中国德迷联盟 -




 楼主| change2000 发表于 2005-1-14 00:08:00 | 显示全部楼层
<H1><FONT size=5>Vielleicht beim Henninger-Rennen auf Sieg?
</FONT></H1>Mittwoch, 12. Januar 2005

<>Medien-Tag im Robinson Club Cala Serena auf Mallorca. Jan Ullrich ist vielgefragt. Geduldig gibt der T-Mobile-Kapit&auml;n den Fernseh-, Radio- und Zeitungsreportern antworten. Ullrich verspricht: &#8222;Es wird kein Jahr mehr geben, wo ich lax daherfahre. Ich bin 31 Jahre alt, die Chancen werden immer weniger. Ich habe noch einen Zwei-Jahres-Vertrag, und in diesen zwei Jahren traue ich mir auch zu, um den Sieg zu fahren!\"</P><><b>Wie ist die Form?
</b>Ullrich: &#8222;Im Vergleich zum Vorjahr bin ich besser in Form. Das ist kein Kunststück. Letzten Januar kam ich ja krank auf Mallorca an.\"</P><><b>Wie war Südafrika?</b>
Ullrich: &#8222;Ich bin 10 Tage sp&auml;ter nach Südafrika geflogen, da ich eine Lungenentzündung hatte. Dort habe ich aber hart trainiert. Mehr kann man nicht machen.\"</P><><b>Wie rollt’s auf Mallorca?</b>
Ullrich: &#8222;Ich fahre in der letzten Gruppe mit den Rundfahrspezialisten Andreas Kl&ouml;den und Oscar Sevilla. Ich muss jetzt noch nicht schnell fahren.</P><><b>Und Alexander Winokurow?</b>
Ullrich: &#8222;Der ist ja immer ganz wild. F&auml;hrt auch manchmal in der etwas schnelleren Gruppe.\"</P><><b>Greifen Sie schon bei den Klassikern an?</b>
Ullrich: &#8222;Nein, da h&auml;tte ich früher beginnen müssen. Ich versuche über die Fünf-Tages-Rundfahrten in Schwung zu kommen. Wenn alles gut geht und ich nicht krank werde, dann kann man vielleicht schon einmal im Mai bei Rund um den Henninger Turm um den Sieg mitfahren.\"</P><><b>W&auml;re es nicht gut für Sie, wenn Armstrong nicht bei der Tour starten würde?</b>
Ullrich: &#8222;Lance geh&ouml;rt bei der Tour dazu. Alle wollen, dass er f&auml;hrt. Jeder will ihn besiegen.\"</P>
 楼主| change2000 发表于 2005-1-16 20:43:00 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV>12.01.2005/ The world of professional sport is rowing in to help the victims of the recent Asian Tsunami disaster and the T-Mobile-Team is no exception. For every training kilometre that Jan Ullrich and the other magenta riders cover on the roads of Majorca between now and January 23rd, the mobile phone company will donate 50 Euro cents to this very worthy cause.

T-Mobile sporting director Mario Kummer is keeping a close eye on the 27 riders\' training progress during the two week training camp and reckons that each rider will clock up an average of 1,500 km on the Mediterrean island. That would add up to a total donation of 20,250 Euros.

<b>Total sum to be revealed at team presentation</b>
The unique money raising action was the idea of the 27 T-Mobile riders and the total donation will be made known at the official team presentation in Bonn on January 24th. Journalists and other media people attending the media day on the island have also volunteered to take to join in and make their contribution to the charity action.

\"We will calculate the training kilometres covered by every rider before we travel back for the team presentation in Bonn, then the sponosr will make its contribution,\" explained T-Mobile manager Olaf Ludwig. Team members, such as team captain Jan Ullrich have also made private personal donations to the charity.

\"I have made a personal contribution to the tragedy, although I don\'t have the resources of Schumacher and I haven\'t given as much as him,\" said a smiling Ullrich, referring to Michael Schumacher\'s handsome ten million dollar contribution.(GL) </DIV>
 楼主| change2000 发表于 2005-1-18 17:43:00 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV><img src=\"\"></DIV><DIV><DIV class=FlowTextImageLEFT><img src=\"\"> <DIV class=Bildlegende style=\"WIDTH: 160px\"><DIV class=comment>Jan Ullrich gets ready for his first training ride on Majorca</DIV></DIV></DIV>12.01.2005/ A good-humoured and relaxed Jan Ullrich sat down to field questions from the numerous international journalists during \'media day\' at the T-Mobile Team training camp on Majorca.

Mr Ullrich, what is your current performance level?</b>

<b>Jan Ullrich:</b> \"In December, you always try to ride as many kilometres as possible. Initially, I was plagued by pneumonia, that\'s why my trip to South Africa was delayed by ten days. But once there, I trained hard - and you can\'t do more than that. However, if I was riding to my limits now, then that wouldn\'t help me later on in the season.\"

<b>But you haven\'t reached your performance weight yet, have you?</b>

<b>Ullrich:</b> \"Thats normal. In January, the weight is never right, the muscles are not working the way they should. However, I intend to be at the top of my game in summer, not in spring.\"

<b>There have been speculation now for months about Lance Armstrong\'s participation. What do you think? </b>

<b>Ullrich:</b> \"I\'m assuming that he will start. However, it doesn\'t affect my preparations. I want him to be there. Lance is simply part of the Tour. It adds to the excitement, too. He is the man everybody wants to beat , including myself, of course.

<b>To what extent does Armstrong\'s participation in the Tour influence your preparations?</b>

<b>Ullrich:</b> \"I want to prepare myself in such a way that I can win the Tour, with or without Lance. As far as my preparations are concerned, nothing changes.

<b>And in the race?</b>

<b>Ullrich:</b> \"Then everybody would have to alter their tactics. Up until now, US Postal have always grabbed the bull by the horns and controlled the race.

<b>Would a Tour win without Lance Armstrong mean less?</b>

<b>Ullrich:</b> \"Even without Lance competing a Tour win is the ultimate achievement - but it would be nicer with him.\"

<b>If Armstrong only races the classices, wouldn\'t it be tempting to beat him there? </b>

<b>Ullrich:</b> \"I don\'t race for him, but for me. The focus of my season is the Tour de France and, in general, the summer. To be in the right shape for the the spring classics, I would have had to make my mind up in October already. But I\'ve taken a different path.\"

<b>What does your race schedule this season look like?</b>

<b>Ullrich: </b>\"I can\'t change my schedule significantly. I will enter the season later again, starting with the Tour of Murcia. Then I will try to get into full swing during the five-day-tours. If I stay healthy, then come May, it should be possible to race for the win at the Henninger Turm.\"

<b>Talking about your health, how much does it affect your race planning?</b>

<b>Ullrich:</b> \"I already factor in one or two sicknesses per year into my planning, so I don\'t let the form slip too much. Unfortunately I am a somebody who is prone to getting sick quite a bit. Everytime my daughter gets sick, then I have to move out of the home, and that\'s always a diffult thing to do.\"

<b>In 2003 you cwere a match for Armstrong, in 2004 you weren\'t. What were the differences in your preparations?</b>

<b>Ullrich:</b> \"In 2003 I couldn\'t ride any races up to April. That gave me four months to prepare and control my own training programme. When I was too fast, I would ease off a bit. When I was feeling good, then I would up the ante in training. Last year it was a mistake to ride those races in spring. My form wasn\'t good enough by that time. I was practically running on empty and that set me back rather than bringing me forward.\"

<b>Is 2005 your last chance to win the Tour?</b>

<b>Ullrich:</b> \"I have a two-year-contract and there\'s a logic behind that. I think I\'m capable of racing at the top level for two more years and challenge for the Tour de France. However, the chances are getting fewer.\"

<b>Three was a lot of talk in the past about you lacking motivation. Was that unfair?</b>

<b>Ullrich: </b>\"I am captain of the world\'s best team. That\'s the way I approach things. I am 31 years old now. From now on I will be going flat out, every year. I want to take another shot at the top. If I had trained eight years ago the way I do now, then I could have won another Tour with a comfortable winning margin. Before I could get into in shape in the space of just three weeks - now I need three months. The age starts to show.\"

<b>What do you think about the T-Mobile Team this year?</b>

<b>Ullrich:</b> \"I see a huge potential in the team. We have aces in every department.\" </DIV>
 楼主| change2000 发表于 2005-2-4 15:31:00 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=content><DIV><img src=\"\"></DIV><DIV>03.02.2005/ Accompanied by his sporting advisor Rudy Pevenage, T-Mobile pro Jan Ullrich has started training in Tuscany as planned. Under ideal conditions the 31 year old wants to further work on his basic stamina.

\"I have done a lot of intense training during the last days at home on the trainer. But now Im glad to be able to ride on the road again. Blue skies and sunshine make it easier to cover the many kilometres\", Ullrich explains.

In Tobias Steinhauser, who will take to the road at the Tour of Murcia in the beginning of March for the first time this year, Jan Ullrich has a teammate at his side during his stay in Tuscany.

\"The two of them find the necessary conditions here to get prepared fort he challenges ahead. And maybe or or another riders from the team will drop by for a training ride\", says Pevenage. </DIV></DIV>
ravel 发表于 2005-2-11 01:20:00 | 显示全部楼层
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<DIV class=Bildlegende style=\"WIDTH: 240px\">
<DIV class=comment>一次普通的感冒将使扬·乌尔里希几天内不能骑车</DIV></DIV></DIV>
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<DIV>09.02.2005/一次普通的感冒迫使德国电信车队的车手扬·乌尔里希暂时停止了在托斯卡纳地区的训练 。电信车队经理 Olaf Ludwig报道情况说:“他从周一开始生病,现在正在抗病毒治疗中。”
从上周开始,乌尔里希在他的运动顾问 Rudy Pevenage的陪同下在意大利进行基础训练。
“一旦扬康复了,他将按原计划继续他的训练计划。” Ludwig说</DIV></DIV>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-2-11 2:08:27编辑过]
塞上牛羊空许约 发表于 2005-2-11 02:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
睿擘 发表于 2005-2-11 03:05:00 | 显示全部楼层
兔子 发表于 2005-2-11 03:17:00 | 显示全部楼层


<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>睿擘</I>在2005-2-11 3:05:00的发言:</B>
还是快点结婚吧!!</DIV><FONT style=\"BACKGROUND-COLOR: #f3f3f3\">你不也没结吗?急什么</FONT>
klinxj 发表于 2005-2-11 15:38:00 | 显示全部楼层
睿擘 发表于 2005-2-13 04:44:00 | 显示全部楼层
<FONT style=\"BACKGROUND-COLOR: #f3f3f3\">你不也没结吗?急什么</FONT>
睿擘 发表于 2005-2-13 04:45:00 | 显示全部楼层
</P><>影子传说?</P><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em03.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em03.gif\" />
龙宽九段 发表于 2005-2-14 21:23:00 | 显示全部楼层
龙宽九段 发表于 2005-2-14 21:24:00 | 显示全部楼层
ravel 发表于 2005-2-14 22:56:00 | 显示全部楼层
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<DIV class=image><IMG src=\"\">
<DIV class=Bildlegende style=\"WIDTH: 240px\">
<DIV class=comment>扬·乌尔里希流感康复后将恢复训练。 </DIV></DIV></DIV>
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在队友Tobias Steinhauser 和私人运动顾问Rudy Pevenage的陪同下,乌尔里希在意大利调整了自己的状态以迎接他在三月份的第一场比赛。 </DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-2-14 23:09:46编辑过]
ravel 发表于 2005-2-24 16:09:00 | 显示全部楼层
<H3 auto 0cm\">乌尔里希将不参加<FONT face=Verdana> </FONT>环木尔西亚赛(西班牙)<p></p></H3><><FONT size=3>和预料的一样,德国电信车队今天宣布扬·乌尔里希将不参加三月初的<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>环木尔西亚赛,他将把他在新赛季的首场比赛推迟整整一个月,改为<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\"> </FONT>萨尔特绕圈赛(法国)。乌尔里希之前一直在托斯卡拉地区的卢卡(意大利)进行训练,但一次严重的感冒是他缺席了一个星期的训练,下雪则使他提前结束训练返回。他现在在瑞士<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\">Scherzingen</FONT>的家中,但他会在周日在他的私人顾问<FONT face=\"Times New Roman\">Rudy Pevenage</FONT>陪同下,重返托斯卡拉进行另外三周的训练。</FONT></P>德国电信的队医说:“现在参加 环木尔西亚赛这样高强度的比赛对于扬来说没有太多意义。现在最重要的是让他有个好的心理状态——这是拥有一个成功赛季的基础。
ravel 发表于 2005-2-24 22:27:00 | 显示全部楼层
< 0cm 0cm 0pt\">21.02.2005/ 扬·乌尔里希一直心系着患病儿童。所以这位德国电信车队的队长很自然地就答应参加“Benni &amp; Co”计划。这次的慈善活动是在2004年由捷安特发起的。它帮助着2500名德国身患致命的杜兴肌肉营养不良症的儿童。这次总共筹集了5000欧元。<p></p></P>
ravel 发表于 2005-4-2 22:02:00 | 显示全部楼层
< 0pt? 0cm>30.03.2005/ 温和的天气,多坡的地形,良好的路面。德国电信的扬·乌尔里希(31)二月中旬以来一直在托斯卡纳(意大利)的赛前训练基地训练。下周他将参加他本赛季的第一场比赛——在法国举行的环萨尔特赛。德国小报Bild 对这位德国电信的队长进行了一次采访。

<B>BILD</B><B>:你看上去情况良好,而且训练得不错。你现在准备得怎么样了?</B><B>Jan Ullrich</B><B>:</B>我没想到我二月会患上感冒。那浪费了我10天的时间。痊愈后我做了一些难度较高的训练。



<B>你读过他的自传《Every second counts\'》吗?</B>






<B>你有没有私自赌你会获得环法冠军?</B><B> </B><B>Ullrich</B><B>:</B>没有,因为我认为这会带来坏运气。</P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-2 22:32:03编辑过]
ravel 发表于 2005-4-2 22:02:00 | 显示全部楼层
随着在Tuscany地区的训练告一段落,Jan Ullrich宣布了接下来几个月的参赛计划。4月5-8日的Sarthe巡回赛将是他本赛季的初次登场。随后他将参加4月13-17日的环Aragon(Tour of Aragon)。然后是5月份的Vuelta a Catalunya,时间是16-22日。一些一日赛也可能被加入到日程表中。
   6月份的参赛计划仍未定。但是Ullrich正在慎重考虑是否参加Dauphiné Libéré(6月5日-12日)而不参加环瑞士赛,去年他是这项赛事的冠军。在日程表的这个变化将使他能够参加6月16日举行的Pro Tour队伍的团队计时赛,这是环法赛前各队团队计时赛实力的一次检验。Dauphiné Libéré和Pro Tour团队计时赛都在Armstong的参赛计划之列,今年我们将看到DSC和T-mobile这两支队伍的激情碰撞。
 楼主| change2000 发表于 2005-4-2 23:34:00 | 显示全部楼层
<>REVAL 呵呵,越翻越顺了!!!</P><>德国电讯车队加油,乌里加油!!</P><>那老妖精承认自己屋里藏违禁药物,谁知道下面他还承认什么?</P>
345543z 发表于 2005-4-5 19:43:00 | 显示全部楼层
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