中国德迷联盟 -




ayakid 发表于 2007-11-22 22:36:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 木梳 发表于 2007-11-22 22:46:00 | 显示全部楼层
以快乐的名义 发表于 2007-11-23 01:19:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p><a href=\"\"></a></p><p>大卫·理查兹已经确认不会按原计划在2008年进入F1了。<br/><br/>“在我们的参赛资格上依然有争议,”英国人在接受德国杂志AMUS采访时这样说道。<br/><br/>“此外,新的协和协议也被延期了。我们希望FIA能允许我们在下赛季中期开始参赛,但我们的要求被拒绝了。”<br/><br/>“所以就2008年来说,Prodrive F1车队参赛的机会已经很渺茫了,”<br/><br/>而去年4月,FIA宣布这支以Banbury为基地并在WRC中非常著名的车队,被选为2008赛季第12支参赛车队。<br/><br/>但是“客户车队”规则已经招徕围场内越来越激烈的争议,理查兹上月透露与原计划中迈凯伦—梅赛德斯车队的联系已经关闭。<br/><br/>理查兹透露Prodrive现在的目标是能在2009赛季加入F1——只要WMSC同意的话。<br/><br/>“第二,我们必须等待新的协和协定。只有那时,我们才能充分评估我们的选择”<br/><br/>最后理查兹说道:“我们的志向依然是F1”<br/><br/>“但是这里有法律风险,我们想使用客户赛车。所以,我们整个商业计划都有疑问。”<br/><br/>“所以我们得重新审视计划而不是盲目的参赛。”<br/><br/><br/></p>
swaywithhim 发表于 2007-11-27 18:20:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p><strong>[FOOL翻译组]Sutil says he\'s staying at Force India <br/>苏蒂尔:要为印度添力量!<br/></strong>By Jonathan Noble Monday, November 26th 2007, 12:01 GMT </p><p><br/>Adrian Sutil has insisted that his future in Formula One is with Force India next year, as he rules out joining another team for 2008.<br/>阿德里安·苏蒂尔强调他在F1的未来一年会与印度力量在一起,并排除了他2008年会投奔其他车队的想法。</p><p>Sutil signed a long-term deal with his current outfit last year, but in recent weeks his name was linked in connection with a number of drives elsewhere on the grid for 2008, including Toyota and McLaren at one point.<br/>苏蒂尔凭借他当前的表现(与车队)签订了一份长期的协议,但是最近他的名字常常和另外一些车手一起被联结在一个08年的蝴蝶效应里[意译,请指正],包括去丰田和迈克拉伦的可能。</p><p>But speaking during the end-of-season prize giving ceremony for Germany\'s ADAC club in Red Bull\'s Hangar-7, Sutil made it clear that he was not looking elsewhere and was now just waiting to see who his teammate at Force India would be.<br/>但在季末德国ADAC俱乐部的颁奖礼上,苏蒂尔澄清说,他不会着眼于其他地方,现在仅仅是等待着看看谁会成为他在印度力量的队友。</p><p>He reckons that the choice is between Christian Klien and Vitantonio Liuzzi, both of whom tested for the team in Barcelona earlier this month.<br/>他认为这个选择会在克里斯蒂安·克莱恩和维坦托尼奥·里尤兹中产生,在这个月初,他们都参加了车队在巴塞罗那的试车。</p><p>\"I have a valid contract with Force India for 2008 and I am not looking around elsewhere,\" said Sutil. \"The team, under the new owner, are in the situation to choose an experienced driver and not to look for a pay driver.<br/>“我和印度力量在2008赛季有一份有效的合同,而且我不会考虑其他地方”苏蒂尔说:“这个车队,在新管理人的领导下,会着眼于选择一个有经验的车手而不会寻找一个付费车手。”</p><p>\"In my personal opinion I think it will be decided between Klien and Liuzzi. Both did an excellent job recently in testing in Barcelona. Both deserve to be in F1 whereas others who are just having money should not race there.\"<br/>“在我个人看来,我认为决定会在克莱恩和里尤兹之间做出。他们在巴塞罗测试中都作了很出色的工作。他们都应该在F1继续获得发展,而不是被一些仅仅有足够资金却不懂得如何比赛的人取代。”</p>
ayakid 发表于 2007-11-27 19:02:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><p>Sutil signed a long-term deal with his current outfit last year, but in recent weeks his name was linked in connection with a number of drives elsewhere on the grid for 2008, including Toyota and McLaren at one point.<br/>苏蒂尔凭借他当前的表现(与车队)签订了一份长期的协议,但是最近他的名字常常和另外一些车手一起被联结在一个08年的蝴蝶效应里[意译,请指正],包括去丰田和迈克拉伦的可能。</p></div><p>*_*</p><p>俺喜欢这个翻译……</p>
swaywithhim 发表于 2007-11-27 19:36:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 木梳 发表于 2007-11-27 19:39:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>swaywithhim</i>在2007-11-27 19:36:00的发言:</b><br/>=v=你咋不说喜欢标题呢~!咱们印度有力量,嘿~!</div><p></p><p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em20.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em20.gif\" /></p><p>小仙儿你果然油菜!</p>
swaywithhim 发表于 2007-11-27 19:50:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>木梳</i>在2007-11-27 19:39:00的发言:</b><br/><p></p><p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em20.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em20.gif\" /></p><p>小仙儿你果然油菜!</p></div>不过我也就只会唱这一句了。
swaywithhim 发表于 2007-11-27 19:58:00 | 显示全部楼层
                <br/><strong>Rosberg hopes for long stint at Williams<br/>罗斯伯格:愿与威廉姆斯长相厮守 </strong></p><p>By Jonathan Noble Monday, November 26th 2007, 14:49 GMT</p><p>翻译:swaywithhim    校对:onna(冬瓜火腿汤) </p><p><br/>Nico Rosberg has dropped a firm hint that he could be staying at Williams for the long term.<br/>尼科·罗斯伯格给出了一个坚决的暗示:他会长期留在威廉姆斯。</p><p>The German is committed to the Grove-based team for next season, despite having been linked with the vacant seat at McLaren, and could be one of the key figures in the driver market at the end of the 2008.<br/>这个德国人保证下个赛季能在威廉姆斯,尽管他曾经被联系在迈克拉伦那个空余的车手席位上,并写可能在08年赛季末的车手市场上成为一个关键先生。</p><p>But despite welcoming the interest surrounding him, Rosberg has said that he could see himself sticking it out at Williams for many years yet - because he wants the challenge of helping them back to the winners\' circle.<br/>但是,尽管他周围存在着无数的邀请,罗斯伯格说过他会愿意在威廉姆斯呆上许多年……因为他想要挑战,帮助车队回到冠军争夺者的行列中去。</p><p>\"I\'m not going anywhere, at least for another season, and hopefully for longer than that,\" said Rosberg in an interview with The Mail on Sunday.<br/>“我不会去任何地方[好像有这么首歌曲=v=],至少在近几个赛季之内不会,希望还能在更长的时间内。”罗斯伯格在《英国周日邮报》的访问中这样说道。</p><p>He added: \"It\'s very nice to be linked to a move to McLaren and it would certainly be interesting to team up with Lewis again after we were teammates a few years back.<br/>他补充说:“能被联系到转会迈克拉伦确实很不错,而且能和刘易斯在多年之后再次成为队友也许会很有意思。”</p><p>\"But I\'m very happy where I am. We made significant progress last year and I\'m hoping we continue to improve even more next season.<br/>“但是我很高兴我能在这,去年我们取得了一些意义重大的进步,而且我希望下一个赛季能够继续保持这样的前进状态,并能得到更多的发展。”</p><p>\"I want to play a major part in taking Williams back to the good times again, just as Alonso did with Renault and Michael Schumacher did at Ferrari before that.<br/>“我想在威廉姆斯复兴运动中起到主力作用,就像阿隆索当年在雷诺车队以及迈克尔舒马赫之前在法拉利车队那样。”</p><p>\"To turn a team around to that level is a greater achievement than just winning the world title with the best car.\"<br/>“能带着一个车队回到顶峰状态比一个人开着辆好车拿到冠军有意义多了。”</p><p>Rosberg believes that Formula One could be about to witness a young-generation takeover - with himself, Lewis Hamilton and Robert Kubica poised to take the limelight.<br/>罗斯伯格相信会有一批新的接班人来见证一级方程式运动的变迁,这包括了他本人,刘易斯·汉密尔顿,罗伯特·库比卡都将准备接受聚光灯的洗礼。</p><p>\"I\'m really excited because I believe F1 will come to be dominated by my generation very soon,\" he said. <br/>“我真得十分激动,因为我相信F1不久就将成为我们这代人的天下”他说。</p><p>\"I was the first of us to arrive in the sport, and Lewis is now ahead of the rest of us, but I believe there will be a great rivalry in the next few years involving Lewis, myself, Robert and Heikki, with maybe Sebastian Vettel, too, joining us because he did really well when he started racing midway through last season.<br/>“我是我们这一批中第一个登陆这项运动的人,而刘易斯现在成为了我们的代表人物,但我相信,在近年之内包括刘易斯 ,我,罗伯特和海基,我们之间会展开激烈的竞争。也许还有维特尔,他会很快地加入我们的竞争,因为他在赛季中才加入比赛,但是他发挥得十分出色。”</p><p>\"The sport needs these sort of rivalries and I hope people will come to talk of us one day like they used to talk about the great rivalries involving Alain Prost, Ayrton Senna, Nigel Mansell and Nelson Piquet.\"<br/>“这项运动需要这样的竞争者,而且我希望人们有一天会讨论我们就像他们曾经讨论那些伟大的战士包括阿兰·普罗斯特,阿亚顿·塞纳,尼格·曼塞尔以及尼尔森·皮奎特。”<br/></p>
 楼主| 木梳 发表于 2007-11-27 20:01:00 | 显示全部楼层
ayakid 发表于 2007-11-27 20:03:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 木梳 发表于 2007-11-27 20:04:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>ayakid</i>在2007-11-27 20:03:00的发言:</b><br/>发觉罗斯同学的这篇新闻很容易就把标题给rp了==|||</div><p>我们不能只看标题,我们要看内涵</p><p>关于内涵的回帖丢在罗斯宝同学的楼里了~~~</p>
冬瓜火腿汤 发表于 2007-11-27 20:05:00 | 显示全部楼层
swaywithhim 发表于 2007-11-27 20:06:00 | 显示全部楼层
ayakid 发表于 2007-11-27 20:09:00 | 显示全部楼层
swaywithhim 发表于 2007-11-27 20:10:00 | 显示全部楼层
ayakid 发表于 2007-11-27 20:12:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 木梳 发表于 2007-11-27 20:15:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>swaywithhim</i>在2007-11-27 20:10:00的发言:</b><br/>难道你们要看“罗斯宝的爱,生是威家人死是威家死人”?</div><p>好寒……</p><p>我还是喜欢你的长相厮守……</p>
冬瓜火腿汤 发表于 2007-11-27 20:22:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>swaywithhim</i>在2007-11-27 20:10:00的发言:</b><br/>难道你们要看“罗斯宝的爱,生是威家人死是威家死人”?</div><p></p>生是威家人死是威家鬼……<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em08.gif\" />
ayakid 发表于 2007-11-27 20:30:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>冬瓜火腿汤</i>在2007-11-27 20:22:00的发言:</b><br/><p></p>生是威家人死是威家鬼……<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em08.gif\" /></div><p></p><p>-V-</p><p>还记得某次红牛杂志写道威家的时候,罗斯的地位已经是封存在玻璃柜子里面,外面围一警戒护栏说生人勿近的状态了~</p>
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