中国德迷联盟 -




木梳 发表于 2007-10-4 20:20:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<p>本站相关新闻请一律跟帖于此,同时欢迎展开讨论。</p><p>本站图片集合帖<br/><a href=";ID=95369&amp;page=1">;ID=95369&amp;page=1</a></p><p><strong><font color="#0000ff">第一页</font></strong><br/>主楼    目录用<br/>2楼    [信息]赛程及转播时间表 <br/>3楼    [资料]上赛道介绍<br/>4楼    [新闻]汉密尔顿将被F1仲裁调查 中国站加冕总冠军蒙阴影<br/>5楼    [新闻]Thursday's press conference - China(英文)<br/><font color="#008000">7楼    [FOOL翻译组]Jarno呼唤Nano <br/>8楼    [FOOL翻译组]阿隆索:期待灵魂再附体<br/>10楼   [FOOL翻译组]Massa为2007年的表现感到开心<br/></font>12楼   [新闻]签名会时间表<br/>13楼   [新闻]小红牛经理举报撞车视频 托斯特阐述小汉违规原因</p><p><strong><font color="#0000ff">第二页<br/></font>25楼   [战报]F1中国大奖赛首次练习 莱科宁夺第一汉密尔顿第四<br/>30楼   [战报]F1中国站次练莱科宁继续领跑 阿隆索0.006秒惜败<br/></strong><font color="#008000">34楼   [FOOL翻译组]恐惧!小黑心中的赛会阴影<br/></font>39楼   [新闻]Hamilton escapes Japanese GP penalty(英文)</p><p><strong><font color="#0000ff">第三页</font></strong><br/>44楼   [新闻]Hamilton welcomes stewards decision(英文)<br/><font color="#008000">45楼   [FOOL翻译组]冬瓜预见血雨腥风<br/><font color="#000000">51楼   [新闻]FIA宣布汉密尔顿无罪 维泰尔原有处罚亦被取消<br/><strong>53楼   [战报]F1中国站周六练习结束 莱科宁第三次压倒阿隆索<br/></strong>55楼   [新闻]周五花絮:雷诺自娱自乐开派对 本田技师专心修玩具<br/>56楼   [新闻]小汉继续和车队保持默契:明年队友我想是阿隆索<br/></font>59楼   [FOOL翻译组]“重载油”!阿隆索在召唤<br/>60楼   [FOOL翻译组]火腿拿了杆位抖起来了</font></p><p><font color="#008000"><strong><font color="#0000ff">第四页<br/></font></strong>64楼   [FOOL翻译组]尽管没拿到杆位,但是Raikkonen还是感到乐观<br/>65楼   [FOOL翻译组]赛道之外定冠军?阿隆索的正义之心熊熊燃起<br/></font><strong><font color="#008000"><font color="#000000">68楼   [战报]</font><font color="#000000">F1中国站汉密尔顿力夺杆位 莱科宁次席阿隆索第四</font></font><br/>70楼   [战报]F1中国站莱科宁夺冠汉密尔顿退出 总冠军悬念保留<br/></strong><font color="#008000">76楼   [FOOL翻译组]Q &amp; A with Sebastian Vettel</font><br/>77楼   [新闻]失之东隅收之桑榆 维泰尔夺第四小红牛创队史最佳<br/><strong><font color="#ff6600">78楼   [BT下载]正赛 &amp; 排位赛</font></strong></p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-17 20:10:17编辑过]
 楼主| 木梳 发表于 2007-10-4 20:21:00 | 显示全部楼层


<p><font color=\"#ff0000\"><strong>2007 FORMULA 1&#8482; Sinopec Chinese Grand Prix<br/>2007年一级方程式中国大奖赛<br/></strong></font><font color=\"#000000\">10月5日 周五</font><br/>10:00-11:30   周五第一次练习赛<br/>14:00-15:30   周五第二次练习赛<br/><font color=\"#0000ff\"><strong>10月6日 周六</strong></font><br/>11:00-12:00   周六练习赛<br/><strong>14:00   排位赛<br/><font color=\"#0000ff\">10月7日 周日</font><br/>14:00   正式比赛</strong><br/>没有时差</p><p>————————————————————————</p><p>转播信息<br/><br/><strong><font color=\"#0000ff\">SMG体育频道</font></strong>
                <br/>10月5日:23:00 超级马力(45)<br/><strong>10月6日:13:30 G速时尚:2007F-1赛车锦标赛中国站(排位赛)<br/></strong>10月7日:11:00 超级马力(45)<br/><strong>10月7日:13:00 G速时尚:2007F-1赛车锦标赛中国站(大奖赛)<br/></strong>10月7日:19:45 实况录像:2007F-1赛车锦标赛中国站(大奖赛)1 10/7C<br/>10月7日:20:45 实况录像:2007F-1赛车锦标赛中国站(大奖赛)2 10/7C<br/>10月7日:21:45 实况录像:2007F-1赛车锦标赛中国站(大奖赛)3 10/7C<br/>SMG收视指南:<a href=\"\"></a></p><p></p><p><strong><font color=\"#0000ff\">CCTV5中央电视台体育频道</font></strong><br/>10月3日:22:05 赛车时代:2007-37<br/>10月4日:17:30 体育中心特别节目:2007精彩F1特别节目 1 (直播) <br/><strong>10月5日:14:45 现场直播:2007年F1摩托艇世界锦标赛中国站1 <br/></strong>10月5日:17:30 体育中心特别节目:2007精彩F1特别节目 2 (直播) <br/><strong>10月6日:13:00 现场直播:2007年世界一级方程式锦标赛中国站排位赛<br/></strong>10月6日:15:25 体育中心特别节目:2007精彩F1特别节目 3 <br/><strong>10月7日:13:00 现场直播:2007年世界一级方程式锦标赛中国站决赛<br/></strong>CCTV5收视指南:<a href=\"\"></a></p><p></p><p><strong><font color=\"#0000ff\">卫视体育台湾<br/></font>10月6日 13:57  (直播) 2007一級方程式排位賽:石化中國大賽排位賽<br/></strong>10月7日 00:00  2007一級方程式排位賽:石化中國大賽排位賽 <br/>10月7日 05:00  2007一級方程式排位賽:石化中國大賽排位賽<br/>10月7日 06:00  A1大賽車精華<br/>10月7日 13:00  (直播)一級方程式賽前報導:石化中國大賽 <br/><strong>10月7日 14:00  (直播) 2007世界一級方程式錦\標賽:石化中國大賽 <br/></strong>10月7日 15:30  (直播) CHEQUERED FLAG:石化中國大賽 <br/>EPSN台湾、StarSports台湾(卫视体育台湾)收视指南:<a href=\"\"></a></p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-5 21:44:15编辑过]
 楼主| 木梳 发表于 2007-10-4 20:21:00 | 显示全部楼层


<p><img alt=\"世界一级方程式锦标赛中国大奖赛上海F1赛道介绍\" src=\"\"/></p><p>狗狗饿死上的上赛道</p><p>

</p><p><strong>“上”字形赛道档案</strong></p><p>  赛道单圈长度:5.451km</p><p>  赛道圈数:56圈</p><p>  比赛距离:305.269km</p><p>  平均速度:205km/h</p><p>  单圈跑赛时间:大约1分34秒</p><p>  最高允许时速:327km/h</p><p>  最长的直道长度:1.175km</p><p>  赛道宽度:13-15m(一般为14m,弯道加宽最大处20 m)</p><p>  弯道数:14(7处左转弯道、7处右转弯道)</p><p>  弯道最大曲线半径:R=120.55m</p><p>  弯道最小曲线半径:R=8.80m</p><p>  赛道轴最高点绝对标高:+11.24m</p><p>  赛道轴最低点绝对标高:+4.50m</p><p>  最大下坡坡度:8%</p><p>  最大上坡坡度:3%</p><p>  赛场网址</p><p>  单圈最快:1分32秒573(2004年,迈-舒马赫,法拉利)</p><p>  比赛日期:2005年9月29日-10月1日</p><p>  练习赛:第1次 9月29日 11:00--12:00 第2次 14:00--15:00</p><p>      第3次 9月30日 11:00--12:00</p><p>  排位赛:9月30日 14:00</p><p>  正式比赛:10月1日14:00</p><p>  <b>历届冠军:</b></p><p><strong>      </strong> 2006年:迈克尔·舒马赫 Michael Schumacher(Ferrari)</p><p>  2005年:阿隆索(雷诺) Fernando Alonso (Renault)</p><p>  2004年:巴里切罗(法拉利) R. Barrichello (Ferrari)</p><p>  “上”字形赛道攻略</p><p>  “上”字形赛道的<span class=\"yqlink\"><a class=\"akey\" title=\"赛车\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><font color=\"#000099\">赛车</font></a></span>起跑排位位置区域,是处于上海国际赛车场主看台<span class=\"yqlink\"><a class=\"akey\" title=\"钻石\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><font color=\"#000099\">钻石</font></a></span>区和车队维修区域之间,参赛的赛车在起跑线后等待着赛道前上方设置的灯语信号灯发出的五组红灯熄灭的灯语信号,这五组红灯的同时熄灭将意味着F1赛事的开始。</p><p>  当传达F1赛事比赛开始的五组红灯熄灭灯语出现的一瞬,赛车便立马冲出了起跑线。冲出起跑线的赛车在起跑大直线上可将速度提到6档305公里/小时,然后赛车要走的是起跑直线段底端的T1弯。</p><p>  “上”字形赛道起跑直线段的底端与T1处弯道之间是属上坡路段,这就意味着赛车起跑时抢得的赛车跑赛位置的好坏以及赛车过T1弯是相当的重要。若车手起跑时失误,不仅影响到赛车过T1弯后各赛车跑赛时先后位置排位的利弊,而且还可能会影响到车手完赛后的排位名次。</p><p>  赛车在到达赛道T1弯前,脚踩油门刹车退到5档234公里/小时的速度向右过弯,赛车在T1弯有超车的机会点。接着赛车迎面过来的是个连续的复合右-左-左弯道(T2-T4),这个连续弯道前后有着12米的垂直落差,T1弯和右(T2)-左(T3)连续弯道同属螺线型收缩的弯道,其半径是从R=93.90米收缩为R=31.8米。车手在过这个连续的复合右-左-左弯道时要特别慎重,赛车的平衡性要把握的非常正确,弹跳和转向不足都会让赛车偏离最佳走线,稍有不慎赛车甚至在出弯时发生相撞或冲出赛道。车手大脚重踩刹车,将车速退换到2档115公里/小时切线过第一个右弯(T2),在接下来的左弯(T3)赛车是以107公里/小时过弯,随后赛车再稍放油门以3档156公里/小时通过后一个左弯(T4)。</p><p>  赛车在连续过弯出复合右-左-左弯道后再松油门持续的加速,下面要过的是个T5弯道。赛车通过T5弯道后到达T6弯前的速度可达5档234公里/小时。接着赛车要过的是“上”字形赛道第一个发夹弯T6弯,T6弯的曲线半径为R=18.70米。车手在离发夹弯前100公尺左右处时大踩油门减速退到3档102公里/小时切线过弯。出弯后的赛车大脚松踩油门加速过长S弯,赛车在过长S弯道中的速度可持续加速到5档265公里/小时。</p><p>  下面T9、T10处是一个双顶点弯的复合弯道,赛车在过弯时要减档,特别是赛车过第9处左弯道时,赛车要过这个复合弯道是从260公里/小时减速到3档168公里/小时抢先入弯后,马上将赛车急快加速到225公里/小时,在赛车到达第二个弯的顶点之前,再减速到3档150公里/小时以便通过这后半部较急的弯道。车手对赛车在T10弯道中的速度驾控是非常的重要,驾控失档的赛车在紧接的加速路段上,其速度将很难得以发挥出来。</p><p>  赛车过了T10处弯道后进入一段大直道速度可持续加档加速到5档284km/h,赛车在抵达T11弯道前全力刹车减速退以2档91公里/小时切入属一组左(T11)-右(T12)-右(T13)的连续螺线型展宽的弯道,其半径是从R=8.80米展宽到R=120.55米。赛车在左转入弯后,这连续弯道的路段不是很平,赛车保持3档以168公里/小时的速度,紧贴着左侧的路沿石穿过接踵而来的右弯,赛车再加速到210公里/小时的速度,再紧贴着右侧的赛道将赛车侧滑到左侧脱离弯道并在弯中持续加速到出弯时的4档249公里/小时的速度出T13处右弯。这里路段速度的控制对于车手单圈成绩的影响非常重要,车手必须尽可能的以最高速度出弯,才能在接下来的路段属整个“上”字形赛道最长的大直线道(1.175公里)上提升成绩,赛车在大直线道上的速度可达6档327公里/小时。这一连串的过弯过程相当的惊险刺激,赛车在到达大直线端前,车手对过弯切线点以及换档时机的控制显得非常的重要,这也是对车手赛车驾控技术严苛的考验。</p><p>  大直线道底端的T14处弯是整个“上”字形赛道中弯道最窄、最为险峻的发夹弯,其曲线半径为R=10.07米。赛车以6档327公里/小时的速度在离发夹弯100公尺左右时须换挡减速到2档88公里/小时切线入弯,稍加速的赛车再紧贴着右侧的路沿石将赛车侧滑抛到左侧脱离弯道(T14),再以2档88公里/小时切线入T15弯。由于这段路面是减速区,赛车在通过时极易跳弹打滑或转向不足,造成下压力的减失,容易导致车手对赛车操控的失调而偏离赛车走线,使的赛车因此错过入弯点,从而冲驶进缓冲区的碎石堆中。赛车出发夹弯后的一段路段是“上”字形赛道的又一个超车点,过了发夹弯的赛车后在以2档88公里/小时过T15弯处后马上换档加速到225公里/小时,迎面而来的是“上”字形赛道最后一处T16弯。</p><p>  车手若要想在“上”字形赛道跑出好的单圈成绩,须要过好这最后一处弯。赛车原本在225公里/小时的速度将换档减速以3档181公里/小时切线入弯。赛车以近似全油门状态通过弯道,车手还必须尽可能的以最高速出弯。因为只有这样,赛车才能在跑上赛道起(终)线所在的直线道时获得其最高的车速。这对所有的车手来说既是一个挑战,又是一个把握胜机的机会。出弯后的赛车则以全油门的速度向起(终)点线极速冲去,完成一圈的跑赛。<br/></p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-5 21:53:07编辑过]
kleinersebbi 发表于 2007-10-4 21:37:00 | 显示全部楼层
<h1>汉密尔顿将被F1仲裁调查 中国站加冕总冠军蒙阴影</h1><div class=\"from_info\"> 2007年10月04日19:36  <font color=\"#a20010\">新浪体育</font></div><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><div class=\"artibody\" id=\"artibody\"><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><p>  新浪体育讯 汉密尔顿可能在F1中国站受罚。因为一周前在安全车后涉嫌违规的动作,汉密尔顿将被F1大奖赛仲裁调查。</p><p>  F1日本站正赛安全车第二次带队期间,跟在汉密尔顿后面的韦伯和维泰尔发生追尾。很多声音指责是汉密尔顿的“不轨”动作导致了这起事故。</p><p>  据了解,FIA得到了新的可能对汉密尔顿不利的证据。目前还不知道证据具体为何物,很可能是一些其他来源的比赛录像,反映汉密尔顿频繁加速和刹车的动作过于剧烈。</p><p>  一位FIA发言人证实赛事仲裁收到了证据,并将进行调查。“新的证据已经引起了仲裁们的注意,目前大家正在对此进行调查。”这位FIA发言人说到。据了解,汉密尔顿将在明天练习的间歇被传唤至赛事仲裁处接受询问。</p><p>  韦伯和维泰尔追尾的事故没有被日本大奖赛官方摄影机捕捉到。据来自观众所拍摄并发表在互联网播客的视频画面显示,在出事弯道前汉密尔顿的刹车动作非常诡异,韦伯不得不大脚刹车,结果维泰尔撞了上来。韦伯已经公开指责是汉密尔顿导致了那次事故。</p><p>  在F1赛事安全车的有关规则中有这样一段:“当领先<span class=\"yqlink\"><font color=\"#000099\">赛车</font></span>跟在安全车后面时,他与安全车的距离不能超过5辆车的长度”。</p><p>  维泰尔已经被罚在中国站退后10位发车。如果汉密尔顿被判违规,那么他得到的处罚很可能与维泰尔相同。如果退后10位发车,汉密尔顿在中国加冕年度冠军的机会将大大缩小。</p></div>
kleinersebbi 发表于 2007-10-4 22:10:00 | 显示全部楼层
<strong><font size=\"5\">Thursday\'s press conference - China<!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--></font></strong>
        <br/><br/><table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" width=\"100%\" border=\"0\"><tbody><tr><td class=\"news_article_author\" valign=\"top\" align=\"left\" width=\"50%\"><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--></td><td class=\"news_article_date\" align=\"right\" width=\"50%\">Thursday, October 4th 2007, 11:23 GMT</td></tr></tbody></table><br/><p><i>articipating: Fernando Alonso (McLaren Mercedes), Robert Kubica (BMW Sauber), Kimi Raikkonen (Ferrari), Sebastian Vettel (Toro Rosso) Mark Webber (Red Bull).</i></p><p><b>Q. Mark, Sebastian and Fernando, would you just talk a little bit about the problems following behind the guy who is actually controlling the field when it\'s under the safety car?<p>Mark Webber: It\'s pretty easy when the safety car lights are on because a) you can see everything, if you\'re the next guy behind the silver Mercedes and you just have to try to keep a sensible rhythm behind it and obviously in the first safety car (period) and clearly in the second safety car (period) there was not a sensible rhythm. </p></b></p><p>Mark Webber: It\'s pretty easy when the safety car lights are on because a) you can see everything, if you\'re the next guy behind the silver Mercedes and you just have to try to keep a sensible rhythm behind it and obviously in the first safety car (period) and clearly in the second safety car (period) there was not a sensible rhythm. </p><p>I\'m all up for not a great rhythm when the lights are off, because we\'re preparing for a re-start when the lights are off and there were a few times when I believe Jenson was being backed up by Nick. I think sometimes Jenson passed Nick nearly and I passed Jenson sometimes because the pace was yo-yoing around massively. </p><p>We know what pace the safety car can do and I accept a little bit that maybe you get a bit bored in that situation because we did a lot of laps and sometimes you get ready to go. It definitely contributed to Sebastian hitting me up the back that we were confused at what the other car was doing because he was doing what he wasn\'t doing what you are supposed to do (behind the safety car). Clearly.</p><p><b>Q. And is that something you will bring up say, in the drivers\' meeting?<p>MW: Yeah. We\'ll talk about it, waste a bit of oxygen and move on.</p></b></p><p>MW: Yeah. We\'ll talk about it, waste a bit of oxygen and move on.</p><p><b>Sebastian Vettel:</b> I think, as Mark said, it\'s never easy when the rhythm is just not there. The safety car driver is pushing as hard as he can and for us, that is not the highest speed.</p><p>Obviously the very first part of the race was done behind the safety car; we had a couple of laps and it was always quite close sometimes, and I remember I sometimes had to pass Mark and Mark was beside Jenson and so on, so it always got quite tight and in the second safety car (period) I was in third position, I only had two cars to observe, so the job was a bit easier, you might say, and I can only repeat what I said after the race: just exiting turn 13, all of a sudden I saw... as a human being you react to movement, I would say, and all of a sudden I saw Lewis pulling far to the right and slowing down a lot. </p><p>I was wondering what happened to him, I already thought he\'s retiring, there\'s no more power. That\'s what it looked like for me because he was going so slowly, and yeah, by the time I looked back in front of me I was already in Mark\'s rear, so for sure, I apologise again. Obviously I did not plan to destroy both of our races in the end.</p><p><b>Fernando Alonso:</b> Nothing to add. I think I agree with the two versions.</p><p><b>Q. But do you feel there wasn\'t a natural rhythm also, that it wasn\'t being done correctly?<p>FA: It\'s difficult to know what the car in front of you needs to do but for sure, I didn\'t see the race on TV but hearing the comments of them, they seem to overtake the car in front a couple of times and some unnecessary manoeuvres, to overtake and to avoid cars in front of you. I also overtook Lewis two or three times, so it seems that we all agree.</p></b></p><p>FA: It\'s difficult to know what the car in front of you needs to do but for sure, I didn\'t see the race on TV but hearing the comments of them, they seem to overtake the car in front a couple of times and some unnecessary manoeuvres, to overtake and to avoid cars in front of you. I also overtook Lewis two or three times, so it seems that we all agree.</p><p><b>Q. Sebastian, you obviously had a great race up until that moment, what really made the difference?<p>SV: I don\'t know. Saturday morning we didn\'t have any free practice because visibility was too bad for the helicopter and it was the first time, the very first time for me with the car in the rain, so I didn\'t really know what to expect and going into Q1, it was already going really really - pretty well. </p></b></p><p>SV: I don\'t know. Saturday morning we didn\'t have any free practice because visibility was too bad for the helicopter and it was the first time, the very first time for me with the car in the rain, so I didn\'t really know what to expect and going into Q1, it was already going really really - pretty well. </p><p>We made it quite safely into Q2 and finally P10 brought us into Q3 and for the team it was the first time, so it was a good weekend. Then the race as well. After the restart I was able to get third position straight away and we had a good race pace and I think the most positive thing out of the weekend was that we were there in third position, not because we were lucky because all the others retired and so on. </p><p>The thing was that we had the speed, we were fast enough and so up to that point, behind the safety car, everything was OK and then yeah, of course it was a big disappointment to finish the race like that.</p><p><b>Q. Robert, you had an interesting fight with Felipe at the end of the Japanese Grand Prix.<p>Robert Kubica: Well, I had Felipe behind me for the last stint. Unfortunately Sato came in and he was, I think, lapped three times already. Two laps to go and he didn\'t see me and as I was behind him, I lost a lot of time there. Felipe came close. I had a lot of aquaplaning and he overtook me in corner six. </p></b></p><p>Robert Kubica: Well, I had Felipe behind me for the last stint. Unfortunately Sato came in and he was, I think, lapped three times already. Two laps to go and he didn\'t see me and as I was behind him, I lost a lot of time there. Felipe came close. I had a lot of aquaplaning and he overtook me in corner six. </p><p>I overtook him on the exit of it and then in corner ten he went a bit wide, we touched two times there and then I was forced to cut the track on the grass. I came back, he cut the track on the grass. He overtook me and so on until the last corner. </p><p>It was pretty tough, it was on the limit of reasonable safety because I think three or four times we could end up (inaudible). I think Felipe was a bit upset after the race. I was also a bit upset by my race, so we just put all what we had into these five corners.</p><p><b>Q. This is your first full season, what are your feelings about your whole year?<p>RK: Pretty disappointed. We have good performance in our car but it looks like we struggled this season to extract 100 percent of it and on many occasions I think my performance was under the performance of the car and of the whole package.</p></b></p><p>RK: Pretty disappointed. We have good performance in our car but it looks like we struggled this season to extract 100 percent of it and on many occasions I think my performance was under the performance of the car and of the whole package.</p><p><b>Q. Mark, the team is hoping to overtake Williams in the Constructors\' Championship; what chances do you reckon? You\'ve had three finishes in the races that have been held here.<p>MW: Yeah, reasonable. I think five points is not easy for teams like us to get in dry conditions. We\'ll see. If Nico is back up there – obviously he had a penalty at the last race – but two races to go, five points. If we finish equal on points we still get them, so there\'s absolutely no question about it, we\'re trying to get them.</p></b></p><p>MW: Yeah, reasonable. I think five points is not easy for teams like us to get in dry conditions. We\'ll see. If Nico is back up there – obviously he had a penalty at the last race – but two races to go, five points. If we finish equal on points we still get them, so there\'s absolutely no question about it, we\'re trying to get them.</p><p><b>Q. Kimi, third and second places here over the last couple of years, what are your feelings about this track?<p>Kimi Raikkonen: It\'s quite OK usually. I quite enjoy it. We will see how it goes this year but it doesn\'t really change what has happened in previous years here.</p></b></p><p>Kimi Raikkonen: It\'s quite OK usually. I quite enjoy it. We will see how it goes this year but it doesn\'t really change what has happened in previous years here.</p><p><b>Q. And the championship, your feelings about that?<p>KR: For sure it\'s not a good position where we are, but we still try to win races and see what happens. It\'s not really up to us any more, even if we win both races it\'s probably not going to happen for us but it\'s the only thing we can do, try to win and see where we end up.</p></b></p><p>KR: For sure it\'s not a good position where we are, but we still try to win races and see what happens. It\'s not really up to us any more, even if we win both races it\'s probably not going to happen for us but it\'s the only thing we can do, try to win and see where we end up.</p><p><b>Q. What are your feelings about the possibility of rain on Sunday – again?<p>KR: It\'s the same for all the teams and drivers, so I don\'t mind really. I think it was quite an exciting race last time in the rain, so for sure it makes it a bit livelier if it\'s raining.</p></b></p><p>KR: It\'s the same for all the teams and drivers, so I don\'t mind really. I think it was quite an exciting race last time in the rain, so for sure it makes it a bit livelier if it\'s raining.</p><p><b>Q. Fernando, interesting in the team\'s preview, you called your second place here frustrating but obviously you also had a win here as well, so what are your feelings about this circuit?<p>FA: It was not frustrating last year, first of all. My feelings are a little bit up and down because now, at the moment, in the championship it\'s good to come here. I like this circuit and I won once and I finished second last year, so I always have great memories from this track and good times. </p></b></p><p>FA: It was not frustrating last year, first of all. My feelings are a little bit up and down because now, at the moment, in the championship it\'s good to come here. I like this circuit and I won once and I finished second last year, so I always have great memories from this track and good times. </p><p>But being 12 points behind in the championship with two races to go is not the perfect position, so as Kimi said, I think we still have a little chance in the championship but it\'s not up to us any more, we need some other combination of results, so we just need to concentrate on winning the race and in Brazil as well: try to do the best two races we can and have fun driving here.</p><p><b>Q. Is that what your chequered wristband is, so you see the chequered flag first?<p>FA: Maybe. Like this I finish first in my own world, my own race.</p></b></p><p>FA: Maybe. Like this I finish first in my own world, my own race.</p><p><b>Q. Are you going to wear it for the weekend then?<p>FA: Not in the car.</p></b></p><p>FA: Not in the car.</p><p><b>Q. There has been a lot of talk since the Japanese Grand Prix about your future and that Flavio Briatore has made you an offer. It\'s a team with which you have had a lot of success in the past. Is it something you\'re considering?<p>FA: It\'s not the time, it\'s not the time to speak about next year. I try to win these two races, and when the championship finishes we will see.</p></b></p><p>FA: It\'s not the time, it\'s not the time to speak about next year. I try to win these two races, and when the championship finishes we will see.</p><p><b>Questions From The Floor</b></p><p><b>Q. (Paolo Ianieri – La Gazzetta dello Sport) Question to Kimi: how do you explain the many mistakes that Ferrari has been doing in the last race?<p>KR: I don\'t think that we made so many mistakes. We had a misunderstanding with the stewards or the FIA or whatever you call it and that\'s only what really hurt us. That\'s the only… I don\'t know why you say we made so many mistakes.</p></b></p><p>KR: I don\'t think that we made so many mistakes. We had a misunderstanding with the stewards or the FIA or whatever you call it and that\'s only what really hurt us. That\'s the only… I don\'t know why you say we made so many mistakes.</p><p><b>Q. (Ann Giuntini – L\'Equipe) To Mark and Sebastian: without any desire to get into politics, would you say that Hamilton\'s manoeuvres in the last race were not very far from being unfair or not under the agreement you generally have?<p>SV: In the end it was my fault for crashing into Mark\'s car, so I\'m not here to blame anybody but I think it\'s clear that the rhythm was not there. In the end we are all sitting in the same boat. It\'s raining, there is a safety car for a long time and it\'s quite complicated to keep the temperatures in the brakes and avoid glazing them. </p></b></p><p>SV: In the end it was my fault for crashing into Mark\'s car, so I\'m not here to blame anybody but I think it\'s clear that the rhythm was not there. In the end we are all sitting in the same boat. It\'s raining, there is a safety car for a long time and it\'s quite complicated to keep the temperatures in the brakes and avoid glazing them. </p><p>But at that point I was just distracted, you could say. I was looking to the right and I was sure he (Hamilton) was retiring, there was no power anymore and yeah, all I can say is that by the time I looked back I was already in Mark\'s rear end so… It\'s not to blame anybody but for sure the reason was the rhythm was not there.</p><p><strong>MW:</strong><b></b> I think he did a shit job behind the safety car. He did a shit job and that\'s it. He spoke in the drivers\' briefing about how good a job he was going to do and then he did the job the opposite way, so we know for next time, it\'s no problem.</p><p><b>Q. (Jaime Rodriguez – El Mundo) Fernando, after this hard season do you have any thoughts to continue at McLaren next year?<p>FA: As I said, it is not the right time to talk about next year. For sure I have some difficult moments and frustrating moments this season but it\'s a competitive sport and you always have good and not so good moments. This year I suffered more difficult moments than I expected but nothing bigger than what is normal in the sport.</p></b></p><p>FA: As I said, it is not the right time to talk about next year. For sure I have some difficult moments and frustrating moments this season but it\'s a competitive sport and you always have good and not so good moments. This year I suffered more difficult moments than I expected but nothing bigger than what is normal in the sport.</p><p><b>Q. (Jaime Rodriguez – El Mundo) And do you believe in miracles?<p>FA: I believe in miracles, for sure. I think anything can happen, this is Formula One. If you think the racing is boring or the sport is boring because always the same cars are winning the races and there is nothing to expect from the weekend, F1 is unpredictable sometimes and we have seen it many times, especially in wet races. </p></b></p><p>FA: I believe in miracles, for sure. I think anything can happen, this is Formula One. If you think the racing is boring or the sport is boring because always the same cars are winning the races and there is nothing to expect from the weekend, F1 is unpredictable sometimes and we have seen it many times, especially in wet races. </p><p>If you said now that maybe it is raining again on Sunday, then anything can happen. Until mathematically you have no chance in the championship, you don\'t give up.</p><p><b>Q. (Dan Knutson – National Speed Sport News) Mark and Sebastian, you were massively disappointed on Sunday night but today you have to go back to work with your engineers. How do you put that behind you?<p>MW: As Fernando just touched on, it\'s the game we are in. It\'s not lawn bowls, it\'s F1. We have to pick ourselves up from tough weekends. It was one of the lowest points of my career last weekend, no question about it in terms of being in a position to challenge for a victory.</p></b></p><p>MW: As Fernando just touched on, it\'s the game we are in. It\'s not lawn bowls, it\'s F1. We have to pick ourselves up from tough weekends. It was one of the lowest points of my career last weekend, no question about it in terms of being in a position to challenge for a victory.</p><p>It was taken away not even in a racing incident but sitting behind a Safety Car, so it was very hard to swallow. But, yeah, it\'s under the bridge, gone. We\'ll never get that back and we\'ve just got to focus on this one.</p><p><strong>SV:</strong><b></b> I agree. Life goes on and we are all ambitious enough and don\'t suffer for motivation. For sure it was a big disappointment for Mark. It was never my intention to destroy my race or his race. It took one or two days maybe but already this weekend we have the next chance and maybe there is a chance of rain on Sunday, so anything can happen. I\'m looking forward, I\'m not old and so hopefully there is more to come.</p><p><b>Q. Kimi, I\'m from China, so can you tell me what the important thing for an F1 racer is?<p>KR: To have good results, a good team. It\'s pretty normal for us to always try our best and I\'m not sure what\'s most important but I think it\'s probably having a good team behind you and a good environment in which to race.</p></b></p><p>KR: To have good results, a good team. It\'s pretty normal for us to always try our best and I\'m not sure what\'s most important but I think it\'s probably having a good team behind you and a good environment in which to race.</p><p><b>Q. (Luc Domenjoz – Le Matin) Fernando, in Japan Lewis was quicker than you in qualifying. Do you think you have been treated in a fair way by the team or could maybe the team favour Lewis by making subtle changes to your car, like tyre pressures or wing settings?<p>FA: Difficult question... I will not answer.</p></b></p><p>FA: Difficult question... I will not answer.</p><p><b>Q. Heikki Kulta (Turun Sanomat) Fernando, would it have been easier for you if Kimi had stayed at McLaren?<p>FA: I never thought about that, but I think it would be similar. At the end of the day you need to do a good job and win races. This year I won four races and maybe four is not enough to become world champion. At the end of the day I don\'t think it matters what teammate you have.</p></b></p><p>FA: I never thought about that, but I think it would be similar. At the end of the day you need to do a good job and win races. This year I won four races and maybe four is not enough to become world champion. At the end of the day I don\'t think it matters what teammate you have.</p><p><b>Q. (Alan Baldwin – Reuters) Fernando, Lewis says he had a chat with you this morning. Could you elaborate on what was discussed?<p>FA: Nothing out of the ordinary. I received a text message from him last night because in Japan my telephone didn\'t work and yesterday when I switched it on I received like 30 or 40 SMS messages, one from him. I approached him and said thanks for the SMS. He\'d been in Shanghai all three days and I\'d been in Tokyo, so I asked him what he\'d bought, just normal conversation.</p></b></p><p>FA: Nothing out of the ordinary. I received a text message from him last night because in Japan my telephone didn\'t work and yesterday when I switched it on I received like 30 or 40 SMS messages, one from him. I approached him and said thanks for the SMS. He\'d been in Shanghai all three days and I\'d been in Tokyo, so I asked him what he\'d bought, just normal conversation.</p><p><b>Q. (Victor Seara – Telecinco) For all drivers, 20 laps behind the Safety Car, what did you think about that as a spectacle for the TV viewers and the spectators?<p>FA: Behind the Safety Car it was not too much.</p></b></p><p>FA: Behind the Safety Car it was not too much.</p><p><strong>RK:</strong><b></b> For me the conditions were pretty difficult and the visibility was maybe okay for the first three cars but for the rest it was very difficult to see where the track was going. Behind the Safety Car I overtook Sebastian twice on the main straight without seeing him. He was pulling to the right and I couldn\'t see him. The conditions were very difficult and if it was up to me I would have kept the Safety Car for longer.</p><p><strong>MW:</strong><b></b> It was difficult. Looking for a window it is hard for us to get an idea of how intense the rain is when we are in the car. All we know is that the visibility was very very poor. I was particularly worried that when we went back to racing if someone lost their car on the straight we would have a very big crash because, guys, you just can\'t see anything. </p><p>Once we got going I think that the conditions for the first few laps were raceable, it wasn\'t too bad, but having said that the field where I was, was quite spread out and it\'s always more difficult if you have cars close together. But I think the Safety Car was running out of fuel and had to come in anyway.</p><p><strong>SV:</strong><b></b> I think it was the right choice because it is us drivers on the circuit and to be honest even under the Safety Car, going down the main straight, I didn\'t see anything and really shit my pants. It was just about guessing. We exited the last corner, I saw the other cars and suddenly there was just all this spray. </p><p>As Robert said, twice I saw him right next to me and I was like (gasp), what is he doing there! On the restart I was thinking before it was no problem to go flat out in a straight line but in the end you saw nothing. I was looking to the right and seeing the wall and the advertisements and then when that stopped I was looking at the left and waited for the boards – 200, 150, 100 – then somewhere started to brake and when the spray came down I saw the incident at the first corner with Jenson, Nick and Mark. </p><p>They were fighting and I think I had the best line, so I grabbed third position straight away. But it was definitely right to start behind the Safety Car. It\'s us in the car and I think you shouldn\'t mind the spectators in front of the television at home. </p><p><b>Q. (Mark Surer – Premiere Television) Robert, you got a Drive Through because you hit Hamilton by trying to overtake him. Was that okay in your view?<p>RK: In my view it was not okay because from the drivers\' point of view I had not hit him on purpose and we had seen many contacts between two drivers and nothing happened. I get a Drive Through and we lost less than six seconds and I didn\'t gain any position. Unfortunately it destroyed my race. It was an FIA decision of the stewards and that\'s how it went. </p></b></p><p>RK: In my view it was not okay because from the drivers\' point of view I had not hit him on purpose and we had seen many contacts between two drivers and nothing happened. I get a Drive Through and we lost less than six seconds and I didn\'t gain any position. Unfortunately it destroyed my race. It was an FIA decision of the stewards and that\'s how it went. </p><p>We had no time to ask for the decision to be changed. Normally if the accident happens the decision is taken after the race, for example with Nick and Ralf in Nurburgring, but this time it was different. I think that the last time it happened that a driver got a Drive Through penalty for contact was many years ago. </p><p><b>Q. (Peter Windsor – F1 Racing) Fernando, why is it that you don\'t have a Vodafone 3G GSM phone that works in Japan?<p>FA: Well, I have a Vodafone but it was a Japanese number and nobody knew it, so nobody contacted me.</p></b></p><p>FA: Well, I have a Vodafone but it was a Japanese number and nobody knew it, so nobody contacted me.</p><p><b>Q. (Peter Windsor – F1 Racing) And to Mark, I gather you were ill on Sunday morning and during the race. What did you eat on Saturday night and where did it come from?<p>MW: Fernando\'s phone chip! No, I think it was tuna, it was food poisoning and I was very ill Sunday morning and ill before the race, and ill during the race. It was a very difficult race for me but I was 100% on Monday morning which was frustrating. It was just a 24 hour bug that hit me quite hard. Q (Paolo Ianieri – La Gazzetta dello Sport) To Mark and Vettel. If Sebastian has been penalised 10 positions at this race, should the FIA also have investigated Hamilton and perhaps taken some sanctions against him for his behaviour?</p></b></p><p>MW: Fernando\'s phone chip! No, I think it was tuna, it was food poisoning and I was very ill Sunday morning and ill before the race, and ill during the race. It was a very difficult race for me but I was 100% on Monday morning which was frustrating. It was just a 24 hour bug that hit me quite hard. Q (Paolo Ianieri – La Gazzetta dello Sport) To Mark and Vettel. If Sebastian has been penalised 10 positions at this race, should the FIA also have investigated Hamilton and perhaps taken some sanctions against him for his behaviour?</p><p><strong>SV:</strong><b></b> I don\'t know. You have so-called specialist stewards and in the end it\'s their decision. They called us up after the race because there was a safety car incident. It\'s normal to speak to the drivers and I got a penalty, 10 grid positions for this race, and from a driver\'s point of view it\'s not a question if you agree or not, you always disagree when you get penalised. There\'s nothing we can change about it, so get on and work and try to be better this time.</p><p><strong>MW:</strong><b></b> In a normal boring dry Grand Prix they have things to look at but there was a lot going on and it\'s easy for them to be distracted by other things. I think that\'s what they can use, not as an excuse, but it was a very difficult race for them to manage and it was a difficult race on the track. In hindsight you\'ve got to have a look back when things have all calmed down and say yes, that wasn\'t a very good job, but at the time it wasn\'t easy for them.</p><p><b>Q. (Paolo Ianieri – La Gazzetta dello Sport) And the other question is for Kimi. The tyre selection was starting the race on the intermediate in Japan. Do you take the responsibility or was it a common team decision?<p>KR: It doesn\'t matter whose it was, we took the decision as a team. We spoke with Bridgestone, we didn\'t expect any more rain and we took the intermediate and for sure we didn\'t take them because it was against the rules – at that point we didn\'t know that. </p></b></p><p>KR: It doesn\'t matter whose it was, we took the decision as a team. We spoke with Bridgestone, we didn\'t expect any more rain and we took the intermediate and for sure we didn\'t take them because it was against the rules – at that point we didn\'t know that. </p><p>I guess before you ask me why we stopped so many times, why does it make any difference when we are last and second last behind the Safety Car. As long as we got more fuel in the car and didn\'t lose any places it was good, so it wasn\'t any mistake because we didn\'t lose any places.</p><p><b>Q. (Alberto Antonini – Autosprint) Mark, I think as a GPDA director, after the Melbourne crash with David Coulthard, you asked for the cockpit side protection to be raised. Is it a concern that in mist and rain the lateral visibility could be hampered?<p>MW: I think our peripheral vision, looking forward, the tests we have done so far with these raised cockpit sides seems to be very good for racing. That means wheel-to-wheel and that means driving in the rain.</p></b></p><p>MW: I think our peripheral vision, looking forward, the tests we have done so far with these raised cockpit sides seems to be very good for racing. That means wheel-to-wheel and that means driving in the rain.</p><p><b>Q. (Marco Evangelisti – Corriere dello Sport) For Kimi. You left McLaren and now they are going to win the championship. Any regrets?<p>KR: No.</p></b></p><p>KR: No.</p><p><b>Q. (Carlos Miquel – Diario AS) For Robert. Did you believe you would have had the same penalty if you had touched with another driver?<p>RK: This is a difficult question which I would prefer not to answer. I think this season we have had many contacts between the drivers and nothing happens. We have also had one contact between two drivers which are sitting next to me, and nothing happens, so this is my answer.</p></b></p><p>RK: This is a difficult question which I would prefer not to answer. I think this season we have had many contacts between the drivers and nothing happens. We have also had one contact between two drivers which are sitting next to me, and nothing happens, so this is my answer.</p><p><strong>Q (Dan Knutson – National Speed Sport News) Fernando, you said this has been a very difficult season for you. How much are you looking forward to Monday after Brazil?</strong></p><p><strong>FA:</strong><b></b> A lot! I am looking forward, no doubts. </p><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment-->
kleinersebbi 发表于 2007-10-4 22:10:00 | 显示全部楼层
冬瓜火腿汤 发表于 2007-10-4 22:12:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>[FOOL翻译组]</p><p>Trulli tells Toyota to go for Alonso<br/>Jarno呼唤Nano</p><p><a href=\"\"></a><br/>By Michele Lostia and Pablo Elizalde Thursday, October 4th 2007, 09:30 GMT </p><p>translated by onna(<a href=\"\"></a>)</p><p><br/>Jarno Trulli has advised his Toyota team to try and hire world champion Fernando Alonso if he decides to leave McLaren.<br/>努力建议他所在的头又大车队,如果他的老情人Nano决定离开MC,他们最好去眉来眼去一下把他拐过来</p><p>Alonso\'s has a contract with McLaren for 2008 and 2009 but the Spaniard has become increasingly estranged from the Mercedes-powered squad.<br/>FA和MC的合约要到09年,不过西班牙人和车队却越来越疏远<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" /></p><p>The double champion has been linked with a return to Renault, but Toyota have a vacancy, and the money, following the confirmation that Ralf Schumacher will leave the team at the end of the season.<br/>两届世界冠军被传会回到老家Renault(你就不能安生待MC么……MC就不能忍了他么……偏要把我家的娃扯进你们的稀泥里<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em50.gif\" />),不过Ralf Schumacher决定赛季结束后离开头又大之后,车队恰好既有了位子又有了闲钱</p><p>\"Yes, it\'s true. I told the bosses: if you want a good, fast, reliable driver, there is Fernando,\" Trulli was quoted as saying by Gazzetta dello Sport. <br/>“是的,是真的。我跟老板说:如果你要好的、速度快的、稳定的车手,就找Fernando罢<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em05.gif\" />”Gazzetta dello Sport这样引用努力说的话</p><p>\"It was a bit of a provocation but I would be happy if he came over, even though I don\'t know if he would. To have such a champion would give Toyota an idea of where they are and would sweep away many doubts.\" <br/>“这样可能有点太富煽动性,但他过来我会很高兴的<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em60.gif\" />(嘿嘿嘿……),虽然我不知道他会不会来(不来你会心碎么?)。有这样一个冠军在,可以让头又大知道他们是什么水平也会让人们不再怀疑我们的能力”</p><p>Trulli admitted he wasn\'t very surprised by Schumacher\'s announcement.<br/>努力说Ralf的决定他并不吃惊</p><p>\"It was in the air. I\'ve always had a fair relationship with him, even though Ralf doesn\'t talk to anyone,\" the Italian added.<br/>“一直有苗头。我跟他关系一直不错(那么你解释一下你为什么把人家画成这样?!),虽然Ralf不怎么跟人说话(你要汗死我么)”</p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-4 22:52:43编辑过]
swaywithhim 发表于 2007-10-4 22:13:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p><strong>[FOOL翻译组]</strong></p><p>Alonso: I believe in miracles <br/>阿隆索:期待灵魂再附体</p><p>By Nick Mulvenney Thursday, October 4th 2007, 10:53 GMT </p><p><br/>Fernando Alonso still believes a miracle could take him past McLaren teammate Lewis Hamilton to a third successive Formula One world title.<br/>费尔南多·两届冠军·阿隆索同学仍然相信会有一个奇迹将他的成绩带他超越他的队友刘易斯·菜鸟神·汉密尔顿,成功地拿到生命中的第三个一级方程式世界冠军。</p><p><br/>The 26-year-old world champion trails his British rookie rival by 12 points with a maximum of 20 up for grabs at this weekend\'s Chinese Grand Prix and the season finale in Brazil two weeks later.<br/>这位二十六岁的世界冠军落后他的英国新兵队友(啊哈,对手对手)12分,在本周中国站和两周后的收关巴西站这个最多需要追赶20分。</p><p>\"I believe in miracles for sure,\" the Spaniard told a news conference on Thursday. \"Anything can happen.<br/>“我当然相信奇迹”,西班牙人在周四的新闻发布会上说:“一切皆有可能。”</p><p>\"Formula One is unpredictable, on many occasions with wet races and so on, and if you say now it is maybe rainy again on Sunday, anything can happen.<br/>“F1是不可预料的,在许多雨战中,以及其他情况。然而现在你说现在周日可能面临一场雨战时,那一切皆有可能。”</p><p>\"Until mathematically you are out of the chance to win the championship, you don\'t give up.\"<br/>“只有理论上失去夺冠机会的人,然而没有人会放弃。”</p><p>Alonso, who has won four races so far this season, said he liked the Shanghai International Circuit.<br/>阿隆索同学,这个赛季拿到四个分站赛冠军,坦言他喜欢上海国际赛车场。</p><p>\"I won once and finished second here last year so I always have good memories of this track,\" he said.<br/>“我赢得过一次胜利,而去年在这里的比赛也给我留下了美好的回忆。”他说。</p><p>\"But 12 points behind in the championship with two races to go, it\'s not the perfect position. We just need to concentrate on doing the best two races we can and have fun.\"<br/>“但是在还剩下两场比赛的情况下还落后12分却不是很有利,我们需要集中一切经历在比赛中做到最好并享受比赛的乐趣。”</p><p>Alonso won his two world titles with Renault and team boss Flavio Briatore has made it no secret he would be welcomed back, further fuelling speculation the Spaniard will not see out his contract with McLaren.<br/>阿隆索同学在雷诺车队赢得了两年的世界冠军,雷诺车队的老板弗拉维奥·花花公子·布里亚托里毫无保留的说他老人家欢迎迷路的儿子回来,这刺激了绯闻与留言的传播,大家纷纷觉得西班牙人不会继续在迈家的合同中煎熬。</p><p>\"This is not the time to speak about next year,\" Alonso said. \"I\'m trying to win the next two races and when the championship is finished, we\'ll see.\"<br/>“这不是该讨论明年的时候。”阿隆索同学说:“我想赢下剩下两站,我们走着瞧,看比赛结束之后谁能笑到最后。”</p><p>He admitted, though, that he had experienced more \"difficult moments\" than he expected this year and could not wait for the end of the season.<br/>他坦陈他曾经期待更多的“艰难一刻”更甚于他期待这个赛季并迫不及待的想它结束。</p><p><br/>\"I\'m looking forward to it a lot, no doubt,\" he said.<br/>“毫无疑问,我十分期待,”他说。</p><p></p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-4 22:15:18编辑过]
以快乐的名义 发表于 2007-10-4 22:17:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>onna和仙你们要笑死人啊<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em20.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em20.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em20.gif\" /></p><p>onna我十分看好你<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em18.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em18.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em18.gif\" /></p>
以快乐的名义 发表于 2007-10-4 22:33:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p><strong>[FOOL翻译组]</strong></p><p>Massa happy with 2007 performance <br/>Massa为2007年的表现感到开心</p><p>Felipe Massa says he is happy with his performance during the 2007 season, despite being already out of contention for the title.<br/>Felipe Massa说他为他2007年的表现感到开心,尽管已经退出了冠军争夺。</p><p>\"Yeah, I am quite happy,\" Massa told reporters in Shanghai. \"I think in terms of driving, in terms of pace, in terms of speed ... I am very happy with the season. <br/>“是啊,我很开心。”Massa告诉上海的记者们,“我觉得在驾驶方面,在节奏方面,在速度方面……我对这个赛季(的表现)感到很开心。</p><p>\"But in a season like this, looking at the beginning of the season we had four cars with very similar pace. <br/>“但是在这样的一个赛季,赛季初的时候我们4辆赛车的节奏都差不多。</p><p>\"The car that finishes the most races and scores the most points is the champion in the end - we had some up and downs this year, and that didn\'t help us with the championship. <br/>“赛车完成了大部分的赛事,最后得到了最多的分数——我们这一年有起起落落,不过没有在冠军争夺上帮到我们。</p><p>\"Fernando (Alonso) had a very good season, very consistent, but then you don\'t finish one race and you maybe lose your opportunity in the championship. And that was the case in the last race,\" Massa added.<br/>“Fernando (Alonso)这个赛季很好,很稳定,但是在你一场比赛没有完成的时候,你可能会失去你争夺总冠军的机会。这在最后的比赛里面也可能发生。”Massa补充(HAPPY:我想到614黑了……刹车刹车,我积攒RP)</p><p>The Ferrari driver has scored three wins this year, but a sixth place in Japan last weekend meant the title is now mathematically out of reach for him.<br/>这名法拉利车手今年已经获得了三次胜利。但是上周六在日本的第6名意味着他已经退出了总冠军的争夺了。</p><p>Massa is 27 points behind championship leader Lewis Hamilton, who has not retired from any races in 2007. The Brazilian driver has retired once and was disqualified from the race in Canada. <br/>Massa现在落后积分榜领先者Lewis Hamilton27分,后者在2007年进行过的比赛中还没有退出过。而巴西车手退出过一次,在加拿大站的时候被出示了黑旗。</p><p>He has also suffered his share of reliability problems.<br/>他也为赛车的稳定性这个环节而苦恼。</p><p>I will try again next year with the same approach; try to be more consistent and finish all the races, and we will try to have a more reliable car as well,\" he added.<br/>“我明年会继续的,带着同样的目标。尝试着更加稳定,完成所有的比赛,我们要试着让赛车的稳定性更加提高。”他补充道。</p><p>Massa\'s teammate Kimi Raikkonen is still in contention for the title, but the Finn will need a miracle to win, being 17 points behind Hamilton with two races left.<br/>Massa的队友Kimi Raikkonen还在总冠军的争夺行列之中,但是在还有两场比赛,却落后Hamilton17分的情况下,芬兰人要想赢得总冠军,需要奇迹的出现。</p><p>Massa admitted he is not planning to help Raikkonen now that his chances are so slim.<br/>尽管Massa已经希望渺茫了,但他说他没有计划着去帮助Raikkonen.</p><p>\"No. I will try to win both races,\" Massa said.<br/>“不,我会尝试着把两场比赛都赢下来的。”Massa说。</p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-5 12:26:35编辑过]
swaywithhim 发表于 2007-10-4 22:36:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 木梳 发表于 2007-10-4 22:55:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>签名会的时间,本来看着小瓦还说他那组没啥人气,结果一看,有巴顿,昏啊……</p><p>据上赛场方面最新消息,一场超重量级的车手签名活动将在2007F1中国大奖赛赛事期间举办。10月6日排位赛当天,各车队F1车手将悉数登台参与到此次车手签名活动中,这必将成为本次赛事的一个巨大亮点。 届时,莱库宁、汉密尔顿、马萨、小舒马赫、罗斯伯格、巴顿等众多中国车迷喜爱的车手将一一现身,与广大观赛观众\"亲密接触\"。以下是签名会具体时间表: <br/><br/>10:10-10:30 沃达丰麦凯伦梅塞德斯车队 汉密尔顿<br/><br/>15:10-15:20 松下丰田车队 拉尔夫 特鲁利 <br/><br/>16:00-16:20 红牛一级方程式赛车队 库塔 韦伯 <br/><br/>            红牛一级方程式赛车队 里尤兹 维特尔 <br/>            红牛一级方程式赛车队 库塔 韦伯 <br/><br/>            本田车队 巴顿 巴里切罗 <br/><br/>16:30-16:50 ING雷诺车队 费斯切拉 科瓦莱宁 <br/><br/>17:00-17:20 世爵车队 苏蒂尔 山本左近 <br/><br/>            超级亚久里车队 佐腾琢磨 戴维森<br/><br/>17:20-17:30 AT&amp;T威廉姆斯车队 罗斯博格 伍尔兹<br/><br/>            宝马索博车队 海费 库比卡 <br/><br/>            法拉利万宝路车队 马萨 莱科宁 </p>
kleinersebbi 发表于 2007-10-4 23:15:00 | 显示全部楼层
<h1><font size=\"4\">小红牛经理举报撞车视频 托斯特阐述小汉违规原因</font>
        </h1><div class=\"from_info\"> 2007年10月04日22:25  <font color=\"#a20010\">新浪体育</font></div><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><div class=\"artibody\" id=\"artibody\"><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><!--Element not supported - Type: 8 Name: #comment--><p>  新浪体育讯 红牛二队经理托斯特(Franz Tost)承认,是他向F1仲裁对汉密尔顿在日本站的驾驶进行了控诉。就是托斯特将他在网络播客中看到的视频证据通知到F1仲裁。</p><p>  从视频中我们看到,跟在安全车后的汉密尔顿在一个左弯前突然闪到外线减速。后面处于内线的韦伯为了避免超过汉密尔顿违规不得不大脚刹车,结果第三位的维泰尔一头撞了上来。</p><p>  托斯特认为,汉密尔顿的驾驶方式是违规的。</p><p>  “你们可以清楚的看到,汉密尔顿的减速非常突然。”托斯特说。“看看视频。塞巴斯蒂安-维泰尔除必须从两辆赛车(汉密尔顿和韦伯)之间通过外就无路可走。这完全是出乎意料的。看起来汉密尔顿要停车,这就是我通知仲裁的原因。”</p><p>  托斯特澄清,他举报汉密尔顿的意图是帮助自己的车手维泰尔避免在中国站受罚退后10位,而非要让汉密尔顿受罚。不过值得注意的是,红牛二队是法拉利的客户,他们的<span class=\"yqlink\"><font color=\"#000099\">赛车</font></span>使用法拉利引擎。</p></div>
以快乐的名义 发表于 2007-10-4 23:15:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>罗斯宝,宝马家两只,法家两只,这么5个超人气的,居然就十分钟……orz|||</p><p>小黑的粉丝尊幸福,上午就他一个人,还20分钟……</p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em04.gif\" />
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-10-4 23:29:23编辑过]
kleinersebbi 发表于 2007-10-4 23:17:00 | 显示全部楼层
以快乐的名义 发表于 2007-10-4 23:20:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>kleinersebbi</i>在2007-10-4 23:17:00的发言:</b><br/>我最希望得到的还是偶家小瓦的~</div><p>我看好小瓦亲妈团的哦</p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em18.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em18.gif\" />
kleinersebbi 发表于 2007-10-4 23:23:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>以快乐的名义</i>在2007-10-4 23:20:00的发言:</b><br/><p>我看好小瓦亲妈团的哦</p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em18.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em18.gif\" /></div><p></p>明天去看看能不能买到票子...
 楼主| 木梳 发表于 2007-10-4 23:29:00 | 显示全部楼层
以快乐的名义 发表于 2007-10-4 23:31:00 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 木梳 发表于 2007-10-4 23:34:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>以快乐的名义</i>在2007-10-4 23:31:00的发言:</b><br/>我是看着这么一大串名单就觉得无力感……这就是花心的代价啊~~~~</div><p>其他人的我也想要,但是我的被监护人是第一位的……</p>
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