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小牛季前消息(小牛签下Eddie Jones)

 楼主| yohjif 发表于 2007-6-8 11:55:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p><strong>Harris wants to step up for Mavs</strong></p><p>07:54 PM CDT on Thursday, June 7, 2007</p><p>By EDDIE SEFKO / The Dallas Morning News</p><p>Devin Harris spent Thursday talking to about 50 incarcerated youths and dedicating the new gymnasium at the Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program in west Dallas County.</p><p>It was a bit different from what Harris was doing last year at this time, and from what the San Antonio Spurs and Cleveland Cavaliers were doing this week in south Texas.</p><p>On the day the NBA Finals began, Harris took time to support the latest cause of the Mavs\' Foundation, which refurbished its 13th court since 1998.</p><p>And then, Harris couldn\'t help but look forward to next year, when he hopes he will still have his regular job in June. Despite speculation nationally and locally that Harris\' connection with the Mavericks is tenuous, he says he is ready to be the player the Mavericks need him to be.</p><p>\"I really want it,\" Harris said. \"I want to take this by the horns, and I want to be a 40-minute player for this team.</p><p>\"I think I need to be that kind of player to allow Jet to freelance more and for us to get back where we were,\" he said, referring to teammate Jason Terry. \"Last year, this same backcourt got us to the NBA Finals. We know what we\'re capable of.\"</p><p>The Mavericks had the best record in the NBA this season with 67 wins. They were slammed out of the first round of the playoffs by Golden State.</p><p>Earlier this week, coach Avery Johnson gave a glimpse into the Mavericks\' off-season priorities when he said, \"Devin Harris\' improvement is our best chance to improve at point guard.\"</p><p>Harris said last year that he was hoping to become the full-time starting point guard. It didn\'t quite work out that way, although he did start 61 games alongside Terry in an undersized backcourt. His minutes per game went up from 22.8 in 2005-06 to 26.0 this season.</p><p>One season after reaching the Finals, the Mavs didn\'t make significant changes in playing time. That\'s got to change for Harris, the No. 5 overall pick of the 2003 draft, to continue his growth.</p><p>Harris\' contract status is also likely to change. The Mavericks can negotiate a long-term extension with Harris beginning July 1. Last year, Josh Howard was in the same situation and signed a four-year deal worth about $40 million.</p><p>A restricted free agent, Harris said he will meet with his agent, Henry Thomas, later this month and then will let Thomas do his job.</p><p>\"If I had to go through free agency next year, it would be OK,\" Harris said. \"Hopefully something will happen, but we\'ll just have to see which way things go.\"</p><p>On Thursday, Harris sank the ceremonial first free throw – an unintended bank shot – at the JJAEP gym. Once just a concrete floor with a bent-rim setup, the renovated gym is a spiffy new spot for about 350 teens who have been expelled from area schools. The cost of the renovation was nearly $50,000, with sponsors NexCourt, Coca-Cola and FSN Southwest joining forces with the Mavs Foundation.</p><p>\"It\'s not such a bad thing making some bad decisions,\" Harris said to the kids. \"It\'s how you learn from them that makes you a better person. The things they\'re doing here for these kids shows that a lot of people care.\"</p>
诺维斯基 发表于 2007-6-10 00:06:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| yohjif 发表于 2007-6-10 13:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>诺维斯基</i>在2007-6-10 0:06:00的发言:</b><br/>等翻译</div><p></p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em40.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em40.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em40.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em40.gif\" />
rainyyiyi 发表于 2007-6-12 00:35:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| yohjif 发表于 2007-6-12 03:03:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>rainyyiyi</i>在2007-6-12 0:35:00的发言:</b><br/><p>我在翻~~翻译的那个痛苦。。。</p><p>所以大家还要等一会~~</p></div><p></p><p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em06.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em06.gif\" /></p><p>yiyi辛苦了~~~</p><p>那个,等我答辩完,我们可以交换一下翻译心得</p>
bayern18 发表于 2007-6-12 15:41:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em10.gif\" />都过了那么久了。。。怎么还没翻出来啊。。。</p><p>YIYI你是什么素质。。。</p>
bayern18 发表于 2007-6-12 15:54:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p><strong>哈里斯渴望上场时间 期待做小牛正选控卫</strong></p><p><strong>感谢木头找到译文</strong></p><p>北京时间6月8日,据美国《达拉斯晨报》报道,今天是NBA总决赛开展的日子,德文·哈里斯却在参加小牛基金会的慈善活动。 <br/><br/>  哈里斯只得期望明年6月,他能在场上做他的本职工作。尽管全美和地方媒体都认为哈里斯和小牛的关系很微妙,但他说自己准备成为小牛需要他做的球员。 <br/><br/>  “我真的想。”哈里斯说,“我想勇敢迎上去,我想为这支球队做一名40分钟的球员。”“我认为我需要做那种能让杰特更自由,让我们回到我们我们所在的位置的球员。”谈到队友贾森·特里时他说,“去年,这个相同的后场帮我们进入NBA总决赛。我们知道我们能做什么。” <br/><br/>  小牛取得了本赛季NBA最佳战绩67胜,却在季后赛第一轮被金州扫地出局。周初,主帅艾弗里·约翰逊粗略地谈到小牛淡季的优先权时说:“德文·哈里斯的进步是我们在组织后卫上改善的最佳机会。” <br/><br/>  哈里斯说去年他就希望成为全职首发控卫。但事情并没有那样发展,虽然他确实首发了61场,和特里组成了一个缺少高度的后场。他的场均上场时间从2005-06赛季的22.8分上升到26.0分。进入总决赛后的一个赛季,小牛上场时间的分配没有大变动,但对2003年第5顺位新秀哈里斯来说必须改变才能继续他的成长。 <br/><br/>  哈里斯的合同情况可能也会改变。当地时间7月1日开始,小牛可以和哈里斯谈判续一份长约。去年,约什·霍华德曾处于相同情况并续了一份4年约4000万美元的合同。 <br/><br/>  明年可能成为限制性自由球员的哈里斯说本月晚些时候,他会和他的经纪人亨利·托马斯会面,然后会让托马斯全权负责。“如果明年我不得不经历自由球员市场,也会不错。”哈里斯说,“希望一些事会发生,但我们只是必须看事情向那个方向发展。” <br/></p>
 楼主| yohjif 发表于 2007-6-15 00:53:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p><strong><font size=\"3\">转自sill的blog  翻译 sill</font></strong></p><p><strong><font size=\"4\"><font color=\"#2b6fd5\">解读</font>
                                <font color=\"#2b6fd5\">donnie 的采访</font></font></strong>(就是165页我贴的那个采访)</p><p>—————————————————————————————————</p><div><p>就在我们关于小牛今夏可能做的交易的文章的第一部分完成后,我们听说了乌托邦总裁Donnie Nelson(在Jen Engle的ESPN广播上)关于小牛进入交易季节的想法。作为第二部分的背景,以下是他提供的最具启蒙性的小道消息,以及我们在必要的地方所做的注释:</p><p>交易来Kobe那样的巨星球员怎么样?那可能吗,是你们正在寻找的吗?</p><p>Donnie:“不,我们喜欢我们的球队。我们取得了67胜,去年我们进入了总决赛,所以我们没有在寻找破坏一切的理由……[但是]如果我们能做一次有助于把事情推向正确的方向的行动,我们当然会考虑。我们喜欢我们拥有的球员所组成的球队概念,我们认为我们能在此基础上建队。”</p><p><font color=\"#2b6fd5\">我们的感受:小牛觉得他们很接近,所以他们不觉得有压力要做任何以他们的很多天才为代价来重定他们的身份的剧烈运动。得到Kobe等想成为焦点的巨星会让他们付出半支球队的代价,而这对他们的购物清单来说并不实际。</font></p><p>当你从媒体那儿听说某些球员可以获得,你如何回应?你打电话吗?你不烦心吗?</p><p>Donnie:“都有。要看具体情况。有些是现实的,有些不是。我们[已经]有基础部分了,一个很好的年轻核心(Josh和Devin)和一些我们在[选秀中]关注的可能引进的人,所以我们没指望破坏一切。”</p><p>最近你给区号310(洛杉矶)打电话了吗?</p><p>Donnie:“没有。我们接到了一些电话。但我们没有互通。”</p><p>那意味着湖人打电话了?</p><p>Donnie:“不。不。不。你们就没别的事儿可谈了?我们喜欢我们的班子。”</p><p>你们指望做小补而不是大修。那么你觉得这支球队需要什么?</p><p>Donnie:“我们会考虑任何事儿……不过这是一项团队运动,我们只是想在我们拥有的基础上增加一些。”</p><p><font color=\"#2b6fd5\">我们的感受:在这次采访中,Donnie不断重复地用“我们喜欢我们的球队”和“我们没指望破坏一切”这样的声明。(考虑到他过去的采访记录)由此看出,我们肯定地认为不会有大变动发生,虽然我们不能确定,但它绝对暗示了,他们的7人核心可能都会回来(Dirk、Dampier、Diop、Jho、Stack、Devin和Jet)。如果是那样,今夏任何令人激动的交易发生的可能性都微乎其微,因为剩下的球员资产价值有限(Buckner、Mbenga和3个小孩儿)。</font> </p><p>当人们给你打电话要交换你们的球员,其他球队对你们的人有多少兴趣?</p><p>Donnie:“我不会陷入其中。人们对好的年轻球员——和好的老球员永远有兴趣。但是就像我说的,我们没有真的指望做大变动。如果一些事儿代表它们自己并且有意义,我们肯定会考虑。但我们真的喜欢这支团队,我们想围绕它建设。”</p><p>当你取得67胜,然后像你们那样季后赛出局,那引起什么怀疑了吗?赛季结束后你和Avery和Mark还能坐下来说我们可能以目前这支团队赢得一次总冠军吗? </p><p>Donnie:“哦好吧,你每天都要经历!你总是设法看到你如何能变得更好,你如何能改进。我们不完美——在我们第一轮出局中显露无遗。我们能变得更好,但我们不想倒退一步——我们想继续建设。在这儿[奥兰多选秀前训练营]和总经理们交谈后,大家一致同意完美风暴发生了:我们进入季后赛,遇到了一帮有特殊性能的家伙,这就是体育——颠覆会发生。我们不想消解我们正在建设的方向——然后你就过上了老日子,有一名巨星,而他周围再无别人。那不会让你在西部走非常远的。”</p><p>根据对Dirk在不敌勇士的比赛中的打球方式的普遍责难,你们有没有可能考虑今夏交易他?</p><p>Donnie:“我不会对我是否会交易[特定]球员发表言论,但非常显然他把这支团队待到的位置是非常特别的,而且他带走了MVP。做任何买卖你都绝不会说“绝不”,但我们指望围绕那些人建队——不只是Dirk,还有Josh和Devin和Jet及其他每个人。我们觉得我们有一支真的很好的团队。我们这两年有足够特别的表现。”</p><p><font color=\"#2b6fd5\">我们的感受:我们确信目前小牛不会考虑交易Dirk。而且大概永远不会。</font></p><p>Devin Harris准备为这支球队成为一名传统型首发控卫了吗?</p><p>Donnie:“我们是超级球迷。他每年都变得更好。联盟有很多人是得分型控卫。西部很多最好的控卫都是得分型控卫。我在太阳时Steve Nash也是得分型控卫。Devin前进了一大步。他刚来时是在Nellie的完全不同的体系下,然后适应了Avery的。我们认为我们有一个真的很好的1-2号位拳头就是他和Jet。”</p><p><font color=\"#2b6fd5\">我们的感受:从以前的言论看,我们的印象是JET被当做双能卫,Devin则被希望成为掌舵的全职首发控卫。现在我们听到了1-2号位拳头和关于球队的“两个得分型控卫”(见后面的采访)的说法。听起来(令人不安)非常像一个需要重新定义和引起注意的范围的现状。</font></p><p>Donnie继续:“不过假设那样的话,我们是不是在寻找能进入篮下并未那两名得分型控卫创造机会的人呢?是的,我们总是在寻找他——不管是个低位球员、另一个能和他们并肩作战的球员,还是一个能传球的小前锋。”</p><p><font color=\"#2b6fd5\">我们的感受:我们注意到虽然Donnie提到他有两个得分型控卫,但他不必认可拥有他们俩的概念。从所听到的词儿如“能传球的小前锋”来看,Donnie揭露了一些(错误)想法,即小牛的焦点是找到那个特别的球员。正如你能从完整的引语中看到的,实际上不是那么回事儿。相反,他们正在寻找任何他们觉得能补充他们必需的容易的投篮的球员。名单儿包括一个低位球员(前锋/中锋)、一个能与Devin和Jet并肩作战的球员(控卫/分卫)和一个(能传球的)小前锋,实际上什么位置也没排出,大门儿向任何可能性敞开。</font></p><p>重新签下Stackhouse的优先权有多大?</p><p>Donnie:“(当地时间)7月1日前我不能对他发表言论。但我们真的喜欢这支团队,我们愿意让它团结在一起并在此基础上建队。我们喜欢去年那种更衣室的领导能力,希望它能保持完整。”</p><p><font color=\"#2b6fd5\">我们的感受:虽然双方还不能签约,但他们和Stack都彼此表达了对他回来的兴趣,而且似乎都很满意。这让我想起去年夏天JET的情况。毫无疑问,双方已经对财政因素有了理解。在我看来,那意味着他实际上铁定会回来。</font></p><p><strong>Translating Donnie</strong></p><p><strong>We Evaluate Team Prez\' Evaluation</strong></p><p>By David Lord --</p><p>Right after Part 1 of our article detailing what trades the Mavs might do this summer, we heard from President of Utopia Donnie Nelson (on ESPN radio with Jen Engle) about the Mavs’ thinking as they enter the trade season. As a backdrop for Part 2, here are the most enlightening tidbits he offered, along with our comments where we feel they are needed:</p><p>How about trading for superstar players such as Kobe, and the like? Is that possible, and is it something you are looking for?</p><p>Donnie: “No, we like our team. We’ve won 67, and we went to the Finals last year, so we’re not looking for reasons to blow things up… [But] if we can make a move that’s going to help push this thing in the right direction, we’d certainly look at it. We like the team concept of the guys we have, and we think we can build on it.”</p><p>Our take: The Mavs feel they are close, and therefore they don’t feel pressured to do anything drastic that will take tons of their talent and remake their identity. The mega-stars like Kobe and others who will take half their team to acquire and will want to be the focus aren’t realistically on their shopping list.</p><p>How do you respond when you hear in the media that certain players might be available? Do you call? Do you not bother?</p><p>Donnie: “Both. It depends on the situation. There’s some that are realistic, and some that aren’t. We [already] have the building blocks here, and a nice young core (Josh and Devin), and some guys we’re looking at [in the draft] that we can add to the mix, so we’re not looking to blow this thing up.”</p><p>Have you made a phone call to the 310 area code (Los Angeles) lately?</p><p>Donnie: “No. We’ve received calls. But we’re not looking to switch things up.”</p><p>Does that mean the Lakers have called?</p><p>Donnie: “No. No. No. Don’t you guys have plenty of other things to talk about? We like our squad.”</p><p>You’re looking to do minor tweaks rather than a major overhaul. So what do you feel this team needs?</p><p>Donnie: “We’ll look at anything… But it’s a team game, and we’re just looking to add to some of the pieces we have.”</p><p>Our take: In this interview, Donnie kept repeatedly using statements like “we like our team” and “we’re not looking to blow things up.” From that (given his past track record in interviews), we feel certain that there is no extensive alteration coming, and we can’t be certain, but it definitely hints that their ongoing 7-man core might all return (Dirk, Dampier, Diop. Jho, Stack, Devin, and Jet.) If that’s the case, the chances are quite minimal for anything exciting on the trade front this summer, because the remaining player assets have limited value (Buckner, Mbenga, and 3 kids).</p><p>When people call you about trading for your players, how much interest has there been from other teams in your guys?</p><p>Donnie; “I’m not gonna get into that. There’s always interest in good young players - and good old players. But like I said, we’re really not looking to make major changes. If something presents itself and makes some sense, we’ll certainly look at it. But we really like this group, and we wanna build with it.”</p><p>When you win 67 and then go out of the playoffs like you did, does it create some doubt? Was there ever a point after the season where you and Avery and Mark had to sit down and say can we possibly win a championship with this group as presently comprised?</p><p>Donnie: “Oh shoot, you go through that every day! You’re always trying to see how you can get better, how you can improve. We’re not perfect – that was obvious in our first-round ouster. We can get better, but we don’t want to take a step backwards – we want to continue to build this thing. From talking with the general managers here [at the Orlando pre-draft camp], the overall consensus is that the perfect storm happened: we went into the playoffs and ran into a buzzsaw with guys having special performances, and that’s sports - upsets happen. We don’t want to take away from what we’re building towards - then you’re back to the old days, where you have one superstar, and nothing around him. That’s not gonna get you very far in the West.”</p><p>In light of the widespread blame tossed at Dirk for the way he played in the loss to the Warriors, is there any way you’d consider trading him this summer?</p><p>Donnie: “I’m not gonna comment on if I would trade [specific] players or not, but it’s very obvious where he’s taken this franchise is pretty special, and he also walked away with the MVP. You never say ‘never’ in any business, but we’re looking to build around those guys – not just Dirk, but Josh and Devin and Jet and everyone else. We feel like we’ve got a really good group. We’ve had two years of pretty special performances.</p><p>Our Take: We are convinced the Mavs won’t consider trading Dirk at this point. And maybe never.</p><p>Is Devin Harris ready to become a traditional starting point guard for this team?</p><p>Donnie: “We’re big fans. He’s gotten better every year. There’s a lot of guys in the league that are scoring point guards. A lot of the best point guards in the West are scoring PGs. Steve Nash when I was with the Suns was a scoring PG. Devin has taken huge strides. He came in with a completely different system under Nellie, than had to adjust under Avery. We think we have a real nice 1-2 punch with he and Jet.”</p><p>Our take: From previous comments, our impression had been that JET was seen as a combo guard and Devin was seen as the hope to become that full-time starter at PG who could take the reins. Now we are hearing about a 1-2 punch and (later in the interview) about the team’s “two scoring PGs.” That (disturbingly) sounds very much like the status quo in an area that needed some re-definition and attention.</p><p>Donnie continues: “But given that, are we looking for someone that can get into the paint and create opportunities for those two scoring PGs? Yeah, we’re always looking for that - whether it’s a postup guy, another guy that can play alongside those guys, or a passing small forward.”</p><p>Our take: We notice that while Donnie mentioned he has 2 scoring PGs, he didn’t necessarily endorse the concept of having both of them. From hearing the words ‘passing small forward,” some (erroneously) thought that Donnie had revealed that the Mavs’ focus is on finding that particular player. As you can see from the full quote, that isn’t actually the case. Instead, they are looking for any player that they feel can complement what they already have to help create easy baskets. A list that includes a postup guy (F/C), a guy alongside Devin and Jet (PG/SG), and a (passing) SF actually eliminates no position at all and leaves the door wide open as to where they might go.</p><p>How much of a priority is re-signing Stackhouse?</p><p>Donnie: “I can’t comment on him until July 1. But we really like this group, and we’d like to keep it together and build on it. The leadership in that locker room we like it the way it was last year, and hopefully that can stay intact.”</p><p>Our take: Although neither side can do a deal yet, they and Stack both have already expressed a mutual interest in him returning, and both seem to be satisfied. It reminds me of the JET situation last summer. Undoubtedly, both sides already have an understanding of the financial parameters. In my opinion, that means he’s virtually a lock to return.</p><p>218pm June 13 2007</p></div>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-15 0:57:55编辑过]
 楼主| yohjif 发表于 2007-6-15 01:17:00 | 显示全部楼层
<strong>Swap Shop 2</strong><font size=\"6\"><br/></font><font face=\"verdana\"><font size=\"2\"><font color=\"#333399\"><strong>An In-Depth Look: Trade Options</strong></font></font></font><br/><font face=\"verdana\"><font size=\"1\"><font color=\"#000000\"><i>By Mike Fisher --</i>
                                <br/></font></font></font><font face=\"Times New Roman\"><font size=\"3\"><font color=\"#000000\"><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">In </font><a href=\";NAV=1\" target=\"_blank\"><u><font size=\"2\"><font color=\"#0000ff\">art 1</font></font></u></a><font size=\"2\"> we began to look at the most logical ways the Mavs might address their needs through trades. We details what player(s) are the logical candidates for a trade, what are the needs to address, and some of the simple trade concepts and targets that could be at the top of the shopping list.</font></font></font><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">Now in Part 2, we will delve into the latest and more complex issues. What have the Mavs been saying, and how does it fit all these trade possibilities? What other trade assets could the Mavs use? What about sign-and-trades (especially for premium free agents)? How do all the trade ideas and targets being tossed around stack up? </font></font></font><br/><br/><b><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">SUMMER PLANS AND TRADES FOR THE MAVS – IN THEIR OWN WORDS</font></font></font></b><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">Since part 1, the Mavs have decided to help us with our analysis, and Mark Cuban has given us a team memo detailing EVERYTHING! </font></font></font><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">Just kidding. You instantly knew better than to believe they gave out that info, didn’t you? Unfortunately, they’ve offered us NONE of the above. Instead, as always, the Mavs are keeping a tight lid on what they intend to do. Outside their inner circle, no one definitively knows what directions they have in mind. </font></font></font><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">But The 75-Member Staff has done its homework. We have had our conversations. And just to cover one more base, we did go through Donnie Nelson’s state-of-the-state address (on ESPN radio with Jen Engle) with a fine-toothed comb. (The full story is here </font><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><u><font size=\"2\"><font color=\"#0000ff\"></font></font></u></a><font size=\"2\"> Generally he said: </font></font></font><br/><br/><font size=\"2\"><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Symbol\">·</font></font><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">We like our team and want to keep our core and build on what we have.</font></font></font><br/><font size=\"2\"><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Symbol\">·</font></font><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">We don’t want to blow things up by chasing a mega-star.</font></font></font><br/><font size=\"2\"><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Symbol\">·</font></font><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">We are looking for anyone that can help us get easier baskets.</font></font></font><br/><font size=\"2\"><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Symbol\">·</font></font><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">We’d like Stack to be back.</font></font></font><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">In other words, maybe we got a hint that maybe both JET and Devin will stay, but nothing very enlightening.</font></font></font><br/><br/><b><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">WHERE DO THE MAVS GO FROM HERE? </font></font></font></b><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">Keep in mind that the trading season began as soon as each team’s season ended. But while most fans began to immediately talk of trades as soon as the off-season started, many of the teams themselves have been busy elsewhere. They have urgency to evaluate potential draft picks and Euro players that could be available, whose season still is ongoing. In fact, while a few random trades may pop in the interim, the major wave of actual trade activity doesn’t usually come until the days leading up to the draft itself, once teams have had a chance to evaluate their draft options. Some want to get better picks, some are willing to give up talent for picks, and so on – and the draft becomes the fuel that creates urgency.</font></font></font><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">From what Donnie said, it sounds like the Mavs may prefer to keep their full core intact, although we have to acknowledge that they could still trade one major piece (such as JET) and essentially retain their identity as a team.</font></font></font><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">But if the Mavs aren’t trading JET, what other possible trade assets might they use? Here’s how we evaluate them.</font></font></font><br/><br/><b><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">layers under contract: 11</font></font></font></b><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">Summary: We’d be shocked if <i>Dirk, Howard, Harris, Dampier</i>, or <i>Diop</i> were traded. They are the key core and each leaves a troublesome hole if traded. Given Devin\'s presumed future as the PG and JET\'s need to have the ball, JET seems redundant to us, but they talk like he’ll also be back. (Again, we’re somewhat dubious there.) That leaves 5 relatively small contracts (<i>Buckner, Mbenga, Ager, JJB, Pops</i>) as the sum of their tradeable assets among players with contracts, with not enough salary or talent in total to do much in the trade market unless combined with something else.</font></font></font><br/><br/><b><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">Additional assets: 4 free agents</font></font></font></b><br/><br/><font size=\"2\"><i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">Jerry Stackhouse</font></font></i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"> should return. If he doesn’t, he could potentially be a trade asset in a sign-and-trade deal with another team who offers Stack a deal he likes. </font></font></font><br/><br/><font size=\"2\"><i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">Devean George</font></font></i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"> has already opted to be a free agent again this summer, looking for more money than he had. In theory he could be a sign-and-trade asset also, but the chances are microscopic. It would take him signing for the exact perfect amount with the other team - since they have no Bird rights, and you can’t use the MLE in a SNT deal, the only way he could get a raise in a SNT would be on a contract for the Non-Bird Veteran exception that allows +20% from last year. In theory, it\'s possible he might return for that +20% contract, but we consider that a longshot. The Mavs aren\'t commenting, for whatever that might imply. </font></font></font><br/><br/><font size=\"2\"><i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">Austin Croshere</font></font></i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"> is unlikely to return, but the Mavs have Bird rights and in the right situation he could be a sign-and-trade asset in a deal he likes.</font></font></font><br/><br/><font size=\"2\"><i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">Kevin Willis</font></font></i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"> is technically their free agent but won’t be a usable asset other than in a sign-and-trade for up to 120% of the minimum, in a trade where he is pure filler.</font></font></font><br/><br/><b><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">Complex trade assets</font></font></font></b><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">The Mavs also have the ability to use some complex trade assets if they want. While these are less likely to happen than simple trades, teams do use these at times so they are possible. The downside is that the use of these assets requires Cuban to artificially add salary to the taxable payroll, and therefore they are only likely to be used if the net return is very attractive.</font></font></font><br/><br/><font size=\"2\"><i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">Artificial “expiring contracts.”</font></font></i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"> NBA fans are familiar with the concept of using expiring contracts to accept a talented player from another team whose contract is no longer palatable. While the Mavs this summer will have no sizable expiring contracts to offer, they have the ability to create an Artificial Expiring Contract for sign-and-trade purposes, if the need presents itself. </font></font></font><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">In this scenario, a team uses one of their Bird free agents as that needed “expiring contract filler” by offering him a contract far greater than what he will receive on the market in free agency. On paper, the deal is for 3 years, but works like an expiring contract since only year 1 is guaranteed. In addition, the contract would become very advantageous a year later. At that time, they can waive him at no cost, or they can trade him as an instant-expirer for a desired player. The one (considerable) downside to this tool is that it would add significant payroll and tax onto the Mavs budget.</font></font></font><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">Because of base year restrictions and player desires for long-term contracts in free agency, this only will work where the player had a fairly sizable previous contract and is now going to be offered far less. The Mavericks have two such players. In the right trade opportunity, they could offer <i>Stackhouse</i> up to $11.156M which could be swapped for another team’s player making up to $14.045M (in a larger deal than that, base year issues make it no longer desirable.). We think Stack will be back and thus a poor candidate for this.</font></font></font><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">But <i>Croshere</i> would be ideal. They could offer Cro up to $8.76M (which would swap for another team’s player making up to $11.05M). Because this is a contract being created just for trade-matching purposes, it can be sized (with the player’s consent, of course) for the exact amount needed and no more, offering yet another incentive to the team looking to move salary off its books. As long as Cro (for example) is making much more than he would otherwise, and the other team is lowering their salary as they wish, it is a win-win-win scenario for the team willing to add salary for that right piece. Is that the Mavs?</font></font></font><br/><br/><font size=\"2\"><i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">Traded Player Exception</font></font></i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">. Arising from their deadline trade of Anthony Johnson to Atlanta, the Mavs were given a Traded Player Exception, which allows them to take a player from another team while sending only a pick (or cash) rather than a matching contract. When another team is looking to shed salary, this tool can allow the Mavs to accept that player. For the Mavs, their TPE is $2.64M, meaning they could take a player contract as big as $2.74M. Unfortunately, it can’t be combined with sending a player contract away to get a bigger contract back, and the 25% leeway that is given in most trades doesn’t apply to this type of transaction. But if a team wants to move a $2.74M-or-less player that the Mavs want, the Mavs can take them. </font></font></font><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">If they use it, this TPE might tend to be used as more of a \"free agent acquisition\" tool, allowing them to pick up a $2.74M or less free agent via sign-and-trade rather than using up part of their Mid-level Exception. Keeping the full MLE intact for one prized pickup might be very advantageous this summer.</font></font></font><br/><br/><b><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">WHAT ABOUT SPECIFIC TRADE TARGETS?</font></font></font></b><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">There are so many ideas floating around that it’s hard to address them all. But now that we’ve reported some of what the Mavs are saying and defined all the available assets, we’ll take a bit of a stab in those contexts, all in one place.</font></font></font><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">Before we start, let’s offer some disclaimers. First, we did our best to peruse the various forums, and listen to other fans on the street, to see what players or trades you might want discussed. We can’t be sure whom if anyone originated discussions on any of these (and indeed, many of these probably were thought of by multiple fans) but we will give some brief feedback on them here. Do they make sense for the needs and directions of both teams? How do they fit the rules? How do they line up with what we’re hearing so far?</font></font></font><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">Also, on some of these our analysis is going to be too brief. That’s because there are so many to address that it would take too long to write a detailed plus/minus analysis for all of them. </font></font></font><br/><br/><b><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">Trades for Premium Free Agents</font></font></font></b><br/><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">There should be about 5-8 premium free agents this summer (ie, those who will get more than the Mid-Level Exception of about $5.5M available to every team). In theory those are all beyond the Mavs’ price range, but the Mavs hypothetically could sign any of them using the sign-and-trade process and send salary-matching players back to the original team. </font></font></font><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">Is this possible for Dallas? Yes but it’s not workable in every case. The only situations in which it will work for Dallas are (a) a team with cap room might take the player away from his old team for nothing, and the old team wants to ensure some return value for the player they are losing, OR the old team doesn’t want the player back, and (b) the player prefers to play in Dallas. In that situation, getting a valuable talent (like JET, for example) could be a great consolation prize.</font></font></font><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">What is the likelihood of Dallas having a shot on each of those premium players? Let’s take a look at the 8 we think could be in line for an over-MLE payday from someone and explore the probabilities.</font></font></font><br/><br/><font size=\"2\"><i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">Chauncey Billups, PG, Det</font></font></i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">. No chance. He’s a veteran PG who’s excelled in the playoffs and is a leader. Yes he’d help the Mavs. But due to competitive and fan issues, Detroit simply cannot let him get away, so while I think JET would be a great consolation prize for them in a sign-and-trade package, I can’t see the Pistons cooperating with competitors. </font></font></font><br/><br/><font size=\"2\"><i><font color=\"#000000\"><font face=\"Arial\">Mo Williams, PG, Mil. </font></font></i><font color=\"#000000\"><font face=\"Arial\">Not a fit. He’s good, but even though his raw assists numbers would seem to be an improvement for Dallas, he’s more of a combo or scoring point guard – just like the two they already have. He’s smaller than JET with essentially a similar game.</font></font></font><br/><br/><font size=\"2\"><i><font color=\"#000000\"><font face=\"Arial\">Vince Carter, SG, NJ</font></font></i><font color=\"#000000\"><font face=\"Arial\">. Maybe. At 30, he’s an all-star SG who is still incredibly productive and looking for 15M per year over 4-5 years, but the latest news from NJ says they are close to an extension to preclude free agency. If they don’t get it done, he’ll likely get outside offers from teams with plenty of cap room and may leave the Nets with nothing. A Jet-Buckner package would be big enough to match the numbers and might fit the Nets’ roster needs and price. Would the Mavs be a player at that 15M price? If it goes to free agency, the Mavs could have a shot.</font></font></font><br/><br/><font size=\"2\"><i><font color=\"#000000\"><font face=\"Arial\">Rashard Lewis, SF, Sea.</font></font></i><font color=\"#000000\"><font face=\"Arial\"> No. He’s a stellar offensive SF and his size and scoring would help. But he’s older than you think (28), he’s all offense, and you’ll have to overpay to get him to the extent that it might ruffle feathers in the Mavs salary structure for them to offer such a sizable deal to a player of this caliber. Also, the Sonics say they are intent on keeping him so are unlikely to be open to sign-and-trade, and given their existing guards I don’t see any particular fit for a s-n-t offer from Dallas (JET etc) that would really interest them.</font></font></font><br/><br/><font size=\"2\"><i><font color=\"#000000\"><font face=\"Arial\">Gerald Wallace, SF, Cha</font></font></i><font color=\"#000000\"><font face=\"Arial\">. No. Young (25) and very athletic with good numbers (though his stats may be somewhat inflated from the team he plays on). But Charlotte has plenty of cap room, he creates a buzz there, and we see no way they let him get away or entertain s-n-t offers.</font></font></font><br/><br/><font size=\"2\"><i><font color=\"#000000\"><font face=\"Arial\">Darko Milicic, C, Orl. </font></font></i><font color=\"#000000\"><font face=\"Arial\">No. Orlando controls him through restricted rights and is expected to re-sign him. They won’t raise the bidding by offering sign-and-trade options to outside suitors.</font></font></font><br/><br/><font size=\"2\"><i><font color=\"#000000\"><font face=\"Arial\">Andres Nocioni, F, Chi. </font></font></i><font color=\"#000000\"><font face=\"Arial\">No. Chicago controls him through restricted rights and is expected to re-sign him. They won’t raise the bidding by offering sign-and-trade options to outside suitors.</font></font></font><br/><br/><font size=\"2\"><i><font color=\"#000000\"><font face=\"Arial\">Anderson Varejao, PF, Cle</font></font></i><font color=\"#000000\"><font face=\"Arial\">. No. Cleveland controls him through restricted rights and is expected to re-sign him. They won’t raise the bidding by offering sign-and-trade options to outside suitors.</font></font></font><br/><br/><font size=\"2\"><u><font color=\"#000000\"><font face=\"Arial\">SUMMARY</font></font></u><font color=\"#000000\"><font face=\"Arial\">: Vince Carter might be worth a shot if NJ can’t sign him and is looking to salvage something rather than get nothing. Otherwise, none of these sign-and-trade options make sense.</font></font></font><br/><br/><b><font color=\"#3162a6\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">Trades for Superstars</font></font></font></b><br/><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">Since morphing from the Big Three of Finley-Nash-Nowitzki to the current Lone Star setup with only Dirk, Dallas has been lacking a true partner for Dirk in carrying the bulk of the load. (We stay that with all due respect to the development of Josh Howard.) It’s quite difficult to get a superstar without giving up the one you have, and the ones that do move are typically available due to some sort of significant problem. Is there any potential for that rare superstar to be available this summer? And if so, would he fit the Mavs’ needs, be affordable, and a good fit for Dallas?</font></font></font><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">We’ll look at the possibilities. But keep in mind that Donnie said the Mavs have no interest in blowing things up, and almost all of these players would bear a price that either includes Dirk or multiple starters – which to us sounds like a blow-up that remakes the core identity of this team.</font></font></font><br/><br/><b><font color=\"#3162a6\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">Trades for Superstar Big Man</font></font></font></b><br/><br/><br/><font size=\"2\"><i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">Kevin Garnett, PF, Min.</font></font></i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"> Garnett is a franchise player and perennial all-star. With him in his early 30s on a floundering franchise, and with the potential to walk away in free agency in a year, the possibility has to be strong (in spite of varying reports) that he gets moved. In February, we believe the Mavs took at least a passing look at making an offer for him (a Howard-Stackhouse-Croshere package) then declined. </font></font></font><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">His contract is huge, so it would take a pile of salary to make a trade match. The Mavs could legally package together the same concept they considered earlier (Howard-Stack-Cro, the latter two on artificially expiring contracts). But if he’s on the market now, there would be tons of competition, and although that package offers a young All-Star and ultimately a lot less salary going from KG to J-Ho, it doubt it would be nearly enough to out-bid the competition. Add Terry? Devin? Add one of those to J-Ho and an expiring (or 2, as needed) and you’re getting close, but those pieces don’t fit very neatly in Minnesota and it remakes the Mavs entirely. </font></font></font><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">In fact, the ONLY successful trade for KG that would make any sense is simply to offer Dirk (plus whatever salary filler it takes) for KG. That would only take one piece from their core, it would out-bid everyone, and such a trade would instantly transform the Mavs from being centered around an unconventional PF to a traditional one. It would also add the grit and post presence they’ve wanted. Unfortunately, it also would subtract the major matchup nightmare that has allowed the Mavs to now have the unique ability to compete with San Antonio and perhaps win. Would I do it? I’d be tempted, but I’d pass. </font></font></font><br/><br/><font size=\"2\"><i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">Jermaine O’Neal, PF, Ind</font></font></i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">. O’Neal is a rugged PF who scores, plays tough defense and rebounds. He’s reportedly available and Indy would prefer to trade him to the West. But he’s had repeated injury issues in recent years, and while we (rightly) think of him as more of a bruiser than Dirk, he still is NOT the classic low post player like Shaq or Duncan. In fact two of the main issues with him in Indiana are ones that would be just as big of a problem here: a. He wants a big bruising center alongside, where he doesn’t have to do the heavy physical grunt work, and b. He prefers to play mid-range and perimeter rather than on the low blocks. He is Dirk’s age, and his contract is near the top in the NBA. </font></font></font><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">But the trade price would be the key issue, and there would be competitors (notably NY and LA).</font></font></font><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">The Pacers would presumably want a big man and perhaps a solid PG or combo guard. JET would be ideal there, and Dampier would work too, but a Damp-JET package could (and would) likely be outbid. Sub J-Ho for one or the other? They already have too many good players at SF. Damp-Devin? It might not be any more desirable to the Pacers than Damp-JET because they badly need JET’s shooting. JO for Dirk? Not interested at all.</font></font></font><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">As good as he is, in the final analysis JO’s injury issues and his penchant to be a mid-ranger rather than a postup guy limits my enthusiasm to get him. Spending two starters (Damp-JET or Damp-Devin) adds some talent in the frontcourt but leaves an even bigger hole at guard, with no real assets remaining to fill it. And that’s probably not enough anyhow to get him. While pairing Dirk and JO would seem to be ideal on paper, in the final analysis this looks like a dead end. </font></font></font><br/><br/><font size=\"2\"><i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">Shaquille O’Neal, C, Mia</font></font></i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">. He’s the big bruising classic low-post center. He can score, rebound, and defend. He is aging (35) and often has injury/conditioning issues, but he still brings it in the playoffs. If the price was Damp-JET I’d do it even though he only has a few good years left, but Miami says he’s not available at all.</font></font></font><br/><br/><font size=\"2\"><i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">au Gasol, PF, Mem.</font></font></i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"> Instead of Dirk? No. Alongside Dirk? No. That would be a horrendous defensive setup. Not even sure if he will be traded but if so, I can’t see him coming to Dallas.</font></font></font><br/><br/><font size=\"2\"><u><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">SUMMARY</font></font></u><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">: The only idea here that would have a reasonable shot of working for both teams would be Dirk-for-Garnett, and while that makes sense in a lot of ways, I’d prefer to keep Dirk. I think the Mavs feel the same way. </font></font></font><br/><br/><b><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">Trades for Superstar Perimeter Players </font></font></font></b><br/><br/><br/><font size=\"2\"><i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">Jason Kidd, PG, NJ</font></font></i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">. He’s a big guard and he can create – which fits the Mavs’ needs – and he’s still a major talent who excelled in the playoffs. But with the size of his contract, matching both salaries and talent on both ends of a trade to get him would be a significant hurdle. Besdies, NJ presently gives every indication they intend to keep their core intact which means he would be unavailable. (All of it hinges on whether the Nets can re-sign Vince Carter.) Note that he has been mentioned by ESPN’s Marc Stein as Cuban’s No. 1 target via trade this summer if available.</font></font></font><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">The contract matching would be tricky and perhaps a deal-killer, however. If he’s available, the Nets will have decided to rebuild, but to match Kidd’s contract the Mavs would have to send at least one or two sizable long-term contracts back, which usually is inconsistent with the concept of rebuilding. The only alternative that might make sense is to fill a large portion of the required salary with an artificial expiring contract or two, such as a Harris-Croshere–Stackhouse package.</font></font></font><br/><br/><font size=\"2\"><i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">Joe Johnson, SG, Atl</font></font></i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">. He’s a big guard, young, talented, scores, defends, and is a leader. But the Hawks love him. He’s going nowhere.</font></font></font><br/><br/><font size=\"2\"><i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">aul Pierce, SG, Bos</font></font></i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">. He’s everything the Mavs need: he scores, defends, leads, is a big guard, and makes and takes the tough shots. Oh, and he’s got that “tough guy’’ thing. The only downside is his age (30). But is there a trade idea that would excite Boston enough to trade him, without blowing up the Mavs or trading Dirk? I don’t think so. And there have been no whispers that he’s on the market. This is a dead end.</font></font></font><br/><br/><font size=\"2\"><i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">Kobe Bryant, SG, LAL.</font></font></i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"> He’s a big guard with all the talent in the world: he creates shots, defends, and can carry a team. But the price would be Dirk, and Kobe has shown no indication in LA of being able to get his team far in the playoffs as the top dawg. Add in the drama and narcissism he brings, and we’re not even remotely interested. And I’m skeptical the Lakers will shop him even if he pouts – his antics mixed with his repeated oncourt brilliance make an ideal package for the glitzy LA market.</font></font></font><br/><br/><font size=\"2\"><i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">Ray Allen, SG, Sea.</font></font></i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"> He’s a big guard and has been an All-Star and leader for years. His offensive game is well-rounded. While his contract is big and long-term, and he is aging (32 in July), Seattle gives every indication they want him to remain their star veteran leader rather than move him for younger cheaper talent. The Allen-Durant duo, with perhaps R-Lewis alongside as well, has the real potential to make waves, and the team has a desperate need to create excitement for a new arena (or in a new market if they end up moving). Keeping Allen gives them their best shot.</font></font></font><br/><br/><font size=\"2\"><u><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">SUMMARY</font></font></u><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">: Jason Kidd looks like a nonsense-style target (his availability is questionable, and the price might not work) – and even at that, he’s by far the likeliest idea here. The rest are dead.</font></font></font><br/><b><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">Other Big Man Targets</font></font></font></b><br/><br/><br/><font size=\"2\"><i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">Marcus Camby, C, Den.</font></font></i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"> He is a superior athletic shot-blocker and rebounder that can score. But he is a bit undersized, aging (33) and has had injury issues. The Nuggets reportedly are looking for a taker, in a quest to avoid a sizable tax hit and open more minutes for the much younger and highly paid Nene. But there’s a catch: Denver is really looking for IMMEDIATE cap help (ie, a team with cap space to absorb salary in the deal). For Dallas to get into the mix, there would have to be a 3-way deal of some sort: Camby to Dallas, Player X from Dallas to Team 3, and then picks and/or a young inexpensive talent to Denver.</font></font></font><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">Unfortunately “Team 3” options are limited, because most teams with cap space will be hoarding it for use in free agency. Charlotte is the one team with an abundance of cap room, but who goes to Charlotte to make it work? It takes at least 7.12M in 2007-08 salary to match. Stack, in a sign-and-trade? They could use his leadership, but he and M Jordan are oil-and-water. Croshere as an artificial expiring? The money could work, but Cro doesn’t help Charlotte, and the Mavs likely don’t have a young talent to add that would make them eager to accept that much payroll. JET would work and would be ideal for the Bobcats’ needs, but if you trade your best trade chip for a 3rd center, how do then come back and fill the need for a big guard? </font></font></font><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">We think Camby could help in many ways – particularly as a center against those small running teams that give Dallas matchup problems. But the price is tricky. </font></font></font><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">If Denver would take Croshere and a pick and wait for a year to see their tax problem vanish, I’d say go for it, but it would seem they could get a much better offer elsewhere. If it takes JET to get Charlotte involved, I’m out, unless in that deal you can somehow get both Camby and the needed guard piece. Would JR Smith be available as a throw-in, and would he be enough? Steve Blake (in a sign-and-trade), JR Smith, and Camby, with the Mavs sending back DJ Mbenga or Diop and JET going to Charlotte? The viability of all of this hinges on how badly does Denver want to shed that tax problem, but something here might have potential.</font></font></font><br/><br/><font size=\"2\"><i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">Rasheed Wallace, PF, Det</font></font></i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">. While he has drifted to the perimeter more and more, his intensity and defense – along with his ability to score in the post – would be a great fit here. The downside would be his penchant for losing his cool on the court, along with his age (33 in Sept), but if there was an easy trade match I’d say yes in a flash. Unfortunately the size of his contract, combined with the Mavs’ assets, isn’t a good fit for what Detroit might want. They’d need a forward in return, and I’m definitely not offering Dirk or J-Ho. </font></font></font><br/><br/><font size=\"2\"><i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">Zach Randolph, F, Por</font></font></i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">. He’s a star-level low post scorer, provides 20/10 production, and is said to be very available for the right price. But he is horrendous defensively, which makes him a lousy complement to Dirk. No thanks.</font></font></font><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">Would a 3-way work, with JET/filler to Portland, Randolph going somewhere else, and Team 3 sending someone talented to Dallas? While that’s an attractive concept for Dallas, it’s a no go for the simple reason that Portland should be able to get a much better return elsewhere for a 20/10 low post forward.</font></font></font><br/><br/><font size=\"2\"><i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">Andrei Kirilenko, F, Utah</font></font></i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">. He’s a talented all-around player who does a little of everything, but he’s paid near-max and now doesn’t produce like that kind of player. His strength is defense but he has some offensive skills, too. The large disparity between his contract and his production is what makes him available, and that is unlikely to change in Utah since his game seems to suffer from sharing space and touches now that star PF Boozer is healthy and thriving in the paint. He went from a consistent long-term 16/8/4 player to an 8/5/3 level virtually overnight this year.</font></font></font><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">This isn’t an easy idea to evaluate on several levels. He plays forward where the Mavs already have Dirk and J-Ho, which would necessitate a move by someone to make a fit. And the issue of his decline in production, in light of the monstrous financial commitment, demands caution.</font></font></font><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">But – at least on paper – it might work, and in fact it might work spectacularly. Maybe J-Ho moves to SG and becomes the big guard the Mavs need. AK steps in at SF, and has plenty of offensive room in the low post when needed. With a duo of AK and J-Ho at the SF/SG positions, they could wreak havoc defensively alongside Devin at PG and Damp/Diop patrolling the lane. And he’s only 26, so there is some youth on his side.</font></font></font><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">From very public statements, it is known that the Jazz would love to move him but consider it virtually impossible. I’d do a ton of homework, to try to ascertain how he might fit here and whether that would make him an All-Star caliber player again, and if so I’d go after him. If Utah would simply love to erase his salary, offer an artificial expiring contract of Croshere, plus Buckner, and it’s big enough. If they want some talent, add a kid or a pick. If they want JET, maybe you even go that far, if your homework has told you the upside looks sizable enough. This opportunity is clearly worth exploring fully.</font></font></font><br/><br/><font size=\"2\"><i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">Brad Miller, C, Sac</font></font></i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">. A perimeter center, he has 3 big contractual years remaining, and his play has slipped dramatically. His defense was always spotty. The Kings would love to get rid of his contract, but an aging (31) overpaid guy who doesn’t really complement Dirk makes no sense. </font></font></font><br/><br/><font size=\"2\"><i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">Lamar Odom, F, LAL</font></font></i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">. Highly paid and consistently puts up strong numbers as an all-around SF/PF mix. He can score from the post, pass and rebound. The Lakers aren’t looking to give him away, and while they might find JET valuable, I don’t see how a JET+pieces package would be enough to entice them, and there’s no way you trade Dirk or J-Ho for him. </font></font></font><br/><br/><font size=\"2\"><u><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">SUMMARY</font></font></u><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">: There were attractive ideas among the forwards. With both Camby and Kirilenko said to be available, those are easy places to start, and the price might be workable as well. If it can be determined that there is a reasonable expectation for AK to return to his star form with a change of scenery, if he looks like he’s fit next to J-Ho, and if the price is cheap (3 really big if’s, but all of them very possible), he’d make a great addition and solve several holes at once.</font></font></font><br/><br/><b><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">Other PG/SG/SF Targets</font></font></font></b><br/><br/><font size=\"2\"><i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">Ron Artest, SF, Sac</font></font></i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">. The talented-but-troubled Ron-Ron has reportedly worn out his welcome in Sacramento already and is available. He can play, and would be well served by maximizing his defensive skills, but instead he wants to be an offensive focus.</font></font></font><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">At this point, I’d take a flier on him only if it didn’t take a core player like JET, Devin, and so on, but I suspect the Kings will be able to do better elsewhere. For the Mavs who are already elite, he’s just so unstable that you can’t take the risk of giving much for him, and his determined focus to be an offensive key subtracts significantly from his value on the court. </font></font></font><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">Besides, I want to see him traded to the Lakers to play alongside Kobe in one of those pairings that makes fantasy players delighted but becomes an inevitable train wreck. Envision Artest dribbling into a triple team for the 4th time in a row and forcing up some ugly shot, while Kobe is literally screaming at him from the perimeter to pass him the ball. I can picture the top of Kobe’s head flying off in rage. Next Kobe starts hoisting up 30-footers while Artest is visibly fuming at not being the offensive focus and refusing to play defense while plotting his response. It would be horrendous basketball to watch, but wouldn’t it bring the fun back to Sportscenter? How irresistible would it be, to turn it on and expect to see those two trying to play tit-for-tat on each other, night after night. “You watching Celebrity Death Match again, Dad?’’ “No, it’s riveting Laker basketball.’’</font></font></font><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">Artest to LA? Sign me up, and bring the popcorn. </font></font></font><br/><br/><font size=\"2\"><i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">Mike Bibby, PG, Sac</font></font></i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">. He’s a talented offensive PG, but his defense stinks and he is getting old. At this point, he’s more hype than substance. No thanks.</font></font></font><br/><br/><font size=\"2\"><i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">Richard Jefferson, SF, NJ.</font></font></i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"> He’s a bit more offensively gifted version of J-Ho, but doesn’t board as well. He’s not really a SG candidate, but he has perimeter skills. If the Nets re-sign Carter, RJ is likely to be shopped. But the only way they will trade him would be in a deal for a star or near star big man (C/PF). That means Dirk – and Dallas obviously won’t be interested.</font></font></font><br/><br/><font size=\"2\"><i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">Sam Cassell, PG, LAC</font></font></i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">. Sam is a leader but is fairly ancient (38 in Nov) and has injury issues that keep arising. He’s only a short-term solution, but in a package with Maggette as the needed SG who is big and can attack (as outlined in Part 1), I’m very interested. But would LA say yes?</font></font></font><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">By himself, I don’t see a practical way to get him. Due to how short-term he is, JET or Devin are way too much for him, and the Clippers don’t have an incentive to give him way. </font></font></font><br/><br/><i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">Steve Francis, G, NY</font></font></font></i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">. He used to be The Franchise in Houston, but now he’s just one of Isiah Thomas’s collection of overpaid scrubs. Is he worth chasing? At one time, he was a star and a leader, but the contract, the years, and the regular mediocrity, combined with all the pieces it would take to make a match, make him of little interest. I’d prefer to take my chances with JET, who is about the same size and in spite of his flaws, has consistently been producing here.</font><br/><br/><font size=\"2\"><u>SUMMARY</u>: Cassell could work in the multi-player package from Part 1. Otherwise, nothing.</font></font></font><br/><br/><b><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">Specific Mavs trades not mentioned above </font></font></font></b><br/><br/><i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">How about Terry, Buckner, and Mbenga to Boston - for Ratliff, youth, and the #5 pick?</font></font></font></i><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">That’s the wrong direction. You have spent your trade chips, and you didn’t fix a thing. Yes you got some pieces for the future, but any trade needs to improve the chances for 2007/08. </font></font></font><br/><br/><i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">How about Devin Harris to Atlanta, for the #11 pick and one of the Josh’s (Smith or Childress)?</font></font></font></i><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">Going on the assumption that DH is going to be the full-time starting PG here next year and the Mavs see him as a future star, I’m not at all interested. </font></font></font><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">But in the event that they’ve secretly decided he can’t or won’t be that guy, I’m in favor of turning the team over to JET and getting the best return possible for Devin right now, before he signs an extension and while his trade value is sizable. This idea could make sense for the Hawks who want a PG, and it would return the perimeter size and scoring the Mavs need, plus a pick. Likelihood? While it makes sense on a lot of levels, very low, I suspect. … again in large part because we believe the Mavs still have a great deal of faith in DH.</font></font></font><br/><br/><i><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">What other trades make sense?</font></font></font></i><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">Our two favorites, due to the simplicity factor of trading excess for need, were outlined in Part 1:</font></font></font><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">Terry-Buckner to Minnesota for Davis-James.</font></font></font><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">Terry-Buckner to LAC for Maggette-Cassell.</font></font></font><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">The first of those seems no longer possible, since James will reportedly be traded to Houston. But the T-wolves have other equally viable players to fill that slot at a similar salary. We’d still be interested.</font></font></font><br/><br/><b><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">Trades using the Trade Exception</font></font></font></b><br/><br/><font size=\"2\"><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">While using the Trade Exception would technically be a trade, it would really be more of a free agency tool, in that the Mavs could use it for a sign-and-trade without sending any players in return. It would be ideal for working with</font></font><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Times New Roman\"> a team that doesn’t want salary.</font></font></font><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">My ideal target would be <i>Grant Hill</i>. Orlando is hoarding cap space for premium free agents and would have no desire to get a player back, but would most likely cooperate for a free pick or cash. If Hill can be acquired by this method, it would preserve the full MLE for satisfying a 2nd need. Word is he has a short list (Detroit and Phx) but that shouldn’t deter Dallas from examining it.</font></font></font><br/><br/><font size=\"2\"><u><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">BOTTOM LINE ON ALL THE SPECIFIC TRADES</font></font></u><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">: Altogether, there weren’t many ideas that made sense to us and seemed somehow doable. Here they are in one place: </font></font></font><br/><br/><font size=\"2\"><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Symbol\">· </font></font><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">Terry-Buckner to Minnesota for Davis-filler </font></font></font><br/><font size=\"2\"><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Symbol\">· </font></font><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">Terry-Buckner to LAC for Maggette-Cassell </font></font></font><br/><font size=\"2\"><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Symbol\">· </font></font><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">Jason Kidd for Harris and expirings </font></font></font><br/><font size=\"2\"><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Symbol\">· </font></font><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">Vince Carter in a sign-and-trade (if NJ can’t sign him) </font></font></font><br/><font size=\"2\"><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Symbol\">· </font></font><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">Kirilenko (if he’s cheap, repairable, and Jho can fit at SG) </font></font></font><br/><font size=\"2\"><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Symbol\">· </font></font><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">Marcus Camby in a 3-way with Charlotte using JET that also nets a guard </font></font></font><br/><font size=\"2\"><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Symbol\">· </font></font><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">Devin Harris to Atlanta for Josh (Somebody) and a pick, if DH isn’t going to work here </font></font></font><br/><font size=\"2\"><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Symbol\">· </font></font><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">Grant Hill for a pick, using the Trade Exception </font></font></font><br/><br/><b><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">HOW LIKELY IS A TRADE?</font></font></font></b><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">Among all these ideas, how much is likely to happen? Most likely, not a thing. Trades are not as easy as we think, and they take two teams trying to make it happen, not one. </font></font></font><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">Look back at all the options we’ve dismissed here. We’re left with relatively few that are even logical and viable. But we’ve been told that NBA teams themselves weigh and explore all the options we do, and more. If we’ve been dreaming up something that makes sense, they probably thought of it months ago and have tried to see if it would work or not. And then…?</font></font></font><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">An experienced NBA front office guy once told me this about trades: “When you hear rumors, be aware that 99% of what gets into the media is false and for one reason or another has never even been seriously considered. Of the 1% that is accurate, 99% of those never make it – the teams just can’t make it work for all parties.”</font></font></font><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">But every once in a while, one makes it through. Will this summer be the time, and will one of these ideas be the one?</font></font></font><br/><br/><font size=\"2\"><b><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">ARTING NOTE – AIR BALL</font></font></b><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\">. In our recent article on free agency, we selected Grant Hill and Chris Webber as the two players at the top of our summer shopping list for Dallas. After watching more of the playoffs, we’ve deleted Webber from our list entirely.</font></font></font><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">Before he went to Detroit, we thought he was washed up, but his play at season’s end and in the early playoff series made us think we had missed – and his size and post play would help the Mavs. But the more we see, the less we like. No thanks. We don’t want him at all anymore.</font></font></font><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"2\">We’ve elevated PJ Brown to the top of our list of big men. Hill still remains our top perimeter idea but the Mavs have reportedly been looking at a star Euro guard we know only by reports. Theo Papaloukas (30) may fit their needs: he’s a big (6-7) combo guard with excellent passing skills whose size could provide an excellent complement alongside JET and Devin. </font></font></font><br/><br/><font color=\"#333333\"><font face=\"Arial\"><font size=\"1\"><i>759am June 14 2007</i></font></font></font><br/><br/><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><font color=\"#003399\"></font></a></font></font></font>
metzelder21 发表于 2007-6-15 11:54:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>前小牛老大 迈克 芬利 得到NBA总冠军</p><p>大家祝贺一哈把。</p><p>12争战了12年的老将 这是他该得的</p>
yytut 发表于 2007-6-15 16:44:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>metzelder21</i>在2007-6-15 11:54:00的发言:</b><br/><p>前小牛老大 迈克 芬利 得到NBA总冠军</p><p>大家祝贺一哈把。</p><p>12争战了12年的老将 这是他该得的</p></div><p></p><p>恭喜他梦想成真,小牛当初三人组已有一人圆梦</p><p>后面该是另外两兄弟的表演了</p>
yytut 发表于 2007-6-15 16:52:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><div><p>Donnie:“不,我们喜欢我们的球队。我们取得了67胜,去年我们进入了总决赛,所以我们没有在寻找破坏一切的理由……[但是]如果我们能做一次有助于把事情推向正确的方向的行动,我们当然会考虑。我们喜欢我们拥有的球员所组成的球队概念,我们认为我们能在此基础上建队。”</p></div><br/></div><p>  </p><p>只要不是被失败的打击冲昏了头脑都会这么选择的,更何况这还是一支正在上升的队伍,就等于买了一支潜力股,早晚能赚翻本。</p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" />
克尼马 发表于 2007-6-15 18:09:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>SantaBallack</i>在2007-6-3 23:27:00的发言:</b><br/>高考前最后一帖~期待小牛的完美引进~~~<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em03.gif\" /></div><p><font size=\"2\">考得如何?</font></p>
克尼马 发表于 2007-6-15 21:47:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>metzelder21</i>在2007-5-29 14:29:00的发言:</b><br/><p></p><p></p>美专家:小牛应追逐科比 诺维茨基缺乏冠军之心</div><p><font size=\"2\">纯属胡扯,依然相信Dirk的职业生涯至少会收获一个总冠军!!!</font></p>
 楼主| yohjif 发表于 2007-6-15 22:31:00 | 显示全部楼层
Liujin 发表于 2007-6-15 22:37:00 | 显示全部楼层
最后一句是关键!<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em01.gif\" />
Liujin 发表于 2007-6-15 22:38:00 | 显示全部楼层
对了,姐姐今天答辩怎么样?<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em18.gif\" />挺顺利吧
SantaBallack 发表于 2007-6-16 12:13:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>克尼马</i>在2007-6-15 18:09:00的发言:</b><br/><p><font size=\"2\">考得如何?</font></p></div><p>正常发挥吧,可能和自己理想的分数会有差距,但至少没有失常,值得庆幸~</p><p>恭喜芬利老大得到NBA总冠军戒指.</p><p>希望下赛季轮到德克,下下赛季...再说吧~</p>
 楼主| yohjif 发表于 2007-6-16 17:59:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>Liujin</i>在2007-6-15 22:38:00的发言:</b><br/>对了,姐姐今天答辩怎么样?<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em18.gif\" />挺顺利吧</div><p>谢谢关心,还算顺利,嘿嘿</p>
克尼马 发表于 2007-6-16 22:45:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>SantaBallack</i>在2007-6-16 12:13:00的发言:</b><br/><p>正常发挥吧,可能和自己理想的分数会有差距,但至少没有失常,值得庆幸~</p><p>恭喜芬利老大得到NBA总冠军戒指.</p><p>希望下赛季轮到德克,下下赛季...再说吧~</p></div><p><font size=\"2\">祝填报志愿交好运,呵呵.</font></p>
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