<p>1. 2001 Kubrick, Stanley 1968(《漫游太空2001,库布利克》) <br/> 2. Accattone Pasolini, Pier Paolo 1961(《乞丐》,帕索里尼) <br/> 3. Babette's Feast Axel, Gabriel 1987(《芭贝特的盛宴》) <br/> 4. Battleship Potemkin, The Eisenstein, Sergei 1925(《战舰波将金号》,爱森斯坦) <br/> 5. Bicycle Thieves, The De Sica, Vittorio 1949(《偷自行车的人》,德-西卡) <br/> 6. Blade Runner: The Director's Cut Scott, Ridley 1991(《银翼杀手》,雷德利-斯科特) <br/> 7. Blue Velvet Lynch, David 1986(《蓝丝绒》,大卫-林奇) <br/> 8. Chronicle of a Summer Rouch, Jean 1960(《夏日纪事》,让-鲁什) <br/> 9. Clockwork Orange Kubrick, Stanley 1971(《发条橙子》,库布利克) <br/> 10. Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover, the Greenaway, Peter 1989 (《情欲色香味》,格林纳威) <br/> 11. Crash Cronenberg, David 1996(《撞车》,柯南博格) <br/> 12. Demon Seed Cammell, Donald 1977(《魔种》) <br/> 13. Desk Set Lang, Walter 1957 <br/> 14. Draughtsman's Contract, The Greenaway, Peter 1982(《画师的合约》,格林纳威) <br/> 15. Dreamlife of Angels, The Zonca, Erick 1998(《两极天使》,宗卡) <br/> 16. Early Works Richter, Hans 1927 <br/> 17. Eraserhead Lynch, David 1977(《橡皮头》,大卫-林奇) <br/> 18. Fifth Element, The Besson, Luc 1997(《第五元素》,吕克-贝松) <br/> 19. Film before Film Nekes, Werner 1986 <br/> 20. Gattaca Niccol, Andrew 1997(《变种异煞/千钧一发》安德鲁-尼科尔) <br/> 21. Big Day, The Tati, Jacques 1947(《节日》,雅克-塔蒂) <br/> 22. Jules et Jim Truffaut, Francois 1962(《朱尔与吉姆》,特吕弗) <br/> 23. Beauty and the Beast Cocteau, Jean 1946(《美女与野兽》,让-考科多) <br/> 24. Hate Kassoritz, Mathieu 1995(《仇恨/怒火青春》,卡索维茨) <br/> 25. Pier, The Marker, Chris 1962(《堤》,克里斯-马克尔) <br/> 26. New Enchantment, The l'Herbier, Marcel 1924 <br/> 27. La Magic Melies Meny, Jacques 1997 <br/> 28. Films of Man Ray, The Man Ray 1998 <br/> 29. 400 Blows, The Truffaut, Francois 1957(《四百击》,特吕弗) <br/> 30. Level Five Marker, Chris 1997 <br/> 31. Man Bites Dog Belvaux, Remy 1992(《人咬狗》) <br/> 32. Man Ray Fargier, Jean Paul 1998 <br/> 33. Man with a Movie Camera Vertov, Dziga 1929(《持摄影机的人》,维尔托夫) <br/> 34. Metropolis Lang, Fritz 1929(《大都会》,佛列兹-朗) <br/> 35. Mr Hulot's Holiday Tati, Jacques 1952(《于洛先生的假期》,雅克-塔蒂) <br/> 36. My Uncle Tati, Jacques 1958(《我的舅舅》,雅克-塔蒂) <br/> 37. Naked Leigh, Mike 1993(《赤裸》,迈克-雷) <br/> 38. Nosferatu Murnau, F.W. 1922(《吸血鬼》,茂瑙) <br/> 39. Cabinet of Dr Caligari, The Wiene, Robert 1919(《卡里加利博士的小屋》,维内) <br/> 40. Notorious Hitchcock, Alfred 1946(《美人计》,希区柯克) <br/> 41. Nuts in May Leigh, Mike 1976(《五月的坚果》,迈克-雷) <br/> 42. October Eisenstein, Sergei 1927(《十月》,爱森斯坦) <br/> 43. Paris, Texas Wenders, Wim 1984(《德州,巴黎》,文德斯) <br/> 44. Pillow Book, The Greenaway, Peter 1995(《枕边书》,格林纳威) <br/> 45. Playtime Tati, Jacques 1967(《游戏时间》,雅克-塔蒂) <br/> 46. Solaris Tarkovsky, Andrey 1972(《索拉里斯/飞向太空》,塔尔柯夫斯基) <br/> 47. Stalker Tarkovsky, Andrey 1979(《潜行者》,塔尔柯夫斯基) <br/> 48. Tampopo Itami, Juzo 1986(《蒲公英》,伊丹十三) <br/> 49. Tati Shorts Tati, Jacques 1930-67(雅克-塔蒂的短片) <br/> 50. Things to Come Menzies, William Cameron 1936(《科幻双故事》) <br/> 51. Tokyo Story Ozu, Yasuijiro 1953(《东京物语》,小津安二郎) <br/> 52. Man and a Woman, A Lelouch, Claude 1966(《一个男人与一个女人》克劳德?勒鲁什) <br/> 53. Wings of Desire Wenders, Wim 1987(《柏林苍穹下》,文德斯) <br/> 54. Birth of a Nation, The Griffith, D.W. 1915(《一个国家的诞生》,格里菲斯) <br/> 55. Theorem Pasolini, Pier Paolo 1968(《定理》,帕索里尼) <br/> 56. Week-End Godard, Jean-Luc 1967(《周末》,戈达尔) <br/> 57. Brothers Quay, The Brothers Quay 1980s <br/> 58. Andalusian Dog, An Bunuel, Luis/Dali, Salvador 1928(《一条叫安德鲁的狗》,达利,布努埃尔) <br/> 59. Rome, Open City Rossellini, Roberto 1945(《罗马,不设防的城市》,罗西里尼) <br/> 60. Intruder, The Corman, Roger 1961(《入侵者》,罗杰科尔曼) <br/> 61. Visions of Light Glassman, Arnold 1992(《光影的美丽》,阿诺德格拉斯曼) <br/> 62. Svankmajer : vol 1 Svankmajer, Jan 1960s <br/> 63. Svankmajer : vol 2 Svankmajer, Jan 1960s <br/> 64. Contempt Godard, Jean-Luc 1963(《轻蔑》,戈达尔) <br/> 65. One plus One Godard, Jean-Luc 1968(《一加一》,戈达尔) <br/> 66. Night in Casablanca, A Mayo, Archie 1946(《卡萨布兰卡之夜》,阿尔其?梅奥) <br/> 67. Rashomon Kurosawa, Akiro 1950(《罗生门》,黑泽明) <br/> 68. Yojimbo Kurosawa, Akiro 1961(《用心棒》,黑泽明) <br/> 69. Early Cinema : vol 1 BFI <br/> 70. Early Cinema : vol 2 BFI <br/> 71. Red Desert Antonioni, Michaelangelo 1964(《红色沙漠》,安东尼奥尼) <br/> 72. Annie Hall Allen, Woody 1977(《安妮?荷尔》,伍迪?艾伦) <br/> 73. Brazil Gilliam, Terry 1985(《巴西》,特里?吉列姆) <br/> 74. After Hours Scorsese, Martin 1985(《下班之后》,斯科西斯) <br/> 75. Wizard of Oz, The Fleming, Victor 1939(《绿野仙踪》,弗莱明) <br/> 76. Promise, The Von Trotter, Margarethe 1995(《许诺》,玛格丽特?冯?特洛塔) <br/> 77. Hudsucker Proxy, The Coen, Joel 1994(《金钱帝国》,科恩兄弟) <br/> 78. Matter of Life and Death, A Powell, Michael 1946(《平步青云》,迈克尔?鲍威尔) <br/> 79. Thelma and Louise Scott, Ridley 1991(《末路狂花》,雷德利?斯科特) <br/> 80. Antonia's Line Gorris, Marleen 1995(《不靠男人的女人》,玛琳?格里斯) <br/> 81. Man Who Fell to Earth, The Roeg, Nic 1973 <br/> 82. Wings of the Dove Softley, Iain 1997(《三颗翼动的心》,伊恩?索夫特雷) <br/> 83. Portrait of a Lady Campion, Jane 1996(《淑女本色》,简?康萍) <br/> 84. Sense and Sensibility Lee, Ang 1995(《理智与情感》,李安) <br/> 85. Fanny and Alexander Bergman, Ingmar 1982(《芬尼与亚历山大》,伯格曼) <br/> 86. Don't Look Now Roeg, Nic 1973 <br/> 87. Blow Up Antonioni, Michaelangelo 1966(《放大》,安东尼奥尼) <br/> 88. Mrs Dalloway Gorris, Marleen 1997(《达洛威夫人》) <br/> 89. Orlando Potter, Sally 1992(《奥兰多》,萨利?波特) <br/> 90. Colour of Pomegranates, The/Legend of the Suram Fortress, The Paradjanov, Sergo 1969 <br/> (《石榴的颜色/苏拉姆城堡的传说》,帕拉杰诺夫) <br/> 91. Sunset Boulevard Wilder, Billy 1950(《日落大道》,比利?怀尔德) <br/> 92. Citizen Kane Welles, Orson 1941(《公民凯恩》,威尔斯) <br/> 93. Blood of a Poet, The Cocteau, Jean 1930(《诗人之血》,让?考科多) <br/> 94. Crimes and Misdemeanors Allen, Woody 1989(《罪与罚》,伍迪?艾伦) <br/> 95. His Girl Friday Hawks, Howard 1940(《女友礼拜五》霍华德?霍克斯) <br/> 96. Batman Burton, Tim 1989(《蝙蝠侠》,提姆?波顿) <br/> 97. Strange Days Bigelow, Kathryn 1995(《世纪末暴潮》,凯瑟琳?碧罗格) <br/> 98. Age of Innocence, The Scorsese, Martin 1993(《纯真的年代》,斯科西斯) <br/> 99. French Lieutenant's Woman, The Reisz, Karel 1981(《法国中尉的女人》,卡尔?雷兹) <br/> 100. Little Dorrit : Part 1 Edzard, Christine 1988(《小杜瑞特》) <br/> 101. Little Dorrit : Part 2 Edzard, Christine 1988 <br/> 102. Clueless Heckerling, Amy 1995(《独领风骚》,艾米·海克林) <br/> 103. Third Man, The Reed, Carol 1949(《第三个人》,卡洛尔·里德) <br/> 104. Fellini's Roma Fellini, Frederico 1972(《罗马》,费里尼) <br/> 105. It's A Wonderful Life Capra, Frank 1946(《美好人生》,卡普拉) <br/> 106. Edward Scissorhands Burton, Tim 1993(《剪刀手爱德华》,提姆·波顿) <br/> 107. Dracula - 1992 Coppola, Francis Ford 1992(《吸血惊情四百年》,科波拉) <br/> 108. Elephant Man, The Lynch, David 1980(《象人》,大卫·里恩) <br/> 109. Jane Eyre Stevenson, Robert 1943(《简爱》,罗伯特·斯蒂文森) <br/> 110. Performance Roeg, Nic and Cammell, Donald 1970 <br/> 111. Flash, The Iscove, Robert 1990(《闪电侠》,罗伯特·伊斯科夫) <br/> 112. Apartment, The Wilder, Billy 1960(《公寓》,比利·怀尔德) <br/> 113. My Girlfriend's Boyfriend Rohmer. Eric 1987(《我女朋友的男朋友》,侯麦) <br/> 114. Silences of the Palaces, The Tlatli, Moufida 1996(《沉默的宫殿》) <br/> 115. Oliver! Reed, Carol 1968(《奥利弗》,卡洛尔·里德) <br/> 116. Rope Hitchcock, Alfred 1948(《绳索》,希区柯克) <br/> 117. Apocalypse Now Coppola, Francis Ford 1979(《现代启示录》,科波拉) <br/> 118. I've Heard The Mermaids Singing Rozema, Patricia 1996(《我听到美人鱼在唱歌》) <br/> 119. Intimate Lighting Passer, Ivan 1965(《逝水年华》,伊万·帕瑟) <br/> 120. Close Encounters of the Third Kind Speilberg, Steven 1977(《第三类接触》,斯皮尔博格) <br/> 121. Haunting, The Wise, Robert 1963(《猛鬼屋》,罗伯特·怀斯) <br/> 122. Short Cuts Altman, Robert 1993(《短片集》,罗伯特·阿尔特曼) <br/> 123. Yellow Submarine Dunning, George 1968(《黄色潜水艇》,乔治·唐宁) <br/> 124. 8 1/2 Fellini, Federico 1968(《八又二分之一》,费里尼) <br/> 125. Mirror Tarkovsky, Andrei 1974(《镜子》,塔尔柯夫斯基) <br/> 126. Dick Tracy Beatty, Warren 1990(《至尊神探》,沃伦·比蒂) <br/> 127. Lola Demy, Jacques 1960(《劳拉》,雅克·德米) <br/> 128. Fathers of Pop Arts Council ? <br/> 129. Conan the Barbarian Milius, John 1981(《霸王神剑》) <br/> 130. Piano, The Campion, Jane 1993(《钢琴课》,简·康萍) <br/> 131. Blade Runner: The Director's Cut Scott, Ridley 1991(《银翼杀手导演版》,雷德利·斯科特) <br/> 132. Red Shoes, The Powell, Michael 1948(《红菱艳》,迈克尔·鲍威尔) <br/> 133. Gormanghast: Episode 1 Wilson, Andy 2000 <br/> 134. M Lang, Fritz 1931(《M》佛列兹·朗) <br/> 135. Gormanghast: Episode 2 Wilson, Andy 2000 <br/> 136. Enigma of Kasper Hauser, The Herzog, Werner 1974(《加斯·荷伯之迷》,赫尔佐格) <br/> 137. Dark City Proyas, Alex 1998(《黑暗之城》) <br/> 138. Gormanghast: Episode 3 Wilson, Andy 2000 <br/> 139. Fistful of Dollars, A Leone, Sergio 1964(《为了几块钱/荒原大镖客》,莱昂内) <br/> 140. For a Few Dollars More Leone, Sergio 1965(《为了更多几块钱/黄昏双镖客》,莱昂内) <br/> 141. Good, The Bad and The Ugly, The Leone, Sergio 1966(《好的坏的和丑的/黄金三镖客》,莱昂内) <br/> 142. L'Atalante Vigo, Jean 1934(《亚特兰大号》,让·维果) <br/> 143. Conformist, The Bertolucci, Bernardo 1970(《同流》,贝尔托鲁奇) <br/> 144. Rear Window Hitchcock, Alfred 1954(《后窗》,希区柯克) <br/> 145. Kino-Eye Vertov, Dziga 1924(《电影眼》,维尔托夫) <br/> 146. A Nous La Liberte Clair, Rene 1931(《自由属于我们》,雷内·克莱尔) <br/> 147. Alphaville Godard, Jean-Luc 1965(《阿尔法城》,戈达尔) <br/> 148. Touch of Evil Welles, Orson 1958(《历劫佳人/邪恶的接触》,奥逊·威尔斯) <br/> 149. Fat City Huston, John 1971(《富城》,约翰·休斯顿) <br/> 150. Under the Roofs of Paris Clair, Rene 1930(《巴黎屋檐下》,雷内·克莱尔) <br/><br/><font size="3"><font color="#000000"></font></font><br/><font size="3"><font color="#000000"> S 传说而已,也有说是剑桥大学建筑专业..<br/></font></font></p><p><font size="3"><font color="#000000"></font></font> </p><p><font size="3"><font color="#000000">我只有看过31部,还有不少我买了碟还没有来得及看的.路漫漫阿!!</font></font></p><img src="images/post/smile/dvbbs/em06.gif" />