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[车手专题]Heikki Kovalainen——成长的过程(135楼-和勒布换车开)

以快乐的名义 发表于 2007-11-3 22:09:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<p>其实注意到他也是因为他的国籍(我咋跟丹秃秃一样变成了芬兰控?orz|||),结果07赛季一路走来一路看来,就开始慢慢喜欢上了(贼船another,Orz……)一开始也跌跌撞撞,也犯错(澳大利亚那次 orz第三次),但是,后面的比赛看过来,我们就能慢慢看出他的进步了,恩呢,这才是新人该走的路。而且这孩子超亲切超平易近人哦<img src="images/post/smile/dvbbs/em03.gif" />,面对记者,一直是谦虚,轻声,面带微笑地说着自己的想法,新人有这样的态度是难能可贵的。</p><p>就在这儿,慢慢整理出Heikki Kovalainen的成长的过程吧</p><p><img src="images/post/smile/dvbbs/em03.gif" /></p><p>HLL大头照一张贴在顶楼:</p>

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-12-28 12:21:12编辑过]
 楼主| 以快乐的名义 发表于 2007-11-3 22:10:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p></p><p></p><p>Name : Heikki Kovalainen<br/>Nationality : Finnish <br/>lace of birth : Suomussalmi, Finland<br/>Birthday : 1981/10/19<br/>Height 1.70m<br/>Weight 63 kg<br/>Likes: Pasta, sport, girls, fast cars<br/>Hobbies: Gym, cycling, cross-country skiing, golf<br/>Heroes: None<br/>Lives: Oxford, UK<br/><br/>+++Racing Carrier+++<br/><br/>1999 - Karting Formula-A<br/>           3rd in the European Championship Round1<br/>           Finnish Vice-Champion <br/>2000 - Karting Scandinavian champion <br/>           3rd in the World Championship Race<br/>           3rd in Monaco Kart Cup<br/>           Scandinavian Champion<br/>           Finnish Vice-Champion<br/>           Paris Bercy Elf Masters Champion<br/>           Kart Driver Of the Year in Finland<br/>2001 - British Formula Renault, 4th (2wins, 2poles, 3fastest laps, best rookie)<br/>           8th in Macau F3 Grand Prix (first F3 race)<br/>           Korea F3 Grand Prix  <br/>2002 - British Formula 3, 3th <br/>           Macau F3 Grand Prix 2nd<br/>           Korea F3 Grand Prix <br/>2003 - World Series by Nissan, 2nd <br/>2004 - World Series by Nissan, champion, Race of champions winner <br/>2005 - GP2 Series (Arden), Formula 1 test driver (Renault) <br/>2006 - Formula 1 test driver (Renault) <br/><br/>Renault Driver Development programme member since 2002<br/>First F1 test 2004<br/>First F1 season 2006 as Renault F1 Team third driver<br/></p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-11-3 22:27:46编辑过]
 楼主| 以快乐的名义 发表于 2007-11-3 22:11:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>一点小八卦(原帖地址:<a href=\";extra=page%3D1\">;extra=page%3D1</a>)</p><p>1、毛毛说:my closest friend in F1 is probably Fernando,I enjoy talking to him and he\'s always fair with me(以上为原话)<br/><br/>2、毛毛在Oxford的公寓是以前nano住的公寓的隔壁<br/><br/>3、毛毛的微波炉以前是nano的<br/><br/>4、毛毛说,Kimi和Nano都住瑞士了,他也考虑搬去瑞士,他说他喜欢冷的地方<br/><br/>5、毛毛说,不开F1就去开WRC<br/><br/>6、毛毛会打鼓,在玩乐队,是鼓手;堵车的时候,他就敲方向盘练鼓<br/><br/>7、毛毛不喜欢看书并且说:我听说多看书对脑子有好处,但是出于某些原因,我还是不喜欢看<br/><br/>8、毛毛喜欢Guns n\' Roses(HAPPY:嘿嘿,摇滚大好!<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em03.gif\" />)<br/><br/>9、毛毛说,如果可以演电影,要演动作片,要演超级英雄,就是那种很cool有很多肌肉的,可以一把扭断人家脖子的(HAPPY:毛毛你认为你做得到吗……orz)<br/><br/>10、毛毛说,他会做饭,不光会烧,还会买啊,切啊之类的,总之可以全部自己搞定(tomo注:这个他已经在ITV的专题节目中演示过了,确实有模有样的)<br/><br/>11、Catherine(毛毛的女朋友) 素牛津的高材生(膜拜……)<br/><br/>12、毛毛到目前(截止07上海站)还没有车,不过他说他预定了一部黑色的Hammer H3;他说他本来要弄个白的,但是C mm不同意;另外喜欢白色Hammer是因为它看起来像冰箱,而且样子很cool<br/><br/>13、毛毛说,他只有两部R家提供的车,一部在芬兰,一部在英格兰;02年起车队就每年都给他提供新车</p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-11-3 22:26:02编辑过]
 楼主| 以快乐的名义 发表于 2007-11-3 22:11:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>目录,关于Heikki的新闻集合&amp;专栏:</p><p>10楼:Heikki的BBC专栏:“我并不太满意我的赛季”(translated by木梳)<br/>15楼:autosport专访:In Demand: Interview with Heikki Kovalainen (translated by木梳)</p><p>22楼:[FOOL翻译组]科瓦莱宁待字闺中(translated by木梳)</p><p>23楼:[FOOL翻译组]Peter Windsor说Heikki:他会变得多强?(translated by以快乐的名义——终于搞定了<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em84.gif\" />)</p><p>36楼:[FOOL翻译组]凹凸流言</p><p>94楼:[fool翻译组]接近迈家?</p><p>104楼:[fool翻译组]加盟迈家</p><p>111楼:[fool翻译组]加盟的逼供(感谢雪鸟合作)</p><p>135楼:交换空间(和勒布换车玩XD)</p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-12-27 23:40:23编辑过]
 楼主| 以快乐的名义 发表于 2007-11-3 22:12:00 | 显示全部楼层
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-12-15 18:02:40编辑过]
AMDIntelATi 发表于 2007-11-3 22:31:00 | 显示全部楼层
Well, I guess is counts as a pole.
cucu911 发表于 2007-11-3 22:36:00 | 显示全部楼层
为啥叫毛毛捏?<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em03.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em03.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em03.gif\" />
AMDIntelATi 发表于 2007-11-3 22:43:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>cucu911</i>在2007-11-3 22:36:00的发言:</b><br/>为啥叫毛毛捏?<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em03.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em03.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em03.gif\" /></div><p></p>在我们家那边的方言里,“毛毛”是Cute Kid的通用名……类似于“宝宝”……难道是这方面的意义?
冬瓜火腿汤 发表于 2007-11-3 23:08:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>cucu911</i>在2007-11-3 22:36:00的发言:</b><br/>为啥叫毛毛捏?<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em03.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em03.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em03.gif\" /></div><p></p>其实俺也一直在想~~~
木梳 发表于 2007-11-3 23:12:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>[FOOL翻译组]海基BBC专栏:“我并不太满意我的赛季。”<br/>Heikki\'s BBC Column: \"I\'m not really happy about my season\"</p><p>翻译:木梳        校译:以快乐的名义</p><p>\"The season has ended and although there were some good points, I\'m not really happy about it. <br/>赛季结束了,尽管有一些不错的分数,但是我并不是很满意于这个赛季。</p><p>\"I finished seventh overall, with one of the highlights being my second place in the Japanese Grand Prix. But next year I need to be better. Better prepared both physically and mentally.<br/>最终我获得了车手积分榜第七名的位置,这其中还有在日本站获得第二名的亮点。但是明年我还需要更进一步,在身体和精神方面都要做更充足的准备。</p><p>\"I should have enough experience next year to fight for good positions and now we must work hard to make sure it happens.\"<br/>明年我应该有足够的经验来为了更好的名次而奋战,现在我们必须要努力工作以确信这是可以实现的。</p><p>

</p><p>SEASON REVIEW<br/>赛季回顾</p><p>In neither of the last two races were we able to show the full potential of the Renault car. <br/>在最后的两站里我们都没能够发挥出雷诺赛车的全部潜力。</p><p>We had the pace in dry and wet conditions, but in both races the qualifying simply was not good enough and that set us back. <br/>在干地和湿地环境里我们都具备了速度,但是在这两场比赛中,由于排位赛不够理想阻碍了我们更进一步。</p><p>I don\'t think we quite nailed the set-up in the practice sessions. In both cases I made little mistakes that if you want to win the championship you shouldn\'t make. <br/>我认为我们并没有非常集中注意力于练习阶段系统装置的调校。在一些比赛中我犯下了错误,但如果你想赢得比赛,就不应该犯下这些错误。</p><p>Towards the end of the season, especially in the dry, to qualify for the top 10 wasn\'t easy. We haven\'t really done anything on our car since Nurburgring in July and that made it a little harder. <br/>到了赛季尾声,特别是在干地情况下,进入排位赛前十并不容易。自从七月在纽博格林以来,我们并没有在赛车的改进方面做什么事,于是这就使得情况变得有些艰难。</p><p>The other cars were probably improving while we weren\'t. We\'d already taken the decision to focus on next year. But in any case, we should have had the pace. <br/>其他的赛车可能都在进步,但我们没有。我们做出了决定,将注意力放在下个赛季。但是不论如何,我们都应该具备速度。</p><p>

</p><p>I can\'t be happy about the start of the season. We need to do better next year, both my team and myself. Regardless of where I am next year, we need to start better. <br/>对于赛季的开端,我无法满意。明年我们需要做得更好,不论是车队还是我自己。不管明年我在哪个车队,我们都需要有个良好的开始。</p><p>Halfway through the year we got consistent results - around fifth, sixth, seventh in any conditions - so we can be quite happy about that. We had some really good races and strategies. <br/>赛季中段我们持续取得了不错的结果——在各种情况下获得了第五、第六或第七。所以我们为此而感到高兴。我们确实收获了几场不错的比赛、制定了不错的策略。</p><p>You could say it was a good season and had Lewis Hamilton not been there it would have looked much better because I would have finished as top rookie! <br/>也许你会说,如果没有汉密尔顿,那么这个赛季对我而言会好得多,因为我取得了新人车手的最高名次!</p><p>Finishing second in Fuji was obviously my best race, but we also did well in Turkey, Hungary and Spa where I made the best possible use of the car without making any mistakes. <br/>显然在富士赛道以第二名完赛是我最好的一场比赛,不过在土耳其、匈牙利和比利时斯帕,在没有犯错的情况下,我也都充分利用了赛车(取得了不错的成绩)。</p><p>But my expectations were a lot higher. We expected to have a strong, competitive car and so clearly it was a disappointing season compared to that. I think we expected more from the races which is why it doesn\'t feel as successful as it possibly was. <br/>但是我的期望比这个高得多。我们期望着能拥有一辆强大的具有竞争力的赛车,显然相比于此,这个赛季是令人沮丧的。我想我们对比赛的期待太多了,这也就是为何这个赛季不如它能够达到的成功程度的原因。</p><p>Next season I need to start better. I need to ensure that when an opportunity or possibility comes around I must take it straight away. We have to aim even higher. <br/>下个赛季我需要有一个更好的开局。我需要确信,当一个机会或可能性来临的时候,我可以立马抓住它。我们要瞄准更高的目标。</p><p>LESSONS LEARNED<br/>吸取的教训</p><p>I think I got used to an easy start in my Formula One career. I was testing in a very competitive car last year. If we struggled we never really had to think deeply about the car or the set-up. We knew the car had the pace. <br/>我想我的F1职业生涯开始得很容易。去年我为一辆很有竞争力的赛车做测试。如果我们挣扎的话,我们根本无需深入思考关于赛车或调校方面的问题。因为我们知道那辆赛车具备速度。</p><p>At the beginning of this season, if it didn\'t go well after Friday practice, I thought \"Ah well, it will be all right tomorrow\" - but it didn\'t happen that way. <br/>赛季伊始,在周五的练习赛上事情进展得不那么顺利,我就想:“嗯,明天一切都会好起来的。”但事实并非如此。</p><p>I had a few long chats with my engineers and with Renault boss Flavio Briatore and we thought this is not working like it should. We concluded I needed to work with the engineers more and understand the car better. <br/>我和我的工程师以及我的老板布利亚托雷进行了长时间的谈话,我们认为赛车的工作状态不在它应该处于的状态中。我们得出的结论是我必须要和工程师一起进行更多的工作并且更深入地了解赛车。</p><p>And that\'s what I\'ve been learning this year about the car and the set-up. I think I\'ve got the speed, I\'ve always had the speed to win the championship, but when it comes to the smaller details I\'m better now than I was at the start.<br/>这就是在这个赛季我学习到的关于赛车与调校的认识。我觉得我已经具备了速度,我常常有可以一争冠军的速度,不过当谈及小细节的时候我的认识比刚开始的时候好很多。</p><p><br/>WILL RENAULT BE BETTER IN 2008?<br/>雷诺能在2008赛季重返巅峰吗? </p><p>We\'ve not been as competitive as I hoped this year. We were a bit late building and designing our car this year because last year went down to the wire. <br/>今年我们不如我希望的那样有竞争力。由于去年战斗到了最后时刻,所以今年赛车的研发与设计开始得晚了点。</p><p>We also had problems with the wind tunnel, although they have been sorted out, and we also understand a lot more about the tyres after a first season using them. <br/>不仅如此,我们的风洞也出了问题,尽管现在问题已经解决了,经历了头一个赛季之后,对于轮胎我们也有了更多的了解。</p><p>

</p><p>We\'ve come through the worst time, a transitional period. <br/>我们已经度过了最糟糕的时期,一段过渡期。</p><p>There\'s never been a doubt about anyone in the team. Renault\'s director of engineering Pat Symonds and our chief race engineer, Alan Permane, are excellent, as are all the engineers and designers. <br/>车队不曾对任何人有过怀疑。雷诺的工程部主管Pat Symonds和我们的首席比赛工程师Alan Permane,都是杰出的,所有的工程师们和设计师们也都是优秀的。</p><p>They are all capable of building a strong car and having a good season. Plus we have a strong, reliable engine.<br/>他们有能力制造出一辆强大的赛车并且拥有一个很好的赛季。提供给我们一台强劲的、可靠的引擎。</p><p>MY FUTURE<br/>我的未来</p><p>I know where we are and I will be the first to know when we make that decision but it hasn\'t been made yet. I have a contract until the end of the year and when testing resumes I will drive for Renault in Barcelona. <br/>我知道我们处于何处,而当决定做出之后我也将会第一个知道,不过答案还没有揭晓。和车队的合同直到今年结束,当冬测开始之后我还将在巴塞罗那为雷诺试车。</p><p>I am at Renault, I am happy with the team and I think next year they can do a very good job, but we will see what is the best possible option for me. <br/>我在雷诺车队,和车队一起很令我开心,我想明年他们会干出更出色的工作,不过我们还要等等看,对我而言最好的选择是什么。</p><p>Apart from that there\'s nothing new to report. There are different options and possibilities - very interesting ones - and I just need to take a bit of time and see what is the best option. <br/>除此之外没有什么新闻可以汇报给大家了。有不同的选择和不同的可能性——都很有趣——而我只需要稍微抽出点时间考虑考虑哪个是最好的选择。</p><p>The next eight months are very important for my career. Wherever I go or whether I stay, I want to compete and put in the hard work with that team to win the championship. <br/>接下来的八个月对我的职业生涯而言至关重要。不论我将去到哪里或是否留下。我都将参与竞争并且和车队一起努力工作来争取赢得冠军。</p><p>Equal status with my team-mate is also important. I don\'t want to turn up in Australia if I know I can\'t win or fight for the championship. <br/>与队友的平等地位同样重要。如果我知道我不能赢或不能为了总冠军而奋战的话,我就不想在澳大利亚现身了。</p><p>It\'s a good situation that, after a bit of an early struggle, I had some good results and performances and now there are teams interested. <br/>目前状况不错,在经历了最初的一点挣扎之后,我获得了一些不错的成绩并且表现了自己,现在有些车队我对感兴趣。</p><p>I don\'t have any concerns about going up against Lewis Hamilton, Fernando Alonso or Kimi Raikkonen. If ever I want to win the championship, I can\'t be afraid of anyone and I need to beat them all. Given the right package I think I could fight for it. <br/>对于挑战刘易斯·汉密尔顿、费尔南多·阿隆索或基米·莱库宁,我没有任何担心。如果我也想要赢得总冠军,那么我不能害怕任何人,同时我必须要击败他们所有人。提供给我一切正确的装备,我想我是可以为之而战斗的。</p><p>They\'re not easy to beat - they\'re all really good drivers - but I\'m not afraid of anyone. I never thought about anyone that I can\'t beat. When that day arrives, it\'s better to do something else. <br/>他们并不好击败,他们都是优秀的车手,但是我不惧怕任何人。我从来没有想过我无法击败任何人,当那一天来临的时候,也许去做点其他的事会更好。</p><p>THIS YEAR\'S TITLE<br/>今年的总冠军头衔</p><p>It\'s fair to say that in the last few races, Kimi was the strongest. All of them had a bad race at some point, everyone made a few errors, but I don\'t think you can put it down to luck. Kimi really was the strongest driver throughout the year. <br/>公平地说,在最后的几站里,基米是最强的。在某些节点他们的成绩不怎么样,每一个人都犯了一些错误,但是我认为你不能将之归结为运气。全年中基米确实是最强的车手。</p><p>When he got comfortable with his car - the tyres, the set-up and the team - he really was the guy to beat. He scored the most points in the last six or seven races. He is absolutely the right champion. <br/>当他适应他的赛车,熟悉轮胎、熟悉调校、熟悉车队之后,他确实是最难以击败的车手。在最后的6、7站比赛中他获得了最多的积分。他是当之无愧的总冠军。</p><p>Lewis had a very good season and Fernando and Felipe Massa were strong, but when it came down to the last few races, Kimi never gave up. <br/>刘易斯拥有一个很棒的赛季,费尔南多和菲利普·马萨也很强大,但是当赛季进行到最后的几站之时,基米都没有放弃过。</p><p>I know him and I think he\'s always thought that somehow he was going to do it. The right guy won it. <br/>我了解他,我认为他总是在思考他应该如何去做。他是获得总冠军的合适人选。</p><p>I really hope the appeal over the Brazilian Grand Prix doesn\'t change anything. I guess it needs to be sorted out but I hope the championship result stands. <br/>我非常希望关于巴西大奖赛的上诉事件不会改变任何事。我想这件事需要弄清楚但是我希望能保持总冠军的结果。</p><p>It\'s never good for the sport - any of the things that have happened this year have not been good - but somewhere you have to draw the line and that\'s why you have people who deal with this. <br/>有些事情对体育界来说不是好事——某些发生在本赛季的事情并不好——但是某些时候你必须要定下规则这样人们才能知道如何处理它。</p><p>At the end of the day, I hope nothing happens and we can move on without any scandals. As a Finn, I hope Kimi can keep it. <br/>当一切结束之时,我希望什么也没发生,我们可以在没有丑闻的情况下继续前进。作为芬兰人,我希望基米能保留他的总冠军头衔。</p><p>

</p><p>He is a really nice guy. He is very honest and fair and never gets involved in things that aren\'t his business.<br/>他是很棒的一个人,他非常诚实和公平,并且从来不会卷入与他无关的事情中。 </p><p>eople in F1 like him because what you see is what you get. He\'s never been the chattiest guy in the world but that\'s how he is. <br/>F1中有人喜欢他,因为你所看到的就是你所得到的。他并不是一个健谈的人,但是这就是他。</p><p>He\'s got a really good sense of humour. I get on very well with him and he can be very funny. Whatever people say about him, he\'s a very smart guy. <br/>他很有幽默感,我和他相处得非常好,他其实很有趣。不论别人如何评论他,他是一个非常聪明的人。</p><p>I see things said about him and they make me smile, but he never gets involved in a war of words or anything. <br/>我看过一些关于他的事情,很令我发笑,但是他从来不会参与口舌之争或其他什么争论中。</p><p>Sometimes, he says things in a clever way and it shows his intelligence.<br/>有时候,他以聪明的方式去表述事情,而这也显示了他的智商。</p><p>NEW YORK MARATHON<br/>纽约马拉松</p><p>I\'m running in the New York marathon on Sunday and I\'m looking forward to it. I\'ve done quite a lot of training over the last two months. <br/>星期天的时候我跑了纽约马拉松,我非常向往它。在过去的两个月里我进行了很多训练。</p><p>Whether that\'s enough I don\'t know but I\'m not nervous about it. <br/>我并不知道这样是否准备充足,不过我也不紧张。</p><p>I\'ve done distances of up to 30km and felt I could have gone another 12km but it depends on the day. <br/>我跑了超过30公里,我觉得我还能再跑12公里,不过时间到了。</p><p>I\'ll try to do as well as I can but as long as I can finish - that\'s the main thing! <br/>我并不是试图要跑得尽我所能地好,而是要跑得尽我所能地长,这才是最重要的事情!</p><p>Mentally, a Grand Prix is much tougher but then I don\'t think you\'re ever in as much pain at the end of a race as you are in a marathon. <br/>在精神上,一场大奖赛的比赛比马拉松更艰苦,但是我不认为在马拉松中你会感受到和比赛结束时一样多的痛苦。</p><p>When I\'m running, my brain can be anywhere. I\'m not worried about the race or who is leading. But you start to feel the physical pain and the struggle starts there. <br/>当我跑步的时候,我可以浮想联翩。我不必担心比赛进程或谁是领跑者。但是你会开始感受到身体上的痛苦并且要开始与之作斗争。</p><p>Under four hours would be a good time. When I first started doing this, I targeted three and a half hours, maybe 3:20. But after doing some running that\'s probably too fast. <br/>跑进4小时是不错的成绩。我第一次跑的时候,我的目标是3个半小时,也许是3小时20分。不过在跑了一段之后,这样的成绩还是太快了。</p><p>If I feel good, three and a half could be possible but if the struggle starts early on it will be difficult to finish, so under four hours is my target time. <br/>如果我的感觉好,3个半小时是可能的,不过如果极限出现得早,这样的目标很难达到了。所以跑进4小时就是我的目标时间。</p><p>I am flying out on Thursday and going to a Police concert on Friday.<br/>星期四的时候我飞离那里,星期五的时候出席了个警察音乐会。 </p><p>I don\'t need a holiday or the sun. For me, the best holiday would be to go back to Finland, even if it\'s snowing, and just be at home for a while.<br/>我不需要假期和阳光。对我而言最好的假期就是回到芬兰——虽然那里正在下雪——在家里度过一段时光。</p>
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-11-17 1:02:08编辑过]
cucu911 发表于 2007-11-3 23:18:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>AMDIntelATi</i>在2007-11-3 22:43:00的发言:</b><br/><p></p>在我们家那边的方言里,“毛毛”是Cute Kid的通用名……类似于“宝宝”……难道是这方面的意义?</div><p></p><p>可是</p><p>乐乐不是你们家那边的人啊</p><p>……</p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em07.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em07.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em07.gif\" />
 楼主| 以快乐的名义 发表于 2007-11-3 23:20:00 | 显示全部楼层
cucu911 发表于 2007-11-3 23:27:00 | 显示全部楼层
木梳 发表于 2007-11-3 23:43:00 | 显示全部楼层
木梳 发表于 2007-11-11 23:57:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p><strong><font size=\"4\">In Demand: Interview with Heikki Kovalainen</font></strong></p><p><em><font size=\"3\">With Fernando Alonso holding the key to the Formula One drivers market, Heikki Kovalainen must wait to find out where he will drive next season. But despite a rocky start to his debut Formula One season, the Finn has sufficiently impressed to be the lead candidate to partner Lewis Hamilton at McLaren - or even Alonso himself at Renault. Either way, he tells Adam Cooper, he just wants a fair chance to fight for the world championship.<br/></font></em><font color=\"#000099\" size=\"3\"><em>由于费尔南多·阿隆索掌握着F1车手转会市场的钥匙,因此海基·科瓦莱宁必须要等待,来发现他下个赛季将为哪支车队效力。但是尽管他的F1新秀赛季拥有一个不稳定的开端,芬兰人已经给人以深刻的印象,从而领衔刘易斯·汉密尔顿队友人选的名单,或是留在雷诺做阿隆索的队友。但不论是哪一种可能,他告诉Adam Cooper说,他所需要的只是一个公平的为世界冠军而奋战的机会。<br/></em></font>  <br/><font size=\"3\">By Adam Cooper contributing writer</font></p><p><font size=\"3\">翻译:木梳        校译:雪鸟<br/><strong><font color=\"#008800\">特别鸣谢合作伙伴hoopChina论坛F1版提供autosport原文</font></strong></font></p><p>

</p><p>While the world awaits any news about Fernando Alonso\'s future, the fate of Heikki Kovalainen is just as intriguing. If Alonso finally opts for a return to Renault, then it will most likely be to partner Nelson Piquet Jr, a rookie that the Spaniard will be happy to have alongside him.<br/><font color=\"#000099\">当人们都在等待关于费尔南多·阿隆索的未来的任何一条消息的时候,海基·科瓦莱宁的命运不过是他们小小的关注点。如果最终阿隆索选择回到雷诺,那么最有可能成为他的队友的是尼尔森·小皮奎特,一个西班牙人乐意与之共事的新秀。</font></p><p>That in turn means team chief Flavio Briatore will have to find a new home for his Finnish driver. After an impressive season, Briatore certainly has a much better chance of placing Kovalainen elsewhere than he would Piquet, who remains something of an unknown quantity.<br/><font color=\"#000099\">这样的回归意味着车队经理弗拉维奥·布利亚托雷必须为他的芬兰车手寻找新东家。经过一个令人印象深刻的赛季之后,比起安置有着未知能力的小皮奎特,布利亚托雷当然是有着更好的机会为科瓦莱宁寻找新去处。</font></p><p>Wednesday\'s announcement from Williams saw one possible door close, but another - at McLaren - remains open. In many ways, Kovalainen is the perfect driver for the job of running alongside Lewis Hamilton, and not just because he has experience of filling Alonso\'s shoes. He would give Hamilton a hard time without any of the baggage that the Spaniard brought, and clearly has the mental strength and maturity to cope with anything that might come his way.<br/><font color=\"#000099\">星期三从威廉姆斯传来的消息意味着一个可能的转会大门已经关闭,但是另一个——去迈克拉伦车队的可能性依然存在。在很多方面,科瓦莱宁是一个优秀的车手,可以胜任与刘易斯·汉密尔顿搭档的工作,而不仅仅是他拥有填补阿隆索离去后空位的经验。他给汉密尔顿带来巨大的挑战不会比阿隆索少到哪里去,很明显,他拥有强大的心智和成熟的性格去处理任何他前进道路上的困难。</font></p><p>He\'s also a good candidate for Toyota, and it\'s thought that he is high on the list at Cologne, depending on what happens with the Jarno Trulli/Timo Glock/Fernando Alonso discussions.<br/><font color=\"#000099\">他还有一个很好的候选者——丰田车队,在科隆,科瓦莱宁的呼声很高,(不过能否成行)还要看亚诺·特鲁利、蒂姆·格洛克以及费尔南多·阿隆索他们是如何决定的。</font></p><p>It\'s easy to characterise any driver contracted to Flavio Briatore as a peg to be fitted in any hole that happens to suit the Italian wheeler dealer, but Kovalainen has firm ideas about his future.<br/><font color=\"#000099\">那些与弗拉维奥·布利亚托雷签约的车手总是很容易被描绘成一个能够适合各种孔洞的螺钉,并且碰巧适合这个精明的意大利商人,但是科瓦莱宁对于自己的未来有着坚定的想法。</font></p><p>

</p><p><strong>Q: How much have you learned this year?<br/>问:这一年你学到了多少?</strong></p><p>Kovalainen: \"I think every race you learn something more. I don\'t think there\'s been a big sort of bright light that I suddenly switched on. I think it\'s more small details, how to work with the team, the engineers, how to go through the sessions during the weekend, how to solve problems, how to deal with different situations. It\'s more that, nothing dramatic happened.<br/><font color=\"#000099\">科瓦莱宁:“我认为每一场比赛你都能学到很多东西。我不认为有某个巨大的闪光点使得我突然开窍。我认为这都是些小细节,诸如如何与车队和工程师们共事、在周末如何度过每一个阶段、如何解决问题、如何处理棘手的状况。不仅仅只是这些,没有什么事会戏剧性地发生的。”</font></p><p>\"Obviously there have been some dramatic situations, but I think I managed to handle them well, and I think all the other details I\'ve learned will help me in the future. Hopefully whenever I have a chance to fight for the championship I\'ll be able to do it.\"<br/><font color=\"#000099\">“显然会有些戏剧化的状况发生,但是我认为我能够设法处理好它们,并且我认为我学到的所有其他的细节都将会在未来帮助我。希望不论何时当我拥有为冠军而战的机会的时候,我都能够为之而奋斗。”</font></p><p><strong>Q: So what\'s your overall verdict on the season?<br/><font color=\"#000099\">问:你如何来总结你的赛季?</font></strong></p><p>Kovalainen: \"I think we can\'t be happy about the beginning of the season. Our car was not as competitive as it should have been, and it was very inconsistent. But also I made a few mistakes that I should not have made. Giancarlo [Fisichella] was driving better at the beginning of the season, and he scored more points.<br/><font color=\"#000099\">科瓦莱宁:“我认为对于赛季的开端我们无法满意。我们的赛车不如它所能应该达到的程度那样有竞争力,并且它的表现起伏不定。当然我也犯了一些不应该犯的错误。在赛季初期吉安卡洛(费斯切拉)开得比我好,并且他比我拿到了更多的积分。”</font></p><p>\"But then in the second half of the season we improved out car all the time. We made some good steps and our place was seventh or eighth fastest all the time, in normal conditions. Then we started to score points regularly, and I got a podium in Japan.<br/><font color=\"#000099\">“不过到了后半个赛季,我们一直在提高我们的赛车。我们取得了一些进步,在正常情况下,我们的赛车一直能够保持在第七或第八快的位置上。于是我们开始经常地获得积分,并且在日本站我站上了领奖台。”</font></p><p>\"I think it\'s been a positive season anyway. I\'ve learned a helluva lot this year, and now whatever comes in the future, I think I can easily go through it after a season like this!\"<br/><font color=\"#000099\">“不论如何我都觉得这是一个积极的赛季。这一年里我学到了很多很多,现在我觉得不论在未来发生什么,在度过了这样的一个赛季之后,我都可以轻松应对。”</font></p><p><strong>Q: You were replacing a double world champion, and you must have thought you could win races in your first year. When did you </strong><font color=\"#000099\"><strong>realise it wasn\'t going to be that straightforward?<br/>问:你替代了两届世界冠军,你一定会认为你可以赢得几场比赛。你是什么时候开始意识到这并不那么容易做到的?</strong></font></p><p>Kovalainen: \"To be honest when we went to Melbourne we didn\'t know that the gap was so big to the leaders. We went there thinking we won\'t be in front of Ferrari and McLaren, but we will be there or thereabouts. Qualifying 13th for my first race wasn\'t good! And Fisi qualified sixth, and normally he\'s very good around there. <br/><font color=\"#000099\">科瓦莱宁:坦率地说,当我们动身去墨尔本的时候我们并不知道我们和领先者之间的差距究竟有多大。去那里的时候我们觉得我们不会领先于法拉利和迈克拉伦,但是我们可以和他们相差无几。我的第一场比赛排位赛仅仅列13,这真不怎么样!费斯切拉获得排位赛第6的成绩,自然他在那里表现得很不错。</font></p><p>\"It was a bit of a shock, and the next few races not being on the pace at all was definitely a bit of a disappointment for us. We realised that we didn\'t have the pace and we had to do a bit of work.\"<br/><font color=\"#000099\">“这让人有点儿震惊,接下去的几站比赛中(我们)依然完全没有速度,无疑这让我们有点儿沮丧。我们意识到我们没有速度并且我们必须做更多的工作。”</font></p><p>

</p><p><strong>Q: What was the lowest point for you in the early races - was it after qualifying in Australia?<br/><font color=\"#000099\">问:在前几场比赛中你的最低谷是什么时候?——是澳大利亚站的排位赛后么?</font></strong></p><p>Kovalainen: \"It was the first race and things did go very wrong there for me, but I felt OK. In Malaysia it looked a bit better, and again in Bahrain. Spain was the first one where the pace was actually OK, I qualified top 10, and I was fighting there with Robert [Kubica] when we had some refuelling problems.<br/><font color=\"#000099\">科瓦莱宁:“应该是我第一场比赛后,那时一切对我而言都太糟糕了,但是我觉得还行。在马来西亚情况好了些,在巴林又变得糟糕了。西班牙站是第一场(赛车)速度确实不错的比赛,(排位赛)我排进了前十,当我们遭遇到一些加油问题的时候我正在和罗伯特(库比卡)缠斗。”<br/></font>  <br/>\"But then in Monaco I was really not on the pace all weekend, and never really comfortable with the car, and I didn\'t find good settings there, and I didn\'t really make up places in the race as well. It was a really disappointing weekend, and after that I had some meetings with the engineers and they told me you really need to pull your finger out, and I was not good enough. <br/><font color=\"#000099\">“但是在摩纳哥,整个周末我都没有速度,并且对赛车的感觉也不好,我无法在那里寻找到正确的调校,同样的我在那场比赛中也没有获得好的名次。那确实是一个令人失望的周末,在那之后我和工程师们进行了几次交谈,他们告诉我说你确实需要更努力地工作,而我还不够好。”</font></p><p>\"In Canada it started quite badly, I had the accident and engine failure and it was still going wrong there, but since the race there things turned around - I don\'t know why!\"<br/><font color=\"#000099\">“在加拿大,一切开始得非常糟糕,我遇到了事故,引擎也出了问题,看上去一切依然糟糕透了,可是当比赛开始,事情转好了——我搞不明白是为什么!”</font></p><p><strong>Q: Getting a fourth place in Montreal must have been fantastic after the way the weekend started...<br/><font color=\"#000099\">问:在蒙特利尔取得第四名的成绩应该是在以这种方式开始比赛周末后的一个梦幻结果吧……</font></strong></p><p>Kovalainen: \"Yeah, I started to understand the set-up and how to get more out of the car and make it better for the race, and also driving a little bit smoother and less aggressive, not attacking as much as before. It took just a little bit too long for me to put it all together. It certainly is something that we need to improve for next year.\"<br/><font color=\"#000099\">科瓦莱宁:“嗯,我开始理解调校以及如何更充分地发挥赛车性能,使它能在比赛中表现得更好,并且在驾驶上我也减少了侵略性,变得更平稳,不像之前那样那么有攻击性。对我而言,同时做到这些花费了较长的时间。当然这也是我们为了明年而必须要提高的地方。”</font></p><p><strong>Q: Did the Canadian result give you some breathing space, though?<br/><font color=\"#000099\">问:尽管如此,加拿大的结果是否还是给了你一些喘息的机会?</font></strong></p><p>Kovalainen: \"Maybe a little bit. I still felt a little bit lucky, and it was really a chaotic race. I had to finish obviously, but the result there was not really a reflection of the whole weekend. But then in the USA qualifying sixth and finishing fifth, I was genuinely fighting there, firstly with Kimi [Raikkonen], and then the BMWs.<br/><font color=\"#000099\">科瓦莱宁:“也许是有那么一点吧。我还是觉得挺幸运的,那确实是一场混乱的比赛。显然我必须要完赛,不过成绩并不能真实地反映整个周末的情况。不过随后在美国,我取得了排位赛第6、正赛第5的成绩,在那里我真正地是在战斗,先是和基米(莱库宁)竞争,然后是两辆宝马。”</font></p><p>\"That was the first really good weekend, and I think that gave me a bit of breathing space in the team. The engineers thought, he\'s still the driver that we thought he would be. There were less people doubting about my ability. Of course, it\'s a little boost for yourself.<br/><font color=\"#000099\">“那是第一个很棒的周末,我觉得它给了我在车队里赢得了喘息的空间。工程师们认为,我还是那个他们们觉得我可以做得到的车手。质疑我的能力的家伙少了些。当然,对你自己而言这也是一种激励。”</font></p><p>\"There was still a lot of talk around there that I would be replaced or whatever, but I never really followed that talk too much. The team was starting to give some confidence again, so it was good.\"<br/><font color=\"#000099\">“那时,依然有许多我将会被替代或其他什么的言论,但是我从来不真的去理会它们。车队再一次给了我信心,所以一切都不错。”</font></p><p><strong>Q: Were you happy with the second half of the season?<br/><font color=\"#000099\">问:后半个赛季你最满意的是什么?</font></strong></p><p>Kovalainen: \"In Hungary I dropped out of Q3 after being second fastest in Q1, I didn\'t get it right in Q2, but I think we figured out the problems there, why I suddenly lost pace. But I felt the race was very strong there, I finished eighth. I think it was one of the best races this year. I started 12th and I overtook three cars in the pits. It was a good race, a good boost for me. <br/><font color=\"#000099\">科瓦莱宁:“在匈牙利站,在排位赛第一节中跑出第二快的成绩之后,我没能进入排位赛第三节,在第二节里我做得不太好,不过我认为当时我们遇到了点问题,这就是为何我突然失去了速度的原因。但是我觉得正赛的时候我们很强,我最终以第八完赛。我觉得这是本赛季里最好的比赛之一。我以第12的位置起步,并且利用进站超越了三辆车。这是很好的比赛,对我而言是很好的鼓舞。”</font></p><p>\"Turkey was another strong race, I led there for a while and finished P6 there. I was catching Lewis at the end when he had the tyre problem. In Italy and Belgium the strategy didn\'t work out in both races for me, we could have done better there I think.\"<br/><font color=\"#000099\">“土耳其站是另一场强大的比赛,在那里我曾短暂领先过,并且最终获得第6的成绩。在比赛尾声当刘易斯的轮胎出现问题的时候,我追近了他。在意大利和比利时的两场比赛中,为我制定的策略并不是很好,我觉得我们可以做得更好。”</font></p><p>

</p><p><strong>Q: But Pat Symonds was full of praise for your drive at Spa, where you beat Kubica<br/><font color=\"#000099\">问:不过帕特·西蒙斯对于你在斯帕的表现大加赞赏,在那里你击败了库比卡。</font></strong><br/>  <br/>Kovalainen: \"For the strategy that we had my drive was OK, I really couldn\'t have done better there. I was holding off Robert for the last 10 laps, and he was clearly quicker than me. To keep him behind, I think it was a hard-earned point! And then there was Japan, obviously.\"<br/><font color=\"#000099\">科瓦莱宁:“就我们的策略而言,我的驾驶还是可以的,我已经无法做得更好了。在最后的10圈里,我阻挡着库比卡的攻击,他确实比我更快。为了能够挡住他,我觉得这是难能可贵的积分!然后就是在日本,你也知道了。”</font></p><p><strong>Q: That must have been the highlight of your season!<br/><font color=\"#000099\">问:那一定是你本赛季的最大亮点!</font></strong></p><p>Kovalainen: \"We were looking relatively competitive on Friday, we were quite happy with our pace, and I think we would have been in our normal seventh and eighth, or maybe sixth, close to BMW and ahead of the rest. Then in the damp qualifying we were just not fast enough. Giancarlo is normally very good in the rain straight away, he only managed 11th and I was a couple of tenths slower.<br/><font color=\"#000099\">科瓦莱宁:“星期五的时候我们看上去相对较有竞争力,我们很满意我们的速度,我觉得我们可以保持在我们正常发挥的第七和第八的位置,或者有可能是第六,接近宝马并且领先其他的车队。在潮湿的排位赛中我们并没有如我们希望的那么快。吉安卡洛过去总是在雨中跑的飞快,但是他只获得了第11位,而我还落后他零点几秒。”</font></p><p>\"The feeling was that maybe we chose the wrong downforce level there, because we were expecting it to be dry on Sunday, and we suffered in qualifying a little bit. We were hoping to have a better Sunday, but not quite as good as it turned out to be!<br/><font color=\"#000099\">“这种感觉就是可能我们在那里采取了错误的下压力调校,因为我们希望星期天能够晴朗,在排位赛中我们遭遇了挫折。我们希望能有一个比较好的周日,但是我们并不没有期望太高,高到如正赛结果那般好。”</font></p><p>\"We had a good strategy, we had a lot of fuel on board. Because of the conditions many people made mistakes or had some accidents or whatever, but we were there to take the place away from those guys. That\'s what we were trying to aim at every race. If there were any problems for Ferrari, McLaren or BMW, we had to be there.\"<br/><font color=\"#000099\">“我们的策略很棒,我们载油量充足。由于在那样的情况下,很多人都犯了错、遇到了意外或发生了其他的事情,而我们则是在超越他们。这正是每一场比赛中我们都努力地去做到的。如果法拉利、迈克拉伦或宝马遇到了问题,我们就可以取而代之。”</font></p><p><strong>Q: You coped with incredible pressure from Kimi at the end. Was that very satisfying?<br/><font color=\"#000099\">问:在比赛的末段,你很好地应对了来自于基米的巨大压力。你对此满意么?</font></strong></p><p>Kovalainen: \"Firstly, [Felipe] Massa was catching me, and he couldn\'t make a move, and then he had to go to the pits and Kimi was catching me very fast, and he tried to make a move on the last lap. But I really, really wanted to stay in second place rather than lose it on the last lap. I took some big risks there and they paid off big time, I was really on the limit with the car. In those conditions to come out ahead of him was a really good moment.\"<br/><font color=\"#000099\">科瓦莱宁:“起先是(菲利普)马萨接近了我,他并没有做动作,然后他进站了,基米迅速地追近,他试图在最后一圈进行超越。但是我是真的真的想保住第二的位置,我不想在最后一圈中失去他。我冒了很大的风险,这节省了我的时间,我确实已经将车开到了极限。在这些情况下,我终于得以领先他完赛,这实在是一个很棒的时刻。”</font></p><p><strong>Q: What did he say to you afterwards?<br/><font color=\"#000099\">问:后来他对你说了些什么?</font></strong></p><p>Kovalainen: \"He said it was a wet race! And I said yeah, it was slippery. Not much, I think he was a little disappointed not to win the race, and they had some miscommunication at the beginning of the race or whatever, so he was disappointed. He felt he should have won or beaten me at least.\"<br/><font color=\"#000099\">科瓦莱宁:“他说这是一场湿漉漉的比赛!然后我说是的,赛道太滑了。没说很多,我想他会有些失望没能赢得比赛,并且在比赛开始的时候他们出现了一些失误什么的,所以他感到失望。他觉得他应该能取胜,至少应该击败我。”</font></p><p><strong>Q: What is your relationship with Kimi like? You dads hang out together.<br/><font color=\"#000099\">问:你和基米的关系如何?你们的父亲也在一起竞争。</font></strong></p><p>Kovalainen: \"They race together in the Legends championship, and they are good mates. They watch races together. They happened to watch the Japanese GP together in a motorhome at one of the tracks where they were driving a Legends car!<br/><font color=\"#000099\">科瓦莱宁:“他们一起参加冠军系列赛的比赛,他们也是很好的同伴。他们一起看比赛。在一条他们开系列赛的赛道的车房里他们碰巧一起看了日本大奖赛的转播。”</font></p><p>\"I\'m always very friendly with Kimi, and he\'s always friendly with me. I never have any problem with him, I respect him a lot as a driver and as a person. It\'s always really good fun with him, and his friends are nice guys.\"<br/><font color=\"#000099\">“我和基米的关系也非常好,他待我很友善。我和他没有任何问题,作为车手和个人,我尊敬他的很多方面。和他在一起很有乐趣,他的朋友们都是友好的人。”</font></p><p>

</p><p><strong>Q: You mentioned the rumours about Piquet coming in to replace you earlier in the season and so on. Were you really able to ignore all of that?<br/><font color=\"#000099\">问:你提到了关于小皮奎特将在赛季中更早些的时候期待你的传言,你是否真的能够完全忽视这些传闻?</font></strong></p><p>Kovalainen: \"Yeah, I think I was able to do it quite well. Honestly, it never affected my driving. Of course, off the track sometimes I was thinking things are not going very well, and I needed some support, some people to convince me that it will come good one day.<br/><font color=\"#000099\">科瓦莱宁:“嗯,我认为我做得非常好。坦白地说,它分毫没有影响到我的驾驶。当然,离开赛道有时候我也会想到,事情进展得并不太如意,我需要一些支持,一些人令我相信总有一天事情会好转的。”</font></p><p>\"In F1 there\'s not a lot of time, and when it starts to go wrong, very easily you are out of the game. It\'s happened to many drivers before, and I really wanted to make sure that I stay here for a long time. And I know that I can be competitive, given the right situation, and the right package. I have to work more and make sure that the mistakes that I made don\'t happen again.<br/><font color=\"#000099\">“在F1,并没有很多的时间(留给你),当问题开始出现的时候,你很容易就被赶出局。在此前这样的事发生在很多车手身上,我真的很想确信,我可以长时间地留在这里。同时我知道,如果得到正确的地位和正确的装备,我能够有竞争力。我必须要做得更多,并且确信我不会再犯曾经犯过的那些错误。”</font></p><p>\"I think I handled that quite well, it\'s something that I can be quite happy about this year. There was a lot of talk, negative talk, but it never affected my driving. The hottest moment of the season was maybe around the US GP, and it was one of the best races.\"<br/><font color=\"#000099\">“我认为我处理得很好,有时候我很满意这一整年。有很多的议论,消极的议论,但是它们不曾影响到我的驾驶。整个赛季里最白热化的时候也许就是美国站之时,它确实是最好的几站比赛之一。”</font></p><p><strong>Q: You said the engineers gave you a hard time after Monaco. On the TV, we often hear them on team radio encouraging you and Giancarlo. Is that just the way the guys are at Renault, pushing the drivers along?<br/><font color=\"#000099\">问:你说在摩纳哥之后工程师们给了你一个“艰难时刻”。在电视里,我们经常听到他们在车队无线电里鼓励你和吉安卡洛。这就是雷诺人的一种方式么?不停地让车手往前赶?</font></strong></p><p>Kovalainen: \"I think the race situations are different. Normally it\'s Flavio who tells the engineers, \'tell him to push, tell him to go faster!\' As I said, the engineers kicked my butt, we had a meeting at the factory before Canada. They were saying to me \'in some of the races you could have done more, you could have been at the track more, you could have been with the engineers more.\' Basically they were telling me to dig deeper.<br/><font color=\"#000099\">科瓦莱宁:“我认为比赛的情况是各不相同的。通常是弗拉维奥对工程师们说‘告诉他往前赶、告诉他跑得再快些!’如我所言,工程师们鞭策了我,在加拿大站之前我们在工厂里开了会,他们告诉我说,‘在一些比赛中你应该做得更多,你应该在赛道上呆得更久些,你应该拿出更多的时间和工程师们在一起。’基本上,他们是告诉我如何更深入(这项运动)。”</font></p><p>\"Maybe at the beginning of the year I was more saying it will be OK the next day, but it\'s not like that, especially with a difficult car. I think I learned too easy last year in testing, when you put new tyres on you always go fast regardless, whatever the set-up was.<br/><font color=\"#000099\">“也许在赛季开始的时候我会说到明天一切都会好起来,但是事实并非如此,特别是拥有一辆不易驾驭的赛车。我想在去年的测试中我所学到的东西太简单了,当你更换了新轮胎,不论调校如何,你都可以不管这些而跑得一如既往的快。”</font></p><p>\"This year I really had to understand things better, and they told me that I needed to do that better, and Pat particularly was giving me advice what to do, I think he\'s been in these situations before with drivers.<br/><font color=\"#000099\">“今年我必须要了解更多,他们还告诉我说我必须要做得更多,帕特尤其如此,他会给我建议,告诉我该做什么,我想以前他和车手一起时也遇到过这些状况。”</font></p><p>\"I must admit that it did make a difference. I\'ve spent more time with the engineers, I\'ve changed some of the way I work, debriefs and procedures that we do. I think that also made a difference.\"<br/><font color=\"#000099\">“我必须要承认,这确实变得不同了。我拨出更多的时间和工程师们在一起,我改变了一些我的工作方式,询问并参与到我们的工作中。我认为这使得一切变得不同。”</font></p><p><strong>Q: We know that Flavio doesn\'t have much patience if he\'s unhappy with a driver. But it\'s a strange situation, because you\'re here because of him, and he \'owns\' you or whatever. It\'s not a normal boss/driver relationship, is it?<br/><font color=\"#000099\">问:我们知道,如果弗拉维奥不满意于一名车手的话,他不会非常有耐心的。但是现在情况有点儿奇怪,因为你是由于他的原因而在这里的,他“拥有”你。这不是一种通常的老板/车手的关系,是么?</font></strong></p><p>Kovalainen: \"I guess it\'s a bit different, but as manager Flavio can\'t do much if things are not going well. If I\'m not doing good races, then he\'s kicking my butt as well to make sure he gets the most out of me. The way Flavio works is to put pressure on people in every way.\"<br/><font color=\"#000099\">科瓦莱宁:“我想这是有点儿不同,但是作为经纪人,如果事情进展得不顺利,弗拉维奥也无法做得更多(来挽救)。如果我在比赛中表现不佳,那么他也会斥责我以确保他能从我这里获得更多收益。弗拉维奥这样的工作方式是在每个方面都给人施加压力。”</font></p><p>

</p><p><strong>Q: And you don\'t mind that?<br/><font color=\"#000099\">问:你不介意么?</font></strong></p><p>Kovalainen: \"For me, it\'s absolutely no problem. After Melbourne many people were saying \'he was too hard on you\' - absolutely not. I\'m already a grown-up man, I can take a lot of shit. If there\'s a reason for giving the shit, it\'s no problem for me.<br/><font color=\"#000099\">科瓦莱宁:“对我而言这显然不存在问题。在墨尔本之后很多人都说‘他对你太严苛了。’——显然不是。我已经是成年人了,我可以承受很多辱骂。如果有理由辱骂我,那么对我而言没有问题。”</font></p><p>\"With Flavio it actually works well, he says exactly what he thinks. He says you screwed-up big time, you need to improve. Otherwise there\'s not much more he can do about it, and then the most important thing is to respond to his criticisms at the earliest time, the next day or at the next test, whatever. And then you show him OK, I fixed the problem, we\'re all sorted now.<br/><font color=\"#000099\">“和弗拉维奥一起工作很好,他直接地说他所想的事情。(如果)他说你浪费了大量的时间,(那么)你必须要提高。除此之外他并不做更多,而最重要的事情是要在最早的时间里对他的斥责做出反应,(比如说)在明天或下次测试(的时候我会改进)之类的。然后你要向他表现出你状态不错,我处理过这样的问题,现在我们都很认同这种方式。”</font></p><p>\"And when things go well, he\'s there to say well done. He\'s also like that. Many people don\'t see that, they only see as aggressive. But I think he\'s a very good leader for the team. As my manager and the team boss he pushes me all the time.\"<br/><font color=\"#000099\">“而当事情进展不错的时候,他会说干得好。他也很喜欢这样。很多人看不到这一点,他们只看到了他的争强好胜。但是我认为他是非常好的车队领导者。作为我的经纪人和车队老板而言,他一直在推动我。”</font></p><p><strong>Q: Where are you going to be next year?<br/><font color=\"#000099\">问:明年你将去哪里?</font></strong></p><p>Kovalainen: \"All I know is my position is very good now. I think I have several options, and many teams are interested in me, and that\'s the most important thing. I just have to make sure that we make the correct choice for next year or the next few years. Wherever we commit I would like to stay there for the next two or three years and try to win championships, try to win races.<br/><font color=\"#000099\">科瓦莱宁:“据我所知我目前的位置非常好。我认为我有几个选择,很多车队都对我感兴趣,这是最重要的事。我需要确定的是,我们为明年甚至说是今后几年做出了正确的选择。无论我与哪支车队签约,我想留在那里2到3年,并且尝试着赢得冠军,赢取比赛胜利。”</font></p><p>\"For me the most important thing is to have equal status with my teammate and be in a car that is as competitive as possible. I\'m very confident that I will be racing next year, I just have to make the correct choice now.\"<br/><font color=\"#000099\">“对我而言,最重要的是拥有和我的队友同等的地位,并且能驾驶一辆有竞争力的车。我很有信心,明年将继续参加比赛,现在我需要做的就是做出正确的选择。”</font></p><p><strong>Q: Ideally would you like to stay at Renault and build on what you achieved this year?<br/><font color=\"#000099\">问:理想的情况下,你愿意留在雷诺并且在你今年达到的成绩上更进一步吗?</font></strong></p><p>Kovalainen: \"Obviously for me Renault is a very good option, I know the team very well, and I think potentially they are a very good team. They won the championship for the last two years, OK this year has been difficult for us, but there\'s no doubt that they can do better. So there\'s a lot of potential and obviously I would like to stay here, it would probably be the easiest option for me.<br/><font color=\"#000099\">科瓦莱宁:“显然对我来说雷诺是一个非常好的选择,我很了解车队,并且我认为他们是非常棒的车队。在过去的两年中他们赢得了冠军,好吧对我们而言今年的情况有些困难,但是毫无疑问他们可以做得更好。所以很有可能并且显然我很乐意留在这里,于我而言这可能是最简单的选择了。”</font></p><p>\"But we need to be careful, we need to see how the situation goes, and for me to start the season with the knowledge that I am equal with the teammate and have as much chance to win the championship as my teammate is very important. Otherwise I will never win the championship, and I believe I can do it, and I want to be in a situation where I can do it.\"<br/><font color=\"#000099\">“但是我们要谨慎,我们需要静观其变,看局势如何发展。并且对我来说,我要知道我和我的队友是平等的,并且是和他拥有一样多的机会去赢得比赛的,在这样的情况下开始我的赛季是非常重要的。否则我将无法赢得冠军,而我相信我是可以做到的,我希望我能在一个可以争取它的位置上。”</font></p><p><strong>Q: Is your feeling that if Alonso comes back to Renault, it\'s better for you to be somewhere else?<br/><font color=\"#000099\">问:你是否觉得如果阿隆索回归雷诺,你转会去别的地方会更好?</font></strong></p><p>Kovalainen: \"Not necessarily, if the team can guarantee that we are both equal, it would be perfect to have Fernando. It\'s difficult to say what he wants, and it\'s not really my business. I\'ve never been in a position where I can decide about my teammate, and honestly, if you want to be champion, you have to be able to handle anyone, you need to try to be better than anyone else. But you need to be in the same car as the other one, you need to have the same service from the team.<br/><font color=\"#000099\">科瓦莱宁:“并不是非要如此,如果车队能够承诺我们是平等的,那么拥有费尔南多是完美的一件事。很难说他需要什么,这也不是我的职责所在。我从来没有处在可以选择自己队友的地位上,并且坦白地说,如果你想成为冠军,你就必须能够和任何人相处,你必须尽力做得比任何人都好。但是如果你和某个人坐在相同的车里,那么你就需要得到来自车队的相同的服务。”</font></p><p>\"Renault have normally had equal status within the team, even in the last few years, and Fernando was able to stretch more out of it. I can understand at the end of the season if one is ahead and the other is behind, why not help the other one for the team?<br/><font color=\"#000099\">“在雷诺是有这样的平等地位的,即便是在之前的两年里,而费尔南多能从车队获益更多。我能够理解在赛季尾声的时候如果一个车手领先而另一个车手落后于他(的情况),为什么不为了车队而帮助落后者呢?”</font></p><p>\"But for my future, I\'m still a young driver, still at the beginning of my career, and I\'m not in a position where I can afford to be a number two driver for a few years; I need to try and make my name and mark. If Fernando comes here, it\'s something I need to be careful about.\"<br/><font color=\"#000099\">“但是对于我的未来,我还是一名年轻车手,才刚开始我的职业生涯,而我也还没达到可以在几年内舍弃两个车手中一个的席位的位置,我需要闯出自己的名声、写下自己的印记。如果费尔南多回到这里,我需要小心地应对。”</font></p><p><strong>Q: Is F1 everything you expected it to be?<br/><font color=\"#000099\">问:F1中的一切是如你期待的那般吗?</font></strong></p><p>Kovalainen: \"Everything has been what I expected, but it is very, very competitive. It surprised me just a little bit how much you need to push all the time. You relax for a little while, and straight away, you are at the back. It\'s really, really important to be 100% focused every weekend, have 100% commitment. It takes a lot from everybody, and from the driver as well, to do that every weekend. Nothing else really surprised me, I knew exactly how the other stuff works in F1.\"<br/><font color=\"#000099\">科瓦莱宁:“一切都如我所期待的那样,不过它的竞争非常非常激烈。我很有几分惊讶于你需要一直地将赛车推进到如此之多的地步。(如果)你稍微放松一小会儿,那么马上,你就会落后。每个周末都保持着100%的精神集中是非常非常重要的,需要承担100%的责任。在每个周末为了做这些,每个人包括每名车手,都付出了很多。除此之外没有什么使我惊讶的了,我完全了解了在F1里其他人是如何工作的。”</font></p><p><strong>Q: Every driver has to think that he\'s good enough to be world champion. After this year do you really believe that you are?<br/><font color=\"#000099\">问:每一名车手都认为他好得足够拿到世界冠军头衔。在今年之后你是否真的意识到你也如此?</font></strong></p><p>Kovalainen: \"Yes, absolutely. It\'s convinced me more than before, that with the right package I can certainly be very competitive. Of course to win a championship you need a little bit of luck, and you need to do things very well. I\'m sure I can improve, and I must improve if I want to win the championship. With a season like this one I would not have been able to win a championship, especially with the start of the season.<br/><font color=\"#000099\">科瓦莱宁:“是的,显然是这样。它让我比以前更加确信了,如果我有好的装备,我将显而易见地非常具有竞争力。当然要赢得世界冠军,你还需要点运气,而且你需要将一切都做得非常好。我确信我能够提高,而如果我想要赢得冠军我就必须要提高自己。这一个赛季里我没能赢得冠军,尤其是在赛季开端。”</font></p><p>\"So there are things I need to improve. I\'ve learned a lot this year, and whatever happens I need to be ready for the moment whenever I have the package and the car. The next two or three years I need to work more than ever to do it. But I\'m convinced that I can do it.\"<br/><font color=\"#000099\">“所以我还有需要提高的地方。今年我学到了很多,而不论发生什么,我都要为有朝一日我能够拥有好的装备和车来做准备。接下来的两到三年内,我必须要做得更多。不过我确信我可以胜任。”<br/></font></p>
ayakid 发表于 2007-11-12 00:05:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>以快乐的名义</i>在2007-11-3 22:11:00的发言:</b><br/><p>一点小八卦(原帖地址:<a href=\";extra=page%3D1\">;extra=page%3D1</a>)</p>……<br/></div><p>=A=</p><p>开头的四条太8卦了!!!</p><p>这人难道又是一个“千万里我追寻着你”的版本???</p><p>另外,最后两条似乎互相矛盾?</p><p>ps,貌似在英国有分部的车队,车手很容易就找个在英国高校就读的女友阿……</p><p></p><p></p><p><br/><br/>两篇超长文——崇敬的眼神看LG!!慢慢拜读去&gt;_&lt;</p>
kleinersebbi 发表于 2007-11-12 09:29:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>ayakid</i>在2007-11-12 0:05:00的发言:</b><br/><p>两篇超长文——崇敬的眼神看LG!!慢慢拜读去&gt;_&lt;</p></div><p>同楼上的!梳子辛苦了~话说这文咋嘎长捏?膜拜~</p>
ayakid 发表于 2007-11-12 17:54:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>kleinersebbi</i>在2007-11-12 9:29:00的发言:</b><br/><p>同楼上的!梳子辛苦了~话说这文咋嘎长捏?膜拜~</p></div><p>orz</p><p>因为是凹凸杂志里的东西,而且这本期特别推荐……</p>
木梳 发表于 2007-11-12 19:45:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>ayakid</i>在2007-11-12 17:54:00的发言:</b><br/><p>orz</p><p>因为是凹凸杂志里的东西,而且这本期特别推荐……</p></div><p>我居然挑了个“特别推荐”来翻译 <img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em32.gif\" /></p>
 楼主| 以快乐的名义 发表于 2007-11-16 22:53:00 | 显示全部楼层
<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em03.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em03.gif\" />哎呀呀,梳子辛苦啦~~~~这么长的东西我还没翻过呢,肯定坚持不下来的orz|||
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