br/></span><br/>Bourne falls ten stories and lands in the East River, motionless. The scene then shifts to a few days later, where Nicky Parsons, now disguised and in hiding, watches the news story on television: the Blackbriar project has been completely uncovered, and both Hirsch and Vosen have been arrested and taken into custody; Kramer, shown appearing before what looks like a Senate subcommittee, is denying any involvement. The news report then mentions Jason Bourne, who was last seen falling into the river, but they have not been able to find his corpse and confirm his death, which brings a happy smile to Nicky, because she now suspects that Bourne is most likely still alive (and the two may meet again). The final scene goes back to Bourne in the East River, where he wakes up in the water and swims away into blackness.<br/><span style="DISPLAY: none;"><br/></span><br/>The film leaves a possibility for another Bourne movie, though it is unknown if one is in the works.<br/>
何塞索萨 发表于 2007-8-6 21:32:00 | 显示全部楼层
电影开始于上一集在莫斯科隧道追车之后,伯恩受伤,逃避警察追捕.他闯进一家诊所要求疗伤,后来碰见一对警察。他放倒一个警察以后另一个跪地求饶,伯恩放过了他.伯恩前往巴黎,告诉玛丽的哥哥她已经死了,而他也杀了杀她的人.在巴黎,伯恩读到卫报上面Simon Ross写的关于他的文章,以及Treadstone.他决定去伦敦会会Ross.在欧洲之星火车上伯恩打电话给卫报的办公室要求传话给Ross,而不是直接联系他.伯恩这样做是因为他怀疑Ross的电话已被CIA监听.他猜对了.Ross的电话被CIA纽约分站的监听了,在他说了“Blackbriar”之后.当时他打电话给卫报编辑,在希思罗机场,他刚从都灵回来,刚刚和他在CIA的线人完成会面.这个线人向他提供了关于伯恩和Treadstone的情报.伯恩要Ross在滑铁卢南入口等他.<br/><span style=\"DISPLAY: none;\"><br/><br/></span><br/>在车站伯恩发现CIA特工已经尾随Ross到了.他悄悄将一个手机放入Ross的口袋,打电话让他穿越人群躲避CIA的监视.关于“Blackbriar黑石楠”的新闻让CIA官员Noah Vosen很不安,因为他负责黑石楠专案,这个专案正是重新启动的Treadstone专案.他也是CIA纽约站的头,他派出杀手Paz去暗杀Ross和他的线人,Vosen认为他们在滑铁卢站见面.<br/><span style=\"DISPLAY: none;\"><br/><br/></span><br/>几分钟后,伯恩的身影出现在监视录像上,这让Vosen大为吃惊。他现在明白为什么Ross可以漂亮的甩开跟踪他的特工了.伯恩仍然在给Ross指示让他甩掉特工,并告诉他情况已经很严重,他们都在危险之中.然而Ross陷入绝望的妄想当中,忽视了伯恩的指示,给了Paz以机会,在光天化日大庭广众之中狙杀了Ross.趁着混乱,伯恩从Ross身上取走笔记本.伯恩在地铁车上甩掉暗杀者.从笔记本上伯恩了解到Ross的线人是Neal Daniel,他是CIA马德里站的站长.伯恩前往马德里.<br/><span style=\"DISPLAY: none;\"><br/></span><br/>帕米拉.兰蒂和Vosen在监视室中试图找到伯恩的位置.Vosen被迫取代(?不太清楚实际意思)兰蒂的副主管职位,她是第二部电影中的关键人物.表面上兰蒂被安排进专案是为了帮助寻找或杀死伯恩,实际上是为了使黑石楠专案泄漏给媒体的后果可以让她承担,而不至于归罪于Vosen或是CIA主管Ezra Kramer.<br/><span style=\"DISPLAY: none;\"><br/></span><br/>兰蒂和Vosen立刻就对如何处理伯恩产生分歧,并对黑石楠专案有不同意见.因为黑石楠专案的目的是逮捕或者暗杀任何被视为敌人的人,而不需要预先批准或督导.Vosen认为这是为了保护美国人民的必要行动,兰蒂对此有所保留.<br/><span style=\"DISPLAY: none;\"><br/></span><br/>丹尼尔听说Ross被杀以后就潜藏于Tangier.在兰蒂的帮助下CIA发现了Ross的线人就是丹尼尔.伯恩达到马德里之后,干掉一队CIA特工,他们被Vosen派来抓那丹尼尔.伯恩找到从巴黎调至马德里的Nicky(尼基) Parsons。尼基决定帮助伯恩找到丹尼尔.两人在一家咖啡馆,伯恩问尼基为何要帮他,尼基紧张而含糊的回应意味着她爱上了伯恩.两人设法逃至摩洛哥的Tangier,丹尼尔正藏身在此.<br/><span style=\"DISPLAY: none;\"><br/><br/></span><br/>伯恩和尼基到达Tangier之后获悉CIA派出另一名杀手,Bouksani Desh(达什)来暗杀丹尼尔,CIA已经知道丹尼尔的下落.尼基发给达什一个看起来像是正式命令的短信,让他在一间咖啡馆拿起一个手机。这是个计谋,这样伯恩就可以追踪达什前往丹尼尔的藏身处.Vosen发现了尼基和达什的联络,认为尼基是要帮助伯恩,于是他下命令让达什杀掉伯恩和尼基.兰蒂被这个命令激怒,决定帮助伯恩.<br/><span style=\"DISPLAY: none;\"><br/><br/></span><br/>伯恩跟踪达什,但没能阻止达什使用汽车炸弹杀了丹尼尔,伯恩也因此受伤.达什返回咖啡馆要杀尼基,被伯恩一路追踪.达什追尼基并把她逼进一建公寓.伯恩及时赶到,用浴巾杀了达什.他用达什的手机发送假消息说伯恩和尼基都死了.伯恩在停尸房搜查丹尼尔身上的文件,发现了纽约分站的地址.尼基身份暴露她别无选择只能继续潜逃.<br/><span style=\"DISPLAY: none;\"><br/><br/></span><br/>伯恩找到纽约分站,在附近一个空置的房子里他打电话给兰蒂(他正在使用望远镜窥视Vosen和兰蒂的一举一动).兰蒂告诉伯恩他的真实名字是戴维.韦伯,他出生于1971年4月15日.(4/15/71实际是一个密码信息,告诉伯恩他以前受训的地点,在这个地方伯恩丢失了记忆).伯恩让兰蒂休息一下,因为她看起来很疲倦.这就提醒兰蒂伯恩正在监视他们.兰蒂发短信安排和伯恩见面.Vosen窃听到他们的对话,于是让他的手下跟踪伯恩。他自己和一队特工前往会面地点.实际上他们中了伯恩的调虎离山之计,伯恩趁情报站的人马大举出动之际,潜入站内,从Vosen的保险柜中盗的黑石楠的档案.Vosen发现中计,急令人马返回情报站.伯恩遇见Paz,两人追车相撞。Paz重伤,而伯恩基本上没有受伤(可能因为他有所准备,而且偷得纽约警察的车子比较结实).伯恩瞄准Paz但是最后没有射击二是离开了.<br/><span style=\"DISPLAY: none;\"><br/></span><br/>伯恩到达前Treadstone训练中心,东71街415号,兰蒂在屋外迎接伯恩。这时兰蒂完全反对Vosen和他的黑石楠专案。同意帮助伯恩.作为回应伯恩给了兰蒂Vosen的秘密档案.他进入训练中心,遇见了Albert Hirsch(赫什)博士,他负责Treadstone的心理部分.在赫什博士的帮助下,他回忆起当年在军队中的士兵戴维.韦伯自愿加入专案,放弃身份.然而,这一切都是CIA主管Ezra Kramer的圈套,要在训练中心抓捕伯恩.<br/><span style=\"DISPLAY: none;\"><br/><br/></span><br/>Vosen的手下发现伯恩的生日是9/13/70而不是4/15/71,则说明4/15/71是个密码.Vosen察觉这个密码指的是训练中心.Vosen赶到中心面对兰蒂,发现兰蒂已经将秘密文件发给未知的一方。兰蒂冷冷的告诉他“你最好找个好律师”.<br/><span style=\"DISPLAY: none;\"><br/><br/></span><br/>当特工们逼近伯恩和赫什博士的房间时,伯恩跑窗而逃,上了屋顶。在此遇见了Paz.Paz指枪向伯恩,问他为何一开始不开枪,伯恩说\"look what they make you give(不太理解,可能是说看看他们把你变成这样(和伯恩一样卖命))\",此话出自第一集伯恩的身份中教授(克里夫.欧文)之口.困惑的Paz没有开枪而让伯恩转身逃走.但是伯恩被Vosen击中.<br/><span style=\"DISPLAY: none;\"><br/><br/></span><br/>伯恩掉入东河,一动不动.场景转至几天后,躲藏起来的尼基在电视新闻中看到黑石楠专案被彻底曝光,赫什博士和Vosen都被捕.Kramer在参议员委员会前否认他参与了黑石楠专案.新闻中说伯恩落水,下落不明,不能确认他已经死亡.一抹笑容掠过尼基的脸上,因为她怀疑伯恩还活着(两个人还可能见面).镜头回到东河,伯恩在水中苏醒,消失在黑暗中.<br/><br/>这样就下一集留了个尾巴,但不知道是否有新的一集在拍摄.<br/><span style=\"DISPLAY: none;\"><br/></span>
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