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[原创]给蓝军切尔西盖个楼 3楼为视频楼

Intermezzo 发表于 2007-5-2 22:41:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>特里上前安慰…<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em06.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em06.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em06.gif\" />看他一步步走过去,搂过来,我就…</p><p>






[此贴子已经被作者于2007-5-2 23:11:55编辑过]
Intermezzo 发表于 2007-5-2 22:42:00 | 显示全部楼层





Intermezzo 发表于 2007-5-2 22:43:00 | 显示全部楼层




Intermezzo 发表于 2007-5-2 22:44:00 | 显示全部楼层






Intermezzo 发表于 2007-5-2 22:56:00 | 显示全部楼层





Intermezzo 发表于 2007-5-2 22:57:00 | 显示全部楼层



</p><p> </p><p></p>
Intermezzo 发表于 2007-5-2 22:58:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>蒋队  <img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em09.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em09.gif\" /></p><p>








Intermezzo 发表于 2007-5-2 22:59:00 | 显示全部楼层






Intermezzo 发表于 2007-5-2 23:06:00 | 显示全部楼层






Intermezzo 发表于 2007-5-2 23:09:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>先贴这些…内伤…<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em07.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em07.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em07.gif\" /></p><p>对了,巴拉克楼里看到的不好的消息~</p><div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>蝴蝶坠落</i>在2007-5-2 22:36:00的发言:</b><br/><p>豁个神奇的边,车子名誉副主席看完昨晚的比赛后私人直升机坠机了</p><p>生死未卜,官方尚未发布确切消息</p></div><div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>lesleygreytear</i>在2007-5-2 22:52:00的发言:</b><br/><p><span class=\"bold\">欧冠告负蓝军再遭空难 切尔西名誉副主席遇难</span></p><p><strong><font color=\"#000080\" size=\"2\">好不祥啊</font></strong><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em37.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em37.gif\" /></p><br/></div>点击新闻标题~
vivic 发表于 2007-5-3 06:17:00 | 显示全部楼层
发信人: dyce (圣西羅內無日月,一夜屠盡米蘭城), 信区: Chelsea<br/>标  题: [官网]Giles Smith: Being Involved<br/>发信站: 水木社区 (Wed May  2 21:55:28 2007), 站内<br/><br/>GILES SMITH\'S MIDWEEK VIEW:Being Involved<br/>Wed, 2nd May 2007<br/><br/>史密斯周中视点:各路锦标,全线出击,一败涂地,在所不惜<br/><br/>新闻来源:<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>,,10268~1019567,00.html<br/>新闻翻译:小小切米<br/>版权所有:切尔西中文网<br/><br/><br/>As dust settles on events on Merseyside, it falls to columnist Giles Smith to provide an early reflection on the fortunes of Chelsea and Liverpool.<br/><br/>当默西赛德郡一战尘埃落定,我们的周三专栏作家史密斯先生,对切尔西和利物浦的未来给出了自己的看法。 <br/><br/>I\'ll say this much for Liverpool: they\'re good at penalty shoot-outs. In fact, when it comes down to it (and it so frequently seems to, in their case), there\'s no better team out there at nicking a match on sudden death. <br/><br/>我要表扬利物浦:他们真是点球大战中的绝顶高手。实际上,只要遇到点球大战(对他们来说,这种机率看起来极高),就没有哪支球队比他们更加精于此道。 <br/><br/>Do they train for it? You would have to assume so: all summer, I would reckon, and then on into the winter and spring. Two European Cups, one FA Cup, one League Cup - all nicked on penalties. That\'s an extraordinary amount of penalty-based plunder for one football team. <br/><br/>他们专门为此而训练吗?你一定会这么认为。我猜想,是的,整个夏天,再加上冬天和春天。两个欧冠冠军,一个足总杯,一个联赛杯--全部是靠点球攫取的。对一支球队来说,这可真是惊人的点球成就,简直可以称为“点球掠夺者”。 <br/><br/>Also, one FA Cup semi-final, and now one Champions League semi-final. Amazing. They\'ve got a record to be proud of there.<br/><br/>还要再加上,一场足总杯半决赛,以及昨晚的冠军杯半决赛。不可思议。他们在这方面的成就真值得骄傲。 <br/><br/>And incredible, the rewards a team can accrue without ever needing to be ahead in a match. The European Cup Final against AC Milan in 2005? Liverpool were never ahead, but they nicked it. The FA Cup final last year against West Ham? Liverpool were never ahead, but they nicked it. The Champions League semi-final last night? Liverpool were never ahead but they nicked it.<br/><br/>还有更神奇的,这支球队竟然不需要在比赛的任何时刻取得领先,就能够偷走冠军。2005年对阵AC米兰的冠军杯决赛?利物浦从未领先过,但他们获得了冠军。昨晚的冠军杯半决赛?利物浦从未领先,但他们同样骗取了胜利。 <br/><br/>Bitterly disappointing for us, of course, but at the same time, losing on penalties has its consolations. We get to sigh and shake our heads, and to trot out that argument about it being a lottery, and no way to settle a football match. And you look at the cup history of Liverpool, and it\'s hard to disagree with that.<br/><br/>当然,留给我们的是苦涩的失望,但同时,在点球大战中失利,也有它值得安慰的一面。我们可能会叹息会摇头,同时也会提出这只是运气问题,不能决定比赛的成败。当你回顾利物浦的杯赛历史,你就很难不赞同这一观点。 <br/><br/>But in this, of all years, there are other, far greater consolations to be sought for the pain of going out of the Champions League. Permit me to set them out.<br/><br/>但是,从多年的经验来看,对冠军联赛出局的伤痛,我们能够给自己找到更多更伟大的“慰藉”。请允许我把他们指出来。 <br/><br/>One of the football correspondents wrote, in advance of yesterday\'s match, \'In each of Jose Mourinho\'s seasons in charge Chelsea have had Premiership titles to protect them from hurt of defeat elsewhere. It looks as if that safety device is gone in this campaign and nothing will protect them from the hurt of failure at Liverpool this evening.\'<br/><br/>在昨天比赛之前,一位足球通讯记者写道:“自从穆里尼奥到来后,在以往的每个赛季,切尔西都有联赛冠军作保障,这样他们即使在其他赛事中失利,也不会感到受伤。在本场比赛中,看起来这个‘保险装置’已经不复存在了,如果今晚兵败利物浦,已经没有什么能够保护他们不受伤害了。” <br/><br/>Well, let\'s not completely discount the possibility that Chelsea could, even now, end up with a third consecutive league title. But setting all that aside, there is plenty to protect us from \'the hurt of failure at Liverpool\'. In fact, I don\'t think we have to win anything else this term - any other match, in fact - or even score another goal for this to have been the most remarkable Mourinho season of them all, and therefore, by definition, the most remarkable season in the history of the club. I thought that before last night, and I see no reason not to think it now, just because of a miserable Champions League exit on penalties.<br/><br/>嗯,直到现在,也不能说切尔西完全没有得到连续第三个英超联赛冠军的希望。但是抛开这些不谈,我们已经拥有了太多足以保护我们“不被利物浦的失败所伤”的东西。实际上,我甚至认为我们本赛季不需要再赢得任何其他东西了--任何一场比赛,或者任何一个进球--因为,到目前为此,这已经是穆帅到来后最成功的一个赛季,理所当然的,也是切尔西俱乐部历史上最伟大的一个赛季。我在昨晚以前就这么想了,现在也没有什么可以阻碍我继续这么想,即使在点球大战中不幸的退出欧冠争夺也不能够。 <br/><br/>Consider it. Some time last summer, important people at Chelsea sat down and said to each other, \'Let\'s go for the lot in 2006-07. Let\'s not say this trophy is more important to us than that. Let\'s not \'prioritise\' anything. Prioritising is for weasels, scaredy-cats and the self-consciously infirm. Prioritising short-changes the fans and sells everyone connected with the club short. <br/><br/>想想看吧。如果在去年夏天,切尔西俱乐部中的某些重要人物坐下来互相讨论,‘让我们在本赛季为所有的冠军奋斗。我们不必说这个冠军比那个冠军更加重要。我们不会优先考虑哪个冠军。把某项冠军放在首位(而放弃其他冠军),这是逃避者、胆小者和意志薄弱的家伙才干的事情,这样做对不起球迷,对不起所有俱乐部的支持者。’ <br/><br/>\'To hell with prioritising, then: let\'s aim for the full house. Let\'s try and win everything. Let\'s try and construct a season in which, for as long as possible, every game counts - not just in August, but even, if necessary, in May. And if we crash and burn? Well, we crash and burn. But we\'ll have had a hell of a time trying, and so will our fans. And we\'ll have learned a few things about our character.\'<br/><br/>‘让‘优先’见鬼去吧,我们该做的就是:全力争取四冠王。让我们试着去赢得一切。让我们试着去营造这样一个赛季--重视每一场比赛,尽全力使这样的时间越长越好--不仅仅在八月,如果需要的话,甚至可以延续到五月。万一我们最终失败了怎么办?嗯,那就让我们一败涂地吧。但最少我们尽力尝试过,我们的球迷也是一样。而且我们的球队会在意志品质方面受益匪浅。’ <br/><br/>It would need players, of course - players of a certain calibre. Players with not just a \'winning mentality\', but with a \'let\'s win the lot\' mentality, which is superior, and harder to find. Except that we had them: Essien, Carvalho, Terry, Lampard, Makelele, Cech, Drogba - everywhere you looked, we had them, the biggest bunch of 90-minutes-plus diehards ever to wear blue at the same time.<br/><br/>当然,这样的计划,需要球员来完成--有某种特殊才能的球员。这些球员不仅要具有“求胜心理”,而且要具有“赢得所有锦标”的精神,这种高层次的球员,往往很难寻找。除非你已经拥有了他们:埃辛,卡瓦略,特里,兰帕德,马克莱莱,切赫,德罗巴--无论你看向何处,我们拥有这样的球员,我们拥有历上最顽强的蓝军阵容。 <br/><br/>And who came along with us in this scheme? What other club had the nerve? Not one of them. Manchester United threw the Carling. Yes, they dared to join us for the ride in the three other competitions, and hats off to them for that. But at the same time, it can\'t be ignored - they threw the Carling.<br/><br/>那么,还有哪家俱乐部有着跟我们一样的计划吗?还有哪家俱乐部有这个勇气吗?没有,一家也没有。曼联放弃了联赛杯。没错,在其他三项赛事中,他们敢于与我们并驾齐驱,为此向他们致敬。但同时,这一点绝对不能忽略--他们放弃了联赛杯。 <br/><br/>Arsenal tried to throw the Carling, but it wouldn\'t let them. They also threw the Premiership because they decided that they were \'in transition\' instead (ie. confused, disorganised and not playing very well).<br/><br/>阿森纳试着放弃联赛杯,但却没有成功。他们还放弃了英超联赛,因为他们决定让自己处于“过渡期”(例如:混乱,无组织,或者踢得很差劲等等) <br/><br/>Liverpool threw the Carling, the FA Cup and the Premiership and pushed everything they had into the Champions League alone - the sum extent of the club\'s ambitions since the arrival of Rafa Benitez. And if they could scrape it on pens, even better. It left them in a position, only last weekend, to toss away a Premiership game at Portsmouth. <br/><br/>利物浦放弃了联赛杯、足总杯和英超联赛,只在冠军联赛上孤注一掷--从贝尼特斯先生到来后,夺得冠军杯就成为了他们唯一的抱负。当然,如果能够通过点球决战窃得大耳朵杯,那就更妙了。怀着这样的追求,在上周末,他们就放弃了对朴茨茅斯的客场比赛。 <br/><br/>Tossing away a Premiership game - can you imagine? Good value, I\'m sure, for the travelling supporters of this \'community\' club. <br/><br/>放弃一场联赛中的客场比赛--你能够想像吗?我敢肯定,跟随这家“公众”俱乐部到客场观看比赛的球迷会非常“满意”。 <br/><br/>Can you remember the last time Chelsea played a game that didn\'t matter? You can\'t, and that\'s because it has been the most extraordinary season ever, one in which the players have earned our love and respect as in no other. It has already delivered a Champions League semi, a down-to-the-wire title race, an FA Cup final and the Carling Cup - all secured, one hardly need add, in the face of the kind of calamitous injury list that would have sent other clubs with less guts into administration. <br/><br/>切尔西的上一场“无关紧要的比赛”是在什么时候,你还记得吗?你不记得了,因为这是一个非凡的赛季,在这个赛季中,球员们已经赢得了我们前所未有的爱和尊重。球队已经奉献了一场冠军杯半决赛,一场到最后一刻才能够见分晓的联赛冠军争夺战,一场预定了的足总杯决赛,以及联赛杯冠军--所有这些都是我们已经取得的成就,已经足够辉煌了。面对本赛季那灾难性的伤病名单,其他俱乐部也许早就崩溃了。 <br/><br/>And if the team has looked a little tired in the last week, then who could blame them? I feel tired, and I only watch. The players\' concentration and commitment has been nothing short of unearthly, and no penalty fudge at Anfield could ever remove the shine from that.<br/><br/>如果球队在上周看上去有些疲惫,谁又能责备他们呢?我也感到疲惫,可我仅仅是在观看比赛。蓝军将士的专注和信念是无以伦比的,这是安菲尔德荒谬的点球风波无法抹杀的光辉。 <br/><br/>So, we say this to Benitez and Liverpool. Congratulations on last night. Go on and win it, why not? But here\'s a suggestion - next season, get involved. Try and set out to win more than one thing. Go on. Give it a shot. Play some football. Hey, you might even find you enjoy it. It doesn\'t always come off, granted. But you get to feel good about yourself even so. And you would definitely enjoy that.<br/><br/>因此,让我们告诉贝尼特斯和利物浦。为昨晚而祝贺你们,继续前进去赢得冠军吧,为什么不呢?但有个小小的建议--下个赛季,能不能有点儿更高的追求?试着去赢得更多的东西。就试试看吧,反正不会有什么损失。真正的去踢球。嘿,你可能会发现自己喜欢这样呢。虽然不见得总会成功,但你会对自己感觉很好。你一定会很享受的。<br/>--
vivic 发表于 2007-5-3 06:23:00 | 显示全部楼层
发信人: dyce (圣西羅內無日月,一夜屠盡米蘭城), 信区: Chelsea<br/>标  题: [官网]REACTION:HEARTBREAK BUT BELIEF<br/>发信站: 水木社区 (Wed May  2 23:34:31 2007), 站内<br/><br/>REACTION:HEARTBREAK BUT BELIEF<br/>Wed, 2nd May 2007<br/><br/>赛后采访:心碎,但信念依旧<br/><br/>新闻来源:<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>,,10268~1019522,00.html<br/>新闻翻译:小小切米<br/>版权所有:切尔西中文网<br/><br/><br/>The first question José Mourinho was asked to respond to following the Champions League exit at Anfield dealt with the personal.<br/><br/>在安菲尔德的冠军杯出局之后,穆帅被问到的第一个问题,是一个很私人化的问题。<br/><br/>Was this the most heart-breaking moment of his managerial career? He thought for a moment, then replied.<br/>\'I think so - a Champions League semi-final and losing on penalties.  <br/>\'The Champions League is something very important for everybody. I won it before and I am very, very sad so I can imagine what the players can feel, especially as they feel they did absolutely everything.<br/><br/>这是否是他职教生涯中,最令人心碎的一场比赛?穆帅考虑了一下,然后回答道:“我想是的――一场负于点球大战的欧冠半决赛。冠军联赛对每个人来说都很重要。我赢得过冠军杯,而现在的我还是非常非常的难过,因此我可以想像球员们现在的感受,尤其是当他们认为自己已经竭尽全力的时候。” <br/><br/>\'I know Chelsea fans\' hearts and I know at this moment, every Chelsea fan is disappointed but very supportive of an incredible group of players.\'<br/><br/>“我知道切尔西球迷的心情,我知道,在这一刻,每个切尔西球迷都会感到非常失望,但是他们还是会全力支持这支不可思议的切尔西队。” <br/><br/>Mourinho remained unbowed about the manner in which his team had fought to maintain and capitalise on the advantage they took into the second-leg.<br/><br/>第二回合比赛中,蓝军一直在尝试保持并利用他们在首回合所取得的优势,对于球队在次回合的表现,穆帅不肯认输。 <br/><br/>\'Chelsea tried to win the game, over 90 minutes and over extra-time,\' he insisted. \'We showed by the way we played, we wanted to win the game. Liverpool had a short good period in the first-half but after that, the best team was in blue. \'So I don\'t think the atmosphere was the cause of anything,\' he dismissed.<br/><br/>“在整整90分钟以及加时赛当中,切尔西一直尝试着去赢得胜利,”穆帅强调说。“我们在场上的表现证明了这一点,我们想要赢得比赛。利物浦在上半场的一段时间里表现不错,但在那儿之后,最好的球队是身穿蓝衫的那一支。因此我并不认为球场的气氛决定了一切。” <br/><br/>Mourinho\'s opposite number, Rafael Benitez, played greater emphasis on the crowd contribution but admitted despite Liverpool levelling the tie in the first-half through Daniel Agger\'s crafty set-piece finish, Chelsea had rallied well.<br/><br/>穆帅的对手――贝尼特斯,更加强调了球迷的贡献,但他也承认,尽管凭借阿格诡异的任意球破门,利物浦在上半场扳平了总比分,但切尔西很好的做出了反应。“ <br/><br/>\'We started well and then we were under pressure,\' the Spaniard said. \'They have very good attacking players and it was difficult to control them. \'They did really well second-half and it was difficult to keep a clean sheet at the end. In this type of game just small details make the difference.\'<br/><br/>贝尼特斯说:“我们的开局很好,但很快我们就处于了压力之中。他们拥有非常优秀的进攻球员,想要控制他们真的很难。他们在下半时表现非常出色,我们的球门最终没有被攻破,这很不容易。在这种级别的比赛中,微小的细节可能导致极大的不同。” <br/><br/>The most important detail of all was the penalty shoot-out tariff at the end when Frank Lampard had converted but Arjen Robben and Gérémi had seen efforts saved.<br/><br/>最重要的细节,是最终点球大战的成绩。兰帕德攻入了点球,但是罗本和格雷米的点球被扑出了。 <br/><br/>Having been denied the use of spot-kick experts Ballack and Shevchenko, Mourinho reflected on Gérémi\'s good record at international level and in training and said of Robben:<br/>\'Arjen came here to help the team. He was training two or three days with us and telling us you have no players, no attacking options, I want to help. Play me 10 or 20 minutes, whatever you need. <br/><br/>由于失去了点球大师巴拉克和舍瓦,穆帅只能选择在国家队和训练中都表现出色的格雷米,同时穆帅也谈到了罗本:<br/><br/>“罗本来这儿是帮助球队的。他与全队共同训练了2、3天,他对我们说‘球队没有球员可用了,进攻方面没有选择了,我想要出份力。就让我出场10或20分钟吧,无论你需要我做些什么。’” <br/><br/>\'What can I say to a boy like him who is in the dressing room disappointed. He tried everything to help so I have to be proud of my players and share with them the difficult moment.<br/><br/>“对这样的小伙子,我能说些什么呢?他正失望的呆在更衣室里。他尽了一切努力来帮助球队,我只能为我的这些球员们感到骄傲,与他们共度这个困难的时刻。” <br/><br/>\'What we speak now is for today and tomorrow and in a couple of years, nobody remembersChelsea was the better team and should have won the first-leg by two or three-nil, Chelsea was the best team tonight and Chelsea was the best team in extra-time. <br/><br/>“我现在说这些,因为也许几年以后,没有人会记得切尔西才是更好的那支球队,本该在首回合取得2:0或3:0,切尔西是今晚最好的球队,是补时阶段最好的球队。”<br/><br/>\'It is difficult but we are strong characters and that is the reason why we arrive in such a situation.<br/>\'We believe always there is a next chance and there is another year. I think we deserve to be in a final.\'<br/><br/>“这是个困难时刻,但是我们意志坚强,正因为如此,我们才一直走到了今天。我们始终相信会有下一次机会,会有下一个赛季。我认为我们理应进入决赛。” <br/><br/><br/>================================以下为翻译者的话===============================<br/>看到标题,深有同感<br/>心碎,只为今晨那忧郁的蓝色<br/>心碎过后,是份坦然<br/>卸去四冠王这个沉重的包袱,如今我们只为自己而战<br/>暂与冠军联赛作别,把英超冠军留给上帝决定,力争客场斩落阿森纳,足总杯脚踏曼联<br/>切尔西,你可以没有冠军,但请保留你的顽强意志,血性精神<br/>谁说,只有坐在宝座上的,才叫王者呢<br/>Come On The Chels,即使没有冠军,也可以很精彩<br/>--<br/>
克尼马 发表于 2007-5-3 08:53:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><font size=\"2\"><b>以下是引用<i>easysky</i>在2007-5-2 15:56:00的发言:</b><br/></font><p></p><p><font size=\"2\">为巴拉克着想,罗本走了是好事,呵呵。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">拜仁快点报价吧<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em18.gif\" /></font></p></div><p><font size=\"2\">为何呢?</font></p>
馋馋 发表于 2007-5-3 18:23:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>vivic</i>在2007-5-3 6:23:00的发言:</b><br/><br/><br/>================================以下为翻译者的话===============================<br/>看到标题,深有同感<br/>心碎,只为今晨那忧郁的蓝色<br/>心碎过后,是份坦然<br/>卸去四冠王这个沉重的包袱,如今我们只为自己而战<br/>暂与冠军联赛作别,把英超冠军留给上帝决定,力争客场斩落阿森纳,足总杯脚踏曼联<br/>切尔西,你可以没有冠军,但请保留你的顽强意志,血性精神<br/>谁说,只有坐在宝座上的,才叫王者呢<br/>Come On The Chels,即使没有冠军,也可以很精彩<br/>--<br/></div><p></p><p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em61.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em61.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em61.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em61.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em61.gif\" /></p><p></p><p>点球战结束的一瞬,沙漠流淌过你们的眼睛。</p><p>目光缱绻,终于稍纵即逝。</p><p>无处归去的别样欢呼被难过掩埋,叹息是海浪的形状。</p><p>我期待,不久后的某一天,你们的笑容会理所当然地扬起。</p><p>希望我们能一如既往的坚强。</p><p>                                                                              仅此送给永远的蓝军。</p>
Intermezzo 发表于 2007-5-3 22:47:00 | 显示全部楼层
以下是引用lesleygreytear在2007-5-3 20:36:00的发言:</p><p>豁边:,16368,1773_2104396,00.html<br/>可怜的切赫,睡不着觉了
</p><p>看到les贴的新闻,转到这边~</p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em06.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em06.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em06.gif\" />
Intermezzo 发表于 2007-5-3 22:51:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p style=\"TEXT-INDENT: 2em;\"><strong><font size=\"4\">点球落败切赫伤神 坦承遭遇职业生涯最失望时刻</font></strong></p><p style=\"TEXT-INDENT: 2em;\"><strong><a href=\"\"></a></strong></p><p style=\"TEXT-INDENT: 2em;\"><strong>个人<nobr>职业生涯</nobr>前3次重要的点球大战,切赫都是胜利者,但这一次他倒在了红军身前。捷克国门坦言,这是他职业生涯中最失望的时刻之一……</strong>
        </p><p style=\"TEXT-INDENT: 2em;\">网易<nobr>体育</nobr>5月3日消息 周二晚欧冠半决赛第二回合,利物浦门将雷纳在最后的点球大战中连扑罗本和格雷米两个点球,成为球队胜利的头号功臣。而在另一边,<font color=\"#000000\">切尔西</font>男1号<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><font color=\"#000000\">切赫</font></a>却只能对红军的4个点球无能为力,捷克国门坦承,点球负于利物浦,这是他<nobr>职业</nobr>生涯中最失望的时刻之一。</p><p style=\"TEXT-INDENT: 2em;\">阿格的进球使得利物浦在90分钟内1比0胜出,总比分1比1战平,而在30分钟的加时赛中,双方毫无建树,最终只能通过残酷的点球大战一决雌雄,结果红军4比1胜出,3年内第2次将蓝军挡在了欧冠决赛的门外。切赫也只能感叹,运气不在他们这边。</p><p style=\"TEXT-INDENT: 2em;\">“比赛打了120分钟,我一直被情绪和压力所包围,因此我当时非常疲倦,”切赫在接受捷克新闻<nobr>通讯</nobr>社(CTK)采访时哀叹,“这场失利后,我几乎无法入睡,我非常失望。”</p><p style=\"TEXT-INDENT: 2em;\">“但是我想说的是,我们没有足够的运气。这是我职业生涯中最沮丧的时刻之一。”</p><p style=\"TEXT-INDENT: 2em;\">值得一提的是,此前,切赫的职业生涯中经历了3次重大的点球大战,每一次都是以胜利告终。在2002年,他帮助捷克U21青年队获得欧洲青年<nobr>足球</nobr>锦标赛冠军,随后他又在随雷恩获得法国杯的过程中2次成为PK的赢家,但这一次蓝军门将认为运气没有再次眷顾他,“此前的每一次点球大战,我都至少扑出了2个点球,都赢得了胜利。很遗憾这一次运气远离了我,这是一次非常失望的经历。”</p><p style=\"TEXT-INDENT: 2em;\">阿格的进球来自一次精妙的任意球配合,但是切赫对这个任意球的判罚颇有微辞,当时荷兰射手<font color=\"#000000\">库伊特</font>在突破中遭到了卡卢的阻挡,主裁判于是判罚了任意球,“我们对这样的情况已经做好了准备。决定性的时刻来自库伊特被卡卢阻挡-通过<nobr>电视</nobr>回放看,这更像是对方犯规。”</p><p style=\"TEXT-INDENT: 2em;\">“因此,阿格当时在门前无人盯防,他的射门很难防范,我看到球时已经晚了。”</p><p style=\"TEXT-INDENT: 2em;\">比赛前,利物浦的将帅就浓重渲染安菲尔德的主场气氛,而红军的胜利似乎也佐证了这一点,但是切赫强调,他们并没有受此影响,“看看我们的表现,安菲尔德气氛并没有让我们缩手缩脚。我们一直在设法控制住皮球,尽量打短传,我们没有仅仅依靠防守。”</p><p style=\"TEXT-INDENT: 2em;\">“我们唯一的失球只是来自定位球。”</p><p style=\"TEXT-INDENT: 2em;\">尽管非常沮丧,但切赫并没有对球队的未来丧失信心。他坚信这场失利会让球队变得更加强大,他们会继续力争国内的荣誉。</p><p style=\"TEXT-INDENT: 2em;\">“赛季还在进行中,<nobr>生活</nobr>还要继续。每一个人都应该继续奋战下去。一旦伤心远离球队,我们就会变得更加强大。”</p><p style=\"TEXT-INDENT: 2em;\">“我们已经没有别的选择,余下的3场<font color=\"#000000\">英超</font>,我们必须全胜,还要寄希望于曼联在曼城或者<font color=\"#000000\">西汉姆</font>联身上失分。”</p><p style=\"TEXT-INDENT: 2em;\">“此时此刻,5月19日的英格兰足总杯决赛是一场非常重要的比赛。”切赫表示。</p>
克尼马 发表于 2007-5-4 08:50:00 | 显示全部楼层
<font size=\"2\">曼联输得更惨,争取在联赛中超过他们!!!</font>
lesleygreytear 发表于 2007-5-4 10:52:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>Intermezzo</i>在2007-5-3 22:47:00的发言:</b><br/><p></p><div class=\"quote\">以下是引用lesleygreytear在2007-5-3 20:36:00的发言:<p></p><p>豁边:,16368,1773_2104396,00.html<br/>可怜的切赫,睡不着觉了</p></div><p></p><p>看到les贴的新闻,转到这边~</p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em06.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em06.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em06.gif\" /></div><p></p><p>我把拙译的也贴过来好了@_@</p><p align=\"left\"><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 10pt;\">
</font></font></p><p align=\"left\"><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 10pt;\">Faithless Cech: I can\'t get no sleep</font></font></p><p align=\"left\"><b><font face=\"仿宋_GB2312\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 13pt;\"><font color=\"#0000ff\">失落的切赫:我无法入睡</font></font></font></b></p><p align=\"left\"><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 10pt;\">Chelsea</font></font><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 10pt;\"> goalkeeper Petr Cech admits his club\'s elimination from the Champions League semi-finals gave him a sleepless night.</font></font></p><p align=\"left\"><b><font face=\"仿宋_GB2312\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 13pt;\"><font color=\"#0000ff\">切尔西守门员彼得·切赫承认,球队在欧冠半决赛中的出局让他度过了一个无眠的夜晚。</font></font></font></b></p><p><br/></p><p align=\"left\"><b><font face=\"仿宋_GB2312\"><font color=\"#0000ff\"></font></font></b></p><p align=\"left\"><font face=\"仿宋_GB2312\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 13pt;\"><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 10pt;\"><font color=\"#000000\"></font></font></font></font></font></p><p align=\"left\"><font face=\"仿宋_GB2312\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 13pt;\"><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 10pt;\"><font color=\"#000000\"></font></font></font></font></font></p><font face=\"仿宋_GB2312\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 13pt;\"><p align=\"left\"><font color=\"#0000ff\"><font face=\"仿宋_GB2312\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 10pt;\">出处</font></font><font face=\"仿宋_GB2312\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 10pt;\">:<font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 10pt;\"><font color=\"#000000\"><a href=\",16368,1773_2104396,00.html\" target=\"_blank\">,16368,1773_2104396,00.html</a></font></font></font></font></font></font></p><p align=\"left\"><font color=\"#0000ff\"><font face=\"仿宋_GB2312\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 10pt;\">翻译:<font face=\"Tahoma\">lesleygreytear</font></font></font></font></p><p align=\"left\"><font face=\"仿宋_GB2312\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 10pt;\"><font color=\"#0000ff\">版权:切尔西中文网</font></font></font></p><p align=\"left\"><font size=\"2\"><font color=\"#0000ff\"></font></font></p></font></font><p align=\"left\"><br/><br/><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 10pt;\"></font></font></p><p align=\"left\"><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 10pt;\">Czech</font></font><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 10pt;\"> Republic international Cech was unable to prevent Liverpool from winning a penalty shoot-out at Anfield to book a meeting in the Athens final with AC Milan. </font></font></p><p align=\"left\"><b><font face=\"楷体_GB2312\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\"><font color=\"#0000ff\">捷克人没能改变安菲尔德之战的结果;利物浦在点球大战中胜出,将与AC米兰会师雅典。</font></font></font></b></p><p align=\"left\"><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 10pt;\">Cech, 24, told the Czech media: \"It is one of the greatest disappointments of my career. </font></font></p><p align=\"left\"><font color=\"#0000ff\"><b><font face=\"楷体_GB2312\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\">切赫(24岁)向捷克媒体透露:</font></font></b><b><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\">“</font></font></b><b><font face=\"楷体_GB2312\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\">这是我职业生涯中最失意的时刻。</font></font></b></font></p><p align=\"left\"><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 10pt;\">\"It was played for 120 minutes and there was a lot of emotion and stress. </font></font></p><p align=\"left\"><font color=\"#0000ff\"><b><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\">“</font></font></b><b><font face=\"楷体_GB2312\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\">120分钟的比赛充满了各种情绪与压力。</font></font></b></font></p><p align=\"left\"><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 10pt;\">\"Because of that I had a sleepless night. I am tired and of course very disappointed. You are always sorry after such a loss. </font></font></p><p align=\"left\"><font color=\"#0000ff\"><b><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\">“为</font></font></b><b><font face=\"楷体_GB2312\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\">此我一个晚上没有睡着。我很累,当然也很失望。面队这样的失败你总会感到遗憾的。</font></font></b></font></p><p align=\"left\"><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 10pt;\">\"It is one of the greatest disappointments of my career because we were so close. </font></font></p><p align=\"left\"><font color=\"#0000ff\"><b><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\">“</font></font></b><b><font face=\"楷体_GB2312\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\">这是我职业生涯中最令我失望的时刻之一,因为我们曾经那么接近胜利。</font></font></b></font></p><p align=\"left\"><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 10pt;\">\"We had made our way to the semi-finals which was difficult but in the semis we needed better luck.\" </font></font></p><p align=\"left\"><font color=\"#0000ff\"><b><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\">“</font></font></b><b><font face=\"楷体_GB2312\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\">虽然艰难,但我们已经打到了半决赛;可是到了这一步,我们需要更多的运气。</font></font></b><b><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\">”</font></font></b></font><b><font face=\"楷体_GB2312\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\"></font></font></b></p><p align=\"left\"><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 10pt;\">Cech admitted he was downcast at being unable to save any Liverpool penalties. </font></font></p><p align=\"left\"><b><font face=\"楷体_GB2312\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\"><font color=\"#0000ff\">在点球大战中一个利物浦的点球都没扑出,切赫承认他感到很沮丧。</font></font></font></b></p><p align=\"left\"><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 10pt;\">\"That is also a great disappointment for me,\" said Cech. \"So far in my career I have always saved at least two penalties in each shoot-out. </font></font></p><p align=\"left\"><font color=\"#0000ff\"><b><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\">“</font></font></b><b><font face=\"楷体_GB2312\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\">这也让我极其失望;至今为止,在每次点球战中我总能扑到至少2个点球。</font></font></b></font></p><p align=\"left\"><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 10pt;\">\"I had a bad day in the worst possible moment, I am awfully sorry for it as the finals were so close. We deserved to be in the finals for everything we have been through. </font></font></p><p align=\"left\"><font color=\"#0000ff\"><b><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\">“</font></font></b><b><font face=\"楷体_GB2312\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\">最后那个黑暗时刻让这一天变得糟糕。我非常抱歉。决赛原本近在咫尺。我们一路奋斗而来,我们配进决赛。</font></font></b></font></p><p align=\"left\"><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 10pt;\">\"I was trying to think who may go to take the penalties and how he would take it. I was trying to prepare for the situation, imagine what might happen. Unfortunately it was not enough.\" </font></font></p><p align=\"left\"><font color=\"#0000ff\"><b><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\">“</font></font></b><b><font face=\"楷体_GB2312\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\">我曾经想过,对方谁可能会去踢点球、会怎么踢。我试图为点球战做准备,模拟过场景。可惜这些还不够。</font></font></b><b><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\">”</font></font></b></font><b><font face=\"楷体_GB2312\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\"></font></font></b></p><p align=\"left\"><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 10pt;\">Cech admits team-mate Geremi was dismayed to have missed a penalty. </font></font></p><p align=\"left\"><b><font face=\"楷体_GB2312\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\"><font color=\"#0000ff\">切赫承认自己的队友格雷米也在为点球未进而难过。</font></font></font></b></p><p align=\"left\"><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 10pt;\">\"Geremi is in the same situation as me,\" said Cech. \"He has never missed. He takes them for Cameroon even in the most difficult situations. </font></font></p><p align=\"left\"><font color=\"#0000ff\"><b><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\">“</font></font></b><b><font face=\"楷体_GB2312\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\">格雷米与我的处境相似。他以前从没射失过点球。甚至在最艰难的情况下他也能为喀麦隆进球。</font></font></b></font></p><p align=\"left\"><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 10pt;\"><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 10pt;\">\"It</font></font> was logical he was selected, he is one of the most experienced players. He missed his first penalty on Tuesday at the worst possible moment but this happens to everyone in his career sooner or later.\" </font></font></p><p align=\"left\"><font color=\"#0000ff\"><b><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\">“</font></font></b><b><font face=\"楷体_GB2312\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\">派他上场是有根据的。他是最有点球经验的球员之一。在周二那个糟糕的时刻是他第一次射失点球,但是对于一个职业球员,这种事情迟早会发生的。</font></font></b><b><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\">”</font></font></b></font><b><font face=\"楷体_GB2312\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\"></font></font></b></p><p align=\"left\"><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 10pt;\">Cech is now looking forward, saying: \"Time will certainly help, the season continues and you just have to get over it. </font></font><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 10pt;\">Life goes on. </font></font></p><p align=\"left\"><font color=\"#0000ff\"><b><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\">“</font></font></b><b><font face=\"楷体_GB2312\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\">时间一定能够帮助弥合伤痛。这个赛季仍然在继续,你必须克服这些伤感和疼痛。生活在继续。</font></font></b></font></p><p align=\"left\"><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 10pt;\">\"Everybody has to get over it and the boys who missed the penalties must get over it. </font></font><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 10pt;\">We managed it after the elimination from Liverpool two years ago and we know the pain it will leave and it will reinforce us.\" </font></font></p><p align=\"left\"><font color=\"#0000ff\"><b><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\">“</font></font></b><b><font face=\"楷体_GB2312\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\">每个人都不得不克服这些,射失点球的小伙子们必须克服这些。两年前被利物浦淘汰之后,我们做到了;这种痛苦总会离去,并让我们更加强大。</font></font></b><b><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\">”</font></font></b></font><b><font face=\"楷体_GB2312\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\"></font></font></b></p><p align=\"left\"><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 10pt;\">Cech believed that Dirk Kuyt fouled Salomon Kalou in the build-up to Dan Agger\'s goal which took the match to extra-time and penalties. </font></font></p><p align=\"left\"><b><font face=\"楷体_GB2312\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\"><font color=\"#0000ff\">切赫认为库依特在阿格尔进球前对卡劳犯了规。而正是这个进球把比赛拖进了加时,拖到了点球。</font></font></font></b></p><p align=\"left\"><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 10pt;\">\"The decisive moment was that Kuyt fouled Kalou slightly before the goal was scored,\" said Cech. </font></font></p><p align=\"left\"><font color=\"#0000ff\"><b><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\">“</font></font></b><b><font face=\"楷体_GB2312\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\">那个决定性进球射入之前,库依特对卡劳有过犯规。</font></font></b><b><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\">”</font></font></b><b><font face=\"楷体_GB2312\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\">切赫说。</font></font></b></font></p><p align=\"left\"><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 10pt;\">\"You could see on TV that Kuyt blocked Kalou with his hands and he could not track the other player (Agger), who scored. This was decisive.\" </font></font></p><p align=\"left\"><font color=\"#0000ff\"><b><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\">“</font></font></b><b><font face=\"楷体_GB2312\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\">从电视上看,库依特拉住了卡劳,让他无法防守另外那个进球的球员(阿格尔)。这个动作很关键。</font></font></b><b><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\">”</font></font></b></font><b><font face=\"楷体_GB2312\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\"></font></font></b></p><p align=\"left\"><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 10pt;\">Cech admitted his team\'s hopes of overhauling Manchester United in the race for the Premiership are slim. </font></font></p><p align=\"left\"><b><font face=\"楷体_GB2312\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\"><font color=\"#0000ff\">切赫也承认翻盘曼联、拿到联赛冠军的希望很小。</font></font></font></b></p><p align=\"left\"><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 10pt;\">\"We have to win all three games and see what it will bring,\" said Cech. \"It\'s not in our hands now but the five-point gap can still be bridged. Manchester United would have to lose against us and one more game. We also have to concentrate on the FA Cup final.\" </font></font></p><p align=\"left\"><font color=\"#0000ff\"><b><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\">“</font></font></b><b><font face=\"楷体_GB2312\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\">我们必须赢下剩下的3场比赛,然后听天由命。现在主动权不在我们手中,但5分的差距仍然是可以追赶的;这样</font></font></b></font><font color=\"#0000ff\"><b><font face=\"楷体_GB2312\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\">曼联必须输给我们,再输一场其他的比赛。另外,我们还必须集中精力于足总杯决赛。</font></font></b><b><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\">”</font></font></b></font><b><font face=\"楷体_GB2312\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\"></font></font></b></p><p align=\"left\"><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 10pt;\">Cech had words of praise for the atmosphere at Anfield. </font></font></p><p align=\"left\"><b><font face=\"楷体_GB2312\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\"><font color=\"#0000ff\">同时,切赫赞许了安菲尔德的氛围。</font></font></font></b></p><p align=\"left\"><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 10pt;\">\"The atmosphere was great it is good to play in it,\" said Cech. \"The crowd supported the home side but that\'s not a problem, we are used to it.\"</font></font></p><p align=\"left\"><font color=\"#0000ff\"><b><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\">“<font face=\"楷体_GB2312\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\"><font color=\"#0000ff\">那</font></font></font></font></font></b><b><font face=\"楷体_GB2312\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\">里的气氛非常棒,能够在这样的球场里比赛很不错。球迷支持狂热地主队,但这对我们没有影响。我们已经习惯了。</font></font></b><b><font face=\"Tahoma\"><font style=\"FONT-SIZE: 12pt;\">”</font></font></b></font></p><p align=\"left\"><img alt=\"\" src=\"\" border=\"0\"/>
vivic 发表于 2007-5-4 18:20:00 | 显示全部楼层
发信人: dyce (一输比赛就喊换帅才是暴发户行为), 信区: Chelsea<br/>标  题: [新闻]Keeper Cech laments penalty KO<br/>发信站: 水木社区 (Thu May  3 18:45:13 2007), 站内<br/><br/>Keeper Cech laments penalty KO<br/>By Vasek Kadlec -  Created on 2 May 2007<br/><a href=\";CPID=5\" target=\"_blank\">;CPID=5</a><br/><br/>etr Cech admits Tuesday night\'s UEFA Champions League defeat to Liverpool on penalties was one of the most disappointing moments of his career.<br/><br/>切赫承认周二的失利是他职业生涯中最失望的时刻之一。<br/><br/>Liverpool beat Chelsea 1-0 on the night before winning the shoot-out 4-1, dumping The Blues out of the competition at the semi-final stage for the second time in three seasons, and Cech believes luck was not on Chelsea\'s side.<br/><br/>利物浦通过点球决战淘汰了蓝军,切赫觉得运气没有站在我们这一边。<br/><br/>\"It took 120 minutes and there is still a lot of emotion and stress inside me, so I am very tired,\" he told CTK. \"I have not slept much. I am hugely disappointed.<br/><br/>切赫难过得整夜都没有睡好。<br/><br/>\"We were very close to getting through. We had been on a long and difficult route to the semi-final, but we managed to get there.<br/><br/>\"这是一段艰难的历程,我们一路坚持下来,离突破只有一步之遥。\"<br/><br/>\"But there, we did not have enough luck. It is one of the biggest disappointments of my career.\"<br/><br/>\"可是赫尔墨斯不眷顾我们,这真是我职业生涯中最失意的时刻之一。\"<br/><br/>Cech has featured in three important penalty shoot-outs in his career, and has been victorious each time.<br/><br/>切赫之前有三次PK的经历,每一次他都赢了下来。<br/><br/>In 2002, he helped the Czech Republic Under 21 side to win the European Championship gold medal and then twice won out with Rennes in the French Cup, but the Chelsea keeper feels that fortune abandoned him this time.<br/><br/>一次是2002年他在捷克U21队,还有两次是他在雷恩队的时候。可是这次切赫没有这么幸运。<br/><br/>\"In every shoot-out, I have managed to save at least two penalties and win them. I am sorry that this time luck left me. It is a most unpleasant situation.\"<br/><br/>之前的PK赛切赫都救下至少两球,这次没有做到,他感到很抱歉。<br/><br/>Daniel Agger\'s goal came after Liverpool striker Dirk Kuyt blocked the movement of Salomon Kalou from a free-kick, and Cech is frustrated by the way the goal came about.<br/><br/>阿格在任意球中取得了突破,切赫对此感到很挫败。<br/><br/>\"We were preparing ourselves for this sort of situation. The decisive moment was when Kuyt blocked Kalou - on TV it even seemed like a foul.<br/><br/>\"我们有训练过定位球的防守。关键是库伊特阻挡了卡鲁 - 那在电视上看甚至有点象犯规。\"<br/><br/>\"Therefore, Agger remained there alone and that is hard to defend. I saw the ball very late.\"<br/><br/>\"因此,阿格处于无人看守的位置,那是难以防守的。等我看到球,已经来不及反应。\"<br/><br/>Ahead of the game, there was a lot of talk about the importance of the atmosphere at Anfield but, while those comments appear to be justified following Liverpool\'s victory, Cech claims his team-mates were unaffected.<br/><br/>切赫认为他的队友们并未被安菲尔德的气氛所影响。<br/><br/>\"Looking at the way we played, the atmosphere did not get us down. We managed to keep the ball, tried to play short passes and did not rely on defending.<br/><br/>\"我们并没有被现场气氛所阻吓,我们努力控球,短传,没有在耍龟。\"<br/><br/>\"We conceded only from the set piece.\"<br/><br/>\"没有在运动战失球。\"<br/><br/>Despite the disappointment, Cech believes the team will become stronger for the defeat and maintains they will continue to push for domestic honours.<br/><br/>尽管失望,切赫相信球队会在失败中站起,并为国内的荣誉奋斗。<br/><br/>\"The season is going on, life is going on. Everybody must cope with it on his own. Once the sadness goes away, we will be even stronger.<br/><br/>\"赛季并未完结,人生还在继续。每个人都必须学会面对失意。当心痛退却,我们将浴火重生。\"<br/><br/>\"There is no option other than to win our remaining three games and to hope that Manchester United lose points at City or West Ham.<br/><br/>\"我们要赢下剩余的比赛,并期待曼联马失前蹄,除此之外没有其他选择。\"<br/><br/>\"At this moment, the FA Cup final on 19th May is the important game.\"<br/><br/>\"目前来说足总杯决赛是重要的战役。\"<br/><br/>--
vivic 发表于 2007-5-4 18:20:00 | 显示全部楼层
发信人: dyce (一输比赛就喊换帅才是暴发户行为), 信区: Chelsea<br/>标  题: [新闻]老大的夏季补人计划<br/>发信站: 水木社区 (Thu May  3 19:08:43 2007), 站内<br/><br/>Mourinho plans changes<br/>By Mark Buckingham -  Created on 3 May 2007<br/><a href=\";CPID=8\" target=\"_blank\">;CPID=8</a><br/><br/>老大计划夏季在阵容上作两到三人的变动,主力阵容基本维持现状。<br/>下个赛季仍然会很看重冠军杯。<br/>阿莱克斯的工作签证可以办下来的话,他就会回来。<br/>来源是每日星报。<br/><br/>=====<br/>Jose Mourinho plans to make \'two or three\' changes to his Chelsea squad during the summer. <br/><br/>Though The Blues failed to reach the UEFA Champions League final, and also look likely to surrender their Premiership crown, Mourinho is not sizing up a major squad overhaul at the end of the campaign. <br/><br/>He again stressed the importance of trying to win the Champions League and will aim to tweak his squad before the start of the new season. <br/><br/>\"Next season the group will be a little different to the group we have now, but not very different,\" said Mourinho in the Daily Star. <br/><br/>\"Our intention is to keep a big percentage of these players, making maybe two or three changes, which is normal for a club like us. <br/><br/>\"We have to follow up with more silverware and the Champions League is something that\'s very important to us.\" <br/><br/>Brazilian defender Alex, on loan at PSV Eindhoven from Chelsea, is rumoured to be one arrival at Stamford Bridge, providing he receives a work permit.<br/><br/>--<br/>
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