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何塞索萨 发表于 2007-8-21 12:36:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<br/><img src="" border="0" alt=""/><br/><span style="DISPLAY: none;"><br/></span><br/>中文名称:合伙人<br/>英文名称:The Company<br/>资源类型:RMVB<br/>版本:[FRTVS小组出品]更新第1集<br/>发行时间:2007年08月<br/>演员:Chris O’Donnell 饰演 Jack McCauliffe<br/>   Michael Kaeton 饰演 James Angleton<br/>   Alfred Molina 饰演 Harvey Torriti<br/>   Rory Cochrane 饰演 Yevgeny Tsipin<br/>   Alessandro Nivola 饰演 Nivola<br/>地区:美国<br/>语言:英语<br/>简介:<br/>【类型】: 剧情<br/>【影片长度】: 平均45分钟<br/>【集数】: 全季共3集<br/>【字幕】: 中文<br/>【服务器】: 随机<br/>【分享时间】: 全天24小时<br/>【内容简介】:<br/><span style="DISPLAY: none;"><br/></span><br/>S:声明<br/>由于本人校对的疏忽,第一集的DCI一词翻译有误,正确的翻译应该是”中情局局长”,而不是”德国特别刑侦部门”,在此对广大喜爱此剧的朋友表示歉意,我们将在完结打包时出修订版改正此错误,特此致歉。<br/>Crys'man<br/><span style="DISPLAY: none;"><br/><br/></span><br/>本片根据著名小说家Robert Littell的同名小说改编。该书确立了Robert 在此类小说家中的领袖地位。<br/>讲述了中央情报局(CIA)特工在监狱中惊心动魄的双重生活,他们在与强大又难以捉摸的敌人斗智斗勇的过程中还被扑朔迷离的内部纠纷所纠缠。完美的融合了历史及跨时代元素,在地域上也跨越甚广,从50年代的柏林基地,被苏联入侵的匈牙利,阿富汗,甚至是戈尔巴乔夫政变地都包括其中。<br/><span style="DISPLAY: none;"><br/><br/></span><br/>Three friends are recruited out of Yale in the early days of the Cold War, becoming agents of the CIA and KGB. Played out against historical events that span four decades, this is a look inside both agencies and at the men who ran them – all believing they represented the true and enlightened way.<br/><span style="DISPLAY: none;"><br/></span><span style="DISPLAY: none;"><br/></span><br/>Chris O'Donnell, Michael Keaton, Alfred Molina, Rory Cochrane, Alessandro Nivola and Natascha McElhone star in this new 6 hour mini-series about Cold War CIA agents who become entangled in a web of mystery and espionage.<br/><span style="DISPLAY: none;"><br/></span><br/>roduced by Scott Free Prodcutions for TNT, the series is based on the novel by Robert Littell.<br/><img src="" border="0" alt=""/><br/><img src="" border="0" alt=""/><br/><img src="" border="0" alt=""/><br/><img src="" border="0" alt=""/><br/><img src="" border="0" alt=""/><br/>
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