中国德迷联盟 -



For my Master..

 楼主| 小蜗 发表于 2007-8-12 16:11:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<p>自己的生日即将来临,却很想为他开一个贴。。</p><p>  1999</p><p>    11岁时看前传I,过了很多年后记得最深的只有他。</p><p>2005</p><p>     16岁时看前传III,就爱上他了。</p><p>2005。6。7</p><p>   那一天是他生日,去看反击,目睹了持续三十年的神话落幕。</p><p>2005。7。24</p><p>去看开战时刻,整个影厅只有3个人,陶醉~</p><p>2005。7。28</p><p>关在家里看kinsey,伤心的天昏地暗。。这部现实的过了头的电影向我宣告,自己所爱的英雄,已经迟暮。</p><p>2005。9。18</p><p>那天我的名字和他的名字出现在了看电影的同一个板块里,我写的kinsey影评发表了,17年来最好的生日礼物。</p><p>2005。10。31</p><p>看星象书上分析,他那一天生的人是完美的情人~那天的笔记里我写了期待冥王星上的早餐。</p><p>2005。11。13</p><p>买到Don't  believe the truth的CD~登陆了他的官网</p><p>2005。11。16</p><p>第一次看到有关Seraphim Falls的消息,并且觉得自己在17岁将至的时候爱上他实在是。。。。却很美妙~</p><p>2006。3。26</p><p> The first note happy ending ~那天我写道:我是真地会爱上他的,如果有机会认识他。。有时候自己也会迷惑,那到底是不是爱,我相信是,却又那么不可思议。</p><p>2006。6。4</p><p>  距离他的生日还有3天,我许诺会在那天重看Kinsey来证明自己已经长大了,成熟到可以接受这部片。</p><p>2006。6。5 </p><p>  幻想自己以后的某天能在首映式上见到他。</p><p>2006。6。6</p><p>等待明天的到来`</p><p> </p><p>2006。6。7</p><p>   犹豫很久说服自己重看kinsey,仍然败下阵来,失败。。。那天我写道:我爱他,只是不喜欢这部片子。。那天还听到一首很好听的德文歌"Es Ist Ein Schnee Gefallen"</p><p>接下来完整的1个月都被世界杯占了</p><p>2006。7。15</p><p> 那天晚上我第一次梦见了他,那是一个无与伦比的好梦,以至于从醒来的那一刻起一直到接下来的好几天嘴角都保持上扬。所有的不确定都打消,我是爱他的,对其他的人只是喜欢。梦里他的形象其实非常非常糟糕,但他一出现我还是明白自己爱他,那么糟的形象我都认定他,想必是爱吧~在Friends第一季的第二十几集,Joye要Phoebe猜他在街上遇见了谁,Phoebe 激动问"Liam Neeson??"错愕至极忍不住微笑。</p><p>2006。7。21</p><p>  那段时间因为他来上海陪他妻子参加上海电影节,那部合拍片一点都不好看。。我回想起同样是99年,我看了她演的那部天生一对,我喜欢那部片,郁闷的巧合。。</p><p>2006。7。24</p><p> 蝙蝠侠一周年,回忆。。。那天我写了Bale是我见过最英俊的蝙蝠侠,Gary在里面演了一个比狄梅斯蒂尔更好的人,我还写了Liam小时候其实一点都不喜欢蝙蝠侠,他喜欢超人。。我不喜欢超人。。</p><p>2006。7。27</p><p> 这一天我遇到了一双及其喜欢的阿迪,在橱窗里看到它们简直像会发光一样的好看,开心的抱回家~~</p><p>  晚上回学校,睡觉时居然忍不住猜测,它会不会和床底下的那双Kappa打起来。。(典型的世界杯中毒。。)呃,这一段是打岔。。</p><p> </p><p>2006。8。7 </p><p>  买了一件Batman的女版T-SHIRT,又想起那部BH的电影。。</p><p>  2006。8。28</p><p>  看完了K19,他在里面真是很Man啊~片子不咋地,我主要是HC去了~~但在里面发现一个很坏我胃口的家伙,那个男的在Kinsey里太恶了。</p><p> 2006。9。3</p><p>我生日的前一天,但意义不一样了,因为那是我18岁生日。那天我对自己许诺,总有一天我一定要见到Liam(貌似也不是不可能任务。。),Someday I'll stand by your side,it means a lot to me ! Iwant to be a better man ..( 小恶搞一下。。幸好我没有顺手打成Batman ..)  <img src="images/post/smile/dvbbs/em24.gif" /></p><p></p><p><font face="Verdana" size="4">  (未完。。) </font></p>
小蜗 发表于 2007-8-12 20:36:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p><font face=\"Verdana\"><strong>Lincoln (2009) (pre-production) .... Abraham Lincoln<br/>The Other Man (2008) (pre-production) (rumored) <br/>The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (2008) (filming) (voice) .... Aslan<br/>Taken (2008) (post-production) .... Bryan</strong></font></p><p><br/><font face=\"Verdana\"><strong>Xavier (2006) (TV) .... Narrator<br/>Seraphim Falls (2006) .... Carver<br/>The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005) (voice) .... Aslan<br/>... aka The Chronicles of Narnia (International: English title: short title) <br/>Breakfast on Pluto (2005) .... Father Liam<br/>Batman Begins (2005) (VG) (voice) .... Henri Ducard<br/>Batman Begins (2005) .... Henri Ducard<br/>... aka Batman Begins: The IMAX Experience (USA: IMAX version) <br/>\"The Simpsons\" .... Father Sean (1 episode, 2005)<br/>    - The Father, the Son, and the Holy Guest Star (2005) TV Episode (voice) .... Father Sean<br/>Kingdom of Heaven (2005) .... Godfrey de Ibelin<br/>... aka K?nigreich der Himmel (Germany) <br/>... aka Reino de los cielos, El (Spain) <br/>Kinsey (2004) .... Alfred Kinsey<br/>Love Actually (2003) .... Daniel<br/>Gangs of New York (2002) .... \'Priest\' Vallon<br/>\"Liberty\'s Kids: Est. 1776\" (2002) TV Series .... John Paul Jones (unknown episodes)<br/>K-19: The Widowmaker (2002) .... Mikhail Polenin<br/>... aka K*19: The Widowmaker (USA: poster title) <br/>... aka K-19 - Showdown in der Tiefe (Germany) <br/>... aka K-19: Terreur sous la mer (Canada: French title) <br/>Martin Luther (2002) (TV) (voice) .... Narrator<br/>... aka Empires: Martin Luther (USA: video title) <br/>\"Evolution\" .... Narrator (7 episodes, 2002)<br/>    - Darwin\'s Dangerous Idea (2002) TV Episode .... Narrator<br/>    - Extinction! (2002) TV Episode .... Narrator<br/>    - Great Transformations (2002) TV Episode .... Narrator<br/>    - The Evolutionary Arms Race (2002) TV Episode .... Narrator<br/>    - The Mind\'s Big Bang (2002) TV Episode .... Narrator<br/>      (2 more)<br/>The Man Who Came to Dinner (2000) (TV) .... Host<br/>Gun Shy (2000) .... Charles \'Charlie\' Mayeaux<br/>... aka Gunshy (Australia: video title) </strong></font></p><p><br/><font face=\"Verdana\"><strong>The Haunting (1999) .... Dr. David Marrow<br/>... aka Maldición, La (USA: Spanish title) <br/>Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999) .... Qui-Gon Jinn<br/>... aka Star Wars I: The Phantom Menace (USA: video box title) <br/>... aka The Phantom Menace (USA: short title) <br/>Misérables, Les (1998) .... Jean Valjean<br/>... aka Misérables, Les (Germany) <br/>Michael Collins (1996) .... Michael Collins<br/>Before and After (1996) .... Ben Ryan<br/>Rob Roy (1995) .... Robert Roy MacGregor<br/>Nell (1994) .... Dr. Jerome \'Jerry\' Lovell<br/>\"Subaru Primal Quest, San Juan Islands\" (1994) (mini) TV Series .... Narrator<br/>Schindler\'s List (1993) .... Oskar Schindler<br/>Ruby Cairo (1993) .... Dr. Fergus Lamb, Feed the World<br/>... aka Deception (USA: video title (recut version)) <br/>... aka The Missing Link: Ruby Cairo <br/>Ethan Frome (1993) .... Ethan Frome<br/>Leap of Faith (1992) .... Sheriff Will Braverman<br/>Husbands and Wives (1992) .... Michael Gates<br/>Revolver (1992) .... Man<br/>Shining Through (1992) .... Franze-Otto Dietrich<br/>Under Suspicion (1991) .... Tony Aaron<br/>The Big Man (1990) .... Danny Scoular<br/>... aka Crossing the Line (USA) <br/>Darkman (1990) .... Peyton Westlake/Darkman</strong></font></p><p><br/><font face=\"Verdana\"><strong>Next of Kin (1989) .... Briar Gates<br/>High Spirits (1988) .... Martin Brogan<br/>The Good Mother (1988) .... Leo Cutter<br/>... aka The Price of Passion (South Africa: English title: video title) <br/>The Dead Pool (1988) .... Peter Swan<br/>... aka Dirty Harry in The Dead Pool (USA: poster title) <br/>Satisfaction (1988) .... Martin Falcon<br/>... aka Girls of Summer (Canada: English title) <br/>Suspect (1987) .... Carl Wayne Anderson<br/>A Prayer for the Dying (1987) .... Liam Docherty<br/>Sworn to Silence (1987) (TV) .... Vincent Cauley<br/>Sweet as You Are (1987) (TV) .... Martin Perry<br/>Duet for One (1986) .... Totter<br/>Lamb (1986) .... Michael Lamb<br/>Hold the Dream (1986) (TV) .... Blackie O\'Neill<br/>The Mission (1986) .... Fielding<br/>\"Miami Vice\" .... Sean Carroon (1 episode, 1986)<br/>    - When Irish Eyes Are Crying (1986) TV Episode .... Sean Carroon<br/>\"If Tomorrow Comes\" (1986) (mini) TV Series .... Insp. André Trignant<br/>Arthur the King (1985) (TV) .... Grak<br/>... aka Merlin &amp; the Sword (USA: video title) <br/>... aka Merlin and the Sword (Philippines: English title: theatrical title) <br/>The Innocent (1985) .... John Carns<br/>\"A Woman of Substance\" (1984) (mini) TV Series .... Blackie O\'Neill<br/>\"Ellis Island\" (1984) (mini) TV Series .... Kevin Murray<br/>The Bounty (1984) .... Seaman Charles Churchill<br/>Krull (1983) .... Kegan<br/>... aka Dragons of Krull <br/>... aka Dungeons and Dragons <br/>... aka Krull: Invaders of the Black Fortress <br/>... aka The Dungeons of Krull <br/>Charlie Was a Rich Man (1981) (TV) <br/>Excalibur (1981) .... Gawain<br/>Nailed (1981) .... Young Catholic<br/>\"BBC2 Playhouse\" .... Blacksmith (1 episode, 1980)<br/>    - My Dear Palestrina (1980) TV Episode .... Blacksmith</strong></font></p><p><br/></p>
 楼主| 小蜗 发表于 2007-8-12 20:37:00 | 显示全部楼层
<strong><font face=\"Verdana\">Christiana (1979) .... Evangelist<br/>ilgrim\'s Progress (1979) .... Evangelist<br/>\"lay for Today\" .... Dermot (1 episode, 1978)<br/>    - Dinner at the Sporting Club (1978) TV Episode .... Dermot</font></strong><p><strong><font face=\"Verdana\">Thanks:<br/>Some Mother\'s Son (1996) (special thanks) <br/>... aka Sons and Warriors (video catalogue title) </font></strong></p><p><font face=\"Verdana\"><strong>Self:<br/>In Production<br/>2000s<br/>1990s<br/>1980s<br/>Trumbo (2007) (in production) </strong></font></p><p><br/><font face=\"Verdana\"><strong>Behind the Scenes of \'Seraphim Falls\' (2007) (V) .... Himself<br/>\"Late Night with Conan O\'Brien\" .... Himself (1 episode, 2007)<br/>... aka Conan O\'Brien (Australia) <br/>    - Episode dated 19 January 2007 (2007) TV Episode .... Himself<br/>Resting Places (2007) (voice) .... Narrator<br/>Kennedy Center Honors: A Celebration of the Performing Arts (2006) (TV) .... Himself<br/>Sergeant York: Of God and Country (2006) (V) .... Narrator<br/>\"Space Top 10 Countdown\" .... Himself (1 episode, 2006)<br/>    - Anti-Heroes (2006) TV Episode .... Himself<br/>Colors of the Crusade (2006) (V) .... Himself<br/>The Path to Redemption (2006) (V) .... Himself<br/>\"The American Experience\" .... Himself / ... (1 episode, 2006)<br/>    - Eugene O\'Neill: A Documentary Film (2006) TV Episode .... Himself/James Tyrone Jr.<br/>Black Holes: The Other Side of Infinity (2006) .... Narrator<br/>3rd Irish Film and Television Awards (2005) (TV) .... Himself<br/>Shaping Mind and Body (2005) (V) .... Himself - \'Ducard\'<br/>Batman Begins: Path to Discovery (2005) (V) .... Himself - \'Ducard\'<br/>\"The Film Programme\" .... Himself (1 episode, 2005)<br/>... aka Film \'72 (UK) <br/>... aka Film \'73 (UK: new title) <br/>... aka Film \'74 (UK: new title) <br/>... aka Film \'75 (UK: new title) <br/>... aka Film \'76 (UK: new title) <br/>... aka Film \'77 (UK: new title) <br/>... aka Film \'78 (UK: new title) <br/>... aka Film \'79 (UK: new title) <br/>... aka Film \'80 (UK: new title) <br/>... aka Film \'81 (UK: new title) <br/>... aka Film \'82 (UK: new title) <br/>... aka Film \'83 (UK: new title) <br/>... aka Film \'84 (UK: new title) <br/>... aka Film \'85 (UK: new title) <br/>... aka Film \'86 (UK: new title) <br/>... aka Film \'87 (UK: new title) <br/>... aka Film \'88 (UK: new title) <br/>... aka Film \'89 (UK: new title) <br/>... aka Film \'90 (UK: new title) <br/>... aka Film \'91 (UK: new title) <br/>... aka Film \'92 (UK: new title) <br/>... aka Film \'93 (UK: new title) <br/>... aka Film \'94 (UK: new title) <br/>... aka Film \'95 (UK: new title) <br/>... aka Film \'96 (UK: new title) <br/>... aka Film \'97 (UK: new title) <br/>... aka Film \'98 (UK: new title) <br/>... aka Film \'99 (UK: new title) <br/>... aka Film 2000 (UK: new title) <br/>... aka Film 2001 (UK: new title) <br/>... aka Film 2002 (UK: new title) <br/>... aka Film 2003 (UK: new title) <br/>... aka Film 2004 (UK: new title) <br/>... aka Film 2005 (UK: new title) <br/>... aka Film 2006 (UK: new title) <br/>... aka Film 2007 (UK: new title) <br/>    - Episode dated 26 September 2005 (2005) TV Episode .... Himself<br/>\"Getaway\" .... Himself (1 episode, 2005)<br/>... aka United Travel Getaway (Australia: new title) <br/>    - Episode #14.22 (2005) TV Episode .... Himself<br/>\"The View\" .... Himself (2 episodes, 2004-2005)<br/>    - Episode dated 13 June 2005 (2005) TV Episode .... Himself<br/>    - Episode dated 15 December 2004 (2004) TV Episode .... Himself<br/>\"HBO First Look\" .... Himself (3 episodes, 1999-2005)<br/>    - Batman Begins: An Origin Story (2005) TV Episode .... Himself<br/>    - Kingdom of Heaven (2005) TV Episode .... Himself<br/>    - The Haunting (1999) TV Episode .... Himself<br/>\'Star Wars\': Feel the Force (2005) (TV) .... Himself<br/>The Kinsey Report: Sex on Film (2005) (V) .... Himself<br/>\"History vs. Hollywood\" .... Himself (1 episode, 2005)<br/>... aka History Through the Lens (USA: syndication title) <br/>    - Kingdom of Heaven (2005) TV Episode .... Himself<br/>Kingdom of Hope: The Making of \'Kingdom of Heaven\' (2005) (TV) .... Himself<br/>\"Live with Regis and Kathie Lee\" .... Himself (2 episodes, 2004-2005)<br/>... aka Live with Regis (USA: new title) <br/>... aka Live with Regis &amp; Kelly (USA: new title) <br/>    - Episode dated 27 April 2005 (2005) TV Episode .... Himself<br/>    - Episode dated 12 November 2004 (2004) TV Episode .... Himself<br/>\"The Culture Show\" .... Himself (1 episode, 2005)<br/>    - Episode #2.6 (2005) TV Episode .... Himself<br/>\"Dos rombos\" .... Himself (1 episode, 2005)<br/>    - Episode #1.23 (2005) TV Episode .... Himself<br/>The 62nd Annual Golden Globe Awards (2005) (TV) .... Himself - Nominee: Best Actor in a Motion Picture [Drama]<br/>\'Kingdom of Heaven\': Interactive Production Grid (2005) (V) .... Himself<br/>Happy Birthday Oscar Wilde (2004) (TV) .... Himself<br/>\"Ellen: The Ellen DeGeneres Show\" .... Himself (1 episode, 2004)<br/>    - Episode dated 7 December 2004 (2004) TV Episode .... Himself<br/>\"The Tonight Show with Jay Leno\" .... Himself (1 episode, 2004)<br/>... aka Jay Leno (Australia) <br/>    - Episode dated 3 December 2004 (2004) TV Episode .... Himself<br/>\"Saturday Night Live\" .... Himself (1 episode, 2004)<br/>... aka NBC\'s Saturday Night (USA: first season title) <br/>... aka SNL (USA: informal title) <br/>... aka SNL 25 (USA: alternative title) <br/>... aka Saturday Night (USA: second season title) <br/>... aka Saturday Night Live \'80 (USA: sixth season title) <br/>    - Liam Neeson/Modest Mouse (2004) TV Episode .... Himself<br/>Imaginary Witness: Hollywood and the Holocaust (2004) <br/>atrick (2004) (voice) .... Narrator<br/>\"Tinseltown TV\" .... Himself (1 episode, 2003)<br/>    - Episode dated 29 November 2003 (2003) TV Episode .... Himself<br/>Coral Reef Adventure (2003) (voice) .... Narrator<br/>... aka MacGillivray Freeman\'s Coral Reef Adventure (USA: complete title) <br/>The 56th Annual Tony Awards (2002) (TV) .... Himself - Presenter &amp; Nominee: Best Actor in a Play<br/>layboy: Inside the Playboy Mansion (2002) (TV) .... Himself<br/>The Maze (2002) (TV) (voice) .... Himself/Narrator<br/>Uncovering the Real Gangs of New York (2002) (TV) .... Himself - \'Priest Vallon\'<br/>Har Haosher (2002) (voice) .... Narrator<br/>Nobel Peace Prize Concert (2001) (TV) .... Himself/Host<br/>Michael Jackson: 30th Anniversary Celebration (2001) (TV) .... Himself<br/>Revenge of the Whale (2001) (TV) .... Himself/Narrator<br/>\"Sesame Street\" .... Himself (2 episodes, 1999-2001)<br/>... aka Open Sesame (New Zealand: English title: new syndication title) <br/>... aka Sesame Street Unpaved (USA: syndication title) <br/>... aka The New Sesame Street (USA: new syndication title) <br/>    - Episode dated 31 July 2001 (2001) TV Episode .... Himself<br/>    - Episode dated 22 June 1999 (1999) TV Episode .... Himself<br/>Journey Into Amazing Caves (2001) (voice) .... Himself/Narrator<br/>\"The Greeks\" (2001) (mini) TV Series (voice) .... Himself/Narrator<br/>The Beginning: Making \'Episode I\' (2001) (V) .... Himself<br/>... aka The Beginning: Making Star Wars Episode I (USA) <br/>Inside the Space Station (2000) (TV) (voice) .... Himself/Narrator<br/>\"The Rosie O\'Donnell Show\" .... Himself (4 episodes, 1996-2000)<br/>    - Episode dated 15 November 2000 (2000) TV Episode .... Himself<br/>    - Episode dated 18 May 1999 (1999) TV Episode .... Himself<br/>    - Episode dated 22 April 1998 (1998) TV Episode .... Himself<br/>    - Episode dated 22 October 1996 (1996) TV Episode .... Himself<br/>The Endurance: Shackleton\'s Legendary Antarctic Expedition (2000) (voice) .... Himself/Narrator<br/>... aka The Endurance (USA) <br/>... aka Verschollen im Packeis - Das Antarktis-Abenteuer des Sir Ernest Shackleton (Germany: TV title) <br/>\"Touched by an Angel\" .... Himself (1 episode, 2000)<br/>    - Life Before Death (2000) TV Episode .... Himself<br/>Empires: The Greeks - Crucible of Civilization (2000) (TV) .... Himself/Narrator</strong></font></p><p><br/><font face=\"Verdana\"><strong>\"Mundo VIP\" .... Himself (2 episodes, 1999)<br/>    - Show no180 (1999) TV Episode .... Himself<br/>    - Show no176 (1999) TV Episode .... Himself<br/>The 71st Annual Academy Awards (1999) (TV) .... Himself - Presenter: Best Visual Effects<br/>Omagh the Legacy: Claire and Stephen\'s Story (1999) .... Himself/Narrator<br/>The Stars of \'Star Wars\': Interviews from the Cast (1999) (V) .... Himself<br/>The Making of \'The Haunting\' (1999) (V) .... Himself<br/>\"The Directors\" .... Himself (1 episode)<br/>    - The Films of Steven Spielberg (????) TV Episode .... Himself<br/>Comic Relief VIII (1998) (TV) .... Himself<br/>The 52nd Annual Tony Awards (1998) (TV) .... Himself - Presenter<br/>Everest (1998) (voice) .... Himself/Narrator<br/>\"Eco-Challenge Morocco\" (1998) (mini) TV Series .... Himself/Narrator<br/>\"The Great War and the Shaping of the 20th Century\" (1996) TV Series (voice) .... John Lucy<br/>... aka 1914-1918 (UK) <br/>\"The South Bank Show\" .... Himself (1 episode, 1996)<br/>    - Michael Collins (1996) TV Episode .... Himself<br/>The 68th Annual Academy Awards (1996) (TV) .... Himself - Presenter: \'Il Postino\' Film Clip<br/>Riverdance: The New Show (1996) (V) .... Narrator<br/>... aka Riverdance in New York (USA: TV title) <br/>... aka Riverdance: Live from New York City (USA: DVD title) <br/>Clark Gable: Tall, Dark and Handsome (1996) .... Host<br/>A Leap of Faith (1996) (voice) .... Himself/Narrator<br/>Lumière et compagnie (1995) .... (segment \"John Boorman\")<br/>... aka Lumière and Company (International: English title) <br/>... aka Lumiere y compa?ía (Spain) <br/>Out of Ireland (1995) (TV) (voice) <br/>The American Film Institute Salute to Steven Spielberg (1995) (TV) .... Himself<br/>The 66th Annual Academy Awards (1994) (TV) .... Himself - Nominee: Best Actor in a Leading Role &amp; Presenter: Best Sound Effects Editing<br/>\"Nyhetsmorgon\" .... Himself (1 episode)<br/>    - Filmen Schindler\'s List (????) TV Episode .... Himself</strong></font></p><p><br/><font face=\"Verdana\"><strong>An Audience with Mel Brooks (1983) (TV) .... Himself</strong></font></p><p><font face=\"Verdana\"><strong>Archive Footage:<br/>remiere Bond: Opening Nights (2006) (V) .... Himself <br/>\"E! True Hollywood Story\" <br/>    - Brooke Shields (2005) TV Episode .... Himself <br/>\"Cinema mil\" <br/>    - Episode #1.8 (2005) TV Episode .... Peyton Westlake/Darkman <br/>\"Science of Star Wars\" (2005) (mini) <br/>Lego Star Wars: The Video Game (2005) (VG) (uncredited) .... Qui-Gon Jinn <br/>\"Making a Scene\" <br/>    - Kingdom of Heaven (2005) TV Episode .... Godfrey of Ibelin <br/>Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002) (voice) (uncredited) .... Qui-Gon Jinn <br/>Ultimate Fights from the Movies (2002) (V) .... Danny (Crossing the Line) <br/>Reflections of Evil (2002) (voice) (uncredited) .... Oskar Schindler <br/>Who Is Alan Smithee? (2002) (TV) (uncredited) .... Himself </strong></font></p>
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