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[原创]给蓝军切尔西盖个楼 3楼为视频楼

vivic 发表于 2007-5-9 22:05:00 | 显示全部楼层
发信人: Mikel (John Obi Mikel), 信区: Chelsea<br/>标  题: Mikel: Holding the Home Front<br/>发信站: 水木社区 (Wed May  9 11:21:48 2007), 站内<br/><br/>米克尔:坚守不败主场<br/>Wed, 9th May 2007<br/><br/>新闻来源:<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br/>新闻翻译:fall_ark<br/>版权声明:切尔西中文网 <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br/><br/><br/>The title chase can now be given up but there is something Chelsea won\'t be surrendering to Man United on Wednesday without a fight according to Mikel John Obi.<br/>冠军的争夺或许已经结束,但切尔西绝不会不经奋力一战就向曼联缴械投降,米克尔如此说道。<br/><br/>The Blues currently stand at 62 games since defeat in the league at our Stamford Bridge fortress. That\'s a run that extends back well before the 20-year-old Nigerian joined the club and even pre-dates José Mourinho\'s arrival.<br/>自从上一次联赛主场落败以来,蓝军在斯坦福桥的不败纪录已有整整62场,这项纪录开始时,别说我们20岁的尼日利亚新星还没来,就连何塞·穆里尼奥都还未曾入主呢。<br/><br/>February 2004 against Arsenal was the last one lost and should defeat be avoided against Man United and then Everton on Sunday, we would match Liverpool\'s all-time top-flight home record of 63 games unbeaten between February 1978 and January 1981.<br/>最后一场败绩是在2004年2月对阵阿森纳,而假如在周三对曼联与周日对埃弗顿能保住不败,我们将会赶上并超过由利物浦在1978年2月至1981年1月创造的顶级联赛主场不败纪录、63场。<br/><br/>It\'s an aim even the newer arrivals have been talking about says Mikel.<br/>米克尔告诉我们,达成这一目标也成为新来者们的话题。<br/><br/>\'We have been told about the run and we hope to keep it by not losing tomorrow - and for me, it is a game we need to win.<br/>“我们(新球员们)得知了这一纪录,都希望能在明天保持不败以将其延续——而对我来说,这是一场需要赢下的比赛。”<br/><br/>\'We have lost the league but we have still the same spirit, the same momentum that we use to play every game, and we will use it to play this one as well. <br/>“我们失去了联赛冠军,但不曾失去任何我们曾赖以为豪的气势与动力,在这一场比赛里我们也会充分地展现这两点。”<br/><br/>\'As far as we are concerned, it is a game we need to play so it is a game we need to win. <br/>“对球队来说,这是场正式比赛,而每一场正式比赛我们都需要争取胜利。”<br/><br/>\'We are still together. We have a lot of injured players but the lads want to go out there and show we are still like champions. We want to go and show that next season we will be there. This season is not over yet.\'<br/>“我们始终团结一心,球队中还有许多伤员但每个人都想全力以赴来告诉世人冠军仍然是冠军,我们要让人们知道下个赛季我们已准备万全,而这个赛季还没有结束。”<br/><br/>Indeed not with an FA Cup Final on the horizon. Although in with a very good shout of a starting place at Wembley having been a regular choice in the last two months, Mikel isn\'t feeling added pressure to perform in the next two games to secure his participation on the big day.<br/>的确,毕竟在前面还有一场足总杯的决赛呢。虽然从这两个月的情况来看米克尔很有希望在温布利赢得一个首发位置,但他并没有感觉到过多的压力、需要他在下两场比赛里有出色的发挥来确保到时的首发。<br/><br/>\'It all depends on the manager, he knows what he is doing and he\'ll make sure he puts his best team out for the Cup Final.\'<br/>“一切都由主教练决定,他是行家,并会确保自己为一场决赛派出最强的阵容。”<br/><br/>Hard on the back of his first away game against Arsenal, in which he was impressive as Chelsea out-passed the Gunners at their own game, Mikel, if selected, will play for a first time against Man United.<br/>米克尔在他的第一场作客阿森纳的比赛中也有着优异的表现,为切尔西的反客为主作出了突出的贡献,而假如进入侯选名单,这将是他第一次对阵曼联。<br/><br/>\'I don\'t have anything to prove or anything to show in this game,\' he insists. \'I just want to go in there and play football and enjoy myself and make sure we win.<br/>“我不需要在这场比赛里证明或展示什么,”他坚持认为,“我所要做的只是认真比赛、踢得开开心心、并帮助球队获胜。”<br/><br/>\'The Arsenal match was a difficult game and we came out and we made sure we played better than them. <br/>“对阿森纳是场困难的比赛,但在90分钟里我们证明了自己比对方踢得更好。”<br/><br/>\'Whenever I play, I always want to make sure we play football, we keep the game on the floor and we play. The manager always encourages us to play football and we have lots of good players who want to play and they enjoy it.\' <br/>“我在场上时总会力图让球队打出漂亮的足球、尽量把球控制在地面上。主教练总是鼓励我们享受足球,而球队拥有众多优秀的球员,他们都愿享受比赛并乐在其中。”<br/><br/>--<br/><br/>
vivic 发表于 2007-5-9 22:06:00 | 显示全部楼层
发信人: Voith (沃伊思-114-NR百事通@斯坦福桥), 信区: Chelsea<br/>标  题: Chelsea ponder move for Bayern Munich striker Pizarro<br/>发信站: 水木社区 (Wed May  9 11:45:11 2007), 站内<br/><br/><a href=\";extra=page%3D1\" target=\"_blank\">;extra=page%3D1</a><br/> 切尔西考虑引进拜仁射手皮萨罗<br/><br/>新闻来源 - May 07, 2007<br/>新闻翻译: Ernesto <br/>版权声明: 转载请注明出自切尔西中文网(<br/><br/>Chelsea are pondering a move for Bayern Munich striker Claudio Pizarro. <br/>切尔西正在考虑引进拜仁慕尼黑射手克拉迪奥.皮萨罗。<br/><br/>The exciting Peru international is off contract at Bayern in June and has declared he wants to leave the Bundesliga this summer. <br/>这位出色的秘鲁国脚与拜仁的合同将在6月到期,他公开表示希望在夏天离开这个德甲豪门。 <br/><br/>The News of the World says Chelsea are keen on Pizarro, though they will face competition from Spanish and Italian clubs - including Juventus. <br/>世界新闻报道说,切尔西非常喜欢皮萨罗,尽管他们可能面对的竞争买家来自西甲和意甲的俱乐部——也包括尤文图斯。<br/><br/>--<br/>
St.Pons 发表于 2007-5-9 23:11:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>不败主场~</p><p>真不错</p><p>车子加油~~~无论顺境逆境,we will be together</p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em58.gif\" />
木梳 发表于 2007-5-10 02:18:00 | 显示全部楼层
克尼马 发表于 2007-5-10 08:16:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p><font size=\"2\">英超-曼联客场惊险平切尔西 董方卓首次首发亮相</font></p><p><br/><a href=\"\"><font size=\"2\"></font></a><font size=\"2\"> 2007年05月10日04:49  新浪体育<br/>   新浪体育讯 北京时间5月10日03:00(英国当地时间9日20:00),2006/07赛季英格兰足球超级联赛第34轮一场焦点战补赛在斯坦福德桥球场展开争夺,最终切尔西主场0比0战平曼联。蓝军在比赛中错过不少机会,曼联顽强客场逼平对手,董方卓首次在英超中亮相。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  本赛季切尔西做客1比1战平曼联,蓝军上赛季在斯坦福德桥3比0完胜曼联。切尔西近8个主场对阵曼联仅负一场,曼联在2002年4月客场3比0大胜,其余7场3平4负。穆里尼奥对垒弗格森9战5胜3平1负占据上风。双方英超历史交锋29场,曼联8胜12平9负,其中客场4胜5平5负。双方历史交锋145场,曼联64胜42平39负占据上风。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  这是切尔西本赛季进行的第62场比赛,打破了1999/2000全赛季61场的单赛季比赛纪录。切尔西取得41胜14平6负,31场没有丢球,5场比赛未能破门。蓝军首发更换5人,切赫和兰帕德获得轮休,后者刚以60场打破了德胡伊的单赛季出场纪录,他此前参加了本赛季全部英超联赛,而队长特里则迎来第200场英超首发。曼联先发则更换8人,布朗、海因策和史密斯继续出场,中国小将董方卓首次在英超亮相,而众多主力球员则西装革履出现在斯坦福德桥球场看台上。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  领先7分的曼联提前2轮夺取第9个英超联赛冠军,切尔西球员列队欢迎曼联球员入场。2005年5月10日,提前夺冠的切尔西也曾在老特拉福德获得同样礼遇。第3分钟,埃辛后场传球失误被董方卓断下,中国前锋带球突破至禁区边缘被米克尔从侧后方绊倒,但裁判波尔未予判罚。切尔西第7分钟险些破门,米克尔左路突破后右脚外脚背斜传球,赖特-菲利普斯禁区中路8码处的射门被库茨萨克及时出击挡出。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  第9分钟,米克尔左路传中,赖特-菲利普斯12码处头球攻门偏出。第12分钟,海因策边路犯规,赖特-菲利普斯右路任意球传中,迪亚拉前点14码处头球攻门偏出远角。第15分钟,海因策左路传球,索尔斯克亚停球转身摆脱埃辛进入禁区左侧传中,董方卓抢在特里之前头球攻门偏出。第16分钟,赖特-菲利普斯右路传中滑门擦远角立柱偏出。第17分钟,伊格勒斯后场抢断后传球却失误,辛克莱尔25码处弧线球射门偏出。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  第20分钟,海因策左路传中,伊格勒斯远点试图回传董方卓,但皮球却直接传给了特里。此前史密斯对米克尔的犯规未予判罚,而后尼日利亚人对伊勒格斯报复性犯规得到了他在本赛季的第6张黄牌。身为曼联场上队长的海因策表示不满,阿根廷人也得到本赛季第5张黄牌,他将缺席下一场同西汉姆的联赛。第24分钟,董方卓前场抢断辛克莱尔。随后董方卓传球,里查德森30码处远射偏出。第27分钟,布里奇右路开出任意球,卡劳7码处的头球攻门被奥谢挡出前点。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  第34分钟,米克尔传球,卡劳30码外远射打上斯坦福德桥的舒赫特看台。第37分钟,特里头球解围任意球,史密斯的传球打中布里奇偏转,海因策禁区右肋7码处凌空垫射偏出近角。第39分钟,马克莱莱分球右路,费雷拉传中被库茨萨克抢在卡劳前解围,马克莱莱禁区边缘的左脚抽射打中辛克莱尔后偏出。第44分钟,伊格勒斯传球,董方卓停球摆脱两人后转身在右路25码处右脚抽射偏出近角。半场补时,赖特-菲利普斯任意球传中,特里胸部停球后的射门被海因策封堵。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  乔-科尔下半场换下米克尔。开场仅30秒,基尔兰-李对乔-科尔的犯规就被黄牌警告。1分钟后,布朗在右边路铲倒辛克莱尔也被黄牌警告。第49分钟,董方卓边线附近停球被埃辛撞在场边的广告牌上。第51分钟,迪亚拉对伊格勒斯犯规被黄牌警告,里查德森中路30码处任意球直接射门,皮球擦左侧立柱稍稍偏出。第52分钟,索尔斯克亚传球,董方卓右路25码处左脚抽射稍稍高出横梁。第54分钟,17岁的以色列前锋本-萨哈尔换下18岁的辛克莱尔。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  第55分钟,赖特-菲利普斯右路传中,布朗7码处抢在本-萨哈尔之前解围。1分钟后,埃辛对伊格勒斯犯规被黄牌警告。第58分钟,埃辛禁区内绊倒伊格勒斯未被判罚,但正面镜头回放显示双方并无接触,反而是伊格勒斯随后对赖特-菲利普斯的飞铲犯规险些引发双方争斗,他也得到了全场第6张黄牌。第66分钟,卡里克换下海因策,里查德森回到左后卫位置,布朗接过队长袖标。第68分钟,乔-科尔传球,赖特-菲利普斯禁区右侧16码处抽射被库茨萨克扑出。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  第71分钟,卡劳中路21码处胸部停球摆渡布朗后转身抽射被库茨萨克扑出。第73分钟,鲁尼换下董方卓。第74分钟,赖特-菲利普斯直传卡劳,弗莱彻追上的漂亮铲球化解单刀险情。第76分钟,伊格勒斯直传鲁尼,赖特-菲利普斯同样一个漂亮的滑铲断下皮球。第79分钟,波尔判罚马克莱莱对鲁尼犯规引发穆里尼奥在场边的抗议,葡萄牙人一度被请上看台,在助理教练克拉克同波尔短暂交涉后,穆里尼奥又重新回到教练席。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  第82分钟,乔-科尔前场铲断卡里克还被鞋钉划破脸部,而后卡劳传球,迪亚拉左路25码处弧线球射门被库茨扎克漂亮地飞身扑出。第83分钟,埃辛中路35码外远射被库茨萨克轻松没收。第85分钟,乔-科尔连过两人后在中路20码处的射门偏转而出。随后切尔西连获角球,特里的射门被挡,卡劳的头球攻门也被库茨萨克没收。第88分钟,乔-科尔传球,迪亚拉中路22码处的射门被史密斯封堵偏转后稍稍高出横梁。随后法国人也被葡萄牙中场莫莱斯换下。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  切尔西第90分钟也错过机会,乔-科尔开出右侧角球,本-萨哈尔远点6码处的推射被球门线上的基尔兰-李解围。最终双方0比0战平,切尔西在近13场联赛中9连胜后4连平保持不败,其中11场保持不失球。自从2004年2月主场输给阿森纳以后,切尔西连续62个主场保持不败,他们有望追赶并超越利物浦1978年2月至1981年1月创造的连续63个主场不败的纪录。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  切尔西出场阵容(4-3-3):23-库迪奇尼;20-费雷拉,5-埃辛,26-特里,18-布里奇;4-马克莱莱,19-迪亚拉(88\',33-莫莱斯),12-米克尔(46\',10-乔.科尔);21-卡劳,24-赖特.菲利普斯,49-辛克莱尔(54\',47-本.萨哈尔)</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  曼联出场阵容(4-4-2):29-库茨萨克;22-奥谢,35-基尔兰.李,6-布朗,4-海因策(66\',16-卡里克);23-里查德森,33-伊格勒斯,24-弗莱彻,14-史密斯;21-董方卓(73\',8-鲁尼),20-索尔斯克亚</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  (斯科) </font></p><p><br/><font size=\"2\">声明:新浪网独家稿件,转载请注明出处。 <br/></font></p>
vivic 发表于 2007-5-10 09:13:00 | 显示全部楼层
发信人: dyce (蓝血羊), 信区: Chelsea<br/>标  题: [官网]史密斯周中观点:“崩塌”?<br/>发信站: 水木社区 (Wed May  9 22:16:04 2007), 站内<br/><br/>GILES SMITH: NO CRUMBS OF DISCOMFORT<br/>Wed, 9th May 2007<br/><br/>新闻来源:<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>,,10268~1022738,00.html<br/>新闻翻译:fall_ark<br/>版权声明:切尔西中文网 <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br/><br/>Columnist Giles Smith surveys the field of play at the end of a hard-fought championship contest - and finds debris difficult to find. <br/>我们的专栏作家吉尔斯·史密斯在这场漫长艰苦的冠军争夺赛结束之后,仔细地调查比赛的场地——他并没有发现什么“残骸”。<br/><br/><br/>A banner across the top of the one of the newspapers the other day read \'How Manchester United won the title and how Chelsea crumbled\'.<br/>前两天有份报纸在一版头条上这么写着:“曼联因何封王,切尔西因何崩塌。”<br/><br/>Chelsea crumbled? When was that, then? No, tell me, because I completely missed it. I must have dropped my programme and had my head under my seat at that point, because I honestly don\'t recall seeing a single moment relating to Chelsea this season for which the word \'crumbled\' would be even remotely appropriate.<br/>切尔西崩塌了?那这是啥时候的事?我是认真的,因为我似乎完全错过了这件大事,请告诉我!我准是在那个时候从座位上滚到地下去了才没看到电视,因为我当真记不起来曾在这个赛季里见过任何一个与切尔西有关的镜头,哪怕是非常勉强地能和“崩塌”这个词搭上关系。<br/><br/>So what was this alleged crumbling? Who were the crumbled, and who were the crumblers? And where are the crumbs? <br/>那这所谓的崩塌是什么?崩塌的是谁,肇事者又是谁?以及,崩塌后留下的残骸呢?<br/><br/>Maybe it was an oblique reference to the injury crisis that dogged us to an almost comical degree throughout. Great big chunks kept falling off our first team squad - huge pieces of structurally critical granite, like John Terry and Petr Cech and Carlo Cudicini and Ricardo Carvalho, and vast lumps of decorative cornicing, like Joe Cole and Arjen Robben - so that the building looked as if a bomb had hit it most of the time. And every time we put one of the fallen chunks back up, two others fell off somewhere else. But the place still didn\'t crumble. On the contrary, it held astonishingly firm.<br/>或许这是在暗指我们所遭遇的伤病危机——这家伙不遗余力地紧紧跟随了我们一整个赛季,简直要让人为它的执着发笑。体积庞大的“建材”从我们的一线队里纷纷跌落:一大块一大块对稳定建筑结构如此重要的花岗岩呀——像是特里、切赫、库迪奇尼和卡瓦略,一整堆一整堆装饰性的屋檐横楣呀——像是乔·科尔和罗本,让这整幢建筑在绝大多数时间里都有如刚被炸弹袭击过了一样,并且每当我们安回一块刚弄好的建材时,就有两块新的从其他地方掉下来。但是,即使如此,这支球队没有崩塌,恰恰相反,它依旧巍然屹立而不倒。<br/><br/>Carling Cup winners? FA Cup finalists? Champions League semi-finalists? Second in the league? Only definitively out of the title race in the third last game of the season - and with only the width of Jens Lehman\'s middle finger preventing us from making it interesting for even longer? Sorry, this is crumbling?<br/>联赛杯冠军?足总杯决赛?欧冠四强?联赛亚军?直到赛季的倒数第三场比赛才退出榜首的争夺——而假如不是差了莱曼中指的那么一点点长度,我们完全有可能把悬念留到更后?请原谅我鲁莽了,可你管这叫“崩塌”?<br/><br/>Maybe it was a reference to the four points we dropped at home over Christmas. OK, that was a bit flaky. It wasn\'t crumbly, though. There\'s a big difference between flakes and crumbs. And we recovered from the flakiness, in any case, and came back firmer.<br/>可能这个词是在指我们在圣诞期间主场丢掉的四分,好吧,那儿的确有点脱落的样子,但和崩塌可没关系,毕竟脱落下的薄片和崩塌后的残骸大有不同,更何况我们在经历了那层“蜕皮”之后,反而变得更加稳定与坚固。<br/><br/>I\'m wracking my brains here. Did we crumble at Anfield in the league? Hardly. We had no central defenders and a goalkeeper back from a near-death experience and trying out a crash helmet for the first time, so, by rights, any half way decent team would have reduced us to the condition of broken digestive biscuits within half an hour. <br/>我想得脑袋都要痛了,我们会不会是在联赛做客安菲尔德时塌了?应该不是,那时我们场上没有一名100%的中后卫,而把守大门的是一位刚从死亡边缘回来、第一次尝试戴上头盔来进行比赛的门将,因此,客观地说,任何一支水平一般的球队都完全可以在半小时内把我们弄得像消化饼干一样破破烂烂。<br/><br/>As it was, to their eternal embarrassment, Liverpool managed only two goals against us that afternoon, and one of those a speculative and suspiciously freaky long-ranger from Jermaine Pennant, who has shown no signs of being able to do anything similar since.<br/>结果,足以让利物浦人永世蒙羞的是,他们在那个下午竟然只进了我们两个球,而其中彭南特的那个诡异远射还极有运气球的嫌疑,你看看,从那场比赛之后,他什么时候还踢出过这样的球来?<br/><br/>Maybe the crumbling, then, happened on the same ground more recently, in the Champions League semi-final. Hardly, though. Outplayed them over the two legs and lost on penalties. No crumbs there.<br/>那,说不定这“崩塌”,是发生在不久之前欧冠半决赛时的同一片场地上?还是不像,前后两回合都压着对方最后输在点球上,这也不能算崩塌。<br/><br/>Highbury on Sunday - was that the crumbling referred to? Well, we had to beat Arsenal and we didn\'t. It wasn\'t about crumbling, though. It was partly about lacking key personnel, as usual. But it was mostly about losing a goal and a player at the end of a first half we had dominated, only to come back out and witheringly dominate eleven men, away from home, eventually scoring an equaliser to go unbeaten for the 12th consecutive Premiership match. Which is to say, just under one third of the season without defeat. Chins up, as José Mourinho graphically suggested.<br/>星期天在海布里(我不发表评论- -)——是不是崩塌在这时候?的确,我们得赢下阿森纳却没能做到,不过这与崩塌也无关,而和往常一样,与缺少关键球员有关,但最让人铭记的莫过于,在上半场局势占优的情况下被罚下一人并一球落后、然后在客场靠十名球员毫不留情地压着对方十一名乱、最后扳平比分并取得第十二场英超的不败战绩,而十二场,只比一个赛季的三分之一少那么一丁点,所以抬起头来吧!正如穆帅身体力行提议的那样。<br/><br/>So tonight, as usual, I will stand to applaud out the team. And some of that applause, I don\'t mind admitting, will be for United, as they pass through our right and proper guard of honour. You\'ve got to applaud them, haven\'t you? <br/>所以今晚,一如往常,我会起立、鼓掌欢迎球队从通道中出来,而那掌声中的一部分——我不介意说出来——将会给予曼联,就在我们球员风度翩翩地列队致敬、他们从那儿经过之时。你当然得为他们鼓掌了,对不对?<br/><br/>It\'s about losing with dignity and acknowledging the side that was good enough to finish ahead of you in the contest which is the only true measure we have of a team\'s worth - the league. And, of course, Gary Neville being injured makes it that much easier on the night. <br/>因为即使失败,也不能失去我们的高贵,正是因为失败,我们才更要承认那支在一场最能衡量球队团体价值的赛事——联赛中——以足够优异的成绩排在我们前面的对手。当然,加里·内维尔因伤不能出阵会让今晚变得更加轻松。<br/><br/>In any case, Sir Alex Ferguson unequivocally commands our respect. I certainly hope I\'m that active, mentally and physically, when I\'m 86. <br/>不管怎样,弗格森爵士显然值得拥有我们的敬意,我真的挺希望,等到我86岁的时候(史叔,弗爷爷才66啊- -),还能保持像他那样身体与精神上双重的积极与活力。<br/><br/>All in all, then, as the team runs out for the penultimate time this season, and for the first time since the dream of a third consecutive league title so poignantly ended, I fully expect to find myself tearing up. That won\'t be crumbs, either; it\'ll be a big lump in my throat and a heap of respect for these players in blue. And you may also catch the bright and steely light of optimism in my eye. Because if that was the year of the crumble, then think what this team might do when it actually pulls together.<br/>总而言之,既然今晚我们的队伍将在本赛季倒数第二次参加比赛、也将在赛季中第一次背负起英超三连冠梦碎的沉重,我毫不怀疑自己将有被撕碎的痛楚,但,那仍然不会是崩塌,而将是在我喉头的一腔热血、和对这群蓝衣战士们无上的敬意。而你也可能在我眼中捕获一丝乐观的锐利、明亮的光芒——假如今年的表现能被称作“崩塌”的话,那当这支队伍真正不惧风雨、凝结为一时,将会给这世界带来怎样的奇观呢?<br/>--<br/>  ◢◣<br/>◢盧布◣<br/>◥驅魔◤<br/>  ◥◤<br/>
vivic 发表于 2007-5-10 22:41:00 | 显示全部楼层
发信人: dyce (蓝血羊), 信区: Chelsea<br/>标  题: [官网]Statement on Michael Ballack<br/>发信站: 水木社区 (Thu May 10 22:19:50 2007), 站内<br/><br/>STATEMENT ON MICHAEL BALLACK<br/>关于巴拉克的声明<br/>ublished: 10 May 2007<br/><br/>新闻来源:<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>,,10268~1023456,00.html <br/>新闻翻译:katekui<br/>版权所有:切尔西中文网<br/><br/>Chelsea Football Club has today issued a statement regarding Michael Ballack.<br/>切尔西俱乐部今天发表了一份关于巴拉克的声明。<br/><br/>The statement reads:<br/>声明如下:<br/><br/>In answer to recent speculation regarding Michael Ballack\'s injury, nobody\'s future at Chelsea Football Club was ever in doubt following his operation. There is also no doubt that Michael has put Chelsea FC\'s interests first.<br/>回应近来对于巴拉克受伤情况的猜测,没有哪个人在切尔西俱乐部的将来会因其手术事件受到影响。而且毫无疑问巴拉克是把俱乐部的利益摆在了最前面。<br/><br/>On speculation regarding the diagnosis of the injury, this has never been an issue. There was a debate on when an operation should take place, and there was a final agreement on that surgery taking place. <br/>关于对伤病情况的诊断问题的猜测,这根本不是问题。讨论的问题是手术什么时候进行,而且最终对这次手术的执行大家也取得了一致意见。 <br/><br/>Chelsea and all its players have full confidence in our medical team headed by Bryan English and his professional reputation.<br/>切尔西俱乐部的全体队员对于由英格利什带领的医疗队伍和他的专业声誉完全充满信心。 <br/><br/>All parties involved have discussed these issues and endorsed this statement. There will be no further comment from anyone.<br/>所有相关人员都参与了这些问题的讨论而且认可了该声明,今后将不会有任何人对此事件再做评论。<br/>--<br/>
发信人: dyce (蓝血羊), 信区: Chelsea<br/>标  题: Re: [官网]Statement on Michael Ballack<br/>发信站: 水木社区 (Thu May 10 22:23:42 2007), 站内<br/><br/>官网的辟谣真的很迅速,我猜他们有一个辟谣小分队<br/>专门找各种小报上的谣言来辟 XD<br/>很多时候我看到官网的辟谣都在疑惑“谣言咧?谣言在哪里”<br/>【 在 Voith (沃伊思-114-NR百事通@斯坦福桥) 的大作中提到: 】<br/><span class=\"f006\">: 人生就是在被造谣与辟谣中慢慢度过的</span>
vivic 发表于 2007-5-10 22:43:00 | 显示全部楼层
发信人: dyce (蓝血羊), 信区: Chelsea<br/>标  题: [新闻]Jose not confident on Carvalho <br/>发信站: 水木社区 (Thu May 10 22:25:02 2007), 站内<br/><br/>Jose not confident on Carvalho       <br/>穆帅对卡瓦略的伤情\"没有信心\"<br/><br/>来源:<a href=\";CPID=8\" target=\"_blank\">;CPID=8</a><br/>翻译:静影沉璧<br/>版权:切尔西中文网<br/><br/>Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho has all but ruled Ricardo Carvalho out of the FA Cup final. <br/>切尔西主教练何塞.穆里尼奥可以支配一切,除了不得不把里卡多.卡瓦略排除在足总杯决赛的计划之外。<br/><br/>The classy Portuguese defender is battling with the knee injury he picked up against Bolton at the end of April. <br/>这位葡萄牙后卫正在与他的膝盖伤病做斗争,他是在四月末与博尔顿队比赛中受伤的。<br/><br/>Mourinho has hailed Carvalho as his best defender this season, but he does not expect to be able to call upon his fellow countryman against Manchester United at Wembley. <br/>穆里尼奥曾经称赞卡瓦略是他本赛季最出色的后卫,但现在他却已经不能寄希望于他的这位葡萄牙同乡能够出现在温布利与曼联队的交锋中。<br/><br/>\"I\'m not confident,\" Mourinho told Sky Sports. <br/>“我没有信心。”穆里尼奥对天空体育如是说道。<br/><br/>\"I won\'t rule him out, but if you ask me if I\'m confident, I\'m not confident.\" <br/>“我不会主动把他排除在比赛计划之外。但如果你问我是否有信心,那么我没有。”<br/><br/>When asked to put a figure on the chances of Carvalho making the trip to Wembley, Mourinho replied: \"One per cent.\"<br/>当被问及卡瓦略在温布利球场的出场几率时,穆里尼奥答到:“百分之一。”<br/><br/>He was more upbeat on the fitness of striker Didier Drogba. 。<br/>但穆帅对前锋德罗巴的状况却要乐观许多。<br/><br/>\"He has a problem with his ankle, he has been suffering a lot and it got to the stage where he could do no more,\" stated Mourinho.<br/>“他的脚踝有问题。 他(德罗巴)已经被折磨了许久,直到无能为力时这个问题才被提出来。”穆里尼奥说道。”<br/><br/>\"But we have had a period of 15 days to get him in the right condition for this game.\" <br/>“但我们仍有15天的时间来等待他恢复到比赛的上佳状态。”<br/>--<br/>
vivic 发表于 2007-5-10 22:58:00 | 显示全部楼层
发信人: dyce (蓝血羊), 信区: Chelsea<br/>标  题: [新闻]Mourinho confused by Poll row<br/>发信站: 水木社区 (Thu May 10 22:46:52 2007), 站内<br/><br/>Mourinho confused by Poll row<br/>By Tom Adams -  Created on 9 May 2007<br/><a href=\";CPID=8\" target=\"_blank\">;CPID=8</a><br/><br/>记不记得比赛中老大冲伟大的裁判波尔神作出激烈的动作以后<br/>他乐呵呵的爬到了观众席,然后又乐呵呵的爬回教练席?<br/>(观众席就在教练席后一排,现在大家都学会这一招了)<br/>老大解释说因为当时波尔神的反应让他以为他被送上了观众席<br/>结果助教又跟他其实波尔神不是这个意思,所以他就高高兴兴回去了-.-<br/>关于对波尔神的表现,老大说:<br/>他的表现很稳定,跟他平时执法切尔西的表现一样。所以我不觉得有什么特别的。<br/>(老大好奸诈,不带这么损人的~)<br/>另外老大对本场比赛的结果没什么意见,他认为平局是公平的结果。<br/>不过这场比赛跟之后的FAC决赛将会是完全不同的战斗。<br/>(当然噜~~)<br/><br/>=====<br/>Jose Mourinho admitted he thought he had been sent to the stands after a <br/>heated touchline row with referee Graham Poll at Stamford Bridge.<br/><br/>The Portuguese went to take a seat behind the Blues bench after displaying <br/>his anger following Poll\'s decision to award a free-kick against Claude <br/>Makelele in the second half, sparking fears of a possible touchline ban for <br/>the FA Cup final between the two sides on 19th May. <br/><br/>However, Mourinho was quickly informed that he had not been dismissed to the <br/>stands, and revealed after the final whistle that he had become confused <br/>after the row with the referee. <br/><br/>\"I thought I was [sent to the stands] but I wasn\'t!\" Mourinho told Sky <br/>Sports. <br/><br/>\"I thought I was and I walked to the stands but after that my assistants and <br/>[fourth official Mark] Clattenburg were saying no, you can stay in your <br/>position. <br/><br/>\"Nothing special [upset him about Poll\'s performance], I just think he was <br/>what he is always. <br/><br/>\"I think he had a normal performance when he is refereeing a Chelsea match so <br/>nothing special, it made me react.\" <br/><br/>The game at Stamford Bridge was something of a let down given, in theory, it <br/>pitted the country\'s two best teams against each other. <br/><br/>However, Manchester United opted to rest a number of players and Mourinho <br/>admitted the 90 minutes will have little bearing on what unfolds at Wembley <br/>in the FA Cup final. <br/><br/>\"I think it is completely different, I don\'t see a relation,\" Mourinho added. <br/>\"The players will be different, the referee will be different, the atmosphere <br/>will be different, I don\'t think there is a relation between the matches. <br/><br/>\"I think if somebody has to win [the game] then Chelsea has to win because we <br/>had more chances and dominated. We showed more ambition to win the game, but <br/>the result is not so important. <br/><br/>\"I don\'t think it is a very, very unfair result - 1-0 to Chelsea - because we <br/>had a couple of chances, off the line with Ben Sahar, but nothing special. <br/><br/>\"I think that a draw is a fair result and normally it is what happens in <br/>these kind of matches.\"<br/>--<br/>
</p><p>鸟叔啊鸟叔</p><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em02.gif\" />
vivic 发表于 2007-5-10 23:11:00 | 显示全部楼层
发信人: dyce (蓝血羊), 信区: Chelsea<br/>标  题: [官网]REACTION: THE PERCENTAGE GAME<br/>发信站: 水木社区 (Thu May 10 23:06:43 2007), 站内<br/><br/>REACTION: THE PERCENTAGE GAME<br/>赛后反应:百分比比赛<br/>ublished: 10 May 2007        <br/><br/>新闻来源:<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>,,10268~1023314,00.html<br/>新闻翻译:katekui<br/>版权所有:切尔西中文网<br/><br/>A largely meaningless game it may have been but the goalless evening against Manchester United had still frustrated José Mourinho. <br/>也许这大致上是场没什么意义的比赛,但是今晚对曼联0:0的结果依旧让穆里尼奥感觉到失落。 <br/><br/>His side\'s irretrievable position in the league table behind the new champions was not the cause - he once again applauded their achievement.<br/>他的队伍位于新冠军之后的这一无法挽救的联赛位置并不是他感觉失落的原因所在——他又一次为对手所取得的成绩而喝彩。 <br/><br/>Instead it was the missed opportunity for a grandstand occasion, some refereeing on the night, and most importantly of all, another significant injury that rankled.<br/>而真正的原因是失掉了一次精彩对决的机会,和当晚一些裁判的判罚,还有最重要的是,又多了一个重要的伤员。 <br/><br/>After the game, Mourinho gave a round-up of the medical situation with one eye firmly on the next meeting with Man United, but first there was the frustration of promising youngster Scott Sinclair, fresh from his loan spell at Plymouth, joining the list of the injured after a foul challenge from Wes Brown early in the second-half.<br/>赛后,穆里尼奥针对跟曼联的下一场比赛,回顾了一下队内的伤病情况,但首先要提到的就是希望青年辛克来尔,刚从普利茅斯租界回来,充满活力,但因下半场刚开始遭到布朗的犯规,导致他也加入到伤员名单中了。 <br/><br/>\"He\'s a great kid on his full debut for Chelsea, first time at Stamford Bridge from the start in the Premiership. And in a couple of days he has surgery on his broken fifth metatarsal,\" the Chelsea manager revealed.<br/>切尔西教练说:“对于他代表切尔西的首次比赛,联赛中在斯坦福桥第一次首发出场,他表现的很出色。几天后,他骨折的第5个跖骨会进行手术。”<br/><br/>Reporting on the likelihood of any other injured players returning in time for the Cup Final, he added:<br/>对于其他的受伤队员,哪些有可能及时恢复赶上足总杯决赛的,他说道: <br/><br/>\"Carvalho one per cent. Ballack zero per cent. Robben has a real chance and Drogba will be fit.<br/>“卡瓦罗1%的可能。巴拉可0%。罗本机会很大,德罗巴应该没问题。” <br/><br/>\"I must say again congratulations to Manchester United, the new champions. It\'s easy to accept them as champions,\" he continued.<br/>“我要再一次祝贺曼联,这位新冠军。接受他们是冠军这个事实很容易,”他继续说。 <br/><br/>\"But the only thing difficult to accept is the fact we didn\'t play this game on 15 April. The Premiership is the best league in the world and they can\'t afford this kind of mistake to have a game like this coinciding with the FA Cup semi-finals, where there is a big, big chance that one of the two big clubs would be involved.\' <br/>“但唯一难以接受的是我们的这场比赛没能在4月15日举行。英超是世界上最好的联赛,不该犯类似的错误,就是让这样一场比赛的日期居然和足总杯半决赛的日子冲突了,而这个日子,有很大很大的可能会跟最强的两个俱乐部中的一个有关联。” <br/><br/>Whilst Mourinho stressed he didn\'t consider the result might have proved different had the match been played on the original date, he felt frustrated that the situation was allowed to arise.<br/>虽然穆里尼奥强调,即使比赛是在原定的日期进行,现在的结果也未必会有所改变,但令他感到失望的是这样的情况居然会发生。 <br/><br/>\"This should be the game that every football fan around the world should be eating on TV. Instead it was the kind of game where they would change for a soap or something more interesting.\"<br/>“这本该是场值得世界各地的每位球迷热心观赏的比赛,可是现在球迷们宁可去看肥皂据或其他什么更有趣些的节目。” <br/><br/>More frustration arose with some of Graham Poll\'s decisions during the game and some ten minutes from time, Mourinho and Poll had a heated exchange.<br/>更多的失落来自比赛中波尔的某些判罚,而且距结束还有十分钟左右的时候,穆里尼奥和波而进行了激列的交谈。  <br/><br/>\"It was nothing special and I was not sent to the stand but I told him a couple of things that I have in my heart since the Tottenham game,\" Mourinho explained, referring to the league match which saw John Terry red-carded. <br/>“没什么特别的,我没有被罚到看台上去,我只是告诉他一些事,自打同热刺的比赛后就一直在我心里的一些话。”穆里尼奥解释到,指的是那场特里被红牌罚下的联赛比赛。  <br/><br/>But rather than look back, it was understandable he was more keen to focus on the final match of the season. As the last team to win the FA Cup at the old Wembley, Mourinho is eager for his charges to repeat that feat at the new stadium.<br/>但比起向后看,我们可以理解他更关心的是把精力放在本赛季最后一场比赛上。作为最后一个在温布利赢得足总杯冠军的队伍,穆里尼奥希望在自己执教下可以在新温布利重现这一盛况。  <br/><br/>\"Since the first time we knew the Cup Final was to be played at Wembley, it\'s been our ambition to play there. We always played good teams full of the best players to have more chances to the in the final.<br/>“自打我们第一次知道这场决赛要在温布利举行,我们就一直有去那里比赛的雄心。我们一直是排出最强的阵容,使用最好的球员,来争取有更大的机会进入决赛。”  <br/><br/>\"I think we deserve to be there, especially after those two incredible matches against Tottenham. <br/>“我想我们应该去那里,尤其是经历了那两场同热刺的让人难以置信的比赛。”  <br/><br/>\"It\'s the only competition we didn\'t win together. If we do it, we can say in three years we won every domestic competition. The fans deserve it, the players deserve it.\"<br/>“这是我们在一起后唯一没有夺过的奖杯。如果做到了,那么我们可以说在三年的时间里,国内的每项赛事我们都赢过了。球迷值得拥有这场胜利,球员也值得。”<br/>--<br/>
克尼马 发表于 2007-5-11 08:15:00 | 显示全部楼层
<div class=\"quote\"><b>以下是引用<i>vivic</i>在2007-5-10 22:41:00的发言:</b><br/><p></p><div class=\"quote\">发信人: dyce (蓝血羊), 信区: Chelsea<br/>标  题: [官网]Statement on Michael Ballack<br/>发信站: 水木社区 (Thu May 10 22:19:50 2007), 站内<br/><br/>STATEMENT ON MICHAEL BALLACK<br/>关于巴拉克的声明<br/></div></div><p><font size=\"2\">这一事件是该结束了</font></p>
馋馋 发表于 2007-5-13 18:05:00 | 显示全部楼层
vivic 发表于 2007-5-14 00:17:00 | 显示全部楼层
发信人: dyce (奋斗吧,韦斯咸!), 信区: Chelsea<br/>标  题: [传闻]Sidwell set for Blues medical<br/>发信站: 水木社区 (Sun May 13 03:34:12 2007), 站内<br/><br/>Sidwell set for Blues medical<br/>By Peter ORourke -  Created on 12 May 2007<br/><a href=\";CPID=8\" target=\"_blank\">;CPID=8</a><br/><br/>雷丁中场西德威尔周一将赴斯坦福桥体检,有望成为我们臃肿中场的新成员。<br/>西德威尔的好处是年轻(24岁),是英格兰人,并且是自由转会。<br/>他主要打目前兰帕德和巴拉克打的位置.....囧rz<br/>当他拒绝雷丁的续约,和他传绯闻的俱乐部有:蓝军,红魔,太妃糖,喜鹊。<br/>你问为什么是我们抢到了他?答案当然是钱。<br/><br/>====<br/> understands Steve Sidwell is on the verge of a dream move to Chelsea. <br/><br/>The dynamic midfielder is scheduled to undergo a medical at Chelsea at Monday ahead of a proposed move to Stamford Bridge. <br/><br/>Sidwell is not expected to feature for Reading in their final game of the season against Blackburn on Sunday as he prepares himself for his medical tests at Chelsea. <br/><br/>A number of clubs have been chasing Sidwell, who is available on a free transfer, after turning down a new deal at Reading. <br/><br/>However, it appears Chelsea have won the race for his signature in beating off interest from the likes of Newcastle, Everton and Middlesbrough. <br/><br/>Should Sidwell seal his move to Chelsea he will become Jose Mourinho\'s first signing of the summer.<br/>--<br/>
vivic 发表于 2007-5-14 15:31:00 | 显示全部楼层
发信人: dyce (奋斗吧,韦斯咸!), 信区: Chelsea<br/>标  题: [评论]Good, bad and very ugly<br/>发信站: 水木社区 (Mon May 14 04:37:48 2007), 站内<br/><br/>Good, bad and very ugly<br/>by John Aizlewood<br/>May 13, 2007<br/><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br/><br/>提到我们的部分基本都是在笑话我们,不过我觉得挺有趣的。<br/><br/>It was the season that had everything, from a training-ground knife threat to <br/>the defender who earned £146,341 for each minute’s play<br/><br/>The Special One: Sir Alex Ferguson, yet another title-winning team, a touch <br/>of flair and sufficient generosity of spirit to include Kieran Richardson to <br/>give the others a chance.<br/><br/>The Not So Special One: Jose Mourinho, all that whingeing, not being good <br/>enough in Europe, Khalid Boulahrouz (not his idea, but he didn’t have to <br/>play him) and the ugliness even when beating Charlton 1-0.&lt;-就是烂了一整场补时<br/>阶段芭乐断球卡鲁绝杀的那次。<br/><br/>Manager of the year: Colchester United’s Geraint Williams. Seemingly doomed <br/>in August with their League One crowds, League One players and League Two <br/>ground. One victory off the Championship playoffs in May.<br/><br/>Most universally enjoyed relegation since Leeds going down to the <br/>Championship in 2004:  Leeds’s relegation to League One in 2007.<br/>继04年利兹联降到英冠之后最大快人心的降级:07年利兹联降到英甲。<br/>真不厚道 (▔﹏▔|||)<br/><br/>Least dependable postal service of the year: the one Sam Allardyce used to <br/>send his writ to the BBC, as they still haven’t received it.<br/>这件往事要看这里:<br/><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>,,1879180,00.html<br/><br/>Mystery of the year: why Javier Mascherano started just three Premiership <br/>games for West Ham.<br/>上半程的西汉姆根本就是神秘之物一只吧 (▔□▔ \")<br/><br/>What we’ve learned from Neil Warnock this season:<br/>1: Sheffield United lost at Aston Villa because Liverpool played their <br/>reserves at Fulham. <br/>2: They’re in trouble because West Ham haven’t been docked points.<br/>3: Nobody likes them.<br/>4: They don’t care. <br/>5: Gareth Southgate is friendly with Stuart Pearce. <br/>6: All referees hate Sheffield United.<br/>7: If Keith Gillespie was Cristiano Ronaldo, the Blades would get more <br/>penalties<br/>8: Last season he sold Billy Sharp to Scunthorpe for a box of felt-tip pens. <br/>This season, Sharp scored 30 goals while no Blade has reached double figures. <br/>Last season he bought Ade Akinbiyi from Burnley. This season he sold him <br/>back, for £1m less. <br/>9: He can’t say what he thinks about referees. 10: All refs are biased <br/>against plucky Sheffield United.<br/>看完这个我就觉得他对穆帅真算客气...当然我们没有悲情的降级...<br/><br/>Least successful bid to overturning a driving ban: Nigel Reo-Coker’s claim <br/>that he couldn’t hire a chauffeur because “I would not know if I can trust <br/>that person. Professional footballers are targets. There are criminal gangs <br/>who wait and follow you”. To be on the safe side, he hid in West Ham’s <br/>midfield for the entire season.<br/><br/>Clubman of the year: Lucas Neill for joining West Ham rather than Liverpool: <br/>“If West Ham was good enough for Bobby Moore, Martin Peters and Trevor <br/>Brooking, it’s good enough for me,” he badge-kissed. Obviously the £55,000 <br/>a week (Liverpool offered a mere £18,000) and get-out clause were <br/>incidentals.<br/>1.8万又真是少了点...<br/><br/>It hurts to admit it, but he’s a genius: Cristiano Ronaldo.<br/>嘿~这么说就矫情了,一点都不hurt吧<br/><br/>Clubman of the year (2): Joey Barton who, after criticising Manchester City’<br/>s signings, beat one of them, Ousmane Dabo, to a pulp.<br/>Joey Barton的故事讲不完呀讲不完<br/><br/>undit of the year: Jorge Valdano, former Real Madrid director of football, <br/>on Liverpool v Chelsea in the Champions League: “Put s*** hanging from a <br/>stick in the middle of this passionate, crazy stadium and some will tell you <br/>it’s a work of art. It’s not: it’s s*** hanging from a stick.”<br/>这文虽然是皇马故人炮轰红军和蓝军,不过想看的话还要请洽曼联版,版面搜索s***的中<br/>文即可(请尽量不要采用文明用语,否则可能搜不到),有mark标记喔<br/><br/>Hubris of the year: Stuart Pearce lobbying for and taking the England <br/>Under-21 job. Some naysayers noted that perhaps Manchester City, who managed <br/>just 10 home league goals all season, deserved his time more.<br/><br/>erformance of the season: Manchester United 7, Roma 1. <br/><br/>Shame it counted for nothing: Manchester United 7, Roma 1.<br/><br/>Most vague reason for sacking a manager: “He had a kind of blind spot to <br/>some extent around the areas we needed to strengthen.” Barnsley owner <br/>atrick Cryne explains Andy Ritchie’s departure.<br/>这老板怨气不轻~<br/><br/>The Martin McGuinness and Ian Paisley Best Friends After All Award: Niall <br/>Quinn and Roy Keane. Runners-up: Mick McCarthy and Roy Keane. Third: Sir Alex <br/>Ferguson and Roy Keane.<br/>年度化敌为友奖<br/><br/>It’s not all supermodels, minor pop stars, Baby Bentleys and holiday homes <br/>in Dubai: Boston’s players, unpaid since March, couldn’t afford the petrol <br/>to travel to training before their relegation decider at Wrexham. They were <br/>defeated and lost their league status.<br/><br/>Mission accomplished: Dennis Wise, appointed to take Leeds out of the <br/>Championship.<br/>呃,老队长...<br/><br/>Clubman of the year (3): “Spineless, gutless, he is a maggot of a man. He is <br/>a coward on and off the pitch.” Luton Town’s Sol Davis on teammate Bjorn <br/>Runstrom.<br/><br/>They said it couldn’t be done, they were wrong: Liverpool reaching the <br/>Champions League final again.<br/><br/>They said it couldn’t be done, they were right: Watford maintaining their <br/>remiership status.<br/><br/>The Harry Kewell Missing In Inaction Award: Harry Kewell (again).<br/>\"科威尔不见了大奖\"再次由科威尔获得,他今年整季只出场了14分钟。<br/><br/>He’s no Phil Scolari, then: Steve McClaren.<br/>\"那他就不是斯科拉里\"奖:麦克拉伦<br/><br/>Come to think of it, he’s no Sven-Goran Eriksson either:  Steve McClaren.<br/>\"再想一想,他也不是埃里克森\"奖:麦克拉伦<br/><br/>Bargain of the season: West Ham signing Matthew Upson: minutes on field, 41. <br/>Fee: £6m, plus a get-out clause. That’s £146,341 a minute.<br/>\"赔本买卖\"奖不是我们拿,谢谢……<br/><br/>Golfer of the year: Liverpool’s Prince Of Cuddles, Craig Bellamy.<br/>年度高尔夫球手:贝拉米<br/><br/>You know it’s the end of the season because: the Thierry Henry to leave <br/>Arsenal rumours start again. Barcelona, again.<br/>(▔﹏▔|||)<br/><br/>Most paranoid WAG: Belinda Coleman, who thought her husband, the then Fulham <br/>manager Chris, was having an affair and bugged his car. She sees more of him <br/>these days.<br/>\"疑神疑鬼\"奖:科尔曼的夫人曾经窃听他的汽车。不过现在他有更多时间陪太太了...<br/><br/>unishments of the season: Bury thrown out of the FA Cup for breaking <br/>competition rules. AFC Wimbledon deducted 18 points (later cut to three) and <br/>fined for breaking competition rules. West Ham United merely fined for <br/>breaking competition rules.<br/>开玩笑,他们稍微扣扣就喝可乐去了<br/><br/>The point at which blind stupidity meets an insatiable desire for publicity:  <br/>WAGs Boutique.<br/>相关的资料这里有,蓝军有兰帕德女友Elen,乔·科尔绯闻女友Keeley<br/>(小乔真的只有看起来乖而已…………)<br/><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br/><br/>Inspired sacking of the season:  Sunderland chairman Niall Quinn firing <br/>manager Niall Quinn in August.<br/>\"创意鱿鱼\"奖: 桑德兰8月份解雇主帅...<br/><br/>How right they were, eh? The early-season protesters who picketed Manchester <br/>United’s training ground calling for Alex Ferguson to go.<br/>季初竟然有示威球迷集结在训练场要SAF下课 (▔□▔ \")<br/><br/>Lemming of the year: Mike Newell, leapt over Luton’s cliff after criticising <br/>female linespeople, the club chairman and Luton’s transfer policy while, <br/>according to the club, enjoying a contract which allowed him to bank 10% from <br/>every sale.<br/>\"年度自杀精神奖\": Mike Newell,指责女边裁的任用,指责俱乐部主席,因为他的合约<br/>里有\"可获得转会费收入的10%\"条款而指责俱乐部转会政策,终于被解雇了...<br/><br/>Most unfriendly friendly: QPR v China under-23s in February, abandoned after <br/>China defender Zheng Tao was knocked unconscious during a brawl that featured <br/>all 22 players and some coaching staff.<br/>最没友谊的友谊赛:女王公园巡游者对中国国奥队.....<br/><br/>Bookworm of the season: Sheffield Wednesday’s Graham Coughlan, who answered <br/>“Cliff Richard” to the question, “Who wrote 1984?”<br/>\"年度书虫奖\"<br/>『1984』的作者是George Orwell,可能这本书太不有名吧,我是没看过...<br/><br/>The Francis Lee Memorial Double Pike Award: Didier Drogba.<br/>呜~没看懂,Francis Lee以假摔骗了非常多的点球出名,可是我们家兽巴一个都没骗到<br/>耶<br/><br/>Many a true word . . . Stewart Downing on Ronaldinho: “I’d love some of his <br/>skills but I’d probably fracture something trying to do them.”<br/>唐宁聊小罗<br/><br/>Underachievers: Newcastle, Crystal Palace, Huddersfield, Wycombe.<br/><br/>Where are they now? David O’Leary, Manchester City’s flair, Glenn Roeder, <br/>Brighton’s new ground, Simon Clifford, Blackburn Rovers’ crowds.<br/><br/>Women of the year: Arsenal Ladies, they’ve won everything and none of them <br/>have moved to Chelsea.<br/>这是用来酸A.Cole的...<br/><br/>And to look forward to? June 16, when Gary Neville marries long-suffering <br/>Emma Hadfield, Michael Carrick weds long-suffering Lisa Roughhead and Steven <br/>Gerrard makes an honest woman of Alex Curran. <br/><br/>Some international squad members have some hard decisions, except John Terry, <br/>who’ll be busy, having tied the knot with Toni Poole the day before.<br/>\"最期待奖\":六月十六三家婚礼大乱斗,国脚好难选去哪一家...不过JT很聪明的解决了<br/>这个问题,他比他们早一天结婚,所以届时他会很忙。<br/><br/>layer of the Season Cristiano Ronaldo. Even Wayne Rooney has fallen under <br/>the winker’s spell.<br/>年度最佳球员:CR,连鲁尼都被征服(winker是说世界杯的事..)<br/><br/>Manager of the Season Roy Keane. From relegation fodder to Championship <br/>champions. Even those assassin’s Irish eyes must be smiling. <br/><br/>Flop of the Season Andriy Ballack, or is it Michael Shevchenko? <br/>搞砸二人组,就知道不会放过我们……(泪奔)<br/><br/>Good riddance 1 Leeds United - Ken Bates, Dennis Wise et al <br/><br/>Good riddance 2 The Millennium stadium, and the endless car park that was the <br/>M4. Lukewarm welcome The new Wembley and the endless car park that is the <br/>A406 <br/><br/>Nicest interviewee Liverpool’s Dirk Kuyt with ‘Is that enough for you <br/>[after 40 minutes]? We can talk more if you like’ <br/>最友善的被采访者:库伊特,被问了40分钟以后说“这样可以了吗?如果你觉得不够我们<br/>可以继续聊。”<br/><br/>Worst start to an interview Didier Drogba with ‘You’ve got two minutes <br/>before the team bus goes’ <br/>最差的采访开场:德罗巴,他说“球队巴士要开走了,给你两分钟时间。”<br/><br/>Alternative best finish to an interview Sam Allardyce with: ‘I’ll pay for <br/>lunch’ <br/>最好的采访收尾:阿勒戴斯,他说“这顿我请。”<br/><br/>Welcome back Sunderland and their diehard legions <br/>欢迎回英超~<br/><br/>Oh no, not you again Birmingham, and the dump that is St Andrews <br/>嗷~不,怎么又是你<br/><br/>Suicidal press conference of the year England’s Steve McClaren, after the <br/>triumph that was Andorra: ‘You can write what you like’ before exiting, <br/>stage right <br/>年度自杀性新闻发布会,影片在这里,他看起来真是被媒体烦死了<br/><a href=\";mode=related&amp;search=\" target=\"_blank\">;mode=related&amp;search=</a><br/><br/>Dead man Walking award The maladroit McClaren again. How did he get that job? <br/><br/>David Irving award for rewriting history Sven-G?ran Eriksson and ‘they still <br/>love me’. Are you sure?<br/>重塑历史奖<br/>David Irving写了很多关于二战的历史报告,但是真实度被广泛质疑。<br/><br/>--
从此萧郎是路人 发表于 2007-5-14 17:39:00 | 显示全部楼层
热爱金属 发表于 2007-5-15 23:41:00 | 显示全部楼层
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vivic 发表于 2007-5-16 19:24:00 | 显示全部楼层
发信人: dyce (我在怕,我要耍宅,我还有怨恨), 信区: Chelsea<br/>标  题: [新闻]希拉里奥打前锋?<br/>发信站: 水木社区 (Wed May 16 13:09:29 2007), 站内<br/><br/>Hilario \'could get striker role\'<br/><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br/><br/>老大说:<br/>旧伤员舍甫琴科,巴拉克,卡瓦鲁,罗本(何?)都基本出不来<br/>米克尔是新晋伤兵,多半也出不来<br/>就算阿什利·科尔可以及时复出,老大也只能找到15个健康的一线队员<br/>全带上都不够排个大名单的<br/>所以老大决定要不然带上希拉里奥当替补前锋,要不然带个幼齿<br/>他说希拉里奥打前锋时表现其实还不错的...<br/><br/>老大这个烟雾弹放得也夸张了点...不过我们伤病确实很重就是了。<br/><br/>=====<br/>Jose Mourinho claims Chelsea\'s injuries are so bad he will consider playing keeper Hilario as a substitute striker in the FA Cup final. <br/><br/>Mourinho says Chelsea could have just 15 senior players fit for the clash with Manchester United at Wembley. <br/><br/>Ashley Cole is facing a fitness race and Mourinho told Chelsea TV: \"If he is fit we\'ll have 15 players. <br/><br/>\"I\'ll have to choose between Hilario, because he isn\'t bad playing forward, or bring in a kid to make the 16.\"<br/><br/>Andriy Shevchenko, Michael Ballack, Ricardo Carvalho and Arjen Robben are undergoing treatment and almost certainly out. <br/><br/>Mikel John Obi is the latest casualty and is expected to miss out after limping out of Chelsea\'s last game of the season against Everton with a muscle injury. <br/><br/>Mourinho said: \"We will see but I think he is out of the game.\" <br/><br/>Michael Essien and Claude Makelele were rested against Everton, with Mourinho using youngsters Sam Hutchinson, Ben Sahar and Nuno Morais off the bench. <br/><br/>Mourinho signed Hilario from Portuguese side Nacional in June 2006, having played for the Chelsea boss at Porto.<br/>--
克尼马 发表于 2007-5-17 10:34:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p><font size=\"2\">穆里尼奥遭英国警方逮捕</font></p><p><a href=\"\"><font size=\"2\"></font></a><font size=\"2\"> 2007年05月16日13:55  新浪体育</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  新浪体育讯 足总杯决赛之前,切尔西俱乐部方面突然曝出不和谐音符,主教练穆里尼奥被英国警方逮捕,理由是因为自己的宠物狗与警察发生冲突。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  据英国媒体报道,在昨晚切尔西俱乐部的队内颁奖晚会上,穆里尼奥中途离开了现场,他的妻子塔米给他打电话,告诉他家里的宠物狗被人带走。警方的理由是,穆里尼奥的狗需要进行检疫,因为在被带到葡萄牙并回归英国后,它还没有接受过注射。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  一位警方发言人透露,穆里尼奥因为涉嫌妨碍警察公务被逮捕,时间是周二晚7点45分,地点是伦敦中部。“一名44岁的男子因为涉嫌妨碍公务被逮捕,并且被带到了西伦敦的警察局,后来他受到了警告处罚。”</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  据悉,当警察试图将狗带走时,穆里尼奥的妻子和女儿流泪劝阻,穆里尼奥抵达后显得十分愤怒,和警方发生了争吵,并且将狗从警察手中抢了回去,为此他遭到了逮捕。在前往警察局接受问讯和处罚后,穆里尼奥于当晚9点左右回到家中。令他不安的是,他的狗在这场混乱后失踪,目前穆里尼奥全家都在焦急寻找。</font></p><p><font size=\"2\">  预计在本周六的足总杯决赛中,穆里尼奥不会受到这一事件的影响,仍会出现在教练席上正常指挥。(李普利) </font></p><p><font size=\"2\"></font></p>
超级巴拉凯 发表于 2007-5-17 10:40:00 | 显示全部楼层
Intermezzo 发表于 2007-5-17 12:10:00 | 显示全部楼层
<p>辛苦Vivic姐姐了…<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em61.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em61.gif\" /></p><p>好久没有来联盟贴图了,等论文交上去之后,本赛季的比赛也就差不多了…</p><p>说好要给车子和鸟叔盖楼的…pia飞自己…<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em44.gif\" /><img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em44.gif\" /></p><p>不过图都还留着…可以以后贴…不过实效性就查了许多…<img src=\"images/post/smile/dvbbs/em40.gif\" /></p>
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